Thursday, January 4, 2018

A Kabbalist Is A Regular Person

laitman_961Question: Do Kabbalists ever have nervous breakdowns or emotional overload? How do they cope with them?
Answer: Frankly, a Kabbalist is a regular person who divides his existence into two parts: the animate and the spiritual.
In the animate part of him, a Kabbalist has to do whatever is necessary for his body. Give it food, sex, family, knowledge, power, envy, jealousy—meaning, everything the body needs to function normally in order to advance into the upper world.
A Kabbalist must not only satisfy his animate desires (food, sex, and family), but also must study other sciences and take care of himself financially so he does not become a burden on society. In everyday life, he is the most ordinary person that can be. Kabbalists are not simple individuals.
The only thing you can tell by looking at them is that their whole lives are devoted only to carrying out their spiritual obligations.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/3/17

Don’t Disconnect From The Creator

laitman_276.01Question: How does a Kabbalist analyze what has been swept through him?
Answer: The Kabbalist should justify everything that happened to him during the years of life. All of this has been done by the Creator, there is none else besides Him, and He is only good who does good.
From this moment onward, he must try to be connected with the Creator in all of his actions, and in whatever happens to him—the best, the worst, no matter what—he still does not part from the Creator.
Disconnecting from the Creator is the greatest punishment of man in the world!
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/3/17

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Pregnant Person

laitman_565.01In the News (Fox News): “The UK government objected to the term ‘pregnant woman’ in a United Nations treaty, claiming the term ‘excludes’ transgender people who give birth and should be replaced with ‘pregnant people’ …
“The move follows the UK government’s position to foster transgender inclusivity. Last week, Prime Minster Theresa May unveiled plans to go ahead with the so-called Gender Recognition Act that allows people to “self-certify” their gender.”
Question: Where is this taking us?
Answer: It is taking us nowhere. What difference does it make how they will be recorded in these documents? It is irrelevant. You deal with a person, not a piece of paper. It may be necessary for some procedural actions, for courts, but in general, they will not gain anything by it.
Question: Either way, will the status of “pregnant person” exist now? And men would be able to be considered pregnant, which is actually possible.
Answer: Of course, they will do everything! But, we must understand that we are now in a particular state, a particular stage in nature’s development when the individual is changing, one’s tastes are changing, and one’s orientation. Everything within a person is changing.
Already, young people do not want to marry and do not want to maintain normal relations between them. What haven’t they tried yet? They would rather buy sex dolls than get a boyfriend or a girlfriend. They generally do anything that comes to mind.
We need to understand that this tendency is natural because we did not correct the individual in time, didn’t give him the right guidance, the right information, as to how he should work with his own nature. That is why they are looking for ways that bring a certain kind of miasmic self-gratification or some kind of new sensation.
Moreover, they demand to be respected, to be acknowledged, to receive special consideration. So a large problem looms for humanity. In the end, all of this will escalate and accumulate into such a condition that society will not be able to bear it and must somehow change it through forceful measures.
Question: In principle, do you look at a person as a person?
Answer: I don’t look at a person. I look at his internal state, at his soul, and it is not dependent on how often he changes his gender or does anything else externally.
Question: Will such a way of relating to each other ever exist in our world?
Answer: I think it will come to replace our present, also revolutionary, period. Humanity is rising above all kinds of differences—gender and others—and will begin to speak about the inner qualities of a person, not about the external state.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman,” 11/9/17

How To Envision The Connection Between Us

laitman_264.01Question: How can we envision the connection between us?
Answer: Those who have not reached spirituality and just want to enter it can imagine this connection in different forms. The connections between us already exist, we just do not see them. They will be revealed to us to the extent that we acquire the intention to bestow.
Have you ever seen how laser beams are revealed by using a special spray in the room? After using a special spray, these beams become visible. But without the spray, they were invisible because they had nothing to reveal them.
This is exactly what we need to do because the connections between us already exist. We just need to make efforts for our relationships to become as loving as possible. And then these invisible threads will start to glow and we will feel that they really exist. In this way, we will be able to uncover the network that connects us, which is already available.
We will gradually reveal its increasing and greater complexity and will find that we are all interconnected by a multitude of threads. These links will become more spiritual, that is, aimed at bestowal.
This will happen at every step, as it is said, “the waste of the higher is food for the lower.” That is, we need to constantly improve ourselves in order to make our relationships with each other more qualitative and altruistic.
Ultimately, the whole world will join this network of connections because we are all one spiritual vessel.
From the lesson on The Book of Zohar 12/24/17

Separate Diet and Vegetarianism

Laitman_506.4Question: How do you feel about the separate and vegetarian diets?
Answer: Separate diet – yes, vegetarian – no. A person is created such that he should eat meat. That is how we are made. We are animals that are adapted to eat various types of food. A human being is omnivorous!
In terms of the separate diet, it is advisable to eat meat and dairy products separately. If we take the laws described in the Torah about eating, then by checking it on ourselves, we will understand how much it corresponds with the spiritual root of health.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/20/17

Answers To Your Questions, Part 208

laitman_559Question: What happens to the soul when a person commits suicide? Is the soul punished for the suicide of the body? And if a person with a point in the heart doesn’t develop it and a person is on a particular level of spiritual development and commits suicide, what is waiting for their soul; how will they be punished and are they punished equally?
Answer: After suicide, a person begins everything all over again.
Question: At the end of correction, in 200 years, when all of humanity will be united with the Creator, what will happen to those who already died and did not attain their correction while they were alive?
Answer: Everyone will be corrected!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2017: Year-End Summary

laitman_229Question: 2017 has come to an end. 2018 begins. Could you tell us what the new year will bring?
Answer: I think that over the last year, in principle, we made a giant leap forward. We have reached the start of the first general spiritual state called “conception” in the spiritual world. This is a very high degree, difficult and heavy, like anything new.
I am very happy that we have passed this degree and have begun looking at our development through the group through spiritual concepts in a completely new way, effectively, deeply, in spiritual understanding.
This is the most important thing that has taken place in the world. Everything else is “child’s play.”
The next year is expected to be a difficult one for the world. Oil prices will fall, Google and Facebook will become less popular. All the Internet systems intended for free use and connection between people will be unmasked as being absolutely egoistic, manipulated by people, governments, nations, and societies.
We are currently at a stage where all of this will gradually be revealed. Therefore, I think that humanity will start figuring out how harmful all of these systems are for it.
Nothing good is to be expected on the international front either: humanity will not come to its senses and will not get better. But we, those who have a slight understanding of where all of this is going, need to explain to others that everything depends only on people’s upbringing and education so they will understand that the main law of nature is the universal global connection between us, and not only in our world, but between all the worlds.
And the more we violate that connection, the worse we will feel as a result. Let’s curb our egoism and not allow it to keep pushing us to commit further destruction, separation, and animosity against one another.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/24/17

$1.5 Million Prescription For Happiness

laitman_547.05In the News (USA Today): “Money can’t buy happiness, but $1.56 million can buy Albert Einstein’s happiness theory.
“Two notes written by the famous physicist recently sold for well above their expected value at a Jerusalem auction house.
“During Einstein’s trip to Japan in 1922 to receive the Nobel Prize in physics, he wrote notes on how to live a fulfilling life while staying at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. When a messenger delivered something to his room, the German-born physicist gave him two of the autographed notes, because he didn’t have a tip available. Einstein said the notes could be worth more than a tip one day. He was right.
“One note, written in German translates to: ‘A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.’
“It was expected to sell for between $5,000 and $8,000, according to the Winner’s Auctions and Exhibitions website. Instead, a bidding war lasting about 25 minutes ended in a sale of $1.56 million, the Associated Press reports.
“The second note, which read ‘where there’s a will there’s a way,’ sold for $240,000, far above it’s estimated value of between $4,000 and $6,000.”
Question: How do such things suddenly become so valuable?
Answer: The value is not in the thought. It was already in the air; it had already been heard. The thought put on a piece of paper is deemed valuable only by the people in the market for such things. It’s the same as any painting. Works of art do not have value in and of themselves. The value is determined by what people are willing to pay for them.
Question: A note from Einstein is worth $1.5 million, but few people know that great Kabbalists had many notes, many pieces of advice for humanity about how to achieve happiness. However, those notes are not worth anything. Isn’t that sad?
Answer: No, I’m not sad, quite the opposite. This is very good because people do not understand anything, even in what Einstein wrote, not to mention what is written in the notes of the Kabbalists. However, they chase after notes from Einstein because these notes have value as collectibles, an egoistic value, and our notes don’t have any egoistic value, and therefore, they are available to everyone.
Only those who really need them will find them and understand.
Question: And for him, will they be more valuable than millions, even more valuable than life?
Answer: Of course. What did Einstein write? With all my respect to him as a person who achieved much, his thoughts still did not rise above the animal level of humanity.
However, any quotation of Baal HaSulam is a completely different world.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman,” 11/6/17

The Definitions Of Kabbalah

281.01Question: What was the first definition of Kabbalah even before Baal HaSulam?
Answer: Adam HaRishon, the first person to attain the Creator, gave the definition of Kabbalah as a method of attaining the Creator.
Later the great Italian Kabbalist of the eighteenth century Ramchal said: “The whole of the wisdom of Kabbalah is only to know the guidance of the Higher Will, why it has created all these creatures, what It wants of them… .” (Daat Tevunot, p 21)
If you want to read the definitions of Kabbalah given by different Kabbalists, they will all be similar because this is the wisdom about attaining the Creator, the upper governance.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/10/17

Answers To Your Questions, Part 198

laitman_622.01Question: Rabash’s articles about work in a group seem like psychological, ethical advice. What is the role of these articles? Is this advice necessary for attracting the upper Light or is it simply to establish order in the group?
Answer: Rabash’s articles include all the states a person goes through on the way to discovering the Creator.
Question: Today I didn’t have the energy to get up for the lesson. I feel this as disloyalty to my group of ten and the thought of an endless day that I have to spend in an animal state is unbearable. We are so committed to work this week before the convention. How can we prevent something like this from happening in the future and what can be done now? Why does the Creator give us these kinds of situations?
Answer: All of the situations that a person goes through originate from the Creator and it is up to you to accept them as conditions for movement toward Him.

Monday, January 1, 2018

In Connection With The Creator

laitman_284.02Question: What is the fear of change in life?
Answer: The fear of change in life is a small egoistic “animal” that exists and is afraid to get out of its hole. Everything is good for him, or at least, everything is familiar. It is already tired of bad news. This is the fear of change.
And for a Kabbalist it is the opposite. When I close my eyes and say that everything comes from the Creator, I am not afraid of changes, whatever they are. I am connected with the Creator from whom everything comes, and all the negative changes are in my favor. By rising above them, I become in even stronger contact with Him. In this case, I love and cherish the changes that come to me.
Question: Does it turn out that I even want them?
Answer: Of course. How else can I, an egoist, still be connected to the Creator if not through negative influences? I never approach Him unless I have to run away from something negative.
Question: So, does the Kabbalist perceive all the changes, obstacles, and problems as a challenge from the Creator?
Answer: No. Knowing that this comes from Him, I have nothing to be afraid of, unless, of course, I commit unseemly acts. We only need to understand how and why we are allowed to act like this.
Since everything comes in advance from the Creator, what can be the problem if only one is constantly connected with Him? This is our salvation, our well-being, and our good life.
By being in connection with Him, one will always feel himself in a different world, in a different state, and in a fusion with the upper force. And therefore, everything that will happen before your eyes, ears, and other senses in this world, you will begin to feel like something secondary, like a picture over which you have to always be connected with Him.
After all, the greatest feelings one experiences are in connection with Him. And the picture of our world gradually becomes foggy and unreal, until it disappears altogether, and only the connection of man with the Creator remains. This is an eternal state.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/13/17

Sports And Health

laitman_751.1Question: Do sports help health or are they a waste of time?
Answer: My teacher Rabash exercised, Baal HaSulam loved sports but in a limited form, in order to keep the body in working condition. This is not sports, but physical exercise.
Rabash learned to swim at the age of 65 and swam 400 strokes in the sea or pedaled 400 revolutions of motion on a bicycle.
Remark: The cult of healthy lifestyle is flourishing now. An entire industry is developing around it.
My Comment: First, people need something to do. Second, sports do help, so it is better that people do sports than something else.
However, the fact is that in our egoism sports take exaggerated forms and Kabbalah does not welcome this. It welcomes exercises only to the extent that a person maintains himself in a normal physical form.
Any gram of excess is harmful to physical and mental health. Everything must be very organic.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/20/17

Do Kabbalists Experience A Feeling Of Revenge?

laitman_961.1Question: Do Kabbalists have an inherent sense of vengeance?
Answer: In Kabbalah there are no such feelings. You exist opposite the Creator: “There is none else besides Him.” He places certain challenges in front of you and you have to execute them.
Moreover, He does it in terms of positive and negative influences and all for the sole purpose of your advancement. Carrying out these tasks gives you everything you need. Therefore, you can have no claims against the Creator.
Although, initially, they do come up, and a fair number of them. A person agonizes why he did or did not do something, or why the Creator acted toward him in a certain way, etc.
Later, all of this goes away and a clear connection with the Creator is formed: everything that happens comes from Him and all for my own good. He constantly directs me. Even when I feel completely aimless, He directs me in every second of my existence to place me in the most optimal position.
All the negative feelings that we experience are there for the purpose of us to direct them against our egoism.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/13/17

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Diseases Are A Result Of Relationships

Laitman_112Remark: Scientists have determined that the cause of 32 to 40% of all diseases are not caused by viruses or bacteria but by emotional disorders, stresses, and psychological traumas that arise as a result of relationships between people.
My Comment: Certainly, if the nervous system is the basis for the regulation of all the body’s systems and if the balance is broken, they are out of balance, then this is the cause of all diseases.
The diseases may be unrelated to the nerves. The nervous system holds the entire body in the right condition and therefore has such an influence on it.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/20/17

My Facebook Page: “Trump’s Tax Cut: Will It Trickle?”

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 12/23/17
What do you think would happen if we launched a campaign similar in its intensity to the “Me Too” campaign, but denouncing those who systematically hoard extreme wealth and avoid contributing to society?
Please read my article about the latest U.S. tax reform

My Facebook Page: “On Net Neutrality”

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 12/28/17
The moment money became a factor in the Internet’s playing field, it completely lost its neutrality. The behavior of paying various net influencers to advertise whatever advertisers want cancels the very principle of neutrality.
The web’s founders gave the Internet as a gift. They hoped it would positively serve human society’s development. Today, unfortunately, the Internet looks more like a crowded marketplace. However, there is a positive aspect to this form the Internet has evolved into: it raises public awareness of the real evil growing inside us. The unrestrained ego takes hold of infrastructures that were supposedly made to benefit us, such as search engines and social networks, and subjects them to exploitation on account of the public.
If we envision a harmonious human society, where a principle such as neutrality is unadulterated by the constant, devious workings of the ego, then we would require an alternative Internet network. Such a network would leave the ego outside. Therefore, when a certain awakened segment of society accepts upon themselves the task of building a network where all its members enthusiastically work to be a source of positive inspiration for the entire network, we will then witness the nucleus of the next Internet, the basis for a new reality that will keep to its word of upholding pro-social values, neutrality among them.

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