Friday, August 26, 2011

An Honorable Request For Help

Question: If there was a restriction on reception, why don’t we feel shame raising requests and prayers (MAN) above?

My Answer: We don’t feel shame because we ask for help for us to achieve bestowal, and not for our own sake. That’s nothing to be ashamed of!

You can counter, “but the entire correction occurs because of the shame felt by Malchutof the world of Infinity!” However, I don’t feel shame raising this request because I don’t demand for myself; rather, for myself I ask only the bare necessities, so that I could bestow the rest!

There is no shame in this. Just the opposite, there is honor here for me, because I will be able to bestow to others what no one else can give them! Everybody has such unique abilities in that the work performed by a particular individual cannot be performed by anyone else. That is because everyone has their own personal root in the common soul.

Therefore, it is allowed to ask for strength to live and be healthy, to receive knowledge and abilities—if these things are needed to carry out actions of bestowal. This is precisely what “life” is in the world of truth.

Such is my existence: My life is possible only to the extent that I can bestow. My actions are exclusively bestowal. And the spirit that flows through me sustains my existence, which is intended for bestowal. This is what is called a spiritual state.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/25/11, Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah

Evolution Of Consciousness

We begin to develop and grow from this world, from the lowest possible reality, which descended from the world of Infinity through 125 degrees, through 5 worlds, to the very lowest point.Having reached this low level, the spark of light broke through to the very last spiritual degree into this world and began to form matter in it.

Matter began to concentrate, form, and unite one particle with another. In this manner began the return to the source—the correction of the breaking. From thereon began our Universe: the still, vegetative, and animate levels of nature.

All these degrees are a result of the unification of matter into more and more complex structures, all the parts of which act in benefit to each other. The power of Light, the power of nature, unite separate elements, and thus form inanimate matter in all its inner diversity. Matter is formed due to the unification of opposite particles according to particular laws.

And then even vegetative matter arises, where opposite particles connect into even more complex structures. They are much more spread apart from each other, but they unite nonetheless. Then animate nature emerges, each part of which feels separate and wishes to maintain its existence in an egoistic form. However, due to the force of nature, each of them still unites with others, and all together they create the animate—an animate body that is able to exist in spite of the fact that inside it exist a contradiction and unification of polar elements.

They are united by a special force—the force of Light, the force of the Creator, the force of mutual bestowal, in spite of the force of creation, an egoistic force that exists inside each. These two forces begin to act in common harmony.

Harmony is impossible if there are not two opposite forces that nonetheless unite for the sake of one goal, a common interest, and some higher state. A higher state means common interests of the body: the vegetative or the animate body. And then, due to development of matter on the animate level, it reaches the level of the human being of this world, which is an even more complex creature—a more aggressive and egoistic one. Every creature from this degree “human being in this world” finds that he is opposite to all other people.

And when he reaches the end of his egoistic development, he reveals that if he wishes to exist further, he needs a second, opposite force—the force of bestowal. The force of egoism developed in him, but what is he to do it with it now? It only destroys us.

At this point we understand that we must receive the force of bestowal, the force of unification. The feeling of the lack of the force of unification, without which we cannot continue, is in fact that feeling of a crisis, the breaking, the destruction of former values. It is revealed directly inside our existence, our life. We discover in absolutely all areas of life, in all the activities of a person in this world, that we cannot reach balance, harmony, and so-called “life.”

After all, life is built on the basis of two forces: reception and bestowal. We cannot exist by acting only with the one force of egoism. Therefore, as a result of our development, our gradual evolution, step by step nature brings us to the conclusion that we also need a second force: the force of unification.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/25/11, Shamati

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Warning In A Whisper

If, having heard even one word, a weak hint from the Creator, I am able to increase it to huge suffering due to my opposite nature to the Creator or even from the fear of a greater pain, I will be careful and begin to behave so as to not get into a confrontation with Him. It is worth doing even if it comes from egoistic motives, for your own sake.

However, if I use all of these states for the sake of reaching bestowal and I take up His hint, a soft warning, as a reminder about my uncorrected state, then I can turn it to the direction of bestowal. The question is only how much of my own fear, my own desire to direct it towards bestowal can I add to His light warning.

In other words, everything depends on my state. Perhaps I am ready to run immediately and search for correction with all of my strength, to unite with others, to study, and to attract the Light that Reforms as if I have gotten into a terrible misfortune. And perhaps I think that it is not so dreadful: Something is not working out; maybe I am tired or sick, and I can do something else instead of correction for now.

By doing this, I am stretching time and attracting even greater misfortunes upon myself because I am unable to wake up from a light hint. As a result, we suffer twice as much: both from the stretching of time and from heavier blows. This will continue until the situation worsens so much that it will simply force me to move from my position. However, how much time would I lose in vain and how much would I suffer? How much would I have to work on myself in order to come out of this state?

Each time, my state is lower and lower, further away from the spiritual world. That is why the work from the side of the environment is needed here in order for us to awaken in each other the ability to perceive and sense the calls that we hear every day, each moment.

You have to hear how the Creator is appealing to you, how He is constantly warning you to awaken, whispering something in your ear. You constantly have to try to listen to it, and then inside of you, you will develop a sensitivity to His language, to the way He works inside of you, and awakens you to the “thickness of a hair,” as it is said. No more is necessary!

A righteous person perceives this thin piece of hair as if it were a thick and heavy pillar. This is how much importance he gives it. Everything depends on our sensitivity.

To increase one’s mind means to increase one’s sensitivity in order to perceive more and deeper. We do not perceive the spiritual world precisely because it is too subtle for us. It is as if it is slipping away from our coarse organs of perception. However, as a result of such exercises, we will begin to pick up and to feel the spiritual reality.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/21/2011, Shamati #9

Soul Tuner

Question: What depends on me personally in this whole system?

Answer: Everything! You have our world group, which you can use as your closest environment. Place yourself against this environment in such a way that you will be revived from even the weakest states—good and bad ones alike.

A person can always remain sensitive to any state. It is like regulating the diapason of sensitivity in a device. If I turn it to the maximum of 10 units, my whole scale breaks into very coarse divisions and fails to react to a less powerful influence. However, if I put in a sensitivity that is 100 times greater, I will notice an effect where before a cruder device did not react, showed zero, and I seemed to feel nothing, I was in fog, didn’t want to do anything, and didn’t feel energy or inspiration: The Creator vanished from my perception. Now attune yourself to a 100 times greater sensitivity, and you will see how He works in you—only in a more refined range that demands more advanced perception from you!

We should search this way constantly. It can never be that you have no connection with the Creator at all and that you don’t constantly receive summons, or slight pokes, from Him. However, if you lack sensitivity, it is like you don’t react to them. Therefore, He is forced to return to your coarser attunement, and there you receive harder blows.

You should exist in constant aspiration upward, like you’re about to lift off the ground. Like a child that develops properly according to his age, no one asks more from you than what is appropriate for your age. However, if you are stuck in the age of four and refuse to grow to be five, then you need to be given double the pressure.

This is exactly how we are treated. Thus, one should understand that if he doesn’t feel an appeal to him from above at every given moment, this means that he is not sensitive enough and needs a more refined attunement, according to which he is being addressed now. And we can raise sensitivity only with the help of an environment, in which we rouse each other based on the conditions of a mutual guarantee in order to constantly be in search of the Creator! We should simply chase Him around and look for Him constantly like a man persistently courts a woman that he loves.
From the 1st Part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/23/11, Shamati #9

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You Won’t Succeed Alone

Today we are living in special times: The world has reached the state when all of mankind feels as if we’re all in one boat. It provides excellent opportunities for everyone to finally start living the common law of nature—the law of mutual guarantee.

A global, integral crisis has overtaken the world. This means that we are all in the same “boat,” one “ship,” at the bottom of which everyone is “drilling a hole” and doesn’t care about anyone else. And indeed, nobody will get ahold of themselves unless we all get together now and start supporting each other.

This is what we call mutual guarantee. I become everybody’s guarantor, meaning that they will not break this law. And every one of them, in turn, signs for everybody else, including me. And then, I find within myself the courage not to hurt another, not to “drill a hole in the boat.”

If in this way, we come to this common law of nature, we’ll definitely feel that we lack nothing. After all, you are equivalent to nature, so what can be better than that? You will feel happy and healthy and completely secure. No one will dare to approach your country’s borders and claim the right to it.

And all of this is thanks to the fact that you are equivalent to the laws that are dictated to us from Above. And all these laws come down to one, “love your neighbor as you love yourself,” the law of mutual guarantee that helps us reach such a relationship.

All We Lack Is Love

Our world has become global. In other words, the principal law unfolding in the universe is the law of a circle. Global means round, as is the globe of Earth.

We have become interconnected and interdependent. And if so, you cannot get into confrontations; instead, you must reach such an order where people will have warm, cordial relationships and become considerate of one another. In fact, what is mutual guarantee exactly? It is when I sign for you, you’re for me, and everyone is for everybody else. And so it will be all around the Earth.

We are moving toward it very rapidly. The speed with which the world is changing confirms it, and the pace of the changes will keep increasing. Very soon we will reveal that ours is not the only country that can solve the problems by way of mutual guarantee. Moreover, if you resolve them while sitting at the “round table” together with all the others, you feel internal, emotional satisfaction thereby.

They look at you with respect because you have compromised in some small degree because you start to consider the interests of others. A wave of warmth washes over you from within, and you feel safe; you are together with others. This way you begin to reveal the inner power present in this oneness, similar to the upper force.

Very soon, the whole world will see it since in truth, all people involved in protests need only one thing: love. It’s just that they cannot express it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Remaining In Spirituality Forever

To remain in spirituality forever means to agree that your ego will never be fulfilled. Presently we are at the very beginning of the spiritual path, and our desires to enjoy no longer find fulfillment. They will continue to empty more and more, until it becomes perfectly clear to us that we must rise above them.

We have no other choice. The entire preceding approach has exhausted itself; this whole game that was set in motion from Above to grow in us the desires of this world is over. We will now need to work on other types of desires. And we will soon see this phenomenon on the global scale.

We will feel a lack in everything in our egoistic desires: security, confidence, vitality, and hope for the future. At the same time, an opportunity will arise to connect to the Creator and to ask to adhere to Him.

And you turn to Him not in order to hide from the sensation of lack and emptiness since in that case, you would simply substitute a smaller fulfillment for a bigger one. Who wouldn’t want that? This is what usually happens when some blow befalls a person, and he immediately remembers the Creator and begins to pray.

Normally your animal body does not allow you to think about Him, but when it’s scared, it deploys you to the Creator for help. And you (the human in you) aspire to the Creator because your animal pushes you to Him. It is as if it says to you that it has nothing to eat and sends you to the Creator to ask for food. And you, the human, go and ask for your animal. This is how we live….

But if you, the human, aspire to the upper, not because you feel a lack in your regular fulfillment, but because you’ve begun to feel the importance of bestowal that the environment supplies you with, then you develop the spiritual desires over your empty personal desires. If you do it not because you want to fulfill yourself or profit in some way, that means you have achieved an inner revolution whereupon you begin to care for your spiritual vessel.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Infinity That Flows Through You

The mutual guarantee is when we all unite together in a way that everyone fulfills the desires of another. None of us can fulfill himself on his own—this is impossible in the spiritual world. I can only fulfill the desires of someone else, by 100%.

If I attain the world of Infinity, that means all the spiritual vessels (desires) are before me, and I fulfill them all with the Light of NaRaNHaY, which passes through me as an infinite Light that flows through me to others.

And I am left with the Light of Nefesh de Nefesh present in me at all times. The remaining Light passes through me and fulfills the external vessel that I have attached to myself. And this is what everyone does!

For me, the desires of another are “circular” (Igulim), meaning they are limitless. However, the form in which I fulfill them is a “straight line” (Kav Yashar), meaning this is the work with the screen. In this way I turn into an infinite “straight” desire if I fulfill the infinite “circular” desire of other people without any limitations on my end.

Personally I am limited in my ability to fulfill another, but I always perceive others as free of limitations. The limitation exists only in me—in how much I am capable of bestowing to them.

How To Reach Social Justice

Question: How can we connect the approach to decision-making at “the round table,” as in one family with the basic needs of man?

Answer: In reality, even if some protesters demand diapers, others – cheap cottage cheese, others – affordable housing, and so on, the whole nation is united by the desire for social justice. Every person feels that it is absent, that he is deceived, that he does not get what he is supposed to get compared to others.

The “pie” has to be shared in a way that achieves social justice. But what is social justice? It is when everyone agrees that under the circumstances, this is the only optimal solution.

Everything is always decided at “the round table.” You cannot solve a single problem apart from the others because everything concerns the same limited resource. If everyone sees only his own needs, we cannot come to the right decision, and tomorrow new protests will begin. Everyone should understand that it is impossible to deal with the problem in another way. Justice can be reached only by mutual consent and mutual guarantee.

We are unable to immediately see and hear how deep this principle is, but it changes the whole approach. And it has to be carried out in the nation. It is not so important how much money you take from here or there, but what is important is the feeling that you are really together with everyone.

People are currently living in a downtrodden state. And as much as they need money, it is important for them to feel that they are not ignored or “cornered.”

With this approach, practical decisions change as well. The whole of society and the nation start to think differently, treating the situation at a different level, and understanding that they can succeed only by making decisions at “the round table.”
After all, social justice is not measured by the amount of money received. It is measured by the conviction that we are one family, but due to not having any other choice right now, we share the resources in this way.

We should think about everyone in the same way, like in a family where there are old and young, sick and healthy. Thus, we discuss how to support each member at this moment. This is justice.

There are organizations that can be commissioned to provoke unrest and revolutions in different countries, while we are working to bringing society to an agreement!

The Entire Nation At The Round Table

If we want to ensure that all the programs have long-term prospects, the criterion by which we have to check them is whether they view our society as a family. We should solve all problems only in this way. Thereby, we will come to the solution together. Otherwise, decisions will be made under the influence of force, various manipulations, and in the long run, they will turn out ineffective: Each will be somewhat flawed.

This sounds as something remote from politics and all those means which the government usually uses: force and money, but there is no escape because people have to perceive solutions precisely in this manner.

Social justice are nice words. But what is it in reality? That is why we should always observe this global, integral approach, without which no nation, no society can implement any changes today.

Everyone should understand that there is no other approach to solving problems. We have entered a total and complete interconnection in our relationships, which requires the participation of everyone in discussions and decision-making. And all this has to happen in an atmosphere of mutual concession and assistance because the state “pie” which we share is not limitless. That is why we have to discuss this altogether, and everyone should understand that he will not receive a 100 percent of the desired and ought to concede.

And if the spirit of “mutual connection” will reign between us, and there will be total agreement between all the citizens, they will realize that we can advance only in this way. This will make an atmosphere between people healthy, and decisions will be taken in the spirit of participation and love. As a result, this will change the overall atmosphere, and this form of decision-making will improve the relationships between all the conflicting parts of society.

Of course, this approach contains more than the establishment of good relationships. If everyone will sit down at the “round table,” and each, demanding maximum for himself, begins to understand the demands of others and is ready to sacrifice some of his, even justified requests, this way we will arrive at the general consensus among people, and they will start connecting.

Thereby all the parties and social strata will enter the integral network, having connected all the nation together. In this way, we will reveal the general integral force that will raise us to the next level of consciousness and existence.

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