Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Islamic Movement

laitman_220Comment: Tonight in Israel they banned the Northern Faction of the Islamic Movement. Officials were arrested along with their money, communications, and computers. Everything that belongs to this movement was seized. The actions of Israel aroused a great storm in the Muslim world.
Answer: I believe that the nation took these means as a last resort. On the one hand, it is natural that the reaction of the Islamic movement would be stormy and unpleasant. But on the other hand, it seems clear that they had plans that had to be stopped immediately; otherwise a disaster would have been inevitable.
No other choice remained for the nation. According to the laws of the Torah, “”If someone is coming to kill you, rise against him and kill him first” (Bamidbar Rabbah21:4). So we must defend ourselves without paying attention to what the world will say!And in any case the world will still be enraged in sending warnings here and making all kinds of decisions. We don’t need to pay attention to this; that is all! All kinds of declarations and reactions shouldn’t come from us: neither good nor bad.  
The time has arrived for us to get involved because we are the ones who are the ones responsible for these adverse reactions, and the situation in the world is the result of our shortcomings, meaning the lack of connection between us.
We are the stopper that closes the passage of the good higher energy into our world. Therefore humanity only develops in evil, within the ego! The second wing, the positive second power, cannot be found; it isn’t being revealed in our world. It must be revealed; it must be taken out from concealment, and the ego must be balanced through it.
And only the Jews can do this through their connection and union. And then through our union, as if through a lens, the higher energy will transmit goodness to the world, balancing the evil forces, and the world will come to peace. This sums up the role of the Jews in the world, the cause of anti-Semitism, and the correction of the world.
Let us hope that we will correct the world specifically this way, and not the prohibition of various organizations. After all, we have the possibility of transforming them into something good! It depends only on us!
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 11/17/15

The Camp Is A Laboratory For The Unification Of Souls

laitman_934Torah, “Numbers,” “Chukat” 19:9: A ritually clean person shall gather the cow’s ashes and place them outside the camp in a clean place, and it shall be as a keepsake for the congregation of the children of Israel for sprinkling water, [used] for cleansing.
The ashes of a red cow can be used for purification. If you have the proper connection between Malchut and Bina, it is possible to take the power for correction from there.
A clean person who gathers the ashes means someone who creates the right intention within himself. This speaks only about spiritual and not physical cleanliness.
The camp is a collection of people who practice all the possibilities of connectionbetween each other. There cannot be any absolutely pure space there. Therefore, it is said that he must place the ashes of the red cow “outside the camp in a clean place.” “Outside the camp” means in a place where the power of the Creator is found, where people don’t enter. In the camp can be only an Ark.
The camp in itself embodies a laboratory in which the souls of people try to connect to create a Kli for themselves, a constant common desire to discover the Creator.
Question: Is it possible to call the discussion circles, the workshops of ten people, in which all of us discuss and go through all kinds of situations, a camp?
Answer: No, a camp is not bodies, but desires.
There is a completely different picture here, in which there are desires, a vector (intention and fulfillment), and a degree of connection with the Creator. We are talking only about these three parameters: the desire, coupled with other desires for a shared influence on each other, and to the extent that there is a shared influence towards the Creator, in turn He fulfills the general common desire.
And a camp that is working with an intention for the sake of bestowal is therefore called a “sacred camp.”
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/10/15

Internal and External, Part 2

laitman_259_01It’s Important For All To Hear It
Question: You published an article based on Baal HaSulam’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” that talks about the internal and external parts of the people of Israel will undoubtedly cause resentment among religious people.
Will it trigger correction of the whole system and strengthen the inner part of the Torah relative to the external?
Answer: Baal HaSulam divided the people of Israel into the internal and external parts. The inner part is the people who are engaged in the internal part of the Torah with the intention for the sake of bestowal, i.e., Kabbalah. It brings us to loving our neighbor as ourselves. But the external part applies solely to those who observe commandments without intention.
If we study Kabbalah, we are on the path of the Light and benevolence. If we restrict ourselves to merely physical observance of the commandments, then we move from disaster to disaster as evidenced by the  ordeals endured by the people of Israel during the exile.
We want all the people of Israel to hear about this fact. It is very important that each person who has the opportunity to join the study of the internal Torah, i.e., Kabbalah, and attract the Returning Light to the people of Israel and through them to the entire world.
The article you mentioned will definitely cause a negative reaction, but it is difficult to remain silent. When we see a sick person who needs an urgent surgery, someone has to take a scalpel and perform the operation to extract a harmful tumor. Does a surgeon cause our indignation because he cuts the patient?
If we acted differently, we’d be like a little boy who cried when he saw a tailor “ruining” the fabric with scissors to make a suit.
Our current state requires correction, and pity is misplaced here. We need to understand where we are at this point. Nowadays, people are already prepared to listen. Time have changed since the Pharaoh resented Moses who in his opinion “excited” the Jewish people, rather than letting them work quietly for the Pharaoh. At this time, we are obligated to do our job as Moses and Aaron.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/9/15, Lesson on the Topic: “Selections from the Source on the Topic of Connection Between Internality and Externality in the Torah to Israel’s Redemption”

Internal And External, Part 1

laitman_283_01The Decision Is Yours
Baal HaSulam writes that the entire universe, all worlds are divided into internal and external parts. That’s why a separation into internality and externality also exists in this material world.
All internal parts in all worlds are connected with each other throughout the pyramid, from top to bottom. Each of its steps contains the internal and external parts. All of them are enclosed into each other as a telescopic tube in a way that the external part of the higher level impacts the internal part of the level beneath. This is how this process flows from top to bottom.
This spiritual construction reflects on our material world. This explains why this world is also divided into the internal part called Israel and the external layer, the nations of the world.
Israel is those Babylonians that united around Abraham on the basis of loving their neighbors as themselves, those who strived to become similar to nature, the general system of life. Other Babylonians who didn’t follow Abraham are called the seventy nations of the world.
Israel also splits into internal and external parts. The inner part are those implementing the main principle discovered by Abraham defined by the concept of “Israel” (Yashar-El), “directly to the Creator”, meaning those who strived to love their neighbors as themselves. This state can be reached by studying the science of Kabbalah that triggers the Reforming Light, the Light that returns to the source.
But the external part of Israel, are those who engage in the external activities, physical observance of commandments without the intention of loving their neighbors as themselves. There also is a secular part of Israel that follows neither the internal or external aspects of the Torah.
The nations of the world also have their internal part, the righteous who strive to commit good deeds, and the external part, those who elicit adversities and damages. So, where is the central,element that determines how to move all of humanity to complete correction, the final goal of creation?
It is possible to advance forcibly under the blows of nature that guide us, give us direction, and crushes us between its millstones. We see that nature doesn’t have mercy; rigid and immutable laws govern us. Judgment and mercy rule the world. They push us to pursue the goal. The natural path of advancement is coordinated by the program inbuilt in nature, “in due time.”
But it is possible to engage in the process of correction voluntarily, and advance faster, “accelerating time,” thus escaping blows and affliction. Such a possibility is presented to humanity by the internal part of Israel that attracts the Surrounding Light, meaning by those who study the science of Kabbalah. Only they are capable of expediting human development so that the entire world reaches the goal of creation by a good path.
That’s why the people who belong to “Israel,” meaning Abraham’s group, who are able to bring the entire world to benevolence, but do not do so, are the ones who trigger misfortunes upon themselves and the others. The entire world is suffering and hates them for that; they want to destroy them since humanity subconsciously senses that these people do not fulfill their mission, and, on the contrary, harm others.
If the group named “Israel” acts correctly, meaning attracts the Surrounding Light, the Light will flow through them to the rest of humanity. It is the goal of creation, since the Creator strives to please everybody so that “they shall all know Him, from the least of them unto the greatest of them…”
If it happens, the entire world will support Israel and the nations of the world will be on the side of those who chose the path of the Light and the acceleration of time. Then, those engaged in studying Kabbalah will acquire everybody’s gratitude and support. The entire world will help them to achieve the best state ever.
This is what Baal HaSulam writes at the end of his Introduction to The Book of Zohar. Now that you know about this, the decision is yours.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/9/15, Lesson on the Topic: “Selections from the Source on the Topic of Connection Between Internality and Externality in the Torah to Israel’s Redemption”

How Can We Delight The Creator?

laitman_940Question: How can we delight the Creator if He is an emotionless law of nature? What does it mean to delight the Creator, and how can I determine whether it is achieved?
Answer: We attribute our qualities to the Creator, and this is how we imagine Him. We have another opportunity. This description is called the language of the Torah.
Kabbalists describe Him as forces that they feel, and this description is called the language of Kabbalah.
The Creator is perceived by us as the sum of all of the best relationships between people, as absolute love. I begin to feel what it means to delight the Creator by delighting the people around me in the group. I emphasize the point of the group because only there does the feeling of the upper state appear.

Climbing The Steps Of Spiritual Development

laitman_243_05Question: How can I know if I have transcended to another spiritual level?
Answer: When a person ascends to the next spiritual level, he feels absolutely everything that happens to him. It is a very accurate feeling, without any visions or illusions.
Question: Will everyone be able to ascend to the spiritual world?
Answer: Absolutely everyone! The only thing necessary is a desire for it. Anyone can attain the upper world. Anyone who agrees to dedicate a certain amount of time and effort will have no problem attaining it. Moreover, while in our world, anyone can choose a certain profession and more or less succeed in it. There is no doubt that each of us will have to master the wisdom of Kabbalah, either in this lifetime or in the next life, and to fulfill himself totally in his spiritual ascent, rising to the world of Ein Sof (Infinity).
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/11/15

Egoism In The Service Of Altruism

laitman_276_01There is a close scrutiny of the connections between Malchutand Bina in the weekly section of the Torah Behukot: how and according to which laws and which dosage can the egoistic attribute of receiving be incorporated in the attributes of bestowal. This is the reason that this section of the Torah is very deep and powerful.
It is about the red heifer that symbolizes the connection between Malchut and Bina (to receive in order to bestow). On the one hand, this connection can sanctify a person and turn him from an egoist into an altruist.
On the other hand, an altruist can turn into an egoist according to what is important to him: whether Malchut is above Bina or Bina is above Malchut. If you are pure to a certain extent and suddenly open your Malchut more than the attribute of Bina, you become impure.
It is a very complex system of interdependence between purity and impurity, specific to the spiritual world. Therefore, the main point is that the connection between Malchutand Bina be in the right dosage.
All of the other laws described in this section of the Torah also emphasize the right cooperation between the ego and the Light that corrects the ego according to the amount of Light that it draws.
The two attributes must be connected carefully in the spiritual world, but how can they be properly connected in advance? This is impossible to determine because a person himself is a totally new object each time.
He doesn’t know who he is and what he is, how he should behave now in order to resemble the Creator because he isn’t familiar with his internal attributes that have been renewed. How can he become one in order not to go wrong? You must be your own psychologist here who works with the unknown each time. This is what the attainment of your nature comes down to.
A person has constant doubts. He is afraid of himself so as not to violate the balance, not to fall, and to be in the right motion forward. This motion can be only in faith above reason, when he constantly controls that the attribute of bestowal in him always is above the attribute of receiving so that he will be able to advance with his eyes closed toward bestowal.
If we are on the level of our world, how can I be sure that I will not steal if I suddenly have such an opportunity? How can I avoid temptations that can turn my head around? I am shaken suddenly, and everything that I have attained disappears. There is another conflict here, a new state. What do I do in this situation? How can I be sure that I will not fall, but will hold on to the attribute of bestowal in all of my actions?
Where does a person find the strength when he begins to explore himself and understand that he cannot count on himself in any way and that he is simply hanging by a thread?
It is only if he has a constant feeling that he cannot count on himself, that he can devote himself to the attribute of love and bestowal, which means to depend on everyone else and act only in them.
Question: How can this be done if a person has no basis under his feet?
Answer: This is actually the best feeling because I don’t do, change, or create anything by myself.
Question: Does that mean that neither knowledge nor wisdom will help me here?
Answer: Nothing! The wise are in the same position. You actually acquire knowledge when you are connected to the upper and not by yourself.
It is then when you don’t feel anything under your feet that you begin the movement fromMalchut to Bina. This connection is very carefully calculated.
On the one hand, it is a very accurate, internal, mathematical, and psychological problem where you must calculate how much of a certain Light and a certain Masach (screen) and a certain Aviut (depth of desire) that you need. On the other hand, it means that you are already under the upper.
This is the reason that the weekly section “Chukat” begins with the story of the red heifer that sanctifies the egoists and turns the holy into sinners, which means that it works in both directions, back and forth. When it is burned, it is actually its ashes that turn into the general attribute since then you burn everything, both the attributes of bestowal and the attributes of receiving, and have nothing left. However, then one special attribute is formed.
Question: It says that King David could explain everything except the commandment of the red heifer.
Answer: Yes, it is because this attribute is in Keter, the highest spiritual phase from which the idea of the creation of man that is equal to the Creator descends. It is this that works on a man and how he can ascend to resemble the Creator.
Question: Do the laws repeat on every level?
Answer: The laws are totally the same on every level. They include the first restriction(Tzimtzum Aleph), a Masach, resistance to egoism, and the calculation above theMasach, to what extent can I resemble the attribute that I discover.
When I restrict myself and place a Masach, I discover the attribute of bestowal, the attribute of love, the attribute of connection, that is opposite from me. I discover a new world, and now I see what it is in itself, how I can resemble it, and to what extent I can participate in its actions.
This is the calculation that is made with the sum of the attributes of Bina and Malchut in order to use my previous egoistic attributes to perform altruistic actions.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/24/15

The Kabbalists’ Time Machine

laitman_526Question: If a Kabbalist today could go back to the past in a time machine and speak with Kabbalists who lived during the time of the Bible, would they be able to understand one another?
Answer: Of course, without a doubt! When I ascend the spiritual levels from the bottom up, I meet all the Kabbalists who have climbed these levels. I become part of these levels and attain what other Kabbalists attained in the past.
I go up the elevator to the first floor and see what happens on that floor. All of the Kabbalists also saw the same thing, starting from Adam HaRishon (First Man) all the way to me. Perhaps each described it according to his own style because he perceived a picture that is a bit different, according to the root of his soul, but everyone attained the same thing.
I rise to the second floor, and there I feel what they felt and so on. I must understand them according to the level of the floor I am on, and there is no problem on that level.
I may not understand everything they wrote because they are on a height that I have not yet attained, but when I rise to a certain floor, I attain all the Kabbalists who were on that floor and discover whatever they discovered.
From KabTV’s “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Science” 9/7/15

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hatred Is The Beginning Of Love

laitman_286Question: I realize that I hate the Creator. First, I thought that I loved Him, but this turned out to be a bluff. I didn’t feel my love, but I certainly feel hatred toward Him.
I am burning inside; I just don’t want to feel it. I am choked by His greatness. I know that He is the one and only, and that He is good and beneficent. However, hatred is within me. I don’t know how to love, and I don’t know what love is.
Answer: It is just miraculous that this was revealed to you, for this is love for theCreator, and you feel how you hate Him within your ego. The correction begins from this moment. What a joy!
Good luck!

Ynet: “What Motivates A 14-Year-Old Girl Stab People?”

Ynet 14 year oldMy latest on Ynet:
The Islamic terror stems from the unbridled evil force that permeates even girls as young as 14 – 16, poisoning their minds and causing them to leave their homes brandishing scissors in search of a victim. This is a time to unite and inject the positive force into the world that can stop terrorism.
While we are debating whether we are in the midst of a wave of terrorism, the third intifada, or war, we are missing the main point–every day young and old, men and women, innocent civilians are being murdered, innocent citizens who until a moment before had dreams, are murdered each day. We thank God that that this time we were spared. We delete the news update on our mobile phones, switch to another radio station, and run away from the news. Man, like animals, has an inherent ability to adapt to any reality, even a very harsh one.
But we must not accept a routine of bloodshed; we must not give in to apathy. As hard as they work, the Israeli security forces are only putting out fires; we must also act at a deeper level—to stand up and fight against the real enemy that lies within us: our separation. At every moment of separation, the external enemy is gnawing away at us, but if we want to end the war, we must subdue the enemy within.
Out of Balance
The mad impulse of terrorists to murder us comes from a deeper place. Even the accusations of Sweden’s foreign minister and those of her colleagues in the EU who tried to connect the bloodbath in France to Israel, come from the same place; they harbor inbred hatred that stems from sources that go far beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It is written in The Book of Zohar that all of humanity is connected in a single network. Currently, negative forces are flowing through it leading the world toward extremism, hatred, and destruction. The channels through which the good forces of unity, mutual consideration, and concern for others should flow to the world are almost fully blocked, There is much room for improvement in the network of connections among us.
The nation of Israel has a special role in determining the balance of powers in this network. When we make an effort to unite, we “inject” positive forces into the world, and balance out the negative ones.
In contrast, when division reigns among us, we become part of the negative force and increase its power in the world, as it is written in The Book of Zohar that there will be “poverty, ruin, pillage, looting, killing, and destruction in the world.” The direct result is that our enemies “raise their heads and mainly want to destroy Israel,” as it is written in the “Introduction to The Book of Zohar.”
Chronicle of Destruction
The hatred of Israel and terror toward the Jews is not a new phenomenon. The nation of Israel was founded over 4,000 years ago on the tenet of “Love thy neighbor as yourself.” The main novelty that we brought to humanity was our wondrous ability to unite because “Israel holds the key to the unity of the world” (Rabbi Kook, Sacred Lights). This mutual guarantee is the only justification for its existence. When unfounded hatred broke out among us and ravaged every decent part of it, the Temple was destroyed. This hatred cut off the flow of the positive force from us to the world. You can see this law throughout history—when the evil force prevails, it brings destruction, war, and bloodshed.
“In each and every generation, we are commanded to strengthen the unity among us so that our enemies will not rule over us,” writes Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov in The Book of Consciousness. As long as we don’t repair the social rift between us, the evil force will generate more hate to destroy us. This does not end at Israel’s borders; the more Europe suffers from the evil force, the more it will blame us and hold us responsible for the spread of radical Islam. And the results will not be long in following.
Bestowing Good Upon the World
The security forces will continue to protect the citizens of Israel and make every effort to prevent the next attack, but this is not enough to prevent the next victim. We must awaken love of others, connection, and mutual guarantee. These are the components of our national strength.
When these positive forces begin to flow through us to the rest of the world, it will balance out this chaos the world is in. Accordingly, peace, tranquility, and sense of security will return on the streets. As Rav Kook wrote, “If we are ruined and the world was ruined with us by unfounded hatred, we will be rebuilt, and the world will be rebuilt with us through unfounded love.”

Can Anyone Study Kabbalah?

laitman_567_01Question: I would like to register for courses at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center, but what I heard on your lesson on Israeli television confuses and perplexes me; I realized that I don’t understand anything. This wisdom seems too complicated for me. Would registering for the course be appropriate for me?
Answer: I constantly repeat that Kabbalah is a wisdom that must be studied. It is impossible to explain this profound, rich, and ancient wisdom in a few words; half of the concepts are in the upper world, from where all the forces and bestowal descend into our lives.
And what is relevant to this world is also not understood until you know what is happening in the upper world; so you cannot explain from where some phenomenon suddenly appears. Since you don’t see the upper roots, you don’t understand how the phenomena are projected from there onto our world by the forces that descend from above.
When you begin to study the wisdom of Kabbalah, which speaks about the general nature of a person, about his inner essence, we attain ourselves, the world that surrounds us, and the interaction between them. We begin to understand how we influence the world, and how the world influences us. We grasp life more deeply, its flow, our inner desires and motivations. This helps a person to balance his life, to  look correctly at what is happening, and to understand the reason for his deeds and reactions to various events.
The wisdom of Kabbalah includes everything within it. There is no area that it doesn’t encompass. It can give an answer to every question: Why are we impressed by some music? Why is our language specifically constructed this way? Why is our body built specifically in this way, with hands and feet? Why do we organize a particular environment for ourselves and think that it is comfortable for us?
All of this can be revealed through the wisdom of Kabbalah because it begins from the beginning of creation, from the creation of desire. And then this desire developed and penetrated into our world, which is what we call the “Big Bang,” as a result of which our universe appeared and expanded.
Kabbalah begins from nothing, from the beginning of creation, and carries through all of human development, including our universe, together with the Earth that is contained within it and all of its history until the present day. And it doesn’t stop with this, but leads us on to the final purpose of creation.
When a person sees this entire process, he is able to manage the process and his entire life. He sees the complete perspective, all the way from beginning to end, and so he becomes an Adam (Man) and not a little child, which is what he is today, not understanding what is happening with him and only trying to escape the blows of fate.
I invite everyone to the courses at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center online or in Israel at the Kabbalah for the People college, and I wish much success to all of you!
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM 11/1/15

Look For Answers On Your Own

laitman_281_01Comment: Anyone who faces a great number of problems could be helped if the wisdom of Kabbalah could explain how to relate to them correctly.
Answer: In principle, each of us must find the answers to his questions himself. You must become a Kabbalist, reveal the upper world, see the system of management of our world, and if you have questions, you immediately will find the answers.
For example, a little child looks at a car and asks: “Why does this car have wheels? Why do they go around?” etc. When he gets older, he becomes familiar with the entire system, knows how a car is built, and he can answer any question that arises about it.
Thus, you will no longer be tied to your teacher, and you will begin to answer every question for yourself as you completely master our world from beginning to end, from its birth and after its end.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/27/15

Monday, November 30, 2015

Creating A Security Dome Over The World

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How does one shield himself against the collective aggression of the masses, not physically but emotionally?
Answer: Only through unity! It is not important from whom or from what the aggression stems. Any deep emotion on any level can be neutralized only through a positive attitude, but not towards a particular person or source, but rather through a good relationship between us.
The whole world hates us—don’t pay attention to it. Unite among yourselves and you will see how the whole world will dance attendance on you.
Question: What about a neighbor who hates you? Should one sit with him at a table and start a conversation?
Answer: A direct conversation will not help. We need to create a general atmosphere. When talking with someone one on one, you as if give them a solution at the level of our world. Most likely it won’t work, except maybe in individual cases. Therefore it is necessary to go through all the people, through the general system.
We have to create an atmosphere of mutual goodness and benevolence among us, for through our unity we create a security dome over the nation.
Question: What is the first step on the way to unity?
Answer: Let’s begin to be aware of this, to speak and think about it. There is no need for anything else.
Question: Does this mean that the wisdom of Kabbalah is against action?
Answer: Certainly not. For example, many volunteers visit hospitals or care for the elderly, etc.. Yet if these actions were in order to unite the people, they would be crowned with success. It is very important to keep an inner focus that you do this for the sake of unity. That is how you activate the system of upper management.
Simple mechanical activities won’t give anything. Our world is basically a consequence of the upper world. You want to influence it? This can be done only through your intentions. Through your actions you will not influence the upper degree.
So it is necessary to learn how this is done. I call for everyone to visit our websites, to learn, to write to us, and take part in our activities. Join us at whatever it’s convenient for you. If we unite into a single system, you will see how it will change the current atmosphere.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is the core, the soul of our nation, from which we were created. Not only will you discover many new things, you will also realize how you can change your destiny and the fate of the world.
From KabTV’s “Confrontation. How it works in reality” 10/28/15

About The Education Of Children

laitman_547_05Question: My husband and I began studying the wisdom of Kabbalah a while ago. With tiny steps, we began to set foot on this path. Already in the beginning of the way, we started getting answers to some of the questions that we have been asking throughout our lives.
We have three small children, and as a mother, the question that concerns me is whether I will be able to convey to them some real principles about life.
You say that only personal experience is the way to teach children. How does one do this?
Answer: Free your children from your plans, and don’t force anything on them. When they grow up, they will see what you are involved with and will choose for themselves whether or not this is for them.

Is It Possible For The Body To Have Eternal Life?

Laitman_709Question: The physical body of a person is part of creation. If a person learns to live according to the Mitzvot (Commandments), will his physical body become immortal?
Answer: The physical body has no connection to Mitzvot. Observance of the Mitzvot is a correction of the ego to the characteristics of bestowal and love of others. It is specifically this characteristic that is called the corrected Adam (Man).
We are commanded to change gradually, time after time, each one of our 613 desiresfrom egoistic to altruistic usage, and in this way, feel the upper world more and more with greater clarity through these corrected characteristics.
Question: What in Kabbalah is the body?
Answer: A body is a collection of desires. We now have 613 egoistic desires, meaning an egoistic body, and when we correct the ego, we acquire another, sacred body, meaning the desire for bestowal and love.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/11/15

Spiritual Purity

laitman_602_02The Torah, “Numbers,” 19:6 – 19:7: The kohen shall take a piece of cedar wood, hyssop, and crimson wool, and cast them into the burning of the cow. The kohen shall wash his garments and bathe his flesh in water, and then he may enter the camp, and the kohen shall be unclean until evening.
Spiritual purity means that your intentions are absolutely pure and that in your spiritual work you want to use only the desires that are aimed at connection with others, and through them, with them, with the Creator.
When you work with these desires, you must detach yourself from other egoistic desires, so you need to reveal them.
These desires may not have been revealed in you yet, and you may not even be aware of them or understand how to detach yourself from them. Thus, the Torahinstructs us as to how to act. You have to plunge into water (in a Mikve, a pool filled by water from nature), which means to place yourself under the attribute of Bina.
Then, you must be in this state until the evening because only when night falls do the new desires (vessels) appear since every new day begins in the evening.
Since your action was done in these clothes during that day, you don’t have to leave it at the end of the day. You will receive new vessels during the night, and you will be a new person the next day.
Question: Why does a person receive new vessels at night?
Answer: It is because the new desires that rise in a person are not corrected yet, which means that they are in the dark. In the meantime, one cannot work with them with the intention of in order to bestow. This is the reason they are dark.
New vessels are born until midnight, and from midnight onward, they are corrected and the Light is revealed in them gradually, which is called the sunrise.
In fact, there is no sunrise or sunset, but we simply feel dawn, sun, or daylight in the corrected desires.
During the day, we fulfill them correctly, and then they gradually transcend to the next level. When the new, uncorrected desires approach us from a distance, the sun is forced to set by the force of Gevura, the force of rigidity, of Din (Judgment). Then, a new phase begins. The next chain of desires appears in a person, which he must correct. Everything happens inside of us.
Question: What does it mean that the priest must wash his clothes?
Answer: Clothes symbolize the intention. The correction of the ego takes place by helpful intentions.
The five clothes of the priest are a hat, a shirt, a belt, sandals, and trousers. These are the five levels of the egoistic desires, each of which needs a new intention.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/10/15

Why Does Our World Exist?

laitman_437Question: How and why did the Creator create our world?
Answer: Our world was created especially so that in this world man would develop the ability to ascend and attain the upper state, consistently correcting all of his desires, starting from the less egoistic ones to the more egoistic.
Our world is what we feel and perceive in our uncorrected desires.
When we correct ourselves and ascend to the attainment of the upper world, we feel the difference between the two worlds, their oppositeness, their contrasts, from which comes the depth of understanding the upper world. The potential difference between the two worlds gives a person the feeling of the internal attainment.
Question: Why does a person find the corporeal world so attractive?
Answer: This is specifically to create a system of resistance to the attainment of the upper world within us so that later we would feel the upper world more deeply, according to the potential difference.
Anyone can break out of this world. It all depends on a person’s environment and the correct use of the method of ascent.
Question: Will the corporeal world still exist when all of the souls connect to theCreator?
Answer: No, our world will disappear from our sensations because it manifests only in our uncorrected desires, and we perceive it as the still, vegetative, and animate levels. It is all inside of us.
When we begin to feel the upper world, we discover that our world is only illusory. To the extent that we correct our egoistic attributes, our world gradually disappears like a mirage.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/27/15

The Temple – The Location Of A Common Desire

laitman_933From the words of the Midrash Rabbah, Parshat “Chukat”: The red heifer is bought from the mandatory annual contributions of the half-shekel, that all Jews contributed to the Temple.
The Temple symbolizes the collective vessel into which the descending spiritual abundance is received. And after that according to a hierarchy it flows and extends to the smaller vessels that are all the people.
The Temple is the uppermost point of attachment of the desires that are connected with the Light, with the higher power. It is not created by one person, but by the sum of all the desires that we connect together in tens, hundreds, and thousands, forming one single desire, dissolved into it.
Therefore, by the Temple, we don’t mean a stone structure, but a place where the shared desire on which a correction must be made accumulates. Correction is not made in each person separately but only in our shared connection.
Question: What does it mean that “the red heifer is bought from contributions”?
Answer: In spiritual work, we give of ourselves only the initial desire (the half-shekel), and the correction comes to us from above (the second half of the shekel), and as a result, a complete desire emerges, a complete vessel (Kli), which the red heifer symbolizes.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/10/15

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Open Vessel

laitman_232_08Torah, “Numbers,” “Chukat,” Chapter 19:15: Any open vessel which has no seal fastened around it becomes unclean.
A man consists of little vessels (Kelim) that are in fact our desires, intentions, and properties. If one’s vessel is not formed yet, if it bears no screen, if one doesn’t use the vessel after the contraction, if it is open to any action, i.e., if one doesn’t have control over it, then it is considered an impure vessel that doesn’t have a “seal.”
Everyone should sense and understand what particular quality it is about, create a screen, and keep it fastened. At the same time, one should know what state this property belongs to and when it can be used to promote one’s advancement.
Our vessel has to be always clean and fastened. Otherwise, it becomes prone to various external and internal influences, which in principle are the same. The vessel should open only when it is absolutely necessary in order to meet the demands of the society we live in.
Torah, “Numbers,” “Chukat,” Chapter 19:20: If a person becomes unclean and does not cleanse himself, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation…
A man who doesn’t purify himself cannot connect with others; it’s as if he is estranged from the general soul.
The Torah mentions the “camp” that an impure man has to leave and spend many days in self-purification before he is allowed to return. The camp stands for the inter-human connection, i.e., the general soul.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/24/15

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