Thursday, November 29, 2018

In What Should We Agree With The Creator?

laitman_963.7Question: How and in what should one agree with the Creator, and where does one insist on one’s own will?
Answer: It is necessary to agree with the Creator in everything except for one aspect: constantly chase Him so that He will lift you spiritually.
It is best to do this by showing your desire to the Creator. For example, I am with my friends in a group and show Him that I want Him to create a pure, spiritual, non-egoistic mutual connection between us. In this way, I do not leave Him. I demand the fulfillment of a desire from Him, I call on Him to do so.
Question: Does that mean that the entire world and all its problems are necessary only to push a person into such a relationship?
Answer: Only for this. For everything to come together to connect into a single system—a common soul. It is this soul, which, as stated in the Torah, broke into billions of tiny pieces during the so-called fall, that we must assemble with the help of the upper Light.
But when the Light collects these fragments and begins to bring them together, they rub against each other with their sharp edges that cut, scrape, and do not want to reunite. This is the way the Light gathers us.
Therefore, we can only do it if we wish to rise in connection and love above the cutting sensations. If not, then we will remain lonely fragments, and the upper Light will continue to grind on us all the time. Imagine it as glass fragments that are thrown into a spinning drum and begin to rotate in it.
Question: Where is the person’s choice?
Answer: Do you have a choice? Are you born of your choice? Do you live by your choice? What did you choose in life? Nothing.
The choice is only in the “spinning drum”: to reach a state where you voluntarily want to connect with the others.
Remark: They say that there is no coercion in spirituality…
My Comment: If you wish to unite voluntarily, the coercion stops.
Question: What must happen for a person to voluntarily desire it?
Answer: Attract the upper Light. When it comes, it feels bad, it is darkness, great suffering. When you attract it, that’s good.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/1/18

The Times of Israel: “Jewish Wisdom And The Next Renaissance In Europe”

The Times of Israel published my new article “Jewish Wisdom And The Next Renaissance In Europe
Today’s humanity doesn’t necessarily recognize that the foundations shaping its culture were born in Europe: philosophy, science, art, politics, economics, and language. All of these transformed man from a barbaric creature to an enlightened human.
However, day by day, Europe is sinking. Just this week, after two years of political discussions and crises, leaders of 27 countries gathered in Brussels to finalize Britain’s exit from the European Union. The Brexit is yet another jolt to the common market, which joins the decline in political stability, the loss of European identity, the rise of the extreme right and the waves of mass immigration, all threatening to sink the European ship.
Thus, the human culture that formed in Europe over two millennia, the culture that became rooted in humanity’s DNA and shaped the patterns of thinking that characterize modern society, is now disintegrating. And while it is not yet clear how the future will play out, through the prism of Kabbalah one thing is certain: Once again, the world will set its sight on the Jewish people.
Two thousand years ago, when the Second Temple was at the height of its glory, many from the nations of the world came to visit, to learn from the sages of Israel about the secret of the Jewish people – about the wisdom that brought the Jewish people together as one man in one heart, the wisdom that had the power to weave differences between people into a harmonious humanity based on the laws of nature.
Those students were introduced to the profound wisdom that invigorated the Jewish people. However, based on a limited understanding of it, they created their own distorted versions of the wisdom. Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag, a.k.a. Baal HaSulam, describes this as follows:
“The sages of Kabbalah observe philosophic theology and denounce that they have stolen the superficial shell of their wisdom, which Plato and his Greek predecessors had acquired while studying with the disciples of the prophets in Israel. They have stolen basic elements from the wisdom of Israel and wore a cloak that is not their own.
Some of the successors of those who studied with the Jewish sages write about it as well.
“The preeminence of Pythagoras was not derived from the Greeks, but again from the Jews. …He himself was the first to convert the name ‘Kabbalah,’ unknown to the Greeks, into the Greek name philosophy,” writes German philosopher Johannes Reuchlin in “De Arte Cabbalistica.
The 13th-century writer Raimundus Lullus wrote the following:
“Sciences such as theology, philosophy and mathematics take their principles and origins from the teachings of Kabbalah. These sciences are inferior to the laws and principles of Kabbalah, hence their arguments are lacking without it.
Founders of the Renaissance movement were also influenced by Kabbalah. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, an Italian philosopher and scientist who lived in the 15th century, studied Hebrew and became fascinated with the wisdom of Kabbalah.
In his essay “Oration on the Dignity of Man,” Mirandola wrote that “the true interpretation of the law given to Moses is called ‘Kabbalah,’” and noted that “the books of Kabbalah hold the fountains of knowledge and wisdom – the most solid philosophy that explains nature.
His seminal essay later became a manifesto of the Renaissance movement, which has reshaped all of Europe through art, religion, philosophy, literature, education, and more. The Renaissance brought about a dramatic change of worldview, which also led to the scientific revolution in Europe.
The physical presence of the Jews across Europe also brought about many changes throughout two thousand years of exile. In the economic sphere, for instance, the Jews had a significant foothold. Werner Sombart, one of the most prominent figures in social science at the beginning of the 20th century, described how the Jews managed to establish the capitalist system which took root in Europe:
“The people of Israel were like a sun, wherever it shone – new life emerged from the ground; wherever they left – destruction ensued.
But both the indirect influence Europe absorbed from the wisdom of Kabbalah and the direct impact of the presence of Jews who settled in Europe were an expression of a deeper and more significant process. Beneath the surface, an internal bond was forming between the Jewish people and the European peoples. Gradually, a dependence was woven between the evolution of human culture and the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Today, about two thousand years later, this process of connection is reaching a new stage. Human culture is becoming interconnected across the globe. Borders are becoming blurred, the Internet funnels humanity into a single shared virtual space, and humans need a wisdom of connection that is adapted to our generation to unify above their differences.
Since Europe constitutes the foundation of human culture, the need is felt there first and foremost. As the European continent declines, the demand for the wisdom of connection that is rooted in the Jewish people begins to bubble within, and on the outside, it appears as powerful waves of anti-Semitism.
The internal and external pressures directed at Jews in Europe, and all around the world, will push them to rediscover the unifying power of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
“To rediscover and rekindle the natural love within us, to revive and revitalize those nationhood muscles that have not been active within us for two thousand years” (Baal HaSulam).
Once the Jewish people begin to rise to a higher level of human connection, the nations of the world will also replace their hostile attitude toward them with a friendly attitude. As a result, a new Renaissance will emerge – in Europe and across the world.

The Spiritual Work Of Each Person

laitman_938.02We are the result of the shattering of the soul, that is, of the system of Adam, which is supposed to achieve similarity to the Creator.
The essence of the shattering is that each part, feeling itself separated from others, begins to understand that this is what its individual corrupted state is about and realizes the need for striving to unite with others in order to study its opposition to others and to connect together over the contradictions that divide them.
This is the spiritual work of every person who carries a piece of the broken soul (desire) inside.
Combining these desires together, we begin to attain the force that has created this desire, mind, and properties, that is, the Creator. This is not only our work, but also the meaning of our existence, the reason for our being in this world. Therefore, everything is solved only by universal connection.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 5/9/18

Medium: “Younger People Are Less Sexually Active Today. Why Is That?”

Medium published my new article “Younger people are less sexually active today. Why is that?
The young generation lives in the most permissive era: They use apps where they can find casual sex, they have the morning after pill, sexting has become a normal behavior, and our culture has never been more open to sexual relations among young adults. And yet, sex is on the decline mostly among the younger generation.
The Atlantic magazine calls this a “Sex Recession” and has devoted the coming December 2018 issue to explore the topic. A 12,665-word article tries to understand the main reasons for the phenomenon, such as an overload of online entertainment that caused a decline in the desire for sexual intimacy, the frequent use of dating apps, which made flirting in public spaces less acceptable, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and sleep deprivation have all been suggested as reasons for suppressing the desire to have sex.
Add to this the high viewing rates of porn, the #metoo movement that made men more anxious and less spontaneous about approaching women, women’s growing fear of being exploited, the blurring of gender differences, the social acceptance of getting married towards the age of forty, the trend of living with one’s parents for economic convenience and avoid having children — and there you have a range of conditions that contributed to a major drop in sexual activity over the last two decades.
But rather than seeing the decline in sexual activity as a mere problem, we should see it as an evolutionary phenomenon that is now occurring in the human race.
Drifting with the Growth of Our Ego
The ego is the driving force of human evolution. It is the natural inclination that differentiates the human from the animal world. As the human ego evolves, it drives humans to focus more on their individual needs and desires, demanding a greater and greater benefit in order for an individual to form connections with others. Today, the human ego has reached a peak where it aims to minimize any commitment to others, even when it comes to sexual activity.
The growth of the ego is the fundamental reason behind the decline in sexual activity, and it has major implications on human society. While the decline in sex is evident on the surface, the less apparent decline is happening in the basic drive for courting between the sexes. The urge to please the other, to show our affection towards the other, and to create genuine interest in the other towards us have all lost their importance. As a result, we are losing a very fundamental passion for life and a significant fuel for human activity.
Every human being has a strong need for attention. Men, for instance, instinctively want to impress women, and that shapes a lot of their thoughts and actions, with or without their awareness. Women, on the other hand, need direct attention from men, which can be expressed through a compliment or a certain act for their sake.
However, since our egoism has grown and broadened the gaps between us, human culture also adapts itself, making it easier for the sexes to avoid courting each other, and “get straight to the point.” But not only do we end up being less sexually active, we’re also numbing the reciprocal interplay between the sexes.
Male and Female Are Complementary Forces of Nature
If “courting” would be the first course to reteach our children at school, then “dance” would be the first lesson in the course.
The whole of nature exists in a harmonious dance between its male and female elements of nature — whether it’s plus and minus, sperm and egg, electron and proton, ebb and flow — the two opposite parts of creation are continuously taking on new forms and creating new levels of life.
The reciprocal movement between male and female is where the mind of nature lies. If we acquire this mind, we will recognize the unique and natural roles of both male and female, which are deeply rooted in our biology, occurring in our physiology and expressed in our psychology. While it’s certainly possible to blur the differences between the sexes, it’s impossible to eliminate them.
Moreover, blurring the differences between male and female on the sociocultural level disrupts our perception of reality. Just as the contrasts between darkness and light, hunger and satiation, bitter and sweet, etc. create meaning in our lives and build our cognition, the contrast between the sexes on the human level is critically important to our analytical ability and the way in which we decipher reality.
If we continue to drift with the growth of our ego, without consciously working on human connection, we may find ourselves in a future where babies are mainly created in the laboratory, people develop relationships primarily with robots, and human connection will gradually fade away.
The decline in sexual activity points to an evolutionary crisis designed to lead us towards the next move in our dance with nature. The male and female components of mankind have to evolve in their connection to find a new, deeper, spiritual bond that’s needed to maintain balance in human society, not just between people, but with the whole of nature as well.
While animals maintain their balance by instinct, we humans have to do it consciously. Therefore, we need education to support and drive our spiritual transformation.
As we begin to rise to a new level of human connection, we won’t need to blur our differences because we will see how they merge to create harmony, how our unique qualities complement each other, just as it happens throughout the rest of nature.
This is the connection that’s missing for all of us. Women tend to be naturally more sensitive to this, but men also have the same internal need for the spiritual union that nature has in store for us. As the Book of Zohar writes: “The human is the inclusion of male and female, and the world cannot be built, if male and female are not both present.” Discovering our spiritual connection will restore the balance between male and female at all levels — including sexual activity.

New Life #105 – Life And Death, Part 2

New Life #105 – Life and Death, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Pleasure is limited. Our lives in this world are limited. Eternal life, on the other hand, is unlimited since it is based on bestowal and fulfilling others. The death of the body is a transition to the upper world and can be attained during one’s earthly life. Families should discuss this new life, how to exit one’s self, and how to develop in the upper world. If a member of the family is dying, that person should be treated as someone who is moving ahead. The family members should be incorporated in these ideas in order to convince the dying person and then, together, they will ascend to another dimension. If we ascend above our ego in this way, the connection between us will not end.
From KabTV’s “New Life #105 – Life And Death, Part 2,” 11/14/12

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

What Is The Future Of Cities?

laitman_426Question: What future awaits cities?
Answer: In the future, thanks to the development of communication technologies, humanity will not concentrate in big cities but will spread out.
Many people will be able to work from home and all their consumables will be delivered. The home will be a bedroom, a study room, and in general, a place where a person spends most of his life. The concepts of the “city center” and “downtown” will disappear from the world, and our cities will assume a broad and balanced form.
Besides, I very much hope that as soon as humanity realizes that its universal relations with each other should be altruistic, cities will also be reformed according to this new way: everything will be for the benefit of a person so that a person will care for society and society will care for everyone. This will lead to very big changes in city structures.
The Round Table of Independent Opinions, Berlin 9/9/06

Follow The Spiritual Method

laitman_947Question: What is the difference between Kabbalists and a society of scorners?
Answer: Nowadays it’s all mixed up. I would not separate one from the other. All those who are against spiritual development, which is described starting with The Book of Zohar and beyond, are not on the same path with us.
We should take care of ourselves, constantly consulting our teachers’ writings, and not pay attention to what others do.
There is freedom of will. A person can do what he thinks is right and good if he does not harm others. Being closed in our small spiritual community, we do not harm anyone, we are open to all.
The main thing is to strictly follow the program, the advice of our teachers, and then we will reach the goal.
Question: Every time egoism increases in a person, he is more and more influenced by the outside society. How can this detrimental effect be prevented?
Answer: By immersing deeper into the study of the method and into the inner work on oneself. Nothing more.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 4/25/18

New Life #104 – Life And Death, Part 1

New Life #104 – Life And Death, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
People fear death because it feels as though we are losing ourselves and we don’t know what happens when it comes. Human consciousness, however, does not die but actually develops eternally from one generation to the next. The “self” continues to exist if it has developed to the point of feeling a common life. Discernments regarding the feelings of rejection or closeness to others are the main facets of consciousness that develop from one life to the next. People who have exited themselves during their corporeal lifetimes and reached the general heart no longer fear death.
From KabTV’s “New Life #104 – Life And Death, Part 1,” 11/14/12
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Feel The Difference Between Malchut And Bina

laitman_962.4The problem is to achieve the correct discernment. After all, who knows how objective I am? It is said that “For a bribe doth blind the eyes of the wise,” and I do not know how it might affect me, whether my opinion is influenced or not. Initially, we try to evaluate things by other standards, like when we compare our children to others’ or our qualities to others’.
Egoism operates at all levels, which is why it is so difficult to discern the truth and objectively reveal the flaws in oneself. Therefore, we must ask for the ability to see things as objectively as possible in order to observe and evaluate not from our own perspective, not from Malchut, but from the height of Bina. To the extent that a person receives a portion of the Light, he acquires the ability to distinguish his own opinion from the opinion of the upper Light. Only then can he become a real expert.
Even if I try to pray for society and not for myself, I must demand the ability to remain an objective judge from above so that the Creator would shine through me. If not, then my opinion would certainly remain egoistic. In order for the prayer to be sincere, I have to rise above my desire to enjoy, see everything from the degree of Bina, and compare it to what I saw from the degree of Malchut. The revelation of the difference between these two degrees is called “recognition of evil.”
If I do not have the two degrees Bina and Malchut, and do not feel the difference between them, and thus do not have the recognition of evil. I do not know where I am, and I possibly keep wandering inside my egoism.1
Soon, the expertise in the spiritual work, the work of the Creator, will become the most popular profession in the world. This is what we are preparing for, and all this work consists of building a network of connections between us. We are ready to say anything with words, but we have no power over our hearts, which leads us to the recognition of evil.
Therefore, we must exert effort as if the heart has already been corrected, and the Creator will finish this work for us and correct our hearts. We only need to create the place where He can work. If we complete our preparations, then the Creator will fulfill His end of the deal.
We are required to do all we can, in the fullest measure, “until the cup overflows.” The moment the cup overflows with our efforts, the Creator will interfere and finish the job: He will change our nature.2
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/14/18, Lesson on the Topic “The Mutual Guarantee”

What Is The Essence Of The Method Of Kabbalah?

laitman_264.01Question: What is the essence of the method of Kabbalah? Is it to instill a gene of spiritual altruism in as many people as possible?
Answer: The essence of the method is to unite the desires of all people into one common desire and for everyone to start feeling as one whole with others. Then a person will lose the feeling that he exists alone, separated from the others.
We cannot imagine how much our individualities, when merged, form one common individuality called “Adam,” which means “human” in Hebrew. This is what has been created.
Currently, each one of us perceives only small, partial fragments of this system. However, we should reach a state when we will perceive the entire system of Adam as a single whole and ourselves as existing together.
Imagine the transformation we need to go through in our feelings and understanding to feel ourselves merged with everyone, without any difference between us, in one common desire, in one common thought! And where is my personality, my past? I dissolve inside the others.
It is impossible to describe, but this is what we should eventually come to. We will see how our physical world gradually becomes ephemeral, imaginary, illusory.
We must actively transform ourselves from the current state to the new one. This new state is very real. It can be compared to how one cell, by starting to feel the whole organism, which consists of billions of cells, feels itself not in itself, but in all cells at once. Such a transformation takes place here; there are no analogs in our world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/24/18

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

New Life #103 – Pregnancy And Childbirth: After Birth

New Life #103 – Pregnancy and Childbirth: After Birth
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
The social environment that surrounds a family after the birth of a new baby affects the baby’s success in life. After being thrust into a new world, the baby needs to learn about connection through games, play, and stories. An atmosphere of connection needs to be created in the home. Even if the mother experiences postpartum depression and the father is nervous, they need to pretend that the situation is good and act in this way for the benefit of the developing child. All negative emotions come deliberately out of nature so that we learn to connect above them. Parents can practice through workshops at home such as speaking only about the importance of being parents and avoiding any negative comments.
From KabTV’s “New Life #103 – Pregnancy And Childbirth: After The Birth ,” 11/13/12
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Monday, November 26, 2018

It Won’t Be Boring

laitman_571.03Question: What should be done with the animal within myself? If it reaches a certain goal, it loses interest in what it achieved, finds a new goal, and everything begins all over again? What is needed for the development of the point in the heart?
Answer: The point in the heart is the attraction to the meaning of life, to the attainment of something unknown. It exists in everyone. It all depends on how much it manifests itself: to a greater or lesser extent.
Question: What if a person gets bored? It seems to him that he hears the same thing and there are no changes.
Answer: We have a vast amount of material, so I doubt that anyone will get bored. The material explains many things in life that it is impossible to say that you know everything.
In addition, it is emotional material under the influence of which you change daily, become disappointed again, and then rise again. That is, these are states that do not cease in their metamorphoses until the final correction.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/1/18

How To Get Inexhaustible Energy?

Laitman_703.04Question: What is the energy balance of renewable energy sources? Do they supply more energy than is required for their production?
Answer: We use all types of energy received from nature in the amount of one or two, with the maximum five percent of their possible productivity. This is because we use nature egoistically.
But if we treated nature altruistically, if we could work with nature according to the same principle that it relates to us, in a balanced way, then we could receive 100% of the desired from nature in exchange for relating to nature 100% on the same level.
Nature treats us altruistically, and if we also related to the whole world, to all of humanity, in a reciprocal way, with love, according to the principle “love your neighbor as yourself,” then we could extract from nature much more energy, we would reach balance with nature, and would not feel lack in anything.
We would harmoniously and integrally join nature, and would receive a positive reaction from it instead of a negative one. Today, nature shares with us as if reluctantly, as if it is obliged to release a small part of its energy resources to us.
Yet, once we reach equilibrium with nature, we will be able to receive inexhaustible energy implanted in each atom. Thus, in essence only in this lies the correction of the existing methodology and solution for the future.
The Round table of independent opinions. Berlin 9/9/06

Why Do People Suffer?

laitman_567.04Question: From the point of view of Kabbalah, why does a person suffer and what for?
Answer: A person suffers because he does not want to reveal the upper world he exists in but does not feel.
He suffers in order to develop his own desires in himself, because according to these desires, the capacity for its revelation will be disclosed. Therefore, we have no other possibilities to reveal the upper world without effort.
And for each revelation, it is clear what sort of effort you must make. At the same time, our ego will resist and force everyone to give a certain amount of effort. Without this, we will be unable to determine the size of the revealed picture, its depth, and all the colors and properties that determine this state.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/24/18

New Life #102 – Pregnancy And Birth: Preparation For Childbirth

New Life #102 – Pregnancy and Birth: Preparation for Childbirth
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Childbirth is a very painful process that ends with great joy. During labor, the mother should prepare herself mentally by thinking: “I am being born now together with my child into a new world.” The world develops by becoming rounder or more connected just like an embryo in the womb. Birth is the connection of the embryo to the world in a more developed manner. The embryo receives “life’s software” in the womb and develops it in the world. In one’s efforts to exit the womb, the embryo discovers that the world is comprised of two forces: giving and receiving. Our world leads us toward birth. Mothers who understand this pass that onto their embryo and improve the life of their child.
From KabTV’s “New Life #102 – Pregnancy and Birth: Preparation For Childbirth,” 11/13/12
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Contrast Of Opposites

laitman_962.5The created beings cannot perceive reality except through the contrast of opposites. We inevitably must feel ourselves and what is outside of us, and only in this way do we perceive reality. Therefore, first we develop our egoistic perception of reality in the desire to receive. Then, after many thousands of years of development, having reached a certain level of egoistic perception, we become ready to move to the perception of the true reality the way it actually exists, not limited by our egoism and by our nature.
But we are not the Creator, for whom this reality is natural, but rather the created beings, and therefore, we reveal the true reality only in contrast to our egoistic reality in which we grew up. Every detail of the upper reality we discover includes two opposites: one side that we notice and feel in our egoism and the other one that we perceive above our egoism.
It is like a candle that consists of oil and a burning wick where the two opposites support each other. Only in this way can we grasp, feel, study, and begin to live in the reality called “the Creator.” We perceive it only from our opposite state of creation in the contrast of opposites.
Therefore, we must always keep to the middle line without deviating either to the right, where everything is for the sake of bestowal, or to the left, where everything is for the sake of reception. Only in the middle between these two lines can we exist as the created beings and acquire the nature of the Creator.
We should not despair that we are thrown from one extreme to the other, from an absolutely egoistic perception of reality to quasi-altruism. It is the combination of these two opposites that will lead us to the true reality. We must be patient and get used to such a split, because one opposite supports the other, revealing the advantage of the Light over darkness. Without this, it is impossible to feel the upper reality.
If I agree with the darkness, understanding that this is an inseparable and most important part of my perception of reality, then I look objectively at both forms. On one hand, I depend on both of them, and on the other hand, I am between them. By my equal attitude to the Light and to the darkness, to pleasant and unpleasant states, and to good and evil, I correctly balance myself and can remain as an independent created being, moving in the middle line toward the purpose of creation, that is, toward adhesion with the upper force.1
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/16/18, Lesson on the Topic “The Work Within Reason And The Work Above Reason”

Spiritual Development And Growth Of Egoism

Laitman_524.01Rabash, “Concerning the Importance of Society”: And man, whom The Zohar compares to the tree of the field, suffers, like the tree of the field, from bad neighbors. In other words, we must always cut down the bad weeds around us that affect us, and we must also keep away from bad environments and from people who do not favor the path of truth.
Therefore, in matters of work on the path of truth, one should isolate oneself from other people… that is, from people who do not follow this path. We need a careful watch so as to not be drawn to follow them.
This is called “isolation,” when one has thoughts of the “single authority,” called “bestowal,” and not “public authority,” which is self-love. This is called “two authorities”—the Creator’s authority and one’s own authority.
Question: People who start to seriously study Kabbalah suddenly get various new desires for wealth, knowledge, and external things. Why does it work this way? After all, before that, they did not crave these things at all.
Answer: It happens in order to give them the opportunity to understand themselves and to sort out spiritual desires from material ones.
They have great desires for wealth, fame, power, and even for knowledge. This is natural because in contrast to spiritual development, the material component will always grow. So, it is said: “He who is greater than his friend, his egoism is greater.”
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 4/24/18

Medium: “Fitness In The 21st Century: The Birth Of A New Religion”

Medium published my new article “Fitness in the 21st Century: The Birth of a New Religion
Who doesn’t want to be fit these days? Trying to stay in good shape has become a noble quest in modern life, and an expensive one. Does the effort actually yield a more fulfilling life? The end result feels more like we’ve been tilting at windmills because something is missing.
Whether your daily schedule includes preparing superfoods, working out at the gym or outdoors, taking supplements, getting state-of-the-art gadgets to measure your training performance and body levels, we invest in anything and everything necessary to be in shape and healthy at any price.
Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing bad about being fit. Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve health. The problem arises when devotion to staying in shape becomes an obsession.
It is precisely this Western fixation on the cult of the body that feeds a $32 billion fitness industry. Instead of delivering, our preoccupation just adds pressure to our already heavyweight lives. How can we lift the weight off our shoulders and experience true satisfaction?
As far back as the 1950s, anthropologist Horace Miner wrote about a strange people called the “Nacirema” who were excessively focused on their physical appearance. Through various ceremonies and rituals, they tried to improve their condition at the ultimate expense of their peace of mind. “It is hard to understand how they have managed to exist so long under the burdens which they have imposed upon themselves,” Miner wrote in his journal.
As it turns out, the Nacirema were neither a lost tribe nor inhabitants of a far-off land. “Nacirema” is “American” spelled backwards, and Miner’s work is a critical review of the American worship of the body in current society. People are ready and willing to do anything to delay aging: undergo cosmetic treatments, consume what is marketed as optimal nutrition, follow rigorous and unconventional workout regimes, and whatever it takes to live up to 150 years if it were possible.
The characteristics of our generation have swung full-circle back to the days of Hellenistic Greek culture with its worship of the “I” and quest for perfection, personal achievement and competition. Our fitness infatuation has made us forget the essential truth of our existence: at the end of the day, the body will be buried six feet under and gradually rot. This distressing truth underscores the importance chasing an ageless and worthy goal.
We are not to be blamed for our folly because there is an instinctive desire to cultivate and preserve the body at the root of every human being. We have within us a yearning to reach eternity. We are just misguided and squander our strength on our passion for corporeal goals.
There is a way to achieve ultimate wholeness and eternity. When we aim ourselves above the limitations of our temporary lives at the soul’s development, we discover the feeling of attaining a supreme power that encompasses nature. This is the force that gives life to everything in nature, the force that allows for eternal life — the power of love and bestowal. A person imbued with this power begins to perceive a different reality, a life of balance and fulfillment.
How is it possible to live in this new reality? We enter it by focusing our “work outs” on our spiritual body, our inner self. Although we may continue our engagement in physical activities and take care of our health, our main concern becomes directed toward spiritual growth, which is achieved through human connection, i.e. by building and nurturing strong, meaningful relationships.
As we switch self-concern with concern for others, aging and the body’s expiration date are no longer the main focus of our lives. We invest in building meaningful connections instead of spending fortunes on phony fixes, we grab onto our inextinguishable soul. Then the loss of the body to death is no more painful to us than removing a shirt because we have risen above corporeal existence. By investing in our internal body, our inner temple, we will experience a life full of vitality, eternally beautiful and fit.

New Life #101 – Pregnancy And Birth: The Female Power

New Life #101 – Pregnancy and birth: The Female Power
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
The female power should promote humanity’s birth. A woman should feel that all of nature is her womb and through it provide everyone with life. She should use her free choice to take care of the world like a womb, just as nature wraps the embryo with love, care, warmth, and bestowal. Pregnancy can even heal a woman because she receives great forces from nature for two. If she suffers during pregnancy, this means that she lacks balance. She should learn so that she can teach her children the right attitude toward life.
From KabTV’s “New Life #101 – Pregnancy and birth: The Female Power,” 11/11/12
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Born From The Collision Of Opposites

laitman_962.2There is wisdom that accumulates with life experience in this world. We explore this world and naturally develop the tools given to us from birth. Over years and from generation to generation, our minds and hearts expand, and this is how we advance in our understanding of the world through the five senses.
However, the spiritual world requires new and completely different perception organs. Firstly, we need to acquire them, because initially we do not have them. Also, in the spiritual state we are obliged to combine two opposites in ourselves: while remaining a created being, we should become similar to the Creator. These are, however, two polar opposite forms that cancel each other. One can be either a created being or a Creator. They are two different realities.
That we are created beings but have to accept the Creator’s form while remaining in our world and state is very complicated. It requires a major change in our structure and perception. If in our world we are guided by our mind and feelings that support each other, then in the spiritual world it is the opposite, one contradicts the other.
There might be a bad feeling in a good state because we reveal the reality above our egoism. Therefore, inside egoism, we can feel terrible, but in fact, this is the best state.
Perhaps we do not understand what is happening to us without having any spiritual insight, and this will be the highest state. This is why it is difficult to perceive and establish one’s state in the spiritual reality.
Therefore, it is said that in the spiritual world, two opposites are united in one object, and faith operates above reason. It requires great stamina, attention, and time. Gradually “habit becomes second nature” because we let the upper light work on us time after time, patiently agreeing with everything it does to us.
Even if it seems as if the light does nothing, we accept that as well. That is, one needs to absolutely annul oneself to become a complete “zero.” Therefore, we move toward the inner state in which we become ready for receiving the upper light, which means that we will stop relating to it egoistically.1
Our mind cannot combine the two lines: left and right. How can there be peace and harmony in a person who would very much like to become rich, but upon finding himself in total poverty agrees with his condition in the middle line, thereby uniting the left and the right?
How can two such opposites fit together? How can it be that the more a person learns, the more he understands and feels? Every time he reveals his ignorance, stupidity, and lack of success more and more, but at the same time rejoices and reconciles these two states in himself.
How is it possible that having invested 10, 15, or 20 years into the spiritual path, a person receives nothing and is happy about it? He reveals that it is just wonderful that, with his great desire, he did not receive any compensation for his egoism. He feels perfection in the existence of two such opposites.
Our mind cannot accept it, but in the spiritual world, a person can rise to the property of Bina, to the spiritual level, just by combining the two opposites. The spiritual state is born from the collision of two opposites: a massive, unrealized desire and readiness to annul oneself. As a result of this self-annulment, a person becomes worthy of receiving the upper light.2
From The 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/5/18, Lesson on the Topic “The Work Within Reason And The Work Above Reason”

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