Saturday, August 29, 2020

Accelerating Personal Growth

283.01Question: Can a person consciously move from a lower level of needs to a higher one?
Answer: This depends on the people around him and the environment in which he prefers to be.
In principle, starting from the moment when a person begins to stand out from the horde of animals, he can choose his environment. Gradually, by changing his environment, he can move up the degrees of the pyramid of desires, regardless of how the normal, natural ascent on it takes place.
Question: Do you think that personal growth can only happen consciously, or do we simply reveal our inherent potential?
Answer: Naturally, this is all determined by the fate of a person. However, at the same time, a person is given the opportunity to accelerate their development.
On the one hand, personal growth is determined in advance. On the other hand, it depends on the individual. In other words, the speed of the potential unfolding depends on the environment in which he exists.
Baal HaSulam, in the article “The Freedom,” explains how this can be changed and how to use this.
Question: What is more important for personal growth: potential, genes, or environment?
Answer: The fundamental thing is genes. They, in the end, push the person to realize himself. Then comes the influence of the environment.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/25/20

The Germans Of The Laws Of Moses, Part 3

17.01Irrational Hatred of the Jews
Question: Before the Second World War, new Zionist movements appeared: the revisionists and the Jewish Agency for Israel (HaSochnut HaYehudit L’Eretz Yisra’el), which were at great odds with each other.
The fact is that the Nazis were willingly cooperating with the Zionists, especially with the Jewish Agency for Israel where Arlozorov was one of the members.
The revisionists, led by Jabotinsky, believed that they must not make any agreements with Nazi Germany, while the Jewish Agency negotiated with it, trying to solve the Jewish Question. Germany even gave money for moving the Jews out of the country.
Why did the Germans have such an incomprehensible hatred of Jews that they were willing to pay all expenses to expel them from Germany? Why did this 1% of the population bother them so much?
Answer: But what a 1%! It does not dissolve into other peoples. If you dug into the leadership of the Nazi Germany, you would find a lot of Jewish blood there.
Question: But the Nazis were very careful in examining the ancestry of Germans since 1600, trying to find out whether anyone in the family was Jewish. And if there was a great-grandmother or great-grandfather, then you could no longer stay in Germany. It was absolute madness. Where did this come from?
Answer: This is the working of a spiritual force; nothing can be done here.
Remark: It follows that it was something mystical, out of the ordinary.
My Comment: That’s how it was. This accompanies the Jewish people because they are tied to the spiritual force of nature.
For many years, the Nazis tried to get rid of the Jews in every possible way, sparing no effort or expense. They went around the country offering Jews everything they could to get them out of Germany and free the state from them. But the Jews would cling to this country as if it was something special.
Germany is the center of Europe. Jews had settled there a long time ago and had deeply absorbed the German culture. Don’t forget that Yiddish is a German dialect. In addition, Germany was not as ultra-religious as France or Spain. The Germans were friendlier to the Jews. There was no such anti-Jewish sentiment as in Spain, France, or England, where Jews were forced into synagogues and burned alive.
Remark: However, when Hitler came to power, a different policy was adopted in the country. It was forbidden to appoint Jews to public offices.
My Comment: But it was still official. The Germans are very meticulous. If a law is officially adopted, they comply with it; if not, they do not. Thus, it was customary for them to act within the letter of the law.
For more on this topic, read my books Like a Bundle of Reeds: why unity and mutual guarantee are today’s call of the hour, and The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, Historical facts on anti-Semitism as a reflection of Jewish social discord.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel” 8/12/19

Crises Change A Person’s Consciousness

627.1Question: Millions of people today understand what you are talking about, but only politicians who set laws can change public opinion. And they are selected by the media. Moreover, the media is in the hands of the rich, and the rich don’t want to change anything. It turns out that it is a vicious circle. Is there a way out of this situation?
Answer: Nature tells us the way out. It will still lead us to a big bang, egoism, frustration. And then we can change everything. No power consisting of power and money can rule the world more than the people themselves want.
And people are gradually beginning to understand that to continue to exist like this means to disfigure nature, themselves, and their children, and something must be done about it.
I believe that we live in such a generation and in such a time when the integral, global attacks that the virus conducts on us will quickly change the opinion of humanity about how it should treat the world, life, nature, and itself. In the end, everything will change.
Crises change a person’s consciousness and it is impossible to develop further without them.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/30/20

New Life 1273 – The Power To Change Reality

New Life 1273 – The Power To Change RealityDr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum
Brain waves are our strongest weapon against the coronavirus. Our thoughts and desires have the power to change reality and heal us physically. The real vaccine against the coronavirus and all viruses is to change our attitudes toward one another. We live in a field of forces that influence the entire universe. Viruses come on the level of thought and desire, through the air. The human ego that aims to be better than others at the expense of others is evil insofar as it weakens us and makes us ill.
We need a special education system that will teach everyone how to be good to one another and connect above all the disturbances between us. We must change ourselves so that we engage in heart-to-heart relations with others. We experience new life and vitality when we change our natures from egoistic to altruistic and from hate to love.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1273 – The Power To Change Reality,” 8/3/20
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A Taste For Basic Needs

282.01Question: The needs of the lowest level of our desires do not disappear; they are preserved at all levels. Therefore, even if I am at the top of the pyramid today, will I always have animalistic needs?
Answer: The whole set of them. Each of us contains the entire pyramid of desires. Moreover, the higher we rise in our values, the stronger our connection with the lowest levels becomes.
Therefore, in Kabbalah it is said that the higher a person rises, the stronger his craving for basic needs become—food, sex, family.
Question: That is, it is not that a person begins to neglect them, but on the contrary, he begins to feel a taste for them, a taste for respect, for money, etc.?
Answer: For everything.
Question: Is such a struggle constantly taking place in him?
Answer: This is what his growth is about.
Question: It means that he does not become indifferent to this whole world, money, and everything else?
Answer: Never and in no way. It is only in books they write that spiritual people are supposedly all “God’s dandelions.” On the contrary! As their spiritual desires grow, so do their bodily, egoistic, earthly desires.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills”, 6/25/20

When Hearts Sing

943Comment: They say that the most affordable cure for stress when things are bad is singing. Even better to sing in a choir. Italians and Spaniards go out on their balconies and sing.
Scientists say that when we sing, a large part of our brain is activated. The brain has a singing network of neurons that is distributed quite widely. This is a kind of aerobics, in which the body produces endorphins, hormones of joy. This reduces stress levels and improves mood.
My Response: Obviously.
Question: When I sing, is it as if I get emotionally and sensually out of myself and work for someone else?
Answer: For others, for everybody!
Question: Does it mean that the song has a deep, even spiritual meaning?
Answer: They sing together. If the song is choral, then of course, this is a completely different effect.
The choir connects everybody together into one common whole! If at the same time they chant something like Psalms, then there is a very strong impact.
We praise our commonality, our unity, and we want to appeal from within ourselves, from our common whole, to the upper force of nature, to the Creator, in order to contact Him. We are to Him, and He is to us.
In Italy, people tried to do this, and as a result, they have almost nothing.
Comment: First, we need to sort out ourselves in Israel.
My Response: We will not be able to sort out ourselves! Humanity will suffer, but we will suffer more.
Question: What if we would start singing?
Answer: If Israel starts singing together, in chorus, all of humanity will join,  and it will really be an appeal of all of humanity to the upper force. We will rise to the spiritual level, find ourselves in perfection, in health, in eternity.
Question: When you say, “Israel will sing in chorus,” what do you imply by that? What is Israel? Who is this?
Answer: They are just the people of Israel. All those who associate with us, and not necessarily of Jewish origin. If we sing, the whole world will immediately be cured, and absolutely and immediately from all the sicknesses, from all the problems, internal and external ones, and mainly psychological ones.
Question: You say, “We will sing.” What will we sing?
Answer: The heart sings! It sings that I want to unite with everyone and that together with everyone we turn to the Creator. Only with one thing: to help us be together with each other and with Him.
Question: Turning to the Creator, what do I say? What do I sing to Him with my heart?
Answer: To feel only the connection between me, humanity, and the Creator, nothing more.
Question: Do I feel that this is love, that this is bestowal?
Answer: Of course, this is love, this is bestowal, and this is like the feeling of a fetus in the mother’s womb.
Question: In other words, the fetus is singing a blessing for its mother?
Answer: Yes, of course. The best state. There is nothing better!”
From KabTV’s “The News with Michael Laitman” 7/6/20

Managing Stress, Part 9

281.02Question: Why are women more resistant to stress than men?
Answer: It is physiological: they should give birth, raise children, and take care of their families. Therefore, they have greater resistance to everything.
Question: Can we say that egoists are more susceptible to stress?
Answer: Naturally. The greater the egoistic desire, the more one depends on all kinds of external conditions.
Question: Are there any methods to fully control our feelings and emotions?
Answer: Yes. If a person completely lets go of his egoism, then there is practically nothing that can influence him from the outside.
Question: Is stress contagious?
Answer: Of course. It is transmitted. It literally infects entire regions.
Question: It is said that young people are more susceptible to stress than older people. Do you agree?
Answer: Yes, they have an unstable system. They transmit this state to each other.
Question: To make it easier to overcome life’s difficulties, psychologists advise people to compare themselves with people who are worse off than they are. Do you consider this an effective action?
Answer: No. This is wrong, opposed to human nature, and vulgar. I have to think that someone else is worse off and that’s why I’m better off. It is lowly to be attuned to life as such.
Question: Strong psychological and physical shocks are genetically transmitted to descendants and they become more resistant to stress. Do you agree with this statement?
Answer: Yes. Any disease makes us healthier.
Question: Can climate change increase rates of depression and anxiety?
Answer: Naturally. We are inside a sphere that is generally called nature, and it affects us with all its factors.
Question: One reaction to long-term stress is to escape into an illusory world. Many go somewhere to a remote village. Do you think this is effective?
Answer: A person is ready to do anything to get rid of internal and external pressures. So there’s no getting away from it.
Question: There are statistics on how the most successful people on Earth cope with stress. For example, Bill Gates reads before going to bed. Apple CEO Tim Cook tries to ignore the words of cynics. Businessman Elon Musk looks his fear in the face. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, laughs a lot. Chief Operating Officer of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg turns off her phone at night.
How do you deal with stress?
Answer: I do not believe a word they say. All of this is so shallow that I do not know for whom it might work.
What do I do? I study the wisdom of Kabbalah and find comfort in it. In it I find the solution to all questions, and therefore, it is the most important for me.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/25/20

New Life 1272 – How To Prevent Civil War

New Life 1272 – How To Prevent Civil War
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum
When two egoistic parties are stuck because both think they’re right, they shouldn’t talk or they will become even more opposed and kill each other. First, they need to be educated so they will understand what state they have to come to and how. Our attitudes toward ourselves and one another need to be upgraded so that we acknowledge the inherent evil in our egoistic development as well as the remedy that will help us derive the force of good from nature. Preventing war will require that we learn how to love others despite our different views through mutual concessions since “love covers all crimes.” We will learn that we all come from one, loving, upper force that places us in conflict with one another so that we will develop to a higher level. We live in a special world in which humans have the opportunity to evolve into more advanced social creatures who know how to rise above their own personal truths and identify with the upper force in nature, the truth that is above everyone.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1272 – How To Prevent Civil War” 8/3/20
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“America’s Slow Death By Implosion” (Newsmax)

My article in Newsmax: “America’s Slow Death by Implosion
Where is America going?
It seems like there is not a corner in this vast country that isn’t experiencing some sort of a crisis, and often more than one at the same time. On the West Coast, the second and third largest fires in California history are burning at the same time along with more than 500(!) other fires.
The blazes started after California was hit by 11,000 lightning strikes in just three days. Incidentally, the 10 biggest fires in California history have all burned in the last 17 years, which tells you something about the changing climate. But California is not only burning.
The smoke-filled air makes it even more uncomfortable, and often risky, to wear face masks to protect from COVID-19, which is raging all over the U.S. and has so far infected nearly 6 million people and killed more than 180,000.
But a lot more is happening in America right now, or was happening until very recently (depending on when you are reading this column).
In Oregon, anarchists have taken over downtown Portland and have terrorized residents, looted stores, disrupted life and attempted to set ablaze the federal courthouse in the city.
In the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana and neighboring states are being hit by two tropical storms (one of which is a hurricane) in a span of two days.
In Chicago, the Magnificent Mile high-end shopping street has been looted and its shops destroyed by anarchists, in addition to an extreme wave of gun violence.
Many wealthy Chicagoans are trying to move out of the city but cannot find buyers for their downtown apartments. Just north of Chicago, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a white officer’s shooting of an unarmed black man behind his back in front of his children reignited the protests against police brutality.
In New York City, gun violence has spiked this year and so far, more than 1,100 people have been slain by gunfire since the beginning of the year in New York City alone.
And while all this is going on, hunger is spreading all over the U.S. According to Forbes, “At minimum, the number of households that lack … stable food supply has doubled, and possibly tripled [since April 2018], making current rates of food insecurity [nearly 30%] higher than at any point since data collection began” By a simple calculation, this means that roughly 100 million people in the U.S. alone often go hungry.
But these numbers aren’t the worst of the blow. According to Brookings Institution, as of April this year, 34% of households with children under 18 suffered from lack of food, and 41% of households with children under 12 suffered from the same.
In simple words, many millions of children are currently hungry in what was supposed to be the land of unlimited possibilities.
What is going on here?
Is it a coincidence that the worst of nature and the worst of human nature seem to be converging in one place? It is not at all a coincidence.
There are forces at play here that impact every level of our lives: physical, emotional, and social. On the physical level, they manifest in heating and cooling, pulling and pushing, spreading and converging.
On the emotional level, they manifest in love and hate, alienation and affection, apathy and sympathy. On the social level, they form cohesion and disintegration, war and peace, tolerance and extremism.
When one force becomes more dominant than the other, it pulls toward it the other force which balances it and restores the system’s equilibrium. As the system shifts from imbalance to balance, the ripples impact all levels of nature. The more abrupt and forceful the restoration of balance, the sharper its impact on all levels of existence.
The United States of America has been for many years the center of humanity’s ego-based civilization. So when the system begins to balance itself, its impact will be felt at the heart of it more than anywhere else.
There is no lack of food in America, but there is hunger everywhere. There is no lack of funds, but there is extreme poverty. There could be great education for everyone, but it is reserved for those who can afford it.
Nowhere does the ego reign so supreme as it does is in the U.S. So when nature begins to enforce balance, it hurts the most in America.
The process of rerouting from the ego-based culture has already begun and will only accelerate. There is no turning back. And America, which was on top while the ego reigned high, will be at the bottom when it falls.
Nevertheless, not all is lost for America since it still depends on itself. If Americans are brave enough to challenge their own beliefs and the system they grew up in, and go along with nature’s push to balance receiving with giving, individuality with mutuality, egoism with altruism, then once again they will come out on top. If they refuse, nature will show them “who’s boss.”
The new era does not refute the American Dream. It is against realizing it at the expense of others. The new era promises abundance, but on condition that everyone enjoys it.
If, in the future, we will advocate tyranny, bullying and superiority, nature will not tolerate it. The era of balance is not one of scarcity; it is one of abundance for everyone, but first and foremost, abundance of caring for one another equally, above all differences.
This is the only route America can take if it wants to save itself from misery.

“When Voters Are The Staircase To The Throne” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “When Voters Are the Staircase to the Throne
A few hours after the results come in, the winner of the 2020 presidential election will come on stage, thank his supporters, perhaps thank his rival for a tough race, and promise that he will be everyone’s president, not just of those who voted for him. But when a country is divided as deeply as America has become today, I’m not sure any president can patch it up.
To make America one again, you need more than words; you need a common goal. When people of differing views share a common goal their different viewpoints contribute to its attainment since they can cover more angles, look at things from different perspectives, and reflect problems that the other side did not think of before they materialize. But when each party sees the country as its own possession and wants to exploit it to promote its own interests, you’re bound to deepen the chasm and exacerbate the anger.
It seems that everyone has forgotten that unity is not built out of similar opinions, but out of different views that unite around a common goal through mutual concessions.
Currently, America is en route to mayhem. There is utter mistrust between Democrats and Republicans, Conservatives and Progressives, and blacks and whites. Generally, America has become a country where every decision you make puts you in agreement with half the country and at odds with the other half, even if you don’t want to be at odds with anyone. It seems as though there is no middle anymore, only extremes.
Four years ago, there was still a faint veneer of respect between the two parties. Today, no one even bothers to conceal the odium. I am all for frankness, but when you take pride in your derision of another and do not intend to mend it, you are sowing wind, and you will reap the storm.
It seems that everyone has forgotten that unity is not built out of similar opinions, but out of different views that unite around a common goal through mutual concessions. If the benefit of the United States were the goal of both parties when they come to present their cases to the public, it would have been a very different election campaign, and the whole country would be in a very different situation than it is in today. But when power is the goal and the voters are the staircase to the throne, politicians will not miss a step as they trample their way to the top.

“Virtual High Holidays And What They Mean” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Virtual High Holidays and What They Mean
Now that Covid-19 has imposed social distancing on us, many establishments that rely on physical attendance have a problem. Among them are shuls. According to a story on Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), “The pandemic’s first High Holiday season has synagogues wondering: Will people pay dues?” This is a very good question, and it remains to see how Jewish establishments such as synagogues and JCCs will cope with the absence of income from participants who come to attend services and activities.
If only those who can afford the hefty entry fees may pray to God inside the shul, and if only those who pray by “our prayer book” are allowed to join the service, and the rest are told to find their own kind, then we are an example of sinaat hinam (unfounded hatred), the very cause of our exile and dispersion. If we hate our brethren, we do not deserve to congregate.
But to me, the more interesting point is the message behind the prohibition to congregate. I think that any Jew who believes in God should ask, “What is God trying to tell us by not letting us congregate on the holiest day of the year? When have Jews not been able to congregate on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)? Probably only during the Holocaust and under totalitarian or antisemitic regimes. Does He not want our prayers? How can we atone for our sins if we can’t congregate for the Yom Kippur services?”
In my view, there is indeed a message here. We are unworthy of servicing God because we are untrue to the fundamental tenet of our Torah: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If only those who can afford the hefty entry fees may pray to God inside the shul, and if only those who pray by “our prayer book” are allowed to join the service, and the rest are told to find their own kind, then we are an example of sinaat hinam (unfounded hatred), the very cause of our exile and dispersion. If we hate our brethren, we do not deserve to congregate.
I think that this year is very special. This year, we truly have an opportunity to contemplate our Jewishness, to reflect on what it means to be a Jew, on why we were told to be “a light unto nations” and what this means. And I think we should start from the basics, from unity and mutual responsibility. Before we learn to recite from the prayer book, let’s learn to pray for one another, let’s be a role model of unity rather than an example of division.
Today is a time of tectonic changes. Judaism, too, will have to change. Unless we return to our core values of love of others and mutual responsibility, Judaism as we know it will vanish.

Where Is The Spark Of The Soul?

294.3Question: Where in the body is the spark of the soul? How can I feel that it is really inside me?
Answer: The spark is not in a person’s body. There is no such place in the body that you can cut and remove from it.
It is a spiritual force that is not in the corporeal body. Even if your body ceases to exist, the spark will still remain and will acquire a new corporeal body. It is the spiritual gene that exists permanently and is passed on from one life to the next. The only thing that changes is its corporeal carrier.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 9/16/18

Thursday, August 27, 2020

New Life 1271 – Social Rules In The New World

New Life 1271 – Social Rules In The New World
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Human beings cannot survive without social interaction. Loneliness is more harmful to humans than illness. The human soul can only develop in connection with others through mutual giving and receiving. We are all emotionally interdependent parts of one system called Adam HaRishon. Animals only require food, whereas human lack and deficiency is boundless. We must recognize the evil and hatred in this unlimited egoistic abyss so we will demand to be reunited. We need to learn to rise above the hatred and treat others as ourselves because life exists in the connection between us.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1271 – Social Rules In The New World,” 7/27/20
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There Is No Way Back

627.2What is the difference between our time and all the previous periods of development that have passed on the Earth? We always tried to improve our condition and for this we forced nature to change for us, adjusting it to our needs. We did not want to change ourselves, but sought to change the world, considering ourselves the masters of nature.
We grew up this way and for this we developed science, techniques, and technology in order to change the world around us for our immediate benefits, instead of changing ourselves inside. But today we have come to a completely new state. Nature wants us to change ourselves in accordance with it, instead of getting comfortable within it.
Nature did not demand us to change ourselves before, only to adapt to the conditions set, like animals. This is how the inanimate world, plants and animals exist; they take advantage of everything in the environment to provide themselves with the most comfortable conditions.
But all this is in the past, and now we are entering a new era. Humanity does not yet realize this, but the science of Kabbalah allows us to perceive this and begin to see. Nature, the upper force, demands humans begin to change to match it. Just like in raising children, at first we do not demand anything from them. The main thing for the child is to grow up, to gain more weight, to understand more, and to know how to get settled in the environment.
But then we begin to gradually demand from children to understand what is happening, for mutual contact with the environment, and integral connection. That is, the human must reckon with nature now. Nature demands the correct development and ever greater mutuality from us. Maybe we can finally understand this and start changing ourselves.
The first congress we hold in this new era must be imbued with the spirit of the last generation, the new state. Nature does not just push us to adapt to its conditions, it demands us to make internal changes, and not due to techniques and technologies.
Our inner nature needs to be corrected. And correction is possible only through uniting, and this is what distinguishes a human from inanimate matter, plants, and animals. A person can become a part of integral nature only if he corrects his egoism.
The inanimate, plant, and animal levels act according to natural instincts. But people should study their desire to enjoy and try to bring it to harmony with nature, changing it from receiving into bestowal. Only after that will we achieve the correct connection with all levels of nature.
This is the peculiarity of the new period humanity is now entering. And this is why all attempts to return to the old lifestyle will not be crowned with success. On the contrary, we will get blows every time we try to reverse and go back. These blows will teach us and show us a new direction. Being closer to nature means achieving an integral connection, and this is the only way to come to a good state.
Otherwise nothing will help. We hope that the coronavirus sweeps over us like a tsunami wave and returns back to the sea, letting us get back to our former life. But it won’t. On the contrary, there will be wave after wave. Whenever it seems to us that we can get back to the old lifestyle, we will immediately be covered with the next wave, which will make us think not about the past, but about the future. And uniting is the only direction to the future.
The period of childhood, when nature raised us with gentle spanking, like little children, is over. The children have become adults, and it’s time to figure out what to do. Only through the connection between hearts, not through devices, humans can connect with nature and feel a new life in this new connection. This is a real revolution, both spiritual and material.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/5/20,“The Last Generation: from the Old World to the New World” (Preparation for the Virtual Convention “A New World” 2020)

Fetus Saves The Mother

624.03Remark: The fetus in the mother’s womb, as a rule, is under her care, love, and constantly in this environment. However, genetic scientists have found that it not only grows in love, but it itself also loves.
Scientists say, “If the mother suddenly gets sick and something happens to her, some kind of hormone is developed in the fetus, which it sends to cure the mother.” There is such a process of love.
My Comment: If they care, if they depend on each other, then naturally there is feedback.
The fetus is always trying to do everything in its power to annul itself before the mother, and by this it helps her to control it. On the other hand, the mother and the fetus send signals to each other every minute about how much they are in mutual love, consent, support, and how much they need each other. All the time! This circulation of feelings between them gives strength to the development of the fetus.
Question: Does it mean that the mother is constantly being renewed and the fetus is growing? The renewal of a woman during pregnancy—is this mutual love, the energy that enters?
Answer: Yes. The fact is that the fetus gives her so much upper, spiritual forces that almost everything is renewed because of the spiritual structure in which she exists like the Creator in regards to the creation.
Question: Is the play of the fetus in the mother and the mother like the Creator and creation?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Can we reach such a state when we are inside the Creator?
Answer: We have to do this!
Question: What is it to be inside the Creator?
Answer: To be inside the Creator means to feel not yourself, but Him. That is, I annul myself completely. In the fact that I annul myself, in every parameter of my annulment, I feel His attitude to me.
Question: When you say, “I annul myself,” does this mean that my thoughts, my actions, and my behavior are in Him? He leads and I kind of give myself to Him, “Lead me.”
Answer: Yes. Absolutely. I do not even check anything in any way, I completely annul myself in advance.
Question: Can a person reach such a state?
Answer: Everyone must do it. The coronavirus will help us in this.
Question: What does it lead us to now from this point of view?
Answer: To annulling ourselves. Only if I annul myself before society, and so each of us, then society can recover and not infect each other. Through this we will come.
Question: So, do I not dispute anything? I am told to stay at home—I stay at home, to wear masks—I wear a mask, and so on.
Answer: Moreover, I think that by doing this, I do not infect others. I follow all the instructions to avoid infecting others. I think about them.
Imagine doing that. See how much the world will change. This is a different intention.
Question: Does it mean that the main idea is that I do not infect others? Does this mean that you already are quietly within the Creator?
Answer: You are not yet part of Him, but you are no longer opposite to Him. It is like Hillel said, “Do not do unto others what is hateful to you.” Then “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is already the next stage.
Question: What in this case will be “Love your neighbor as yourself”?
Answer: Make sure that he is healthy. Imagine that you are healthy and he is sick, and you give him blood, everything he needs.
Question: Do you give him everything you have? Is this “love thy neighbor as yourself”? At this moment, do you not think about yourself at all?
Answer: In no way. Then you are cured and he is cured.
Question: Don’t I even ask for his smile or some kind of “thank you”?
Answer: What are you talking about?! This is already a reward!
Question: No reward at all?
Answer: No. Nothing.
Question: Can a person reach this point?
Answer: A person can reach this and be grateful that he has this opportunity.
Question: Not to ask anything for myself and just to give everything?
Answer: Yes. It is not that far away; we can understand that.
Question: We can understand. But can we do this or not?
Answer: Slowly. Gradually, with the support of society.
Question: Do you think that is what the virus came for, to move us closer to this?
Answer: Precisely for this. Look what it is doing. This is the first blow to all of humanity in our time.
Remark: Is this the way to “Do not do unto others what is hateful to you,” then to “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and then one single whole?
Answer: Yes. One humanity with one Creator. It all will be fast.
Question: Will you and I see this?
Answer: I think so, yes. I even have confidence.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/6/20

Health And Medicine, Part 4

549.01What 90%  of the World’s Population Should Do
Question: Scientists have calculated that 40% of diseases are caused not by viruses or physical ailments, but by mental stress. Today millions of people are sitting at home, and this naturally leads to stress. Many people say that the damage from this is much greater than from some kind of virus. What do you think about that?
Answer: I believe that a person needs to be corrected. There is no point in counting whether it is so or not. A person must understand that he lives in an integral society, inside a ball. Inanimate, vegetative, animate, and most importantly, human nature affects him, and he must be in homeostasis, in balance, with them. And this does not happen.
A person wants to receive everything from the world around him, give nothing in return, or, in extreme cases, give only as much as is required of him. This is the problem.
Today we are in conditions that will force us to do something. Indeed, in order to provide us with everything we need, only 10% of the population must work; I emphasize—to provide the necessary!
And the remaining 90% of the people also need to be fed and taken care of. But they don’t need to work physically, they don’t need to earn any material value. They must transform society, humanity; make them kind and interconnected. They need to engage in self-education and training of others. Then we will have a harmonious society.
Question: What does it mean “a person must give”? You say: homeostasis means that a person takes something from nature and has to give something to it. What exactly?
Answer: Good fellowship. We don’t need anything else.
Question: Was there a period in the history of mankind that exemplifies good fellowship?
Answer: No, there was not.
Question: Even during the primitive communal system?
Answer: There are primitive systems even now, for example, in Africa, in Polynesia. But this is not a society, but a small commune.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/14/20

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