Saturday, March 26, 2016

Where Is Europe Headed?

laitman_430Question: Why is Europe suddenly facing such difficult times?
Answer: The Creator in every way wants to lead His creation to a single form, to the total integral connection between everyone on all levels, and then to the form that can also be adhered to Him. This is the aim of our development and the purpose of the evolution of the universe, of our planet, of the still, vegetative, and animate levels of nature, and especially of man. This goal will certainly be achieved by nature, i.e., by its rigid force of evolution or by realizing the goal of creation by man and its wise fulfillment.
Humanity has already reached the last phase of its development in which society has to be united. It can either unite despite the egoism that separates everyone or by the terrible sufferings that our egoistic evolution will bring about that will force us to choose to unite in order to avoid the terrible sufferings.
The plan of creation is leading Europe toward the goal even before other nations since it is the most developed continent and therefore the most egoistic, divided, and mutually dependent on unity. This will happen along the path of sufferings or along the path of unity that is achieved willingly and consciously. The process of unity is not the unity of banks or other organizations but unity stemming from educating people and bringing them closer to one another, as one nation!
The whole world has started the fulfillment of the process of unity since the middle of the last century. It may take many more years of suffering or even another world war, but all of humanity will be united just as all of the Creator’s goals will be attained.

Kabbalah, The Most Realistic Science

laitman_214Question: Why do you call the wisdom of Kabbalah a science and not a doctrine?
Answer: Kabbalists and people who tried to understand them say that the wisdom of Kabbalah is a science. The wisdom of Kabbalah meets all the criteria according to which we define science rather than a doctrine.
A doctrine doesn’t rely on facts. It is a synthesis of ideas and assumptions that a person acquires by experience, but in any case not facts; it is not clear, accurate documentation according to the rule: “a judge has only what his eyes can see,” of observations and measurements of our world to the extent that something is revealed to him.
A Kabbalist is a person who has developed extra senses by which he explores nature more deeply than others. He explores the level of nature where the forces of the leadership are, the plan and the data of the leadership of our world, and it is a reality for him. He attains it in an absolutely accurate manner, records and builds it. The world he is in is no less real for him than our world, and so he considers his studies of theupper world scientific research and himself a scientist.
Moreover, Kabbalists claim that the wisdom of Kabbalah meets all the requirements and the definitions of a science, more than all the other sciences because it explores nature in its real form—not in the narrow framework we receive in some confusion of a range of influences, reflections, refractions of our understandings and feelings, and out of our impact on the environment.
Now we perceive the world only through our five senses or by instruments that expand their range of perception a bit, whereas Kabbalists perceive nature in its absolute form, because they develop abilities of exiting themselves, by ascending their egoism, which distorts the ability to understand nature by our egoistic feelings and mind; they become true researchers, scientists, who outperform the scientists of our world.
[179340]From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/17/16

Ynet: Time For Acceptance — 10 Myths About Kabbalah

“The International Kabbalah Convention held last week at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds, aroused curiosity and a need among many to understand what is hidden behind the mysticism. Rav Dr. Michael Laitman sheds a little light on the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah, challenging the myths and answering all the questions you didn’t have  to ask.”
To read the text on the Ynet website, click here
Last week in the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds the “Good Ones” convention from the home of “Kabbalah for the People” was held. The convention was attended by nearly 8,000 people from 64 countries, including Chile, New Zealand, Turkey, Japan, and even Ghana.
Under the slogan: “World Kabbalah Makes Israel Stronger,” thousands of students from the country and from abroad gathered with the goal of strengthening the unity and connection of the people of Israel. And indeed, such a show of connection, uniting a vast range of people above differences of opinion and social rifts, above ethnicities and sects, above religion and nationality, could be possible only thanks to the power of connection inherent in the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
The successful convention aroused among many a variety of questions about the nature of the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah. In light of the many requests, we have prepared especially for you, a “Guide for the Perplexed About the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” which includes answers to questions and addresses common myths.
What is Kabbalah?
If you encapsulate the thousands of words and books into one sentence, Kabbalah is the method for discovering the supreme force that runs our lives (1). The Kabbalists discovered that the reality we live in is managed by a system called “HaTeva (nature)” or “Elohim (the Divine)”—two terms whose value in Gematria (numerology) is 86 (2).
Kabbalah makes it possible for us to recognize the system that manages reality and to learn how we can change our destiny for the better. It provides tools for coping successfully with the problems  of every day life in a variety of areas such as economics, health, education, relationships, security, ecology, etc. (3).
What is the purpose of Kabbalah?
The goal of Kabbalah is to establish within the nation of Israel and the entire human society good and proper relationships between person and person, to the relationship of “love thy neighbor.” As a result, we communicate with the system that manages us, so we can influence our destiny.
What is the origin of Kabbalah?
Kabbalah was first discovered in ancient Babylon around 3,800 years ago, on the background of a social crisis that erupted in Babylonian society and came to an abysmal hatred among its members. Abraham, a great Babylonian priest, gathered the inhabitants of Babylon and taught them about connection and love of others. Kabbalah is the science that connected them and led them to live “as one person with one heart,” similar to the oneness and wholeness of nature.
Since then love of others has been the highest value, and only though it can balance be brought to the human ego —a force that is liable to lead to separation when it goes out of balance. The group eventually became the people of Israel, Yashar-El (Straight to the Creator), for their desire to discover the “Divine,” the power of unity that exists in nature (4).
Who is Kabbalah for?
Kabbalah is intended for anyone who feels a question about the meaning of life burning within them. It is appropriate for anyone who senses a need for spiritual development, regardless of age, gender, religion or race (5).
Are there any prerequisites for studying? No, anyone who has a desire in his heart is welcome (6).
What isn’t included in Kabbalah?
Authentic Kabbalah is not mysticism, numerology, amulets, miracles, magic, spells, red strings, holy water, Tarot cards, astrology, or anything else like that… Kabbalah is a scientific investigation based on experience, in which a person studies his egoistic nature. By studying this science and one’s involvement with it, one gradually acquires the characteristic of giving and changes his egoistic nature to love of others (7).
Who is a Kabbalist?
A Kabbalist is a person who, through the study of Kabbalah, reaches love of others and love of the “Creator,” the general force in reality. From connection with the upper force, he reveals the hidden laws of nature, and now is able to help others change their attitude to life in the same way (8).
What is the connection between religion and Kabbalah?
Throughout history love of others was the key to the success and prosperity of the people of Israel. As long as we were connected to each other and love dwelled among us, the people stood in their complete spiritual and material glory. However, when we lost the power of connection, the people split, separated, and even lost its rightful place on the map of nations.
Since the discovery of Kabbalah by Abraham until the destruction of the Temple, the people of Israel kept the commandment of love of others that includes within it 613Mitzvot (commandments) against the 613 egoistic desires inherent in us (9). At the same time, in complete replication and accommodation to these internal corrections, there are also actions among the people derived from these 613 Mitzvot. As a result of the destruction of the temple, the people “fell” from brotherly love to unfounded hatred, neglecting the correction of the heart and all that remained was a focus on the practical fulfillment of the 613 practices (10).
From the time of the Holy Ari in the 16th century onward, Kabbalists determined that the generation was ready to return to the study of the science and the rebuilding of relationships between man and his fellow man (11). In other words, it was time to engage in correcting the “evil inclination”—those 613 “broken” desires, with the help of the “Torah,” the upper force. The Torah was given to us only to build relationships of absolute love; otherwise, we will not belong to the supreme power (12). Since then, the restrictions have been removed from studying Kabbalah and the wisdom is now available to everyone everywhere: secular, religious, Jews and non-Jews.
What is the cause of the opposition to the wisdom of Kabbalah?
The Holy Ari, the Baal Shem Tov, and all great Kabbalists of the last five hundred years believed that the correction of the world will happen through study of Kabbalah and its dissemination in Israel and around the world. Those who oppose the wisdom of Kabbalah hold an opposing opinion. They claim that it is forbidden to study the wisdom of Kabbalah until the discovery will come from the mouth of the Messiah.
For many years there has been disagreement between the Hasidim and the Mitnagdim(their opponents) regarding the treatment of Kabbalah; a dispute that began in the days of the Baal Shem Tov in the 18th century and continues to this day. Despite the struggle that has arisen from time to time, we hope that those circles that oppose the study of the Kabbalah will understand the bitter mistake that has split the people of Israel specifically at the point of their foundation (13).
The people of Israel were founded around the wisdom of Kabbalah and around “love your neighbor.” They live and exist thanks to this, and their entire role and essence is to spread to the world the power of connection inherent in the heart of the science (14).
So what happens next? Where does the need and urge to study the wisdom today come from?
Man’s egoistic nature has led humanity to set up ways of life founded on exploiting others, a process that has culminated today. After thousands of years of progress and development, most systems of life that we have constructed are found in the midst of a difficult crisis: the economic system is in a prolonged death, culture and the arts are dying, the educational systems are collapsing, the family unit is disintegrating, and above all stands out the state of the ecosystem, which seems to have completely gone out of balance.
We have reached a decisive point from which we can no longer continue to manage the ways of life egoistically as we have been accustomed to. Nature is gradually bringing us to a level of despair and disappointment with life, urging us to change our attitude toward reality, forcing us to stop using egoism as the only incentive for development. To change our way, it is up to us to recognize and learn the laws that manage reality and begin to operate in harmony with nature, “as one person with one heart”—that is how we will achieve the happiness that we long for (15).
1. “The whole of the wisdom of Kabbalah is only to know the guidance of the Higher Will, why It has created all these creatures, what It wants with them, and what the end of all the cycles of the world will be.” (“Kelach Pitchei Hochmah” – “138 Doors of Wisdom”, Door 30”).
“What does the wisdom revolve around? This question comes to the mind of every right-minded person. To properly address it, I will provide a reliable and lasting definition: this wisdom is no more and no less than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and consequence, by fixed, determined rules, interweaving to a single, exalted goal described as “the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”).
2. “…it is best for us to meet halfway and accept the words of the Kabbalists thatHaTeva (nature) has the same numerical value (in Hebrew) as Elokim (God)—eighty-six. Then, I will be able to call the laws of God “nature’s Mitzvot (commandments),” or vice-versa, for they are one and the same….” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Peace”).
3. “The Wisdom of Kabbalah – The True Wisdom” (Tanna “Kanah”, Sefer HaPliah).
“The wisdom of the truth teaches us the global unity, the side of equality to be found in the whole of existence through the very top, at the parity of the form with this Maker, and how to walk without obstacles by the path of this light.” (Rav Raiah Kook, “Orot HaKodesh 2”, page 393).
4. “Kindness like that of Abraham has never been found…and he brought peace between people, for he was the father of many nations because he was the one who united and made peace among all creatures.” (“Gevurot HaShem”, Chapter 6).
“’And you shall love your friend as yourself. All the things that you want you should do them for others, making them your brothers…The law that our father Abraham enacted and through the kindness by which he led: ‘Feeding passersby and giving them something to drink and accompanying them’” (Rambam, Mishnah Torah, Sefer Shofetim, Hilchot Aivel, Chapter 14).
“When he was forty years old Abraham knew his Creator…and he began to stand up and call in a great voice to all the people, to let them know that there is one God for the whole world, and it is fitting to work for Him. And he went and called and gathered the people from city to city and from kingdom to kingdom….until thousands and myriads gathered to him, and they were the people of the House of Abraham. And he planted in their hearts this great principle, and wrote books…and the matter went and grew in the children of Jacob and accompanied them, and a nation was made in the world that knows the Creator’” (Rambam, “Mishneh Torah,” Sefer HaMedaHilchot Avodah Zarah, Chapter 1).
5. “Indeed, if we set our hearts to answer but one very famous question, I am certain that all these questions and doubts will vanish from the horizon, and you will look unto their place to find them gone. This indignant question is a question that the whole world asks, namely, ‘What is the meaning of my life?’ In other words, these numbered years of our life that cost us so heavily, and the numerous pains and torments that we suffer for them, to complete them to the fullest, who is it who enjoys them? Or even more precisely, whom do I delight? It is indeed true that historians have grown weary contemplating it, and particularly in our generation. No one even wishes to consider it. Yet the question stands as bitterly and as vehemently as ever. Sometimes it meets us uninvited, pecks at our minds and humiliates us to the ground before we find the famous ploy of flowing mindlessly in the currents of life as always. Indeed, it is to resolve this great riddle that the verse writes, ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good.’” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot”, 2-3)
“The Creator feels no contentment in His world except when people engage in this wisdom. Moreover, man was created only to study the wisdom of Kabbalah.” (R. Hayim Vital, “Mavo LeSha’ar HaHakdamot” – “Preface to the Gate to Introductions”).
“The Creator commands us to know His Providence, and indeed we want to study what this Providence will teach us. What this Providence teaches us is none other than the wisdom of truth, which is the study of His Divinity. Accordingly, we see the obligation to study the wisdom of the truth beyond any doubt.” (Rabbi Moshe Hayim Luzzatto, “Sha’arei Ramchal”, “The Dispute”).
“All the more so, with all of our heart, spirit and might, we should pursue the wisdom of faith, which is the wisdom of the path of
Kabbalah, the path of truth.” (The Baal Shem Tov, “Me’irot Eynayim” Parshat Re’eh).
“The direction of revealing the secrets of the Torah is the ideal goal in life and reality.” (Rav Raiah Kook, “Orot HaKodesh 1” 142).
6. “The language of the holy Zohar is suitable for the soul and it is the same for every soul in Israel, great or small…Each one according to his understanding and the root of his soul.” (“Hanhagot Yasharot”, Section 5).
“The Torah was given to learn and to teach, so that everyone would know, from the small to the great, knowledge of the Creator, and we have also found in many of the books of the Kabbalists who warn about learning this wisdom that every person must learn it” (“Taharat HaKodesh”, 147).
“If one is made ungifted, how can he be a wise disciple? His brain is too small to understand the words of Torah. Midrash Rabba says about that (portion, ‘And This Is the Blessing’), “The Creator said unto Israel, ‘The whole of the wisdom and the whole of the Torah are easy. Anyone who fears Me and practices the words of Torah, the whole of the wisdom and the whole of Torah are in his heart.’… Thus, no prior aptitude is required here. Rather, by the fear of the Creator alone is one rewarded with the whole of the wisdom of the Torah.” (Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag – Rabash, “Dargot HaSulam”, the article, “The Ungifted”).
“There is a wonderful, invaluable remedy to those who engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Although they do not understand what they are learning, through the yearning and the great desire to understand what they are learning, they awaken upon themselves the Lights that surround their souls.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot, 155).
7. “This means that the secrets of the Torah are revealed only to those who fear His Name, who keep His Glory with their hearts and souls, and who never commit any blasphemy. This is the third part of the concealment of the wisdom. This part (‘the secrets of the Torah are revealed only to those who fear His Name’), is the strictest, as this kind of disclosure has failed many. From the midst of those stem all the charmers, whisperers, and ‘practical’ Kabbalists, who hunt souls with their cunningness, and the mystics, who use withered wisdom that came from under the hands of unworthy students, to draw bodily benefit for themselves or for others. The world has suffered much from it, and is suffering still.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “Disclosing a Portion, Covering Two”).
“And don’t take to heart all the writers of amulets and what you will hear from them or find in their books, names that they permutate and teachers of the idea in general, and read those names by which they do wonders, all of these things, all the more so believing them”. (“Guide for the Perplexed,” Part 1, Chapter 61).
“These are the things which are from the ways of the Amorites with which we are not allowed to be involved, as it is said, (Vayikra 20:23), ‘And ye shall not walk in the customs of the nation…’ Rabbi Tzadok says, ‘Tying a red string on one’s arm is from the ways of the Amorites’ (“Reshit Hochmah,” the Chapter “Derekh Eretz”).
“What is the wisdom of Kabbalah? As a whole, the wisdom of Kabbalah concerns the revelation of Godliness, arranged on its path in all its aspects—those that have emerged in the worlds and those that are destined to be revealed, and in all the manners that can ever appear in the worlds, to the end of time.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Teaching of the Kabbalah and its Essence”).
“Kabbalah uses only names and appellations that are concrete and real. It is an unbending rule for all Kabbalists that, ‘Anything we do not attain, we do not define by a name and a word’. Here you must know that the word ‘attainment’ (Heb: Hasaga) implies the ultimate degree of understanding.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”).
“However, understanding the meaning of the word, ‘spirituality,’ has nothing to do with philosophy. This is because how can they discuss something that they have never seen or felt? What do their rudiments stand on? If there is any definition that can tell spiritual from corporeal, it belongs only to those who have attained a spiritual thing and felt it. These are the genuine Kabbalists; thus, it is the wisdom of Kabbalah that we need.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”).
8. “The depths of the Divine secrets simply cannot be comprehended by scrutinizing them with the human intellect, but rather by the Kabbalah, through wondrous people, whose soul has been imbued with the Divine Light.” (Rav Raiah Kook, “Orot HaKodesh 1”, 85).
“But Kabbalists have attainment…they are rewarded with attaining all those degrees in reality that one can attain. This is considered that they have attained a matter in full, and that complete matter is called a ‘soul.’” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Meaning of Conception and Birth”).
“…the wisdom of truth is conditioned by all the teachings, and all the teachings are conditioned by it. This is why we do not find a single genuine Kabbalist without comprehensive knowledge in all the teachings of the world, since they acquire them from the wisdom of truth itself, as they are included in it.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Teaching of Kabbalah and its Essence”).
“If the Rav teaches his students the work that must be in order to bestow, this refers to why a person comes into this world, to be an emissary for the Creator, working for the benefit of the Creator. It is found that the person is an emissary of the Creator and not that he is the master of the house in this world, rather he is a servant of the Creator, meaning an emissary of the Creator, meaning an angel of the Creator. And this is the explanation of, ‘If the Rav is like an angel of the Creator, he will seek Torah from His mouth’” (Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag – Rabash, Letters, the article, “What the Ladder is Diagonal is in the Work”).
“The Tzadik (Righteous) in all of his righteousness, his good desires and thoughts penetrate into others, so that they will also have a good desire to adhere to the Creator wholeheartedly. And by penetrating this desire into others, this is even called an activity because it is done from a desire that he has of others acting this way…and this is the meaning of the verse, ‘Thou openest Thy hand, and satisfiest every living thing with favour’ (Psalms 145:16) for the Tzadik draws abundance into the worlds and to every person. And how does he do this? It is through the penetration of his desire into others. And it is found that they all become Tzadikim through him, and in this way he can draw much abundance into them since the Tzadik is the one who opens his hands to the Creator, so to speak, to bestow to the world, and what he opens, the verse explains, ‘and satisfiest every living thing with favour’, what he bestows to everyone is a desire to love the Creator” (“Noam Elimelech”, Likkutei Shoshanah).
9. “Search was made from Dan unto Beer Sheba, and no ignoramus was found; from Gabbath unto Antipris, and no boy or girl, man or woman was found who was not thoroughly versed in the laws of cleanliness and uncleanliness.” (Sanhedrin 94b).
10. “…the Mitzvot in the Torah are no more than laws and conducts set in Higher Worlds, which are the roots of all of nature’s conducts in this world of ours. The laws of the Torah always match the laws of nature in this world….” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Freedom”).
“And now pay attention and know that all of the Mitzvot that are written in the Torah or the traditions that our ancestors instituted, even though most of them are actions or speech, all of them are for correction of the heart, ‘for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts’ (Chronicles I 28:9)” (“Yesod Mora”, page 8b).
“I see that the primary reason for the lack of success in everything being done to strengthen Judaism and Israel’s status everywhere, is that the Divine Light has been neglected, completely abandoned by heart and mind. Everyone is now turning to correct simple ultra-orthodoxy alone, as if the world could be revived in a body with no soul.” (Rav Raiah Kook, “Letter 1, 160-161).
11. “The prohibition from Above to refrain from open study of the wisdom of truth was for a limited period, until the end of 1490. Thereafter is considered the last generation, in which the prohibition was lifted and permission has been granted to engage in The Book of Zohar. And since the year 1540, it has been a great Mitzvah (precept) for the masses to study, old and young. And since the Messiah is bound to come as a result, and for no other reason, it is inappropriate to be negligent.” (Introduction to the book,Ohr HaChama, Chapter 1).
“Indeed, that Godly man, our Rav Isaac Luria, troubled and provided us the fullest measure. He did wondrously more than his predecessors, and if I had a tongue that praises, I would praise that day when his wisdom appeared almost as the day when the Torah was given to Israel. There are not enough words to measure his holy work in our favor. The doors of attainment were locked and bolted, and he came and opened them for us.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Book, Panim Meirot uMasbirot”, 8).
12. “These people who are involved with Torah, not specifically so that they will know the laws and Halachot, so that they would know how to fulfill the Mitzvot, rather they have yet a higher role. Because they learn Torah to correct the heart, they are called, ‘sages of the heart’ and not ‘sages of the mind’ because they need the Torah to correct the heart” (Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag – Rabash, Shlavey HaSulam, the article, “What Torah and Service is in the Way of the Creator”).
“…our sages said, ‘The Torah and Mitzvot were given only so as to cleanse Israel’. This is the cleansing of the body until one attains a second nature defined as ‘love for others,’ meaning the one Mitzvah: ‘Love thy friend as thyself,’ which is the final aim of the Torah, after which one immediately attains Dvekut with Him.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article “Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah)”, 15).
13. “I find a great need to break an iron wall that has been separating us from the wisdom of Kabbalah, since the ruin of the Temple to this generation. It lies heavily on us and arouses fear of being forgotten from Israel.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot, 1).
“It is well-known how that it is an immense obligation for one to study the wisdom of truth, which is the wisdom of Kabbalah and the secrets of the Torah, as explained in ancient books….And I wonder about the people of our generation, for the humble ones among them veer off from studying the wisdom of truth.” (“Amud HaAvoda” – “Pillar of the Work”, page 1).
“Turning the hearts and occupying the minds with noble thoughts, whose origin is the secrets of the Torah, has become a complete necessity for maintaining Judaism in the last generation” (Rav Raiah Kook, “Orphilei HaTahor” – “Mist of Purity”).
“Many fools escape from studying the secrets of the Ari and The Book of Zohar, which are our lives. If my people heeded me in the time of the Messiah, when evil and heresy increase, they would delve in the study of The Book of Zohar and the Tikkunim[corrections] and the writings of the Ari, and they would revoke all the harsh sentences and would extend abundance and Light.” (“Notzer Hesed,” Chapter 4, Mishnah 20).
“…the redemption of Israel and the whole of Israel’s merit depend on the study of The Zohar and the internality of the Torah. And vice versa, all the destruction and the decline of the Children of Israel are because they have abandoned the internality of the Torah. They have degraded its merit and made it seemingly redundant.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Book of Zohar,” 69).
“Many thought that too much engagement in the secret is not good, since the practical Torah would be forgotten from Israel, the forbidden, the permitted, the non-kosher, and the kosher. And what shall become of this Torah had we all delved in the secrets of the Torah? …Yet, those who despise it are not servants of the Creator whatsoever.” (“Da et Elokei Avicha” – “Know the God of your Father,” 132).
“Now you can understand the aridity and the darkness that have befallen us in this generation, such as we have never seen before. It is because even the worshipers of the Creator have abandoned the engagement in the secrets of the Torah…. If the worshipers of the Creator had, at least, engaged in the internality of the Torah and extended a complete Light from Ein Sof, the whole generation would have followed them. And everyone would be certain of their way that they would not fall. But if even the servants of the Creator have distanced themselves from this wisdom, it is no wonder the whole generation is failing because of them.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar”, 57).
“As long as orthodoxy insists on saying, ‘No! Only Gemara and Mishna, no legends, no ethics, no Kabbalah, and no research,” it dwindles itself. All the means it uses to protect itself, without taking the true potion of life, the Light of the Torah in its internals, beyond the tangible and obvious—the revealed in the Torah and Mitzvot—are utterly incapable of leading to its goal in all the generations, and especially in our generation, unless accompanied by expanding the many spiritual roots.” (Rav Raiah Kook, “Letter 2,” 232-233).
“The crown of the Torah is the wisdom of Kabbalah, from which the majority of the world retires, saying that you should observe what is permitted and that you have no dealings in the hidden. You, if you are fit for this teaching, reach out your hand, hold it, and do not move from it. This is because one who did not taste the flavor of this wisdom, has never seen Lights in his life, and he is walking in the dark. And woe unto the people from the affront of this Torah.” (Sefer HaBrit – The Book of the Covenant, Part 2, Article 12, Chapter 5).
14. “’Israel is someone who has a desire straight to God (Yashar-El), meaning that he has no narcissistic desires, but only a desire for altruism” (Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag – Rabash, Shlavei HaSulam, the article, “And when you will come to the land that the LORD your God gave to you”).
“Israel – The essence of the world and its existence” (Ma’arechet Elokut, Chapter 10, “Shaar HaAdam”).
“The secret of the oneness of the world dwells in Israel” (Rav Raiah Kook, “Orot HaKodesh B”).
“From Israel holiness spreads to the entire world” (The book, Zohar for the People,Parshat Emor, section 92).
“The children of Israel become guarantors for correction of the entire world with the power of Torah. For everything depends on the children of Israel. When they correct themselves, they will draw all of creation after them” (“Sfat Emet,” Sefer Shemot, Parshat Yitro).
“…it is upon the Israeli nation to qualify itself and all the people of the world…to develop until they take upon themselves that sublime work of the love of others, which is the ladder to the purpose of Creation, which is Dvekut with Him.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, the article, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)” 20).
“The purpose of Israel is to unify the entire world into one family” (Rav Raiah Kook, “Tilchash Li Sod HaHavayah”).
15. “Indeed, when all human beings agree to abolish and eradicate their will to receive for themselves, and have no other desire but to bestow upon their friends, all worries and jeopardy in the world would cease to exist. And we would all be assured of a whole and wholesome life, since each of us would have a whole world caring for us, ready to fulfill our needs.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” 19).
“The great evils that happen between each and every person, between a person to his friend, are derived from a lack of knowledge. If a person had knowledge about the human form, he would halt all the harm that he causes to himself and others. For knowledge of the truth removes animosity and hatred and nullifies the harm that people cause each other”. (Rambam, “Guide to the Perplexed”).
“The Wisdom of Kabbalah is the Wisdom of Truth” (“HaShalah HaKodesh”, Toldot Adam).
From the article on Ynet, 3/2/16

New Life #531 – The Prayer Of Many

New Life #531 – The Prayer Of ManyDr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Even when masses of people pray together for everything to be fine, there is no guarantee that their prayer will be answered.
Nature demands that we should be in a state of “love thy friend as thyself.” We have to educate ourselves to love.
To pray means to check yourself as to whether you really aim at love of others. It is hard for us to feel love for others, so this process takes place in a group, in a Minyan (agroup of ten), in the prayer of many.
The good and benevolent force is everywhere, but it is hidden from us. Our nature is opposite from it and so we don’t feel it. All the evil in our life stems from the fact that we are opposite to this good force.
If we don’t want to be deluded into thinking that we already love everyone, we have to work with people, in the group, in relation to everyone. All the people in the world are part of my soul. We acquire our soul through love.
From KabTV’s “New Life #531 – The Prayer Of Many,” 3/1/15
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The Objective Perception Of The World

Laitman_197_01Comment: Scientists have discovered that every object, from cars, birds, or people’s faces to the letters of the alphabet seem different to people who know them from those who see them for the first time.
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah differs from other sciences since it immediately shows a person the world on the next level, and so all the current and future studies, which always reveal something new to the ego are not considered new according to the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Kabbalah immediately provides us with the basis for the egoistic perception of the world and that which is above the ego, therefore everything that exists on these two levels, and between them, a person who studies Kabbalah begins to perceive absolutely correctly.
There is never an actual face or form, so a person’s perception depends only on the extent to which he is an in absolutely objective state, that is, rising above all his sensations.
After all, everything that we feel we sense in our desires, characteristics, and feelings. If our attributes changed, we would see the trees, the sky, the birds, the earth, people, and everything that surrounds us differently from the way they are depicted to us now. It depends on our internal attributes.
If a person from another planet came here, he would perceive everything in this world in a totally different manner than the way we perceive it in our attributes. It is therefore impossible to say that there are forms in this world, sights, attributes, or laws that are objective and independent. Everything is revealed and exists only in a person’s individual attitude.
Let’s become acquainted with different objects and the world more deeply, meaning what they represent. And then we would cease to see our world and instead would begin to see the upper spiritual world: the forces, the mutual connections, the intrinsic properties, which are now depicted to us as corporeal objects.
And if we penetrate more deeply, we will cease to see corporeal objects since they don’t exist. We will only see the properties rather than the material bodies.
If a person has been married for forty years, for example, he is used to seeing a certain figure instead of his wife, and she also perceives him as an image that is built by his attributes, by their mutual relations, etc. People get used to each other and don’t pay attention to certain attributes that each one has.
This can somehow be compared to what would happen to us if we began to acquire the attribute of the upper world. We would simply see it instead of our world. It is just as a wife sees her husband in a totally different manner than a stranger would see him, since for her he is a more internal image than the external image.
This is also how we would see the internal image of our world that is called the upper world. We would see forces and attributes, not the external wrappings that our five corporeal senses depict for us.
Everyone can do that. We only have to learn about the upper world, and then the internal attributes that match its attributes will appear in us. We will begin to feel it just as it really is and our world in the form of objects will disappear.
Question: If I see a table, a wall, you, etc., on the dimension of this world, will I see forces when I rise above this dimension?
Answer: Yes, forces that depict in you such objects that don’t really exist.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/10/16

Mutual Connection Used As A Weapon

 271Opinion ( “Interdependence, once heralded as a barrier to conflict, has turned into a currency of power, as countries try to exploit the asymmetries in their relations. Many have understood that the trick is to make your competitors more dependent on you than you are on them – and then use that dependency to manipulate their behaviour.
“Like when a marriage goes wrong, it is the innumerable links and dependencies that make any war of the roses effective – and painful. Many of the tools look familiar to those employed during the globalisation of the 1990s, but their purpose is different.
“The global trading regime, once a tool of integration, has been riven by economic and financial sanctions. Likewise, global multilateral institutions are increasingly sidelined by a new generation of competing friendship clubs. Rather than using infrastructure and the construction of physical infrastructure links as a way to maximise profits, China and the US are using them as a tool for power projection. And even the internet is being used as a weapon, and fragmented because of concerns about privacy and security.
“This means that countries that do not depend too much on any single other country (with a diversified economy; able to import energy from many places) will be shielded from most geo-economic attacks.”
My Comment: All that is done by man in this world is done through egoism. Therefore there are no positive results that can be derived from it. Recognition of its harm, meaning the recognition of evil in all of our actions, leads to its replacement by another action, which also reveals itself as the next evil, and so on, until we become disappointed by all our actions and, in desperation, hear what the wisdom of Kabbalahoffers us. We must first remake ourselves and then we can do anything.

The State Of Israstine

Laitman_417Comment: The leader of the left wing Isaac Hertzog said that the actions of the extremist on the right and the left will lead to the establishment of a new state in Israel called “Israstine,” and that we need to unite.
Answer: What does this unity come down to? After all, a politician doesn’t think about anything but reaching a higher position. This is the reason he is a politician.
I believe that political bickering has always been the death of Israel because we are a nation based on the unity between different peoples. Abraham formed a group that was later called Israel from peoples who lived in ancient Babylon who were very different from each other, and so what forms the Jewish nation is actually the unity between its people.
The Jews have no nationality and whoever joins the idea of unity, the right mutual integration between people, is called a Jew. The word “Jew – Yechudi”  stems from the Hebrew word “unity – Yichud.” Therefore, “love thy friend as thyself” is the main natural law and the basis for the existence of our nation.
But we have forgotten all that and have not been living according to that for ages. We are not the same Jews who lived in ancient times anymore. We don’t have the same ideology, the same basis, or the same constitution. Nevertheless nature still treats us according to the same principle, which means that we have to exist above all the differences, in unity, since otherwise we will not be a nation.
This is how the First Temple was destroyed. Then we united a bit and built the Second Temple, and then we began to fight one another once more and because of this the Second Temple was destroyed.
This means that the most important thing for our nation is our unity, despite all the problems that come up between us, as it says “love will cover all our transgressions.”
We should understand that we have to live on two levels. On the lower level we can feel repulsion to such an extent that we will not speak to one another, as often happens among Jews. There is a Joke about a Jew who builds two synagogues, one that he goes to and one that he says he will never set a foot in. He builds the second synagogue on purpose so that he will not set a foot there. This expresses the Jews’ attitude toward one another.
Today we simply have to restore the two levels, establish an attitude of love above all our transgressions, and live on these two levels. On one hand, we don’t accept one another according to the earthly ego on the animate level. As a human being I don’t accept and hate you, and others too, but nonetheless, I cover that with love in my connection with others, without destroying the ego. It is actually as a result of living in this dual attitude of the two levels that I don’t love you, but in spite of myself and my attitude to you, I love you.
It is a very complex system of mutual relations, but only in the connection between these two dimensions is the Creator revealed, and the system of the upper Leadership that descends to us from Above. When we focus on this system of mutual relations, the upper world is revealed to us, so this is what we should do.
No one understands that, not those on the left wing, the right wing, or in the center, so we will not succeed unless we implement the rule of our mutual relations.
I know I am an egoist, but we have to build a bridge between us above the abyss that separates us. The abyss remains, but we constantly keep our intentions as we sustain and build the bridge between us more and more.
It is actually above this abyss, in the connection between us, that the upper force that will enable us to feel the true world, true existence, eternity, and wholeness is revealed. We will reveal the meaning of the creation of this world. And then we will see and discover what the Garden of Eden is and enter it. This is the way to happiness.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/6/16

New Life #479 – The Creator’s Typewriter

New Life #479 – The Creator’s Typewriter
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi
All of matter —the still, vegetative, animate nature, and human beings—is a desire to enjoy. Whether consciously or not, all want one thing: to feel good at any given moment. This is the only natural yearning of everyone.
Question: Now I yearn to feel good. How are letters related to that?

 The letters descend into your matter, into the desire to receive and imprint their form in it. The letters come to us all the time. They are like typewriter keys that constantly click on your matter, on your desire to receive, and you constantly receive different impressions, desires, and thoughts. And it is the same for everyone.
Question: But how does the letter click in me? Where?
Answer: We are in a TV studio now and there is a group of cameramen around us, and behind the walls different events are taking place. The letters are printing all that on the matter of the still, vegetative, and animate nature, and the speaking levels so that everything will exist and develop in a certain direction. We are all operated this way when someone Above touches the keys of His typewriter typing a text, and we operate according to this text. It is like a code in computer software.
Question: Does this code operate me?
Answer: Yes, it determines what you want, what you think about, what you decide, what you do, and what will happen. It is all inside this code, everything! Everyone wants to know the letters, but they don’t know what it is.
From KabTV’s “New Life #479 – The Creator’s Typewriter,” 12/21/14
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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Everything Was Created For A Reason

Question: Does critical thinking help a person ascend the spiritual ladder, or does it stand in his way? Should get rid of it?
Answer: Everything in a person was created for a reason. There is no need to destroy, humiliate, delete, lock, or hide anything. On the contrary, open everything up, but only so that it will help you advance spiritually. Eventually, you will see that it is a wonderful, extraordinary opportunity to use all of the nastiest, terrible natural or acquired impulses about which it is shameful to speak. You will fell how right and necessary they are. You suddenly will be able to fulfill them in a sublime, spiritual manner.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/10/16
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Answers For Opponents Of The Wisdom Of Kabbalah

laitman_282_02Question: How do you see attacks on you and the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: With kindness. Not surprisingly, after 2,000 years of concealment, the wisdom of Kabbalah is revealed with difficulty, acquiring rivals who are united in their absolute ignorance of the subject.
Therefore I have decided to lead with an “educational program” of the wisdom of Kabbalah with answers so that those who speak out against it will understand the essence of their objections and opposition.
The answers are not mine but those of great Kabbalists. If they want to understand at least somewhat, of course.
The wisdom of Kabbalah includes all of creation within it, the upper worlds and our lowest world with everything that fills them. Moreover this entire structure is not discovered in parts but completely together, but its scale goes and grows gradually through 125 levels.
Therefore, to talk about Kabbalah can only comprehending the upper world, not comprehending at all can not imagine anything!
Therefore, only someone who attains the upper world can speak about the wisdom of Kabbalah, and someone who hasn’t attained it cannot comprehend anything at all, and cannot imagine anything. He can’t understand even one word of what is written in the books of the wisdom of Kabbalah. Even if he has studied it for 20 years, but has not achieved the revelation of the upper world, he does not understand anything in Kabbalah.
But our age is amazing! It turns out that all are well versed in this science. It does not matter if he is a believer or not—on television they broadcast programs about amulets, charms, red strings, symbols for success, and say that it is the wisdom of Kabbalah, and even the Orthodox Jews. As far as it seems, it is in this way that the wisdom about the coming level of humanity is being revealed..

We Found A Cure For Cancer

laitman_565_01Question: Scientists have found the “Achilles’ heel” of cancer. They have discovered how to fight the disease with the help of the immune system that identifies and annihilates the cancerous tumor.
Answer: Cancer is a cellular system gone out of control. In principle, all of our cells can become cancerous. Functioning correctly and in balance, each cell both absorbs and gives. It absorbs everything required for its own functioning, but it functions only to strengthen and support the entire system of the body.
The main role of the cell is to work for the benefit of the others, and it only receives for itself that which it needs in its existence for the sake of others.  That is how all of the systems in nature operate, except for humans, and our minds.
So as soon as we begin to think only about ourselves, our system starts slowly being “impressed” by our thoughts and desires, and so the same program is excited at the cellular level then the system begins to devour everything for themselves without giving the others anything. This is the principle of the formation of a cancerous tumor.
We swallow everything for ourselves, and that is how humanity becomes a cancerous tumor on the body of the Earth. Our planet is wonderful, but we see what is happening on the levels of the still, vegetative and animate. Everything preys on everything else, and it all is derived from the human level.
Even in the Torah, it is said that, from the moment that Adam sinned, everyone began to devour each other, and before then everything existed in harmony. Since the sin of Adam, the cancerous tumor began to spread, and ultimately we have reached a state in which humanity is devouring itself.
Question: Based upon this explanation, is it possible to find a cure for cancer?
Answer: Certainly, but not on the level in which we exist. Every problem is solved on a level higher than the level in which the problem itself is found. From there a signal comes down that instructs the lower level. Therefore, it is up to us to solve the problem of our relationships with one another.
Once the relationships between people become mutual, beneficial, and humane and we are connected into one beneficial system, then all of the systems found on a lower level, and our heart and intellect, will return to normal, and everything that exists on Earth will calm down. As it is written, “And a wolf shall live with a lamb, and a leopard shall lie with a kid; and a calf and a lion cub and a fatling [shall lie] together, and a small child shall lead them” (Isaiah 11:6), and everything will exist in harmony.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/9/16

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