Wednesday, January 8, 2014


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Mutual Guarantee Of A Good Mood

Our only problem is in establishing the right connection. At the moment, we are not connected at all, but when the connection becomes stronger and tighter, we will need to find out how to fulfill it. Suppose I have several millions of strings to tie and you have several millions of strings to tie and we need to find out how to connect them correctly: which string connects to another, in which frequency and when, in which sequence and order.
The main thing is to feel the importance of the goalMutual guarantee is an inner feeling that we should reach that determines the inner state of the new reality. It isn’t just a point of connection between us; it actually expands afterward and becomes a point of the new reality. This is why we need the feeling of importance that empowers us so much and which sustains and promotes the point of mutual guarantee, which later becomes the mutual guarantee between me, which includes the whole world and the Creator.
This is the importance of the goal, the importance of the group, and the importance of thefriend. I have to constantly clarify things, find out what I need in order to increase the idea of mutual guarantee at any given moment: what is redundant, which means, what I don’t need. The importance of the work should be great and we have to evoke it in every friend.
Eventually, we return to the greatness of the group that must impress everyone in a different way, by igniting envy, passion, a desire for respect and control, in other words, by using every means to spur us on and to shake us. This is how everyone should work on everyone else. Mutual guarantee begins when I see that it’s my responsibility that my friend should simply be in a good mood by being among us, and then this mutual guarantee develops more and more.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/31/13, Lesson on the Topic: Preparation for the Convention

Life In Bestowal, Death In Receiving

The created being must be between two systems in order to grow and to exist: the shell (Klipa) and holiness (Kedusha). This is why there are the worlds of ABYA of holiness and ABYA of impurity, as it it is said, “God has created them one opposite the other.” The souls are in the middle and as they go through the phases of development, they are alternately influenced by the system of purity and the system of impurity.
Accordingly, those who are nourished by the system of the Klipa are called dead and those who are nourished by holiness are called alive. Thus the influence of the worlds helps the souls develop continuously between life and death.
We gradually develop from the simple desire to live a material, corporeal life into a desire of a spiritual level. On this level there is no more life and death in the usual sense. In the spiritual life we are independent of the body; we rise above it and begin to feel a different level of life. Then life means that we are under the influence of the force of bestowal and death means that we are under the influence of the force of receiving.
This teaches us how to turn all the forces from the intention of in order to receive, from the evil inclination, to the good inclination. Thus we establish our spiritual life.
We must understand what the principle of “God created them one opposite the other” means here: If one desire is evoked in us, the other desire falls, and vice versa. The two systems cannot operate simultaneously. The effectiveness of one system is at the expense the ineffectiveness of the other system. Thus they operate alternately, according to the upper plan that is in the world of Atzilut.
The systems of BYA of holiness and BYA of impurity help us advance by pushing us forward. If we advance by the system of BYA of impurity, we develop “in its time,” and if we advance by the system of BYA of Holiness, we hasten our development, which is called “I shall hasten it.”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 01/01/14Writings of Baal HaSulam

The Responsibility We Feel For One Another

Question: What is the difference between the concept of mutual guarantee and the raspberry sphere?
Answer: You can define the first state of unity in a dozen ways. The idea of this analogy simply occurred to me at a certain point. I wanted to express the special feeling of warmth that everyone feels which is pleasant and illuminating in itself.
Mutual guarantee is the connection between the broken vessels that connect above the breaking as they understand that we must be connected. The strength of the connection, the need for it, its vitality and the responsibility we feel for one another is called mutual guarantee. This shows to what extent I am responsible for others and feel them inside me as myself.
Mutual guarantee is an inner state of connection that takes into account all the conditions: how we connect, with what vessels, on what level of Aviut (thickness). It refers to the vessel that is about to connect. It’s because of the separation between these parts and their connection, the growth of the left line and the right line, one in contrast to the other, that we put together the concept called mutual guarantee.
In the mutual guarantee, that is our spiritual vessel, we begin to receive the Light that Reforms and see that we are corrected. Then our mutual guarantee is corrupted again and we have to correct it once more. Everything is included in this concept. Baal HaSulam wrote two articles: “The Giving of the Torah,” since we have no way to correct ourselves without the upper force, and the article that followed it “Mutual Guarantee,” which explains how we operate and manage the upper force in order to ascend to the goal of creation.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/2/14, Lesson on the Topic: “9 Steps”

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

From What Does Integrality Begin?

Question: Is there any importance to the level of development of theego that is found in the person who learns the Integral Method?
Answer: When we create an altruistic channel within the person, when he is included in the collective, then it is not important to us who he is at all! One could be an academic and another could be a homeless bum. There is no significance in it. In the integral circle they are absolutely equal in value. There is no preference or advanced rights for anyone.
In integral development there is no difference between a scientist, a psychologist, a politician, or a simple person off the street. Regarding our method they are all equal. Only one thing is important to us: Before us sits a concentration of egoistic energy and we need to give these ten people their method of correction.
Suppose that I am a doctor and people come from a variety of professions for treatment, I don’t treat the musician by teaching him how to play correctly, or the mathematician, I treat the illness! Here it is the same thing!
We don’t check the science degrees, the certification of assets, or the education. Regarding the integral method they are nothing! Ten people sit in a circle, everything that is in them is reduced to zero and we start from this point.
From Kab TV’s “An Integral World” 10/26/13

Enough With Self-Flagellation!

Question: People who come to a group not only possess different potentials, but they also have problems with a different type of desire: Someone is still not finished with his work on desires of a physical nature and for someone else the most essential task is a struggle, for example, with his lust for power.
Answer: Nobody is struggling with anything. For a person who is learning the integral method there is no struggle with himself, with eating himself up, with self-flagellation, and even with self-examination. There is nothing in him to clarify, for this is absolute ego. It’s preferable to not open this “can of worms” and not examine it.
The only thing that is required is to go out of yourself into all the others, to create thecenter of the group so that it will exist by itself without dependence on others. I call this a “raspberry ball” that begins to shine among everyone as a result of our altruistic drives.
From Kab TV’s “An Integral World” 10/26/13

In Preparation For The Arrival Of The Long-Awaited Guest

We are just trying to figure out all the components of the concept of mutual guarantee. The guarantor of this guarantee is the Creator, the Upper Force. And this force should be manifested in every action: at its beginning, in the middle, and at the end. The Creator is very “jealous,” and if we forget Him, He immediately abandons us, and we fall right away since all our progress occurs only because of Him.
What is the difference? After all, the Creator supports all of nature: the still, vegetative, and animate levels. But there we do not have to participate in our relationship with Him consciously. But on our human degree of development, we have to be  directed to the Creator all the time. Otherwise, what kind of man is Adam if he does not dream to become like (Domeh) the Creator?
Thus, we need to worry about the missing component in our advancement: about the Creator! We may not immediately succeed and at first we will have the feeling that we lack something to maintain our unity. Indeed, we always start with the revelation of our breaking. But the Creator must be at the beginning and at the end of any action, and in its every moment.
He should connect us like the force of guarantee, the correcting force, the example that we want to see before us, the reference system. I see Him in all the friends and inside the raspberry ball: the point of our unity. I understand that it is He who realizes our connection and unity. I see only Him-Him-Him!
In essence, what do we work with friends for? We work together on the revelation of the Creator between us! He is the most important, honorable guest, we wait for Him, getting ready for His arrival! We prepare such a connection between ourselves, such expectation and hopes so He will come!
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/2/14, Lesson on the Topic: “9 Steps”

Sunday, January 5, 2014

When Priorities Change

Question: Suppose that the altruistic force becomes an integral part of a person and begins to dictate new norms of behavior to him. Then, what? How does a person like this need to behave?
Answer: When the altruistic force begins to speak in a person, he acts in accordance with it. To the degree that it realizes itself in a person, he will act to that degree. He becomes qualitatively better, more honest and, yes, more supportive and sympathetic, actively helpful to everyone.
Question: In our world, it will be very difficult for people like this.
Answer: I don’t know. I don’t personally feel this.
Certainly, a person like this will not participate in filthy intrigues and machinations at work. He will not pursue capital. He will swap priorities.
Suppose that advancement in a career is imperative for him for the needs of some of his achievements as a scientist, as an expert. So, he will be involved with this. However, if this doesn’t interest him, he will not climb the career ladder at the expense of others.
The person doesn’t become “dry.” He lives a full life but, together with this, he views the world with completely different eyes. Outside, he seems like a relaxed, balanced, intelligent, kind, and friendly person, while within him intense changes are taking place that are not seen by those around him.
Gradually, the mutual connection between people that is called the “upper world” begins to be revealed to him. He begins to see the system of our connections that is found between us and behaves according to this. Therefore, there cannot be any conflict with the society here, for he becomes the most useful component of society.
Who could disagree with him? Who could be against him? The external field—which is composed of two forces and already operates within him—will never make things such that it will be bad for him. On the contrary, he is found in equivalence, in resemblance, in mutual connection, in harmony, with nature.
From Kab TV’s “An Integral World” 10/26/13

Comprehend The Higher Power Of Nature

Question: Does the ego change its form during the shared work with the altruistic force, or will it remain as it was in its essence?
Answer: With the correct interaction between egoism and the force opposite to it, we begin to learn about one force from the other force, to understand their essence correctly, to perceive whom we are building between them. In fact, we are constructing that power that produced both the egoism and the altruism. It’s called the higher power of nature that produced the Big Bang in its time. It is from the Big Bang that the two forces were created: the altruistic force, which is hidden in nature, and the egoistic force, that began to extend, to conquer space, to contract and compress all of the matter that was created.
Together with this, within the matter, the altruistic force is acting all the time, but it works without being felt. After all, if it didn’t exist, how would the elements have been connected? They would have only been scattered around. If the force of altruism had not connected everything, then egoism wouldn’t have had the possibility of separating, pushing to the sides, expanding.
Expansion always requires the existence of the inner force that keeps the connection, and if there is no connection, then this is no longer development. Development is an expansion of the limits of the previous state where new qualitative linkages, new laws of switching, are being discovered in it.
Therefore both egoism and altruism exist in nature. In that we derive the hidden altruistic component from nature, we begin to develop ourselves and human society as one unified whole. Simultaneously, besides humanity, we use the nature of the still, vegetative, and animate in that spirit, in that harmony, in that global and integral movement towards unity, towards reciprocal integration in each other. We build one whole from all parts of nature. And then the only creature that we create from the unity of all the parts is discovered. And this is called Adam, that is, resembles the Creator, from the word “Domeh – similar.”
Thus, through the creation of this system, we discover in it that force that produces the positive and negative components from it. We call this force the Creator because it created our entire universe and us, created all the prerequisites so that we would construct ourselves wisely from the two opposing forces and we would understand what this force is.
From Kab TV’s “An Integral World” 10/24/13

An Active Member Of Society

Question: Integral groups focus on a person attempting to go beyond his ego, to rise above it, to be integrated with the other participants in the group. Along with this, it is recommended to turn away from regular life, to leave everything behind at the door of the group.
Answer: No, people do not isolate themselves from external society. This is not asceticism; this is not entry into a closed cell, rather it is work on our nature.
A person continues to participate in the life of society in a regular way. He has a family, children, work; in other words , he is a regular member of society. But together with this, a new direction in life, philosophy of life, appears within him that rises in value and overrides his regular way of life.
He can change his work so that it will be easier for him to study, he can change his residence to be closer to a group, but he doesn’t leave society; he doesn’t forego anything. On the contrary, at some stage, when he learns a bit about the integral method, a person begins to turn to wider circles of society. When he completely masters the method, he goes out to the society and begins to actively implement it there.
From Kab TV’s “An Integral World” 10/26/13

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