Saturday, November 14, 2020

A White Spot On The Map Of Creation


595.06The Creator created the creatures and the environment for their existence. That is why we feel that we live in this world surrounded by inanimate nature, the entire universe, as well as plants, animals, and people on this Earth. We all live according to the rules and laws established by the Creator, the common upper force of nature.

Then the question arises: why is there something in this system that is outside this law that can be good or bad and cause doubt? It is as if there is some ambiguity and uncertainty in nature, a white spot in which different options and doubts are possible as to whether the result will be good or bad.

But the Creator purposely left one vague, misty area inside creation, a white spot where we exist. He wanted us to use all the resources given to us and build in this spot conditions, a country, society, the world, the galaxy, just as the Creator would have made them, but He entrusted it to us.

Therefore, we must study which properties the Creator has given us and which He has not given us, and with the help of all of them find out what the Creator is, what His desire is, and what is missing in creation to make it the perfect state intended by the Creator. Thus, the Creator has started the creation, and we fulfill and finalize it, and attain His desire, capabilities, acting forces, and the system.

It turns out that a part of creation was completed by the Creator and a part was not. But we can use all the parts of creation that He has created to make it into a perfect, fully connected form.

From the word “Ashlama” (completion), that is, “Shlemut” (perfection), comes the word “Shalom” (peace), the word of the Creator, His name. Our task is to establish peace in the world.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/8/20Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Peace in the World”

“Will Humanity Ever Be United?” (Quora)


Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: “Will humanity ever be united?

Humanity will unite in the distant future, but at the moment unity is far from being any kind of priority. In other words, a common desire for humanity’s unity to surface in the global public is still unripe, even though we are developing in that direction.

In order to unite, we need to want unity above and beyond the many egoistic, divisive and materialistic forms that we naturally desire, and we still lack such a desire. We might get hints of it at times, and we can indeed involve ourselves in educational and support systems to more optimally develop a desire to unite, but nonetheless, we still have to undergo various stages of growth until our desire ripens to want unity above all else.

Humanity’s final state is a single unified organism. In that final state, humanity consists of different people, groups and interests, as each has his or her own unique root and development from that root. However, we all share a common understanding of a common unifying goal, and we construct ourselves such that we reach spiritual and worldly balance.

In other words, we will reach a state where we—all of humanity—consciously share the same goal, and create a tremendous atmosphere of support and encouragement to achieve that goal. Mutual support is of utmost importance in this new unified humanity that needs to arise after these tough times we are currently enduring.

We are thus headed toward the creation of a single system of humanity where people will uphold the idea that uniting is more important than giving into naturally-conflicting views and drives, and we will seek to mutually support one another in order to build this unification. When people with opposing viewpoints connect to reach a common goal outside of themselves, they will exist in total harmony and balance.

We are still unripe for the unity of humanity though. We require further development until we develop a sincere desire for humanity’s unity, as well as the realization that it is impossible to achieve that goal on our own. When we reach that stage, though, we will start bearing witness to immensely positive changes in our lives: We will gain the support of a positive unifying tendency dwelling in nature, and experience a newfound balance among each other and with nature beginning to take flight.

Who Selects The People In The Ten?


528.01Question: There is a law of heterogeneity of communication systems according to which people should be different. If they were the same, they would cancel each other out. It is the connection of opposite people that is one of the basic principles of communication. It turns out that you need to select different people in the ten. Should we pick them ourselves?

Answer: No, not in any case. Nature does it. We don’t even know how it is that we find ourselves in a group striving for a spiritual goal, and we must accept it as an environment in which we can develop properly.

Question: Let’s say that I, as a curator, was given a group of 200 people for me to integrate. Naturally, all people are different in character, status, etc. Should I mix them spontaneously, or see who works where, who studied where, what kind of education they have? Try to make them match in qualities?

Answer: First of all, we need to give them a general initial course so that they will listen, look closely, and as they say, sniff each other. And then gradually they will divide themselves into certain groups because people usually attract or move away from each other. And you will see how they connect with each other by their inner intuition.

Do not force them together. We must enable the connection to start with the correct actions, and then it will be clear who is moving toward each other, who is more comfortable with whom. And then continue this process on higher levels.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/21/20

Who Will Survive?


566.02All of nature is built on the aspiration for more complex types of connection. Our task is to learn from it to connect in order to build our lives analogous with what we see in nature.

Question: How is this law of cooperation manifested in society? We also see that other, rather strict laws are operating in nature. We cannot take them just the way they are and apply them to society.

Answer: Even these rigid laws act in the name of compact connection of all the qualities of nature into one single whole. And if somewhere we see mutual destruction, confrontation, then we must understand that this is still working in the same direction in order to bring nature to a single system.

Remark: If, for example, we take the simple law of the survival of the strongest, we do not want to live in a society according to the law of the jungle.

My Comment: It depends on how we interpret the concept of “the strongest.” We see that the physically strongest person does not survive. The practical person survives as they know how to use the environment rationally and direct it to the achievement of a higher goal of nature.

And when a coarse force that holds up everything under itself is in action, nothing works out. Everything is acting in a very intelligent and multi-faceted system. You cannot say that now some kind of wave is going to come and it will arrange everything or destroy everything. Whatever happens, it still creates some opportunities for new connections. Nature aspires from the simplest species to more complex ones.

Question: Can we take the law of homeostasis, which we can clearly feel in our body, and transfer it to society? How is this law manifested in society, or is it impossible to see it?

Answer: All this is relative. Although our society is far from perfect, it needs all sorts of people: strong and weak, smart and stupid. In general, humanity must be very diverse in order to be able to correctly connect from this diversity and create an integral, complete form.

Nature strives for diversity, not for making one person strong and giving him power over the whole world. We see that it is not the strongest who survives, but not the wisest either. All possible combinations of right and left forces are necessary. The one who can most optimally accumulate within himself various qualities and use them rationally survives.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/21/20

New Life 455 – Europe: A Blend Of Nations


New Life 455 – Europe: A Blend Of Nations
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

Europe is the center of a wide variety of cultures, religions, opposing groups, and economic interests. The unbalanced ego that fuels the opposition will not calm down. Rather, it constantly evolves and causes us to make changes. The only possible correction is based on the connection of hearts through the principle “love will cover all our transgressions.” This is the solution for everything.
From KabTV’s “New Life 455 – Europe: A Blend Of Nations,” 11/16/14

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So A New Day Has Come


921It is a bliss to wake up in the morning with a feeling of complete emptiness. Of course, it is the Creator who sends me this state because there is none else besides Him. He wants me to make a scrutiny and check who I am, what do I live for, what is worth living for.

The feeling of emptiness, lack of fulfillment, is a sign of the beginning of a new degree. At the previous degree, there was Zivug de Hakaa (coupling by striking) and fulfillment, but then the reverse process begins and the desire is emptied. The surrounding light presses on the desire from the outside and squeezes all the inner light out of it, leaving it as if empty.

There is no inner light that gives life force today, and the surrounding light also disappears. It turns out that there is no light either in the present or in the future. If an ordinary person gets into such a situation in this world, he is ready to take his own life. The Kabbalist, on the contrary, must be happy!

If there is no light in the present and no light for the future, this is a sign that I am moving to the next degree and I am facing a new state, which always starts from a complete zero. Therefore, we must shut our eyes, get more integrated in the group, and think only about connection and nothing else.

And as a result of connection, a new light will come from above and will start fulfilling me. Then I will feel that I have really broken through to a new state, to a new degree, and moved forward.

It is written: “And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” The day begins not with the dawn, but with darkness. First, there will be evening, and only then there will be morning as one day. And so, the second day will come, and the third one, the counting of the new degree always starts from the night.

Emptiness is help from above. The Creator gives me a sense of darkness as if saying: “The evening has come, there will be morning after it, this is already a new day!”

We need to train ourselves to get up in the morning with a feeling of darkness and gradually wake ourselves up, making great efforts, looking for understanding so that we can come to the lesson with new strength. Then it will truly be a new day.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/8/20, “Work With Faith Above Reason”

Thursday, November 12, 2020

“The Deepening Rift Between Left And Right Is Here to Stay, And So It Should” (Medium)

 Medium published my new article “The Deepening Rift between Left and Right Is Here to Stay, and so It Should

We need to realize that the deepening rift between Left and Right is here to stay, and grow. The sooner we do, the better our chances of dealing with it correctly, before it explodes into an all-out war.

People are different. There are different genders, races, colors, and body structures. These are biological differences that cannot be changed without gross interference with nature, and even then with questionable results.

We must also remember that we are dependent on each other, and without seeing that all of us are healthy and contributing our share to the well-being of humanity, we, too, will have no future.

What we are less aware of is the fact that our views, faiths, and the way we think are also, to a great extent, dictated by nature. As such, they are often unchangeable. When was the last time someone managed to totally reverse your opinion about something that really mattered to you? When was the last time you managed to do this with someone else? Leaning left or leaning right is carved within us almost as deeply as the color of our skin. That is not to say that there is no way to change one’s mind through brainwashing or some aggressive reeducation program, or even by planting someone in a totally new environment, but if we’re speaking about changing the views of millions of people simply by appealing to their reason, it’ll never work. Their reason works differently, as do their minds, and they will never agree.

Think of your own body. Within you, there are organs that function very differently from one another. They share the same DNA, but if you put a cell from the heart in the liver, it wouldn’t become a liver cell; it would probably die. Even though it’s created from the same hereditary material, its nature and mode of work are so different that it wouldn’t be able to survive in any environment outside the heart, where it belongs.

Now think of your body without any of its organs. How would it survive without even one of them? If you pulled out even one organ, you would kill or seriously maim yourself. Every organ, however small or insignificant, is vital for our well-being and often our survival. We wouldn’t want the pancreas, for instance, to be like the heart since we would not have a pancreas and would have one heart too many.

Human society is just like our body, but on a macro level. Take out even one of its organs and you have maimed the entire system. The rifts we see between people are not the problem; they only point to people being more aware of their function in society, which is actually good. The problem is that we cannot work as a single system the way our body works with all its organs. We aren’t aware of our interdependence in society the way we are aware of the interdependence of our organs on each other.

Dealing with the rifts between us correctly means seeing the big picture — that everyone is vital, everyone contributes, and humanity will not be what it is without each and every one of us. In the arguments between us, we must never forget that we are all one entity. It’s fine to disagree; it helps us grow, understand ourselves and others better, and do our duty for humanity more successfully. But we must also remember that we are dependent on each other, and without seeing that all of us are healthy and contributing our share to the well-being of humanity, we, too, will have no future.

“American Jews And Israel, The Great Divide” (Times Of Israel)


The Times of Israel published my new article “American Jews and Israel, the Great Divide

The US election was not only the thermometer to measure the temperature of American politics, it also tested the waters between American and Israeli Jews on what they might consider their best common interest. The result was freezing cold. The American presidential race revealed that the alienation between both communities is only growing.

Back in October, an American Jewish Community’s survey revealed that only 22% of US Jews would vote for President Donald Trump and 75% would choose former Vice President Joe Biden. That estimation was close to the 77% support received by the Democrats according to exit polls during the election. Interestingly, that same percentage of Israeli Jews favored the opposite candidate, Trump, who is considered by many to be the friendliest US president toward Israel in history.

The rift between the world’s two largest Jewish communities is not surprising. People’s worldview is marked by the environment in which they live. I am here, in the Middle East, on a small piece of land surrounded by enemies who are constantly thinking about how to slaughter us, to destroy us, so it is natural I think differently than if I were in America, sitting in comfortable physical security. It is clear where the opposite views derive from.

One may ask, isn’t it in Israel’s best interest to work to close the gap between the two communities? As the situation now stands, it is a lost cause. What can Israeli Jews offer that will be appealing to them if they do not care about Israel’s security and future? It seems to Israelis as if we do not exist to American Jews in any real way, not as a nation, not as a country, not as a people. It feels like they consider themselves as part of the people of Israel in name only but without common feelings.

After traveling in America throughout the years and meeting US Jewish leaders multiple times, my assessment is that beyond superficial declarations of being one people, actually drawing closer to Israel is not in their consciousness, in their awareness. They are Jewish people in America only. There is complete disconnection. No wonder almost 6 out of 10 American Jews have never visited Israel in their lives and these statistics haven’t changed for decades.

However, just as the detachment from Judaism did not save the Jews in Germany from persecution almost a century ago, the detachment from the Jewish state will not help American Jewry now. With antisemitism spreading rapidly, Jews are under threat, and distancing from Israel will do nothing to improve the perception of haters toward them. Just as in the past, Jews will be held accountable for whatever problems are on the agenda. This is the nature of antisemitism. Therefore, the only remedy capable of offering real help in this situation is unity.

From an economic perspective, those who still believe the American dream is alive and that their livelihoods are secure should wake up from their sleep. For a long while, America’s hegemony is slowly fading, as did happen with all the ancient empires. The trend is shifting away from the West towards the East, and Asia is poised to take over control of the world’s economy. Not only is China already at the top of the competition, but Japan, South Korea, and other countries in the Far East are also not far behind.

What does all this mean for American Jews? It means that the importance of Jewish unity cannot be overstated as the only safety net to guarantee a good future. Unity must be built with all haste above the split between Right and Left, between Republicans and Democrats, between American Jews and Israelis, above all the differences. Our future does not depend on any particular person or political camp; it depends solely upon our connection as one people.

Clearly, there are many contentious issues between the two communities worthy of addressing—opposite political views, disputes about who is a Jew, how Judaism should be practiced, just to name a few. However, above and beyond our disagreements, the State of Israel and the American Jewry must feel that no matter what, there is an underlying and indivisible bond that connects us together, similar to the way that siblings sometimes fiercely disagree but always remember that they are family.

Unity does not mean erasing our unique opinions or demanding that all think the same. (That would erode the very essence of the Jewish people who fiercely debate on anything.) No, all the differences remain and we just build a connecting bridge above them from recognition that our connection is far more important than any other issue.

As foremost Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) wrote,

“It is also clear that the immense effort required of us on the rugged road ahead requires unity as strong and as solid as steel, from all factions of the nation without any exceptions. If we do not come out with united ranks toward the mighty forces standing in our way then we are doomed before we even started” (The Writings of Baal HaSulam, The Nation).

Unity is the prime commodity and the bedrock of the people of Israel in that we possess the priceless method for bringing people together—families, nations, and all of humanity. When we begin to implement this method first and foremost between ourselves, the positive impact will reverberate forcefully around the world and our common destiny will be safeguarded.

“What Do You Think Of The News About The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Being Over 90% Effective?” (Quora)


Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: “What do you think of the news about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine being over 90% effective?

Pfizer’s announcement that its vaccine against the coronavirus is effective in 90 percent of cases has given hope to many people, but other than a shot of optimism, I see no long-lasting cure to the virus emerging from this vaccine.

My impression from various experts is that an effective cure to the coronavirus will take another four to five years. Moreover, according to my understanding of nature’s purpose and plan, which comes from over 40 years of studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, the world’s readiness for a cure depends on our readiness to positively connect.

Nature evolves to greater and greater states of connection, and when we realize the connection that we are being guided to positively, then we will experience life as perfect and harmonious.

If we align our drives to connect harmoniously with the interconnected and interdependent laws of nature, then we will experience health in the fullest sense of the term, i.e., balance on individual, social, global and ecological scales. However, if we fail to take our positive connection into account and let divisive drives separate us from each other, thinking badly of each other, then viruses will continue infecting us.

Currently, for instance, most people wear masks with self-serving motives, i.e., that they protect their own health by doing so. However, masks during this pandemic are an exercise from nature in disguise. They, in fact, protect other people in the mask wearers’ vicinity a lot more than the mask wearers themselves. We would thus be wise to treat mask wearing as an exercise in mutual consideration: to wear masks in order to protect and care about other people. However, even without any consideration of others, the more we endure the pandemic and wear masks whenever we encounter society physically, the more nature habituates us to at least unconsciously add a layer of sensitivity toward others upon ourselves.

In general, however, I trust that the Pfizer vaccine is positive in its brief surge of hope and the sigh of relief it brings to many people. Yet, in the same token, we do not need health experts to tell us that improving our attitudes to each other will improve our lives.

The coronavirus pandemic is nature’s way of communicating with us. If we shut ourselves off in our individual corners and make no moves to rise above our divisive drives and harmoniously connect to each other, then we can expect nature to respond accordingly.

We would thus be wise to think about what nature ultimately wants from us, and how we can improve our attitudes to each other. By infusing human society with a positive spirit of unity above the division and polarization that itches away at us from within, we will see an end to the pandemic, and a new beginning in which we will discover how to truly live healthily, happily, confidently, safely and harmoniously, in balance with nature.

I discussed this topic and answered questions about it in my Q&A with writers. Watch the video here.

How To Avoid Civil War In America?


448.8Question: There was a notion that on the evening of November 3rd civil war was anticipated to break out in the US. Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon predicted the Democrats would refuse to recognize Trump, as they had previously stated, and will take to the streets starting discord; after which the social networks will kick in, and so on and so forth. Complete civil disobedience. The Democrats would incite this war.

People were stocking up on guns; those who do not know how to shoot, are learning to. People are buying canned goods and leaving big cities so as to not be there during any riots.

If it were possible to turn around Trump’s way of thinking in face of the current situation, what do you think the message should be with which he addresses the American people? What would you say in his place?

Answer: I would tell them, “We are Americans! All of us! We are all part of the same nation. There is no difference between us. Let’s stop playing black-and-white, Latinos or Europeans, anything at all! Let’s address each other as Americans!

And anyone who will try to cause a biased attitude among us will have us all express our hatred toward them. Let’s make this correction between us now that all the people would feel that they are treated equally by everyone!”

And then we can vote for an idea that doesn’t relate to color or any such things. And the idea is rather simple: All people want to live freely and confidently, without undue pressure, and to prepare a good future for their children.

This is, in fact, what should concern all people, the government, and all of humanity. What else can we do? We must make our lives and the lives of our children pleasant and convenient. This is within our power.

We will not be able to adhere to all the alleged freedoms that exist in America, though. We will not be able to allow a person to earn freely according to the current framework of laws, nor to let a poor person fall into a state that he can no longer rise from.

We must educate the population first and foremost. The problem of educating the masses is the most important one. America can set an example to the whole world and then the whole world will realize that in this lies its greatness.

Question: Knowing that there are two parties that hate each other, what should Trump speak of now?

Answer: “I propose unification, a truce, and a general program for improving the country. For us to gather together and start deciding: What is not working between us? There are no Democrats or Republicans. There is only a single nation, a single government.”
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/12/20

Which Will Prevail—Human Egoism Or Love


962.1Question: There is a term “vaccine nationalism.” It is when a vaccine is developed exclusively for one’s own without common agreement to create a vaccine for everyone. Everything is kept secret, and all is done not for the sake of people’s speedy recovery, but for political or national interests. This is what is happening in the world right now.

If you think about it, why can’t we gather the greatest human minds together and have the whole world work for them so that they can create a vaccine as quickly as possible? Everyone would work for their benefit, helping them and thinking about their success. For example, lock everyone up at Oxford so that the focus would be on them. Clearly, the vaccine would have been produced a hundred times faster than it is now.

So why, even in times of such danger like we are facing now, can we not come together and make this decision?

Answer: Everyone wants to take advantage of this moment. We are talking about billions of dollars, Nobel Prizes, all the honor, power, everything you could want. Who would give that up?

Question: This means that health is not even considered here. The vaccine, in principle, is created not even for people to be healthy but in order to show off?

Answer: Only for that! Who cares about health?! What can we expect from people if God (the Creator) turned Himself inside out and made us opposite to Him? There are no boundaries here.

Question: What if everyone felt the danger that each one of us could get this virus and that we would be on our deathbed tomorrow. Now go and make a decision whether to gather all the minds for the vaccine to be ready tomorrow. Would people make this decision in such a situation?

Answer: No.

Question: This is unbelievable! I will die tomorrow. But if I make this decision now, then I and everyone else will live. And even in this circumstance would I still not make the decision to combine the efforts with the rest of the world and develop the vaccine together?

Answer: Well, in general, we see that the world is facing the threat of a thermonuclear war and other problems and nothing can be resolved. On the contrary, they think of how to use it before others in order to suppress, kill, and destroy others.

Human egoism is boundless, equal in magnitude to the Creator’s love for people. And that is why you cannot do anything about it.

Question: So, these two forces are in opposition to each other? Egoism and the Creator with His love.

Answer: Yes. That is why there is no limit to our hatred for each other.

Question: How do we get out of this?

Answer: I don’t know. I talk about it all, I try to convey and explain this to everyone as much as I can. But the fact is that people do not consider it, do not take it in, and I really do not see the future as bright as others do. I think that after this virus there will be major problems. We will be squeezed.

Question: Squeezed against the wall with no way out?

Answer: Yes. But anyway, somewhere, somehow, we will come to the realization that we have no other choice, and it will come with great suffering unless we decide to do something with ourselves before that. Therefore, I think that at some point, we will decide that we have to change ourselves.

Question: What is this “hole” in us that needs to be punctured so that we realize that the evil of nature exists in us?

Answer: It is the pericardium, the sac surrounding the heart. We need to make a hole in it so that a drop of light would enter. It will do the rest.

It will corrode the egoism, make it soft, malleable, receptive, and willing to realize what it is, what is happening with it and with others as well. Otherwise, it would be very difficult.

Question: So, thoughts about others appear only if this drop of light penetrates the person?

Answer: Yes.

Question: I did not quite understand: what is this place in the heart?

Answer: Our heart is enclosed in a shell. And this shell is so hard, so heavy.

Question: That is, the light will pierce it a little bit and enter it. And then the work will begin. Your personal task is to help the light make this hole in a person. What does it mean for you?

Answer: A hole is a lack (Hissaron). When a person feels that he absolutely must have the quality of bestowal, the quality of love, enter his heart because otherwise he does not feel others, and he cannot do anything about it even though he would like to, he cannot. And this feeling of hitting a wall (I cannot do anything!) will cause this opening to appear.

Question: Is this feeling of hitting a wall a joyful or a terrible one?

Answer: It is a feeling of dire need. It is a prayer and a cry, and the appeal to others with calls of urgency, cries.

Question: Does every person have to come to this? Or maybe a team, a small group to begin with?

Answer: I don’t think that everyone has to. At least a group like our group, our team.

Question: What will attract the rest of humanity to it?

Answer: They will see that there is something happening in this group that suddenly reached out to the Creator and managed to attract Him to itself.

Question: Will this group start radiating hope for all of humanity?

Answer: Yes, and everyone will see that.

The group is Israel, which has an inner connection with the Creator through which they understand that they are obliged to bring the quality of bestowal and love to the world.

Question: Is this the hole that will be made?

Answer: I think this is what we will do.

Question: Do you have this confidence?

Answer: Confidence, I cannot say. There is such hope and some inner feeling that this is possible, that the Creator will do it to us.

Question: It is still all Him, one way or another. Do you think that sufficient effort has been almost made for it to happen any time now?

Answer: Effort is all the qualitative and quantitative years, and in general, everything that humanity has done up to this day. It is all adding up.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/7/20

Respect The Environment


423.02Remark: You constantly say that all the problems of humanity arise from the fact that we are not united. And people can’t connect why unity between them can somehow stop an earthquake or a coronavirus.

My Comment: It’s not easy to explain. This requires an appropriate environment. When people around you think a certain way, you inevitably start thinking the same way. This is how we were created.

Basically, we are one single system called Adam. Therefore, what the society around me accepts as true, I will eventually accept as true.

Question: What would you recommend, other than the environment, as a factor that develops and increases motivation?

Answer: Deep reflection. Nothing more.

Question: What exactly should a person do in the environment? What is this technique?

Answer: The technique is very simple. If I want to change my aspirations to new ones, they must be necessary and important for the people I respect. And then it will be very easy for me to change my direction.

Remark: So it’s not the environment itself that matters, but how much I value it. If these people are important to me, they will influence me.

My Comment: They can be completely ordinary, not outstanding people. Let’s say that if my little son or grandson wants to do something that is interesting for him, then it inevitably becomes interesting to me, and I begin to respect and welcome his occupation.

Question: And if a person does not find such important people from whom he could draw energy, then is it necessary to artificially exalt them?

Answer: Yes. He must find a society that does what he needs to do. Kabbalah says this: if you want to be a good tailor, you must get into the company of tailors who respect their work, their specialty. And you’ll see that it sticks to you.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 8/28/20

The Smallest Unit Of Society Is The Ten


165Question: In order for communication to exist, rules for receiving and transmitting, encoding and decoding information are necessary. What are these rules, i.e., laws of giving and receiving? Can one learn this?

Answer: Yes, people must be educated in this. Communication skills are essential. We see how their absence leads us to misunderstanding each other, to seclusion. Communication is practically everything.

The fact is that all of us, originally created as egoists, believe that we can live with our egoism in peace and have no need for anyone at all. And if we do need someone, it is only someone I can tolerate and use to some extent. But this is absolutely wrong. It is necessary to explain to people that the smallest unit of society is not the family but ten people. The family is a beastly unit. And a social unit is ten people who are close to you in spirit, who have one common goal in life, and they embody it. In this circumstance, a person can develop to absolutely infinite states.

Question: Can this ten change over the course of a lifetime?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, by ten, you mean an internal term and not a number of people: ten people?

Answer: Ten people is also a physical quantity that contains ten different combinations of individual desires. In Kabbalah, they are called points in the heart.
From Kab TV’s “Communication Skills” 5/11/20

Humanity Is A Single System


255Question: The terms “equality,” “unity,” and “freedom” have been known to us since the French Revolution. Both before and after it, people fought for these principles.

We see that humanity is included in a single system of economic, social, political, and cultural relationships, which are called globalization. But this is only an external unity.

You are always talking about sensory unity on the level of thought and desire. Could you describe how you see the connection of humanity at this level?

Answer: This is a matter of the distant future. Humanity does not ask such a question at all; it is not ready for it and is not able to do anything. The problem is not to force humanity into a state of connection, but to make it wish for it, and its desire would predetermine sensory unity, even to the point of a prayer to come to it. And today’s humanity is still very far from this.

Question: And yet, what should we come to? In all the sources it is written that humanity must become one. What should this final state be?

Answer: Humanity should present a single structure. There are absolutely different people, different interests, and different movements. Each has its own point from which it was born and developed. But we understand that we all have a common goal to create a structure that would be in an internal state of spiritual and worldly balance.

Everyone moves toward the same goal and supports each other. Mutual support in particular is the most important thing in the new society that must rise up after all the difficult periods that we are going through.

Our goal is very simple: to create a single system of humanity in which opposites would find each other for mutual support and form one common harmonious whole. When two opposites connect to achieve a common goal outside of themselves, then they exist in harmony.

We need to realize that with our qualities, we can’t do this right now. But we still have to come to this. Therefore, first of all, we must feel the need for unity, and then the impossibility of achieving it on our own.

Question: Can we say that we were originally designed as a single organism?

Answer: That’s exactly how it was. This is called the system of Adam before the shattering. That is, we already were in this state. We are all the souls, all our internal information records, the so-called Reshimot.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 9/11/20

According To The Wishes Of The Public


265Question: All marketers advise lecturers to study the audience first before speaking. Do you agree with this?

Answer: But I am not going to satisfy their desires. It does not interest me at all. I have to teach them what I think is necessary and what should interest them.

My classes consist of two parts, which should be done simultaneously. This is the initiation of the desire to know what I want to give them, and the absorption of this knowledge by the students.

Question: Let’s say you were invited to an audience of several hundred people who want to hear about reincarnation, and this is a very difficult topic for newbies. Would you still say what you think is necessary?

Answer: If this topic was ordered in advance, and they discussed it with me, then perhaps I would agree, proceeding from the fact that I really want to get to this audience but they would not agree on another topic.

Taking into account their desire, I would tell them about life cycles, but only in a certain way: why nature needs them, why nature acts with us this way, how we can change them, how the current incarnation can be used to change the whole purpose of life cycles, etc. I will turn it around anyway so that they are interested and want to study.

Question: Would you advise your students to study the needs of the audience before starting a lecture?

Answer: No. The only thing is that we can make our topics fit with what the listeners are doing, for example, zoology, biology, astronomy, etc.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/14/20

Which Questions Does The Spiritual System Respond To Quicker?


546.02Question: Which questions does the spiritual system respond to quicker?

Answer: To questions that are asked correctly, sharply, qualitatively and quantitatively, which means, questions that are asked with greater force requesting for the correction of the ego.

If a great egoist, and I would even say if a “criminal,” turns to the Creator, the Creator responds to his request more quickly than to a request of a good boy. Everything depends on the severity of the request.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 11/4/18

America Is Left Without A President


448.3Kabbalah teaches us to work in three lines, which is very important especially in our time. We see that today in the world, the confrontation, the struggle, the contradiction between the right and the left is growing everywhere, splitting countries and peoples in two, and putting two camps against each other.

We feel this polarization even within families. In all developed and even developing countries, there is a huge distance between the left and the right, a split in society, in every country.

As we develop, egoism grows more and more, and therefore we don’t see that this contradiction between the right and the left is getting smoothed out. On the contrary, they are becoming increasingly distant from each other and colliding and arguing more. This is especially evident in America, where society is divided into two camps, the left and the right, which cannot find any common point. This rift is felt even within families.

Previously, there was no such contradiction between opinions on all issues, in relation to nature, ecology, weapons, family, sex, food, and absolutely everything. Instead of looking for points of convergence and understanding how to reach an agreement, we see that the two lines, the right and left, diverge further and further, become more polar and differ as East from West or North from South.

The distance between them is growing more and more, and there is nothing that would connect them. The further the world develops, the deeper this split will become, and hatred, rejection, misunderstanding, and unwillingness to understand each other will increase.

All this is awakened in human society by the Creator. America is splitting into two hostile camps as if there are no other approaches and parties other than the right and the left. And nothing can be done about it because this is nature.

Nature is not going to help people connect; on the contrary, it will divide them into two equal camps, as we now see in the United States. How is it possible for a society to split exactly in the middle with millions of people on one side and millions on the other against each other in such a way that a few units of preponderance decide who will become president of America?

In such a situation, there is no president at all because he should stand in the middle between these two lines. Two lines are revealed in any modern society in order for us to establish the middle line, that is, the Creator, who should reveal Himself and establish a connection between us. Otherwise, we will not be able to exist and will be at war with each other without any compromise and possibility to reach agreement.

There is no middle line; it can only come from above. This is how the world works, this is how nature works. Therefore, Kabbalistic groups working on getting closer to the upper force, to the purpose of creation, who are called Israel, aimed “directly at the Creator” (Yashar Kel), will be in the center of the entire world, in the center of everyone’s attention, and they will have to provide a connection between the left and right lines.

The entire world will be divided into right and left. And between them there are a few thousands who are called “Israel,” who will be responsible for the fact that billions of people on one side and billions on the other side cannot connect with each other. Therefore, we must learn the middle line, which is determined by the upper force, as it is written, “He who creates peace in His celestial heights, may He in His mercy create peace for us’’ and help us to develop correctly.

The state that is revealed in the American election shows us what the future of the world will be like. American society is more developed, and therefore this contradiction is already evident there. The rest of the world is still lagging behind, thanks to religious and cultural traditions. In America, however, all the nations are mixed, and therefore it is so obvious that the two parts of American society are completely separated from each other, and there is no one to connect them.

How can someone who is one hundred percent accepted by one side and one hundred percent not acceptable by the other side, by half of the country’s citizens, be the president? How in this situation can there be a president who stands in the middle and controls everyone? This is absolutely impossible.

There is only one possibility: to reveal the upper force that will connect the two camps together. The revelation of the upper force and the global connection is our work as Kabbalists. This will soon become clear, and we must be ready for it. The world will want this; it will come and ask for this.

The world will be splitting into two parts more and more, and we will need to attract the middle line from above so that it begins to dominate both poles, leading them to the agreement. The president can be neither from the left nor from the right, but only standing in the middle and leading to connection, to the middle line that the wisdom of Kabbalah reveals.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/6/20Writings of Rabash, “Three Lines”

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