Saturday, January 30, 2016

Show Me The Upper World

laitman_624_03_0Question: Can a Kabbalist reveal his consciousness to others so that that they will yearn to love others like he does?
Answer: How can you reveal that? There is no way. How can you reveal mathematics or advanced physics to a small child? You have to bring him up first.
Therefore, we hold lectures and explain the structure of the upper world, but we teach it theoretically in an abstract manner by using examples and diagrams.
Should I show you the upper world so that the sky will open and you will suddenly see the next level of the evolution of matter? With what properties would you perceive it?
You need to leave your egoistic attributes below and reveal yourself. The rule of love thy friend as thyself is so that you will discover yourself and will be able to see the next level of the world.
Why has the Creator created everything in such a terrible manner? For us to develop new sense organs for the next world and to enter it by the connections between us, not in order to correct our corporeal lodgings.
But how can we do that if we have not built a system of perception system in the coordinates of the upper world? How can I convey it to you? There is no way.
First we need to develop internal senses on the next level, and then we will begin to perceive it.
From the Talk at the Moscow Jewish Cultural Center, 11/24/15

Driving A Mercedes To The End Of The World

Comment: American Bran Ferren over four years built a “mansion on wheels” for several million dollars. He claims that it can save a person from the apocalypse.
He is convinced that the apocalypse is approaching and he built the “mansion” for his four-year-old daughter. On the basis of a Mercedes, he built a gigantic vehicle that can travel on any terrain.
In fact, humanity is engaged in preparation for Judgment Day, and entire forums exist that are involved with the end of the world. But they don’t try to understand how it might be possible to stop or avoid this situation; instead, they are searching for methods of how to exist in it.
Answer: Where does this inventor intend to travel? Where would things be better if there is an apocalypse? This person has a very strong survival instinct. He is like an animal that is concerned first and foremost about its survival. He doesn’t understand that nothing will happen to him anymore because it will not be him.
Question: Will an apocalypse happen?
Answer: No, it doesn’t have to happen. According to the program of nature, humanity must rise to the next level of development, which is existence outside of bodies.
There are three levels in nature: still, vegetative, and animate. We belong to the animate nature, and the next level is called Adam (Man). Adam doesn’t exist in our physical world but in the field of forces. The physical world will disappear and we will exist only in a world of forces.
In this world we exist with our mind and feelings, but are connected to each other in a single system. This system is constantly developing. Just as we develop in this world, so we will develop in the next world in 125 levels that are characterized by coming closer to each other until we unite into a single whole, one single integral humanity. We must complete this development.
On the next level of existence, time doesn’t exist, so it is impossible to speak about the time it takes to attain this development according to our usual form of measurement.
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains this. It describes how to rise through the 125 levelsand what will happen to us.
Question: Does the wisdom of Kabbalah say unequivocally that there won’t be an apocalypse and that all of humanity will rise to another level?
Answer: As they say, there will be peace, but before that the struggle for peace, which will not leave a single stone unturned.
So before us is another problem; can we move to the next level through goodness and our own desire, by understanding that it is imperative and preferable to attain this with little blood, or we will have to go through these levels under the influence of the great and merciless forces of nature?
The wisdom of Kabbalah describes how it is possible to move to the next stage easily and in song. Good luck to us in this!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/19/16

The Maturation Of Society – There Is No Evil Without Good

laitman_202_0Question: How does the wisdom of Kabbalah relate to the inequality in Israeli society? For example, one person works very hard and does not earn much, and another does nothing and earns a lot; he lives very well.
Answer: Very simply, we need to know the system by which the world and our society is spinning, and our society, the Jewish people, need to know even more so. Otherwise it seems that all of this is happening chaotically while there is a very strict order here. It is not the people who determine it.
Human society operates according to precise and clear laws of nature that are similar to the laws of physics in the world. It is simply necessary to know them.
We don’t know them and so we cannot manage society, and even if we find out about some of these processes, we use them egoistically.
Nature is pushing us toward a single integral system. We are discovering this on the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate,; and even beginning on the human level, it is being revealed in our world more and more. This means our world is truly becoming a small global village.
Question: Social networks are very helpful for this integration. Could it be that this is what we have been waiting for and they will move humanity to the next level of development?
Answer: Certainly not. Of course this is a blessing in disguise. There is no evil without good. We are shortening the time of our maturation by means of this.
Today, social networks are working to ensure that we quickly realize how much we are unfit for anything as far as we are, how egoistic we are, how we cannot be in the correct connection, and how hatred repels from each other. Social networks are gradually revealing this, and in principle, must lead us to the conclusion that in this way we are approaching extinction. Society cannot exist like this.
If we reach this awareness more rapidly, before deteriorating into all out war, it will be good. The possibility of a nuclear world war exists as long as we don’t understand that we urgently need to do something about ourselves.
From the webinar 1/13/16

In The Name Of Unity

laitman_629_2Question: In what way can the wisdom of Kabbalah help the citizens of Russia who are worried about their workplace because of the crisis in the nation and live in fear because of an anticipated war?
Answer: I am not afraid of war and I don’t think its threat will be realized soon. Although the ISIS organization is undermining the security of Israel, Europe, and Russia and is causing tension in everyone, we don’t need to fear it and try to fight against it directly; rather, we must understand where it comes from. It is a certain level of human development: egoism, which has grown to such dimensions that it wants to conquer the world and enslave it.
Therefore, it is up to us to set an ideological force against it, not a military force. But in the meantime, humanity doesn’t understand this, and ideological power is not  in the area of the military and the nation.
So today, for the first time in two thousand years, the wisdom of Kabbalah is being revealed and declares that it has a solution to this problem, which is found on the ideological plane, not on the military plane, because the terrorist organizations are specifically winning through ideology.
The terrorist organizations attract people to them due to their consolidation around an idea with particular principles, and this is what makes them attractive and inspiring to young people.
We still don’t know how much support they have in all the western nations, in North America, and in Australia. Many of them come from good families. This is happening because humanity has ended its former paradigm and cannot continue existing according to its former small egoism.
Comment: The impression is created that humanity is bored with the cultured world so they want to try something new.
Answer: The cultured world in our day doesn’t provide fulfillment to people. People don’t want to marry, don’t want to have children, and don’t want anything at all. And this is a problem. They simply exist due to the power of inertia because they cannot die.
Many consume drugs, suffer from depression, and so forth. Why? Because they don’t have an answer for the meaning of life. Imagined wellbeing summed up by work, family, and raising children doesn’t provide a person with anything anymore. What can you give them? What can you feed them? 
Therefore, the young are going to ISIS.  And they are stronger than anyone. They are not afraid of anything because they would rather die than exist without meaning.
The wisdom of Kabbalah opposes them with the idea of good connection and unity, which raises us all up to the next level of development, and does not engage in mutual destruction. This is idea is not built on egoism and mutual hatred, but on good and cohesion.
Question: If all of us were to follow your advice and the ideas of the wisdom of Kabbalah, how rapidly could we defeat terrorism in the Middle East?
Answer: I am sure that within a few months we would see amazing changes in the world. We do we have to lose? We are talking about the need for people simply to get closer to each other.
This direction is justified economically, politically, and socially and is linked to the general trend of nature, which mutually connects us to each other and makes all of humanity a single small global village. We are not going against anyone’s principles here.
Comment: If everyone were to come closer and unite into small groups and everything were to sort itself out, it follows that the nations would no longer need political leadership.
Answer: The world will reach not having borders between nations. When people will begin to approach each other, they will see for themselves that there is no difference between them and there won’t be any need for borders.
Without preparing the population for this, without educating it in the spirit of mutual connection, nothing will succeed. For example, Europe created a common market instead of unity between people; indeed, there is a common bank, but where is the unity? The alliance between leaders is made for their own profit and not for unity and balance. Europe is not united by a common ideology and common education.
Question: If we defeat ISIS and the borders between nations fall, will all of humanity live happily?
Answer: It is impossible to defeat ISIS without counterbalancing it through the good force, the power of Light. The ideology of this organization is very strong and is controlled by a force that is not balanced by the good force.
We grant it the right to exist and breathe life into it as long as we don’t counterbalance it through closeness and connection between people. If we begin to implement the ideology of goodness of unity, they will come to us themselves and will work in partnership with us for unity and good.
It is up to us to thank them for those forces that are compelling us to unite. After all, that is why they were created. It is nature showing us who we are through the negative force that we ourselves created through our inaction.
But I am sure that we can counterbalance this negative force with the method of correction of Kabbalah. It laid the groundwork for the principle, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18) around 3,500 years ago. This is the primary law of nature. And we will reach it together. Preferably this will be done as quickly as possible and with little bloodshed.
From “The Echo of Moscow” Radio Program 11/25/15

Marijuana By Prescription

Laitman_058Comment: Israeli health minister Jacob Litzman announced that in six months doctors in Israel will be able to give prescriptions for marijuana without the authorization of the health ministry. Today only 36 doctors are allowed to do so, but when the law is passed people will be able to get marijuana with a prescription in regular pharmacies.
It is interesting to note that people in Russia are prosecuted for drug offenses.
Answer: It is a matter of months before the same thing happens in Russia.
The whole world is going in this direction.
A couple of years ago when the campaign against cigarette smoking began, I warned that by banning cigarettes governments will encourage the use of drugs. You give a person a piece of bread, a glass of water, and a cigarette and he is happy. With stupefied eyes he will watch TV, football, soap operas, etc.
A person needs to be satisfied so that he won’t rebel, won’t make noise, and won’t object to the government and the state. Politicians realize this and fulfill such small requests and “take care” of people, throwing them crumbs just so long as they are quiet and let the government take control.
Question: Do you believe that the authorization of drugs is so that mankind will be obedient?
Answer: Of course, this will continue until the number of the world population gradually decreases from seven billion to let’s say one billion. When people don’t want to havefamilies, and marriage becomes meaningless, humanity will shrink within one generation by at least half, and within two generations by four or five times. So I think that by 2050 there will only be two billion people left in the world.
Question: And the reason for that will be the legalization of drugs?
Answer: No. The reason for everything that happens is egoism. Once it reaches the limit of its growth, it begins to devour itself. It is just like children in very rich families where everything is allowed and so they go wild not knowing what to do. The ego is the same. It exceeds itself and becomes a monster that devours its own tail. It has no rationality.
Question: Does that mean that a person fills himself in order to forget? Is this why he needs drugs?
Answer: Of course, there is nothing he can do about it. The only answer is to educate people.
By educating them we insert the positive force into the world, the energy that balances the negative force, and between these two forces we can exist in a rational, correct, and clear manner.
We have a lot to exist for—for the revelation of the next level of our evolution: the universe, Ein Sof (Infinity), the world of the souls, the world of wholeness and eternity. We want to attain all that now and in a realistic manner, and if we don’t attain it, we simply take drugs since in its better to feel nirvana. What do we have in this world? I open my eyes and what do I see? A world that I want to withdraw from, to forget?
See how many people are in a state of detachment today when they are forced to use antidepressants. There is so much depression. It even happens to kids and pets, not mention adults.
Indeed a person finds no point in existing in this world, especially when he is no longer keen to work, to explore space, to achieve things in life, to discover something new, nothing. When we lose interest in sex and food we will have nothing left but to disconnect through chemical nothingness.
Question: Are you for or against the drug law?
Answer: I am neither for nor against it. Everyone is managed by our general egoism. Both the legislators and the drug dealers, everyone operates as the ego forces them to. So if we don’t bring the positive force that balances the negative egoistic force into our world, we will perish.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/21/16

Soros Is Not Our Brother

400Question: The human rights organization Human Rights Watch is supported by the well-known Jewish philanthropist George Soros who appealed to commercial companies and banks demanding they cease any cooperation with the Israeli settlements and occupied territories, including the Jewish quarters in East Jerusalem.
It is hard enough that the EU wants to neutralize us and to realize that we are not liked, and then Soros also comes along.
Answer: It is no secret that Jews are behind anti-Israeli movements, and we cannot ignore that. Jews once again are leading themselves to annihilation and believe that their actions are right.
200 years ago, before the destruction of the Second Temple, we were on a spiritual level and lived in connection between us according to the principle of “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Things changed after the destruction of the Second Temple, and we fell from that level to the level of unfounded hatred.
Since then we have been in a state called exile. Exile refers to the fall from the high level we were on to a level of ordinary relations in this world, and here we are the worst. When we are under great pressure, we help one another because the instinct of survival in a pack switches on. But when we don’t feel the threat of a war and one of us climbs to the top, he suffocates the others even more. There is no need for anti-Semites—take a Jew like Soros, for example, who does his job faithfully.
Since the relations between us have been inverted and unfounded hatred replaced love, we don’t treat each other like all other nations treat each other. We don’t love; we reject one another and are ready to give, sell, dispose of, and disconnect from one another. This results from undergoing the destruction,  and it is the state we are in today. It is called the destruction of the Second Temple, our destruction.
The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us about our history and about the love that is gone and the revelation of hatred. So, Soros, the advisors of president Obama, and other Jews in leading positions in Europe and the US call for boycotting Israel and lead the anti-Semitic attacks on our nation.
Therefore, I don’t see them as our brothers. We were brothers before the destruction of the Second Temple, and since then we hate each other until this very day. We must accept that fact, even though we don’t understand it. We are only brothers in times of trouble because we are together under pressure. Only when we begin to connect will we become brothers again, and then will cancel the external hatred aimed at us.
Question: What will push us to connect and unite?
Answer: There are two ways: the immense sufferings that we undergo in order to change our attitude toward one another and thus realize what we must do for ourselves and for the world or through the path that the wisdom of Kabbalah tells us about, which is an internal, moral revolution we must undergo in order to unite in a peaceful manner.
We have a method of spiritual connection called the wisdom of Kabbalah, and this is the reason that this wisdom is revealed today. We must implement it and disseminate it all over the world, as it is written, “And you shall keep [them] and do [them], for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the eyes of the peoples,” and we mustn’t conceal it.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/19/16

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Real Meaning Of The Ancient Prophecies

laitman_933Question: The prophet Jeremiah compared the eternal existence of the people of Israel to the lawfulness of the sun and the moon in the description of their service to the Creator. What is the meaning of this in regard to the people of Israel of today?
Answer: As long as we don’t understand the interpretations of the original writings of the Kabbalists, it is up to us to relate to them only practically.
The Jewish people are composed of a group of people united by a common condition of existence: mutual approach, combined into one single organism. Otherwise it does not exist. This is what the prophet Jeremiah meant.
The prophets were Kabbalists found on a particular level of spiritual development. All of their words are expressed in allegorical language, and so with words like “sun,” “moon,” etc. the meaning is not about physical objects but internal forces of nature.
From the Talk at the Moscow Jewish Cultural Center, 11/24/15

What Are Kabbalah Books About?

laitman_527_04Question: Are Kabbalah books written according to the Jewish tradition?
Answer: Kabbalah books have nothing to do with any tradition. They explain how to treat other people and how to build a relationship between this world and the highest world, to discover the secret parts of the universe—all the other worlds that are around us and govern us.
Then we will be able to manage our lives in the reverse order. At the same time, we will reach beyond the physical limits of our short lives, our small forces, and can see through time.
There is no need to tie the wisdom of Kabbalah to any tradition; a Kabbalist can be Indian, Arab, Norwegian, or from South America—no matter who. It does not say anything about earthly rules except one: bringing people together into one integral whole just like all of nature.
From the Talk at the Moscow Jewish Cultural Center, 11/24/15

How Can We Feel The Upper World?

Laitman_109Question: How will I know that I have transcended to an upper level of existence?
Answer: You will see and understand it by what you experience because you will transcend to a state that is not limited by your corporeal body, mind, or corporeal feelings. You will begin to perceive everything not inside you but in the general mass to which you are fully interconnected and in which all the people on the planet acquire a single attribute of one single human being.
We have to experience the upper state by studying the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to truly feel and understand it; the wisdom of Kabbalah is a practical scientific method. Just as you have been taught in your childhood to perceive this world, to be in it, feel it, clarify it, and respond to different situations, so you will also be taught in a much more profound manner how to perceive the upper world.
You were born with corporeal senses, but you have to create the spiritual senses by yourself through your connection to others. This method is not created and automatically fulfilled in a person.
All have to discover it inside themselves. Even if one of the students refuses to do so now, he will still have to come back to finish “his game” later. It cannot be any other way because we are in development. The levels of the still, vegetative, and animate nature are the phases of evolution we have undergone, and now we are facing the next phase, the human level, on which we will exist in a general, collective, inclusive, integral form of man.
From “The Echo of Moscow” Radio Program 11/25/15

How Can You Find The Goal And The Way To Attain It?

Laitman_049_02Question: During the years 2007 to 2008, residents of Libya and northern Iraq stopped investing in children’s education, in projects that dealt with their policies, and began living as if with no future, as if subconsciously acknowledging that they felt a crisis was near.
Answer: People are drawn to the ideological connection between them. They have understood that humanity needs some kind of special mission, goal.
Thus, ISIS and other organizations were created that, as a result, developed a terrorist system that attracts youth from all nations in the world since it gives them hope and primarily because they gather under the slogan, “Together we will achieve something, change something.” This appeal attracts people.
We need to show the world a parallel system with a call to attract them to good deeds, good ways, and not negative ones. Otherwise we will lose everyone. After all, with each day that passes, more and more people turn to drugs or are attracted to all kinds of terrorist organizations not connected to ISIS that are being organized in different places
Question: Over the past decade of radical Islam, the so-called Jihad gained huge popularity. But in parallel, we’re also seeing the growth or formation of these extreme ideological currents in other religions. Could this indicate that the old civilization is ending?
Answer: All religions are structured on the same egoism, and although they have proclaimed “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” not one of them is involved in this and are not able to be involved because if they should become involved, no one would join them. Thus, there is no future for religions: not Judaism, not Christianity, and not Islam.
The future lies only in the development of mutual connection between human beings. We need to hope that this connection is not built on the basis of mutual hatred like ISIS, but on the foundation of mutual love and attraction to good mutual cooperation of all peoples of the world.
We all are connected to each other and are within one single system, and the question is for what purpose we use this system. We can use it like ISIS and all kinds of Jihad organizations do, or it’s possible to develop the correct perspective on human existence as a whole, where everyone is equal and no ideology or system tries to control or subjugate others.
Question: Can we control the process of self-development?
Answer: No, for this to happen, we need to abandon the previous paradigm completely, to renounce our ego and our nature, and want to change. This hasn’t arrived yet.  First we need to want to find the meaning of life.
The main mission standing before us now is to confront humanity with the question of what is the meaning of our existence. And then we gradually find the correct goal and the way to attain it.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/29/15

Selfless Bestowal

laitman_238_02Question: How can we be sure that we are putting the Creator first since our group has grown in number? Where is the guarantee that we won’t become idol worshippers and will advance exactly towards the Creator? How is it possible to check this?
Answer: Putting the Creator first means that there is nobody and nothing other than the power of bestowal and love in the world. It is a power! It is property! It is the only thing that determines and manages everything. And now you raise it above everyone and put it first.
This indicates that you now understand that the entire world is subject to this power alone and exists within it. It is only He who manages it and and leads it wherever He wants. If you want to be harmoniously linked to Him, you must try to attain this characteristic.
Question: What is this “selfless bestowal”? After all, aren’t we aware of love only through our desire to receive?
Answer: “Selfless bestowal” is when I give something without knowing what and to whom, in relation to my ego. Can you imagine how much this is detached from that?
Suppose that I am a millionaire and I donated a million dollars to help in Africa. But nobody in the world knows about this. But I know it and am pleased. This is not selfless bestowal because I know that I gave, and somewhere subconsciously the thought is going around: “And the Creator knows that I did it for the sake of the world.”
This is not selfless bestowal. It means that I know to whom, how much and what I gave. So here there is a connection with me. But if you cut off all three connections so that you don’t know what, to whom, and how much you gave, and in addition, the Creator doesn’t know anything about it, then this will be selfless bestowal.
As you gradually approach it, the spiritual world is revealed to you. Your state is calledHafetz Hesed (absolute mercy, or not desiring anything for oneself).
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/10/14

Looking At The World Through New Eyes

Laitman_006Question: How can we discover the Creator in every action that we make? After all, we have personal desires, social desires, desires of the group. How can we focus ourselves anew each time?
Answer: When I begin to study the wisdom of Kabbalah, this world still dominates me. Car or bus rides, house chores, trips to the bank and post office, seeing different people, places, the news, the radio, TV, the Internet with all its confusion—I am totally filled by this world.
Kabbalah brings along different problems that are meant to build an empty place in us, to make room, to shake me and create a part in me that doesn’t belong to this world. Even when I am still confused in this world and don’t get along in it, I detach myself from it to some extent eventually. It isn’t that I don’t depend on it but that I am not automatically dominated by it. Here this world doesn’t dominate me and doesn’t have the powers that dominate everyone in the world.
In our ordinary life everything is connected: a person who is born and raised in the jungle behaves according to the laws of the jungle. The same applies to the urban jungle, anyway the world dominates a person and formats him from childhood. So to give me the opportunity to look at things more objectively and independently I have to be shaken to make room inside me for another perspective, and this takes a long time.
I can shorten time by connecting to the group. If I am strongly connected to the friends, more blows can be sent to me, more shakings, and then I advance faster. However, these aren’t ordinary blows and troubles but blows in the relationship that I try to make stronger. If instead of tightening my connection with the world, I tighten my connection with the friends in the group and focus on that, I will feel more blows in that respect and this is where I will have more discernments and more experience.
This is how I shorten time: by transforming the external blows and troubles into internal ones, thus making them more qualitative. It is impossible to do so without blows, but here they become purposeful.
I begin to worry about the group and to take care of it in my connection with the friends, in my attitude to the study and dissemination, and this becomes the most important thing for me. Now I begin to look at the world in a more objective manner, or at least from the side, and not according to my previous discernments of the world but with new discernments. Now I begin to see everything that happens through the principle of “there is none else besides Him,” through the discernments of the group, and I see everything in an opposite manner.
But this happens very slowly. First I tip the scale a bit each time in favor of this world, which means that I look at everything—the family, home, the study, friends, my world, the bank and other institutions like the post office, the medical care clinic, social security, the education system, etc.—through different eyes. I feel all that as one whole called my world, which is clarified in my vessels, in my desires, but I still have to see the one upper leadership that demands the same one unique attitude toward everything from me. Thus the whole picture becomes a meeting place with the Creator for me. He fixes everything and I reveal Him in every single detail in this world.
This is a very good discernment and we should reach it as soon as possible so that from now on we will begin to take care of the phase of Ibur (conception).
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/14The Book of Zohar

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

For One Japanese Student

laitman_627_1Comment: A few years ago, the Kami-Shirataki railway station in Hokkaido, Japan was closed because there weren’t enough passengers. But it turned out that there was one passenger in that town, a high school student, who took the train to school every day. So, the railway company kept the station open, stopping to pick her up and drop her off after school according to her class schedule.  The railway management will close the station in March, 2016 when the student concludes her studies.
Answer: On the one hand, when you ignore your mind and listen only to your emotions, you can be moved to tears about this story and make a movie about it. It is good for humanity to feel such concern for one another.
On the other hand, if you think about it, there are people who are hungry and who lack the basic necessities. It is expensive to operate the train back and forth from that town and probably costs several thousand dollars a day. It is totally useless and uneconomical, and a state shouldn’t be run this way. This is an obvious PR campaign, and what it is more, it is not good public relations because there are other issues that could be identified and fixed.
This action doesn’t make sense from a Kabbalistic perspective because it doesn’t change anything in the world. People don’t undergo correction this way. The world undergoes correction only by the right connection and unity of minds and feelings. There is no mind here, only emotions.
I don’t know what led them to make this decision. Perhaps it is indeed pure Japanese philosophy, but nothing more than that. If I had the chance, I would stop this pointless operation of the train immediately, provide another solution, and aim all of the means to dealing with other problems.
Let’s wish this girl good luck. It’s nice to think that there still can be actions that are seemingly out of absolute love.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/11/16

Beyond All The Religions Of The World

laitman_222_0Question: Why do the religious Torah scholars attack those who study Kabbalah?
Answer: It is absolutely natural that people don’t want us to reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah because it eliminates the need for everything else. The world won’t need other sciences and culture, no poetry and literature, ballet and music, nothing.
The attainment of the Creator gives a person the sense of higher harmony that will completely fill him. All the hidden niches of the soul will be filled with the Upper Light, with the most natural and complete joy.
Specifically for this reason, those who are involved with all kinds of areas of science and art immediately oppose the wisdom of Kabbalah. It follows that we are taking their livelihood from them. What is left for them?
Similarly, nothing will remain for the religious, because the wisdom of Kabbalah is a method that is very directly involved with the greatest general rule, as is stated in our sources and in the Torah, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). The question is whether religious people are carrying out this general rule correctly and maintaining their love for others.
All the religions hate and have killed each other. For thousands of years they have been killing people in the name of God. Obviously this is not the correct attitude toward people; there is only one divine Mitzvah (commandment): “And you shall love your friend.” This is what the upper force, the Creator, requires from everyone and we must follow it.
But since religions are the offspring of the ego, they are engaged in every thing possible except good relationships between one another. On the contrary, they incite people against each other. Today it is difficult for the common man to understand this, but from the moment he begins to attain the higher reality, he understands how deeply he is immersed in hatred and how much he has gotten used to thinking of this as a matter of course.
All of the religions grew as a result of the fall of the Jews from the level of “And you shall love your friend as yourself” into mutual hatred, and from that, 2,000 years ago, after the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Temple), modern Judaism appeared, and then Christianity emerged and at a later stage, in the 6th to the 7th century, the religion of Islam. Since then they have existed to this day: each within its separate circle, conflicting with and opposing each other.
The time has come now for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to rise above all religions and unite as the only religion in the world, which exists under the Mitzvah of “And you shall love your friend as yourself,” as Baal HaSulam writes.
Question: Do the representatives of the religions have freedom of choice about this?
Answer: No, this is determined by the program of development. As long as the wisdom of Kabbalah has not been fully revealed, all of the religions will be against it. Only after its final revelation, choice will not remain for them except to agree with the wisdom of Kabbalah and be included within it.
Question: How do the religions relate to the goal of creation?
Answer: The religions are required for the discovery of the goal of creation, so that a person can understand the wisdom of Kabbalah from its opposite reflection. The religions open a person and bring him to a state in which he begins to feel, see, and understand that it is not by chance that he is on the plane of this world.
It is difficult to imagine from what a low point people are developing, and to develop humanity to the level of attaining the higher nature requires many tools like religions, faiths, philosophy, music, culture, and science, anything. The main thing is that humanity will be in a state in which it will be able to feel what the wisdom of Kabbalah gives it.
Question: Does this mean that you are not against art, literature, and the like?
Answer: Not in any way; all of this opens people, including the religions. They were intentionally given to develop humanity and prepare it for awareness of the spiritual system.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/15/15

When Will ISIS Fall Apart?

laitman_936Question: Should we envy ISIS for being united while we are not, and that the force of the Creator is with them and not with us? Will this envy push us to unite and have the Creator on our side while ISIS falls apart?
Answer: It says that a remote city (a united city) cannot be destroyed because when people are united they are filled with the upper force (unity is an attribute of the upper system, so even when the wicked unite, the upper force is with them). It is a law of nature.
The Creator doesn’t sit in heaven and decide what to do with each one. It is the highest, single unified force of nature that sustains all of creation, the desire, and to the extent that creation is similar to the the upper force, is closer or  more distant from it.
But as soon as we begin to unite, ISIS will be damaged because our unity is not the unity of the wicked, who wish to harm others, but of the righteous who want to do good to others. Even a small unity will disintegrate ISIS.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Way To Achieve Harmony With Nature

laitman_947Question: You say that everything depends on a person, but what can I do against the entire country?
Answer: No one can do anything. For that, we need large social systems that would understand how to act and would be able to join together to influence the country.
If the majority of people in Israel would understand that they must create a new connection among themselves, then they will be able to influence everything.
One person is unable to change anything! He must join the system that demonstrates unity. We must learn how to unite. The wisdom of Kabbalah explains how to do that. Only then can we influence the entire nation.
When the people desire something, the government has no choice but to give in. We won’t even need elections to the Knesset. The people themselves will create a different system of relations.
Question: What do I need to do for that to happen?
Answer: You need to sign up for the course in Integral Education and begin learning how nature acts upon us and how we can reach balance with it, and thus come to harmony with nature and each other.
From the Webinar on 1/13/16

All Of You Have Time

laitman_599_02Question: How can a person develop to such a degree that he can engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah, understand it, accept it, and ascend to the level of unity in such a short lifetime?
Answer: People of different ages come to study with us. Life isn’t as short as it seems, but is accurately built according to laws that enable a person to fulfill himself properly during his lifetime. The moment you begin to engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah, you have the feeling that time flies and that you don’t have enough time.
But, in fact, time becomes compressed, and suddenly you feel that you can manage everything. This is how it is arranged from above by the upper leadership.
You don’t live in an unknown world by unknown rules. The moment that you begin to operate toward the goal of creation, you immediately are incorporated in it and are under the influence of totally different forces. A person can begin to study the wisdom of Kabbalah at the age of 70 and still manage everything. There is no limit.
We don’t need to think about that. It isn’t our job but that of the leadership system, which only now reveals to us that we need to care for the integrality of all of mankind, a process we can take a most active part in and that won’t take place without us.
From the Talk at the Moscow Jewish Cultural Center, 11/24/15

Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 11/29/15

laitman_570Question: How can I take responsibility for my actions in this world and not blame the Creator for them?
Answer: My responsibility is summed up by my needing to invest all physical, moral, spiritual and mental efforts, whatever there may be, so that the group I am in will be like a single whole.
Question: Is it possible to reach full spiritual realization in one’s lifetime?
Answer: Certainly, otherwise why are we given this relatively short lifetime? In the first twenty years, we don’t know what to do at all, in the last twenty years, we are senile, in the middle are continuous problems.
What remains for us is only to invest effort, let’s say, for a few years of our lives, and this is enough. If we make the right clarifications in life, we invest only three to five years in our spiritual development.
Question: Is it possible to avoid a third world war? After all, the Creator loves humanity.
Answer: There is something I hadn’t noticed, but it is absolutely possible to avoid disaster. So, the Creator gave us the method for our development, the final goal, and the power to attain it. He loves those who advance toward the goal.
Question: What is suffering from the point of view of the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: From the perspective of Kabbalah, suffering is the feeling that appears from detachment from others.
Question: Is the goal of life to save everyone?
Answer: The goal is to bring humanity to an eternal perfect state.
Question: Who would survive in the event of a war?
Answer: Only those people who are most capable of spiritual advancement would survive. This doesn’t mean that they would already be in spirituality or close to it. But they would be close to the realization of the wisdom of Kabbalah in their inner state.
The collapse of the world would happen according to completely different laws than the way it seems to us. It is not that the people closest to spirituality would remain and the others would be killed. On the contrary, the Tzaddikim (Righteous) are the first to go.
Question: When I am in a group, will my beastly desires disappear by themselves or do I need to get rid of them?
Answer: It is not necessary to get rid of anything. Come to a group as you are with all of your animal desires.
Question: Are you the master over your desires?
Answer: I am not master over my desires. At every given moment, new desires appear in me. I don’t choose them, but only try to direct and supervise their correct implementation. But I do not control them.
On the contrary, these Reshimot (informational records) appear in us spontaneously. But they are spontaneous only in the eyes of the person, and in fact, are revealed according to a particular program. There is a “meter,” that throws us newReshimot every moment.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/29/15

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