Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kabbalah Is The Wisdom Of Love

laitman_624_02_0The saying “I have created the evil inclination, I have created the Torah as a spice” expresses the whole thought of creation.The goal of creation is to bring everyone to a perfect connection called love, and so love of others is the main idea and goal of the Torah.
The Creator continuously develops people’s egoism so that they will recognize and understand the need for unity. First they will have to connect in order to survive and then in order to reach a more sublime meaning.
The wisdom of Kabbalah disappeared from our world for 2,000 years in order to allow the ego to develop and so that we would have something to correct. Kabbalists predicted that since the end of the 20th century in the year 1985, we will reach the right level of the ego needed for correction.
“Love thy friend as thyself” refers to a connection with others in which everyone mutually fills others. This means that the meaning of the word “love” is not bringing others pleasure but filling the upper desires of others. In that case love evokes the full connection between all of humanity into one system called Adam (man).

Unity For The Sake Of Society

Laitman_120Question: There are members of different groups in the world who unite in order to help others. These organizations want to help children or to contribute in order to ease people’s suffering. In what way is your unity different from what we commonly see?
Answer: There are indeed many organizations in the world that unite for the sake of others, but I don’t see any positive outcomes from their actions. No matter how much food and water they supply or whether they make sure that people have clothes to wear, there are still so many hungry people in the world and so much suffering that only increases from day to day. We see that such actions are not a method of correcting the world.
The wisdom of Kabbalah offers a method of organizing the situation in the world through its system of leadership. Instead of performing some minor actions that may benefit people, we need to perform radical changes through the upper leadership, thus bringing humanity abundance, power, food, and health—everything. This is possible. We only need to learn how it is done and implement it together.
People who give away everything today, who seemingly love others and are ready to reach the end of the world in order to help mankind, need to start engaging in establishing the right mutual connection with others. Then, the good force will appear in the world and help us all.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/27/15

The Supernatural In The Wisdom Of Kabbalah – Everything Is For Others

laitman_549_02Question: Can someone develop supernatural powers through practicing the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: I am going to disappoint you. There are no supernatural abilities, not even with me. I couldn’t perform any kinds of tricks even if I really wanted to do that because the wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t provide this.
If special feelings develop in a person through his spiritual attainments, he still will not use them in any way, ever. This is because what he gets, he gets from the Creator, and he must respond only through his screen.
Question: Is it really impossible to see the future or win the lottery?
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah is a real lesson that doesn’t make it possible for a person to do something for his own benefit, but only for the sake of others.
Question: But does discovery of the Creator supplement the rest of the pleasures of our world?
Answer: No, it is directed only toward giving contentment to the Creator. If you rise to this level and that gives you pleasure, enjoy it.
Question: So, how does it attract and entice a person?
Answer: It is without anything. If a person has an inclination for it, then it doesn’t matter to him what he will get or not get from it. The reward of truth is the highest reward in the world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

New Life #623 – The Software Of Life

New Life #623 – The Software of Life
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
If we knew from the previous New Year that this would be our year, would we have accepted it?
But it doesn’t depend on us, for “Against your will you live” (Pirkei Avot 4:22). In addition, we don’t know what will happen in another moment. Toward what are we developing? We are living within a general program that acts on us at each and every moment. The wisdom of Kabbalah investigates this program, the forces above our universe.
Throughout our lives we develop unconsciously. Negative forces push us forward. Thegoal that nature has prepared for us is our unlimited development, and this requires a transformation of characteristics.
Our general characteristic is a desire to receive for ourselves; we run after all kinds of things and exhaust ourselves. In fact we are now living in hell, and paradise, another world, is really close to here. To enter into the second world, it is up to us to learn to open our heart to others and connect with them.
The final objective of development that nature has defined for humanity is the acquisition of a new characteristic, a desire to bestow. Nothing will be changed for the future human except relationships with others. He will feel that what is outside of him is as he is. The future human will develop through internal technology. He will learn how to accept the higher state. There is a psychological hurdle that one must go through to feel the new world. Israel is the place where the future human will begin to develop.
From KabTV’s “New Life #623 – The Software Of Life,” 4/30/16
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Sin Of The Soul

Question: It is written that a soul that has sinned will surely die. How is it possible to understand this?
Answer: A soul is an altruistic desire, a desire to bestow, to give pleasure, a desire to connect with others.
If it sins, in other words, if it begins to receive for itself and not to bestow to others or to the Creator, then it “dies,” meaning that it transforms into an egoistic fragment that must be reborn and attached with the single general soul again. This is called “revival of the dead.”
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

The Formula Of Life

laitman_214Question: What should I study the wisdom of Kabbalah for? What will this give me?
Answer: Studying the Kabbalah helps us to understand where we are. We exist within a particular program of nature, like in a matrix, that manages us. And through a reciprocal connection, we can also manage it.
But this is only in the case where we understand how to influence it and not just to improve our physical destiny, but to discover the meaning of life. A precise and permanent existential program was inserted in each one of us and in all of us together from the start. If we look at the history of humanity, we see that everything has developed according to a particular program, which none of us planned from the start. Our destiny was inscribed from the start, but a person doesn’t know what will happen tomorrow.
Question: Is there a way to know this?
Answer: There is. The wisdom of Kabbalah was specifically given to us to discover our destiny. People reach the wisdom of Kabbalah not just to discover their fate, but also to correct it. The wisdom of Kabbalah is wisdom about life, it has been prepared for everyone, and there is a personal way within it for each individual.
Question: In other words, the wisdom of Kabbalah is a formula with which to calculate the fate of each person?
Answer: Certainly, I and my students study it. It is more or less universal for everyone, but it seems different to everyone when applying it.
From the Webinar on 2/10/16

Educating Kids Through WhatsApp? It Doesn’t Work!

EducatingKidsThroughWhatsAppItDoesntWork Article On Y Net: “In recent weeks, a lot has been said about the “state of youth.” According to the data of the anti-alcohol and drug abuse authority, children in grades 7 – 11 participate in parties where alcohol flows like water and in which they also engage in free sex. ‘The combination of alcohol, hormones, puberty, and the absence of a responsible adult is very dangerous,” says Dr. Yossi Harel Fish, Chief scientist of the Israeli Anti-drug Authority and an expert in the field of children’s risky behaviors. ‘If in the past teenagers went out to have fun and also drank little, today the purpose of entertainment is the drinking itself.”
“’Later on in the evening the clothes come off as these kids get drunk and soon the atmosphere intensifies. Such parties take place in guest rooms with a Jacuzzi, in fancy lofts, or in distant forests. In most cases the parents don’t know what is going on or perhaps prefer not to know.” This may be part of the explanation as to why they don’t ask…
If you also take into account the trendy sayings about today’s youth like “they are indifferent, cold, and alienated” or “today’s youth are shallow,” along with terms like “the screen generation,” you get a combination, which according to recent studies conducted by the University of Michigan, there is an 80% decline in the ability of today’s youth to feel empathy towards one another. “Our kids are less humane, and we don’t notice it,” said anthropologist Tamir Leo recently. Leo is right but only as to the second part of the sentence; indeed we don’t realize what is happening with the youth today.
The youth are not the problem at all
We are the problem—the parents, not the youth. Nothing in this world happens by itself. There is no such thing as “good youth” or “bad youth.” Every generation is a product of their upbringing. And our generation is the direct outcome of our neglect. We have brought this trouble upon ourselves by our own hands.
We can build the world that we want for ourselves. We have dedicated our lives to the chase after a comfortable life, a successful career, and self-fulfillment, building our status and accumulating material possessions, and along the way have abandoned our children. Where were we when they left the playground, the ball games, and the walks in nature and fell into the poisonous dosage of screens, sex, alcohol, and drugs and rolled into a state where they don’t know how to communicate if it isn’t through the screen?
Instead of preparing the infrastructure for a happy life for them, we sent them to school hoping that something good would happen to them there. But what can happen in a system whose only goal is to provide information? A system whose only goal is to prepare them for making money, to succeed, to become famous but not for what they really need in life. We have created a distorted reality for them, which is everything but what life really is. It includes infinite connections between a person and a machine and zero connections between people and between one heart to the next. Today school is one of the worst places one can be, the source of most of the “viruses” our kids are affected by.
From the Ministry of Information to the Ministry of Education
What will happen in the next generation? In a decade, in two decades? When our children will manage the world? If we go on like this, the future doesn’t look so bright.
If we wish to give our children an entry card to life, we must make education, and not the teaching of information, an important national mission. The Ministry of Education and schools as its leading institution need a face lift. Instead of the obsessive engagement in information, grades, and international achievement tests, schools should focus on building the human being in a child. It has to cope with the greatest cause of distress youth feel today—their inability to speak, to open up, and especially their inability to properly connect with the environment.
Research shows that children and teenagers simply don’t know how to converse with one another. This is one of the reasons for their drinking or smoking: drinking dulls the pain and fills the internal empty void.
This goal goes along with one of the most highly demanded skills in the labor market today, which is teamwork. The more global the world becomes, the more we need to know how to work together, how to build the right relationship between us, to develop relationships of trust and cooperation. But instead of focusing on such skills, the education system focuses on an assembly line of chemists, mathematicians, or other technocrats.
A different type of education
Education means providing a young person with the right tools to understand himself and others, to understand the impulses he and others have, to teach him how to build a relationship with a mate and have a family, and how to make the world a warm and humane place. A child needs to feel that school teaches him how to live and prepares him for real life in the complicated era of the 21st century.
Social dynamics that should result from workshops, games, and activities during the school day should turn the child into his own “psychologist.” He has to study and to explore his nature, discover himself, and thus be able to successfully deal with life.
Today’s youth are experiencing a distorted reality of norms and behaviors that they see on the screens. They see artificial patterns of what is considered beautiful and expect the scenes that they view to be realized in life. School must become a mediator which is aware of the hormonal roller coaster these young people experience and help them learn about the inner world of both sexes, while respecting others and being sensitive to them. Ultimately most of the problems stem from lack of mutual understanding.
Teenagers must feel that they have someone they can talk to and who will listen to them. They must feel that what happens to them also happens to others, and therefore there is no reason to feel ashamed or to hide anything. This process must be accompanied by the right professional guidance, but the main point is that a child has a whole inner world that school doesn’t relate to in any way, and so he doesn’t understand why he is there and only becomes increasingly frustrated as the days pass.
My private room
It is actually from this seemingly indifferent uncaring generation that all the questions about the meaning of life will burst and which will open up the door to a world that is much deeper than the one we are used to. But until that happens, we have to explain to them what is happening to them, what the point of their development is, what they undergo and what their inability to satisfy themselves stems from. We also need to study a little more about life and the purpose of life in order to do so.
What is happening among the youth and also between us today is a natural phase of our development. The human ego is changing and this is the reason for the generation gap. It is the ego that makes us uncaring and indifferent, addicted to technology, closed inside our little shell, in our private room.
But this is only the intermediate phase, one stop along the process of our internal development. We didn’t come into this world in order to communicate through a keyboard or a touch screen, but in order to break through all the partitions that keep us apart, and to communicate from one heart to another on a dimension of feelings and mind that is beyond our corporeal reality.
From the Rav Laitman’s Article On YNet

Women Become Smarter Through Love

Laitman_183_03Question: Researchers at the University of Syracuse, New York conducted a study and concluded that women in love become smarter, while men become more foolish.
Answer: The point is that, when a man sees a beautiful woman, he loses his mind. This is our nature, and there is nothing to be ashamed of or to be hypocritical and self-righteous about.
Question: Those who took part in the experiment were asked to perform simple exercises. The women did them quite easily, while the men sat with their mouths open and looked at the women.
Answer: When a man is flooded by hormones, there is nothing he can do. A woman looks at a man’s brains, while a man looks at woman’s beauty, at her body, and that attracts and tempts him. His only expectation is that she will suit his taste.
A woman, on the other hand, doesn’t look at a man’s externality. She assesses him either according to his money or according to his brains. A woman naturally can get used to any man, while a man doesn’t and must leap from one branch to the next all of the time since he is a hunter according to his basic nature.
A woman is a housewife from birth. She needs a home, a foundation. She should have children, a home to care for, and family.
This means that men and women have totally different internal foundations and perceive totally different messages, so it is absolutely impossible to compare them.
Our forefathers knew this ages ago, but we have reached a “unisex” perception lately, a unified sexual perception according to which we don’t differentiate between a man and a woman anymore. Now, we are returning to the initial stage by rediscovering who we are.
Question: What is “falling in love?”
Answer: It is a combination of totally external influences on a person, on hormones that suddenly awaken and control a person. It can be spurred by electrical signals, thoughts, waves, and in any way possible.
Question: What is love from a Kabbalistic perspective?
Answer: Love from a Kabbalistic perspective is the mutual complementation of one another that is built consciously by a man and a woman above all of the problems they may have and their correct solution.
This must be taught and aspired for. I hope that at least the next generation will be ready for that. People will begin to understand how to build relations between them called love that will not be affected by anything. They will begin to format themselves internally for the right mutual connection.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/18/16

Proof That There Is A Soul

laitman_543_02Question: Can you prove the existence of the soul?
Answer: In the wisdom of Kabbalah there are no proofs. Someone who wants to hear will hear. It is impossible to prove anything to a person as long as he doesn’t feel the higher world, and he can feel it only if he opens his senses to absorb the higher state. Here I can help him, but as long as this doesn’t happen, he will not see anything.
Question: Does a person need luck for this to happen?
Answer: He needs luck, happiness, and he needs a special sign from above.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New Life #617 – Israel And The Global Refugee Crisis

New Life #617 – Israel And The Global Refugee Crisis
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Will Europe change its attitude toward Israel as a result of the refugee crisis it is undergoing? Of course, but it will be only for the worse.
We can expect nothing from the Europeans or from the whole world for that matter when it comes to their changing their attitude to us for the better. Eventually they will blame us for everything. This stems from the fact that we haven’t brought the correction to the world, and so they hate us.
What is happening in the world today is the preparation for the blow that might hit Israel. Therefore we must take preventive measures in advance. Today’s financial crisis will increase and all the countries in the world will be in the state Africa is in.
The global refugee crisis is meant to push us to a new level in our relations with others. There is no solution other than all people all over the world entering a new kind of school for changing human nature, and Israel will manage this process.
Only when we change our attitude to others and open our eyes to see that we are all one, will life be pure pleasure. Mankind must develop. It is impossible to remain in first grade. We have to develop until we feel that we are one family.
From KabTV’s “New Life #617 – Israel And The Global Refugee Crisis,” 8/27/17
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Designer Baby

laitman_601_02Comment: Modern genetics can now enable scientists to change the genes of babies so that they will be healthier, more beautiful and clever when they are born and thus augment all of humanity.
Technology will also allow us to control the genes that are passed on to the next generation. Is it right to program the future child?
Answer: Science offers us many options and the question is how we use them.
Comment: Parents don’t want their child to suffer.
Answer: If we are given this option, I am in favor of determining in advance whether a child is healthy in the first place. If we could discover the gene of happiness and luck, it would be quite good. But that is not in our genes. Happiness is on a level higher than the level of biological research. When we have the chance to make people healthier physically and mentally, then of course we should use this technology.
People may object to this, especially religious people who claim that everything stems from the Creator, but if this is the case, what is the point in taking any measures and why should we go to the doctor, etc? It says that a doctor is given the permission to heal people since the treatment includes both a diagnosis and other elements that affect our body, and so we should determine and do it. If we could determine in the early stages of pregnancy that a baby has certain defects that cannot be corrected, the pregnancy should be terminated.
First, there is the time during which the embryo is formed and we should determine his attributes before it is formed. First there are the three days of the absorption of the semen and then another forty days of the creation of the embryo during which it is not considered an embryo yet. If we can determine what will happen to it during this time, then from a Kabbalistic, medical, and religious perspective it is not considered murder or the termination of life. This is the reason that we should use these technologies. I don’t mean that we should go against the upper nature in any way! On the contrary, I believe that after forty days, when the embryo receives its soul based on the roots and branches in our world, it is forbidden to intervene with its development. But we can determine all its attributes before that.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/15/16

Build Your Future World Now

laitman_947Question: Can a person who has begun to seriously study Kabbalah be taken from this world as a result of a disease or an accident, and so on?
Answer: Why not? Is that a bad thing?
Everyone curses our world and feels bad in this world. At the same time, everyone is afraid to leave this world. This is only because a person doesn’t know and doesn’t see what is next.
And he doesn’t need to see anything. Right now, just build your future world so that you will feel no transition between life in this body and life outside our body. In fact, our egoistic desires depict for us life in our body, but if we neutralize them, we would feel that we are in the spiritual world.
There are people who have felt spiritual phenomena as a result of great suffering because when one undergoes great pain, the body can neutralize and nullify itself.
We, on the other hand, attain it much more easily through the help of the group where we summon the effect of the Upper Light, and then we feel as if we have no body since it is incorporated in others. Instead of feeling ourselves, we begin to feel others, and this is called exiting the body.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

Monday, March 7, 2016

Listen To What A Woman Says…

Laitman_201_01Question: Why does it seem to me that women are smarter than men?
Answer: It is because they are more practical and more connected to our world. They feel it more and don’t float in the clouds like men do. So, I recommend that men listen to them.
Question: It seems that women understand the wisdom of Kabbalah much better?
Answer: Women are far from understanding the wisdom of Kabbalah more than the men. They simply feel instinctively what is better for them to attain maximum comfort, tranquility and harmony in life because the female body obligates them to this. So, if a man wants to reach the correct normal state of family life more rapidly, it is desirable to listen to a woman.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/6/15

What Is “Love Your Neighbor”?

laitman_938_04“Love thy neighbor” means connecting with your friend into one single integral system. All of us together are a single system; we are connected between us, and we are already beginning to discover our full dependence on each other.
A system of full mutual connection envelops all of humanity in intelligence and thought, in heart and desire. Within this system all of us are connected with each other, and our thoughts and emotions pass from one to the other.
But we must learn to manage this system called Adam (Man); we need to restore it from the separated and shattered fragments that are distant from each other. If we connect between us and connect these small fragments together, then we will see ourselves in an absolutely corrected state. Whether we want it or not, we must reach this state.
Question: It follows that “love thy neighbor” means giving your friend the power to advance more rapidly toward sensing this system?
Answer: Certainly, we must take the opportunity to help others participate in this also. It is up to us to help each other enter into the general system as rapidly as possible and to begin to connect it together. Then we will begin to feel not only where the contact and connection with each of the others is, but we will also feel the higher, eternal life that flows through this integral system. This must be learned, but elementarily, mainly to understand the basics. And most important is that we must realize it in the connection between us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/27/15

Be Thankful For Suffering?

Question: I suffer and thank the Creator for my pain and suffering. Is this the right approach?
Answer: If a person truly can thank the Creator, this is the right approach because if he thanks the Creator for awakening thesuffering in him that directs him toward the goal correctly, he must feel sweetness in this suffering. According to studies by doctors and biologists, the feeling of suffering or pleasure basically gives the same result because the same process occurs in the brain.
Question: I don’t understand. How is it possible to be thankful for suffering? After all, this is masochism.
Answer: The difference is that I separate the thought and purpose of the suffering from how I am feeling it. It is just as I agree to a painful operation and simultaneously thank the doctors for freeing me from the disease. We see that in our world it is necessary to settle accounts and pay for everything through effort, energy, and suffering.
However, a Kabbalist sees the goal, why he is suffering. So, he no longer considers it to be suffering. He understands that suffering helps him become free of his egoistic nature, but as long as he is on the way toward leaving it, he suffers.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/3/16

New Life #693 – Love Of The World

New Life #693 – Love Of The World
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel

All of us have been connected with each other since the moment creation began to evolve because we come from a single source. That single source wants us to evolve, like a father and mother, it wants us to attain everything good, loveNatureprovides us with the example of a mother’s love, from the moment a new life comes to exist in her, a feeling of love is also born in her. Love is expressed through filling another with what is good for him, with what he loves, what he lacks. If we were to love many people and were able to give, we would have unlimited pleasure. Therefore we have been commanded, “And you shall love” (Leviticus 19:18).
We are all a single soul, but this is hidden from us. We feel estranged from one another and the connection between us has become rejection. Soon all the inhabitants of the world will have to discover the inner connection between them, and then above the rejection there will be love, as it is written, “Love covereth all transgressions” (Proverbs 10:12); the fire of love is ignited above the fire of hatred. Kabbalah teaches us how to achieve this. Natural love will probably not crumble within the family and among the people because a new connection must be born. Love is the peak of human evolution; from love of others we ultimately reach love of the Creator, the general force that connects everything.
From KabTV’s “New Life #693 – Love Of The World,” 2/16/16
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Who Is The “Other?”

laitman_622_01Question: What do the Kabbalists mean by the concept of “other?” Is this every person or a particular group of people? You say that love is fulfillment of the desires of others, but after all, aren’t there different desires?
Answer: When a person begins to feel the higher system, he begins to understand how it is up to him to relate to people correctly. If I were to say to you that the other is everyone, then you would ask, does this mean that I must embrace the enemy, the one who hates me? It is very difficult to explain this according to the usual perception.
The wisdom of Kabbalah, first and foremost, brings the person to the study, a discovery of the higher system. From this, it will become clear to him who the other is, who is near, who is distant, what love is, and what hatred is. Otherwise, he would not understand anything.
So, all of my explanations are directed only toward making it possible for a person to relate to the wisdom of Kabbalah correctly and to begin to learn methodically in the right group. In this way, he invites upon himself and stimulates the Upper Light that will correct him, open his eyes, and he will become a Kabbalist.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/27/15

The Soul Is Part Of The Creator

Question: How was the human body created?
Answer: According to the theory of evolution, atoms first accumulated into chunks of matter, the earth was formed, and millions of years later different simple connections appeared on the surface of the earth, and life began to develop.
About 500 years before Darwin, the great Kabbalist the ARI wrote in his book, The Tree of Life, that everything evolved from the still, vegetative, and animate levels into the monkey, which is the uppermost form of the animate levels and an intermediate level between the animate level and the human level.
Question: How was the soul created according to Kabbalistic theory?
Answer: The soul was not created. The soul is a part of the Creator from above.
The Light enters our desire to receive, which wants to enjoy, and changes its attributes to the opposite attributes, into a desire to receive and enjoy for the sake of others by dressing in others and connecting with them. When a person begins to connect with others in order to bring them pleasure, he becomes a Kabbalist who receives the Light from above and conveys it through him to others.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

New Life #692 – What Is Love?

New Life #692 – What Is Love?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel

Our nature is a desire to enjoy and we love whatever gives us pleasure. We love many things depending on the hierarchy of our desires for: food, sex, familymoney, respect, and knowledge. If there weren’t hate, there wouldn’t be love, and the intensity of love depends on the intensity of hate. Hate can be toward someone or something or toward a situation in which we lack something that we love. Human development means the correction of our definitions as to what is good or bad, what we enjoy and what we don’t. Man is a social creature so he can determine values not according to his own feeling but according to the well being of society.
So why is it important to me that I am loved? Because deep inside we are all connected to one another like one body, and because of this internal connection I greatly care about what others think of me or say about me, and just as I have a desire to be loved I also have a desire to love.
Children who grow up without loving parents are really miserable, because when we don’t feel a connection between us we feel lost. Love gives a person a feeling of internal abundance that revives him, and it is a much deeper emotion that we actually know at the moment. We have yet to discover what it is.
Today people draw away from family connections; love disappears and in its place, a new connection will be built. The secret of life is connected to love, to the connection between opposites, between love and hate. Without this there is no life.
From KabTV’s “New Life #692 – What Is Love?”, 2/16/16
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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Seeing Through The Eyes Of A Baby

Laitman_197_01Question: Scientists who studied 42 babies came to the conclusion that babies see things that adults cannot see.
Answer: This is typical not only of babies. I remember that we were having lunch once, and my wife was serving the meal to everyone around the table when our little daughter who was about two years-old pointed at an empty chair and asked her mother why she didn’t serve him anything, as if someone was sitting in the empty chair.
Question: In the above study, scientists refer to the same things. Babies from the age of six months to three years notice different small and “unimportant” things that a grownup wouldn’t notice. Babies also can see mysterious figures.
Answer: This assertion has a strong basis. Babies have the feeling of the upper world. A small child suddenly can begin to pray, although he doesn’t understand anything, is not connected to the Creator, is not raised in a religious family, and has not read or heard anything about it yet. However, he already feels that since his internal nature pushes him toward the upper level, so young children have this inclination until it gradually disappears because of the external influences of our world.
Question: Does this phenomenon have a Kabbalistic basis?
Answer: Of course, the Reshimot (reminiscences) are the basis of a person’s nature, and it develops for a while. If a person continues to develop it, he continues to grow naturally into the spiritual world, but since we don’t develop it, it remains in us in its embryonic phase, and only our ego and our body develop while the spiritual part remains inside us.
Question: Do people who begin to engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah seemingly return to the phase of infancy?
Answer: Not only that, they return to their embryonic phase, and when a person goes through spiritual levels, he feels to some extent as if he were in his mother’s womb and then as if he is born and develops.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/12/16

An Ideal Family

Question: Can a man and a woman be friends?
Answer: No, only people of the same sex can be friends because the strongest attraction is sexual attraction, which means that it is above friendship.
Question: So, what is meant by the expression, “When husband and wife are worthy, the Shechina is between them?”
Answer: If a husband and a wife connect spiritually, they can reveal the Creator in this connection.
Question: What is an ideal family for you?
Answer: An ideal family is when a husband and wife develop together in spirituality and in their corporeal life, trying to establish a mutual connection between them so that one unique whole will indeed appear between them in which they discover the Creator.
Theoretically, this is possible, but I have not encountered such examples in corporeal life, which is natural for the state our world is in for the time being, the state of shattering. We may reach this state in practice, and in fact, we must reach that since in the future this will be the foundation of the family.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/6/15

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