Saturday, April 2, 2016

An Ordinary Dream

laitman_543_01Question: Is ordinary dreaming an egoistic and deeper perception of reality that is felt by a person?
Answer: An ordinary dream is no different than other states that a person experiences, except that at this time the brain is detached from the perception of our world and of the upper world, and is involved with the correct storage of information that is gathered in a state of disorder within it.
Question: Is immersion in a dream or sleep more or less an egoistic state?
Answer: No more and no less. It is simply a mundane state in which the brain organizes itself. It is really involved in a lot of work during sleep, and it is necessary to allow the opportunity for it.
Question: Does the wisdom of Kabbalah explain why a person spends around a third of his life asleep?
Answer: Certainly, a lot is written about sleep in the wisdom of Kabbalah. A state of sleep is divided into two parts: the physical and the spiritual. The wisdom of Kabbalah examines how this state happens in us, and from what spiritual source it is derived. After all, everything in our world has a spiritual root.
Kabbalah investigates the roots of everything that happens on Earth. The spiritual source of dreaming is the ejection of Light from the Kli, from the desire, so basically only a small amount of Light remains in it. Then the Kli is found in a passive state called a “dream,” which is “a sixtieth part” of death.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/17/16

The Pope: Open Your Hearts To The Refugees

laitman_600_02Comment: The Pope made a speech about the refugees in which he emphasized: “It cannot be that so much suffering should fall on innocent men, women and children!” He called for everyone to open their doors and hearts to them.
Answer: Everything he spoke about is correct, but only if there is no violence. There is a total lack of education, information, and previous unity among the population of Europe and the refugees.
The refugees want to dominate Europe. They have not really fled from their homeland because of a terrible war; rather, it is more because of the fact that they have been paid a lot of money to come to Europe as conquerors, not as those seeking a temporary warm and safe place. So it is impossible to speak of them as refugees, but only as a conquering army.
Question: Is there a way out of the situation into which Europe has been thrown?
Answer: No, this kind of situation will continue; the situation will drift out of control. Europe cannot oppose it. It cannot close its borders to them because it is completely divided into factions. It is broken, and the nations of the European Union cannot reach any agreement between them. So it is natural that this problem will not be solved.
Question: Will nations like Hungary, Macedonia, and others be able to close themselves to the refugees?
Answer: Eastern Europe can be closed. First, the refugees aren’t really trying to get there. Second, people are living there who learned in Soviet schools and don’t have any particular emotional weaknesses and so on. They recently had a similar experience not long ago.
Question: Basically, is the prophecy about the subjugation of Europe by the Muslims materializing?
Answer: Yes, Europe will be conquered by the Muslims, and everywhere, instead of European churches and cathedrals, there will be Muslim mosques and madrassas (Islamic religious schools).
Question: Will there be a war between Christianity and Islam?
Answer: No, Christianity will surrender peacefully.
Question: What will happen to Judaism?
Answer: Nothing. Those who can will leave Europe; those who cannot will gradually dissipate.
Question: What should the perspective of Israel be regarding this process?
Answer: We very simply don’t need to be interested in what is happening in Europe at all or its conquest by Islamic hordes. We don’t need to get involved with any mundane matters; rather, we must re-educate ourselves to full unification. This is our only concern.
Our unity will then influence the entire world and the nations of the world, first of all, the Christians and Muslims; they will suddenly feel an attraction to each other and the possibility of their mutual acceptance. They will understand that this comes from the Jews, and then they will gradually form mutual relationships between them, and after that this will spread throughout the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/17/16

All Our Decisions Stem From The Ultimate Goal

laitman_238_02Question: How can we make the right decisions at the right time?
Answer: We have to make every decision in life as if we were throwing a hook toward the ultimate goal, wanting to catch it and bring ourselves closer to it.
This is how we should cope with all the minor decisions we have to make along the way, like eating, sleeping, studying, work, educating our kids, our relationship with our spouse, etc. This means that every decision we make in life, starting from the smallest things to the largest, should first be tied to our ultimate goal and then carried out accordingly.
It is like in sports, for example, if you want to win an Olympic medal, all your actions should be aimed at that goal. In the wisdom of Kabbalah the ultimate goal is the revelation of the Creator, and so all our decisions should be made accordingly.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/17/16

The World Is Building Fences

laitman_438Comment: While space ships are streaking the cosmos, the world is building fences.
For example, US presidential candidate Donald Trump promises: “I will build a fence the length of 1,600 kilometers and the height of 10-12 meters between us and Mexico.” Spanish territory within Morocco is separated by fences. Greece built and continues to build fences along the border with Turkey. Hungary surrounds itself with barbed wire to keep the immigrants out of its territory. Ukraine tried to build a fence between Russia, and Israel, as we know, is building fences around the country between itself and the Palestinians.
Answer: It’s a very interesting trend. At the end of the 20th century no one even thought of such a thing, and the 21st century is characterized by building the “great Chinese wall” around our borders.
Everyone is beginning to fence themselves in from one another. People are purchasing weapons and closing themselves off, installing armored doors and windows. This is a natural reaction of the developing ego. We have reached a state where the ego feels completely individualized. It wants to feel secure, provided for, and able to defend itself from harassment by strangers.
Question: Are the fences between countries also the wish of egoism to enclose itself and to be differentiated?
Answer: Of course, I want to be the owner of my country. A few years ago there was a wave of opening borders, and, as if, for some time they disappeared, but now they have returned and there are those borders that are impossible to pass through or over.
Question: Do you think that within countries various regions will appear or would such divisions no longer exist?
Answer: I think that there will be divisions since we see a trend of the emergence of countries. There are more countries today than there were 100 year ago. The trend is very interesting. It should show the world how it is headed toward extreme individuality, and on the other hand, how nature “shakes us” and forces us to unite, since the general direction is to turn ourselves into one small village. All of us together are moving toward the trend of becoming a civil, social, human society.
What is clear is that we will not be able to do this without first educating people. We are egoistic, and the divisions between us are the result of the breaking of the general soulinto pieces. We imprison each part deeper and deeper within itself like a cocoon, and nature, on the contrary, hits us so that we connect and get closer to each other.
On one hand, this trend of nature will continue to push us until we connect into one general soul, and on the other hand, we object to this with all our might, which will bring great suffering and terrible conditions. By our fencing ourselves in, we will recognize the futility, the extremism and the finality of our egoism, which brought us to this, and then we will be forced to “blow it up.”
Then people will see and discover that only Kabbalah, the wisdom of connection and unity, can save them and prevent the continuation of the decline to suffering.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/3/16

New Life #698 – Making A Living Without Having To Work

New Life #698 – Making A Living Without Having To Work
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
According to a new initiative in Finland and Switzerland, every citizen will be entitled to a basic salary without any conditions. This initiative shows that humanity is advancing toward a new attitude to money and to work in general.
The idea of wages may become irrelevant in the future as everyone will receive the same wages and only those whose work is really necessary will actually work, so instead of polluting nature by producing unnecessary products and by aggressive advertising, we will cease to be slaves and will live comfortably. This will happen when we stop chasing wealth that doesn’t lead to happiness and we will organize a life that is really good. And when technology frees most people from work, we will all learn how to have corrected relationships. The development of the ego will make us lose interest in consumerism and in being slaves to work as we are today.
Providing every citizen with minimum wages is destructive and will lead people to being indifferent and disconnected from reality since a person will not know how to fill his day. He will therefore need some guidance since otherwise he can go mad. Giving every citizen a basic salary unconditionally will create people who don’t want to work and who are unfit to work. What we should do is to bring everyone to a cultural-educational experiential framework.
From KabTV’s “New Life #698 – Making A Living Without Having To Work,” 3/3/1
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On The Way To Attaining Love

Laitman_036Question: There is no true love in the relations between a man and a woman in our world. How do a man and a woman attain real perfect love in the spiritual world?
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah helps us tune in to the understanding of the relationships between men andwomen. But today, when the world is in such a mess, it is hard to speak about how the wisdom of Kabbalah can have an immediate effect on improving these relations.
If a person believes that the wisdom of Kabbalah immediately will help him buy a house, start a family, live a comfortable life, and turn his life into paradise, I don’t want him to have any false hopes.
Humanity needs to correct itself according to a certain process in order to attain that. In this respect, the fate of Kabbalists isn’t simple since it is the reflection of all of the problems in society. Although a wise, normal, healthy Kabbalist understands how he should manage his life correctly, he constantly encounters problems that he receives from all of humanity. Therefore, his life isn’t easy until all of humanity is corrected.
Question: What should a man and a woman yearn for in order to attain true love?
Answer: They must build a family that is based on accurate Kabbalistic principles, but this is relevant only for people who truly are dedicated to the spiritual path, who understand that they can focus their relationships within the family on the attainment of a spiritual goal.
If they can and are willing to do so and understand that their ego constantly will stand in their way in the family, everywhere, at absolutely every moment, I would give them my blessing since, if that’s so, they are going to discover a wonderful opportunity to enter quickly into the upper world, but they must work in order to attain that.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/17/16

Returning To The Soviet Past

laitman_434Question: American sociologists and political scientists claim that the more sanctions America imposes on Russia, the more it will want to return to its Soviet past. According to a referendum in Russia, even young people dream of returning to the socialist past. In Germany, 57% of the Germans replied that they gladly would return to East Germany and not live in capitalist Germany.
Answer: A capitalist regime has no soul. There is nothing in it for the soul while during the Soviet regime, there was a soul since they created an atmosphere and conditions under which people felt friendly relationships between them, not necessarily because they chose to.
Question: Many chose the answer in the referendum: “Living in those times was more interesting and hearty,” and it turns out that this is more important to people than money.
Answer: Of course, although they all wanted to break through the iron curtain and experience life in the west, if the Soviet regime had allowed people to exit freely, they would have found out that more people would enter the country than leave it and that there was no reason to worry.
Question: Do you believe that there was some influence of the spiritual Light on the Soviet society?
Answer: People couldn’t develop any other way, so they developed in this direction. It is the same when it comes to ballet dancing, which actually became more outstanding in Russia than anywhere else in the world thanks to this influence, but today it is meaningless.
But it is impossible to return to the past now, and there is also no reason to regret that. We must see things realistically. It is impossible to dip into the same water twice that is flowing in a river, and it is impossible to rebuild what belongs to the past because humanity has changed.
We should realize that, back then, people had a craving for spiritual fellowship, even in the kitchen with a piece of salted fish, potatoes, and a guitar. This brought people together and gave them a feeling of community and being human.
At the same time, we also were aimed against something, and that is also very important. If we could aim against our egoism today so that we could realize what we can attain and reveal by its correction, it would be a great achievement, of course.
We can build a new society based on people’s attraction to this lifestyle. We should think only of how to offer humanity the idea of creating such a society that could exist and be built on more sublime spiritual principles, which is indeed a state that would satisfy people on all levels. Everyone has this dream, and what is more, as time goes by, more than half of the world’s population has joined this idea.
Question: Does this mean that you are talking about creating a kind of a kitchen where people will sit and think about how to overcome their egoism?
Answer: We must integrate musical instruments, songs, and a heartfelt attitude toward our general unity in the same discussion circles and workshops that we are trying to establish. Later, we will need to ascend from those circles and develop to our next levels.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/14/16

Two Versions Of World War III

laitman_293Question: Is World War III inevitable?
Answer: It is indeed inevitable, but it can take place on two totally different levels, on the spiritual level or on the corporeal level.
It all depends on how we manage the process of our development. On the spiritual level, it will take place in the form of internal changes.
This actually will be the greatest internal war against our egoism. However, if we begin to think lightly of our internal correction, there will be an external war that will pressure us until we change our egoism and reach the same result, but with the price of large external physical losses.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/17/16

How Do You Love Yourself?

laitman_568_01Question: The wisdom of Kabbalah is based on the principle, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), but how can a person love himself; is it possible to love others without loving yourself?
Answer: The assumption of the question is not correct. I don’t need to hate myself to love others; rather, this principle is given to me as an example. Just as I am concerned about myself at any given moment, so I must relate to others as well. I must be concerned about their comfort, their welfare, that they are safe, warm, and satisfied just as I am concerned about the necessary and simple, basic things for myself.
Moreover, if I understand that this is not the main thing in life, that besides satisfying myself with the minimal and normal necessities, I want to relate to higher, eternal and perfect states and begin to unite with Him, I am ready to explain the same thing to other people so that they will understand what kind of unique opportunity we have in our world to transcend it toward the upper world and begin to exist in it in a state of eternity and perfection.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/27/15

A Mizva To Kill A Terrorist

Laitman_514_02Comment: The Chief Rabbi of Israel, David Baruch Lao, referred to the killing of a terrorist as a Mitzva. He also quoted from the Torah saying that: “You should precede he who comes to kill you,” and added that there is no need to fear the legal implications of the offense.
Answer: I don’t know how he can guarantee that since the state laws are not always the same as the laws of the Torah.
Comment: What is more, he added that if someone goes out to the street with a knife, he shouldn’t be able to return to his home.
Answer: It is clear why he went out with a knife and that he has no other intention but to kill. When terrorists are captured and interrogated, they don’t hide their intentions and declare their desire to kill; therefore, if you encounter such a person, you should do everything in your power to kill the attacker.
Comment: The Chief Rabbi of Israel believes that this is the only way we can stop terrorists.
Answer: I doubt whether it would stop them because they receive a lot of money for such acts of terrorism, and mainly because they believe that they will be rewarded by entering paradise, which is the most important thing for them.
In addition, the families of terrorists reap huge benefits, their homes are preserved, they are given grants and medals, and the terrorists are given impressive funerals. In the past, the British used to bury dead terrorists wrapped in pig’s skin, and then according to the Koran, a person cannot reach paradise. Then then terrorist attacks immediately came to an end.
We should also stop the grants that we give the Palestinian Authority so that they will not have the means to encourage terrorists and their families.
Moreover, we should destroy their houses and evacuate the families, which means, that we should do everything in our power so that they will not get used to committing acts of terror.
But the most important thing we should do is to unite among us so positive forces will reach our world that will force potential terrorists to change themselves, their tactics, and their attitude to Israel, to themselves, and to life.
This is how we can influence them in the quickest, easiest, and most effective way. We don’t need anyone in order to do that; we don’t pressure anyone and no one can blame us for anything. If we do what is up to us, we will not need anything else.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/13/16

Changing Human Nature

Question: Do you think that egoism is the highest human sin?
Answer: It is our nature and nothing more.
Question: But at the heart of all crimes and transgressions is the ego. For example, are the members of Daesh, whom everyone talks about, simply egoists or barbarians?
Answer: They are egoists, but their ego finds its expression in fanaticism.
Question: Does this mean that when we defeat the ego, their will be universal prosperity?
Answer: Then we will be connected with good harmonious connections, not only with each other, but also with the surrounding nature and with its general system of management.
We truly will feel that we are living in a balanced world, and we will begin to feel our coming higher states through the system of nature. This is the most important thing thewisdom of Kabbalah reveals. It gives us a perspective not only of this world, but of all of the rest of our states.
This is very influential for a person. He begins to understand that, during the process of his existence in this world, it is up to him to take into account all of his other possible states, completely realistically.
From the Webinar on 2/10/16

It’s Time To Work Less

laitman_628_4Comment: The price of oil has dropped, so many countries are trying to take measures to save as much as they can. In Venezuela, for example, the civil servants’ work day has been reduced.  Now on they will work from 7:30 in the morning until 1 pm.
Answer: Every natural resource is becoming increasingly cheaper and more accessible today. Therefore, there can be no hunger. Instead there will actually be general abundance that no one will really need. People will be satisfied with simple, normal, corporeal consumption.
This of course will lead to increasing unemployment, but it will be dealt with by special government allowances. First people will receive money without having to work and every individual will have a permanent income or allowance. Work will not be required.
Second, we will have to oblige everyone to undergo the right educational process so that they will not pass their time being idle. If a person doesn’t have to work and all his necessities are taken care of throughout his life, he won’t need to go to school or to university, he won’t need to learn a profession, he won’t need to do anything. This means that he will sit at home, watch TV, play on his computer or on his cell phone, and that’s all. Therefore, it is essential to oblige everyone to get an education.
I hope that some of the people who will stop working will undergo retraining and become teachers and educators and some will be students, and thus they will begin to advance up to the desired spiritual level.
Education will be aimed at making every individual a human being in the right sense of the word. A person is not an animal who walks erectly on two legs and uses dark instincts, modern weapons, and drugs. A human being is a person who understands his goal and feels that he has to attain it in his connection with people like him.
I do hope that all the governments will understand that this is the only way they can succeed, since otherwise they will devour themselves.
Question: Will the state force people to engage in self-education?
Answer: The state is a compulsive body and it has to exert pressure on people in order to turn them into good citizens since otherwise we see what happens. Europe is turning into a negative example for the whole world today, while 30 to 40 years ago it was a positive example. It is because the Europeans were allowed to have free benefits, but did not implement the right education at the same time and didn’t do anything.
We all see what it has brought them to; it is a clear example. Therefore, there will have to be compulsive government education and it will be the most important function of the state.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/29/16

Thursday, March 31, 2016

New Life #365 – A Dialogue

New Life #365 – A Dialogue
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Something special happens when two people speak with each other. What is the meaning of conversation in our lives? How does one conduct a conversation correctly, what is a successful conversation, what is the potential that exists in this encounter between two?
The art of conversation that we conduct daily is very important to us in the success of our business, in the success of the family, etc.
  • Today we are very used to using text messages and e-mails, and each one remains more in his corner. So specifically today it is very important for us to regain this skill.
  • In our lives there is a place for conversation if there is something that I want to get from someone else or if I have something to give, to contribute to him.
  • There should be a subject and two people who can be interested in the same subject that is something in common between them so that they can exchange information, exchange all kinds of impressions.
Going over a text, I try to flow in the same wave with him, creating a common desire between us and shared thoughts, mine, his, and something in common.
  • During the conversation we basically don’t appreciate the conversation.
  • This is like an atomic reactor into which I throw my fuel with thoughts and emotions, and he throws his fuel with thoughts and emotions.
  • So what generally follows from this is something more interesting, something higher, a special brilliance.
  • Each one enjoys inclusion with the other, the opinions of the other, this communication.
  • We leave the conversation when each one is essentially at least doubled, each one acquires emotion and wisdom from the other.
A person must prepare himself for an important conversation at work, with a partner or with someone with whom it is important to him to reach agreement.
  • Prepare a plan: The purpose of the conversation, what the subject is, what must be said, about what do you want to get an opinion, or what conclusion do you want to reach.
  • Clarify how much a person will soon enter into a connection with you, how much he is for or against everything that you will say, what is his approach toward you, and his attitude toward the entire subject.
  • Today we are found in a flood of all kinds of opinions and conversations, new and old, we have nothing of our own; as for me, I have nothing of my own.
  • If the connection with the person himself is important to me, then the subject is secondary or could even be peripheral because he is more interesting to me than I am to myself.
  • Or the subject is important to me and this person is also important, because as far as it seems he has an important opinion on this subject. But that is how it is, and I need to know that each and every connection into which I enter influences me so much for the rest of my life.
A successful outcome from a conversation is that I need to become clothed within the person, and know how to be with him more openly on a human level, and how much it is already possible to combine this on the plane of interests. There are two planes among us; one is between people and the other is channels of information.
From KabTV’s “New Life #365 – A Dialogue,” 5/1/14
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An Isolated Existence

In the News ( “Psychologists say that the society will cease to exist in the near future. Such a conclusion was made by a group of psychologists after a large scale sociological research gave answers to their questions.
“The assumption of psychologists about human differences with society is understandable. For the vast majority of citizens it is enough to communicate on the Internet: on the social media networks, using data transfer programs and other means, which shifts the actual interaction with others to the background.
“’We spend too much time on the Internet,’ said one of the members of the research team. If you do not limit your online time and minimize the communication through the virtual exchange programs, the demographic crisis will come sooner than we think.”
My Comment: The development of egoism is inevitable, and it leads to a lonely existence in which everyone feels comfortable and secure. But at the same time, everyone will experience “death,” seeing how the movement of life fades and depression increases. It seems like a comfortable loneliness and depressioncontradict each other, but the reason for this is that nature is pushing us toward unity while our ego is opposing it. These two opposing forces will bring us to a decision that we must integrate individuality and connection, which is “love above the ego.”

Israeli Society

laitman_559In the News ( “Israel’s Religiously Divided Society”
“Nearly 70 years after the establishment of the modern State of Israel, its Jewish population remains united behind the idea that Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people and a necessary refuge from rising anti-Semitism around the globe. But alongside these sources of unity, a major new survey by Pew Research Center also finds deep divisions in Israeli society – not only between Israeli Jews and the country’s Arab minority, but also among the religious subgroups that make up Israeli Jewry. …
“Although they live in the same small country and share many traditions, highly religious and secular Jews inhabit largely separate social worlds, with relatively few close friends and little intermarriage outside their own groups. In fact, the survey finds that secular Jews in Israel are more uncomfortable with the notion that a child of theirs might someday marry an ultra-Orthodox Jew than they are with the prospect of their child marrying a Christian. …
“Moreover, these divisions are reflected in starkly contrasting positions on many public policy questions, including marriage, divorce, religious conversion, military conscription, gender segregation and public transportation. Overwhelmingly, Haredi and Dati Jews (both generally considered Orthodox) express the view that Israel’s government should promote religious beliefs and values, while secular Jews strongly favor separation of religion from government policy.
“Most Jews across the religious spectrum agree in principle that Israel can be both a democracy and a Jewish state. But they are at odds about what should happen, in practice, if democratic decision-making collides with Jewish law (halakha). The vast majority of secular Jews say democratic principles should take precedence over religious law, while a similarly large share of ultra-Orthodox Jews say religious law should take priority.
“Even more fundamentally, these groups disagree on what Jewish identity is mainly about: Most of the ultra-Orthodox say “being Jewish” is mainly a matter of religion, while secular Jews tend to say it is mainly a matter of ancestry and/or culture. …
“When asked whether halakha should be made the official law of the land for Jews in Israel, majorities of Haredim (86%) and Datiim (69%) say they would favor this change. By contrast, most Masortim (57%) and an overwhelming majority of Hilonim (90%) oppose making halakha the law of the land for Jews in Israel.
“The disagreements over what it means to live in a Jewish state are not merely hypothetical. The survey asks about numerous concrete policy issues in Israel – including marriage, divorce, conversion, military conscription, transportation, public prayer and gender segregation – and finds deep divides.”
My Comment: The separation will only grow and will be manifested in more and more extreme forms. There are two possibilities: either the separation will split the society and it will disappear along with the nation, or we will be forced to consider that the Jewish nation can only exist on condition that it yearns for the general rule, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18) and “Love covereth over all transgressions” (Proverbs 10:12), as was customary 2000 years ago during the period when our nation existed. The moment we violated this principle, the nation ceased to exist.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New Life #608 – The Legalization Of Cannabis In Israel

New Life #608 – The Legalization Of Cannabis In Israel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Years ago I saw the legalization of cannabis coming. When the war against cigarettes began, I realized that it was in order to bring in cannabis. Governments, regimes, doctors, anyone who deals with the public, wants people to be more calm. But this process won’t work out so well since it is against the general plan of development and the goal of creation.
We know that there have always been drugs, but the problem today is that a person doesn’t feel that there is anything he can do in this world. After the desires for food, sex, family, money, honor, and knowledge, a desire to understand why I am alive awakens.
In ancient cultures, the use of cannabis was totally different than the way it is consumed today. The use of cannabis today stems from the feeling of emptiness. There is nothing to do in life and cannabis calms people and makes them sleepy. Soon we will feel it is not enough to relax a bit; we will feel we need to understand what we are living for in the first place.
From KabTV’s “New Life #608 – The Legalization Of Cannabis In Israel,” 8/9/15
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New Life #549 – The Connection Between The Nation Of Israel And The State Of Israel

New Life #549 – The Connection Between The Nation Of Israel And The State Of Israel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Abraham gathered people around the attributes of Hesed and the love of others and realized that the physical location for them is in the land of Israel.
The physical land of Israel has a spiritual root.  Everywhere on Earth where people sit down, they get progressively take the form of the geographical place.
The State of Israel couldn’t exist anywhere else but in the land of Israel.
We are not considered the nation of Israel yet. The nation of Israel is a group of people who are united as one. Our life here in Israel gives us a chance to build ourselves as the nation of Israel, to build love on top of all the differences between us.
Israel should be organized as one body that is led by wise men who will lead all the people to unity. We came here in the past as an escape from trouble and problems in the Diaspora, a Jewish haven. Today, all of us together have to turn into a nation!
The future Israel is a state in which everyone relates to others as members of his family and we all live in harmony.
From KabTV’s “New Life #549 – The Connection Between The Nation Of Israel And The State Of Israel,” 4/9/15
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The Future Of The European Union

laitman_426Question: In Britain there have been sharp debates on whether it’s worthwhile to leave the European Union. The famous physicist Stephen Hawking and 150 other scientists expressed sharp opposition to leaving. They think that thanks to their membership in the European Union, the subsidies for science in Britain grew and the number of experts increased. Do you think that England needs to leave the European Union?
Answer: Leaving it no longer has any meaning because the European Union will fall apart in the near future in any case.
These are artificial international gatherings that don’t determine anything. There is no mutual connection between them, the borders are being closed, and conflicts, discord, and innuendo are on the rise. The movement towards unification that existed in Europe before has disappeared, although even in the past, only the European Common Market, or more precisely the “market,” united them.
So I think that no matter what they do, this formation must break down anyway. It is not based upon internal unity and preliminary education of people to come closer to each other, but rather only on the desire of those who wanted to get rich from it, and what’s more, do it at the expense of others.
So what kind of union is that? What kind of common market is this if five countries accept, say, 25 additional members in order to create even more capital for themselves at their expense? This is simply exploitation of others and in a most brazen manner.
A system like this is destined to fail. Nature has intentionally pushed them towards this situation so that they could realize that a union of this kind can no longer exist in our world, unlike in previous generations when it was possible to conquer peoples. Even the Soviet Union could not hold together a similar union of socialist republics like the European Union is trying to do. So everything will fall apart because this is exactly the same system at whose foundation lays the ego.
A union can succeed only when the people yearn for it themselves. Without union on the grassroots level, all other structures will crumble. A feeling of necessity, a sense of profit from union has to come from below. Then a greater level will be attained, a spiritual level, and our union will bring more Light into the world.
They should have educated the people! But for this, it is necessary to discover the wisdom of Kabbalah, to begin to somehow teach and educate people on the grassroots level, at least a little, because otherwise everything is destined to fail.
So England can quietly remain within the European Union, because it will all end soon.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/11/16

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