Saturday, November 7, 2015

Come And Learn!

laitman_243_07Question: You often answer that is it is impossible to explain something in a couple of words, and you invite people to come and learn. What does a person get from studying Kabbalah?
Answer: If Kabbalah is a science, then of course you must study it. My first profession is bio-cybernetics. It is a specialized science that developed from the combination of cybernetics, the science of system management, and biology.
This means that bio-cybernetics explores living biological systems. I studied how the systems in the human body function, not from the medical perspective, but from a mathematical, physical, and chemical perspective, and how robotization can be used in these systems.
This is how I started fifty years ago. This system scrutiny fascinated me. If I have a system, drawings and tables, I feel that I own the material.
Bio-cybernetics helped me ask the question, “What is the meaning of our life and why do we live?” and led me to the wisdom of Kabbalah.
I wanted to find where the system that manages human life is. I had to see its drawings, tables and formulas. Even back then, I already realized that nothing in nature is coincidental. Only a child who thinks that the glass he has broken fell to the floor by itself can claim that.
An adult, on the other hand, understands that we have no control over our lives and that we cannot change our fate. Life goes on according to a certain accurate flow that has been determined from beginning to end. I wanted to know who manages all of that, whether it is possible to intervene in this process, and how is it possible to affect it, or whether all that we can do is flow submissively and obediently with the current.
It is with this question that I came to the wisdom of Kabbalah where I suddenly discovered the study of the ten Sefirot125 spiritual levels, different spiritual objects called Partzufim, the levels of the depth of desire, forces that enter and exit it, and lots of drawings.
I was amazed when I encountered a most sublime science that was discovered almost 6,000 years ago and provides the most accurate explanations about the upper providence that operates us.
If I am managed from above, I want to know how it is done, and most of all, how I can be part of this providence. I cannot stand the fact that someone manipulates me and especially not when I don’t even feel or see who it is.
So I engaged in this study very seriously. In 1984, I wrote my first three books about the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to share and disseminate this knowledge a little, the knowledge that allows us to understand how nature manages us.
The upper force is nature, and there are rigid, accurate laws operating in it. Nonetheless, the wisdom of Kabbalah allows us to influence this formula of life to some extent and thus change our fate.
There are people who are interested only in how they can improve and upgrade their life and the lives of their relatives by using the wisdom of Kabbalah. Others want to improve life on a larger scale, like their country or the world, or even influence what happens between our earthly reincarnations.
We can find out where we came from and why we were born with a certain fate, with such a special soul, why we meet certain people in our lives or why we got married; we can understand all the connections between people and their mutual influences. It is all quite easy to understand once you learn the mechanism of the system.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM 11/1/15

The Enemy Is Among Us!

laitman_278_01Question: The current conflict between Arabs and Israelis affects everyone. 20% of the population in Israel today, in fact, are enemies, enemies living within the country.
If they actually revolt, it will lead to bloodshed that cannot be stopped. Therefore, there are two options: either integration or expulsion?
Answer: I believe that it is neither option. I totally agree with you: the enemy is inside us.
Within each of us there is an enemy that doesn’t allow us to connect and to unite, and so we are at a continuous war, not only with the Arabs, but with the whole world. Now Europe and America are beginning to rise against us and the rest of the world will soon follow them.
We have to look at everything from a much wider perspective. The point is not that Israelis should reach the supermarket safely and return to their homes unharmed, but that the world is advancing towards a special end and we are an active part in this process. Everyone is looking at us, whether we like it or not, pointing at us and accusing us.
We must understand what it really is, and we cannot keep denying it, asking the world to regard us like all the other nations. It will not happen! We are unique; we are responsible for something. What exactly? We need to understand what.
This is the reason that no expulsion or integration of the Arabs living in Israel will help. Only one thing can help us: the right mutual relationships between us, the right network of connection between the Jews.
Only then will we uproot the alarming inclination of an internal and external war in our country and the world. No ideology or policy, no other solution, can help here.
The whole world is at war because we the Jews are fighting among ourselves. We are in a state of unfounded hatred. Look at what is happening everywhere! We are not in the state we should be!
In the meantime we have to show the whole world that there is an option of mutual integral cooperation with one another, mental and spiritual incorporation in one another. We don’t know this yet, but nature still demands this from us.
From KabTV’s “Confrontation. How it works in reality” 10/28/15

The Birthplace Of The Good Is In The Heart

laitman_940Question: The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently accused the late Mufti of Jerusalem of convincing Hitler to annihilate the Jews. Why does this troubling idea of annihilating us repeat every few generations?
Answer: This idea came up right after the era of the forefathers. The Jews have always had to fight for their survival, ever since the time they were slaves in Egypt. The Jewish people have always been hated, especially since we fell from our spiritual height, from the spiritual level called “love thy friend as thyself.” We fell from love of others to unfounded hatred during the time of Rabbi Akiva, and we have been hated since then.
Question: I don’t know of any other nation that other nations are constantly trying to destroy, why is that so?
Answer: No other nation has an obligation to humanity to bring the positive force to this world that will balance the negative force acting in man and that will bring peace, balance, and harmony to the world. We have to bring the Light to the nations of the world, which means the positive force, by showing them an example of the correct connection and unity. Then everyone will connect according to our example. Let’s do it, because the whole world is yearning to become our pupils. The nations of the world have this desire subconsciously.
There are students from all over the world in our Kabbalah centers, people from 127 countries who are willing to study and who love us like brothers. They envy those who were born Jews and who can live in the land of Israel. It is their dream. This is an example of what happens if we show the world a good example of connection and unity and the method that enables us to attain them.  If we begin to teach the wisdom of Kabbalah to the nations of the world, they will become wonderful people. Everything depends only on us.
I have travelled all over the world and have spoken to many people from different countries. I can confirm from my experience that the moment we open the opportunity to speak to people about the method we the Jews have to bring the world, and let them feel it a little, they will be ready to do anything. After all, they feel to what extent the world lacks the positive force much more than we do. People want to unite, but cannot do so because the nation of Israel doesn’t convey this force to them. They feel it subconsciously in their heart and therefore blame the Jews for all their troubles.
Question: There are counties that have huge oil reservoirs such as the Gulf countries, and all their power is in this oil. What is the nation of Israel’s source of the power?
Answer: The nation of Israel has wells full of goodness and prosperity.
Question: How do you find them?
Answer: We have to look for them through the connection between us. We only need to connect, one Jew with another, and to stop treating each other badly, and a spring of good energy will erupt between us.
Question: Where can we dig to find the birthplace of the positive force?
Answer: Everyone has to dig into his own heart. This is the birthplace of the good. If you open your heart, you will discover a well of the water of life.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 10/25/15

Are You Asking? I Will Answer…

laitman_249-01Question: How can I convey to my friends that only connection and a good attitude can strengthen us at such difficult times?
Answer: Through example!
Question: A question about dissemination. The problem of Europe suggests that we need to make an effort to be engaged with dissemination. But how is it possible to talk about the wisdom of Kabbalah with people who don’t want to listen? Could it be that it is enough if we only study?
Answer: First and foremost we must attain connection between us, after that with theUpper Light, and after that with those around us.

The Most Powerful Weapon In The World

laitman_566_02Question: I understand that it is necessary to unite, but I cannot bear people with other political views and opinions that annoy me. Those around me argue constantly and feud, even in my family. It makes sense that if we don’t connect, we won’t survive, but I cannot manage to connect with others.
Answer: That is correct; we lack a culture of connection. We haven’t been taught how to connect with others correctly.
However, when we send a child to kindergarten or to school, we say to him, “Don’t quarrel! Be a good child! Be friendly to other children! You will see how everything will be fine.”
So, why don’t we say this to ourselves? Let’s start saying this to each other, like a mother admonishes her children.
Question: Do adults also need education like this?
Answer: Of course! We should help each other, as it is written, “Each one shall aid his fellow, and to his brother he shall say, “Strengthen yourself” (Isaiah 41:6).
Let’s shed our false pride, sour faces, and playing “macho” with everyone acting as if others don’t matter to him. Let’s be more cordial!
Then, we will see how much the world immediately will feel this and begin to relate to us well. We have no choice. This is our weapon!
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM 10/25/15

Nature Is Not Going Crazy

laitman_762_2Once in awhile it seems as if nature is going crazy, but the truth is that it isn’t nature that is going crazy, it is we who are going crazy. It is time to look in the mirror and realize where we have gone wrong and recalculate a route that includes a way tobalance the system.
We live in the system of nature that includes the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels. Different forces operate in this system and they are all connected into one huge network. Any movement in the network affects everything.
The system of nature is a closed system, round and interconnected, and therefore aspires to constantly keep its balance. This balance was kept more or less until several decades ago, and people lived a quiet life on this planet that provided everything they needed. But we have lost all restraint since the middle of the 20th century.
Air, water, and land pollution have become part of our daily life; the earth is warming; our food is filling up with toxins, and new diseases have developed in the minds and bodies. The standards that were set to protect our health and international treaties to limit the emission of greenhouse gases have been broken over and over again. This is what happens when money makes the world go round and people prefer to turn a blind eye.
We have disrupted the balance in nature on every level and there is a price to pay. Climate changes and natural disasters have begun to hit us over and over again.
The Human Network
Alongside these processes, the connections between people and between countries have also developed. Industry, commerce, the economy, culture, and modes of communication have turned the world into a global village. A network of infinite ties has been woven and has created mutual interdependence between everyone.
In order to function properly in this situation, there is a need for positive mutual treatment, but this is something we have not developed. We could develop systems of mutual help and support between people all over the world and make sure that everyone feels good and thus keep the balance, but our egoistic nature didn’t allow us to understand that in time.
An increasingly growing gap has been created, a gap between the unbalanced network of the connections between people and the balanced network of the forces that operate in the system of nature.
We Can Correct Things
“Our planet is rich enough to provide for all of us.” (Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Baal HaSulam).
Although we have seemingly crossed the red line and the point of no return, we can still correct things. Our planet can be rehabilitated and become a pleasant, blooming, flourishing home for all of us. Our planet can also feed tens of billions of people if we only learn what it means to really live as human beings.
In order to do so, we have to agree on certain points. First of all, that we have to ensure that things are good for everyone, not just ourselves. Secondly, any consumption beyond what we really need to lead a healthy balanced life destroys us and our common home.
The most important thing is the relationships between people. We must learn to balance our relations. Mutual consideration and not doing to others what is hateful for us, trying to support one another and to connect nicely, until we even manage to love one another, and our good thoughts about one another will heal the world.
“The ascent and descent of every part of reality depend on the ascent and descent of the power of man’s mind.” (Rav Kook, “The Treasures of Rav Kook”)
Development Lab
Where should the positive wave that will wash the whole world start? Here in Israel, why? Because deep inside us the great rule of “love thy friend as thyself” is imprinted. Mutual guarantee is what has made us a nation. True, it will not be easy because we Israelis also have the biggest ego in the world, but there is no other choice. The world needs the quality of the original Israel, like oxygen.
The great spiritual leaders of our nation have developed the wisdom of Kabbalah, the wisdom of connection, in order to help us in the process of correcting the world. It is a scientific method that tells us how to receive the positive force from the depths of nature, the force that can balance the evil in man and help him connect positively with his environment. If we learn to relate well to each other, we will calm ourselves, humanity, and the whole world and total balance will be restored.
“When humanity will reach its goal… by reaching the complete level of love of others, when all the bodies of people in the world will unite into one body and one heart—all the hoped for happiness will be revealed to humanity to its fullest” (Rav Yehuda Ashlag, “Baal HaSulam”).

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A New Article By Rav Laitman On Ynet—”Hate Is The Terrorist Among Us”

A New Article On Ynet
“Hate Is The Terrorist Among Us”
The Israeli public is shocked time and again by the lies that the international media spread about the terror wave in Israel. Twenty-four hours after Abu Mazen’s false accusations regarding the “execution” of the 13 year-old terrorist Ahmed Mensara on the international media channels, the boy was seen being fed by the staff of Hadasa Hospital.
This didn’t stop the reporter of MSNBC from arguing on a live broadcast that the terrorist (in this case referring to another stabbing in Jerusalem) was an innocent passerby. Unfortunately, the terrorist was shown holding a knife on the split screen behind him and the reporter had to reluctantly change his version.
The question is: why should we expect a sympathetic response from the world? It has never happened! And if we want this to happen, we need to make some drastic changes. The hostility the world feels towards us is growing stronger from day to day. So it isn’t surprising that international organizations compete to see who will put the state of Israel on a more dubious public trial.
What are they actually saying?
Instead of opening our eyes, we run around blindly insisting on pushing our uniqueness aside and assimilating among all nations, while the world treats us like a foreign body that has invaded human society and contaminates it. The world blames Israel for all the problems on this planet and there is no way we can escape this.
An ISIS activist who threatened us in Hebrew this week accurately described the enemy’s intentions “soon there will not be one Jew left in Jerusalem and all over Israel, and we will keep going until we eliminate this disease (the Jews) from the world.” It is a mistake to think that the media all over the world are lying. They express the great frustration they feel.  There is a clear message between the lines that we may not like to hear: Israel, you are responsible for the current situation!
Subconsciously they feel that there is something good and unique in the Jewish nation that they deprive the world of, and this is the reason that the whole world hates us.
What do they all want?
Goodness lies in the connection between us. When we unite, we are strong and invincible. So it is actually in the point where anti-Semites throughout history and leaders of terrorist organizations call for our destruction that we must close ranks and connect as one. Thanks to the hatred of the nations of the world towards us, we are forced to realize the one illness that is gnawing us—the lack of connection between us.
There is special power in the force of the connection between us that can stop the evil in the world and change the situation for the better. This stems from a spiritual root around which an ideological group called the “Nation of Israel” has gathered.
By using this force we will be able to stand as a firm rock against our blood thirsty external enemies that are flooding the Middle East. In the past, the wars in Israel and the threats it faced helped us unite in the face of a common enemy, while in the current wave of terror the enemy is among us, inside us. This is a new phase in the relations between us and it obliges us to reorganize them.
Hate is the terrorist among us
Instead of cutting each other off on the road or throwing Molotov cocktails in the Knesset; instead of “stabbing” each other endlessly on the social networks, we have to neutralize the “terrorists” who are revealed in the corrupt relations between us. The hatred directed toward our neighbor, friend, or family member is the terrorist among us.
The main message Abraham taught in ancient Babylon 3,500 years ago was that we should be connected. We were founded around this principle when we first gathered and united as a nation. We have an important role in teaching the method of connection to all of humanity. We have to be Light unto the nations—to offer an alternative of connection and unity to the dark and terrified world.
The wisdom of Kabbalah, including all our great spiritual leaders have been guiding us to fulfill this mission for ages. They pondered, dreamed, and wrote only about this idea and talked about it whenever they could. A united nation of Israel will be able to cope with the current intifada successfully and even put an end to it. Connection and unity are the key to real and sustainable peace.
I hope we will have better, more peaceful days.
Recently a new movement called the HaTovim [The Good Ones]—Mutual Guarantee from Kabbalah La’am was initiated. Hundreds of volunteers from all over Israel guard kindergartens every day. People who would like to join the protection project are invited to contact HaTovim headquarters. (Tel. 1700-509-209 and/or the Good Ones’ facebook page). Once you register, you will be scheduled to guard a kindergarten near your home.

About Permanent And Temporary Attainment

Baal HaSulam tells us in the “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” how a person’s soul grows and how he attains his spiritualPartzuf when he ascends the spiritual ladder from one level to the next.
Our desire to receive is revealed in its shattered form on the levels of shattering. First these are big, general, simple, and easy levels. After all, the whole correction is fulfilled from the simplest level to the most complicated and the first steps help us advance to more difficult steps later on.
This is why we begin with the root level of the shattered vessels, from level of zero Aviut(thickness) , from the upper level of the still nature in us. When we correct it, we go further, deeper, into the second level and correct the vegetative level in us. Then the animate level follows according to the same principle, and finally we correct the speaking level in us. This is how we advance both individually and generally.
Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” item 52: “After he permanently purifies the vegetative part of his will to receive, he permanently rises to the world ofYetzira, where he attains the permanent degree of Ruach. There he can also attain the Lights of Neshama and Haya from the Sefirot Bina and Hochma that are there, which are considered Neshama and Haya of Ruach, even before he has been granted with purifying the animate and speaking parts permanently.”
We permanently attain what is typical of each world, while we attain what belongs to upper worlds temporarily as an addition.
Therefore, the acquisition of the Lights of Nefesh Ruach of the world of Yetzirapermanently is accompanied by additional temporary attainments of the higher Lights of Haya and Yehida because every spiritual part includes all the other parts inside it.
Similarly, in the world of Beria, in addition to the Lights Nefesh and Ruach, I finally attain the Light of Neshama, and the Lights Haya and Yechida remain a temporary addition.
Question: I don’t understand what a permanent attainment or a temporary attainment mean.
Answer: Permanent means that I don’t lose my current level because I am already in it. I have corrected it and now it is mine.
On the whole, spiritual corrections are accumulative. Every state that I correct includesSefirot that operate from the bottom up, and I attain them permanently. But there areSefirot that I attain temporarily. I have corrected permanently everything that is below, but every level includes all the vessels KHB ZON and all Lights of NRNHY. I correct part of them temporarily, only in the framework of the current level.
Question: How can I correct something permanently if I enter the state of Ibur(conception) each time and discover increasingly more internal states?
Answer: Ibur is the building of the spiritual vessel in faith above reason, while permanently means something else.
If I reach the level of “professor,” for example, but like Steven Hawking, I discover a mistake in my earlier perception, does that mean that I lose all the previous knowledge I have? No, now I simply discover a greater Aviut of my desires, which is actually an ascent. It is actually the high level of professorship and the great scientific basis that enable me to experience such a dizzying descent and the collapse of all my earlier theories.
Although this leaves me in a great deficit, it is on top of all the earlier “pros” that haven’t disappeared. Later I will rise from the fall to an even higher level.
Here the question regarding the constancy remains and we’ll come back to it.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/14, Writing of Baal HaSulam

Why Is The Blame On Us?

Question: It isn’t enough that the whole world blames us Israelis for everything that is happening in Israel,  and even the wisdom of Kabbalah says that the Jews are to blame for everything. I would like to understand what exactly are we to blame for? You say that we are divided, but I am familiar with many good people who are friendly and help each other.
Answer: You are absolutely right, from your external point of view of the world. But if we go deeper into the system that connects all of humanity and manages all of nature, then it will be clear that the Jews are that very part through which the general force of nature influences and acts upon everything else. So if the Jews don’t behave correctly, all the rest suffer. Imagine yourself a small nation, a small group, that don’t unite well or correctly among themselves. So all the influences that pass through them to humanity go out negatively and lead to separation, opposition, and mutual hostility.
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains these laws, opens our eyes, and allows us to penetrate into the system and see the cause. From the point of view of your ordinary logic, you are right. But if we look further inside, we find justification for everything that is said in the Kabbalistic sources.
I relate to this like a scientist. My first profession was in biocybernetics, the second was in general philosophy and the wisdom of Kabbalah. in addition, I have a doctoral degree in ontology, the science of the general structure of the universe. When you study all these sciences, you begin to see how everything is organized such that all of the power of bestowal for the entire world moves through a group called the people of Israel.
This group determines everything: as much as it is connected, the whole world is also connected. If the Jews are divided and even hate each other, then the whole world will also be like this. The world justly blames Jews, because they instinctively feel that everything depends on us. Anti-Semitism and the negative attitude of the peoples of the world towards Israel indicate that they feel themselves dependent on the people of Israel. I understand that it is insulting to you to hear that they are blaming you for everything; I also used to think like you. But come, let’s not be short-sighted! The study of nature obligates us to agree with everything that is written in the Kabbalistic sources, the inner part of the Torah.
Question: Do you mean that we need to begin living in communes? Are you talking about unity like this?
Answer: No, we are not talking about creating communes. We only need to study the wisdom of Kabbalah and to begin to look at the world with different eyes, to see the internal system that manages all of humanity. Then your view changes and you will understand how much everything depends on you.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 10/18/15

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Steps Toward Clarity

laitman_229Question: The League of Nations was founded after WWI and the UN was founded after WWII; that is, humanity has always aspired to unite the world, at least externally.
Answer: These organizations were founded as a result of terrible afflictions and the desire to make the world a safer place. No politician in those days, no matter how tough, pragmatic, and experienced he was, could have imagined society the way it is today.
The elites who have the power in their hands calculate how to reduce the world population in the quickest and most quiet manner, not by wars but through local problems, by provoking unrest and civil wars in different countries.
Politicians are serious people who realize that natural resources are not infinite and that humanity depletes and burns all our natural resources. This is undesirable from the perspective of the leaders, and so it is worthwhile to reduce the world population by at least 70% -80%. And this is possible! There is no need to kill anyone and there is no need for wars. No one has any idea as to what we can expect if we use nuclear weapon. They need a clean and pure planet. In order to live on it and control it properly, half a billion people are enough instead of seven billion.
Why are they absorbing the Muslims in European countries? Because the Muslims who settle there have half the number of children they normally have and later even less and less because of the new circumstances. If they used to have fifteen children, today they have two to three.
Who is fighting on both sides in Syria? Young men. According to statistics, in Russia there is one young man for every four young women. If this goes on, humanity’s population will be cut in half in another twenty to thirty years. And so in a hundred years from now everything will be okay.
People who seemingly govern the world today don’t really want to know what is happening today, but they think about everything in a hundred years from now. But the point is that the world is managed by a totally different system, by an upper force that conveys through them the great ego related to their status. As it is said: “The heart of ministers and kings is in the hands of the Lord.”
The Creator conveys one policy through the world’s ruling elite, developing their egoism, and in Israel, a different policy, developing them to fulfill their mission. At certain times He causes conflicts between them and at other times He brings their connection.
This inclination to connect began in the middle of the 20th century, and now this ideology has advanced, entailing different eruptions including religious ones. Orthodox Christianity, for example, which has been concealed and banned for many years, has to complete its role now. Islam also has to complete its role because it hasn’t really developed and now wants to take revenge.
This is how the Creator operates both through Israel and through the world elites.
The Creator created the nation of Israel as a very small nation in which there are Levites and priests headed by Moses. A totally different force operates in this group of people, and if we focus this small source of radiation correctly, everyone will automatically turn to us and follow us. The elites will also follow us because we are all managed by the Creator.
But we are given the chance to intervene in this control, speed it up and turn it into a conscious advancement. I hope we will succeed in doing so. Humanity will perceive the wave that is coming from us and will realize that there is a solution that comes through the correction and illuminates for everyone, drawing everyone forward. We don’t lock people unto us and don’t turn them into robots or zombies, but rather, we educate them. Getting closer and joining us are the advancing steps of education.
[127664]From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/11/13

A Kabbalist Researches Himself

Laitman_003.jpgQuestion: What criteria make it possible to speak about Kabbalah as a higher science?
Answer: The problem is that the wisdom of Kabbalah cannot be accessible to by every person who studies a few years in a university and already considers himself to be a budding scientist.
In Kabbalah, you must wait for internal changes where you begin to perceive the world according to completely new personal qualities that manifest in you under the influence of the development of a unique method.
Then you will begin to feel the world in an expanded form, above your former characteristics, and will observe its past and present sensations from the side.
This new reality makes it possible for you to be your own researcher; in fact, being on a higher level of attainment, you simultaneously feel your present physical level. We call that a beastly stage because it is perceived only through our physical (beastly) body.
A Kabbalist is a person who goes to the level of attainment through his new characteristics, perceiving the universe through them, which looks completely different to him, and simultaneously he observes his previous state. This means that he sees both what he perceives through his five corporeal senses and what he perceives in his new spiritual senses.
So, it is difficult for us to talk about the reliability and repeatability, the truth of thisperception, because it is only in those who reach these changes within themselves. But everyone who have gone through them generally attain absolutely identical feelings. They begin to develop a recording, a reconstructing apparatus, a personal response.
In principle, they engage in exactly the same science as the scientists of our world, but it is on another, higher level. The only problem is ascending to this level, generating five new senses within myself to perceive our world through them, but more expansively.
Question: But every person has a personal root of this soul. So each discovers it in his own way. Does it follow that a Kabbalist is subjective until he or she reaches the full completion of correction and understands who, where, and why?
Answer: Yes, a Kabbalist can speak only about what he perceives. Only on this level does he have the right to express himself and, even then, in a very limited way because the accurate scientific understanding of every spiritual level is connected with all the other levels until the full correction of our perception.
So, even on the smallest intermediate levels, in every case, some parts remain that are not fully comprehended and we feel our limitations through them.
When we ascend the ladder of the spiritual worlds, we pass through 125 levels, but every one of them is apparently limited in the width and depth of its attainment. In other words, it is impossible to understand all the levels to the end as long as we haven’t completely gone through them.
Kabbalah recognizes and accepts this, so there exists within it a completely precise understanding of all its limitations.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah and Science” 10/7/15

From Crisis To Birth

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (To The Death Media):: It must be finally getting crunch time for the primary central banks around the world because on Oct. 10, the G30 group of global money printers admitted in a detailed report that the tens of trillions of dollars, euros, yen, and other currencies they have infused into the system has done absolutely nothing for local economies, and instead has accomplished what alternative economists stated would happen from the very beginning…
“Create asset bubbles, un-payable debt, and assure that there would be no sustainable growth. …
“Central banks have never had the primary purpose of protecting an economy , or judiciously regulating a nation’s money supply.  Instead their purpose, going back to their creations over the past 400 years, has been to protect private banks and through the tool of inflation, steal the wealth of a given country and then move on to new fields that are untouched by their locust instincts.  And with the U.S., Europe, Japan, and others standing on the precipice of near complete insolvency, the sociopaths within the global central banks are trying their best to deflect their failures onto someone else, and act like the results the world is experiencing was not their fault.”
My Comment: It is wonderful to discover that the egoistic world is collapsing and analtruistic world is being born. Even more wonderful is the help that is making its birth easier through the unity of those who want to be born together within a single new body, desire.

Where Can We Find The Patent For Eternal Pleasure?

Question: Does Kabbalah have a patent for how to find enjoyment?
Answer: Our world enables us to enjoy less and less, despite the fact that we make enormous efforts: advertising, TV, all kinds of tricks, sports, leisure, and tourism. A person does everything he can in order to find enjoyment. And nothing. Everything disappears and fades away very quickly. In the past a person was happy with a piece of meat or cheese and some vegetables.  Today you walk into a supermarket and there is such an abundance that you don’t know what to choose, and still people have lost the taste in life.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is the wisdom of receiving, of pleasure and satiation. It explores the nature of our world, the desire to enjoy, and teaches a person how to do it correctly.
Why is the wisdom of Kabbalah considered a secret study that is concealed from people? Because people had to undergo a great multi-millennial history in order to find out that they cannot find enjoyment in the framework of our nature, while on the next level, the levels of the spiritual nature, they can be filled with an eternal upper pleasure.
This feeling of eternity is the feeling of the eternal pleasure of perpetual movement in a huge bed of love, comprehension, content, and revelation. This is called the upper world, the next world, the Garden of Eden. This is where the wisdom of Kabbalah is leading us and it is all open for us.
Question: Does a person have to do any special exercises or meditations in order to achieve that?
Answer: No. You don’t need to pray or to meditate, you simply need to study two or three hours at least a couple times a week. You can do every day. We have opened Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Centers.
In addition to the study, we also have conventions in different parts of the world, from South America to North America, Europe, Russia, and other countries. Everyone is invited to these conventions, including those who have just begun to study.
The most important is the study of the correct mutual interaction between people because this is how you begin to understand how the system of connections in the upper world is built. It is opposite from our system, and pushes people to get closer to one another. It is actually in the connection between us that we find the entrance to the upper world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/20/15

Kabbalah Is For The Family

laitman_551_0Question: What is the meaning of life for a woman who has no family or kids? Could it be that she can find the meaning of life in fulfilling herself in society?
Answer: Today, most women hardly ask themselves that question. Having one child is the norm, and the family institution is becoming weaker because the rate of divorce in developed countries is now over 50%.
Today, we are less capable of sustaining a family and caring for children. At the same time, a woman still has the motherly instinct and the desire to have children, although, according to statistics, there aren’t that many. In addition, if the state ceased to encourage women to have children, there would be even fewer.
I believe that not more than 30% of the population have the desire to have children. The others have them automatically under the influence of social pressure guided by the assumption that, if everyone has kids and I don’t, it is time that I should get married also.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, a person must realize himself normally: to be a family man, have children, and care for his family. It is actually from this framework that he should grow spiritually as he learns the method of the right fulfillment of everything that he has been given in this world.
Question: Won’t the wisdom of Kabbalah lead to loneliness?
Answer: On the contrary, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, a person must get married, have children, work and care for his family, and the Kabbalistic method teaches him how to sustain his family properly and to feel great pleasure and happiness in it for many years.
The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us about how the world develops and what is determined by nature, and how we need to fulfill, use, and manage everything correctly and not distort our life in any way.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 9/20/15

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Program of Life, Part 6

Laitman_001_02The Man of the Future Invented in Israel
Question: Israel is a leading country in terms of new technologies. What is its role in creation of the man of the future? Will this person be “invented” in Israel?
Answer: There is nothing to invent, this kind of man has already been among us for thousands of years. Israel is the only country that “patented” this type of human species. Everybody will learn from us and pick up the methodology of correction from us. We’ll share it with the world for free!
Question: If an altruistic person shows up in Israel, he would immediately be “swallowed” since all around him are egoistic.
Answer: So these people hide themselves, but they are among us.
Question: Today’s Israel looks like the complete opposite: there is lots of isolation and mutual hatred among its residents. Why is it that the man of the future who has an open heart should emerge particularly here?
Answer: Israelis are the most selfish people in the world. That’s why first they have to understand and acknowledge before any other nation how terrible the state of selfishness is and realize that it needs to change.
This explains why the entire world presses on Israel. The pressure from Arab countries, Europe, America, Russia… will strengthen. New powerful waves of anti-Semitism are still ahead. We will experience more problems until we decide we have suffered enough and we implement a new program and send it around the world.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 9/8/15

Program of Life, Part 5

laitman_537Running Hurdles
Question: New technological developments will improve and develop our sensory organs of perception in the future. Instead of eyeglasses, there will be a chip implanted in the eyes, instead of a telephone, a chip in the ear or in the brain. Will this process lead to the advancement of the human race?
Answer: Humans don’t develop in this way. Instead of advancement, it only gives the opportunity for others to control us. If a computer or a mobile telephone is implanted as a chip in our brain, it would be possible to connect to us and broadcast a movie that replaces the reality. So, for the rest of our lives, we’ll lay in bed all day thinking that we moving about in the world.
And how do we know that our world today, without a chip implanted in our brains, is not a hallucination? We live in a matrix program. Human advancement is possible not because of advanced technologies, but only as a result of internal growth. With the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn to perceive a new level, the upper world that is eternal and perfect.
Kabbalah develops a new organ of perception in humans—love of our neighbors, through which we eventually will sense a new world. We just need to overcome a psychological barrier. This is possible because it’s not a wall, but only a small obstacle, like running hurdles. Together, we can leap over this psychological barrier and start sensing a new reality.
When it happens, we’ll discover that everything depends only on our attitude. Should our attitude to others decline, we’ll return to the level of this world, i.e,. descend from the upper realm. However, if we correct our attitude to others, we’ll rise back to the upper world.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 9/8/15

Program of Life, Part 4

laitman_943What will a man of the future be?
The purpose of human development is to change our properties to the extent that our locked, deaf hearts open to others.
This goal is set for us by nature. When we pursue this purpose, we discover new sensations and replace our egoistic desires with the desire to bestow. This new attitude will allow us to discover a new world.
Question: What is the desire to bestow?
Answer: It is a desire to give, share, and take care of others. With all our heart, we want to be connected with something that is outside us.
But so far we cannot treat our neighbors in this manner since people around us act egoistically and all we’ll achieve by behaving altruistically is that they will take advantage of us. That’s why we start in a small group that strives to annul selfishnessand connect with others. We begin sensing a new reality in our common, benevolent, mutual desire.
Question: Will people of the future be completely different from our contemporaries as if they are aliens?
Answer: The only thing that will be different is their attitude to still, vegetative, animate and speaking levels. In the future, people will sense others as themselves.
But this is a gradual process. If we treat others altruistically now, they will simply take advantage of us. That’s why we open our hearts only to those who are ready to respond to us in the same way.
We should unite as one man with one heart. If we succeed, we’ll sense a new world through our joint desire and common heart.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 9/8/15

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