Thursday, June 15, 2017

Do You Help People Find Out About The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

laitman_565_01.jpgQuestion: I have been studying the wisdom of Kabbalah for three years. I often feel guilty about not being able to talk about the wisdom of Kabbalah with those people who are trying to find themselves. How can I do this, how can I help them?
Answer: Give them a book as a gift or invite them to a lecture, but no more than this. Don’t force a person. If it interests him, he will find out about everything.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/22/17

Envy That Pulls Us Forward

laitman_527_03Question: Do you feel envious of other Kabbalists who attained higher levels than you have?
Answer: Absolutely not! There may be envy, not evil envy, but good envy that pulls you forward in order to be by their side, not in their place.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/29/17

The Giving Of The Torah or The Right To Be Human

226Question: What does it mean to live in a matrix called the Torah?
Answer: The Torah is a system for the realization of the thought of creation to delight the creature. The thought itself was already included in the initial intention. From this thought, the next step is to create a system in which various possible subsystems will evolve, that is, worlds, Partzufim, Sefirot, and then the soul divided into 600,000 souls.
This entire process flows in such a way that, from the opposition of light and vessel, the system produces the possibility to bring into existence a unique ability called self-awareness. Suddenly there appears a “somebody,” different from the Creator, opposite to Him, standing in opposition to Him and able to become His partner. This somebody reveals the upper force, the system, and adds to the whole of creation a unique element: personal involvement, that is, the freewill of this creature called Adam or man.
This entire system, the Torah, the process and all its laws, are all created only in order for such a creature to appear, who, from its own perspective, from concealment and separation, can begin the journey to freely participate in creation. We do not yet feel this unique and inherent element, free choice. Later, we will discover that it is through it that we build ourselves against the Creator and, on the other hand, we become like Him.
Here a special drama is played out between the union and opposition of the Creator and the created being, as if between a man and a woman.
Question: At what stage does this matrix, this system, allow the person to begin practical participation in its work?
Answer: With each one this happens differently, according to general and specific conditions. This depends on the function of a specific soul in the general system, on the root it came came, on the form of its existence, its connection with other parts, and their mutual interdependence.
For example, initially lighter souls have to engage in the process of correction, so that later coarser souls, such as our contemporaries, will be able to correct themselves. But they all have freewill, so when someone does not complete their correction, a delay occurs. The delay can either impact everyone or someone specific is affected in a particular way. The system is very dynamic and within it all are interconnected.
Even now we exist within the system. But, when does a person begin to participate consciously? The moment he begins to consciously work in a group.
Question: Is there a particular time that is more favorable for engaging a person to connect to the system?
Answer: There are continuous changes within the system and there are periods of time when there is more Light within it, adding a greater impact, more power, pouring energy into the entire system and especially into the souls. For the souls, this Light doesn’t come as inner Light, but rather as Surrounding Light. Because they can only be affected by the system to the degree of their similarity to it.
That is why there are times that are more or less auspicious, when the system is more or less activated. Obviously, this doesn’t happen according to this world’s calendar, but in relation to the inner workings of the system.
Holidays correspond to a particular activation from above that happens according to the system’s laws of development. There is a beginning to the process, its end, and a sequence of intermediary stages, which the collective soul must experience with respect to the three lines, right, left and middle, according to the unraveling chain of informational genes (Reshimot) and the relationships between the broken and the already corrected desires.
Within the system, there are many parameters from which it is possible to organize a system of a multitude of formulas in the form of a matrix and to solve it, conducting an analysis and synthesis of all that is occurring. This system periodically changes its activity with respect to us, and these special events, when Light intensifies or decreases, we call special days: celebrations or mourning.
The most important holiday, the most meaningful event, is the Giving of the Torah. During this time, a Light comes from above that we are able to sense and with its help, we can begin to correct ourselves and bring ourselves to similarity of form with the system. In other words, this is not an event that appears and disappears, but an opportunity to connect with the system, enter it, and begin to work together with it as partners.
That is why this holiday is so important to us. There is nothing more important than receiving the Torah, because from this exact moment, we have the right to call ourselves human, Adam, when we are in possession of the means by which we can resemble the Creator.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/24/17Shamati

America Attacks Syria—Details About The Decision

laitman_273_01Comment: After Syria used chemical weapons that led to great casualties, America decided to attack Syria.
A photo of the cabinet that reached this decision appeared in Facebook. The Jews who make up half of the cabinet of ministers were tagged with the Star of David on the photo. They were the ones who forced Trump to attack Syria.
My Response: I think, on the contrary, it is detrimental for Israel. What’s the point, that they bombed a couple of old planes? If they would hit the weapons coming to Hezbollah, then it’s another matter, but for now, there’s no sense in it for Israel.
We welcomed the supposedly decisive steps, and we cannot but welcome them.
Question: The photo with the six-pointed-star reminded me of how the Jews’ homes were once marked. This is quite an anti-Semitic action. Nobody talks about who was making decision—good people or bad—all that is said is that they are Jews. How do you feel about the fact that a person wants to say: all decisions, one way or another, are made by Jews?
Answer: He is absolutely right. The Jews turn everything in the world, but they are wrong.
I’m constantly talking about this. Jews must be corrected, and then all the affairs in the world will revolve according to the extent of their correction, and the world will become better. But all the same, it will be a reflection of how the Jews act, and first of all—among themselves. The more they are apart from each other, the worse for the world. The closer they are to each other, the better for the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/13/17

“You Shall Not Keep In Your Pouch Two Different Weights”

laitman_237Torah, Deuteronomy 25:13: You shall not keep in your pouch two different weights, one large and one small.
A person must conduct a court of honesty and always strive for the middle line. All the laws of the Torah are designed to construct it.
A woman between two men, one of whom has died and the other is alive, or they both are alive, but one is her husband and another is not, or two weights, large and small, and so on, all of it is the construction of the middle line in all its forms.
The Torah gives basic principles on the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels on how to maintain the middle line and how to carry it on. The conquest of the land of Israel means controlling the desire in the middle line.
Therefore, it is written: “You shall not keep in your pouch two different weights, one large and one small.” After all, you must carry on all your changes according to one principle—by the middle line.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/2/16

A Global Cyber Attack

laitman_272In the News (The Guardian): “A ransomware cyber-attack that may have originated from the theft of ‘cyber weapons’ linked to the US government has hobbled hospitals in England and spread to countries across the world.
“Security researchers with Kaspersky Lab have recorded more than 45,000 attacks in 99 countries, including the UK, Russia, Ukraine, India, China, Italy, and Egypt. In Spain, major companies including telecommunications firm Telefónica were infected.
“By Friday evening, the ransomware had spread to the United States and South America, though Europe and Russia remained the hardest hit, according to security researchers Malware Hunter Team. The Russian interior ministry says about 1,000 computers have been affected.”
Question: There is no need for bombs anymore; instantly you can shut down everything,  push trains, destroy people, etc. Will technology enable us to do all that?
Answer: Even to kill yourself.
Question: Why does this happen? How far can all this go and what should we do?
Answer: This will go on until we reach a point where it will be possible to easily blow up nuclear power stations—which means dozens of nuclear bombs—destroy hydroelectric power stations, and cause planes to crash in the air, etc., i.e., to create “small-scale” global chaos.
Comment: At the moment, the hackers are asking for money from 200,000 targets, each for $300.
Answer: What is $300 for a hospital or an airport? We can clearly see that is isn’t a matter of money. It is a very interesting event that should shake up humanity and make it understand that the Internet should be limited; people should not be given such abilities.
There is no need for any kind of weapon. What do we need tanks, planes, cannons, or guns for? These already belong to the Stone Age! Today you can easily type on your keyboard, press enter, and everything blows up in the air. I manage the world.
There should be an international agreement on the matter, but there isn’t one! We see that the world is managed by egoism and that it is impossible to do anything about it. International agreements lead us nowhere.
However, the moment I, the egoist, feel that I can irresponsibly abuse you, I will do so. Destroy? All the more so! Therefore, the problem is to treat the real source of the problem, our ego.
Question: Does that mean that there will be no treaties between countries?
Answer: No treaties can exist either now or in the future. If I can break a treaty and do whatever I feel like, nothing can stop me.
Question: Not even if hospitals cease to function?
Answer: What difference does it make? I want you to totally disappear, and it is better if you leave everything behind you, like after a neutron bomb, which destroys every living thing and leaves everything else clean and intact. You can roam around whole empty cities and do whatever you wish.
Therefore, I believe that the only thing we should engage in is the correction of our egoistic nature. Once you understand what the wisdom of Kabbalah says, that there is part of me inside you and there is part of you inside me, and that goes for all the people in the world and all the creatures, we will begin to care about everyone egoistically on a totally different level and there will be nothing left for a person to do except care about everyone.
We should look more deeply into the system of nature and see how all of mankind is connected to each other. Then we will see that nature obliges us to care for each other. This is the only way we will be able to ensure a better future for ourselves.
Otherwise, everything will be in the hands of “cleanliness” international terrorists, not those who kill people, because after all, it is only war games. Here there are serious, clever guys who show us what they can do to us.
Ahead of us there are still many manifestations of our selfishness, which, as it were, tells us: “You must think about your future, if you want it at all.”
The point is that computers are gradually becoming part of every aspect of our lives, so that there is nothing we can do about it. After all, it is not just about cutting off some gas pipe or some international connection. One can enter the municipal network and cut off all the landline and cellular phones and there will be no connection, and what then? We cannot even imagine it!
Comment: But we have raised this monster ourselves—a young man in a suit and tie who surfs the net in order to spread a virus on the net. He was given Internet games; he was trained to kill, to be first in competitions; he cannot be any different. You give a person a computer and tell him: “You can go in there and ask for $300,” and so he does.
Answer: He doesn’t care about the $300. That’s the whole problem. These people usually work for an idea. They are interested in control. They don’t care about communism, capitalism, fascism, or socialism at all.  For them, it is important to be able to rule, and by their intellect, by pressing a key on the keyboard.
The conclusion is very simple, humanity, in the full sense of the word, kneels and begs: “Enough, stop!” But it is actually humanity that has dragged itself to the Internet and has brought up intelligent monsters that can do whatever they feel like.
These are people who think globally and who are interested in the triumph of their ideas, not even in their desires, but in computer programs. They live only for this, and do not know anything else and do not understand anything beyond that.
Question: What can we conclude from this if we cannot stop them?
Answer: There is no conclusion. Humanity cannot come to any conclusions if it goes on this way!
Question: But still, people should realize that it will get much worse in the future.
Answer: The point is not even the future, the point is that we can control nuclear wars and other threats, but we cannot control cyber attacks. Eventually people will find themselves living in constant fear that something terrible may happen at any given moment.
Question: How can humanity feel that?
Answer: These guys will teach all of humanity so that everyone will know who they have brought up and how to go on living.
Question: At the same time security experts say that, “we will find and suppress these characters.”
Answer: Others will replace them. This is actually the future type of terror, and the point is not the $300. They have no need for money. They will break into banks and transfer everything wherever they want to and it will be impossible to trace anything!
Comment: This means that one way or another, we have to deal with the root of the problem. There is nowhere to run.
Answer: Nature will teach us. I hope that no one will be hurt. It is a good lesson for mankind, and people will begin to understand what they should do better. This can only be done by the system of the upper leadership.
You will not be able to reach these people. There are millions of them and tomorrow there will be billions who will want to learn to do the same thing. Those who are behind the cyber attack will be role models to others.
Question: So what can we do?
Answer: We can find the way to the upper leadership. This is the only way we can impact the whole world in a positive way, and then we can be sure that everything will calm down and reach its balance.
No actions will help in our world. People will try to sign different treaties and to look for culprits, and where will all this lead? In our world, everything is meant only to show man that he should change his paradigm.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/15/17

The Person Of The Future

laitman_537.jpgQuestion: How will the society of the future be built?
Answer: In order to create a society of the future, we need people of the future. Man of the present is an egoist who instinctively cares only about himself. But not because he is bad or good; this is his nature, like a computer that is programmed by a certain program and works only one way and not another. Therefore, people of our time can build only an appropriate egoistic community.
This is what we are trying to do: to limit ourselves in some ways, to encourage socially useful deeds, to avoid socially harmful actions. This includes all sorts of incentives, prisons, punishments, and so on.
However, all this is aimed at somehow compensating for the evil nature of man, according to which he subconsciously thinks only of his own good. And not even just about the benefits, but about retrieving them at the expense of others.
And if, at the same time, one can harm others and raise oneself, this is even better because he feels he is winning. After all, we measure ourselves with respect to the rest.
The person of the future is the complete opposite to the present person. He thinks only of society, about his development, and about ascent. He understands that everything that is done for society will pertain to him too, but at the same time, he cannot think about himself, only about the environment.
He goes through a system of re-education that changes his nature, and begins to think about others, about society, and about himself only as a performer of something for the benefit of others and the society. That is, he completely changes his internal program.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 5/22/17

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

“When You Come Into The Land”

laitman_933.jpgTorah, Deuteronomy 26:1 – 26:2: And it will be, when you come into the land which the Lord, your God, gives you for an inheritance, and you possess it and settle in it, that you shall take of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you will bring from your land, which the Lord, your God, is giving you. And you shall put [them] into a basket and go to the place which the Lord, your God, will choose to have His Name dwell there.
What does it mean “You come into the land and you possess it”? Does it mean you cross the Jordan River? But it is a very shallow river. People easily waded across it with the cattle. There was nothing special about this.
It is only possible to possess the land of Israel in the spiritual sense. Then you have the right to be in it.
Today, being in the land of Israel is given to us as an opportunity, and we must prove that we are really capable of existing in this land, and if we cannot, we are “thrown out” of it after some time. This happened to us 2,000 years ago and the same thing can happen now if we are not suitable for this land.
To be in the land of Israel means to be in a close connection with all the people in friendship, love, and brotherhood, and through this to relate to the Creator exactly the same way to give Him the opportunity to dwell among us. This is called the land of Israel, from the word “Isra-El” (straight to the Creator).
It is written about this: “And you shall put them into a basket and go to the place which the Lord, your God, will choose to have His Name dwell there.” His name can only be in this place.
Basket is your intentions, and the harvest and all the rest are your desires. “The first of all the fruit of the ground,” all the special gifts, are the intentions by which you as if demonstrate why you are doing it.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/9/16

The Temple: The Center Of Connection

laitman_937Comment: The scriptures describe how sacrifices were made in the Temple. The horns of the ox that went ahead were covered with gold.
Answer: In our world there are things that hint about how a person should embellish what was given to him by nature so that it would become a proper reward to the Creator.
Embellishment is the intention for our desires. After all, an ox, a cow, a sheep, fruit, berries, and everything that makes up human life and is brought to the Temple is all given to a person from above. And what he adds from himself is embellishment, which speaks of his addition to what is given by the Creator.
The whole world is given by the Creator. What can a person add to it? His intentions. They are described in the Torah.
Comment: The scriptures also say that when you enter the Temple, you must read Tehillim (Psalms).
Answer: Every inhabitant of the Earth had to visit the Temple three times a year and bring the first fruit of their labor there. The temple was small in size, but a huge number of people passed through it. They prayed, studied, and ate together there, and then went home. Thus, everything revolved around the Temple.
Some used to bring sacrifices in the form of gifts, others donated money. A certain number of hours were devoted to study, and a person went out with a wealth of knowledge, that is, cleansed from everyday dirt. He continued his usual life, but with the added load that he got in the Temple.
And most importantly, people were sitting there together, singing, and having their meals. It was a special public work during which everyone felt that he was connected with everyone else, and when he left the Temple, he naturally carried with him a sense of connection.
Thus, the Temple was a kind of people’s university for connection and education, giving the right understanding of the purpose for which we exist. It was a cultural and scientific center, the center of people’s connection with each other and with the Creator.
It was from there that the Torah, Nevi’im (Prophets), Ketuvim (Holy Writings), Mishna, Talmud, and everything else spread. They were recorded, worked on, studied, and then all that went with the people to exile.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/09/16

A Kabbalist’s Perspective

Laitman_145Question: Do Kabbalists who look at the world through the attribute of love and bestowal they have acquired see all the flaws, cruelty, and acts of violence in the world?
Answer: That depends on the perspective through which I look at such circumstances and phenomena. A Kabbalist can see them in the ordinary form like all the other people. He can also see their spiritual roots and can see them in the parts of the corrected state until it is completely corrected.
Everything depends on how a Kabbalist wants to use these states. They all exist in the spiritual world, but a Kabbalist chooses which is the most beneficial for him.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/29/17

JPost: “The Pillars Of Consumerism Are Crumbling“

The Jerusalem Post published my new article “The Pillars Of Consumerism Are Crumbling
What happens when jobs and stores disappear? What will we buy and how will we buy it? Luckily, a new industry will provide both income and a new commodity to consume.
The pillars of consumerism are crumbling. For the past several months, there has been a landslide of large and midsize brick-and-mortar retail chain stores that have either filed for bankruptcy or announced the closing of hundreds of stores. If this pace continues, by the end of this year, over 8,600 brick-and- mortar stores will have closed their doors. By comparison, in 2008, at the height of the Great Recession, only 6,150 stores shut down.
Beyond the impact of the collapse on the retailers themselves, their disappearance will have a devastating effect on the malls where they are located, as these are all anchor stores that bring business to the entire mall. In some cases, retailers such as Macy’s and Sears (which also owns Kmart) will shut their doors within the same mall, effectively causing the closure of the entire venue.
The blight is also taking a toll on jobs. As more and more people turn to the internet to do their shopping, stores close and people lose their jobs. According to Labor Department figures, retailers slashed around 30,000 positions in March. That was about the same total as in February, marking the worst two-month showing since 2009.
The rapid growth of e-commerce may be great for online businesses such as Amazon, but e-commerce does not require nearly as many jobs as do brick-and- mortar stores. The grim conclusion is that as far as traditional retail jobs are concerned, we are seeing the end of an era.
Are We Becoming Irrelevant?
Not only retail stores are affected by technology. Machines are replacing people everywhere. There are two million professional drivers in the US. Where will they work 10 to 15 years from now, when autonomous trucks and buses become safer to drive and cheaper to operate than vehicles driven by humans? What will call-center workers do when chatbots completely replace people in a few years? Waiters, cleaners, hotel service people, even doctors and lawyers, everyone is going to be affected by advancements in technology.
A reader’s comment in one of the newspaper stories about the trend captures the essence of our shifting world: “These stories make me feel irrelevant. Where is humanity going? You get into a car that drives itself, it takes you to work, but a robot took your job. Luckily, I am receiving Basic Income from the government. In that case, why don’t I go to the mall? Oh, right, the mall has shut down because we do all our shopping online and drones deliver the products to our doorstep, so even the delivery people have vanished. In fact, I have no reason to walk out the door. I haven’t spoken to a real person in months! Soon, we will all become irrelevant, redundant!”
Introducing Universal Basic Income
In recent years, there has been much ado over the idea of Universal Basic Income (UBI). UBI means that every person receives a fixed sum of money that sustains you above the poverty line whether or not you are employed. In many places around the world, primarily in Western Europe and Canada, experiments on the impact and feasibility of UBI are already underway.
The idea of UBI is also gaining traction thanks to the vocal support of bigwigs at Silicon Valley. Elon Musk, for example, said, “It’s going to be necessary,” and Mark Zuckerberg stated, “We should explore ideas like universal basic income.”
A New Set of Jobs and Industries—Around the Heart
I am totally and utterly against the idea of UBI. If we give people free money, it will devastate society and will turn many of them into ticking bombs. The tragic incident that happened on June 5 in Orlando, where a man who had recently been fired walked into his previous workplace with a handgun, murdered five former coworkers, then committed suicide should teach all of us what might happen to a person who sees no future ahead of him.
Violence is already rampant and growing in our society. Sending off millions of people with nothing to do and with no commitments will drive many of them off the deep end, and we will all suffer the consequences.
In my view, the onset of the robotic era is a great opportunity for all of humanity. Since machines will be taking our physical jobs, we will be free to develop what The New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman called “a whole new set of jobs and industries around the heart, around connecting people to people.”
In other words, people will not be unemployed. They will be employed as innovators of a new society. Their job will be to foster a society whose members are connected, caring, and feel responsible for one another.
Today, people are admired for their successful careers. Yet, tomorrow machines will be running everything. Competition over jobs will be obsolete; there will be no jobs to fight over. Therefore, the job of the new workers will be to introduce new values into society, where people will compete over recognition as contributors to society.
Positive competition will change the entire mindset of society. We are all envious beings. But when we envy people for their ability to promote society instead of their ability to promote themselves, we ourselves become positive elements in society. In this way, all of society will change direction from isolation to connection.
Shopping Centers Turned Community Centers
The industries of the heart will “manufacture” social cohesion. People will not receive UBI, but salaries, just as they do in today’s job market. The only difference will be in the product they will be making.
There is no end to what people can do if they want to benefit society. Creativity will be unlimited, and the more technology improves, the more people will be able to engage in pro- social jobs and the more possibilities to promote society will open up.
The conditions for creating the change are already in the making. According to a new report from Credit Suisse, between 20% to 25% of the nation’s shopping malls will close in the next five years, as e-commerce continues to draw shoppers away from bricks-and- mortar retailers.
Instead of becoming crime-breeding zones, as is happening today, they can easily be transformed into centers for training in the new pro-social work.
As I see it, every person who becomes unemployed should not receive unemployment benefits, but be enrolled in these trainings right away, and receive a salary just as in any other job. Instead of sitting at home feeling miserable, recently fired people should receive benefits from the state contingent upon their participation in the pro-social trainings. At the end of the training, or even during, they will launch their new careers as innovators of the new society.
The Technology of Connection
The technologies for nurturing pro-social attitudes in entire communities already exist. Round Table events and Connection Circles are two ways that I have elaborated on in my book Completing the Circle: An empirically proven method for finding peace and harmony in life.
They have been tried numerous times in the US, Western and Eastern Europe, and Israel, all with resounding success. When implemented correctly, these technologies not only create an atmosphere of warmth and sociability, but also promote the understanding that this is how society should maintain itself if we want to feel safe and happy in our neighborhoods. With the advent of the jobless era, the social paradigm shift will become a necessity.
However, thanks to online technologies, this shift can be done at minimal cost. Moreover, the expenses that will be saved as people’s current anti-social attitude is reversed will far outweigh the cost of the trainings, making them lucrative business for investors.
When a community unites, violence, crime, and substance abuse all drop, and mutual responsibility, mutual assistance, and friendliness emerge. This frees tremendous amounts of resources that would otherwise be used on policing and welfare workers trying to mitigate crises. Therefore, even from the most capitalistic viewpoint, pro-social attitudes in the community pay off.
The sooner the governments, or states, implement these programs for the unemployed, the greater will be their profits, both socially and financially, and the greater will be the benefits to our entire society.

Spiritual Attainment Is Sensual

Laitman_036Question: How is it possible to know that a person has ascended spiritually in internal contact with the Creator and that it is not the ego deceiving him?
Answer: This is a complex matter, yet I think that it is possible to feel it to the same degree that a person understands the books and the Kabbalah lessons in feeling.
If a person feels that the lessons are having an influence on him and he wants to feel them more, this testifies to his advancement. The main thing is feeling because spiritual attainment is sensual.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/29/17

Do We Reach Beyond The World Of Atzilut?

Laitman_198.jpgQuestion: The four phases of the development of the creature are found above the world of Atzilut, but if we don’t attain this, how can we talk about it?
Answer: What is above the world of Atzilut we attain within the head of the world of AtzilutBaal HaSulam described the world of Ein Sof when he was in the head of the world of Atzilut.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/22/17

In A Kabbalistic Society

laitman_938_03Question: What is the practical implementation of the principle of “The King’s glory is in the multitude?” After all, wherever there is crowd, it is usually the opposite situation.
Answer: Indeed, you will not find anything wise where there is a crowd, but only stupid fantasies. But in a Kabbalistic society, it isn’t a crowd that gathers, but outstanding people who want to overcome their egoism and raise their yearning for the Creator above all the obstacles.
Thus they unite, each with his own unique, upper impulse, and this is actually what determines the shared outcome that we attain in the connection between us, and in it, we reveal the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/19/17

A Convention Is The Unity Of Internal Impulses

laitman_282_01Question: What is a convention, not in the physical sense, but inside a person?
Answer: A convention is the unity of all of our internal impulses to reveal the meaning of life, which means when a person asks, “What am I living for?”
This question is hidden in each of us, and it is called a desire. When all of these small desires connect into one desire, it is possible to receive an answer about the meaning of life, and this is precisely what we get together for.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/19/17

The Creator Is More Jealous Than A Woman

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Creator deliberately puts various obstacles in our way so that we cannot cope with them, overcome them.
Why? So we will reach out to Him, ask Him, look toward Him, and draw near Him! He gets very jealous if we look at each other instead of looking at Him! He is more jealous than a woman! I say this in all seriousness.
It is very important! That is why the Creator constantly puts us in such situations that we are unable to overcome—so that we would yearn for Him, request that He help us. That is how parents sometimes behave toward their children: on one hand, they want the children to do something on their own, and on the other hand, that they are compelled to get the parents help.
In case of the Creator, it is quite simple. From the very beginning of our journey, if we are walking the right path, then every step that we make, we are never able to do without the Creator—never! In our lives, we learn how to walk, then walk on our own, grow up, and become adults.
In spirituality this is not so. In spirituality, our need for the Creator is constant; it only grows stronger and stronger, and then we truly come to a greater adhesion with Him. After all, the Creator opens up the system to us, but we do not know how to operate within it.
After we exert efforts in the connection between us, we increasingly open up the place where He has to explain and fulfill. And then He is revealed, always in response to a request for Him! There is none else besides Him.
Therefore, if we are unable to connect, it is natural and good. We only need to remember who puts these obstacles in our way—He does, so that we will turn to Him.

The Creator’s Amazing Invention

laitman_423_02Torah, Deuteronomy 21:10: If you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord, your God, will deliver him into your hands, and you take his captives… .
The Torah describes laws that everyone who works toward being like the Creator and is in a state of constant battle within him or herself should know.
A person represents the entire world. To the degree we reveal reality, we begin to realize that all that is seen outside of us is really a reflection of what exists within us. And that is why all people, the inanimate, vegetative, and animal worlds, the entire universe, exist within me; they do not exist outside of me.
In referring to the Torah, we say that a person must behave in a certain way toward animals or plants, meaning the animal or vegetative levels of egoism within a person. The same applies to the inanimate and human levels.
“Men,” “women,” “virgins,” and everything else described in the Torah are our desires. When we work with them, this is how we define, sort, and bring them to the appropriate order of correction. The desires stay, we only change the method of their realization.
Those desires that were initially directed toward egoism and self-indulgence, we rework in order for them to serve others. Here a question arises: “What others if everything exists in me?”
This is the trick: actually, everything exists in me, but given this, when I see everything as being outside of me, it helps me to change my relationship from being directed inward to being directed outward; that is, I change only my internal vector.
In reality, I am not going out of myself; rather, I begin to accept all that exists outside of me as existing within me, as my personal qualities. Therefore, I begin to experience that I include the entire world within me. This is the state of “a person is a small world,” which Kabbalah speaks of.
Then, inside this world that has now become mine, I begin to exist, experience, and understand all things. This world is not egoistic. But it is inside of me because I changed my vector by not using everything for my personal “I,” but for those who appear as others outside of me.
In this way, I correct my egoism (desire to receive) to the desire to bestow. And this desire is inside of me and cannot be attributed to another; only its vector is corrected. This is how I begin to sense the Creator, the upper force, filling me.
That is why I don’t need to run from anything. I become a system that is called soul or Adam – Man. Does anyone else exist besides me? No one. I alone, and the Creator within me.
It is almost as if I begin to “swallow” the entire world, strangers become part of me. This is what is called “love your neighbor as yourself.”
How can he be my neighbor? He is part of me! But in this moment, he appears to me as being distant; that is why I attempt to bring him closer, until I become one with him.
Along the way, there is a constant battle. It is impossible to consistently imagine that everything that exists outside of me, including outer space, is all in me, and I am just looking inside myself, watching the “film projector and a screen” that constantly spins in front of me that which I see as outside of me.
This is the Creator’s amazing innovation that exists within a person.
If each of us would only see all this just from their own perspective, but we see animals and fish,, we even see other people who have similar experiences. This means that I consist of multiple egoistic desires, each of which exists as I do.
In what way then does my desire, my “I” that I am now trying to figure out and altruistically transform, differ from the desire that is appearing to me right now as the person next me? And he sees the world just like I do, and we understand each other and are able to speak with each other.
What is this desire next to me? For instance, across from me sits a friend, affirming, “Yes, I see it like that also.” What then? Am I in him and he in me? It means that in me is some friend who exists absolutely independently, decides independently, and corrects himself independently.
In order to understand this, we need to unite. But, aside from uniting, each of us also continues to remain in their individual egoistic desires and intentions.
It turns out that each of us, like a pomegranate, consists of many of seeds. And this entire totality creates the sense of the whole world being like a beehive in which, on the one hand, there is a division into a tremendous number of honeycombs, and on the other hand, their unity gives us the sensation of the Creator. We are not able to experience this quality within ourselves in any other way.
Each is an individual, and each experiences the world within him or herself. The assembly of all individuals, when they do not merge, but only unite above themselves, creates a level, which, on the one hand, consists of 600,000 parts, and on the other hand, is as if a single unit. That is, below it is 600,000 parts, and above is unity, in which the upper force is revealed.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/10/16

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Answers To Your Questions, Part 169

laitman_571_03Question: How can you identify what a person’s proclivities are according to his or her characteristics?
Answer: The inclination of a person is revealed to the degree of his effort to correct his nature.
Question: How is it possible to enjoy spirituality like you if I must work all day?
Answer: I also worked all my life, and even today I work and receive a salary like all of the workers in the Kabbalah for the People organization.

Society Cares For All

laitman_555Torah, Deuteronomy 24:19: When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to take it; it shall be [left] for the stranger, the orphan, and the widow, so that the Lord, your God, will bless you in all that you do.
From the spiritual point of view, instruments of your soul, called “elderly,” “women,” “children,” “powerless, rootless people,” supposedly do not have their own forces, and that is why you must feed and support them, giving them an opportunity to exist, until they acquire their own screen.
You always have to leave a part of the anti-egoistic screen for the poor who are unable to have their own screen.
From the materialistic point of view, Cohens and Levites were responsible for these people. Various government organizations existed in ancient times to take care of the weak layers of the society. Cohens and Levites not only educated people, but were also involved in solving their problems. Everything was organized in a very clear way.
Women, children, the powerless, the rootless, and the elderly could come to the town gates, to the market square, or to the places where people gather, as they come to synagogues nowadays, and receive help, instructions, guidance, and education.
Young people were obligated to study; no one should remain illiterate. Unmarried women and widows were considered a big problem for society, and husbands were sought for them. This was precisely monitored and organized.
This is how society took care of itself. If women were encouraged to stay unmarried, it would result in promiscuity. If children were left on the streets, they would grow up to be thieves and killers. If the elderly were abandoned and were dying at your door, then tomorrow the same will happen to you. This should not be; society is obligated to take care of that.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/31/16

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