Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Sin Of Adam Is The Cause Of All Of Our Troubles

laitman_929Question: Why in these days, from the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, is a completely unique atmosphere felt?
Answer: These are days of judgment, and we see this when we look at the events that are happening in Europe and Israel. The world requires our correct participation.
In the days of judgment we need to judge ourselves, our behavior, our deeds, to clarify the cause for all of the failures and the unfavorable fate.
It is always necessary to examine ourselves in relation to the origin, and our origin isAdam HaRishon (the First Man). The sin of Adam HaRishon is the reason for everything that happened after it.
Twenty generations after Adam, one of the great sages of ancient Babylon Abraham began the correction of the sin of Adam HaRishon; he called for all the Babylonians to unite and rise above the mutual hatred, which is called the Tower of Babel that led to a crisis.
Some of the Babylonians heard the call of Abraham and joined him. Abraham taught his students “to love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), so that love will cover all crimes, over all hatred. So Abraham gathered a group that later evolved into the people of Israel.
These events are directly related to what is happening today. After so many events we have experienced throughout history, we are still in the same situation of Adam HaRishon; we must correct his sin.
The people of Israel were chosen from among all the other peoples for this purpose because they had the desire for unity, spirituality.
These are a unique people possessing a unique desire, a special readiness of mind and soul that can achieve such a unity between them by which the whole world is then united. The great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam wrote about this in the article, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar.”
The sin of Adam is the basis of the breakup of humanity, all of its suffering and troubles. All of our problems come from this sin because of which one great desire, one soul, was shattered into a multitude of fragments. In each one of us there is a tiny fragment of the collective soul.
If eight billion people are living in the world today, there is a part of the soul of Adam HaRishon, of Adam in each one of them. So we need to connect with each other so that all of these parts will merge together.
But the realization of this function isn’t imposed upon eight billion but upon the people of Israel. If the people of Israel will correct themselves and unify according to the conditions of “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” then all the nations of the world will automatically be integrated within it.
This is specifically what Abraham taught the ancient Babylonians who joined him and created the people of Israel. They were selected from all of the humanity that existed then, when for the first time the shattering, the first crisis after the shattering of Adam was discovered.
Abraham gathered around him all those who wanted to correct the primordial sin. These were unique people who yearned for the goal of creation, the attainment of the meaning of life, and Abraham taught them the method of connection and unity.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 9/20/15

Different Attributes: Moses And Korach

Laitman_076Korach is the leader of the attribute of criticism in a person who believes that it is possible to perform spiritual actions of correction and to ascend to the level that is equal to the Creator, which means to enter the land of Israel, to a state in which a person discovers the upper force of nature and is in contact with it, in adhesion.
The attribute of Korach in us believes that it is possible to attain this state in an easier and shorter way than Moses proposes, without afflictions and without many problems, without the terrible suffering and death in the desert.
But the nation is facing 40 years of serious work of getting closer to one another. There is no doubt that they will die during this time, and they are doomed to suffer during the whole 40 years and then die at the end near the border of the land of Israel.
But Korach still claims that it is possible to skip this level. He is a great man who understands everything and being in his attribute, he sees (and he believes that what he sees is true) that Moses is wrong, just as he has mislead the spies. What’s next?!
It is very hard to express yourself. You should either reach the highest state now, called the land of Israel, and attain the attribute of bestowal, the end of correction, mutual love with the Creator, as the whole upper world is revealed before you and you can operate there according to the spiritual laws or you must die because of your incompatibility with the upper world.
Why is it impossible to correct this incompatibility? If the spies had decided to enter the land of Israel no matter what, everything would have been okay. The people would have followed them and they would have easily overcome all the obstacles without any wars. War is necessary only in order to beat us and to raise us to the next level, to reveal our readiness and nothing more than that.
Korach believes that as a leader Moses is responsible for everything. From his perspective Moses hasn’t prepared the people correctly and so the children of Israel can follow a different way.
This problem has no solution because the attribute of Malchut (Korach) and the attribute of Bina (Moses) are opposite from one another and cannot be integrated. Although Korach is a great man and is on a level close to Moses, these attributes are very different.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/20/15

Another Tower Of Babel

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Andrei Miroshnichenko): “The real shock to civilization will be the introduction of a browser with the ability to translate from one language to another seamlessly, without effort on your part. Imagine you open a Chinese website and you understand everything on it. Or’re far away in Suriname also understands all instantly without any problems.
“This multilingual browser would be a disaster for this civilizational unit. …
“And we get another Tower of Babel. …
“If the printing press, according to McLuhan, established a national state, the multilingual browser, on the contrary, destroys the very principle of the national state, which built the modern world order.
“Strictly speaking, this browser is the full realization of the idea of ​​the Internet. …
“In Western Europe, each wave of the media was accompanied by a certain adjustment period. For example, the first newspaper, in fact intended for the elites, emerged in the early XVII century. In the middle of the XIX century were invented the printing press and cheaper steam driven paper making, reducing the cost of production of the press, there were mass newspapers – the penny press, and there contemporary journalism emerged. That is, the distribution of newspapers from the elite to the masses took just about two centuries and formed a political system that came in the form of the general qualifying the same general reader for voting.
“In the first third of the XX century there was already a radio, even for the mass media, which did not require literacy. It played a crucial role in the formation of fascist, communist and commercial empires, that is, in the formation of modern advertising and promotion. Then came television and the Internet. Each wave of media has created new social relations. …
“… these processes are related to the ‘colorful revolutions,’ religious extremism, international tensions, all this is the ‘new Middle Ages’ – a reaction to the too rapid evolution of the media in recent years. Traditionalist consciousness, which is still at the stage of information broadcast from the ‘top-down’ is in conflict with the open architecture of the network, with its freed authorship.
“… the Gutenberg printing press led to religious wars, revolutionary and reactionary terror, redrew the map of Europe, the continent settled by three types of refugees: political, economic and religious.
“I believe that we are waiting for disasters, comparable in scale.
“More curious is how widespread computerization and speeding the flow of information is combined with counter-tendencies. …
“Imagine from two-dimensional space, we jumped to twelve. Of course, this is a shock. Inevitably, there are reverse reactions.
“The fact that changes are taking place in the media are not limited to changes in personal or social habits. …
“In the transition from book to media, restructuring occurs physiological brain.
“Reading involves language centers, and Internet surfing is a task. …the ability to skillfully use the information on the Internet is developing at the expense of the ability to read length. Internet surfing, incidentally, is very useful for the elderly. After all, the brain has to deal with many small unnoticed tasks: to click – not to click on a particular link. They say this almost invisible training helps Parkinson’s disease . But the brain of a young person in the transition to society from an online book loses the ability to concentrate.
“In fact, long-term focus on an abstract subject initially was not peculiar to man, and in the wild, even dangerous.. . Prior to the book, only priests and hunters were able to concentrate for a long time on one object.
“Thanks to Gutenberg, the ability to focus on abstract thoughts physiologically altered the brain of millions of people, which led to the explosive development of science, the discovery of vaccines, flight into space.
“Today multimedia effects on the brain leads us to the next round of the spiral. The older generation may still have some immunity, some reflection on the transition from the book to online. But the biggest problem here – the education of children. They have no experience of socialization offline, they think the Internet – is something that has always been. And they did not have experience of reading anything of length.
“There is a rhetorical question. For example, Nicholas Carr’s famous question about the Internet, does it make us dumber or smarter, I answer – ‘yes.’
“Immediately after it are seen new horizons – dimensional media, immersive media, induced reality, implantation device, finally connecting to the network of nerve endings.”
My Comment: Everything is evolving only to realize the program of nature, the unification of all of humanity into the image and system of an Adam (Man), a single man. The introduction of all kinds of media will need to complete the unification of everyone into a single organism, into one heart, desire, and mind. This will no longer expressed through technological attainments, but through voluntary ascent above ouregoism according to the method of the wisdom of Kabbalah.[167142]

Monday, October 19, 2015

The World To Come During This Life

laitman_944Question: Why do I need to correct what the Creator created? I feel as if I am protesting against Him.
Answer: We must protest so that we will unite and connect between us in spite of our ego. This is like a puzzle that parents buy for a child and ask him to assemble the 50-100 pieces together.
These efforts develop the child because he must imagine how to connect the separate parts. So also all of us, if we connect ourselves into the right complete puzzle, will then see a picture between us called the “world to come, the upper world.”
Question: Is this world to come the same world that we reach after death?
Answer: The world to come we see during this life. The world to come is characterized as the approaching new one in which we attain a wonderful unity between everyone, “like one person with one heart,”  “and you shall love your friend as yourself.” Thanks to this connection, we begin to discover a completely new level between us.
We are changed internally so that we begin to feel that all of us are connected. Thanks to this, humanity is integrated and unified with all the rest of nature: the still, vegetative, and animate are also joined to humanity. And then a person begins to understand and feel the entire world such that he includes it within himself.
That is what each one begins to feel: I, you, he, and everyone. For all of us are integrated into a single force, a single desire, a single thought, and thanks to this, we reach a completely good world. We rise above life and death, above all problems and troubles, here and now in this world, as is written: “You will see your world in your lifetime” (Berachot 17a).
All of this is in our power; so come, let’s take advantage of this opportunity correctly. Let’s think about this; only through our connection and unity will there be salvation for us and for the entire world.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 9/20/15

Complaining About Darkness When There is Infinite Light

laitman_528_01Question: How must I look at society: Do I need to think that everyone already understands everything and are only waiting for my correction, or should I think that all of us are found in a single boat, with a single desire?
Answer: We are together in any way you look at it. On the one hand, this is a large and very advanced group at the height of the end of correction; on the other hand, this is a society that is waiting for me, while I am holding it back not letting it ascend! On the third hand, this is a society in which everyone is equal except for me. Which is to say, from any point of view about society: from above, on the same level, and below, I am obligated to it.
I get everything from the friends! But because of my attitude towards them, I cannot use anything they give me, radiate to me. Because of my incorrect attitude toward them, I cannot make a prayer (MAN -Mayin Nukvin, a demand for the characteristic of bestowal) for them. They would want to bestow and to help me, but are not prepared to do so! Their actual bestowal to me is possible only according to my MAN, my request.
They do everything for me; they prepare themselves to take care of me, but I don’t raise a prayer, MAN to them. I don’t consider them important and don’t believe that I would be able to get everything through them. I don’t believe and don’t see them as the greatest of the generation, so I freeze everything here and there.
Question: So how can I turn to the friends with a prayer, with MAN?
Answer: Try to believe that they have all that you need. Then you will have a drive to turn to them. The society has everything; it is in the state of Ein Sof (infinity)! But we cannot discover the minimal Light of Nefesh de Nefesh in it.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/14,  Talmud Eser Sefirot

A Request To The One Gave Birth To Me

laitman_562_01Question: Could it be that the lower raises MAN (a prayer) to the upper and cannot keep on raising MAN?
Answer: This cannot happen! The upper is in a state of Hafetz Hesed and this is the reason it is the upper with respect to the lower. He is the one who created and gave birth to the lower.
The lower discovers itself existing with certain inclinations and Reshimot (spiritual genes), which means with a certain fate, all of which come from the upper. Our whole existence is thanks to our father and mother, and it is the same in spirituality. But we receive all the discernments from our spiritual father and mother.
This chain comes down from the world of Ein Sof (Infinity). Everything that happens in me, both in the feelings that arise in me and in my mind, is all arranged by the upper to the smallest detail. He arranges and directs everything in me with fine tweezers and knows all my reactions because he is my upper. The upper Partzuf in the spiritual world isn’t just the one through which I receive everything from above. The upper totally controls me to my last cell, to the smallest detail there can be, and which I will attain at the end of the spiritual ladder.
The upper raises MAN on my behalf, and in order to be connected to me he is in a state of Hafetz Hesed, of Bina, of bestowing in order to bestow. If he were in a state of greatness, I wouldn’t be able to ever see or feel him.
This is the reason that he remains in a state of smallness with respect to me and so I can ask from him. This means that I can connect to him and attain a minimal equivalence of form with him, and thanks to that, turn to him with my request. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do so and we could not understand one another.
The lower who rises to the upper doesn’t see this AHP and cannot digest and understand it. The lower only knows that it is someone greater than him and nullifies himself before him, which in the meantime is the maximum form of getting close to him.
Question: Does the upper see the GE of the lower?
Answer: The upper sees everything because he gave birth to the lower. It isn’t even the same as in our world where we can build a certain system and then find out that it doesn’t work as we expected. In the spiritual world, the upper is fully conscious of the lower that is totally revealed to him so that he can work with him. The upper doesn’t have to wait for any responses from the lower. He only wants for the lower to know his own responses.
From the 3d part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/14Talmud Eser Sefirot

Corporeal And Spiritual

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, when we use the word “corporeal” we refer to the desire to receive, and when we use the word “spiritual,” we refer to the desire to bestow. This is part of a person’s inner world, his feelings.
So, what is our physical world? Is it the mountains, planets, the sky, the plants, and so forth? Are these things related to receiving and bestowal, or not at all?
Answer: This is what we feel in our corporeal attributes (desires) that cannot be corrected by our five senses (that are parallel to the five Sefirot of the soul). Look under “the perception of reality” in this blog.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How Can We Transcend The Machsom (Barrier)?

laitman_281_02Question: I am a writer (I have been told that I am even widely read). I have created dozens of people who live in another world, which is often more real than the lives of many people in this world. When I write, I am everywhere but not inside my body.
I have made hundreds of thousands of people cry and laugh, not thinking about my fame and my profit when I do it. I don’t think about that when I write but only before and after.
It seemed that could resemble the Creator! But my literary work didn’t help me attain spirituality. I have not transcended the Machsom yet, and there is nothing I would like more.
Answer: My advice to you is the same advice I give everyone: start getting used to and perceiving the method. Don’t rush and try to skip over steps since you may miss something and cease to understand and to relate everything to one system. I suggest that you come and visit us in one of our conventions.

Doubts Are A Place For Advancement

Laitman_003.jpgComment: If we look at the Torah superficially, it seems that it is only talking about murders, suffering, and struggle between good and evil, and I hear that you are constantly justifying all the rebels: Miriam with Aaron, Korach with Israel.
Answer: These characteristics are constantly rising up within us. On the way towards correction, the discovery of all kinds of egoistic characteristics happens to a greater or lesser degree.
But still they are in conflict between them to awaken a greater resemblance and equivalence with the Creator, to attract greater desires and greater intensity of ascent.
After all, ascent happens both according to the characteristic of the egoistic desire, the “left line,” and according to the altruistic characteristic, the “right line.” So it is necessary to clarify how to ascend in the “middle line” so that we attract the most from the two lines with a connection between them.
Where is this right connection between them found? There are a lot of subtleties here. We study this in the book The Tree of Life by the Ari and, in part, in the bookTalmud Eser Sefirot (The Study of the Ten Sefirot) by Baal HaSulam.
But in general, this is a very complex multilevel system, and so there is room for constant doubts. They appear in us intentionally because specifically at the time of these doubts, we have a need to ascend even further above the characteristic to receive to the characteristic of bestowal.
Every doubt makes it possible for a person to resolve it with the help of an ascent above it. So, all of the characters of the Torah are with contradictions and clarifications, since only in this manner is it possible to rise to the level of the Creator.
The entire system consists of ascending above the doubts: I don’t know how to behave, what to do. I ask my egoistic desires, my intellect, my feelings, all of my experience, to weigh all the “pros” and “cons.” Everything is seemingly played out on the stage of a theater. Ultimately, escape happens through an ascent above myself. And this is the advancement.
So we must unite by shutting our eyes; only in this way is it possible to survive and advance forward.
Of course this is not felt immediately because when desires like these arise in me, like Korach and his faction, then I am in a very great internal fragmentation.
It seems to me that I am right. And so only the tiniest characteristic that is left in me, which I discover at a critical moment and can use, raises me to a greater height.
Comment: It is interesting that it is specifically the great Tzadikim (righteous) that commit “sins,” but in the good sense of the word. An example of this is the leaders of the twelve tribes who entered into the land of Israel and saw giants there.
Answer: Only the highest characteristics give us complex situations like these. And after that the ground swallows them or they are stoned or burned; what and how is not important.
This is talking only about the correction of egoism. After all, there are four levels of density of the ego, accordingly there are four methods of its “execution.”
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/20/15

Freedom And Ascent In Spirituality

Laitman_508_2Question: If our brain receives all the orders and thus operates our body, it means that I also receive thoughts about freewill and the wisdom of Kabbalah.
So what does it mean to be a free man if we don’t control our thoughts and our actions? How can a person ascend if he doesn’t receive such orders?
Answer: A person receives everything from the Upper Light and from there his path depends on his connection with the environment and to what extent this connection resembles the structure of the upper level. If it resembles it, he discovers it, etc.

Who Can Be A Student?

Laitman_001_01Question: Can I become your student? I became familiar with the wisdom of Kabbalah this year.
I read books, watch your video recordings, and have registered to the virtual course, but I would really like to know how you determine whether a person is ready to become your student. Is it because you can see the person’s level of readiness to serve the Creator?
Answer: A person determines that by himself according to the calling of his heart. If he has a real desire to discover the meaning of life, he has to develop it by his connection with people who study in our courses. Good luck!

The Main Thing Is To Wait For Revelation

laitman_527_06Question: I have a question and I want to understand it with my intellect specifically, and not through emotions and feelings, but specifically to understand it with my intellect. You say that while we are reading The Book of the Zohar we need to grasp it as a cure, like an infusion, like a medicine, with no connection to whether or not we want to understand The Book or not.
However, I feel desire. I constantly feel some lack if I don’t read this book at least once a day. Something pulls me to the text. I want to intellectually understand what this attraction is.
How is it reflected on the intention if the texts simply interest me? Sometimes, I even forbid myself from hearing the reading of The Zohar and, on purpose, listen to another part of the lesson. Is this correct to do?
Answer: Listen to what you want and don’t limit yourself. The main thing is not to make a mistake, but to wait so that the Upper Light, the Surrounding Light, will complete its action, its bestowal, and then to discover its results: your clarification of the revelation of the upper world and the Creator.

How Is The Meaning Of Life Discovered?

Laitman_083Question: How does a Kabbalist answer for himself the question, “What am I living for?”
Answer: From the point of view of the wisdom of Kabbalah, our lives are divided into two parts.
The first part is responsible for the physical (beastly) state of the person. Concern for the body, offspring, nourishment, security, and so forth, which is to say, everything that a beast is concerned about, the person also is concerned about.
The second part of our lives is the opportunity to attain what is found above our body because we have other needs. If a person feels a need to attain the meaning of lifeand thinks about how to attain a state in which the higher management, the upper world, the new reality, will be revealed to him, then he comes to the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Today in our system, we already are teaching more than two million people in the world, and these people gradually attain the second half of the meaning of existence, meaning the exit into the upper world.
Along with this, the person continues to work and live in our world, as it is written, “May you see your world in your lifetime” (Berachot 17a) [meaning the upper world], and he will live simultaneously in the two worlds.
The meaning of human existence in the physical world is to attain the upper world and continue to develop within it continuously.
Our world is one of the levels in the great metamorphosis, and the next stage is the upper world from which come all the signals for the management of our world. So, the meaning of our lives is specifically revealed there.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 9/20/15

An Atomic Explosion Of Unity

laitman_936Question: Why do you say that it is necessary to invest all of our energies in connection and unity between people? I still have not seen any person in the world who did this and succeeded.
Answer: Receiving good energy and the opportunity to rise above the sensation of time and space, above all the negative resistance as if we are floating in the air, is possible only on condition that we begin to connect and unite.
In a connection between two or more people, an intense positive energy suddenly begins to be revealed that is prepared to elevate them to very high levels above matter because our entire problem is that we are wasting our energies on conflict, confrontation, and competition. However, if we achieve unity and compromise, within this connection we discover enormous energy, like in an nuclear bomb.
In principle, from what is a nuclear explosion derived? It is simply connection to a critical mass. See what power is released from this connection, and at the time of the connection between people, this power will be many times greater. All of the spiritual power in the upper world, which is ready to elevate us above space and above our substance, is derived from connection and unity only.
If we were connected with each other, then in the stitches that connect us, we would discover the upper world. That is, all of the work is summed up by our connection and unity, and this is precisely what the entire Torah speaks about.
In the place of our connection, the opportunity to break out to the next level, to a higher dimension, to the upper world, is revealed to us. There, we will live without any suffering or trouble. This is because all of our troubles and problems result from our separateness.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM 9/20/15

Eternal Soul

Laitman_509The Torah, “Numbers,” 15:30 – 15:31: But if a person should act highhandedly, whether he is a native born or a proselyte, he is blaspheming the Lord, and that soul shall be cut off from among its people. For he has scorned the word of the Lord and violated His commandment; that soul shall be utterly cut off for its iniquity is upon it.
Question: What does “that soul shall be utterly cut off” mean?
Answer: It is impossible to cut the soul off, for after all, this is the discovery of the characteristic of bestowal, love, the Light, in a person. If we make our egoistic desire similar to the Light, the upper force, then this characteristic of bestowal and love begins to perceive the Upper Light, be filled with it to the degree of equivalence with each other, and this is called a soul. In this manner, we connect ourselves with the Creator, with the Light.
Our main function is to gather all of our separate internal desires, intentions, thoughts, and feelings together under one solitary intention of bestowal and love outside of ourselves. And then to the degree that at any given moment they will be joined and connected within us, we create within us an object called the Creator and we feel Him within us. The characteristic of love and bestowal that this person can create within himself is the Creator.
Question: So why is it said that if, “a person should act highhandedly… shall be utterly cut off for his iniquity is upon it”?
Answer: If a person was on a spiritual height or he had the possibility of rising to this height, but he does the opposite, then he falls, descends from this height. It follows that the previous soul is apparently cut off and he must produce it anew, but already on another, greater level. So the descent is necessary.
In every stage you must fall from the previous level and rise to a higher level. When we read in the Torah, we see how the people made mistakes all the time. The question may be asked, couldn’t they learn anything?! But they must commit sins; they must discover the poisons of their ego within them again and again, then correct them and rise even higher upward. Along with this, they must be happy about their descent! As it is said, “A Tzaddik (righteous) will fall a thousand times and get up” (see Proverbs 24:16). This is our way.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/13/15

A Spiritual Person

laitman_214Question: In our world, the term “spiritual” points to a wide variety of human characteristics, from a subtle and delicate understanding of art to all kinds of possible altruistic activities. From your point of view, who truly can be called a spiritual person?
Answer: A spiritual person is someone who possesses knowledge of the system of management of our world.
The upper world, or the spiritual world, is a system that influences us and totally holds us within its network. We can discover it, but only in tangible conditions. If a person carries out particular actions upon himself, acquiring particular characteristics, then he begins to feel the system of the higher forces and becomes a spiritual person.
Spirituality is a field that is involved with the arrangement of the higher forces that manage our world. It seems to us that this is found somewhere far away, but in fact, it is here next to us, but we simply don’t feel it.
The wisdom of Kabbalah exists to reveal this system to a person. It makes it possible for us to really feel the higher forces such that a person doesn’t merely feel this system, but through it, he begins to manage our world. To the degree that he becomes spiritual, he blends with the system of upper forces so that he can become integrated within the management of creation.
In this manner, the wisdom of Kabbalah is aimed at bringing all of humanity to the possibility of managing our world, our destiny, changing this world, but only through the system of the upper world. So, today we are finding that we cannot do anything with ourselves, with our world, with our lives.
We are in terrible situations. We don’t know what will happen to us tomorrow: Families are falling apart; children are leaving their parents; all the regular trends of society are crumbling; science and culture are at an impasse. Everything is disappearing somewhere, seeping through the fingers into oblivion. People are deteriorating into violence and useless aggression, emptiness, drugs, and meaningless lives.
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains this situation of the world to us. On the one hand, it is global, and, on the other hand, negative, nihilistic, and from this, a person will be able to understand that no other escape is left for him to improve his life, to understand what he is living for, to attain the meaning of life, but only through the wisdom of Kabbalah.
So, it is being discovered specifically in our time, whereas for thousands of years it was concealed and was called the hidden wisdom.
Specifically through revealing this wisdom, a person becomes ready to see the world through a system of higher forces of management, becoming ready to be integrated into this system.
When he rises above everything, he attains a feeling of eternity and wholeness. In other words, a spiritual person is someone who manages the forces found beyond the limits of the physical world, even beyond his fate.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 9/20/15

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