Thursday, October 1, 2020

Dissociation Virus


293The problem of coronavirus is not limited to one country because we live in the last generation when the Creator extends the same attitude to all of humanity, without exception, at all levels, at all degrees, and in all states.

Even on some small island lost in the Pacific Ocean, the coronavirus suddenly appears. It would seem, how did it manage to get there if the people live in isolation from the rest of the world? Nevertheless, the virus is transmitted there too.

Today, doctors and researchers are beginning to say that the virus is airborne. Does this mean that the virus is spreading thousands of kilometers in all directions? It appears simply from nature, from within it.

Due to the fact that there is no connection between us at a time when we were already obliged to unite, due to this lack of connection between inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, the coronavirus appears. We will still discover its manifestations in plants, animals, and even in inanimate matter.

First of all, we will find that the virus has reached the most remote parts of the globe, without any human factor, and even affects animals and plants. Where does it come from? From the absence of connection that must exist between all parts of reality. People are responsible for this! Therefore, we should learn about it and think about it.

All that is required of us is the awareness of mutual guarantee, the feeling that we are in the last generation. Apart from this, nothing more is needed. If we understand that we are dependent on each other and are cooking in the same pot, this will be enough to begin gradually getting out of the crisis. We will already begin to see where the cure is.

With the help of mutual guarantee, we can save ourselves from the coronavirus. It all depends on the right connection between us. The coronavirus is a consequence of the lack of unity among us. For this reason alone, it manifests itself.

All problems and all kinds of viruses appear because there is no correspondence between the parts of nature, and therefore they cannot connect with each other starting from the level of atoms, molecules, and up to larger and more complex particles. Parts of nature cannot come together into one system, and this gives rise to all problems—like a cancerous tumor, a malignant formation that lacks the right connections with tissues.

Therefore, the fight against coronavirus can only be at the human level, if we think well of each other. After all, by our unity, we will attract the force of good that will unite everyone. This power is higher and stronger than all our adversity, and it will heal everything for us.

Our association is a cure for all problems, physical and mental, personal, and social. When it passes through all layers of connections between people, animals, plants, and inanimate nature, then the whole world will become one and connected with only one force, in mutual guarantee.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/24/20, “Concerning Above Reason”

“How Do You Think The Biden-Trump Debate Will Go On Tuesday Night?” (Quora)


Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: “How do you think the Biden-Trump debate will go on Tuesday night?

First of all, it will definitely be a nerve-racking display, and we can expect an outburst or two. The US presidential race is vicious, and becoming all the more so every day. The air in America is so thick with animosity that the debate will likely—and unfortunately—only further exacerbate America’s divisiveness.

If you were to ask me who I’d give my vote to, if it were possible, then I’d say that we’d first need to analyze who has an inclination to unite Americans above the rampant divisions currently spreading like wildfire throughout the country. After all, what government could run when its society is full of hatred?

Ultimately, America’s path to a positive future rests in the American people’s inclination to unite above divisions and differences. Failure to do so will lead America down a course of self-destruction and chaos. Therefore, the next president needs to prioritize unity of American society above all else, literally in order to save Americans from the potentially devastating outcomes of intensifying hatred.

While the topics are already set for tonight’s debate, I would nonetheless raise the question about how each candidate for the next US presidency plans to unite Americans above the soaring hatred and division in US society. I trust that the answer to this question, above all others, will illustrate what route America will take heading into the future.

Find Yourself


632.1Question: Recent research conducted by recruiting companies suggests that waiters, chefs, security guards, and cleaning personnel have been the most unused jobs during the pandemic.

Many people, literally hundreds of millions, felt that they could lose their profession overnight. Yesterday they had a professional job, but not today. What would you suggest? What profession should a person choose today?

Answer: I think that a person just needs to find him or herself. Finding yourself means constantly creating a more correct image of yourself, of what a person is. And professions will be needed, if at all, only for a small part of humanity.

We will come to a state when people will work a minimum number of hours a day, and they will engage in self-education for the rest of the time. They will take part in all kinds of educational programs and change themselves and society. This is the real work of a person.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/1/20

“Can Planet Earth Sustain A Human Population Of 100 Billion?” (Quora)


Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: “Can planet Earth sustain a human population of 100 billion?

The Earth has no problem to provide 100 billion of us with all of our life’s essentials, including all the food and housing we need and that we are used to, as well as a system of education and upbringing for our children, and so on.

The experience of such a state as happy, pleasant and safe versus one of great stress and suffering depends solely on whether we can improve our attitudes and connections to each other.

What stands in our way to improve our attitudes to each other?

It is none other than human nature, i.e., the egoistic desire to enjoy for personal benefit alone.

Our egoistic nature pits us up against each other, blocking us from sustaining kind and caring relationships, and we thus feel an accumulation of problems and crises the more we develop and the more the population rises.

How, then, can we improve our attitudes and connections to each other?

To start with, we need to dispel myths about the need to reduce the human population, as well as those of trying to be satisfied with less.

Population reduction is no solution because we fail to see just how much each and every person in the world plays a role in absorbing a certain amount of burden that befalls humanity at any given moment. In other words, if humanity needs to endure X amount of suffering, then is it better that 2 billion people accept upon themselves that amount of suffering, or that it becomes dispersed among 8 billion people or more? Of course, if we saw what we were really dealing with, then we would treat each person in the world with a lot more importance than we currently do in our narrow egoistic vision.

Also, the idea of trying to be satisfied with less is no solution simply because our desires continuously grow, and at a certain stage, we will be unable to fulfill our growing desires by trying to be satisfied with less. Such an approach will backfire on us severely, as it runs contrary to human nature.

In order to improve our attitudes and connections to each other, and adapt ourselves to conditions that become all the more interdependent and interconnected from one day to the next, we need to apply ourselves to a completely different kind of education than we were raised with—an education that emphasizes how to connect to each other positively above our divisive drives, and how reaching positive connection among each other means balancing ourselves with the laws of nature.

That is the key to shifting our lives from our current divisive and tense course to one where we harmoniously connect as an interdependent and interconnected humanity.

Leaders Are Born


294.2Question: A boss must be able to control subordinates and the process and results of activities. A leader must also think systematically, see the full picture, not its details. How can you cultivate systems thinking? Is it possible to develop it or is it given by nature?

Answer: Naturally, this is given by nature. There are people who understand and are able to perceive the world as an organic common whole. They want to know how everything is connected.

And there are people for whom this is completely alien because it is not included in their general perception. They like to solve specific tasks. They are more attracted to small but clear things that consist of a certain sequence. They understand it better.

For example, someone manages a project and someone manages their own company or even the state. But that doesn’t make them leaders.

Question: Is being a leader a personal choice?

Answer: No. A person is born with it. Sometimes you can see it even in children in their behavior. A person does not necessarily do well at school, in an institution, or at work, but gradually, over the course of certain circumstances, he becomes a leader.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/11/20

Steve Jobs—Philosophy Of Life


235Comment: If today you meet a simple man on the street and talk to him, he, in principle, does not know the names of the sages, or even, perhaps, King Solomon. But the name “Steve Jobs” is familiar to him. He is the founder of Apple, a man who has contributed a lot to our world.

There are some of his quotes that I would like you to explain from the point of view of a Kabbalist. ”I used to be way over on the nurture side, but I’ve swung way over to the nature side.”

My Response: Heredity is the starting point. Yet, in principle, everything is determined by the environment.

Question: Does it mean that the environment can change my heredity?

Answer: I do not see anything negative about heredity, even if it is bad. The environment shapes a person. It as if puts a person in a vice and processes him as it wants, like on a lathe. The result is a completely new product.

Question: Do I have no freedom here at all?

Answer: No. Not at all! There are initial qualities, but the environment knows how to work with them and makes from a person what is required.

Question: Do I look for an environment or does the environment find me?

Answer: In principle, neither you nor the environment, but this is already from above, the upper purpose.

Quotation: Steve Jobs, “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.”

My Response: In principle, our whole life consists only of mistakes. It is when we recognize these mistakes at every step of the way that we are going the right way.

Question: Do we always make some adjustments after each step, and still make mistakes?

Answer: Of course. We only make mistakes! However, initially, in every step we reveal our evil nature, and in every step we try to correct it.

Question: Is it due to the fact that our nature is egoism that every step we take is a mistake?

Answer: Our every step is in advance a mistake, but it depends on us how to make it a proper mistake. That is, to make mistakes in order to learn.

Quotation: Steve Jobs, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

My Response: This is right. To find one’s own thing, own line, oneself and move only in this, and never give in to other people’s opinions, philosophies, and ideas, this is a very important task for a person. I think that this certainly is only for a few. One needs to experience a lot in order not to be receptive to other people’s ideas and follow them.

To experience means to analyze, process within yourself, decide, be afraid, get up, rise, and fall. In other words, it must be a person who always demands an inner meaning from life.

Quotation: This purportedly was Steve Jobs’ guidance in everything: “If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

My Response: Yes. That’s for sure. Only when you find it will you really understand what you were looking for. If we knew in advance what to look for, we would not have to look for it. That would be clear to me.

Question: Is a Kabbalist searching? Does a Kabbalist have such a search?

Answer: The Kabbalist is searching for only one thing—a leap to the Creator. It does not matter what will happen at that. The main thing is to be closer. And this is his only task.

Comment: When it happens, does it turn out that he understood everything in a completely different way?

My Response: Of course! It does not matter, he does not ask this question at all! He does not order the future for himself —what he wants to be and how to feel. No! Only to be closer.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/25/20

Jews Of America, Part 5


963.6Kabbalah – A Bridge Connecting Jews

Question: Two hundred years ago, American reformists wanted to take the religion of the fathers, their traditions, and adapt to modernity. This conflict between Orthodox Jews in Israel and American Reformists continues to this day. What can be the bridge that connects them over all traditions and divisions?

Answer: Nothing but the science of Kabbalah, which is the basis, the core, the inner part, of real Judaism and explains who the Jews are, where they came from, what they should be, what to bring to the world, and what their purpose is. Only in this case will something change.

Remark: But it has been written about that everywhere, and they can read it.

My Response: They will not be able to read it because they will not want to. Even if they read it, they will not take these words into account, much less realize it themselves. It doesn’t seem to exist for them.

Question: Does this mean that Kabbalists will have to set an example?

Answer: Kabbalists will have to organize themselves. I hope this will happen within the next 10 to 20 years. At the same time, the world will sink into the abyss of disunity and all kinds of crises: political, military, economic, natural, and climatic. As a result, Judaism must explain to itself and to others that it is in it that there is the right attitude of man to man and to nature, which will bring everything into balance.

This is the purpose of the Jews: to become a light for the peoples of the world. First for yourself and then for others.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel” 11/18/19

Labor Is A Necessary Condition For Existence


266Question: Wikipedia defines labor: “Work or labour is intentional activity people perform to support themselves, others, or the needs and wants of a wider community. Alternatively, work can be viewed as the human activity that contributes (along with other factors of production) towards the goods and services within an economy.

Sigmund Freud said “Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness.” According to Marx, “Labour is, in the first place, a process in which both man and Nature participate, and in which man of his own accord starts, regulates, and controls the material re-actions between himself and Nature. He opposes himself to Nature as one of her own forces, setting in motion arms and legs, head and hands, the natural forces of his body, in order to appropriate Nature’s productions in a form adapted to his own wants.”

How would you define work?

Answer: It depends on what era we are talking about. But, in general, labor is a necessary condition for existence. Nature itself confirms this. If we do not need something, we are not drawn to it. Man engages in something that interests him. Therefore, labor is a necessity that forces a person to produce those products that he needs. But if there is no need for them, then he will happily not waste time on their production.

Question: If we consider this issue from the point of view of history, in the beginning labor was necessary simply to survive. Then people began to exploit each other’s labor and earn money. And then the essence of work changed. People themselves started to ask to work.

Today we live in a period when a person fully associates himself with work. Even more, his status is determined by where he works. How will the essence of work change in the future?

Answer: I think things are moving toward the fact that we can provide everything we need with very little effort and in a short time. We will not produce beyond what is necessary because eventually we will realize that this is killing us: personally, our society, and the planet on which we live.

Therefore, we need to limit producing surplus and produce only what is necessary, and that the necessary will be sufficient for us.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 6/4/20

Guide For Round Tables, Part 12


528.02Equality in Circles

Question: According to the rules of the round table, everyone in the circle should be equal and make a decision together. What is this equality?

Answer: Initially, the concept of a circle includes equality. There is no beginning and no end, no senior and junior, no smart and stupid—everyone is absolutely equal. This implies many conditions for how we should maintain this equality.

Question: Let’s say I’m the boss and my employees and I have to make some serious decision for the entire organization. Does that mean we are equal? The opinion of a subordinate is equivalent to my opinion?

Answer: In this case, you are involved in solving the problem, so everyone is accepted on equal terms. It is not that “I am the boss and you are a fool,” but all of you are absolutely equal. It doesn’t matter who knows how much. Otherwise, there will be no circle.

Everyone who is in this circle is equal in power and weight to everyone else. That is, I am equal to you, you are equal to him, and he is equal to him, and so on. So it doesn’t matter who among us expresses which opinion. It is considered a unit and that’s it.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 7/9/20

Should I Tell My Group About My Problems?


556Question: Suppose something happens in my life that I regard as a negative impact. I come to the group and share the details of this event with them. What should the group do? How can I feel the support from the group? Should they internally turn to the Creator in order to help me?

Answer: You should not even tell the group about your problems. You should simply get the confidence from the group that everything is done by the Creator in order to tie you to the group and through the group to Him.

There is no other reason for Him to cause you this unpleasantness. The Creator does it only for one purpose: for you to feel the need for the group and for Him because in the group you work on the right attitude outside yourself toward Him so that you will later reveal Him between you.

So there is no need to tell the group about your problems. The main thing is to try to reveal the Creator in the group and then turn to Him through the group.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 10/14/18

“The Great (First) Debate” (Linkedin)

 My new article on Linkedin “The Great (First) Debate

Tonight, Tuesday, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, the first of three scheduled debates between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will take place. No doubt, it is going to be a tense event, and things are likely to flare up. The atmosphere in this campaign is so tense and so full of enmity that we shouldn’t be surprised if unprecedented (and probably reprehensible) events take place tonight, as well.

However, I would like to offer a novel way to examine the two candidates and decide which one gets my vote. I suggest we ask ourselves which of them has any tendency toward uniting the American people. At a time when hatred and division are so rife and so intense, no government can function, whoever is elected. For this reason, in the end, the only thing that will determine the fate of America is the level of connection and solidarity among people. If Americans cannot find a way to bridge the chasms that have been carved among them, the country will collapse into a violent mayhem. The next president’s first, if not only task, will be to patch up the fractions of American society and heal the hatred that’s been brewing everywhere.

If I were an American citizen, I would seek a way to pose that question to the debaters. There is so much at stake today that the answer to this question might very well indicate the fate of America.

“If Israel Were America” (Times Of Israel)


The Times of Israel published my new article “If Israel Were America

For months, I have been watching with growing trepidation the cavalier nonchalance of Israelis toward COVID-19. Now, I am afraid, it’s too late to undo the damage. In the past week, the average death toll was 31 people, and the rate is quickly rising since many hospitals have passed max capacity and medical personnel are worn out. Proportionally, 31 deaths are equivalent to a daily death rate of 1130 people in the US. And it’s rising quickly. And as far as new cases go, no one even comes close to Israel. On September 3rd, the number of new confirmed cases was 2,990 on that day alone. A week later, on the 10th, the daily tally was 4,400. Six days later, on the 16th, 6,600 tests came back positive, and a week later, on the 23rd, no less than 11,300 people tested positive for the coronavirus on that one day. If Israel were America, this rate would mean 419,000 new confirmed cases in a single day!

And all the while, entire sections of the nation are defiantly ignoring the government’s lockdown orders. They’re saying that they will not comply until other sectors comply. They protest against the government’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, but they refuse to wear masks or keep social distancing. In the first wave of the pandemic, we stood shoulder to shoulder and nearly eliminated the virus. In the second wave, we have become an exemplar of a country paralyzed by internal bickering.

In the battle against the virus, it seems as though we have made every possible error. But when we can’t even agree to try one course of action, and if it fails try another, we are left with no course of action whatsoever, and the horrific results are now beginning to show. Before long, the proportional death toll in Israel will outpace that of every country by a huge margin. Because the world always examines Israel with a close-up lens, we will become a proof that disunity wreaks destruction.

The closure that has been declared now will likely yield poor results not because it’s a bad idea, but because we’re not united and we’re not obeying it. We’re still doing whatever we want despite government orders and police attempts to enforce them. The result will be that people will be dropping on the streets of Israel, literally.

The coronavirus could have been an opportunity to serve as a positive role model. When the world is in darkness, fear, and division, we could be an example of unity. We could show how we rise above our differences and (deep) dislikes, and unite in order to defeat an otherwise undefeatable enemy. But we are failing left and right, thinking only of ourselves and seeing only our own interests.

We just celebrated Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when we are meant to atone for our sins. But Yom Kippur does not atone for sins against our fellow persons, and even during that holiest of days to the Jews, we committed countless sins against our neighbors by not obeying the simple rules that could cut the infection chains.

The current level of internal hatred and division in Israeli society has become an existential risk. We are weakening our ranks and our ability to withstand aggression. Moreover, we are on the brink of erupting with internal acts of violence and aggression.

More than once we were consumed by civil wars before. In the last one, we lost our sovereignty and it took us nearly two millennia to regain it. Now we see that the ills that caused our destruction then are still just as active, and threaten to bring doom on us once more if we don’t get a grip on our raging egos.

We cannot, and will not convince one another. We must only remember that being Israel means sticking to our unity despite our differences, above them. Besides the fact that by doing so, we will set an example that others will want to follow, accomplishing this will save our nation from another civil war and another exile.

The Last Generation At The Doctor’s Appointment


962.1Today, the world suffers from the fact that people do not have enough money, respect, and health. A person no longer thinks about elevated goals, but worries about the most vital things and how to suffer less.

We need to embrace these sufferings and give them the correct direction toward the Creator to correct this lack of understanding, like a mother takes care of a sick child who does not understand his illness. He just feels that he is sick and cries from pain. The mother should take him to the doctor, give him medicine, and provide all the necessary care.

This is how we should treat all of humanity. The Creator is the doctor, He is the source of all the abundance that we need to pass on to people. We need to learn how to do this, how to hear from the doctor how we should treat the child and persuade humanity to take the medicine in order to recover.

All of us are tightly connected to this world, are aware of all the news, and understand what is happening to it, and therefore we feel its sufferings. From this, we should understand our work as the last generation. Today, everyone gets the same treatment from the Creator and we must see ourselves between these two forces: the Creator and the created beings.

Our task is to implement their correct connection and to help them understand each other so that the Creator understands the created beings, the created beings understand the Creator, and together they develop in the correct direction.

We need to understand that the epidemic is not a blow but a push toward our development. All these forces come to develop us and lead us to connection and through this connection to a feeling of the common, upper force of nature. We have to contact this upper force of nature and this has nothing to do with any religion.

Soon we will see how much humanity needs this connection with the upper force and the upper force itself needs it, and also how much we are ready to connect. Then all of life will improve. This is called the correct connection between all parts of reality.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/24/20, “Concerning Above Reason”

Will The Pandemic End?


962.2Question: Based on today’s reality, people are very worried when the pandemic will end. Different authorities speak differently. Some believe that this will happen in 2021, and by 2022 at the latest. Others say that the consequences of the pandemic will never pass, that is, humanity will not remain the same as it was before.

What is your opinion about when the pandemic will end?

Answer: Never. Never, in the sense that we will not return to what was. No way. We will only go ahead and change precisely under the influence of negative influences.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/1/20

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

When The Teacher Becomes Desirable


514.04Remark: Today respect for teachers is rapidly falling. In high school students are violent toward teachers. A high rate of threats are reported to come to teachers from students. Many of them even turn to actions. Everyone is looking for an example of a teacher who a person can respect and follow, and they do not find it.

My Comment: Children see the teacher as a scapegoat: “What are you teaching us? What kind of world are you giving us? What do you want from us?” and so on. That is, there is a lot of anger in them toward this world.

They cannot receive fulfillment, saturation, and satisfaction from the world, and therefore, it turns out that they throw it on the teachers as representatives of this world, who are in front of them every day for many hours. And teachers make them do some exercises, solve problems, and pass unnecessary exams.

Question: Do children understand that they will never use this in life?

Answer: Of course. Today, the teacher represents the most hated being in the world for the child, which forces and restricts them. This is a legal jailer.

Remark: Needless to say, this is terrible. I remember my teachers, I did not have such a feeling. It seemed that it would be useful one day. Now everything suddenly spilled out with a great force.

My Comment: People do not need anything from what happens at school, from what they learn at school. They do not need any of this, and they will use nothing.

Question: What does a person need from a teacher? What wisdom?

Answer: Connection with others. A good, correct connection with each other. Only this should be taught at school. And “two plus two is four” is added for the development of the brain. Thus, there is nothing we can do about it, we will have to redo all this.

It is necessary to teach, of course. Yet, to teach what a person needs in life in the first place. And this is only the correct connection between people.

Question: Can we continue to provide education on the basis of this connection?

Answer: Give education, give whatever you want. But the main thing is the correct education. Otherwise, education with these exact sciences will lead people to build weapons and everything else leading to the means to harm each other.

Remark: In other words, give him physics, he will make a nuclear bomb. Give him chemistry, he will create chemical weapons.

My Comment: Of course. What do you want from them? You taught them that. You did not resist the fact that nature always increases egoism in them. Taking into account the fact that egoism is constantly developing in them, you gave them knowledge so that they could use this egoism to their own detriment. Involuntarily, the teacher becomes a source of evil.

Question: If the message from the teacher is: I am teaching you to connect with people, to connect with nature, will this hatred go away?

Answer: The teacher should explain that we are all one system, that we should be connected with each other in good ways, and not in evil ones. No matter what we are connected. However, our task is to turn an evil connection into a good one. Then we will begin to feel a completely different world in this good connection between us.

Question: Will children feel this?

Answer: We need to do this so that those already in school would feel this. Then the teacher will be desired, the only one.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/3/20

Jews Of America, Part 4


419American Reformism

Question: As you know, German Jews were reformists. The arrival in America of hundreds of thousands of fellow believers from Eastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Poland) did not make them happy because these Jews were Orthodox. On this basis, conflicts arose. Bohemian Isaac Mayer Wise is credited with founding American Reform Judaism.

What is the basis of reformism? What is the reason for this phenomenon in Judaism?

Answer: Reformism believes that religion should be left as a kind of background where it unites the people. And where it does not unite, it has to be removed. It is necessary to remove the orthodox religion from society because it divides it into clans, classes, etc.

Even in Russia, there were different rabbis in the villages who differed in their interpretations of Judaism and in everything else. And even more so, Eastern and Western Jews, Litvak and Belarusian Hasidim. Naturally, all this prevented unification.

On the other hand, American Jews wanted a purely mercantile use of their origin for their own good, and therefore sought to partially soften the tradition. We see that over the years, American Jewish society has more or less retained an indifferent form.

Of course, the difference between Jews is very large, but it is regarded according to the wallet, like the rest of American society. For example, in synagogues there are certain places for those who make large donations, for those who cannot pay that much, for special individuals, and for ordinary people, which cannot be in a meetinghouse. The Americans, with their inherent division of a person by pocket or rank, do it rather unceremoniously, which leaves an imprint on modern American Judaism.

But on the other hand, this led to the fact that today this Judaism, in principle, does not exist. It became the so-called three days a year Judaism, when people come to the synagogue only on holidays: Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, etc. The rest comes down to you mailing a check to your rabbi or community.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel” 11/18/19

Guide For Round Tables, Part 11


528.03Before Participating in Circles

Remark: One of the rules of the circle is to avoid templates and clichés and to try to speak honestly. The circle only works when the participants are as open as possible with each other.

My Comment: Before participating in circles, people should have a correct idea of the round table methodology because only by following all the rules can they come to the right decision, which is so important for everyone.

And even after serious preparation, every time they start some discussion to find solutions to problems and conflicts, they still have to hold a workshop first.

Question: Is there any difference in what the discussion should be based on? For example, reading a passage or watching a movie.

Answer: It depends on what you want to come to. Let’s say you want to lead them to a common solution. What are the issues? At what level? This must be determined in advance.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 7/9/20

Solutions And Artificial Intelligence


600.02Question: In which cases can artificial intelligence make decisions and in which case can only humans make them?

Answer: Artificial intelligence is a machine. If it can solve problems like a calculator, then it will. If it cannot, it will not. We get confused by entrusting new computers with tasks that only humans can do. This cannot happen. A calculator remains just a calculator, nothing more.

In our brains, in general, the same thing is happening. But we have a tremendous advantage in comparison with all other artificial or biological creatures: a person connects to the common brain.

There is a huge general intelligence above us in which absolutely everything exists. We connect to it, we get ideas from it, and information from us arrives to it. A machine cannot connect to it.

Question: But if a man does not connect to the common brain, then can a machine make better decisions?

Answer: It is quite possible depending on what level. Inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature are all connected to this brain at different levels. It controls everything.

Question: Is there not a danger that in the future we will be controlled by machines as it is often depicted in some movies?

Answer: If you want it, then yes. After all, it is a machine that acts in a purely deterministic manner, and if you program it intelligently, then it will educate you intelligently and control you.

Question: But will it not rule over man and enslave people?

Answer: By means of its own desire? No, it cannot happen.

Question: Don’t you believe that machines can enslave us?

Answer: It is not that I do not believe, I know that it cannot happen. After all, machines are not God’s, but human’s creation. According to the cause and effect system, it is impossible for us to create something that would be higher than us.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/11/20

Is It Possible To Advance Without Suffering?


562.02Question: What is the path of sufferings?

Answer: We must not advance toward the goal of creation by suffering, but when you divert from the spiritual path, you sink into sufferings. They put you back on track and you make a step forward.

Then you go deeper into  your egoism, you divert, and once again feel sufferings, which put you back on track, and then you take a right step forward once again.

Question: So, is it impossible to advance without suffering?

Answer: The point is that we constantly make mistakes along the way because without making mistakes, we will not be able to understand how to operate correctly. Therefore we have the opportunity to move toward the goal so that it will not be the sufferings, but the realization of our mistakes that will help us advance. This means that working on our mistakes and moving forward will be the same.

In this case, we will go without falling and rising, taking a step forward, again falling and rising, taking a step forward, but in two lines: left and right. Experiencing certain sufferings, troubles, and mistakes in the left line, we simultaneously work with them in the right line. And thus we do not go alternately left and right, but move with both feet toward the same goal.

Basically, we understand that we cannot advance without making mistakes since that is the way we are built. But if we advance egoistically, we already assume how we will discover our mistakes, how we will reveal evil, and we aim ourselves at moving over to the right line.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 11/18/18

The Epidemic Will End When We Finish It


557Every day we hear on the news about millions of coronavirus cases and thousands of deaths. The pandemic continues to spread and there is no end in sight. At first, we hoped that a couple of weeks would pass and the epidemic would end. But no one thinks so today. They are starting to say that there is no cure for the coronavirus and that most likely we will not be able to create a vaccine.

There will be some mitigation but there will be no real protection. There have already been examples of such diseases. Either they return regularly or they are constantly circulating between us. Therefore, we should not hope for the end of the pandemic, which, as it is now assumed, will come in a year or two. It will end when we finish it. It depends not on time but on our work.

The world suffers from a lack of food, money, and pleasure. But if we want a good life in which there will be all the best things, we must know the laws of nature and fulfill them properly. The primary law of nature is an integral dependence, which means that we are in a single organism. If a part of the body is broken, it suffers and the whole body suffers.

But the state of humanity is such that we are all split, separated from each other, from mutual good bestowal! Therefore, we are like a broken body that has no way to come back to life. So we must take care of our connection. This is called proper ecology, the integrality of nature manifested at all its levels. We must connect with each other correctly because nature obliges us to do so.

Nature says: “Do you want money, respect, health, food, and entertainment? I have it all for you! Only pay. With what?—With your connection.”
From Daily Kabbalah Lesson 09/24/20, “Concerning Above Reason”

Yom Kippur—Request For Correction


562.01In the process of spiritual development, there is a special state called Yom Kippur (from the word “kapara” – atonement), which means the correction of all sins that one has repented for and asked for correction. After all, it is clear that we can’t correct anything ourselves, and the sins we have committed are not ours at all because it is the Creator who created the evil inclination that controls us and makes us transgress.

It is not our fault that we are in egoism that each time forces us to think only of ourselves rather than others or the Creator. Therefore, both sins and their correction are not our fault or our merit because the Creator does everything. He prepared all sins for us and all the corrections for them, while we are between them like in a vice.

Our job is to attribute everything to the Creator: both sins and corrections. We only connect sin with correction to the extent that we realize and feel both of them come from the Creator and not from us. The Creator is above the transgressions and the corrections; it is a special upper force that is above everything.

Therefore, Yom Kippur is a day of special joy that allows us to rise even higher above creation and connect with the upper force to achieve its level. All the sins, all the egoism, made by the Creator, and the corrections achieved because of it, are necessary in order for us to understand the level that is higher than the evil and good inclinations, that is, to understand the Creator who cannot be attained any other way.

The Creator is separated from all of creation, and His essence can only be attained in this way by going through all our disunity. By connecting with each other, we connect with the Creator.

We rise above sin, above reward and punishment, and make these corrections only in order to reach the Creator who is separated from all of creation. The Creator prepared all these states for us so that we can attain Him—the one, unique, and only.

Yom Kippur is the main symbol of the process of attaining the upper force that is detached from all of creation. Without uniting and without concern about the whole world Kli, about mutual help, about all of humanity, it is impossible to achieve even the smallest spiritual revelation. All nations are destined to rise above their individual egoism and return to the system of Adam HaRishon to become one person, one desire.

Yom Kippur is a spiritual state in which a person reveals that his sin is believing that he was the one who sinned and not realizing that everything comes from the Creator. That is, he has not admitted that “There is None Else Besides Him.”

He thought that he did everything himself and evaluated his thoughts and desires inside his egoism. But now a person wants to correct his mistakes and all the impure scrutinies that are not connected with the one, unique, and unified upper force. This is what he prays for and asks of the Creator.

This is the essence of the Day of Atonement; it is the day a person wants to redeem and correct all the states and scrutinies that he could not attribute to the upper force. All our work is in attributing everything that happens in the world to the upper force and in considering ourselves to be only a creation 100% controlled by this force.

The ascent up the 125 spiritual degrees is identifying ourselves even more with the upper force until we come to the total adhesion with it. When we fully correct the Kelim, which the Creator intentionally broke, and raise it to His level, then we will be ready to begin the true path in understanding and adhesion with the Creator.

But these are the mysteries of the final correction. When we achieve this all together, all the creatures that are now in this world and those that are not here, we will advance further and find out what the Creator has prepared for us after the general correction.

Yom Kippur is when we reveal that not only good but also evil comes from the Creator, and they are of equal value. A person should bless for evil as well as for good because through both of these forces one attains adhesion with the Creator.

Adhesion with the upper force is our common and only goal; therefore, any states we go through should be perceived as an invitation to adhere. It doesn’t matter what I feel or what happens in my mind, heart, body, or relationships; it shows me where I can increase and strengthen my connection with the upper force.

The meaning of fasting on Yom Kippur is that we act only by the power of faith, not by the power of receiving.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/26/20, “Yom Kippur

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