Thursday, November 29, 2012

Connecting The Entire World To The Creator

The main point we constantly should guard as our inner goal is the principle of “There is none else besides Him.” The Creator is the reason for every state, every thought, every perception, for everything that happens. There is only one force managing me and the world around me, and nothing but that.
It is all meant so that I, through my connection with the world, at every moment, in every event and in every action, both internally and externally, will reach the understanding that “There is none else besides Him” within the global circle. This is called adhesion within the general vessel. This is our work, and this is what we focus on.
However, the world is big, and, so, we begin with the group (1), and only then move on to the rest of the world (2). I must connect with the group through different cases and problems, and it should be the most important thing for me now. When I turn to the group, I also must remember the world as the second part of my work.
Connecting The Whole World To The Creator
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/23/12, “The Role of the Israeli Nation“

To Feel The Desire Of The Teacher

Question: What does it mean to be your disciple?
Answer: The issue here is not with me. We’re talking about a law that acts in the system of connections between the souls. We need to connect these souls in the correct system with the correct connection. The connection itself already exists; we only need to identify with it, to connect to it, to clean it from all our litter, to infuse into it the force of love from our desires.
And therefore, a “disciple” is called one that participates in this, one who performs this work. He works on the connection with me according to the principle of “Make yourself a Rav,” and with the friends according to the principle of “Buy yourself a friend.” And towards all the rest, he works according to “Judge each person to the scale of merit.” And all this is in order to attain the connection with the upper force.
Question: How can the advancement on this path be examined?
Answer: Only according to the degree of annulment. Otherwise, your examination will be egoistic. A person needs to nullify, remove his internal “partition” that interferes with connection, not to engage in anything “behind the back,” secretly, but to frankly look for the point of adhesion through which he will be able to receive the supreme wisdom.
Each one should manage this list by oneself. Ideally, you have to know what I want, even without asking many questions. By means of this clarification, you have to nullify your ego in order not to deal with your corporeal desires and indulge in them. And then, when you feel what my desire is, you execute it.
And it’s not important whether I know about it or not, or if others know it or not. You simply do it and by this acquire connection, through me, with a system that is more superior, with the Creator.
Question: In general, we disdain you, even without understanding it…
Answer: It’s natural, whether you want to or not. A moral should be learned from this: Understand your relationship to the Creator. Maybe for you it’s not obvious, but it can’t be that you will treat Him better than me.
For this the teacher and the group are in front of you; the Creator is hidden, and you can “practice” on them in self-analysis: “Who is smarter in my eyes: me or them? Who is greater: me or them? Do I want to bend them down according to my plans, so that I behave in a way that’s convenient for me? Or nonetheless, I bend my head down and do whatever is good for them? How much do I nullify my opinion in front of them?”
All the work is in this. You were given a “practice facility,” where you can do all the preparation. If you don’t want to do these preparatory exercises, then it’s a pity for you to waste your time, better go and enjoy life…
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/26/12, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

Exile And Lo Lishma

Question: What is the difference between exile and the state of Lo Lishma?
Answer: A person feels that he is in exile after having been on a high level, and so he can understand that now he has descended into exile. Exile is a descent, after a person has understood something, felt something, has been in contact with the Creator, now he feels that he is detached from all this at least to some extent.
The levels of the forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, about whom the Torah tells us, are the levels of understanding, attainment, the feeling of bestowal, the attributes of the Creator, His revelation. While the descent into the exile in Egypt is already the hardening of the heart, which is felt after a person has attained a state called the “forefathers” (the most initial state).
While Lo Lishma is the initial level of a person who studies and tries to rise above all the states he feels, he is still in his egoistic intentions. He dreams about attaining bestowal and feels the value of this attribute and wants to detach from himself. But he wants this detachment for himself too, feeling how good it will be. This feeling of yearning for bestowal but still acting for his own good is called Lo Lishma.
But it is on condition that he values bestowal not because it helps him detach from the corporeal troubles or in the hope of receiving some spiritual reward or achievement. He wants to be in bestowal because this is how the Light operates on him. A person doesn’t even know what it means to be in bestowal. But new attributes are born in him and such vessels and inclinations are stabilized, which force him to value bestowal. He doesn’t even know where it comes from, but it is the result of the influence of the Light that Reforms.
Then this inclination becomes more and more conscious and a person begins to hold on to it by himself. Eventually he reaches a state in which he only wants bestowal, by cutting himself off from all personal interests.
In order to do that, a person must go through the hardening of the heart many times and encounter many obstacles. He is shown that there are things in life that are dear to him and from which he cannot detach himself, to what extent he still worries about them and cannot ascend above his egoistic love for some people or passions for different phenomena. At the same time, he sees to what extent he cannot ascend above his hatred towards someone or something.
The Light helps him clarify this, and eventually by much work and praying, a person tries to ascend above all that and nearly reaches bestowal. Then the upper Light completes this level for him, as it says: “I have labored and I found.”
The main thing is to hasten his advancement by intensively working in the group. Everything depends on the environment.
From the 1st part the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/27/12Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot”

A Simpler Interpretation Of The Secret Of Life

The only thing we have to correct is our relationship with the upper force that controls everything and manages life, as it says: “There is none else besides Him.” There are four languages that speak about the relationship between man and the upper force:Pshat, Remez, Drush, and Sod (Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, and Kabbalah).
They belong to the four levels of the desire: still, vegetative, animate, and speaking, and accordingly the clarification is in four ways. In this case there is already an opposite division in which the wisdom of Kabbalah is the simple interpretation and not Sod (secret) in which everything is revealed to a person. So we need the language of Kabbalah in order to be sure that we advance correctly.
It is an essential precondition, but it isn’t enough since the wisdom of Kabbalah can be perceived incorrectly. But at least a person learns from the right sources, which provide him with the right approach to the writings, although there are people who try to extract some secrets, mysticism, abstract knowledge, blessings, and remedies.
But still it is very important to stick to the language of Kabbalah and to the Kabbalistic approach and study conditions, since it is different from the ordinary study of different sciences. Here we are totally dependent on the source, which passes us this spiritual knowledge. If the source is real and reliable, we advance gradually according to our exertion and the positive external conditions in order to eventually attain the opening of the eyes.
We study about ourselves and about our nature by starting to feel a little what bestowal is, the force that is opposite from us. Then by the balance of these two forces, the force of receiving and the force of bestowal, we begin to feel the creation. Thus we attain the Creator by His actions upon us.
From the 1st part the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/27/12Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot”

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Convention: The Happiest Moment

Question: We often think about how to come to a state of prayer. On the other hand, a convention is such a joyful act…
Answer: A prayer should not be sad. A prayer is an expectation of correction. Should I cry, kneel and beat my head against a wall? There is nothing like this.
A prayer is a feeling in the heart. I want my heart to be corrected. I prepare it so that it goes through changes, stops being egoistic, stops thinking about itself.
Once the heart stops thinking about itself, I immediately begin to feel the upper world. This is what I want! This is called a prayer! Nothing else.
Question: But we are saying that we need to come to a state of despair, powerlessness, some very difficult feeling, but a convention symbolizes a state of joy, unity. How can I put this into one?
Answer: It is also very simple.
Despair must be joyful. That is, I despaired of my own abilities—look, what I have accomplished! I no longer have hope for myself.
Baal HaSulam writes that there is no more joyous moment in a person’s life when he feels that in no way he can help himself, and nothing will help him but only a miracle from Above, this is when it happens. There is no happier moment than the feeling that only this will save him. What could be better?
From a Virtual Lesson 11/25/12

Developing By The Method Of Beating

It says “there is not a grass below that doesn’t have an angel Above beating it and telling it to grow,” which means that a force from the upper world that matches the grass in the lower world, beats it and forces it to grow according to its role. These blows are felt in the our feelings and in the mind, but first of all in our feelings, since we are a vessel of feeling, a desire to receive, which begins to move as a result of the blows.
A blow is felt by the desire when it suddenly discovers that the old images it had are incorrect. The function of the blow is to make a person feel things more deeply. Just like a hammer hits a nail driving it more deeply into the wood, so does the blow drive us more deeply into the matter of the desire. Then we begin to feel it in a new way and we begin to understand it more deeply.
I am confused because of the blow, and I lose control. But in fact, that’s the way it should be: The more a person advances, the greater are the blows that hit him, he is constantly confused and discovers something new, and thus over and over again. You will soon feel how this mechanism is constantly ticking inside, regularly. These small blows, time after time, make us dive more deeply into a feeling of confusion, and thus help us understand and feel things more.
But in order to truly feel something new, we have to go through many such reincarnations. The amount of confusion is always greater than the amount of feelings, and only after great turmoil and many confusions is there a new feeling. Afterward there is another series of confusions and small revelations and then a new feeling comes along.
To sum up, these blows are beneficial, since the “angels,” which are the forces in charge of our development are giving them out.
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/12

I Am Waiting For You In Novosibirsk!

Question: The ascent that is felt during a convention is cultivated on purpose: during meals, lessons, and breaks. Do we need to organize unification after the convention in our daily life?
Answer: Of course! A convention is needed so that it does not pass in vain, so that after it we begin serious work on unity in this region, create a serious Siberian group, consisting of serious guys who will really unite in the Trans-Ural region, so that they truly feel themselves masters and begin good work among themselves.
They can make an effort; they have a good environment there—an environmentally clean spiritual space. So, I think that they will be able to accomplish a lot. That is a very good place for spiritual work. I hope that I will feel this; we will connect with them, and then we will move forward together.
I wish you all the best! And once again I am asking: everyone who can, come; I want to see all of you. You cannot lose! You can only win! Come, so not to regret later.
I am waiting for you in Novosibirsk!
From a Virtual Lesson 11/25/12

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Concealment Isn’t In The Creator, It’s In Us

Question: How can we affect all the groups in the world now so that they will feel what we feel? How are we able to transfer our feelings to them? What kind of intensity, relationships, and connection is required from us?
Answer: We really are in connection with everyone. If they grasp us or not, is not, by the way, our problem since everything happens in relation to the Creator.
He affects us, He is completely disclosed to us. The Creator doesn’t conceal Himself. When we say that the Creator is concealed, He isn’t. It is we who conceal Him through our uncorrected attributes. He has nothing to conceal from us. We simply express it this way. But actually the concealment is in us and not in the Creator.
It is also this way in relation to other groups. When we study, hold workshops, in anything we do, it includes all the world’s groups. When we try to include it in us, even if we don’t think about it each moment (because we also don’t think  about it now each moment), we can’t include it within us. We still have only a small desire, a small Kli (vessel/desire).
But when we begin to connect between us, we can simultaneously grasp a billion thoughts, a billion feelings, and they don’t annul each other. It is as if we are now very small, like one byte of information, and on it, for example, it is possible to write 0 or 1 and nothing more. But when we have a huge connection of 0s and these 1s, which means of all kinds of units of information, then we will be able to list and to include in us all of humanity, and then we will try to do that .
From the Georgia Convention 11/6/12, Workshop 2

Taking Care Of The Spiritual Need

Question: How can I keep myself in a state of constant need for spiritual fulfillment?
Answer: This is a problem that comes and goes, comes and goes, and does so constantly and alternately.
What can I do with it? It depends on the friends.
If they promote the greatness of the goal, greatness of the Creator, greatness of the group, greatness of oneself, if I suddenly start seeing how much they advance and I do not and I begin to stir myself with pride, envy, etc, then I acquire new Kelim (vessels), new voids. And then I advance. It is very important to be envious: “Why not me?” It is important for advancing. This drives a person.
That is why a group should as if tease everyone. It should flirt with him all the time, constantly stimulating the desire to move in him.
He has to see his friends as people who advance: “They are ahead of me, they are more sympathetic to each other, they understand each other, are more direct with each other; look how they are already getting closer. Spiritual substance is beginning to emerge between them, and I’m somewhere on the side; I cannot, I am not like them.” These states are very useful for a person.
From  a Virtual Lesson 11/11/12

A Valve That Blocks The Major Artery

Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Book of Zohar,” Item 69: But if, God forbid, it is to the contrary, and a person from Israel degrades the virtue of the internality of the Torah and its secrets, which deals with the conduct of our souls and their degrees, and the perception and the tastes of the Mitzvot with regard to the advantage of the externality of the Torah, which deals only with the practical part? Also, even if one does occasionally engage in the internality of the Torah, and dedicates a little of one’s time to it, when it is neither night nor day, as though it were redundant, by that one dishonors and degrades the internality of the world, which are the children of Israel, and enhances the externality of the world—meaning the Nations of the World—over them. They will humiliate and disgrace the children of Israel, and regard Israel as superfluous, as though the world has no need for them, God forbid.
Furthermore, by that, they make even the externality in the Nations of the World overpower their own internality, for the worst among the Nations of the World, the harmful and the destructors of the world, rise above their internality, which are the Righteous of the Nations of the World. And then they make all the ruin and the heinous slaughter our generation had witnessed…
If the Israeli nation stalls the process of correction, it gets back the blow of all the corruptions it hasn’t corrected in the world. But to the same extent that we fulfill the method of correction (and we have all the conditions to do so), we draw the upper Light for the whole world, the upper force that arranges all the desires and corrects all the souls. This Light comes to everyone, and so we will see how their attitude towards us will begin to change. So there is nothing to blame our enemies for, we are the ones who have made them that way. We suffer because of our foolishness as we don’t fulfill our role.
It says: “I have created the evil inclination; I have created the Torah as a spice to it, since the Light in it reforms.” If we correct ourselves, our corrections are passed directly to everyone else by open pipes.
But if we don’t do that, then the world remains uncorrected because of us, and will turn to us pressuring us and demanding it from us. Then we will still have to advance towards correction anyway, but by the path of sufferings, since we refused to listen right off and to fulfill our role.
We have no choice. Now after so many missile attacks we have understood this a bit more. We see that we are at a dead end and that we are totally helpless. There is no more time to think, and we are so far behind and have to make much greater corrections than the ones we have already made.
The main responsibility is ours, those who deal with the internal correction. If we made the corrections on time, there wouldn’t be any conflict in Gaza and there wouldn’t be any missiles. The corporeal problems would totally disappear; they would simply not be able to exist in our world. We would rise above all matter like a flying saucer.
We are all to blame for what is happening, all those who have the internality of the Torah. The same people who called themselves the “nation of Israel,” who left Babel with Abraham and who have founded the nation based on the principle of “love thy friend as thyself,” “mutual guarantee,” and “as one man with one heart,” now is the perfect time for them to connect and to perform the correction.
The very moment and to the extent that they fulfill the correction, it will pass on freely to everyone else and will spread throughout the system that ties us and that is expecting a filling. We are the valve that blocks the artery and which doesn’t allow the upper Light to go through it.
Therefore, all the nations, feeling the lack of fulfillment, exhibit hatred towards us in different ways.. Our neighbors on the other side of the border are dreaming about destroying us, and this is an expression of the lack of correction in them, which we haven’t provided them with.
According to the structure of the world, we had to pass this correction on to them. It is like a person to whom I owe a million dollars, why? Because that’s the way the world is made, according to all the conditions. If I don’t give him the million dollars, he will have complaints towards me, and I will reply that I don’t know anything about it and that I don’t know what everyone wants of me.
I turn to the UN and to the whole world for help, and the other countries say: “You know what, we think he is right.” It is because they also have a similar feeling, but they are more distant from me. They also feel that I owe them something, not a million dollars like the neighbor, but let’s say ten dollars, and so they can wait in the meantime.
But they feel that I have a debt that is growing from day to day and the interest is growing. So we shouldn’t hope that they will come to us with a bouquet of flowers next time.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/23/12, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar” 

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Man With A Gun

If we stayed at the still, vegetative, or animate level of nature, we would follow all the laws of nature instinctively. But there are desires on a higher level within us and in them we don’t feel an obligation to act in a certain way. Things become unclear.
This is felt especially in our times. Throughout history men in society rose according to the still, vegetative, and animate levels of nature; we developed gradually, in stages, not thinking about who or what we are, or where we’re headed. We were pushed forward by different urges and they all brought us to one simple clarification: How do we make the most of the current state? In other words a person keeps the laws of nature in a more or less organized way relative to animals because of conditions that are much more complicated. Accordingly, there are wise men who know how to take advantage of these conditions for the benefit of their ego and others have to “settle for less.”
But today we are losing the ability to advance this way. I would like to advance as I used to, to choose what’s best for me, but these attempts never succeed. It’s as if another element has appeared in my perspective which is concealed for the time being, as if someone who is invisible constantly puts sticks in my wheels. I want to fix the financial system, the economy, education, the family, but nothing works out. I’m very logical, I have scientific data, I have experts and advisors, but I can’t arrive at anything. So, what’s going on?
A new dominion is revealed here, a new law that has been unknown until now. We have to learn it, but it’s obscure and incomprehensible. What’s more, that which is gradually being revealed about this law is something that we don’t want to accept. We want to carry on like before and to succeed in everything that we do, and instead we have to agree to a condition that will turn our egoistic nature around. The condition is that we are connected and that if we make a decision it has to be in everyone’s favor. Here we stop, not knowing what to do, throwing our hands up in despair.
This is the state we are in today, like slaves in Egypt who “have a new king,” we feel that there is a new dominion. Previously the ego helped us advance in spite of obstacles; we conquered nature and space, we took care of ourselves in different ways and suddenly we despair of everything. It has been several years now that we don’t find the old goals attractive anymore. Why? Because our instincts tell us: There will be no compensation for our egoistic desire here.
It’s as if I am going to make a million dollars now, but there is man with a gun in my way. “You are going to make a million,” he tells me. “But you will leave yourself only a thousand and bring all the rest of the money to me.”
I have to make an effort worth a million dollars and I only receive a small part “to cover expenses.” But my desire doesn’t provide me with enough fuel for this work. So what can we do?
It’s either fear that will force me to do it or I need to see that the man with the gun is my best friend, my dearest friend, my closest friend. Then I’ll be ready to receive only a thousand dollars to cover my basic needs and I will gladly leave him all the rest. What’s more, I will thank him, since without his gun I would have continued to take for myself. Thus I reach something new and am happy to give you what I have made, since by that I get closer to you and to the new goals that are revealed to me.
How much does a person have to go through until he reaches the recognition of this state…?
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/22/12Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot

Reality Is Created By Actions

Baal HaSulam, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”: As there is no perception of the Creator whatsoever, so is it impossible to attain the essence of any of His creatures, even the tangible objects that we feel with our hands.
We perceive the Creator according to the principle: “Come and see.” I don’t know what the essence of the Creator is, but I can “come and see.” In order to do that, I perform certain actions and by them I know the Creator, as it says, “From Your actions we shall know You.” All of reality, all His actions and the ways He is revealed, are a result of our self-correction and by that we perceive Him in our feelings. I perceive everything in my vessels because it is there that I discover different phenomena, including the Creator.
The “Creator” is the uppermost level that I can attain. It is bestowal and love that controls all of reality. I discover the law of to do good unto His created beings, the Good that does Good; I discover the phenomenon that resides in all the vessels, in all my parts, in all my soul and my desires; I see and perceive that He is the first, the original. It turns out that even before I began to understand, to perceive and to feel, there was something determining my thoughts, desires, and actions.
But how could it be that first I perceive this and then I acknowledge and admit that He existed first. Can it be? Yes. Within the action itself I perceive and discover that He was first. So everything only stems from the actions. In spirituality I can’t recognize and identify something that doesn’t move and doesn’t act.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/19/12, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

No Time To Wait

It is time to explain openly what the mission of the Israeli nation is, the foundation of this nation according to which it has existed so far, and what our goal is: to pass on the method of correction to the entire world. This is the only way we can explain where anti-Semitism, the tension, pressures, and war in Israel stem from.
Only the wisdom of Kabbalah can provide such an explanation. Otherwise, people will not understand how the idea of connection will help us solve this problem. Suppose we were stronger if we connected? But, ordinary strength will not help us against the threat that is being revealed now. The fact that we have more missiles armed with nuclear heads will not save us, and, in any case, we will not be able to use them. We will not be allowed to do so.
We were placed under such conditions in this struggle that we find ourselves with our hands tied, unable to do anything. What have we achieved in the last operation? Tomorrow, things will only get worse. With this ceasefire agreement, we have only chained ourselves more tightly, and we are more obliged than before. That’s the way it is after every war, after every operation, which means that it doesn’t lead to any correction.
There is no logical solution to this problem. Clearly, next time, the attack will come from every direction, and no anti-missile device or “iron dome” will protect us. Everyone understands that everything leads to this: We simply will be faced with the options of either leaving this land of our own freewill, or an atomic bomb will be thrown upon us. Perhaps not right now but in a couple of years, our enemies will have such a bomb.
There are many other scenarios of what may happen, but I simply want to show you how desperate the situation is. We have no solution on the level of this world. Next time, the entire world will be unanimously against us, and everything is moving in this direction. What will we be able to do against this?
Even now there are calls in Europe for boycotting Israeli products. Eventually, no one will want to buy anything from us. So, what will we do if our economy and commerce collapse? We already crossed a critical point in 1995, and, now, we steadily are approaching the point of hopelessness from which there is no way out but the method of correction. We must urgently begin fulfilling it.
I don’t want to scare people, but we must open their eyes so that they will see the actual situation. In fact, any sensible person also understands that if this trend continues, there is no future for us and no solution. However, we must find out and clarify this to the end, and show people the only solution there is. Only this can work against this illogical situation since this solution is also illogical.
It is a very quick and simple solution. Let’s just begin fulfilling it. We have several months break, so let’s get to work! Let’s devote the time to it so that we all begin to study and implement the mutual incorporation and cooperation of the method of mutual guarantee. We don’t need anything but that!
We will see the results in a couple of weeks. The moment a person is incorporated in this study, his mind, his soul, and his heart all begin to operate differently and turn toward others.
Accordingly, we will feel an immediate positive effect. There is no delay in the spiritual world. We immediately will see how everything calms down, that there are fewer missiles, and that the economy grows stronger.
There won’t be any problems if we begin our self-correction. If we worry about spiritual problems, the corporeal problems will disappear. It is one of the two. Take the internal spiritual work upon yourselves and your entire corporeal life will work out. The Torah promises us that.
We have reached a state where we cannot wait any longer. We must do whatever is in our power to spread the message and begin explaining openly that the solution stems from the wisdom of Kabbalah since it is the foundation of the nation. We must explain this in many different ways and fill the Internet with this information so that everyone will see it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/22/12Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Only Means Of Correction

Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Item 25: Examine the first question, where they imagine that they can keep the whole Torah without the knowledge of the wisdom of Kabbalah. I say to them: Indeed, if you can keep the study of Torah and the observance of the commandments appropriately,Lishma, meaning only in order to bring contentment to the Maker, then indeed, you do not need to study Kabbalah. This is because then it is said about you, “One’s soul shall teach him.” But if you have been practicing the Torah in Lo Lishma for more than three years, as Rabbi Yosi says, and five years, as the Tana Kama says, then the Braita warns you that you will not see a good sign in this path you are treading! Why delude your souls with false hopes when you have such a near and sure tactic as the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
We can correct our desire so that it will be totally aimed at bestowal only by uniting “as one man with one heart.” Then we will become a vessel, a desire that is ready forbestowal, and will eventually attain the goal: adhesion with the Creator.
The question is whether this is possible without studying the wisdom of Kabbalah? As we know, the answer is no, it is impossible because the Light that comes to correct a person is revealed only by the wisdom of Kabbalah. This is what brings the Light to our coarse and corrupt souls, and no other wisdom can help us here.
Besides, without the wisdom of Kabbalah we don’t even know what we study for. This is because Kabbalah includes introductions, explanations about why man was created, why the Torah is necessary, and how to use it correctly—only for the correction of human nature, for establishing closer relations between people so that they will become one whole and thus resemble the Light, so that the partition called “Pharaoh,” which separates us from one another and rules over us, will break.
By studying the wisdom of Kabbalah we will understand what our freewill is and where exactly we should apply all our efforts. But if a person just studies the Holy Scripture: the Bible, the Talmud, and so on, it isn’t enough to understand what is required of him.
At the end of the exile we have reached such lowly desires that even with the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah it is difficult to assess and translate the terms and the definitions correctly, directing it to the person himself, to what is happening inside him. From the part called “The Perception of Reality,” we know that everything is actually inside us. And still, it is very hard for us to change our perspective, to look from the outside inwards, and to see that the whole world is in here, and that this is the place that needs correction.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/22/12, “Introduction to TES

I Wish Us An Easy Birth!

A person goes through many stages of unconscious development like we have been through throughout history. But in the meantime it isn’t the human in us that has developed. The human in us has to be born now, out of labor pains! A new form of existence called “man” is going to develop from the animate level.
All our previous history was only the preparation for the development of real human life. Now the human species has to develop in all of humanity, which includes the Israeli nation in it. The human level is called a desire to connect with others, an inclination to connect with others, an intention.
At first it can be an egoistic inclination that results from my feeling bad and knowing that a connection with others can improve my situation and save me. This is the state we are in now in Israel. The pressure that we are feeling lately and have always felt because of wars was created only to push us and to force us so that the human will be born, it is like labor contractions that push the baby out.
All this happens so that we will exit ourselves towards others, and because this development is already above the level of still nature, the vegetative and the animate, an additional component is necessary here: understanding, recognition, and self-participation. The embryo that is about to be born from us now helps itself come out of its mother’s womb, out of its egoistic nature.
Thanks to its understanding and recognition and different assisting actions, this baby is incorporated in the general system so it can use it. The system begins to help it and this help is called the Light that Reforms.
I perform actions on my levels of development: the still, vegetative, and animate nature; I work in the group. And while I operate egoistically, it makes no difference. If I do it in order to be born and even in order to escape sufferings, these actions help me in the birth process, pushing me forward with the contractions. Then it will be an easy birth since I open the passage out by myself!
As long as we are in the desire to receive, as if within a womb, we feel good: We have developed, yearned for different achievements, fought, conquered, made profits and everything was great. But this passage is the egoistic state that precedes the future state, the birth canal, which is an extremely narrow place, as we know from the corporeal world.
It is a very dangerous passage, very difficult, involving great sufferings and pressure. But we can expand the birth canal by the Light of Hassadim, by yearning for an opening, for connection. This means that we draw the Light of Hassadim to this place, thanks to which the canal expands, and we come out easily, like a baby with the water. We can help ourselves this way even with the help of our previous egoistic desires if we only understand that we have to be born.
So we have to understand that the same problems we have experienced lately as a result of the shelling on the outside and the economic difficulties that will soon be revealed on the inside, all these troubles, like labor pains, are meant to give birth to the human in us. First the Israeli nation has to do it and then everyone else.
This pressure will grow and we shouldn’t wait and make any calculations based on political talks. The pressure will grow until we agree to participate in our birth.
There is nothing but these two forces; if we want to come out of the birth canal quickly and easily, we have to expand it by Hassadim, and to spread the connection and love among everyone. Now we are in the delivery room, in a crisis (the word “crisis”—“Mashber” refers to the birth stones that women used to give birth on in the past.)
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/22/12Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot

An Unpaid Bill

Even from an ordinary point of view without getting into sophisticated materials, we see that there is a problem with the Israeli nation. It is special, it is wise and brings many innovations to the world. To a certain extent the world owes this nation its development in many areas. For ages this nation has done so much for humanity, but at the same time, the attitude towards it is totally the opposite: Instead of thanking it, it is blamed, punished, and suppressed in different ways.
The Israeli nation has laid the foundations of culture, education, and religions. It brought humanity morality even in barbaric times, but no one really notices that. Apparently there is a reason for that, subconsciously the Jews are not treated as any other nation, although people look for different real justifications for that; in fact, it all stems from an inner claim. People feel something against the Jews, and especially against the Israeli nation as a whole, although it is so dispersed, that sometimes it is hard to call it a “nation.”
The whole world is trying to solve this mystery. There are many opinions regarding this issue, some are true and some are less accurate. But it is in the wisdom of Kabbalah that we clearly find both the question and the answer about the special attitude towards the Jews. The wisdom of Kabbalah accurately explains how the Israeli nation is different, what its attributes are, what its debt to the world is, and how it can correct the situation: how it can “pay the bill” in order to make up for what is missing and reach the right correction and existence.
This is especially relevant in our days, when the Jewish nation has received its small “estate” on earth and is still unable to build the right conditions to exist.
There is an additional problem here—this nation, by nature, wants to be in good relations with others; it is ready to connect to and befriend any other nation; it would like to be in the same line with everyone and even inferior than everyone else, just to treat them well.
But everyone disrespects and rejects it. It is impossible to buy such a positive attitude with money, and it is impossible to constantly defend ourselves from enemies when part of the world comes to us with accusations and physical attacks and another part puts different kinds of pressure on us: ideologically, politically, personally, etc.
So there is a special phenomenon in the world, which different philosophers, politicians, and writers have studied, but no one understands the essence and the root of the matter, since the root of this phenomenon has always been concealed. It is great anti-Semitists like Henry Ford who managed to understand to a certain extent the reason for their feelings. They looked for them by trying to balance the feeling with the mind and to understand where their strong hate stemmed from, to study themselves and to find the source of this special attribute. Then, besides the negative attitude, they also found quite a few true and positive things in the Israeli nation, but it didn’t correct them.
They should understand that even if the world discovers the real reason for the negative attitude, they don’t correct the world by that. They have to perform different actions in the world in order to correct their attitude. And on the contrary, when they don’t correct themselves, they actually give birth to hate and anti-Semitism. So there is nothing to blame the world for; the whole thing is about their delay in keeping up with the “schedule of the corrections.”
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/23/12“The Role of the Israeli Nation” 

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