Saturday, June 16, 2018

Mercy And Truth And Untrue Mercy

laitman_260Before the exodus from the Egyptian exile, a person enters a dark period, when every day he finds himself deeper and deeper in his egoism, having less and less strength to fight against it.The desire to enjoy sends him all sorts of extraneous thoughts, desires, and actions, increasingly distant from spirituality. It seems to a person that instead of advancing, he goes backward.
He is then tempted to turn to religion, which promises a reward right on the spot for every action taken, as if a single action is sufficient for correction. This, of course, is attractive, and a person leaves.
Rabash writes that specifically such people who have been engaged in Kabbalah for a long time, have made good progress, and then left without entering the spiritual world, risk becoming the greatest opponents of Kabbalah, even its enemies. On one hand, they seem to understand what it is about, and on the other hand, they have no attainment.
There is no other force acting in reality other than the Creator. He only allows the created being to realize what happens to it and what the upper force does with it. The created being must apply all efforts to this point of awareness. But in fact, before, now, and in the future, at all times, on all levels, only the Creator acted and will act.
And we are charged with revealing His work. We do not influence the work itself, but we want to appreciate it and attain the entire greatness of the Creator.
It is written, “I and not a messenger,” meaning the Creator Himself takes us out of Egypt. This means that we are in direct contact with the Creator, with the upper force, without any intermediaries. “Intermediary” means that in my demand I do not yet feel myself directly before the Creator and do not connect all my hopes for salvation only with Him.
We need to make enormous efforts now, so that everyone scrutinizes his own condition and feels that this is the Egyptian exile. The sign of the exodus from Egypt being close is a feeling of utter hopelessness in absolutely everything, from all sides. In this state of despair, the Creator reveals Himself and saves us. However, we need to scrutinize this state together—this has to be our common decision. One cannot exit Egypt alone. It is doable only by serious awareness in the general Kli.
Egoism assures a person that the path should not be as difficult and uncompromising as the wisdom of Kabbalah suggests. Why torment yourself fighting with your egoism? There are many psychological methods that allow you to calm down and get along with your desire to enjoy.
Clearly, this is very attractive. Therefore, from the moment the wisdom of Kabbalah emerged, throughout history many different methodologies developed in parallel with it. And when the wisdom of Kabbalah went into concealment, this became a reason for the emergence of three world religions.
Religion sweetens a person’s life, allowing one to perform external actions instead of internal ones and promises a reward for it in this world and in the future world. It is clear that egoism seeks to compensate for itself.
However, from above, it is specifically organized so that there are other systems apart from Kabbalah, which help find out what egoism is in relation to the force of bestowal, the force of the Creator. Therefore, all religions and methodologies are needed and nothing can be destroyed. Our task is only to continue clarifying the desire of the upper one.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/28/18, Writings of Rabash, Vol. 2, Article 8

New Life #39 – How Couples Can Change The World

New Life #39 – How Couples Can Change The World

Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Couple relationships form the basis for humanity’s general correction. The human ego throws the couple into a struggle. The ego reflects itself and develops regarding all other problems they experience. Couples would benefit from workshops in which they are taught about their egoistic weaknesses in a clear, open, objective, and personal manner. They can subsequently spread their new learning to all their relationships at work and in society, and be a basis for a paradigm shift the world over.
From KabTV’s “New Life #39 – How Couples Can Change The World,” 7/25/12
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All I Need Is A Ten

laitman_231.03How I can know how many spiritual Partzufim are before me and how many are behind me? Where I am doesn’t matter. What is most important is that I have a ten, which is my spiritual structure.
If I come to adhesion in it, then I reach adhesion throughout the entire scale of creation. I do not need to worry about connecting the upper ten and lower ten and so on through the entire chain. There is infinity in its complete form in each element of spiritual reality. The spiritual world is arranged this way, only quality, not quantity, works in it. If I fully connect my Malchut with the first nine Sefirot, which for me is my group, then I achieve adhesion, my final correction, and at the same time, the general end of correction.
“There is no partiality in spirituality.” In spirituality “the general and particular are equal.” We do not feel this, for us it’s just beautiful words. But it is necessary to understand that if I have a ten, I need nothing else. I can finish all the work of my complete correction in it.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/28/18Talmud Eser Sefirot, Part 2, “Histaklut Pnimit,” Chapter 9, Item 111

FIFA World Cup

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 6/14/18
The 2018 FIFA World Cup kicks off tonight with a match between Russia and Saudi Arabia, starting a month of wins and losses, ending with a single team from a single country declared the world’s football champion.
Undoubtedly, it’s a month of sheer joy and excitement for many millions around the world, sitting in front of their plasma TVs with a beer in their hand. I remember when taking walks near Ramat Gan football stadium with my teacher, the Rabash, he used to say it’s a respectable place since it gives people a sense of joy and gratitude in life.
So for a month, the world cup adds a globally conscious atmosphere to humanity, helping all people across the globe feel somewhat connected, while they are all glued to their screens as one.
But outside the stadium and farther from the cameras, the dark side of this event goes rampant. Drugs, gambling, and mafia all play a role behind the scenes. Hostility, racism, and extreme violence among hooligans is also happening. And don’t forget the billions of dollars involved, along with advertisers, agents, politicians, and a lot of corruption.
Thus, just as the world cup brings humanity together, it also reflects all of humanity’s banes.
If we truly want this event to do good for humanity, the first thing to do is take the profit motive out it. For instance, by directing the proceeds toward social causes, such as helping the needy, medicine, or education.
But there’s also hostility built into the competition itself. They say it started in ancient Greece with the aim of connection between countries, but I don’t see that this is the goal it serves today.
Ideally, our sports should employ positive competition to foster a greater sense of unity in both players and spectators, through demonstrating connection and practicing collaboration. It should be a highly educational experience.
For instance, what if teams were given a ball and their goal was to keep it in the air, dynamically passing it between all players? What if the crowd was cheering to a collective global success, rather than the triumph of their nation over others?
If we went ahead and developed this new kind of sports, we’d score some major points for global unity as well.

Trump Peace Deal?

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 6/14/18
“Will Trump be able to extend his deal-making skills to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and kick-start a dramatic change in the region? Unfortunately, I don’t see it happening. And once again, the reason has to do with nature itself.
3,800 years ago in ancient Babylon, a special “deal” was made at the cradle of human civilization. Representatives from the various groups, tribes and clans decided to come together and coexist under the principle of unity above all their differences.
It was nature’s way of planting the seed of unity for the entire human race. In other words, nature made a deal with them: making them a mini-model of global unity, which ultimately has to set an example for the world.”

New Life #38 – Building A Point Of Connection – Being One In Marriage

New Life #38 – Building A Point Of Connection – Being One In Marriage
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Mutual concession and the principle that love covers all transgressions can transform a marital relationship from one in which we invalidate and swallow one another to one in which we live in complete harmony together. We become one when everything one partner does and thinks is aimed toward the other partner, and vice versa. Neither partner takes into account anything that belongs to them individually, and by this they correct themselves and awaken the forces of nature within and around them. If they constantly renew this attitude, they will both accomplish everything they wish and will truly become one body.
From KabTV’s “New Life #38 – Building A Point Of Connection – Being One In Marriage,” 7/17/12
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Thursday, June 14, 2018


From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 6/13/18

The Trump-Kim summit generated a renewed sense of hope along with questions about the future. Will we witness a new and peaceful North Korea? Will Trump’s deal-making skills become instrumental in promoting world peace? And specifically among Israel analysts: Will Trump be able to make a deal to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
Firstly, when major changes happen in international politics it’s not due to specific characters and personalities. It is the accumulation of various circumstances leading to an urgency for change. It’s part of how nature works.
As Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag writes, “the duration of every political phase is just the time it takes to unveil its shortcomings and evil. While discovering its faults, it makes way for a new phase, liberated from these failings. Thus, these impairments that appear in a situation and destroy it are the very forces of human evolution, as they raise humanity to a more corrected state.” (The Nation).
The newly improved relationship between the U.S. and North Korea is a positive step, and it sends a message to other countries that it’s worthwhile to relieve nuclear tension. Yet, I don’t consider it something that is bound to change the world dramatically. While North Korea has made a lot of noise, it is a secluded authoritarian regime whose global influence is very limited.
In regards to implications on Israel, I believe we will see some gradual changes happening. As the Trump-Kim relationship moves forward, we can also expect North Korea to stop the provision of weapons to countries like Iran and Syria.
So, will Trump be able to extend his deal-making skills to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and kick-start a dramatic change in the region? Unfortunately, I don’t see it happening. And once again, the reason has to do with nature itself.
3,800 years ago in ancient Babylon, a special “deal” was made at the cradle of human civilization. Representatives from the various groups, tribes and clans decided to come together and coexist under the principle of unity above all their differences.
It was nature’s way of planting the seed of unity for the entire human race. In other words, nature made a deal with them: making them a mini-model of global unity, which ultimately has to set an example for the world.
That group of representatives later became what we now refer to as “the people of Israel.” The deal is that they are like a central junction within the vast network of humanity, through which the influence of unity can spread to all nations, including Israel’s neighbors, whose actions depend on this influence the most.
Therefore, solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a different deal altogether. The only way to move from the current hostility into a state of friendship and coexistence, is when Israel generates the healing force of unity, first within itself and then onto the world.
And as with all natural processes, the accumulation of circumstances will eventually lead us to the urgency for change.

If You See Negative Qualities In Yourself …

laitman_276.04Question: What should we do when we discover negative qualities in ourselves that we did not previously perceive? How do we work with that?
Answer: Don’t be afraid! The Creator reveals only your inner, true essence to you. Thank Him for everything that occurs.
The revelation of the growth of egoism we call “rising along the left line.” Accordingly, you need to work with the right line in order to balance the left.
When the left and right lines become very strong, relative to one another, between them, you will discover the Creator, the quality that controls you, and upon which you are entirely dependent. Uniting with Him, you will be able to affect Him and in this manner determine all your future states, your fate.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 12/10/17

Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 12/31/17, Part 2

Laitman_177.13Question: What is happiness?
Answer: Happiness is a state in which I can fulfill others and fulfill the Creator through others.
Question: The material world constantly pulls me in. Why did the Creator create it?
Answer: He specifically created it so that it would pull you in, so that you would oppose it and try to act such that the upper world would pull you in.
Question: What is the role of human diversity in this world?
Answer: We are fragments of one general system of the soul, Adam, and therefore we are different. From this state, we need to connect together again into one common general system.
Question: Is it possible to coax the higher forces so that I can be at the right time in the right place?
Answer: It depends on a person’s destiny, which is determined according to many parameters, especially his soul, how much it was developed in previous states, and how much the general soul that is called Adam requires his or her participation in the general correction.
Question: Do all the higher forces support us equally? Is it possible to create a connection with everyone?
Answer: There is one higher power, the Creator, and the rest of these forces are derived from Him; therefore, it is necessary to take account of Him alone. All the rest of the forces are called Malachim (angels). They have no freedom of choice.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/31/17

A Kabbalist’s Perception

Laitman_113Question: Do all Kabbalists have this dual perception of me and my egoism?
Answer: That depends on what the individual associates himself with: the point in the heart or his egoism. If with one and the other, then he really feels himself in a dual state, divided into two parts.
Question: Is this a good state?
Answer: It’s very good! At any point in life, in any state, you hold onto the thought that you consist of two parts: one is the desire of your egoism and the other is your desire as a human being.
At the very least, it is best to separate yourself from your egoism, to look as if from a distance, and convince yourself as to what egoists we all are. Juxtaposed with the good, realize what we can all be. However, egoism will not disappear, and we are not suffering from it in the least. We treat it completely objectively. This is a great, natural quality that helps you to rise higher.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 2/4/18

The Connection Between Personal and General Governance

laitman_275Question: There is personal and general governance. How do they fit together?
Answer: General governance descends on the people and the world, and personal governance descends on a person or his small community. At the same time, both types of governance may contradict each other.
Remark: You said that the Creator does not relate personally to a man in any way, only through the whole of mankind.
My Comment: It does not matter. If the Creator affects a person or if people want to selectively affect one another, then it is a personal impact. For example, in creating a mutual guarantee (Arvut), we want to selectively influence our friends.
The Creator has no personal claims to a person. A person is a product of his environment, and therefore, the Creator treats him as a part of this environment.
Question: Our body consists of billions of cells. Can I say that as I do not show my attitude to each cell individually and I cannot even discern them, in the same way, the Creator looks at us and does not see? Does He see only the general picture?
Answer: The fact is that the general system is completely deterministic, interconnected. There is nothing in it to make it necessary to watch selected cells.
We exist in the ideal world that from our perspective looks corrupted, egoistic. The problem of governance is to force us to reveal this ideal world. Therefore, general and individual impacts are connected to each other.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/10/17

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Right And Left Lines

laitman_558Question: In the book Shamati (I Heard), the term “right and left line” is often encountered. In which states are we in the left line and in which ones in the right?
Answer: These are quite difficult concepts.
The right line, as a rule, is bestowal, love, emanation, Light.
The left line is egoism, reception, attraction to yourself.
We must remain in two lines because a connection with man or with the Creator is built on the interaction of bestowal and reception.
The combination of both lines creates a middle line, the correct combination of properties of giving and receiving. In it, we build up a dynamic system of interconnection. For example, I receive as much as I give you, and you receive as much as you give me. By correctly adjusting our connection, we begin to feel the Creator between the two lines.
In other words, the middle line is the Creator Himself. His disclosure is built on two opposite properties, but these properties do not have anything to do with Him.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/10/17

Do Many Good Deeds

laitman_597.01Baal HaSulam, The Writings of the Last Generation: It is impossible to taste pleasure in adhesion before one performs many good deeds that can affect it, meaning by strict observance of this condition to bring Him contentment, or in other words, delight in the contentment given to the Creator by performing the commandment. After one feels the great pleasure in the acts, it is possible to understand Him, to the extent of that pleasure.
To bring contentment to the Creator, one must perform good deeds for others because it does not matter whether you do them with respect to people or to the Creator. However, our egoism revolts against this.
Concerning the Creator, you seem to be ready to do good deeds because your egoism indulges in it. But, if you really want them to be for His sake, it is only possible by doing them for people.
Question: Does this mean that without actions I cannot come to adhesion with the Creator in my intentions?
Answer: No! Your intentions only deceive you, while actions indicate that your intentions are true.
The most important action is to organize people so that they are connected with each other by good ties.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation,” 12/11/17

To Feel The World Outside of Yourself

Laitman_931.02Question: On one hand, there is the principle “The judge has only what his eyes see.” On the other hand, it is said that there is nothing around us except the white Light that fills everything. How can we reconcile these two principles?
Answer: If you want to understand this, stick to a very simple principle: using the methodology of Kabbalah, unite in groups and try to feel the others. You will begin to feel the spiritual world in them.
Suppose I feel only myself now. If I exit from my own feelings and begin to sense my friends from within, if I perform a restriction (Tzimtzum Aleph) on the desires “for self alone” and enter the quality of bestowal, then I will feel each friend as a spiritual being, a Sefira. All of them together will feel like a Partzuf that is filled with Light, called the Creator.

Together, the Light, the Creator, and the totality of the Sefirot—everything except my animal “I”—will be called a soul. It turns out that together with my friends, I create my soul and each of them does so in relation to the others.
Question: What will I see in a state of “outside myself”?
Answer: You will see the forces that govern the entire universe acting through a multitude of higher laws—their beginning, process, effect, and conclusion. This understanding permeates your desire, fulfilling it. You perceive this fulfillment as the most enormous, highest pleasure of your eternal existence.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/10/17

Which Forces Does Kabbalah Operate?

Question: Which forces does Kabbalah operate?
Answer: Two forces exist in nature: the force of reception and the force of bestowal, plus and minus. They affect our desire. The desire to receive exists in each of us from the beginning—we are born with it. The desire to bestow, however, we must win for ourselves from nature, from the Creator.
Everything happens as in physics: one force repels, the other attracts. We act based on these natural properties. Even when we talk about desires, prayer, and aspirations, we mean only forces.
The force to receive is our nature: I want to pull that which I desire to me, to get the maximum pleasure with the minimum effort.
The power of bestowal is the power of Light. If I absorb the desire of a friend, if I want my friend to receive and I try to fill this desire, then the strength with which I want to do this is called the power of bestowal.
It needs to be discovered, just like electricity was discovered. To do this, I need to feel a friend more closely than myself. When I reveal the power of bestowal, I begin to adjust myself with the help of both forces. Between them, I am able more and more to determine the joint property of bestowal and reception in which I feel the Creator.
The most important thing for me is to reveal the Creator as much as possible between these two opposite forces: reception and bestowal.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 2/4/18

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Reach The Cherished Goal

laitman_600.01Question: Can a student of Kabbalah fail to achieve his cherished goal?
Answer: Of course. Kabbalah is a science. Everyone wants to be Einstein, but some only become assistant professors. This is necessary.
A person should strive for the maximum, but it does not matter how it will turn out. However, if he works correctly, he will surely reach it.
In a closed system, when one returns to his roots, he feels that he is higher in relation to others. By passing the upper Light through them, he feels himself to be a special source of energy for everyone else.
Question: Einstein is an example of reaching a high level in a certain direction. But he had a rare talent, there is no second Einstein in the world. And you say that in Kabbalah, everyone can reach great heights?
Answer: Einstein had a gift to see the inner connections of the world. His genius was in that, through the combination of various opposite properties of nature, he was able to obtain new formulas, expressions, comprehension, and to describe them mathematically.
Therefore, mathematics is the basis of all sciences, although it is not a science by itself. It is a way of describing internal connections of nature. After all, nature is also not a science. Nature is a network of connections between us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/4/18

What Is Revealed In The Process Of Attainment?

laitman_237Question: According to Kabbalah, what does one reveal in the process of attainment in the beginning and what is at the end?
Answer: First one reveals that everything in the world is created for man so that he will comprehend the Creator’s properties. Therefore, the meaning of existence is to reveal the Creator’s actions in ourselves.
At the end, when one achieves complete correction, he reveals that everything inside him happens in tune with the Creator, in absolute agreement with Him.
Question: It is believed that first one reveals “There is none else beside Him,” and then that “He is good and does good.” Can we break it down into such stages?
Answer: You can say so. But on every step, it is all mixed together.
Question: In the book Shamati, it is written: “The Creator is my shadow.” How can one ascend in attaining the Creator, realizing that He is one’s shadow? Does something stop us from seeing this?
Answer: “The Creator is my shadow” means that everything is the Creator’s reflection, and man too. How the Creator moves with respect to man, so man does these movements.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/11/18

Medium: “What Did Kate Spade & Anthony Bourdain Have in Common?”

The portal Medium published my new article “What Did Kate Spade & Anthony Bourdain Have in Common?

It’s challenging for us to understand why successful, famous, rich people such as fashion designer Kate Spade and TV chef Anthony Bourdain decide to put an end to their lives.
Typical answers will vary between hidden loneliness and depression, drug addiction, and mental issues. But if we delve into a deeper, more fundamental layer of human nature, the answer is one: lack of meaning and purpose in life.
From an ordinary person’s point of view, the rich and famous already have everything that the rest of us dream of. But as we focus on what they’ve got, we miss what’s happening inside their minds and hearts. Thus, we overlook what they’re losing.
When people reach the heights of fame and fortune, their lives change dramatically. Their new status and power separate them from the rest of society. People treat them as symbols or idols, and stop looking at them as ordinary human beings with feelings. As a result, they gradually lose a lot of their friendships and human connections.
But it doesn’t end there. As they reach the top of their game and conquer their dreams, they are more prone to lose their passion and drive to keep going. Paradoxically, their accomplishments and abundance put them in front of the undeniable question: What do I aim for next? What else is there to live for?
It’s as if they lose the drive to carry on in this world, while on the other hand, there’s nowhere else to go.
When that happens, even highly creative and passionate people who initiate meaningful projects will struggle to find the reason and purpose behind anything they do. And then, a single emotional trigger could be enough for them put an end to their life.
In contrast, the average person struggles to get by through the daily grind, craves a promotion at work and dreams of the next vacation. His or her relations with other people feel a lot more real even if they’re challenging. He has a desire to make his life better in various aspects. And hope for a better future means there’s something worth living for.
The irony about fame and fortune is that those who achieve it may feel like there is nothing more to aspire to, and those who do not, still have a drive to achieve it.
But beneath the surface, these opposites complement each other as a single system. There’s a collective process of development that gradually brings all of us to face the question: what is the meaning and purpose of life?
A human being has a need to discover the purpose of his or her existence. It is the only thing that truly differentiates humans from animals. In fact, all of human culture can be seen as an attempt to answer that very question of meaning. And in our time, it is becoming increasingly necessary to provide a satisfactory answer.
It is not by chance that suicide has become characteristic of the modern western world, with suicide rates in the U.S. increasing more than 25% since 1999, and close to 800,000 people globally committing suicide every year.
Yet, the meaning of life is not a philosophical or mystical question that doesn’t have a clear answer. The exact opposite is true: it is a natural question that has a natural answer.
When human beings tap into their inherent wiring for connection, they reveal that they are parts of a single integrated system, connected to each other and to the natural source of life itself. Then, their craving for meaning and purpose finds its fulfillment in connection with the harmony and wholeness of nature.

Find The Meaning Of Life

Laitman_161Question: Is the meaning of life is to learn to live eternally, in the physical body created by the Creator?
Answer: No. The eternal body in Kabbalah means a desire that works for bestowal. Therefore, the meaning of life is not in the framework of our world, but in the attainment of this eternal body, that is, the desire to bestow, when a person becomes like the Creator, creates contact with Him, and then there is mutual adhesion.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/28/17

New Life #1008 – The Power Of Imagination

New Life #1008 – The Power Of Imagination
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Imagination is given to humans so that we will ultimately develop and discover the higher power through connection with others. While imagination is a deviation from true reality, it can be a stimulus for rising to this new reality when used in a positive way. The form of all future inventions and discoveries exist thanks to the power of imagination. The purpose of creation is for people to develop to a state beyond all imagination that is called the “World of Ein Sof (Infinity).”
From KabTV’s “New Life #1008 – The Power Of Imagination,” 5/8/18
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Medium: “Kim Trump Summit: Dealmaker Meets Dictator”

The largest portal Medium published my new article “Kim Trump Summit: Dealmaker Meets Dictator

Trump’s interest in meeting Kim Jong-un is obvious: if he becomes the one to denuclearize North Korea, it will be an unprecedented achievement for America, for the world, and for Trump himself, who will be remembered in the history books.
Coming straight from the G7 summit in Canada, Trump will carry on with the same approach: positioning himself for getting the best deal possible. But will it work with the young dictator with whom he mostly traded insults so far? “Within the first minute, I’ll know,” said the businessman turned U.S. president.
President Trump at G7 (Reuters)
At the time of writing these lines, no one knows what will come out of the historical summit. But certainly, Trump intends to get Kim to consider denuclearization in exchange for diplomatic recognition and some economic package. He will aim to put Kim — whose country is desperate for economic relief — in a rational give-and-take mode of behavior.
In fact, Trump probably already has plans for how to get Asian and European countries to help write a check for Mr. Kim.
But it should come as no surprise that Trump will become the first sitting U.S. president to meet with a North Korean leader. It fits his habit of shaking up the status quo and countering the existing global order. Just take look at the photo from the recent G7 summit, which does a good job of capturing the “World vs. Trump” dynamic.
Trump is a relentless business pragmatist in a position to move the world’s leaders into a direct give-and-take relationship. By putting American interests first, his moves are tearing down international agreements between powerful global players. And by doing it in his non-politically correct way, he is bursting ideological bubbles and facades that became the norm in international relations many decades ago.
That being said, Trump doesn’t necessarily understand the epic turning point that human society is now facing, all the more so the unique role he himself plays in it. In truth, most of us can’t conceive of the momentous transformation that the world is now going through.
Every day, human society is becoming more interdependent across the globe. And as this reality becomes more evident, the fallacies of the modern world become evident as well. Thus, we gradually come to recognize that humanity needs a new operating system by which to run its programs and synchronize relationships between people and countries.
But first, we have to reset the current operating system — and Trump is hitting that button.
Lastly, as I have expressed before, when I comment on Trump-related matters, his popularity or lack of thereof is irrelevant to me. I don’t take my cues from mainstream media or what people say, nor do I pick any side in favor or against Trump or anyone else.
Rather, I explain the world through the lens of the wisdom of Kabbalah, which sheds light on the fundamental laws of nature that shape the global and collective development of humanity.

Monday, June 11, 2018

How Can Emotions Be Reconciled With Reason?

laitman_543.01Question from Facebook: How can we reconcile emotions with reason because our emotions arise as responses to life events that are far from the rational way the world is run?
Answer: Our emotions have nothing to do with mind. They manifest because they “jump out” of desire. And desire is our innate nature.
Reason is an acquired additional system designed to collect emotions, sort them out, compare, curb, etc. But generally, reason is weak before emotions; before desires, it is secondary.
Question: Is it possible to curb emotions?
Answer: There is no point. You have to reach a state where your emotions are balanced. After all, negative emotions can be balanced with positive ones and then you can feel comfortable with them, because both negative and positive emotions will work together toward a lofty goal.
And you know that you need all of it. You are not fighting your nature or the people around you. On the contrary, you enter a state when you are in harmony with each other. One person’s plus is compensated by the another’s minus. We are created in such a way that if all of us would correctly connect with each other, we would form an ideal system, and all our pluses and minuses would fit together perfectly.
Question: So the pluses and minuses are scattered around the world in order to connect?
Answer: That’s the problem. We have no other choice. We try to do something among each other, we get discouraged seeing that nothing helps, and eventually we die.
But in fact, we need to see that we cannot do anything by ourselves and must ask the Creator to help us. Then He will shine upon us with the upper Light, under the influence of which we will quickly assemble into the correct mosaic and complete each other.
Then we will have the perfect combination of everyone with each other. All negative and positive emotions will be supplemented, every person will be necessary for another. That is how we will reach perfection.
From KabTV’s, “News with Michael Laitman” 4/24/18

New Life #987 – Spiritual Art, Part 2

New Life #987 – Spiritual Art
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, spiritual art is inspired by Reshimo de Hitlabshut (the Reshimo of clothing/dressing) or the level of reality that has not yet been shaped in form. A spiritual artist annuls himself in order to reach a higher level of perception and creation. He tries to be like the Creator by expressing love and giving to others. Spiritual art teaches people how to connect with each other and discover the power of love.
From KabTV’s “New Life #987 – Spiritual Art,” 3/27/18
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