Thursday, March 2, 2017

Should We Try To Change The Way Things Happen?

laitman_628_2Question: Should we try to make efforts to change the way things happen?
Answer: Of course! This is the only reason we exist, and this is the reason we study the wisdom of Kabbalah. We study it precisely in order to change our fate! This is the only thing we care about.
Our fate depends on the extent to which we are connected in good relations with all of humanity.
The more strongly a person is connected in good relations with more people in the world, the more deeply he can penetrate the system of the creation and begin to exist as an upper separate element called the soul.
This is precisely what we must think about. A person must take care of his body as long as he lives, but the main thing is the soul.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/18/16

Haaretz: “The Trump-Netanyahu Meeting And The Chance For Peace”

In my regular column in Haaretz, my new article: “The Trump-Netanyahu Meeting and the Chance for Peace
Shalom (peace) means hashlama (complementing), as vying parties complement each other to make something new and complete.
Last week, US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met for the first time after Trump’s inauguration. The two have known each other a long time and had no qualms about showing that they share a personal friendship beyond the cordial formalities required at such events. If peace had to be negotiated between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump, they would probably sign, seal, and deliver the deal before the first press conference.
But Trump is not a party in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The two parties are, well, Israelis and Palestinians, and the Palestinians have a very different take on the desirable solution than we do.
At the press conference following the meeting, President Trump said that he didn’t mind which solution was reached, as long as it was agreed upon by both sides. In his words: “I’m very happy with the [solution] that both parties like. I can live with either one. …If Israel and the Palestinians are happy, I’m happy with the one they like the best.” A little while later he added, “As with any successful negotiation, both sides will have to make compromises,” [turning to Netanyahu], “You know that, right?” To this, Netanyahu quickly replied, “Both sides!”
From Labels to Substance
Later in the press conference, Netanyahu mentioned that he would like to switch from “labels to substance,” meaning to talk about the actual implementation of peace rather than sticking to slogans such as a “two-state solution.”
But how can you talk about peace with a partner who does not want to reconcile with you? In truth, and we should recognize this by now, the only peace that the Palestinians want is the peace of mind of having driven the Jews out of Israel and into the Mediterranean, or to another country, or to another world. Three times they have been offered statehood, one of which included withdrawal from 97 percent of the territories occupied in 1967, as well as the right of return to thousands of Palestinians. To justify their rejection of this offer, Abbas stated, “The gaps were wide” (May 29, 2009).
Indeed, as Netanyahu said, what we are lacking is substance. But substance must begin with understanding the meaning of peace prior to attempting to achieve it. In fact, compromise is not peace; it is merely a cessation of hostilities until one side feels strong enough to completely annihilate the other side.
Instead of compromise, we should look for the real meaning of peace. To most people, “peace” is just a word, a fantasy of slightly “unhinged” youngsters, or a required platitude of politicians during election campaigns and pageant contestants when asked about their vision for a better world. But in reality, as I just showed, there is no peace.
And yet, when we look at nature, we see that despite the constant struggles for survival, nature maintains a balance that fosters growth and prosperity. Surprisingly, the struggles actually contribute to the healthy evolution of species. Rival species complement one another, and by feeding off each other they maintain one another’s health and vitality. The existence of predators guarantees the prosperity of the entire food chain. In some cases, the removal of one species of animals damages not only the ecosystem’s fauna, but also its flora and even the topography of that system.
The Hebrew word for peace, shalom, has nothing to do with compromise. It comes from the word “hashlama,” which means complementing and pertains to a state where contradicting parties complement one another, thereby creating a new and complete creation, which would be lacking without their individual contributions, as portrayed by the example in the link above.
The Primordial Peace Maker
Curiously, the first person to understand the essence of peace was Abraham the Patriarch. Maimonides describes in detail how he searched in nature until he discovered that all forces and all of nature’s seemingly conflicting elements complement each other (Mishneh Torah, Chapter 1).
Abraham did not begin his search out of scientific curiosity; he was troubled by the hatred that erupted among his people and wanted to understand its cause and work out a solution. Abraham observed the builders of the Tower of Babel and realized that their hatred of each other would destroy them. The book Pirkey de Rabbi Eliezer (Chapter 24) writes that “If a man fell and died, they would not pay him any mind. But if a brick fell they would sit down and wail, ‘Woe unto us; when will another come in its place?’” The alienation among the builders got so bad that they “wanted to speak to one another but did not know each other’s language. What did they do? Each took up his sword and they fought each other to the death. Indeed, half the world was slaughtered there, and from there they scattered all over the world.”
Seeing all this hatred, Abraham developed an ingenious method of connection. Instead of forcing people to connect despite their odium, he encouraged them to remain individualistic, and connect with others above their separateness. He didn’t ask anyone to make any compromises. He simply said that our uniqueness complements the uniqueness of everyone else. Others are not rivals, as we think, and together our unique selves make up a whole that is the joint creation of us all. It is like a child, who is the beloved creation of both parents.
Nimrod, King of Babylon, did not agree with Abraham’s notion of connection above hatred and drove him out of Babylon. Abraham set out to Canaan and along the way spoke to anyone who would listen. “Since [people] gathered around him and asked him about his words,” writes Maimonides, “he taught everyone. …Finally, thousands and tens of thousands assembled around him, and they are the people of the house of Abraham.”
The group that Abraham developed lived by a simple principle: They did not try to uproot the hatred between them, but strove to connect above it. This remained the motto of “the house of Abraham,” which later became the Jewish people, until their exile after the ruin of the Second Temple. The wisest of all men, King Solomon, succinctly described this principle in Proverbs (10:12): “Hate stirs strife, and love covers all crimes.”
For Israel, Peace Has Always Been About Complementing
“The essence of vitality, existence, and correction in creation is achieved by people of differing opinions mingling together in love, unity, and peace” (Likutey Halachot [Assorted Rules]). “The Essence of peace is to connect two opposites. Hence, do not be alarmed if you see a person whose opinion is completely opposite to yours and you think that you will never be able to make peace with him. Or, when you see two people who are completely opposite to each other, do not say it is impossible to make peace between them. On the contrary, the essence of peace is to try to make peace between two opposites” (Likutey Etzot [Assorted Counsels]). These and numerous other texts written throughout Jewish history exemplify the idea that peace in Judaism is not the mere absence of war, but is a means to achieve greater unity on a higher level of connection among people.
At the foot of Mt. Sinai, we attained the first level of unity and became a nation after committing to be “as one man with one heart.” Immediately after, we were instructed to be “a light unto nations,” namely to pass on that method for achieving unity to the rest of the world. In essence, that method was the same one that Abraham had developed and intended to share with his countryfolk, the Babylonians. It is therefore not surprising that once the Jews achieved unity, the first thing that they were instructed to do was to share that unity. This is why “Moses wished to complete the correction of the world at that time. … However, he did not succeed because of the corruptions that occurred along the way” (The Ramchal Commentary on the Torah).
Peace in the Time of Hatred
Abraham could not share his wisdom with the Babylonians, and they vanished. So did all other empires that built their might on self-centered might. Only the Jews, though few in number, survived for many centuries through their ability to unite above their hatred. But when they abandoned the law of covering hate with love, they also lost their land and were scattered around the world. To this day, there is not a single Jewish text that attributes the exile of the Jews from the land of Israel to any other reason but internal hatred.
Today, we are back in our land, but we have been given our state by the nations; we did not “earn” it. That is, we did not restore the principle that love covers all crimes, and so internally, we are still in exile. Peace and security will come only when we restore this modus operandi among us. “The prime defense against calamity is love and unity. When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come over them,” writes the Maor VaShemesh (Light and Sun). “When Israel have unity, there is no end to their achievements,” adds Noam Elimelech.
We may think that we are few and weak because we are vastly outnumbered against the Arab world. But if we unite, we will overcome all enemies—not through war, but by covering the hatred with love.
Therefore, the first, and most important peace treaty we must sign is not with our Arab neighbors, but with our Jewish neighbors. Here lies the key to solving the Middle East conflict. When we unite, we will truly become “a light unto nations.” All people and all the nations will want to learn the method of connection that Abraham developed, and his disciples and descendants polished and perfected precisely so that today we may come and use it for our benefit.
Once we unite among ourselves, all the nations’ hatred toward us will vanish as though it never existed. For now, the nations’ hatred keeps us from completely dispersing among them. But once we unite among ourselves, we will not need anti-Semitism to keep us together and it will vanish.
This week, thousands of people from all over the world and from all nationalities and faiths will gather at Ganei Hataarucha, Tel-Aviv to unite above their differences. Each and every one of them is a living proof that Abraham’s method works, if you only make a tiny effort to connect. I invite everyone to see this miracle for yourselves. Call 1-700-509-209 and you will find out for yourself what happens where “love covers all crimes.”

The Torah Does Not Conceal Anything

laitman_559Question: Why does the Torah conceal secrets that are so essential to manage in this complicated world?
Answer: The Torah doesn’t conceal anything. A person doesn’t need to know more than he does; otherwise, he may become confused and do something silly. If he wants to understand more, he must study the wisdom of Kabbalah regularly.
There are no prohibitions regarding the study, only internal, natural, psychological prohibitions. In a person’s head and heart, there are safety valves that do not allow him to see or know what actually is happening in this world.
A person only sees the external wrapping of it. And the deeper internality he cannot know so he will not touch it with his “dirty hands.” Therefore, he must first engage in the study and show himself and the world that he is ready for a right, good, and sensible action. And to that extent, he can advance.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/4/16

Influencing The Development Of The Soul

laitman_289Question: The Torah talks about a prohibition against fortune telling…does the wisdom of Kabbalah predict the future?
Answer: Fortunetellers only ruin life for us. A person doesn’t need to think about the future and ask questions about maintaining his perishable body. We need to attain a soul. Where is our soul? It is necessary to discover and develop it, connect with it, and live within it, not within the body.
Question: In the Torah it is said that it is necessary to kill, burn, execute, or hang fortunetellers. What is your explanation of this? What are these four types of death according to the Torah?
Answer: What the Torah is talking about is completely irrelevant to our world. When it talks about four types of death, it is not referring to the physical body but to the soul and how it is destroyed by a person. He is the only one who can harm it.
Nobody else has the ability to reach and influence the human soul. A positive influence on it is expressed in elevation to the level of the Creator. A negative influence is a descent through four phases that are symbolized by strangulation, stoning, decapitation, and immolation. But these four types of punishment of the soul are in a case where a person neglects its development.
Question: What does the use of these deaths mean in regard to predictions of my future?
Answer: A prediction of my death symbolizes that I must fix a characteristic within me, which I get rid of from within me. It is an internal correction and no more than that.
Question: A person must correct his own soul. Is he “burning” his uncorrected desires this way?
Answer: Nobody is capable of touching a person’s soul other than himself. If he goes deeply into his spiritual development, he can influence his soul in any direction, either in a bad direction or a good direction.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/1/16

Altruism—The Basic Law Of Nature

Laitman_712_03We are inside the special system that is called “nature” or “Creator,” which is one and the same. This system is closed, perfect, and constant, and humanity receives reactions and influences from it and develops more and more.
The system works on us, trying to bring us into conformity with it, so that we would feel, attain, and become similar to nature by becoming its active integral parts consciously, according to our decision and through our work.
A person should become a master of this system—all people as one creature. In order to become as perfect as the system of nature, we must connect as one man.
Bestowal to each other, mutual connection and support, up to loving your neighbor as yourself, is the law of the single system in which we exist. This system works on us in order to bring us to its state.
Therefore, the law about loving the neighbor is a mandatory law of development that acts upon us regardless of our desire or reluctance. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to fulfill this law so that the advancement will go by a good way, according to the mutual consent of the Creator and creature. Then our development will be fast and enjoyable.
Through a good or a bad way, sooner or later we still advance getting closer to the qualities of the system of nature. We see that the world is changing all the time, each time revealing more advanced states in order to finally fulfill the compulsory requirement. Altruism, a general connection above all the differences, is the basic law of nature, so it should be carried out among the people as well.
Inanimate matter, plants, and animals exist without freedom of choice, but a person must understand this law and agree with it, so much so that even if he has an opportunity to choose something else, he nevertheless prefers this altruistic law of complete connection with others.
Altruism is the final state of the evolution of nature to which we shall come. Along the way, we always pass through two states, two lines. We enter the left line, sufferings and troubles, and then we understand that it is necessary to connect and rush to the right line.
Humanity moves this way: sometimes brutal regimes arise, and other times more kind and merciful ones. Again and again evil and good replace each other, until finally, after all these sufferings, we would say, “enough!” and will be able to unite completely.
Question: Why is the reaction of the system on human behavior so nonlinear and complicated? One nation doesn’t act in an integral form, and the system hits another nation. Everything is so confusing it is difficult to advance.
Answer: Indeed, advancement is not carried out according to our understanding and feeling, but in accordance with the reason and the sense of the higher degree called “faith above reason.” After all, we advance due to the higher forces of nature. Why did it organize so we can’t see anything on this path?
The Kabbalists explain that if we had an opportunity to see everything, we would never ascend to the higher degree. We would only extend the material horizons on our degree.
However, in order to ascend to the next level, it is necessary to change our internal work program, our desires, intentions, and thoughts. This is impossible to do while staying in the same sense and reason. We need to receive strength from above and constantly improve ourselves with its help.
We can’t receive additional spiritual development with the tools we currently have. It is possible to receive material development though because it happens at the same level. There are smart and stupid people, strong and weak, successful and losers, but all of this doesn’t relate to qualitative development.
Qualitative development is the transition to the next level, like the difference between inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels, or between a fish, a beetle, a dog, and a man. It means this is a qualitative development in the perception of reality, or to be more precise, in the approximation to the upper force that controls everything.
Such a development assumes the renunciation of one’s current degree in order to be included each time more and more in the upper degree. Therefore, we can’t perform the qualitative ascent by ourselves. We can’t understand the upper degree before we rise to it because it is above us. We don’t feel it.
A stone can’t feel how a plant lives. There is a connection between the degrees, but not in the sense and reason. Precisely by annulling my sense and reason, I can receive some kind of foretaste of the next degree.
The way a stone can’t feel a plant and a plant can’t feel an animal, so too a person can’t feel the upper force. Only if we work in order to get closer to it do we cause its reaction and eventually will be in contact with it.
For the first time in history human begins to climb the ladder of nature, from our world to the upper world. The difference here is not the same as between a stone and a plant, but much more qualitative.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/12/17, Lesson on the Topic, “Mismah Arosa,” (Arosa Document)

The Spiritual Circulatory System

Laitman_524_01Question: Just like a mother and her developing fetus, is it possible to say that a student and teacher have a shared spiritual circulatory system?
Answer: Certainly, it is to the degree that the student is included with the teacher. But the best way to be integrated with a teacher is through a group of ten.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/7/16

New Life #411 – The Game of Changing Characters

New Life #411 – The Game of Changing Characters
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
How does a person develop through the game, what is the goal of the game in our lives, and how is it possible to be clothed in the character of the divine and understand the game of life?
All our lives we play characters.
Children play games, do sports exercises and the like. Teenagers already begin to play characters. Basically all of us play different characters all of our lives, at home, at work, everywhere. We don’t know who we truly are. No person is familiar with himself. The ego obligates us to play characters.
It is possible to discover who I am only if I will begin to clothe in new forms that are of benefit to others, like the Creator. Playing the character of the divine means being good and beneficent to everyone. This is the most enjoyable game.
When a person wants to play the character of the divine, he begins to get the feeling and the understanding of what that is. This is not talking about just doing good. I must learn well what it means to be good like the divine. We learn this together, in a group of players. This is the most enjoyable, most complicated and most excellent game.
This is not about thinking that you are divine like a crazy person thinks, but is about the effort to be like Him in your attitude toward others.
From KabTV’s “New Life #411 – The Game of Changing Characters,” 22/6/14
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Purpose Of Life

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the purpose of life?
Answer: The purpose of life is to reach the center of the connection between us in order to feel the exit into the next dimension.
Question: Who determines the goal of our development?
Answer: Nature pushes us toward reaching the goal. Kabbalah helps to reveal it, to advance us further so that we fulfill our task faster without nature thrusting us into this system by a stick.
From a Virtual Lesson 10/30/2016

Rising Above Earthly Forces

laitman_934Question: Are there geographical places where the good force or the evil force prevail?
Answer: Yes. There are places on Earth where the positive force operates more and assists a person’s development and other places where it doesn’t.
But, at the same time, I wish to emphasize that the most important thing is the unity between us. By connecting, we ascend by several orders of magnitude higher than the Earth, with all its impact upon us. If people wish to overcome their egoism for the sake of unity, they rise higher than all of nature, so it makes no difference how it affects them or where they are, even if they are in the most terrible place on earth.
It is said that the land of Israel totally destroys its inhabitants and that it is a blessed holy land?!… It is holy only for people who unite because when they do, they receive the life-giving force from it, and if they don’t, this land totally destroys them and throws them out.
I don’t advise you to indulge in different historical and geographical descriptions because if we unite, we will overcome all the problems and they will serve us and will not be against us.
Ignore the different mystic or extrasensory influences, because when people unite, they ascend to stronger levels of influence than any of the earthly influences.
If ten people begin to work between them on establishing a mutual connection, the next level of creation will be revealed between them. They will begin to discover that they are not just ordinary human beings, but they created a special spiritual center, a vessel, in which they will begin to feel the spiritual world, the force that appears between them, the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/14/16

What Is Sin?

laitman_253Question from my Facebook: What is sin?
Answer: Sin is using the ego to harm others, but it is possible to explain the use of the ego in different ways. For example, I can cut down a tree that is still growing and according to the definition in our world, it is not a sin even though on the spiritual level it is a sin.
If a person in our world uses more than is necessary for his normal, respectable existence, all usage above this level is called a “sin.”
This is talking about regular physical existence on a normal material level. Every beast automatically strives for this. If you give a cake to a cow or champagne to a horse, they will not touch them and they will not lie down on a feather bed. They require only what is necessary for their bodies.
Even a person needs only what is required for his physical body and no more than this. Everything else should be directed toward spiritual attainment, going out to the spiritual world. This entire life is given to a person to discover the soul in order to attain the upper world, to exit to the upper world during his lifetime. A sin is when a person is not engaged with this.
Question: For a person involved with art, writing books, painting, music, accumulating money in the bank, earning interest,  and so forth, is all of this sin?
Answer: No, but he is not carrying out his mission. All of the inclinations a person has for all the various arts and sciences are given to him only for spiritual expression, directing the world toward unity. Everything else only confuses him.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/9/16

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Are There Countries In The Spiritual World?

laitman_746_03Question: The Earth is often compared to a living creature and countries and continents to human organs. Russia, for example, is the head, the Earth’s brain, the US is the spine, etc. How true is this from a Kabbalistic perspective?
Answer: I haven’t seen similar Kabbalistic descriptions of spiritual geography, and I think all this is speculation.
There are seventy nations in the world that are included in one unique body called man and we have to reach the right combination and an internal connection.
In the spiritual world there are no separate US and Russia because it is not their spiritual roots. Countries are the temporary formation that exists now within a certain border and not too long ago had a different border. Who knows what the future will be.
We shouldn’t tie ourselves to the corporeal reality. It is useless.
Question: But the Ari mentions countries like Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon?
Answer: The Ari did indeed mention these countries in his writings because they have distinct spiritual roots. He only speaks of them as they go from Babylon all the way to the land of Israel, and that’s all.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/14/16

America Welcomes Its New President, Part 2

laitman_629_4Question: How do we reconcile the two camps American society has split into because of the new president?
Answer: They can’t be reconciled. The part that has currently received power and strength will create a new system and begin to govern. The second part that calls itself Democrats will have to comply with their governance.
We shouldn’t regret it. After all, what good has Obama done during his entire presidency? He arranged the Arab Spring and blew up the entire Middle East so that crowds of refugees flooded Europe.
Look what Obama did with Europe. Show me one place where he brought a benefit—there isn’t one. However, the huge lie that media channels were spreading about his activities led to the fact that he was re-elected for a second term. This only shows that the world is susceptible to any lie.
Now the situation will change slightly. It’s a miracle that Trump was able to come to power, and the opposition, the ultra-liberal force, demonstrated the impossibility of continuing in the old way.
Of course, Trump is still very far from the corrected society of genuine democracy and pluralism. It’s just the tendency toward correction of the people, society, and the world. The governments of Obama and Hillary Clinton intended to destroy the world and dominate through the destruction, but this will never work.
They also destroyed America, it has lost all of its industry. Even a small change in law could have produced dramatic improvements, but they acted in the opposite way and were pushing the country into the abyss.
We can say that the part of the population that voted for Trump managed to come round at the last moment and say, “Enough!” These are the people associated with the work, with the earth, and with religion and they understand how dangerous the current situation in the country is.
It is only called democracy and liberalism. Democracy means the power of people, but where was this power of people? Liberalism exists only as a philosophical concept, but in practice it translates into total anarchy where everyone does what he wants.
In the Torah, a system where everyone does as he pleases is defined as the most vicious. After all, this means that egoism unfolds without any restrictions.
We have come to this state in all fields of human activity, in food, sex, and family. It is impossible to leave egoism without any reigns.
Question: In Europe, the right-wing forces are meeting at the moment and they plan to follow Trump’s example. How do you see the future of Europe?
Answer: It would be good if these changes will happen in the middle line, otherwise Europe awaits a fascist regime. Baal HaSulam warned that further development can go either toward the correction of the world or towards fascism. And we see that his predictions are coming true.
So goes the recognition of evil; slowly people recognize the evil of human nature and the necessity to correct it somehow. At least they are coming closer to the truth. The correct direction becomes revealed a little.
So far no one talks about the correction of a person because there is no method that makes it possible to do this. Therefore, they only think of how to correct the system that controls egoistic people and not about correcting a person.
Yet, Kabbalah says that it is pointless to correct the system, only a person has to be corrected because he is the root of the entire evil. This is the whole difference.
Gradually, they will realize that it is impossible to build a good system. Who could create it? Trump is certainly better than Hillary Clinton and Obama and this is a step toward the correction of the world, but the correction can’t be realized through him.
Question: Presently a congress of the European right-wing forces is being held in Germany. All right-wing leaders were unanimous in their desire to return to the care and strengthening of their own countries.
Answer: This is understandable because the integration is over. It was wrong from the beginning. Twenty years ago it was clear that it was destined to fall apart. Therefore, it is time to finish with it before it collapses completely and to save what is still possible to save. The world was on the brink of an abyss, facing a new world war, but stopped at the last moment.
Although it is not clear how much of his program Trump will be able to implement. He will not be able to separate America from the world and return industry to it. Most importantly, it is an internal problem that split America into two parts. After all, the new generation is very spoiled and accustomed to live on welfare. It is necessary to undertake the education of a large number of people.
What kind of work can be given to people who have been unemployed for twenty years? They don’t know what work is. They have led a free lifestyle and have done nothing else. It is impossible to make them work. We have to start with education.
Trump should give Americans an integral education and make them an example for the entire world. Let’s hope that he will suddenly get this thought in his mind and the desire in his heart.
The world shows every day that it is more and more ripe for correction. It is obvious that the world needs change, but no one yet knows where to make them.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/11/17, Lesson on the Topic, “Mismah Arisa,” (Arosa Document)

New Life #408 – Corruption

New Life #408 – Corruption
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
In recent years, we have seen increased corruption in high level government officials. How is the development of the ego related to the growing corruption and what can correct it?
In the past there was no corruption, by definition,  a king or ruler could do whatever he wanted. Suddenly concepts like equality, freedom, and justice emerged, a government by the people, the establishment of law and order. An ordinary person who breaks the law is punished, while the corrupt people in high positions do whatever they like! This is infuriating!
Corruption is not only with regard to money. It is any use of power, of the media, of the education system, and of the culture for one’s own purposes.
We have reached a dead end. The problem is that we don’t know how to reach a better state. Therefore, we need an educational process that includes all of society to gradually upgrade man’s egoistic nature. A corrected person who comes to power will act only by caring about the well being of others and not about himself. A person should be allowed to govern only according to the level of his correction.
From KabTV’s “New Life #408 – Corruption,” 6/17/14
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Prophetic Dreams

laitman_624_03_0Question: What can you say about Joseph’s prophetic dreams; there are whole stories there?
Answer: These are not ordinary dreams, but Kabbalistic levels.
There is nothing special in an ordinary dream because when we dream, we are released a bit from the pressure of everyday life, so we can to some extent feel what is already upon us and must be clothed in physical forms. But in principle, the wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t devote any attention to this.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/1/17

The Transfer Of Information From Kabbalist To Student

laitman_589_01Question: Does the attainment of the Upper Light come through the egoistic characteristics of the teacher?
Answer: The egoistic characteristics of the teacher are his beastly characteristics; they have no connection to the spiritual world.
Suppose that a teacher loves to eat a particular food, to sleep in a particular way, loves certain things in the world, doesn’t love, or even hates something else, none of this has any connection to the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Kabbalists who lived 100, 200, or 2,000 years ago also had particular habits and feelings; none of that matters at all.
But if a person is near a Kabbalist and wants to approach him, he must be on a level in which he can relate to his habits and customs correctly.
Question: Your students also teach. Do they have to direct their students to you and recommend that they listen to your lessons?
Answer: They don’t have to direct them to me at all. Everything depends on the level the students are at. If they are ready to listen to my lessons, it is worthwhile for them to bring them here. They will be able to study along with the main group and see how things are done. But my intention is not to direct them to me. I transfer everything to my students and my students to their students, and so on.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/7/16

Should We Believe The Mind Or The Heart?

laitman_439Question: Should we believe the arguments of the mind or the voice of the heart, our feelings?
Answer: Neither. Can we trust our feelings? After all, on the animate level we keep making mistakes because of our feelings, and if we believe the mind, it is not clear where it is leading us. All the more so on the spiritual level, here a Kabbalist does not believe his feelings or his mind. He wants the Upper Light to manage his feelings and that his mind will only be the consequence of the impact of the Light.
A Kabbalist always focuses himself on adhesion with the upper source. To the extent that the upper source dominates him, he feels that he is on the right, good, healthy level.
Even with regard to himself, he should not count on his thoughts and heart. That’s the way it is from a Kabbalistic perspective, not from the perspective of an ordinary person who is managed only by his corporeal feelings.
An ordinary person is confident that his feelings and mind are his own. A Kabbalist sees that the desires/feelings and thoughts/mind are not his own, but are merely the result of the impact of the special Light called the Surrounding Light or the Upper Light. This is the difference between a Kabbalist and an ordinary person.  
A Kabbalist’s job is to draw an increasingly greater intensity of the Light unto himself because he has nothing of his own. As created beings we have to tie ourselves to the source that created us and to try to receive the maximum bestowal from Him.
Question: Does a Kabbalist use the feelings and emotions that are revealed in him or does he totally ignore them?
Answer: Of course, he uses them. He has to find out exactly what he undergoes at a certain moment and what he should arrive at the next moment.
A Kabbalist constantly searches for feelings inside him that will enable him to adhere to the upper force in order to feel that he is under its domination and that there is no one but that force that manages him on all sides by invoking in him both negative and positive feelings in order to develop the right organs for his feelings in the fullest, quickest, and most efficient manner. This is what the goal of the development of a Kabbalist comes down to.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/21/16

New Life #407 – Slander

New Life #407 –  Slander
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
What is the phenomenon of slander, where does it come from, and what does it cause in the world and in relationships between people?
Our nature is a desire for pleasure, and we measure ourselves against others. Slander comes from this.  Slander is when a person intentionally wants to harm another, to lower him in the eyes of others. This affects the entire system.
Language is a connection between us. It can be verbal, meaning through words, but it can also be through thoughts.
Slander in the full sense explains the relationship that is in my heart regarding someone else, even if I don’t open my mouth to speak.
Our world has been ruined because we fill it with bad thoughts about each other. The field of connection has been poisoned.
Good speech is mutual bestowal, mutual connection, when each one thinks about the good of society.
From KabTV”s “New Life #407 – Slander,” 6/15/14
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Why Can’t We Know The Future?

Laitman_066_03Comment: For centuries humanity has been interested in forecasts of the future, what tomorrow has in store for us.
My Response: Why? After all, knowing the future doesn’t make it easier to live it. If they were to tell us now that in a particular amount of time these or those events would happen, all of our thoughts would be tied to that date.
Question: What motivates people to decipher the writings of Nostradamus?
Answer: On one hand, a person wants to know the future on a global scale; that is natural. But regarding a person’s own future, I think it is worthwhile not knowing. If the future is hidden from a person, it means that it must be hidden. Not even the wisdom of Kabbalah reveals this. It brings a person to a state where the boundary between life and death is erased.
Basically, what is death? It is the animal component of human consciousness. When this part disappears, the mind continues to exist anyway.
Comment: All of the sources point toward the future, for instance, “And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid….” (Isaiah 11:6), or “It will be on that day…and the Creator extends His hand again and again.”
My Response: This is not speaking about a specific day, but about a time toward which we are heading today, tomorrow, or in another hundred to two hundred years.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/1/16

Eleven Years After Arosa, Part 6

laitman_752_3Life That Never Ends
Question: Does the world develop only according to the program embedded in it or is there a place for chance?
Answer: There is nothing accidental in our development. The beginning of creation and its end are linked together, as it is written, “The end of the action lies in the initial thought.” Therefore, there can’t be any mistakes or imprecisions in the process of evolution. Statistic and finances use approximate calculations and projections, but it is only because we don’t know the exact facts.
In nature there is nothing approximate; everything is uniquely determined by the final state that sets the beginning. A person moves forward stepping into darkness and not knowing what awaits him. But this is impossible in the evolution of nature. On the contrary, the end is predetermined and therefore how to reach it is known.
The example that demonstrates this is the electric eel that catches prey with electric shocks of 500 volts. It would seem that this property had to be developed gradually in the course of evolution.
But if the eel’s original charge was not 500 volts, but 1, 5, or 100, it wouldn’t help it catch prey since 500 volts is required! So how was this quality developed in him, if the small voltage wouldn’t bring any benefit?
However, “the end of the action lies in the initial thought”; this rule is valid always and everywhere. Therefore, nature unmistakably moves forward, but this is the way of suffering due to the blows that force the transition to the new state. All living creatures and cells are forced to annul themselves and die, but there is no loss.
In nature, the law of altruism operates, according to which every creature annuls itself for the sake of the general system. It happens automatically, not consciously. Only when we reach the human level do we face a problem.
After all, a person must comply with these laws of altruistic connection and cancel his egoism of his own volition. This way he becomes similar to the upper force, the Creator.
Life is connection, and a person aspires to this connection as to the essence of life. Due to his annulment for the sake of connection with others, like a cell in the healthy body, he begins to feel and reveal the upper force. In this way he reaches an equivalence of form with the Creator.
Therefore, the Creator initially created the desire to enjoy and shattered it so that a person would have the opportunity to renounce his egoism and become similar to his maker, the upper degree. The more we annul ourselves, renouncing our egoism, the higher we climb reaching equivalence with the higher level.
By killing our egoistic desire, we become free from it and can rise to the next degree. The one who is capable of it, reveals that life is precisely in annulment and in reaching the higher and higher existence. There is no death, there is self-sacrifice for the sake of connection. Unification is the main goal and the idea of life.
Therefore, the shattering was necessary. The recognition of our shattering is the foundation for implementing correction, i.e., unification.
I annul myself for the sake of existence on the higher degree where I continue to live. After all, my idea, my desire, and everything done by me exists there, as if I would have continued to live in my children, and they in their children, and so on. The one who kills his current egoism receives the next degree—the eternal continuation.
From the 3d part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/11/17, Lesson on the Topic, “Mismah Arosa,” (Arosa Document)

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