Saturday, January 17, 2015

Nature’s Self-Cleaning

Question: When will our world become ecologically clean?
Answer: It is only according to our inner correction. During this process the world will undergo different changes and will become cleaner externally according to our inner purity.
The world cannot be better than we are internally. Therefore the more we develop, the more our ego grows, the more we waste. Look around you! I am sure that the moment we begin to clean ourselves nature will begin its self-cleaning.
Question: Do you believe in self-cleaning?
Answer: I don’t believe, I know it is so. Our internal change leads us to use nature only as much as necessary, in a rational manner, and it will gradually restore itself to its pristine condition.
We will convey the power of the Upper Light through us (through the human level –Adam) to the levels of the animate, vegetative, and still nature, and they will all be corrected and ascend all the way to the level of absolute wholeness. Our forefathers didn’t know that because they always acted egoistically, and now we especially don’t understand what it is.
So before this world disappears from our sensations, we have to bring it to its perfect state by experiencing the current descent and start to ascend up the parabola. Accordingly, the still, vegetative, and animate nature, which totally depend on us without any account of themselves, will be cleansed and will ascend.
We can only imagine it as “and a lion will lie down with a kid and a small child will lead them.” Although this is said as an allegory, it will really be so, which means that the global nature will change according to human nature.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/12/14

Choose Discovery Of The Creator And Concern For Humanity

Question: Does belonging to the chosen people, besides the heavy obligations, give the Jews any advantages, benefits or dispensations? What is good about being the chosen people?
Answer: We simply cannot refuse or reject our mission, neither those who belong to the Jewish people today, nor the twelve tribes that were lost 2,500 years ago. We cannot hide from our task; we must carry it out.
Being chosen or not does not depend upon us. We only need to look for where it is possible to add our own participation. Thanks to that, we will come to a good and peaceful life that all of us understand and appreciate. This is not in the sense that we will be higher than others, rather they will aspire to the same goal and will be included in the same process.
We will not succeed by fleeing, as we must carry out our role in any case. We must realize our mission, and nothing will help us, neither hiding nor death.
Question: In other words, being chosen indicates the discovery of the program of development of life, and acting accordingly makes it possible to achieve success in everything? How will daily life be different for a person who discovers the program of development?
Answer: A person such as this will understand where he is, how to connect with people correctly, and how to build an even greater and stable basis for even greater discovery of the higher power.
He is constantly advancing towards the disclosure of the upper force within himself and this will fill him with higher knowledge and feelings. All of his desires and thoughts will be directed only towards this.
Even today, we unconsciously yearn and aspire only to discover the upper force. It seems to us that we supposedly want only food, sex, family, well-being, money, respect, and knowledge, but in fact, through all of this, we are seeking the unique taste of the upper force.
And now, thanks to this, we are alive and sense the taste of the Creator in all of this. Everything, every object, that brings us pleasure contains a microscopic discovery of the Creator. If we want to feel this discovery fully so that it will fill all of our desires and thoughts and reveal the entire future perspective to us, we must prepare ourselves by correctly connecting with the environment.
Question: Throughout the generations in the history of the Jewish people, there were many sages who sought and investigated the upper force. This was the lot of the greatest minds of the generation, the elite. But is it possible that now every person on the face of the earth will be able to attain the Creator, all seven billion people?
Answer: First, the seven million Jews in Israel must discover the Creator and show everyone that they have this power. All people will feel this. At the very moment that thepeople of Israel begin to advance toward discovery of the Creator, all of humanity will freeze in suspenseful anticipation, understanding that after the Jews attain this, it will pass to all of the people.
Question: So who are these chosen people?
Answer: The chosen people are a people who choose the discovery of the Creator and care of all of humanity for the goal of revealing, the upper force, the general power ofnature. to all people. This is our obligation, and then everyone will truly be happy, rising above the concept of time, motion, and space, entering into another dimension.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/28/14

Regarding Practical Use Of The Higher Power

The wisdom of Kabbalah is a most practical method. In our world there is no other means for influencing our fate, our lives, and the forces of nature that manage all of this.
As we enter into the new age and receive all the means to manage our lives into our hands, we suddenly see that nothing is found under our control and in our hands, and we don’t know what will happen with us from today until tomorrow. This is the recognition of evil through which all of humanity must pass.
However, the wisdom of Kabbalah gives us connection, contact with the one force that works in reality. We can awaken it, summon it onto us and, with its help, reach the desired changes if our plans are integrated with the program of this upper force.
We need to develop in order to reach such mutual integration in the work, connection of the creatures with the Creator, and adhesion of our desires with the desire of the upper force, with the Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light), and so the question can be asked: How can we activate this upper force?
This is the only thing that must be done in the wisdom of Kabbalah and, generally, in reality. Otherwise, we continue to live dutifully carrying out the orders of the higher power and playing on the face of this earth like children in a sandbox, hitting each other and pouring sand on each other.
However, if we truly want to advance, it is possible only if we ourselves attract the Light that Reforms, and then it will begin to develop us. However, if we don’t attract it, then it will reveal how much we are suffering and have no control over our development.
The more that we develop technologically, we have less and less control over our fate, our situation. That is how we gradually reach an understanding that the wisdom of Kabbalah is speaking only about practical actions, and this work is very simple: to influence that Light. In addition, influencing it is possible only if we attain a form similar to it, meaning that we unite.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/15Writings of Baal HaSulam

How Do We Stop Being Concerned About Inconsequential Things?

Question: Yesterday evening when I had got ready to go to sleep, my 12 year-old daughter still hadn’t come home. My wife and I were unable to reach her by telephone and I, knowing about the criminal situation in our city from the newspapers, could not sleep.
The next day, she let us know that her battery had died. How can I stop being concerned about inconsequential things and overcome my hypersensitivity?
Answer: All of us understand that you are justified. Actually, since a person knows what can happen, he should be concerned and not think, “Whatever will be, will be.” However, there is a way to influence your overprotectiveness. This is through the power of the environment.
For example, we are sitting in a circle and are discussing your situation, among other things, certainly without any disrespect, without dismissing your concerns, for this could push you away. Suppose that one of the women says, “I would go to sleep.”
Later, a man adds, “Nothing will happen. Leave the statistics alone. They inflate them on purpose. I don’t want to hear anything about it. I would go to sleep relaxed. All of my neighbors would do that.”
In other words, we instill you with our behavior, for when you are gripped by panic, you become more sensitive, you absorb more, and we can influence you more strongly than an ordinary person. That is,  you will change more rapidly because you absorb what is going on outside of you more quickly.
Whether you want it or not, you will be influenced greatly by us, and suddenly, you will become more relaxed than everyone else, and then your wife will ask you why you didn’t tell her that your daughter didn’t answer your telephone calls, and you will suddenly say to her, “I didn’t think about it. I went to sleep.”
It only seems to you that this is impossible. The environment can do everything! It is ready to bring us up from every black hole to the Light, to a wonderful, good and comfortable life. Everything depends on us, on how we organize this environment.

From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/21/12

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Best Place On Earth

Question: Earlier you said that it is possible to do spiritual work while sitting behind the computer screen. So why are you now saying that someone who hasn’t come to a convention loses?
Answer: I was asked me a question, “Are there special, sacred, and unique places in the world in which spirituality is felt more than in other places?” I answered that there are no places like that. Everything in the world is found under the control of the one unique force, the upper light, which is found at absolute rest and fills all space equally.
Also, I said that if the person wants to advance, he must find a good place. What does that mean? There are places in which the higher force is revealed to a greater extent and there are places in which it is revealed to a lesser extent.
The force itself exists everywhere, but if in some place there are groups of people who are engaged with connection between them, then they are able to make from themselves and their mutual connection a detector of this power. They perceive it, it lives within them, and they increase it through their mutual interaction.
This is not saying that if I live in an apartment next door to such a group that I will be under its good influence. But if I enter into this group and try to unite with it, then I will be under the influence of what the friends accumulate among them and then I will find a good place on earth.
There is nothing sacred in geographic locations, rocks, trees, or other objects. Holiness is found where people gather who want to resemble the higher power in their mutual properties. You can advance more quickly and precisely among people like these. This is the most blessed place.
So those people who have not come to our conventions have lost a great deal. They were not included in that blessing, in the good that was here during these days. It is unfortunate, because they won’t find another place like this. In life, there are very few places with opportunities like these for a person, and so it is necessary to take advantage of them.
From the International Summer Camp In Bulgaria “Day Two” 7/12/14, Lesson #4

Spiritual Concepts As Perceived By Ordinary People

Question: You use terms like a soul, the upper world, or spirituality that are also used by many religions and different spiritual methods. But I feel that they give these concepts a different meaning.
Can you explain more accurately what the wisdom of Kabbalah refers to by concepts like the upper world, a soul, or reincarnation?
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah was founded 5,774 years ago. The first Kabbalist was called Adam.
He wasn’t the first human being on earth, because humans had existed and developed tens of thousands of years before he appeared. The only thing special about Adam was that he discovered the system of forces we are living in and described it in his book The Angel Raziel.
An angel is not a winged creature that can fly, but a force. Adam called it a hidden force because we cannot perceive this force in our corporeal senses but only can perceive the implications of its consequences. Adam was the first to attain this force that manages the whole world and he was the founder of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Modern science can discover many forces by means of research in physics, chemistry and other sciences. But there are forces that we cannot discover because we don’t have the tools to do so. These are basically forces related to thoughts, the mind, and desires. These forces exist, but we cannot perceive them.
We can identify, with the help of measuring brainwaves how a person concentrates thoughts, but we cannot examine the quality of the thought, especially if these are ideas that relate to humanity and are part of nature. Today, physicists say that our world and the whole universe seems to them like a thought and that we exist in the universe in a thought. This thought is the thought of creation.
The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to feel this thought, this force, the thought that existed before the creation of the universe and which created the universe through theBig Bang and leads it to its final definite form. There are no coincidences in nature. Everything is accurately connected and defined.
The wisdom of Kabbalah helps us develop additional senses through which we can feel the forces and the attributes that our body doesn’t feel. In order to do so, we must exit our body and connect to other people, be incorporated in one another, and create a kind of a collective emotional, energetic, mental platform that is not in each of us, but among us.
Thus, by the cooperation between us, we can begin to perceive the force that exists around us, the thought of creation, the thought of our evolution. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, it is called attaining the Creator because this force created and develops us.
The wisdom of Kabbalah revealed this long before religions appeared. People began to read Kabbalah books, but at the same time they didn’t engage in practical fulfillment by way of self-correction, development of the connection between them, and in ascending above their egos. They couldn’t understand what the books said exactly, and all religions stemmed from this as a result of this lack of understanding.
They took the names of the forces that exist in nature (spirits, angels, demons, etc.) and began to embody them in different images. Kabbalah books speak only about forces, but because people perceive these concepts through their corporeal senses, they began to imagine reality through these concepts.
The point is that everything we see and feel inside us are only forces that are perceived by our mind and are depicted in our minds like electromagnetic forces depict different images on a computer screen. In fact, nothing really exists.
By putting together a picture of the different forces and placing electrodes in a person’s brain, we can change this picture and do practically anything. But does all that really exist externally to us? No. It is only a fictitious reality that we perceive in that way.
The wisdom of Kabbalah tells a person how to correct his perception of the world and feel it, not with his body, but by using totally different senses. We are gradually approaching this level.
As for the spiritual concepts, they were really taken from the wisdom of Kabbalah by different spiritual methods. Many people use them without any reference to the wisdom of Kabbalah and this is very confusing for a person who demands correction. The right perception of reality requires a great deal of work on myself.
From the International Summer Camp In Bulgaria “Day Two” 7/12/14, Lesson #4

A Good Place For Developing The Soul

The reincarnation of the souls is like the recycling of water in our world. This is a constant exchange that takes place between different energy levels in which are found our energetic characteristics called the soul.
A soul is something ephemeral, an energy state of a person that is constantly rising and falling. Cycles like these are necessary to realize the constant blending, adhering, and division of all the souls with each other. They constantly create mutual correction, mutual integration, and bring all the individual souls into a single, generally shared state of one single soul.
This state is called the completion of correction, and we must attain it soon. Therefore, both the wisdom of Kabbalah and the crisis have appeared in this world. Not much time is left for us to reach this state, either through the blows of nature, through huge problems, or through learning and proper use of the method of  the wisdom of connection (Integral Education).
Question: In our world are there any energetic places that can fulfill the soul?
Answer: No, there are no places in the world with such unique characteristics. They influence our mental, physiological, and even our emotional attributes, but not the soul, not spirituality, meaning not the ascent of a person to the characteristic of bestowal and love.
Only in a strong group that is created correctly and in which people mutually cooperate in the right way is the focus of a state like this to be found where a person can enter this society and develop very rapidly.
This is not a geographic location; rather, it is simply an energy that is accumulated by many people yearning to discover the central force of the world. Only a Kabbalistic group is a good place for developing the soul.
From the International Summer Camp In Bulgaria “Day Two” 7/12/14, Lesson #4

Signs Of A True Spiritual Action

If I don’t think about the reward I will receive from my action but only worry about the benefit of others, it is bestowal. It is a special action that doesn’t exist in our world and is not familiar to us.
We think that a mother who takes care of her baby is an example of bestowal in our world: She doesn’t think about herself and does whatever is necessary.
But a mother acts from her natural instinct and there is no ascent above nature here. She simply feels that her baby is dearer to her than herself. She doesn’t see him as a foreign body, but actually feels that he is inside her like before he was born.
But we are establishing a special connection between us that unites us all into oneintegral system and changes us so that we will be able to operate in order to bestow. Thus, our actions are divided into an intention and the actual action. The intention is altruistic, which means for the benefit of others, and it determines the action.
If the intention is not for the sake of others but for my own sake, then even if you bestow to others, you expect something in return: at least to be in a good mood, have self-respect, or receive praise. If I cannot calculate things only in order to bestow unto others, this actions is called a transgression and the breaking of the Mitzva (commandment) since I use an egoistic intention.
It is according to such signs that I can check whether my intention is clean and whether it is really for the sake of others or not. After all, I may be acting for the sake of others but expecting to receive something for myself as well. These are the accounts that determine my place on the spiritual ladder along spiritual correction. Accordingly, if my action is for the sake of others without any self benefit, as if I don’t exist at all, my action is more sublime in the spiritual sense.
Therefore, I should totally restrict my ego before every action so as not to expect any reward for myself, as if I don’t exist at all. Baal HaSulam says that we simply have to be a pipe, a channel, that conveys everything through it, and which passes everything onwards. Thus we build ourselves by restricting our ego.
But after the restriction, I can already plan what I can do for the sake of others, for the sake of bestowal. If I can come up with such a plan with the help of the Light that Reforms, it means that I build the head of the spiritual Partzuf. With this head I can already use my desire to receive by ascending above it.
Although the ego wants everything only for its own sake, I act above it with the intention only for the sake of others, without any account for my own sake. This action is called receiving in order to bestow, which is spiritual work.
The ability to perform spiritual work comes only from the Light that Reforms. This is the reason that very few people in this world can understand and fulfill this work, and in fact there is no need for many such people.
Our group will never be big. Most people will simply go through it: They will come and go. Therefore we will keep on consolidating as a group that leads humanity along the right path of our evolution. Our power is in quality, not in quantity.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/13/14Shamati #60

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Truth That Makes No Sense

Our mission is to convey the message to as many people as possible.Baal HaSulam wrote about how much he suffered when he saw poor people wandering the streets and not knowing anything about the Creator and His control. If they knew about Him, they treated him improperly. Baal HaSulam’s dream was to reveal this information to people.
Thus, we have to reach everyone and make everyone an active part in connection with the Creator. The whole Israeli nation has to unite and to connect with the upper force in order to become the channel that conveys the Light. Today there are no restrictions and everyone should know about it.
Question: Is it true that in the discussion circles what is most convincing to people is not the arguments, rationale, or emotions, but the warm atmosphere in the circle?
Answer: There is a certain force in these discussions that operates on people. Even if only a small number of people participate in these discussions, it already spreads throughout the nation like a good “metastases” that spreads a new feeling.
A new state is appearing now not only in Israel but all over the world. It is a totally irrational state and the Israeli nation is irrational like its history.
Anti-Semitism, the attitude of the all the nations of the world towards Israel, is also totally irrational. After all, how can it be explained logically that such an enlightened and cultured people as the Germans committed the Holocaust.
There is no sensible explanation for that and it has nothing to do with religion. It isn’t an argument between Judaism and Christianity; look at how positively the Pope speaks about Judaism. He loves Israel while billions of people who follow him hate the Jews. The upper providence operates so that everything will seem totally irrational.
Therefore, we shouldn’t fear the fact that it makes no sense. We should only dress in the senselessness of the world and everything will take on the right and true form. In fact, all the nations will see that we manage this senselessness and that we have the explanation for everything, that there is a basis and a way to reveal all.
We can finally explain the reason for anti-Semitism to everyone, the conditions for the existence of the Israeli nation that will allow it to stay on the world map. We will be able to explain the special role of this nation, why it has undergone different ordeals throughout history, what the Torah actually says, and what the essence of all the religions and beliefs is.
Abraham laid the foundation for all the religions; they are all called the Abrahamic religions. They are the result of the “gifts” he sent to the East with the sons of his concubines. It is time to solve world’s problems.
We have entered a new era, and before us is to fully open this field of work.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/17/14Shamati #68

Do Not Let Humanity And The Creator Down

Question: We are discussing the next step in building the center of the group. We would like to review the current state. Today eachfriend has his own pain, his own desire, and each sees the further correction of the group in his own way. And everyone is right. But how does all of this resolve into one whole? How do we actually upgrade ourselves to a new version?
Answer: You need to finally feel that you are at the point of choice, at a fateful decision. All generations are looking at you, and right now you are determining the future and if it will it go through the path of hastening or through the natural path, in its time.
And certainly, as a result of this, all things and events will unfold one way or the other in the land of Israel and in the world.
We need to realize that we are that point through which Light can pass into our world. Therefore, everything depends on how seriously we approach our role as the transition link. Our unity must be genuine.
There is no help here from the upper or from me because everything is handed over to you, and it is up to you to create this unity. You need to decide how we will make ourselves equivalent with the Creator.
Above all, we need to connect to Him. Our dissemination, too, needs to stem only from adhesion with Him. I am seeing that otherwise we will not be successful. Yes, we are reaching out to people, but we need to deliver genuine Light to them in a way that they will become connected to us and cling to us as a baby to a mother. And likewise—the whole world.
There is a willingness for it, but we are not yet connected to the Creator so we cannot serve as a vessel of reception or as support for the people of Israel and the world. Today’s situation is such that we are obliged to establish a connection from both sides and are obliged to reach mutual guarantee, above with the Creator and below with the whole world.
You must take the connection between you very seriously. Whoever is not ready for it, even in the slightest bit, has no place here. After all, if we do not unite, nothing will hold up and all the work we’ve done will amount to nothing.
Therefore, we need to work on purifying and uniting the common vessel, checking daily and  in every second, how you are progressing along the path. This is very, very serious.
After all, we advance either through the 49 gates of impurity or through the 49 gates of Holiness. Herein lies the danger that threatens us in Egypt. So right now the choice is in our hands.
You cannot begin a new day the same way you did last week. No, a new desire and a new approach is needed. This is not in words, but in feelings and in the mind. Accordingly, we will merit either a good or a bad attitude from both directions, from above and from below.
Throughout all of history, the people of Israel have experienced pressure from above and below. And now, Israel refers to us, the group that is entitled to propel the world forward either in its time or through acceleration.
We need to change ourselves completely and demonstrate in every moment a serious approach to the work through responsibility and mutuality. I repeat that whoever does not take mutual responsibility seriously has no place here. This group does not accept everyone indiscriminately but only those whose hearts ache with concern.
It does not matter how many people remain here. Let it be ten, but this ten will be bonded tightly, will be strong, connected to the upper Light, and will be able to conduct Light through itself into the world. And conversely, there is no benefit from a large number of people who are not united and not connected with the upper Light.
This is why we need to break away, free ourselves from all illusory pursuits and work only on connection in order to reveal the upper force within this connection.
Let’s hope that we already understand this and will begin to act. I very much hope that we will offer a response to that opportunity that the entire world has been awaiting for thousands of years.
From a Talk at a Meal 11/29/14

Changes Are Not Provided

Systemic Design
Question: We often see how a new person enters into the political system with a true and honest desire to make beneficial changes, but then finds himself in a corrupt cycle.
To get results he must act according to the rules of the system. So it begins to “mold” him until the innovative spirit in him is transformed into the stale atmosphere of the old institutions. Is it possible to avoid this? Can it be otherwise?
Answer: No. In the framework of the old system we have no chance. When the person enters, he goes through the “molding of a new image”; this is an unavoidable situation and he can no longer produce anything qualitatively new.
Question: In the recent 19th [Israeli] Knesset, 53 new members entered the Knesset entered, just about half of the number of the members of the Knesset. At first they were a powerful force desiring change; however, in the end, nothing changed in principle. After all, isn’t this illogical?
Answer: In a broken egoistic society, the political leadership is more egoistic and damaged than anyone. This is because the leaders are chosen as its most successful representatives according to the criteria of this society. They are a mirror image of the people. They are us, only at a later stage.
The system “swallows” them like a grinder and already “spits them out” as others. The person must communicate, play his role, conduct all kinds of business, make appearances, arrange meetings, work, and keep all the existing norms. He has no other choice; one way or another he is thrown into a very difficult system and is forced to adapt himself to it. Otherwise it won’t “hear” him; it will have no business with him.
First they greet him warmly, but after that, when he talks about something tangible, they tell him: “No, we do things differently. Yes, certainly changes are required, but it is necessary to work according to the general rules, taking into account all kinds of interests and spheres of influence….”
In the end, the system makes what it needs of the person, not one piece remains of what he was before. They “format” him; they “polish” him like a wooden puppet. He was one puppet, he becomes another.
After half a year of this kind of acclimation to the system, the person forgets how he was before. He no longer is the same person; he no longer remembers the grandiose thoughts such as the reduction in the cost of housing or food. Furthermore, they let him manage the framework within which it is possible to lower the prices, and in this way, when he becomes a minister, he is unable to do anything.
The Changes Will Come from Below
The system of government is a monster that “swallows” people and unifies them in the general pattern. It is not a head of government, not the ministers, and not the members of the Knesset. The entire structure is built in such a way that change is almost completely blocked.
What was will be. The power, the enthusiasm, the sincere intentions, the talents and abilities, all of these are powerless against the system. “Does he want to help society? Does he want to lower taxes and prices? Please! Let’s all go and help him! Forward!” And after half a year passes it becomes clear that he already forgot the great plans, he didn’t do anything, and he won’t.
You can write notes to yourself with reminders about the personal promises; in every case, urgent matters and endless combinations of them will draw you into the routine. The system, the influence of the environment, obligates the person to take on a new form.
Question: Is there another possibility for changing the government?
Answer: No. Our only possibility is to begin the movement “from below,” from the side of the people. It is necessary to teach the people through all kinds of channels, by means of the media, books, lectures, and workshops in which we bring people a new agenda, a newgoal. Moreover, achieving this won’t depend on the government; it is not necessary for instructions to come down from a ruling hierarchy. We will teach the people what proper connection and unity are; we will teach them the correct relationships, and then the changes will come.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/16/14

We Must Come Out Of The Aquarium

Question: Why do I need to explore everything with regard to myself in the upper world while we don’t have to do so in this world?
Answer: This is because you exist in a different form in the new reality. In our world, you receive everything into your body; you feel the reality in your senses, and therefore you see this room, the walls, the windows, the table, and me.
How do you know that it all exists? It is depicted this way to you by your senses.
The perception of the true reality is revealed only in the upper world. In our world, you are limited and live in an aquarium my dear friend! You are locked inside yourself saying that you don’t need other senses except the ones that you have in your fish body. Those are enough in order to feel this corporeal life, and you don’t need anything more than that.
You don’t believe that beyond the walls of the aquarium there is a different world, and you are not trying to explore beyond the walls. However, I already have such a desire, which is the beginning of a higher level of desires. These are the same five types of perceptions, but they are on the next level. You perceive everything on your level in the desire to receive, while I develop my perception in the desire to bestow.
Comment: But I use objective measuring tools without involving my subjective feelings.
Answer: That’s what you think, but you are mistaken.
Comment: But being inside the aquarium, I cannot understand my limitations and my influence on the picture that is depicted to me.
Answer: You can. Modern science speaks about this because it has attained the limits of this world. Einstein was the first to speak about the relative perception of our world, followed by the physicist Hugh Everett and other scientists.
The moment we understand that everything is relative, we already have a problem. Everything being relative means that we have no way of measuring anything in an accurate objective way. Each time we have to add the statement that the observation is with respect to the observer who is in a certain frame of reference and in certain conditions. In that case, nothing is absolute and there are no objective facts.
Question: How does the theory of relativity help us discover new horizons?
Answer: Although Einstein’s theory was revolutionary, it is still limited since it refers only to the limitations of our perception and not beyond. It is impossible to exit the boundaries of corporeal perception by a corporeal scientific approach.
Einstein managed to reach this boundary, but didn’t manage to cross it, although he tried. We see that his attitude towards the Creator was like that towards an upper mind, an upper force, and an upper desire and thought. He believed it was very important, since it was clear to him that there is something beyond the limits of the corporeal reality that we feel.
But the only way to enter this upper reality is by special development of the initial desire of this point inside the fish that pulls it beyond the limits of the aquarium. There is a special technique of developing this point, and when it becomes a real desire, a person begins to work with it by drawing on new forces that exist outside the aquarium.
He draws these forces towards him, using everything he has in order to discover and start feeling them, to reach bilateral contact and mutual cooperation with them. Thus he attains a new life.
People who have already attained the upper perception throughout history help a person in order to spare him from wandering in the dark. They leave us their writings and their impressions on which the wisdom of Kabbalah is based. By studying the Kabbalistic sources, we awaken ourselves in the right direction and eventually also attain the revelations of the new perception and feeling of the new world.
This is the real world, since it is independent of our limited corporeal perception. We have to come out of the aquarium!
From KabTV’s “The Meeting of the Worlds” 5/12/14

Dispelling Misconceptions About Kabbalah

There are great misconceptions about the wisdom of Kabbalah.People ask, “Why is it necessary to study the wisdom of Kabbalah? Is it interesting for us to know how many angels there are in heaven and what they are called? Is it important what we call the worlds, thePartzufim, or the Sefirot? Why should we sit and learn impractical things like these that are irrelevant to real life?”
We open the book and read: Behold that before the emanations were emanated and the creatures were created, the upper simple light had filled the whole existence. Where is all of this found? This is so far from us, outside of this world and universe, outside of this space in which all of us exist together with our planet, the sun, and all the stars. All of this is absolutely abstract and detached from our world.
No practical benefit is seen nor any concrete means that would make it possible to improve our lives and perform any actions. It is suggested to us simply to study. So what is the meaning of this?
Besides that, there are those who say that because this study is too abstract, it is possible to go crazy. Since studying the Talmud and Mitzvot (commandments), the Shulchan Aruchmakes it possible to apply the study to practical activities and is preferable for the organization of our lives. We are able to provide a good education and information to children so that they will be able to proceed in the way of their ancestors.
It is customary to think that religion brings benefit to people while the wisdom of Kabbalah is like some kind of philosophy. So why does an ordinary person need this? Such an opinion is widespread and common in the world.
Or people think that with the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah, it is possible to do miracles by activating forces from the next world. And so the wisdom of Kabbalah seems even more dangerous for you are apparently working with mysticism and are liable to harm yourself and others. People are against anyone being involved with it at all, for who knows what you are liable to do? Maybe you will get access to some red button through which it will be possible to blow up the whole world.
But all of these erroneous opinions are the result of absolute ignorance. People don’t understand that the wisdom of Kabbalah is the most practical of sciences and by being involved in it, it is possible to attract the Light that reforms.
In truth, it is difficult to explain this. Even those who come to study in the beginning don’t understand what they really want and what they came for. After years of study and learning, it is gradually revealed to a person that Kabbalah is a practical method only. This is because with its help, we awaken a unique power that changes everything in our world, a power that is called the Upper Light.
If we don’t attract this Light, it still acts according to its plan. And so it controls us in any case, but only in a form that is quite unpleasant and not desirable for the upper force or for a person.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/08/15Writings of Baal HaSulam

The Peaceful Way Towards Socialism

Opinion: (Anatoly Wasserman, columnist): “With the coming of the the year 2022, socialism will be more profitable than capitalism. This means that it would be possible to implement the recommendation given by Karl Marx in 1862 to redeem the entire economy from the bourgeoisie, giving each owner that which he likes more.
“The range of problems that capitalism creates is not limited by questions of productivity. Its disadvantages are questioning the very existence of the world and humanity. Therefore, it is possible that the transition to socialism will be justified not economically, but as the way of self-preservation.
“Therefore, in the coming years, we should talk about the degree of danger that capitalism presents to the very existence of humanity, with plenty of evidence of this danger having been accumulated. It is necessary to explain to people involved in business that survival is in their own interest, and that they should become agents of socialism for the sake of themselves.”
My Comment: The transition happens in a much simpler way. That part of humanity with a point in the heart applies efforts in their unity, causing  the influence of the surrounding Light (Ohr Makif), which produces changes in them and in all people. This Ohr Makif is responsible for our progress, and through the method of Integral Education and upbringing, we accelerate its effect on us. With this, a good transition to the next level of human development takes place.

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