Saturday, November 23, 2019

Life According To A New Script, Part 2

laitman_760.2Life is a script that I can rewrite again and start to control my life. In the end, a person gets tired of the movie someone forcibly made him the main character of. This is someone else’s life and I want to live my own life.
I then realize that everything around me is not mine, that I am under the influence of thousands of forces from different sources, and they play with me like with a ball, kicking and tossing me from place to place.
The question is: How can I stop this movie? I need a force that is above the actors playing with me in my life. I want to rise above my existence, above work, family, home, and plan my own life by myself. After all, we do not know how the script will turn in the next second and what new characters will appear in it.
I do not know the script of my life. In order to know it, I need to rise to the degree above myself and know the upper plan. Then I will understand how to play in it, what for, why, and what the purpose of this movie is.
Everyone wants to receive a good feeling from life; otherwise, why do we need it, its end is clear. Yet, while life is not yet over, I want to live it according to a good scenario. To do this, I need to connect with the forces that control my life, and the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches how to do this.
No matter how many times I rewrite the script according to my will, I will find out that it causes me harm. If I really want to write a program for my future, I have to study and learn what is best for me and how to change the script to a good one. When I really understand what good is, I will find out that I have an opportunity to shoot this movie and be the main character in it and director of it.
After all, a person usually does not understand what is good for him. We see that the forces controlling our lives involve us in such terrible films that we do not want to watch. But we can switch this movie to another if we know what we really want. By receiving this knowledge, we will receive the ability to make changes.
The entire development of a person in this life is designed to lead us to an understanding of what is really good for us. As soon as we understand this, we can immediately begin to live in it. This is because the good movie is already ready! We just do not want it, we reject it because of our short-sightedness.
From KabTV’s “New Life #1167,” 10/22/19

From Rockets To European Labeling Of Israeli Products (Times of Israel)

The Times of Israel published my new article “From Rockets to European Labeling of Israeli Products
When Will Threats Against Israel Stop?
Around 450 rockets have been fired at Israel in the last few days and still counting, despite the announcement of a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Beyond the headlines, residents in the south and center of the country, the areas directly under attack, are paying a heavy price, living in constant fear and uncertainty about the future.
Are we on the road to an escalation or is the current menace one that will die out soon? Either way, we have not solved the root of the problem, nor does it seem that a solution looms on the horizon. Our fate depends only on us, the people of Israel, on our unity.
Mounting Pressure Against Israel
Life in Israel is similar to living in a fortress, always on the alert against enemy attacks. However, we do not enjoy protection from any enemy: not Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the south, not Hezbollah in the north, or even from a Russian submarine that was recently located off the shores of the center of the country. If we widen our gaze, we will realize that the attacks come from all fronts. The European Court of Justice decided not to allow us time to even recover from the wounds of the current rocket attacks before inflicting a new blow. The EU’s highest legal court adopted a resolution stating that the European countries are obliged to mark any product originating in the Israeli settlements—territory that Israel captured, the West Bank and East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war, areas disputed by the Palestinians—so consumers could make “informed choices” when they shopped.
The court’s ruling has been considered anti-Semitic and discriminatory by Israeli authorities and producers, since Israel is the only country that has been singled out, despite the fact that there are over 200 territorial disputes around the world; the labeling measure only applies to Israeli goods.
How Should Israel React?
Wars in the field and in judiciary courts, ground attacks and psychological warfare, will be of no help. Nor will idleness. When the nations of the world rise against the people of Israel in one way or another, the only viable solution is to access our common arsenal: the power of unity. Therein lies a more supreme power, stronger than all our current forces. As the sages wrote:
“The prime defense against calamity is love and unity. When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come over them.” (Maor Vashemesh)
We ought to listen attentively to the message the world is screaming at us. We need to peel off our thick layers of stubbornness and absorb the essence of the demand coming at us, the reason an accusatory finger is pointed toward Israel. What is the world requesting? They are asking only for good and fulfillment.
Access to that good depends on the Jewish people. The key is in our hands. If we are united in one heart, we will be like a conduit of supreme power to the nations of the world. It will be through us that the good, the abundance, and the love for all will pass, without exception. In this way, without a lot of words and without noise, we will be recognized as “light unto the nations.” This is our unique virtue and role as the people of Israel. As the Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) wrote:
“The Israeli nation had been constructed as a sort of gateway by which the sparks of purity would shine upon the whole of the human race the world over.” (The Arvut – Mutual Guarantee)
Light on the Horizon
We do not need another day of rockets or more sorrow of children crying in shelters before we react. We must undertake an incisive analysis now in the spirit of the saying, “the end of the action lies in the initial thought.” And the final outcome should be to unite as one, above our origins, ideologies, and preferences, to foster unity as a nation showing a positive example to the world.
Repairing the world on all levels begins with our connection, the connection within the people of Israel. If we establish unity as a distinct trend, we will bear witness to a positive transformation throughout the world. As the wisdom of Kabbalah describes, the solution to our situation, whether negative or positive, belligerent or friendly, depends exclusively on us. The solution lies in our hearts, in our desire to either unite or not unite.
By virtue of our connection we will awaken great, unifying forces dwelling in nature that will affect our surrounding world in a harmonious way, and everything will calm down. Forces that currently oppose us will be reversed. Today’s enemies will approach us with love, and peace will reign.

New Life #280 – Upgrading Relationships, Part 2

New Life #280 – Upgrading Relationships, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
The new product of the future is the force of connection. We are entering a time when 90% of society will no longer need to work and will spend their time learning how to connect with one another in an integral fashion. Nature is a single global, unified system including the still, vegetative, and animate levels of reality. Humans warp this system due to their egoistic, competitive nature. We are recognizing the evil in human nature since we want to earn at the expense of others and destroy the entire planet in the process. Our desire to control and rule everything has created an imbalance and a global social and environmental crisis.
We can no longer be fulfilled through material acquisition. Therefore, it has become a growing necessity to continue our development according to our spiritual needs. In order to attain a new degree of human development, we need to change our attitude toward others and nature. We can learn how to do this through workshops in groups of ten people. The new system of education will change the human heart and mind so that we can understand and feel one another in a new and positive way. Every person will recognize the degree of nature, how to identify with it, and discover nature’s unlimited corporeal and spiritual treasures.
From Kab TV’s “New Life #280 – Upgrading Relationships, Part 2,” 12/31/13
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World—Reality Or Illusion? Part 15

laitman_963.8Playing Equivalence With The Creator
Question: How can those of us studying Kabbalah feel the Creator if we simply play the role of those who feel Him in front of the friends, but really don’t know anything about Him except His qualities? How will we know that we are approaching Him and it is not an illusion or just our imagination, but it will become real?
Answer: Try to play as if you are similar to the Creator with respect to your friend. And you will see how much this begins to develop you and your friend.
The friend in his turn will also begin to react to you in the same way. Thus, you will be developing each other together, and the Creator will be helping you both.
The main thing is to try to do everything in a way in which you would manifest yourself like the Creator.
From Kab TV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 9/15/19

Life According To A New Script, Part 1

laitman_922Nature has given a person the ability to exit himself and enter the plot of a book or a movie. Endless TV series’ and movie marathons are the mainstream addiction of our times, involving both the older and the younger generation.
The dream of any person is to come home, sit in a chair, dim the lights, turn on the TV, and delve into a TV series.
Netflix, which allows you to watch movies on any device that has a screen (TV, phone, and computer) has 140 million subscribers. People spend hours sitting in front of a screen watching series after series.
This transports a person to a different reality; he wants to separate from everyday life and move into a different movie. That is, he changes the movie in which life forces him to be the main character to another one where he can be a bystander, sitting quietly in a comfortable chair. How nice it would be to live life like in a movie.
One day, they will come up with the idea of completely getting rid of the screen by attaching a wire directly to the head and broadcasting the movie of life to us. I could even be made the main character in it so I can imagine myself in different states. We are in a movie now, without knowing it. How can we know whether this is a movie or not? In fact, that doesn’t matter to us; the main thing is to feel good, or at least not to suffer.
Nature has developed in us the ability to come out of one’s life and empathize with the plot of a movie or a book, with its characters, so that we know that we live in a movie. Our whole life is played out to us like a movie, which we can change.
We can rise above the person who is watching the movie to the level of the forces that project it; we can intervene in them and change our movie, that is, our life. I can make myself a character of any movie I want by changing my states, including life and death.
The ability to empathize with movies is given to us so that we can create a new movie for ourselves where we will be the director. After all, how much do we regret the movies we lived in before, how much we would like to change our past, but think it is impossible. But it is possible. I can change my past, pause this movie, rewind it to the right moment, and start again differently.
I will again become a little carefree child who is just starting life. But what would I like to change in my life? This is the question. I will not be allowed to change anything until I can write a new scenario that is more correct than the old one. Then I will be able to implement it.
After I go through it with my accumulated experience, I will again see how I can improve it, and I will start again on a more mature, serious level, trying to realize myself so that I will not have any regrets at the end of the movie before I die. Then we will understand that the movie does not end and how we can make it continue forever.
The wisdom of Kabbalah allows every person to develop the ability to broadcast the script of his life, keeping everything under control. We learn to accept our life in the correct form so we will not regret any moment of it and will not want to return and correct it.
The life I live will be correct, kind, filled with meaning, and I will not regret a single moment. Then, after all these calculations, I will discover that it was not me who did all this but the force that projects this movie to me, and all the troubles and problems that I had to go through were intended to bring me to a perfect state. There was no other way! Therefore, I agree, the movie ends, and the real life begins.
Then I see that my whole previous life was a dream from which I am awakening now to a new life and I start a new day. This life is eternal and perfect. I am in the correct relationship with the one who was broadcasting this movie to me, and we are together building my further advancement by creating a new movie.
I know and understand how everything is arranged and how it advances by becoming a screenwriter, a cameraman, and a director, that is, a complete master of the movie with thousands of participants. I myself, instead of the upper force, arrange my life. Each person is given their own life and their own world with all the actors.
From KabTV’s “New Life #1167,” 10/22/19

Have You Ever Experienced Anti-Semitism? (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Have you ever experienced anti-Semitism?
When I lived in Russia, it was a time when anti-Semitism was completely forbidden. Whoever would say a single word against Jews would be put into prison. Then, gradually, it started coming out little by little.
I experienced a situation in Leningrad where someone erupted on a Jewish man on the street, and I got myself involved to try and break it up. I was taken with the men to the police station, and noticed how the police were actually pro-Jewish.
Afterward, when they imprisoned the guy who attacked the Jewish man, I asked the investigator, “Why are you putting him in prison? He’s also got his reasons.”
The investigator replied, “I don’t get involved with what he feels or not. I get my instructions from above. Anti-Semites help Zionists. Jews are a positive force in our country. They work in respectable professions that are good for the country, such as doctors, engineers and lawyers. Therefore, we are pro-Jewish.”
In other words, what he said was not to ask him whether or not he likes Jews. He hated them, but he saw them as beneficial for his country.
In those days, Jews were not in key leadership positions and in the financial banking sector as they are today. They filled those places considered as respectable professions. It was only when the Jews started entering places like the finance and banking sector that the tides of anti-Semitic sentiment started turning.
Today, however, I feel anti-Semitism everywhere I go.
I recently traveled around Europe, visiting and teaching groups of my students in Berlin, Prague, Nuremberg, Moldova, Rome, and most recently where we held a European Kabbalah Convention in Bulgaria.
Everywhere I went, I felt feelings of blame from the nations of the world.
For instance, most recently in Bulgaria, I arrived with nine of my students, and we traveled to a house that we rented in a rural village. It was a lonely house, and there were a few small stores and restaurants, with a local café where people sat from morning till evening.
Even in such a comfortable setting, I felt how they looked at us. I could feel how the attitude was not toward fellow human beings, but that it was an attitude to Jews.
There were no physical signs. It is a feeling that emerges from nature itself, and I understood them well.
Since the Jewish people were founded on an ideological basis of uniting (“love your neighbor as yourself”) from among the divisive social atmosphere of ancient Babylon around 3,800 years ago, then today too, the nations of the world hold a subconscious demand upon the Jewish people to unite. As social division tears through modern society more and more, making people feel increasingly isolated, depressed, anxious and stressed, the more people suffer in today’s modern world, the more they subconsciously blame the Jews for their misfortunes.
Today, anti-Semitism has re-ripened into a global form that has spread over many developed countries and cultures. For instance, South and North Korea, countries with basically no Jews, are generally anti-Semitic countries. The hatred emerges from within human nature, which ultimately wants to access the Creator, the force of bestowal and love that fills reality, but there is a force blocking them from that sensation.
That force is known as “the Jews.”
Therefore, in all anti-Semitic sentiment, and in every anti-Semitic action, I see only a cry from the nations of the world toward the Jews in order that the Jews fulfill their function in the world: to unite “as one man with one heart” and be a connecting plug between humanity and the upper force of love and bestowal.
However, before I see the Jews as a people to blame, I see myself principally as the one to blame.
I see everyone as parts of a grand mechanism that I activate, and whether the connection of the mechanism’s parts are well-oiled, functioning smoothly and harmoniously together, or the contrary, malfunctioning with all kinds of breakages and defects, depends solely on me.

World—Reality Or Illusion? Part 14

laitman_572.02Beyond Absolute Correction
Question: One soul is divided into 600,000 pieces. Each shattered differently. The experience of each of them plays a big role and is very important. Will we return to the common soul and then perceive everything as the Creator?
Answer: When we return together to the common soul, will we be able to attain the Creator in relation to us? Yes, but just like any actions of our world, we comprehend the action, for example, the effect of electricity, magnetism, gravity, etc. That is, we will attain these phenomena, but not Him.
In Kabbalah, in various places, it is hinted that there is another degree when creation breaks away from itself, becomes included in the Creator, and begins to attain not His consequences, not His effect, but Him. However, I cannot imagine such an ascent. This is beyond the bounds of absolute correction. It is quite possible that this also exists.
The fact is that at these stages of our development we are absolutely changing. Our system of perception, logic, everything is changing. We no longer live in three-dimensional space: good-bad, reception-bestowal. We begin to exist in completely different dimensions. Therefore, it is a problem to say what exists during the attainment of the Creator. So far, it is a problem.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 9/15/19

New Life #279 – Upgrading Relationships, Part 1

New Life #279 – Upgrading Relationships, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
We live in a small, interdependent global village and must establish good mutual relations. We had thought that we could advance toward the realization of the American dream and that everyone would live well, but the social gaps are only growing. The middle class has been eroded and few climb up from it. The root cause is social neglect. People are dismissive of others and proud of it. The weak are fighting to survive, hi-tech workers are worried, big executives are under pressure from market instability, and the elites even fear that global insecurity is increasing. It is especially shameful and inappropriate for the Jews to neglect the weak so much in Israel since they must build a model for a corrected human society and be a light for the nations. They need to help humanity embark on a new path through education that is based on love of others and mutual guarantee. People need to be taught that nature is one connected system and that we must connect with one another in order to be in harmony with that system.
From KabTV’s “New Life #279 – Upgrading Relationships, Part 1,” 12/31/13
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Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Role Of Women In The Correction Of Nature

laitman_591Question: You often say that it is harder for women to connect than it is for men. But if we take a closer look, we will notice that a woman today, even with three children, wants to go beyond the boundaries of her home.
She organizes all kinds of workshops, women’s circles, sees the value of connection, understands that we are living in a common field.
woman gives birth; this is already some kind of experience of exiting herself for the sake of another person. A woman, in general, wants to make the entire world one big family, one home.
Do you agree that a woman is naturally more suited for connection than a man?
Answer: Nowadays everything is changing dramatically and I really see that there is a need to somehow revise everything. Suddenly, it turns out that there are more women in our circles than men.
At first, we explained it by the fact that women are not satisfied with their lives. After all, they have a family, a husband and children, and everything around them must be good and calm. This is very hard to achieve in our time. Therefore, we thought that perhaps women are dissatisfied and that this brings them to Kabbalah.
However, in principle, we see that today they do not really want a family: “Why do I need a husband and children? In general, it is possible to live without them. The Creator, spirituality, the soul, and the upper light!”
As for the fact that a woman is more down to earth and wants everyone to be connected, that is because her egoism is arranged in such a way. She feels that this will give the greatest fulfillment to her egoistic desires.
I think that today it already does not matter whether it is a man or a woman. Everything happens so equally that all gender differences are no longer differences.
At least the tendency is that more and more women are coming to Kabbalah. They are getting more serious, they are leaders. I must say that it has always been so: women lead humanity to serious goals. And men play. They go wherever a woman pushes them.
A woman is freer in her egoism than a man. Therefore, I really hope that we will have even more women and that they will show men how we should treat connection. It will be clearer to them.
Men can hug each other, walk, go to the sauna, and it seems to them that this is a connection. They are confused. Women are more sensitive to the meaning of real connection because they cannot even turn to each other without a need.
Therefore, we may yet see very serious changes in humanity regarding the role of women in the correction of nature.
From Lesson 5, World Kabbalah Convention in Moldova 9/7/19, Turning to the Creator

“What The World Has Learned From The Fall Of The Berlin Wall” (Times of Israel)

The Times of Israel published my new article “What the World Has Learned from the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Bricks have fallen, but a stone remains in people’s hearts. 30 years following the fall of the Berlin Wall, almost nothing has changed. I remember vividly the moment on the 9th of November when I watched on TV how the crowds stormed the border crossings separating East and West Germany, and the outpouring of joy that engulfed people worldwide. For a moment, we thought that the unification will expand to Russia and China in the Far East, that it might even reach the entire world.
The illusion of unification, however, blew up in our faces.
The borders between the East and the West have been removed, but the gaps did not vanish. When the Berlin Wall was taken down, there were 15 walls or so in the world. Today, there are 77: on the US-Mexico border, between India and Pakistan, Slovenia and Croatia, North and South Korea, Austria and Slovenia, Greece and Northern Macedonia, and the list goes on and on.
Walls create partitions between people, borders separate countries, and fences tear down nations, all of which are typical phenomena of the 21st century. Even if we tore down a wall or removed a border, everything has returned to a prior state, and the walls have returned.
Why Has True Unification Failed?
Tearing down a wall or building it anew solves nothing, because the real walls are in our hearts.
It is true that there was a real desire to tear down the Berlin Wall. There had been yearning for liberty and many worked to advance it. East Germany wanted to unite with West Germany, but strong desire notwithstanding, the citizens were unprepared for the merger, and its defects are visible till today.
Unification should begin in the heart and mind, at the level of consciousness, in preparation for proximity between nations. A common language is insufficient. For instance, until today, there are differences between native Germans and those ethnic Germans who had lived on the Volga in Russia or in Kazakhstan and later returned to Germany.
Despite the common language and the fact that the Russian Germans came from a cultural background, they still found proper absorption to be difficult. Their weltanschauung (worldview) is different, and those differences are very obvious.
The significance is that it is not enough to break walls made of stone and cement in order to bring people together. It is necessary to tear down the blocks of the walls in our hearts. It is necessary to increase awareness about desirable human relation, to unify goals and purposes, to merge cultures and education systems into one, to develop a lifestyle based on consideration, and to agree on values and principles.
It cannot be expected that a broken stone wall will cause an essential change to occur, not after 30 years, and not even after 50 years. After all, it carries over from one generation to the next.
Even a cursory look at Europe will reveal that it is immersed in a deep crisis. It is not the unified continent that was aspired to following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Today’s Europe is devastated, broken and covered by liberal democracy, in a degraded Westernization.
The project of the European Union, which aims to advance toward integration of open borders and a common currency, is a failure. A collection of nations are enclosed together in a disintegrating continent faced by swarms of immigrants who gradually change its unique European character.
Building Lasting Connection between People
In order to unite Europeans, first of all, they need to prepare their hearts and minds in such a way that they each will internalize what is a correct form of unity, including:
  • How can people become closer according to the law of connection in nature?
  • What should and shouldn’t be compromised?
  • What can be gained by positive and healthy connections?
Without facing such questions, there will be no success or remedy for the continent.
The European tendency for altruism is the mother of all lies. The significant step now is to recognize the evil, that is, to accept that human egotistical nature plays with us, to expose people’s bitter and narrow interests, and to accept that no one has the power to bring down the walls between people, whoever they might be. Therefore, we require a power that we do not possess—a so-called “higher power.”
Above human nature, above the ego that constantly desires to benefit at the expense of others, above everything we currently perceive and sense, is an altruistic unifying power. It is nature’s own power. We can awaken this power by making efforts to unite. The method of how we can unite above the ego is what the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah teaches.
It is also the reason for Kabbalah’s widespread revelation in our era. That is, unity in human society has become a pressing need in times when social division, xenophobia and anxiety of wars and conflicts have risen immensely.
The efforts to unite among us will give us renewed forces: understanding, feeling, common sense, and healthy logic that will guide us to unity. Then, we will be able to overcome any wall, and all borders will be eliminated.

World—Reality Or Illusion? Part 13

laitman_559Understand the Creator
Question: What is it when a person creates something from materials as the Creator, if everything is an illusion?
Answer: We do not create anything as the Creator. Only if we begin to receive the upper light, then with its help we will be able to work on our essence, on our egoism, on our desires. We will then be able, in some way, to the extent of our similarity to the Creator, begin understanding His actions, but not His essence.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 9/15/19

The Duty Of All Souls

laitman_222Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to From the Mouth of a Sage”: It is known from books and from authors that the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah is an absolute must for any person from Israel. If one studies the entire Torah and knows the Mishnah and the Gemara by heart, if one is also filled with virtues and good deeds more than all his contemporaries, but has not learned the wisdom of Kabbalah, he must incarnate once more into this world to study the secrets of Torah and wisdom of truth. …
This is the reason why we reincarnate, generation-by-generation through our current generation, which is the residue of the souls upon which the intention of Creation has not been completed, as they did not attain the secrets of the Torah in the past generations.
Baal HaSulam writes that we have to reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah so that all souls (and each of us is the carrier of a piece of the common soul) could connect together into one common soul called “Adam” and achieve the state of complete similarity to the Creator, that is, to rise to the level of absolute knowledge, immortality, and perfection.
Question: Can we imagine from the Kabbalistic point of view that creation is a huge will to receive, which, as it is constantly developing, undergoes all kinds of metamorphoses along the historical axis, and each person is an individual will to receive?
Answer: Yes. These desires, interacting with each other as in a kaleidoscope, constantly clarify various sides of the Creator and gradually connect with each other.
Question: Does it mean that these are the same souls?
Answer: Yes. The same souls descend to the world, only on different levels and in different combinations with each other.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/8/19

New Life #8 – The Influence Of The Environment

New Life #8 – The Influence of the Environment
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi
We need to use the human ego to build an environment that will simultaneously influence and educate us. Our competitive, prideful human nature has become dangerous as we see in the current global crises involving family life, mental health, the environment, the economy, violence, addiction, disease, etc. Humanity has become lost in the desert, and our leaders have no idea how to heal the world.
Integral education is the only means to create a new world through schools, the media, the Internet, culture, theater, movies, books, and music. We need a group to set an example of how to live as a mutual society for the rest of the world. They can help others feel and accept the new system based on reciprocal human connection and love. The leaders will work with the people and build a new environment together in unison. They will teach everyone how to aim their intention in favor of others and live a better, more hopeful life. Everyone will learn how to recognize the flaw in human egoism and the advantage of attaining equivalence of form with the positive environment. We will understand creation and build a world filled with riches for everyone.
From Kab TV’s “New Life #8 – The Influence of the Environment,” 1/5/12
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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Love Covers All Crimes

laitman_963.1It is written, “Love will cover all crimes.” What crimes are we talking about? Crimes are everything that prevents me from entering spirituality. I do not commit any crimes because initially, I am full of them as a result of the shattering of the soul arranged by the Creator. When we begin to study Kabbalah and work in a group, we understand what it is that disallows us from revealing the spiritual world and the Creator and who obscures the true reality from us, plugs our ears, shuts our eyes and all our senses. We are in an illusory world that has no connection with reality; it is all crimes because it conceals spirituality from us.
The Creator has prepared all these crimes, this concealment we live inside. We need to know this in order to understand that concealment is my whole life and existence.
Concealment is a result of my qualities because “everyone judges according to one’s own flaws.” Therefore, I depict the world inside my qualities and see it as corrupted instead of seeing the real world outside of me.
The wisdom of Kabbalah helps us move from the world we are currently imagining to the real world. The real world is the Creator. The world of deception I am in now, the world of crime, is the anti-Creator. It is not just the opposite of the Creator where I see instead of Him, Pharaoh in all his strength and force of egoism. Such a Pharaoh I will reveal as the left line only at very high degrees of the Creator’s attainment.
Now, however, I childishly feel and imagine a small gloomy world inside my shallow desires. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us the true perception of reality and how to turn deception into truth, which button to press in order to change the program to see, instead of a false representation, the true one.
There is only the means prepared by the Creator that can help me in this; it is the group. No matter how much I hate the friends and repel them because of my egoistic nature, the main thing is not to leave this path, but continue on and on, year after year. I agree to be in the search for truth, even if I will not achieve a visible result.
After all, it is better to be on the path to the truth, seeking the truth, rather than to live in a world of deception as in the effect of a deadly drug, inside the illusion created by the Creator for those who are not yet ready to turn a lie into truth.
In the entire reality, there is one part designated to help me and it is the group. The influence of the environment is the level with which I can turn the world. It seems so burdensome and boring to us, but little by little after many years we finally realize that there is no choice: The only means with which to change our world is to change ourselves through the group by subjugating before it.1
The European convention portrays the shattered state of the world to us in the most internal, true form. The convention is my ten, only in a different resolution, zoomed in, on a different scale. Eight hundred friends who attended are my ten. I must relate to them in this way, after all, each of them carries a part of the Creator within himself.
If I treat everybody as one ten, I will not miss anything from my soul, I connect them together and get support from them because they want the same thing. It turns out that if we reach such intensity, through our joint efforts, we can reveal the Creator right on the spot, between us.
This is the first spiritual degree, the first exercise that we need to do according to the principle “love will cover all crimes.” Where does love come from? It comes from the fact that I love the spiritual point that is in everyone, “the divine part from above.” I connect these points building from them the image of the Creator.2
I have to see a thousand people as one group. This is my ten, only under the magnifying glass that multiplies everything a hundred times. All the disturbances and the connection that I want to reach above them—all of it is a hundred times bigger.3
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/6/19, “Love Covers All Crimes” (Preparation for the Convention in Bulgaria)

World—Reality Or Illusion? Part 12

Laitman_096The Creator Is the Only Reality
Question: Are we an integral reality together with the Creator?
Answer: No, by no means are we one single reality with the Creator. The only reality is the Creator Himself. We as if exist outside of Him.
This is some kind of phantom, some kind of “spirit” that supposedly exists outside of the Creator in order to begin to feel itself, position itself correctly with the Creator, and to get closer to Him.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 9/15/19

Our World And This World

laitman_547.03Question: In Baal HaSulam’s writings we see the concepts “our world” and “this world.” What is the difference between them?
Answer: Our world is what we as if feel in our qualities. This world is how Kabbalists speak about the lower degree, which at the same time is called “our world.”
It all depends on the observer. If we observe what is happening around us, we call it “our world.” If Kabbalah speaks about this as the lowest degree of the worlds, then calls it “this world.”
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 10/6/19

New Life #7 – Crisis And Development

New Life #7 – Crisis and Development
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi
Humanity is in a financial and ecological crisis that is endangering our existence. We face unemployment in ever-increasing numbers, environmental disasters, and family disconnection including the neglect of children. We exist to work and have lost the human being within the egoistic systems. The crisis is a cleansing through which we will reach an integral society. In this new society, people will only spend a couple of hours working to provide for their basic needs daily and will spend the rest of their time studying human development. A person will be appreciated for how much one invests in connecting people rather than one’s pay grade or status. As this paradigm shifts and mutual support increases, other problems like health and pollution will disappear. We will cease being blind, foolish slaves of the human ego and will reach an opposite world in which social justice and mutual guarantee reign. We will reach perfection and feel revived through the general, integral system in nature.
From KabTV’s “New Life #7 – Crisis and Development,” 1/4/12
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Black Friday Vs. Infinite Pleasure

Dr. Michael Laitman

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 11/19/19
Black Friday is getting closer and people around the world are already getting ready for this year’s shopping spree. However, as soon as we begin to receive pleasure and the desire is fulfilled by buying something, we suddenly discover that the pleasure comes to an end.
Is it possible to get pleasure that will be endless and constantly increase instead of diminishing? Yes, but it depends on learning to use human desires correctly. Then our lives can become unlimited, infinite, and eternal. This is the secret of eternal life.
The wisdom of Kabbalah literally means ‘reception’ because this is a wisdom of how to receive; it explains how to fill ourselves in an unlimited and infinite manner.
The answer to lasting fulfillment lies in connection.
If we connect among us—if the pleasure passes through me, and I transmit it to you, and you to another, and he to someone else and so on, and this flow constantly happens between us—then the pleasure never stops, and no one becomes satiated.
In that state, the pleasures that pass through everyone are constantly renewed, and each one of us begins to feel the pleasure that comes back to him from everyone, thus he gets pleasure from everyone. It follows that we have an infinite growth of pleasure that results from a higher level of human experience, which Kabbalists refer to as “the spiritual world.” That is possible if we learn how to use the reception of pleasure correctly, and this wisdom is called Kabbalah.
See our course

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Overcome The Resistance—Reveal Love

Laitman_632.3Arvut (mutual guarantee) is the law of the correct connection of creations with each other within which they reveal the Creator. We create the Creator in the network of mutual guarantee that we build. With genuine mutual guarantee, everyone exits himself and joins others. Indeed, no one can reveal the Creator within himself, only outside, to the extent of his connection with foreign, maybe even opposite and hateful desires.
It is said: “Love covers all transgressions.” Therefore, we have to reveal the sins in order to build love over them. Only in this way can the light can be known: “as the advantage of light over darkness.” The nature of the Creator is perceived only in contrast: each of His properties is revealed from the opposite of a certain property of creation, and  love will cover all transgressions.
Therefore, on the way to mutual guarantee, we have to encounter all the properties opposite to it: hatred, rejection, neglect, and build a system of relations between each other atop them. There is only one aspiration in the system of mutual guarantee: to connect with others and serve them, to fill and give everything they need.
A person can never fulfill himself, in corporeal life and more so in spirituality where there is no way to receive even a spark of light in his own desires. But if I connect with others and want to satisfy them, then the light will shine through me. This means that I “receive,” I get the opportunity to fill the neighbor, and this is called my fulfillment!
So, we gain a spiritual Kli, fill the common network called Adam, man, and the power of unification and unity, the upper Light, the Creator, is revealed in us. All we need is to build mutual guarantee between us, therein lies the correction of the common soul.1
Our common soul is broken. We need to come to the feeling of a single system where everyone fills the others and vouches for them. The Light spreads to all other souls through it. No one else can connect them and fill them like he does, so everyone is like Keter in relation to everyone else. So, we build the system of a common soul.2
How can one feel the desire of a friend? We have to work on this as if I adopted a child and I want to penetrate his desires and serve him.
We have to pray to feel the friends’ hearts. After all, their desires are parts of my soul, but there is resistance between us, a resistor that does not allow me to feel them. I have to feel the power to overcome this resistance, then I will perceive it as help, which is called “Love will cover all transgressions.”
Therefore, these transgressions are for my own good. If I connect with a friend upon them, then the resistance does not disappear but only grows. But I still try to contact him, connect on top of the resistor separating us, and shed all my love on him. Then in this resistor I perform all the work, generate all the power, which is called warming up the hearts, as if an electric current flows in the network and heats up the resistor. The same laws apply here.
Love is revealed precisely because there is resistance. Love can be revealed only when there are clashes and problems.3
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/19/19, “The Mutual Guarantee”

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