Saturday, August 21, 2010

Oil spill is good - The Inner Stream - Kabbalah Channel

Global Warming – Its Cure Is also the Cure for the Apathy People Have Toward It

Global Warming – Its Cure Is also the Cure for the Apathy People Have Toward It

Global Warming—So What!?
Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 15

With the abundant information available to the mass public today, everyone knows about global warming and climate change. But as it turns out, knowing and caring do not always go hand in hand. Read the Full Article >>>

The more we know about global warming and the threats it poses—the less we seem to care! A recent survey of 1100 Americans, conducted by scientists from the Texas A&M University, showed that “The more informed one is about global warming, the less one feels personally responsible for this problem and the less one is concerned for global warming” (Risk Analysis, Vol.28, Issue 1, Feb 08). In total contradiction to what we would expect, research shows that the more actively the media publicizes the problem, and the more informed we are, the less concerned about it we become!

Kabbalah – The Antidote to Indifference

Perhaps our indifference can be attributed to the fact that no one has been able to offer any viable solutions for the impending disaster, or maybe it’s because we feel too overwhelmed by the overabundance of disturbing facts. Hence we choose to simply push the problem aside, for the time being. But clearly we cannot ignore it when it begins affecting us personally—for example, when you happen to be that person in New Orleans whose entire family is wiped out by Hurricane Katrina.

Because of the global nature of the problem, any one of us can be next—so why don’t we care?!
Kabbalah explains it very simply: What’s preventing us from thinking soberly and effectively about the problem is our cunning, narrow egoistic perception. It blinds us from seeing the broader perspective, from being able to evaluate the full gravity of the situation. Moreover, our ego blinds us to the fact that we are causing this to ourselves, and are therefore able to prevent it! Read the Full Article >>>

The Beatles - Revolution (Live)

The Beatles - Help / with lyrics

Monday, August 16, 2010


Shamati in hebrew means- I heard

Everyone Is Jewish |

Everyone Is Jewish

In the News (from The Guardian): “Genes reveal Spain’s forced conversions” Research has found that 20 percent of men in Spain and Portugal today still have distinctive Sephardi Jewish ancestry. The researchers compared the Y chromosomes with more than a thousand men currently living in Spain and Portugal. Use of the Y chromosome, which confers masculinity, was crucial because it remains unchanged as it is passed from father to son. In this way, the researchers were able to determine if a man’s Y chromosome came from a Jewish or Moorish predecessor or another source.

In the News: (from Israel National News): “Charge: Ahmadinejad Rants to Hide His Jewish Roots” Several Iranian media sources are quoting Mahdi Khazali – the son of a leading supporter of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – as having written in a blog that the president has Jewish roots. Khazali the son says that the president hides his Jewish roots by attacking Israel and the Jews, and by expressing strong Muslim religious beliefs. The accusations appear in an article Khazali wrote entitled, “The Jews in Iran.” He says the time has come to “reveal the truth” about the Jews’ role in Iran.

My Comment: Everyone is Jewish; it’s just that not everyone has admitted it yet.

A question I received: I find what you say about Kabbalah really interesting, but I have one problem with it. The Book of Zohar has a big connection to the Torah. And while I did not read the Torah, I know that it gives an order to destroy people who aren’t Jewish and are trying to learn the Torah, or in other words, it says to destroy the best of the gentiles. This keeps me from trusting Kabbalah completely. Can you tell me whether it’s true what I heard about the Torah’s study by non-Jews?

My Answer: It’s a wonder how certain you are about what is written in the Torah despite never having read it! But you’re right – it does say that a gentile should be deceived and destroyed. What does this mean? A gentile (or a non-Jew) is every person’s egoism, which he has to correct in order to attain the purpose of our creation – equivalence with the Creator. A gentile cannot study the Torah because it talks about receiving the Light, and the Light cannot be received into egoism. That’s the meaning of those verses.

For now, you still cannot be considered a gentile or a Jew because the Torah (Kabbalah) considers a person an animal until he gains awareness of his egoism. Then, when a person gains this awareness, he is considered a gentile. And later, when he corrects his egoism, he is considered Israel, which means, “directed toward the Creator.” But none of this has any relation to your physical origin!

So, you have a long way to go before you can be considered a gentile. Besides, a “gentile” (Goy) means “a nation” in Hebrew. When the Torah says, “Goy,” it is talking about a person’s egoistic qualities. And when it says, “Goy Kadosh” (Holy Nation), it is talking about the quality of love for your neighbor.

Related Material: Post: Nationality Results from the Soul’s Properties Post: Israel Is All the People Who Aspire Toward the Creator
The Path of Kabbalah: “About the Study”
Shamati #21: “When One Feels Oneself in a State of Ascent”

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Queen - Friends Will Be Friends (Lyrics)

Finally we realize that in the hardness and blows of life, friends are reaching out to us all its good intentions in a relationship of mutual Warranty


There is an allegory about friends who were lost in the desert, hungry and thirsty. One of them had found a settlement filled abundantly with every delight. He remembered his poor brothers, but he had already drawn far off from them and did not know their place. What did he do? He began to shout out loud and blow the horn; perhaps his poor hungry friends would hear his voice, approach and come to that abundant settlement filled with every delight.

So is the matter before us: we have been lost in a terrible desert along with all mankind, and now we have found a great, abundant treasure, namely the books of Kabbalah in the treasure. They fulfill our yearning souls and fill us abundantly with lushness and agreement; we are satiated and there is more.

Yet the memory of our friends left hopelessly in the terrible desert remains deep within our hearts. The distance is great, and words cannot bridge between it. For that reason, we have set up this horn to blow loudly so that our brothers may hear and draw near and be as happy as we.

Know, our brothers, -our flesh- that the essence of the wisdom of Kabbalah consists in the knowledge of how the world came down from its elevated, heavenly place, to our ignoble state. This reality was necessitated, as “the end of a matter is in the first thought,” and His thought acts instantly, for He needs no practical tools as we do. Thus, we were emanated in the Infinite in utter perfection from the start, and came to this world (meaning: in the thought of the Creator to do good to His creatures).

It is therefore very easy to find all the future corrections destined to come from the perfect worlds that preceded us within the wisdom of Kabbalah. Through it we know how to correct our ways from here on. Man's merit over beast is that the spirit of the beast descends, which means it only sees from it onwards, without the intellect and wisdom to retrospect so as to correct the future.

Man's merit over beasts, is that the spirit of man ascends into the past. Man retrospects as one looks in the mirror and sees one’s flaws so as to correct them. Similarly, the mind sees what has passed and corrects its future conduct.

Thus, beasts do not evolve; they are still, in the same state they were created in, for they do not have, as man does, the mirror by which to see how to correct things and gradually evolve.. Man develops day-by-day until his merit is secured and sensed. But all this refers to the natural and superficial ways, meaning the nature of our surrounding reality, our food and mundane affairs. For this, the natural mind is quite sufficient.

However, internally, in our selves, although we do evolve some, we evolve and improve by being pushed from behind through suffering and bloodshed. It is so because we have no artifice by which to obtain a mirror to see inside man, which they had in past generations.

It is even more so regarding the interior of the souls and the worlds, and how they came to such dreadful ruin as today’s; so great is the destruction that we have no safety in our lives. We will be subject to all sorts of slaughter and death in the near future, and everyone admits that they have no counsel to prevent it.

Imagine, for example, that some historic book were to be found today that depicts the last generations ten thousand years from now for you, describing the comport of both individuals and society. Our leaders would seek out every counsel to arrange life here accordingly, and we would come to “no outcry in our broad places.” Corruption and the terrible suffering would cease, and everything would come peacefully to its place.

Now, distinguished readers, this book lies here before you in a closet. It states explicitly all the wisdom of statesmanship and the behavior of private and public life that will exist at the end of days. It is the book of Kabbalah, where the corrected worlds are set. They emerged perfect, as it says, perfection emerges first from the Creator, then we correct it and come to complete and lasting perfection in the Upper World.

It stems from the Creator as “the end of a matter is in the first thought.” Because the incomplete stretches gradually from the complete, not instantaneously, and since there is no absence in the spiritual, they all remain existing and depicted in their perfect form and image, in particular and in general, in the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Open these books and you will find all the good comportment that will appear and the end of days, and you will find within them the good lesson by which to arrange mundane matters today as well. We can examine history and by that correct the future.

I have seen all of that, and I can no longer restrain myself. I have resolved to disclose the conducts of correction of our definite future that I have found by observation and by reading in these books. I have decided to go out to the people of the world with this horn, and I believe and estimate that it shall suffice to gather all those deserving to begin to study and delve in the books. Thus they will sentence themselves and the entire world to a scale of merit.

Complete article

The Logical Song Roger Hodgson (Supertramp) w Orchestra

Some values remain behind to make way for a new model of consciousness and human behavior ..... sometimes these values, we mistook the point of asking "Who am I?", As in this Logical song

Cutting Off The Past In Order To Enter The Future |

Dr. Michael Laitman

Question: What is the meaning of mutual spiritual work between spouses?

Answer: A spiritual connection is when a woman is like “half of a man’s body.” A man without a wife is an incomplete part of the desire. This part of the “animate” existence (as it seems to us) and the entire mutual life in a family, which seems unconnected to spirituality, are in fact very important.

It’s not time for it yet, but we will reach the state where men and women will feel a need to find out what the meaning of our lives is and what we are living for? This problem can only be solved on the condition that we are similar to nature, the Creator, and thus are obligated to unite into a couple, a family. That will be our mutual spiritual work. We will feel that we are unable to maintain a family without a spiritual connection, and we are unable to attain spirituality without creating a family!

That is why families are now in crisis or a “breaking.” It’s like the Tzimtzum (restriction). All of our previous lives, ways of thinking, approach to the family, and our entire paradigm of the past are over! They have reached “the breaking.” Our old philosophy and attitude to life, family, and society no longer work. All of this has reached the end, and that is why we are experiencing a crisis today. We are cutting off our entire previous attitude to life and are entering new interrelations.

From here on, a person will once again need a family, children, work, and society, but precisely in order to attainbestowal and revelation of the Creator instead of using them egoistically and trying to obtain a small, comfortable home in order to lead a good material life. That is why we are going through a drastic transition and will have to cut ourselves off from our entire previous life and attitude.

Related Material:

Kabbalah on Family Relationships

Successful Relationships Are Built On Having Similar Qualities

Harased Husbands: Another Syntom Of The Crisis

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