Saturday, January 27, 2018

I Exist Because I Do Not Exist!

Laitman_025.01We exist inside the Creator, who determines our entire sensation of life and existence for us. Even if we praise or curse the Creator, this too is done by Him. Everything is controlled by the Creator, and there is no reality outside of Him. To the extent that I annul myself before the Creator, I build myself and attain my essence.
The Creator made a barrier, a concealment. Therefore, when He is completely hidden from the creation, it seems to me as if I exist. But if I undertake the concealment myself, then in this measure I am able to reveal the upper force and understand that I really do not exist—I am only the shadow of the Creator.
Understanding that there is none else besides the Creator is how a person builds himself. And we see a kind of a paradox that we exist in “None else besides Him.” I exist specifically because I do not exist! My “I,” my egoism, created by the Creator, does not exist. The more I annul my egoism, the more I exist in this self-annulment.
There is no contradiction: by understanding that there is none else besides the Creator, we become great and equal to Him, His partners, in adherence to Him face to face. All of this is due to His creating a concealment and us turning this concealment into Light.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/14/18, Preparation for the World Convention

The Choice Everything Depends On

Laitman_006If a person has a choice and does not use it, it leads to disaster.After all, the Creator always emanates a positive force that is meant to raise us to the next degree. If we do not want to accept the Creator’s invitation to rise to this stage, then we feel the same states in the reverse form.
If only European Jews had listened to Baal HaSulam’s warnings in the 1920s … He urged Jews to leave Poland and move to the land of Israel immediately because their destruction was about to begin and of the 3 million Jews who lived in Poland, not a single one would be left. But they did not listen to him.
They had a choice, but they did not use it. We all know what happened next, and we still remember it today.
Afterward, Baal HaSulam tried to talk with the leaders of the state of Israel, urging them to introduce the correct education system to create a spiritual state of Israel. This is how it should have been after we got the right to return to this land.
Today, the State of Israel is 70 years old, but it has still not become what it is supposed to be. Inevitably, this will not end well because we ourselves turn others into our enemies by how we relate to the purpose of creation. In fact, this is our only free choice, and everything depends on it.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/15/18Writings of Baal HaSulam,“Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 17

What Do Drugs And Social Networks Have In Common?

laitman_959Question: What difference does it make if what disconnects a person and makes him lose consciousness is a drug in the form of substance, pop culture, computer games, or social network?
Answer: The fact is that there are drugs and there are sedatives. They aren’t the same. If a person doesn’t become stupefied and he just needs to calm down in order to somehow conquer his egoism, then this is one thing.
However, if he uses drugs to disconnect from correcting himself and the world through himself, then this is different. One should feel the vague boundary between calming down and disconnection so there isn’t overkill.
Question: But the word “dependence” is present in both cases: one can be dependent on drugs or on social networks. But isn’t dependence on social networks less dangerous?
Answer: It doesn’t matter. A person is disconnecting from the true goal.
Remark: But the lofty ideal for social networks was that they would bind humanity.
My Comment: At first, that’s what we thought. But social networks, like everything else, are in the hands of egoists. And whatever humanity invents works to our detriment.
The initial ideas are always kind. The inventor himself thinks that he is giving a gift to humanity. But we see the outcome. And this is natural because in the end it is our egoism at work.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/24/17

New Life #922 – Motivation And The Driving Force

New Life #922 – Motivation And The Driving Force
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
While every creature is motivated to exist, people have the additional motivation provided by dreams, fantasies, and goals. Some goals are false because they end up without purpose and fail to deliver true happiness. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us to recognize the eternal goal of our development and how to move toward it.
From KabTV’s “New Life #922 – Motivation And The Driving Force,” 11/23/17
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Breaking Israel News: “BIN Exclusive: Kabbalist Says Be Optimistic About AI-Powered Weapons Destroying Everything [WATCH]“

The largest portal Breaking Israel News published my new article “BIN Exclusive: Kabbalist Says Be Optimistic About AI-Powered Weapons Destroying Everything [WATCH]“:
And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it. … And he shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. (Isaiah, Chapter 2, 2-4)and into your hands.” (Joshua 8:1)
The dystopian vision of an AI-powered automated weapon storm wiping out humanity can help sharpen our scrutiny of what the world really needs today—unity—by showing us what can happen if we don’t match our technological progress with our progress in social unification. The Jewish people play a major role in this challenge.
The myriad ways humanity has imagined a dystopian future has been the subject of many books and movies. However, the recent short film, Slaugherbots, is unique in that its vision is followed by University of Berkeley Professor, Stuart Russell, expressing the concern of thousands of AI researchers: that with a few tweaks of our current technology, we have the means to make swarms of deadly AI mini-drones a present-day reality.
Unfortunately, I do believe that AI-powered weapons will be developed to the likes of what we see in this short film, and even worse.
Nevertheless, I see a positive side to such developments, and not because I enjoy envisioning a future killer robot scenario. Rather, it’s because such disastrous potential at our fingertips will help us refine our understanding of what humanity really needs: to align our progress in human consciousness with our technological progress.
What Technology Is More Sophisticated than AI? What Energy Is More Powerful than Nuclear Energy?
If we upgraded our human consciousness at least as much as we upgraded our technologies, then we would have no fear of creating AI terminators capable of eliminating us. Instead, we would further our research to discover a technology more sophisticated than AI, and energy more powerful than nuclear energy:
The energy is nature’s most fundamental energy source, a force that connects and binds together all parts of reality;
The technology is a method that shows us how to extract and use nature’s most fundamental energy source through our inherent potential for human connection.
Unlike other energy sources we’ve discovered throughout history, this one can only be discovered and used if done with “good intentions.” In other words, it becomes accessible only if we aim to apply its connective property into our attitudes and relationships. The way to apply its connective property through countless variable states is an ancient method that became the foundation of the Jewish people.
How the Jews Overcame “Technological” Threat of Destruction
It’s not merely by chance that so many people of Jewish origin nowadays are at the cutting edge of high tech developments, despite making up only around 0.2% of the world’s population. Latent within the Jewish population are the informational genes dating back to their Abrahamic ancestry: the time when they extracted nature’s primal energy, connecting above their conflicting egos, and saving themselves from potential destruction.
The overemphasis on technological progress over social unification is also what happened back in Abraham’s time, when the Babylonians wanted to build a tower that would reach to the heavens.
“[The tower’s builders would] push up the bricks [to build the tower] from the east, then descend from the west. If a man fell and died, they would not pay him any mind. But if a brick fell they would sit down and wail, ‘Woe unto us; when will another come in its place?’ Abraham, son of Terah, passed by and saw them building the city. He cursed them and said, ‘May the Lord swallow their tongue.’”
– Rabbi Eliezer, Pirkey de Rabbi Eliezer (Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer)
Moreover, like what’s coming to our attention today with AI-powered weapon developments, the Babylonians faced a very real threat of mass destruction.
“[The Babylonians] wanted to speak to one another but did not know each other’s language. What did they do? Each took up his sword and they fought each other to the death. Indeed, half the world was slaughtered there, and from there they scattered all over the world.”
– Rabbi Eliezer, Pirkey de Rabbi Eliezer (Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer)
Abraham saw that while the Babylonians became fixated on “the Tower,” they lost sight of what was truly important in life: positive human connection. In addition, Abraham discovered the cause of this fixation—the overblown human ego. He also discovered the purpose of this process—to awaken self-examination and the decision that if they failed to revise their values, prioritizing unity above everything else, then the threat of destruction would have become their painful reality.
That is when Abraham developed a method to unite above the growing ego, a method that was later referred to as the wisdom of Kabbalah. He formed groups that applied the method, and they became known as “the Jews” (the Hebrew word for “Jew” [Yehudi] comes from the word for “united” [yihudi] [Yaarot Devash, Part 2, Drush no. 2]). In other words, the Jewish people were Babylonians, people from all walks of life, at the cutting edge of their time, who had an inner sensation that something wasn’t going right in their society’s development. Thus, contrary to the status quo, they worked on their unity. As a result, they discovered nature’s most powerful and potent energy source—a force of unbounded connection that binds together all parts of reality—which united them above their conflicting egos, and saved them from ruin.
Since the Jews Did This Before, They’re Expected to Do It Again. Until They Do… Anti-Semitism.
Today’s focus on technological progress can be likened to the Babylonians’ belief that building a tower up to the skies would grant them divine contact. However, if the human ego continues untreated in this process, then this construction is bound to bring about destruction.
We experienced it in Abraham’s time. We’ve seen an agonizing example of it in modern times with the atomic bomb. And now, with the help of the AI researchers’ warnings, we can foresee the threat of AI-powered weapons in the same light.
The inventive power of some of the Babylonians that Abraham managed to redirect to social unification, and which became their salvation, remains in the Jewish people of today. The more the Jewish people put their inventive and connective power into technological progress instead of progress in human connection, the more problems and risks will amount. Subsequently, there will be an accumulating subconscious feeling among people worldwide that the Jews are the cause of their problems, and as a result, anti-Semitic crimes and threats will continue to rise.
Since the Jewish people have access to the method of human connection, which can reveal nature’s connective energy source and use it to unite above society’s divisions, there is a tacit expectation placed on the Jews to prioritize human connection above everything else. Accordingly, despite the immense technological, scientific, medical and cultural innovation that the Jewish people bring into the world, it’s as if the world ignores such achievements, and instead anticipates the Jews to bring the world that which made us Jews in the first place: unity.
As Abraham invited the Babylonians to connect above their egos to save them from destruction and ensure the positive use of any future constructions they would make, so it is today: the method of Kabbalah awaits to connect us above our newly peaking egoism, offering to save us from the potential threats of destruction that are becoming a very close reality.
Therefore, I hope we take heed of the AI researchers’ warnings, start emphasizing social unification as our first and foremost responsibility to ourselves and the world, and use the method at our fingertips to verify that any future technological developments would emerge only to strengthen our social ties. I warmly invite anyone curious about this method to explore it in more depth with an introductory course.

My Facebook Page: “Artificial intelligence In The End-Of-Days: Killer Bots For Gog Or Dry Bones To Praise God?”

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 1/25/18
An excerpt from an article based on an interview I gave to Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz of Breaking Israel News:
“It is clear in Kabbalah that in the times preceding the Geula (global correction of the world), Man is going to utilize the entire potential of technology and begin to create artificial intelligence. People will want to achieve something similar to the creation of Man.”
“In the time of the Geula, people will understand that all of this development, all throughout history, is what brought us to an even greater collapse,” he stressed. “This will become very clear in war when we see that all of the technology we developed for man’s good can immediately turn around and be used against man.”
Laitman believes that the same motives of Man which led to the construction of the Tower of Babel are also in play with the development of artificial intelligence.
Read the full article on Breaking Israel News 

New Life #197 – Falling In Love, Part 1

New Life #197 – Falling In Love, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Falling in love for the first time demonstrates our natural desire to connect with others in the same innocent way that children do. As we grow, we cover our pure desire to relate to others with false ideas about sex and love that we accumulate from society. As we age, we understand more and more that there is nothing outside of warmth and love between people. In order to build the right connection with a partner, we need to approach one another like two naked souls.
From KabTV’s “New Life #197 – Falling In Love,” part 1, 6/20/13
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Kabbalah On Hygiene

laitman_739Question: Could a person’s physical, bodily ailments improve as a person advances spiritually?
Answer: Naturally, as soon as a person begins to ascend spiritually, his body is preserved to the same extent because the soul is developing and the body must help its development.
Question: How does Kabbalah regard personal (bodily) hygiene?
Answer: Hygiene was described in many treatises of the Torah and Talmud 3,000 years ago. They say, “There is no other purity than water.” It was not advised to use soap as often as we do today.
We live in completely different times when pollution of the environment on inanimate, vegetative and animate levels happens unnaturally, unlike in the past. Therefore, previously only soap was recommended, and only in some special cases sand, clay, fats or oils were used.
But ablution in water was always welcome. In the Torah there are clear instructions about this. Once a week before Shabbat people usually dipped into the pool (Mikveh). The entire population went through a very serious physiological purification, not only externally, but also internally.
Our body is tied to the upper level and is a consequence of spiritual roots; therefore, whatever is said about the upper roots relates to the lower ones. There can be no contradiction.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/20/17

My Facebook Page: “While Most Of The World Is Going Bankrupt…”

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 1/25/18
While most the world is going bankrupt, the rich and powerful convene in the picturesque city of Davos to discuss their ongoing success in exploiting the rest of society, as if there is nothing wrong with the 1% getting 82% of all the wealth that was created in the world last year.
Sure, they talk about a “synchronization” of economies, and marching together towards a “shared future.” But what lies behind these words is the same exploitative thinking: How can we, the tycoons, take advantage of the situation to get even richer than we are now.
But as much as the rich and powerful would like to stay isolated, they’re being pushed to discover how interdependent we all are. The world has become a globally hyper-connected village, even though we continue to think linearly and egoistically.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining to anyone. In my view, this is the inevitable result of our natural egoistic development as human beings. Soon, however, we will have to acknowledge that the name of the game is interdependence, and the only way to prevent a crisis and make the world work for everyone is to change ourselves.
Economics is merely a reflection of human relations, and we will have to undergo a change of consciousness in how we relate to each other. Human society will have to embark on a massive socio-educational journey to upgrade our way of thinking and our sensibility towards our collective happiness. When we’re ready to start, the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah can show us how to get on this track.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Does Studying Kabbalah Change A Person’s Psyche?

laitman_626Question: Does a person’s psyche change when studying Kabbalah?
Answer: Of course it changes. First, he begins to understand that everything that happens to him descends from above.
Second, all this happens only in order for him to bring the Creator into his world, to try to justify Him in everything, no matter what sensations or influences he might be going through. As it is written: “You have hemmed me in behind and before,” i.e., the Creator acts in everything, either directly or indirectly, concealed or revealed.
We must strive for the Creator to always be revealed to us, so that even the worst circumstances would not shield Him from us. In reality, these are not circumstances, but our egoistic desires.
If these desires are small, on the level of zero or one, then the Creator is weakly concealed and we can be inside what is referred to as the Light of Hassadim.
There are also desires of the second, third and fourth levels: very heavy desires that take us through terrible egoistic states, yet it is in them that we can be connected with the Creator. After all, when the Creator submerges us in coarse egoism but nevertheless we do not lose connection with Him, we do not yield to any egoistic seductions, then we are in a state of receiving for the sake of bestowal.
We need to understand that before one can correct anything, we first need to be submerged in it. As it is written: “For there is not a righteous man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not,” and then, in corrected form, achieved righteousness. In other words, at first, there is immersion in egoism, a problem arises, and after that follows its correction.
Therefore, a Kabbalist is a person who goes through absolutely all states that can possibly exist in our world.
Remark: These words are not much of an advertisement.
My Comment: I am not giving any promotion here. The most important thing is for a person to know the truth. We live in a time when all of this needs to be known. We do not have time for any pretty methodologies, theories, and philosophies.
Today, we are in a state where we need to reveal absolutely everything to people, and they will figure it out since the confusion humanity is living in right now is not what it used to be. In the past, the world was calm. Today, it is experiencing serious stress. I hope that spreading Kabbalistic knowledge will help us discover the real world as quickly as possible.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/3/17

Excerpts From The Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/9/18

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom the 1st Part of the LessonLiving In The Reality of “There Is None Else Besides Him”
  • All problems are caused by the revelation of the next Reshimo (spiritual gene), but they manifest in various clothings, in the form of enemies, sickness, problems with loved ones, or with random people. It depends on the form of the Reshimo that a person needs to correct.
  • In unpleasant situations, a person feels lost and wants to run away. But he needs to experience the full measure of the bitterness to the full depth of the Reshimo. Then he enters a new degree, as if “remembering” that all this was sent by the Creator to help him advance.
    He certainly would not have remembered the Creator on his own, but the suffering affects him, bringing him closer to the upper Light. Then, he begins to understand the reason for what is happening, to feel that it came from the Creator and to decide “There’s none else besides Him.” In this way, he conquers his fears and worries.
  • Problems that frighten a person are sent in order to help him adhere to the Creator; this is their only purpose. If a person understands that the Creator desires to draw him closer through these problems, then his attention shifts to the Creator and how to get closer to Him.
    It is like a small child who constantly tries to run away from his mother. But as soon as he sees something that frightens him, he clings to her and wants to hide in her arms so that she envelopes him, as if he were in her womb.
  • Frightening problems are a great correction and help sent to a person from above to distance him from his evil nature and bring him closer to the Creator. He understands good and corrects the revealed Reshimo by adhering to and justifying the Creator who sent him these problems in order to educate him.
  • How can a person be saved from evil and even justify the Creator in the direst circumstances of utter despair when the world is immersed in darkness? Only through the environment that supports him during difficult times and helps him remain in constant adhesion with the Creator regardless of the ever-increasing revelation of the breakage.
  • To justify the Creator means to connect everything that is happening to me with Him, rejoicing that He is distancing Himself from me so that in this new disconnected state I can adhere to Him.
From the 2nd Part of the Lesson
The Study of The Ten Sefirot
  • The degrees of the spiritual world grow from within, clothing themselves into increasingly external manifestations, like concentric circles that spread out after a rock is thrown into the water. So a new inner core begins to grow in the Partzuf (spiritual object), while the former inner part becomes the external one.
    When it grows further, the external layer of the upper degree becomes the inner layer of the lower degree. Inner turns into outer and outer into the inner of the lower degree, and so on and so on.
  • The union of upper and lower degrees is the most difficult and deepest mystery because it is the union between the Creator and creation on each level.
From the 3rd Part of the Lesson
Baal HaSulam’s “Shofar HaMoshiach
  • Kabbalistic books have always been shrouded in secrecy. Other than the Kabbalists, no one understands anything that is written in them. Kabbalists speak about what is good for humanity and its progress toward correction.
    When we are teaching little children, we don’t disclose everything at once, but we reveal things gradually as they are ready for it. First, we educate them so they can use the knowledge they are receiving properly. When we are talking about spiritual degrees that are unattainable to the human intellect and feelings, special preparation is even more important.
  • If the generation is not ready, the Kabbalistic books return to concealment. This is what happened with Baal HaSulam who wrote many texts that he later hid and some he even burned. The authorities forbade him to publish his newspaper. This was all to ensure these texts would be revealed in the correct way and time.
  • Why is The Book of Zohar so important for our correction if it is a commentary on the Torah? The Torah contains all the information up to the end of correction, but it is not explained there.
    The Torah describes the corrections that were needed for the construction of the First and Second Temples. The Zohar, however, was written after the destruction of the Second Temple, and it tells how to come to the Third Temple following the destruction and exile.
    It was written for the last generation, when the exile ends and the construction of the Third Temple begins, which is the vessel for the revelation of the upper Light. This is the time when The Book of Zohar is needed.
    From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/9/18

How To Identify The Upper Light

laitman_239Question: What kind of evidence would indicate that the light I see is the upper Light?
Answer: The upper Light is the quality of love and bestowal that fills our world and all n-dimensional space.
This is the Light we should aspire to and attract to us. With its help, we should correct ourselves—change ourselves inverting from receivers to givers.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/3/17

New Life #198 – Falling In Love, Part 2

New Life #198 – Falling In Love, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What influences the process of falling in love? What must we learn about ourselves to communicate correctly? And how do relationships serve as a means for clarifying our need for mutual connection?
Building a true, internal connection with a partner opens up an entire world. We begin to play together with a chord of mutual complementarity. Being a part of a group that aims toward connection in general can support us in our search for the right partner.
From KabTV’s “New Life #198 – Falling In Love,” part 2, 6/20/13
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Time To Awaken The Deficiency And Shorten Time

Dr. Michael Laitman
Opening the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/24/18
In relation to the topic, “from disturbances to ascent,” the word “disturbances” is imprecise, because if we say that “there is none else besides Him,” that there is only one force, not two or three, but only one force acting in reality, then everything comes from the Creator, and He is good and benevolent.
Therefore, negative and positive influences from one extreme to the other, stem from a single force, the “good that does good.” Only in the person does that influence split into two, where he feels good in some of those influences, and bad in others. This just points out the lack of a person’s correction, that he has no equivalence with the Creator, where he needs to feel everything emanating from the Creator as good, and the Creator as benevolent. If one doesn’t feel, at every moment, as being in an ocean of the good that does good, at least as an embryo in its mother’s womb, on all sides, in all discernments, where only good, mercy and love encase him, it’s a sign that he has a problem with his vessels’ correction.
Anyone could say, “Yes, I have a problem with the correction of the vessels, but what can I do about it? I don’t feel its lack. I cannot correct what I don’t lack.”
Therefore, here we need to attain the deficiency for correction. However, at least, we start by determining that we, who are in an ocean of good, benevolence, Light, bestowal and love, don’t feel it, which points out our lack of correction.
Now, how can I wake up? How can I not remain as I was before this calculation? Also, now, after this calculation, I feel a little bad and a little good, but it doesn’t concern, shake or force me to now act and exert. There is no deficiency. Intellectually, I could be saying all the right things, but it’s not enough. Emotion—deficiency—needs to shake me from my stance.
Deficiency can come from above. That is considered as being the path of suffering. Deficiency can come from a person who enters into proper connection with the environment, and through envy, lust and honor, he obligates himself to exit this world and enter the spiritual world.
If he doesn’t do that through the ploys great Kabbalists write about, then he doesn’t progress on the path of Achishena (“I will hasten it”). He is gradually brought closer on the path of Beito (“in due time”), but it is gradual, i.e., it is time dependent, and also dependent on a person’s attitude to the whole general system.
Therefore, everything depends on our attitude to the situation: Can we, even in a state where we feel nothing—where nothing moves me, nothing matters to me, and where I simply don’t care, most of the time when I’m detached from spirituality, where I seemingly know what’s going on and I’m ready to just keep going with the flow—how can we muster all the means at our disposal in order for us to, in the group, somehow create an alarm system that will wake us up, that will impact us. Even if we all fall asleep, in any case, let there be something that pushes and pulls us to the purpose of creation.
That is considered as accelerating time. It is called “Israel sanctifying the times.” Whoever is “Yashar Kel” (“straight to God”) really shortens time, and everything depends on shortening time, because certainly Gmar Tikkun (the end of correction) is alive, even now, but do we reach it or not, now or in who knows how many events, incarnations or years?
The main thing is that our work is not through great ascents and great descents, but on indifference—it’s a war on indifference. That desert consumes us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson on January 24, 2018.

The Time When Kabbalah Is Revealed

254.02Remark: Until the 17th and 18th centuries, Western civilization lived with a sense that there is some kind of cosmic order in society and in nature, that there is an upper force.
My Comment: Man in Western civilization walked, as they said , under the grace of God, a God they invented for themselves. This was useful for kings, clergy, and other controlling structures. It gave a king legitimacy that he was God’s representative on Earth.
But then everything turned upside down because egoism grew and it was no longer possible to reign over people. Various movements appeared: Calvinism, Lutheranism, and so on, which gave a powerful push for future development.
Very quickly those movements started to transform religion into new social forms because the old ones were already useless for the development of the population. In its social, economic, and political relationships, the population outgrew the framework of the old religion; it needed a different religion. So various faith-based movements appeared.
The Middle Ages were distinguished by rapid development. It only seems to us that it was somewhat slow. But serious processes were taking place that gave significant impetus for new possibilities in the development of the sciences and arts, and the birth of a new freedom. The individual started to emerge from the control of the clergy.
And then the question of how to keep the individual reined in arose. All sorts of nationalistic movements appeared, and opposing them, socialistic and communistic movements.
Question: What was the goal of leaving ordinary religion? To prepare humanity for a more enlightened perspective?
Answer: The goal of nature is giving people the opportunity to understand their own destiny and to find the means of solving the most important question of life: “Why do I exist?”
During those years, even if such a question arose, it was suppressed by the fears and opinions of society. But after the Middle Ages, it began to manifest more forcefully according to the inner development of people who no longer feared calling themselves atheist, not connected to the Creator. Theism is connection with the Creator, atheism is the absence of this connection.
Question: Didn’t the atheists also try to build a social system based on morality, but without the control of the upper force?
Answer: Yes. They tried to figure out how a government could be structured if there is no upper power, not in the form of God and not in the form of a king. This was a very serious leap forward, when the individual comes first.
But the individual is not capable of controlling himself, he cannot do anything “without the king at the head” and without God at the head. That is why all kinds of terrorist movements appeared: fascism, Nazism, etc. People were searching for how to control themselves, to hold the system in order, and saw they could not succeed. And so they went, from blow to blow.
Therefore, in the beginning of the 20th century, after rapid development of science, culture, and self-consciousness, the science of Kabbalah began to be revealed. When the era of scientific discovery and arts ended, it became clear they did not provide an answer to the question about the meaning of life, which appeared even before the Middle Ages. Even the Age of Enlightenment did not give us this answer.
Then, Kabbalah was revealed. It began explaining that it had the solution to these problems. But since it is irrational to humanity’s way of thinking, it is as if taking the theory of relativity and trying to apply it to daily life.
In our world it is not understood, and even if it is understood, then only by a few people. So what is there to talk about with the simple person? But according to Kabbalah, everyone must be raised to a new level.
Therefore, even though Kabbalah is being revealed, it is apparent that a great deal of time is needed before people understand that society must exist on its principles and will otherwise not have the ability to sustain itself.
Humanity is gradually approaching this state, but it does not yet exist in it. Right now our Kabbalistic group is engaged with modeling these principles, analyzing them, and developing them internally, like in a laboratory. But, eventually, this will be the realization of the basic law of nature in humanity.
Kabbalists are obligated to demonstrate to humanity that their methodology is the only one that has the answers to the future structure of nature, society, humanity, family, and upbringing. And without it, the world will not be able hold itself in any kind of a framework.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation,” 7/3/17

How To Correctly Perceive The Methodology Of Kabbalah

laitman_250Question: How do we correctly perceive the methodology without introducing an incorrect understanding?
Answer: We must read more and more, passing all the Kabbalistic material through us, like through a meat grinder.
In addition, systematically listen to lessons trying not to miss them because every next lesson, even on a completely different topic, is still at the level following the previous lesson.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/14/18

Newsmax: “Parents Must Teach Kids Redeeming Social Media Values”

The largest portal Newsmax published my new article: “Parents Must Teach Kids Redeeming Social Media Values

Parents of the 21st century, the Logan Paul controversy must become your wake-up call.
If our kids can swipe their finger to watch a prankster filming the body of someone who committed suicide and then joking about it, then we should realize something went terribly wrong with the younger generation and we are either oblivious to it or simply don’t care.
Parents, after you pinch yourselves to check if you’re awake, please bring yourself up to date with what’s going on: YouTube pranksters in their twenties have become educators and role models for our kids. They aren’t scripted characters in a fictional movie, they are real people doing real pranks in the real world. Kids look up to them more than they look up to their teachers and in some cases more so than their parents.
Here are some questions for parents to ask themselves: Do I know what my kids are learning from Internet idols they’re following? Do I know what examples they are imitating? Do I know what level of explicit content they are exposed to?
Now let’s talk about why Logan Paul did what he did. Obviously, because he makes over $50,000 per video, he wants to attract as many viewers as possible, and he turned to showing a dead body to increase his fame and fortune. But how on earth did he get the idea that filming a dead body is appropriate?
My answer. Logan Paul is a 22-year-old who grew up in a culture that surrounded him with visual depictions of gore and violence, and naturally, he got somewhat used to it. Like typical Americans his age, Logan had watched more than 200,000 acts of violence that include more than 16,000 murders by the time he was 18. He also watched children’s programming that displays up to 20 violent acts per hour.
Long story short, we allowed Logan’s generation to pick up their examples, role models and values from a media culture that’s extremely saturated with violence, and now we are letting them be the role models for today’s kids.
Also, Logan Paul’s “We Found a Dead Body” video was liked by about 600,000 people before the backlash began, which means he wasn’t just intoxicated by his ego when he thought this video would fly. He actually knew his audience well enough to know that many of them would accept it.
Parents, it’s time we take a look at the bigger picture and recognize the downward spiral of violent media, the degradation of social values, and the horrifying results. If we continue down this road, we will be growing human beings that are completely numb to blood and gore, show little respect to human life, and take into account nothing besides the instant gratification of their ego.
Parents, It’s Time to Act
So parents, if you’ve had enough to make a stand and take back control over your children’s upbringing, first I suggest you join hands and demand from YouTube and other social media platforms to toughen up their regulations, and dedicate the resources needed to make sure their users cannot upload inappropriate content. Saying no to violence and gore should be one area we can all agree on. There’s no reason we should allow anyone to make money by filling our kids’ minds with violent content.
That said, regulations, sanctions and precautions are more like emergency band-aids compared to what needs to happen. Sooner or later, there will be no escape from taking our education system and its methods through a complete makeover. We will have to apply the formats, mediums and styles that appeal to kids, and repurpose them to spread positive values, set good examples and, most importantly, raise human beings that are considerate of others.
Parents, understand your kids’ world. Growing up with the Internet in the palm of their hands has turned them into the first “global-virtual” generation. It’s no wonder that we sometimes think our kids are entirely different creatures. They spend 8–11 hours a day glued to their screens, mostly on social media. They get bored easily, and quickly move on to the next attraction with a swipe of their finger.
And as more of the world goes online, their thinking, interactions and sensibilities become global too. 58 percent of adults worldwide ages 35 plus agree that “kids today have more in common with their global peers than with adults in their own country.”
Spending most of their waking hours being glued to their screens, our kids have become more attracted to the global and virtual than the local and physical. Keep in mind we are all moving into the global-virtual reality, and in that respect, our children are better prepared for these shifts.
We passed the stage where education was about information and knowledge. Today kids can look up the answers on Wikipedia faster than what their teacher tells them at school.
Our education must now focus on building the human being. And that means building a value system within the person and a social environment around the person that balances the human ego and directs it towards positive realization.
This isn’t about preaching moral values. Our kids won’t buy it since their egos  have evolved beyond it. We have to help them realize their potential and find their expression in a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, by giving them tools to better understand themselves and to forge meaningful, healthy connections with others.
This does not need to be boring and didactic for them. We can certainly find exciting ways for them to experience positive human connections, through circle-style discussions and collaborative projects with their peers, both virtually and physically.
But for all of that to start happening, parents must get on board. We have to make a decision to get involved in our children’s future, and recognize the need to cultivate the global mindset that matches the conditions of the new global era.

The Times of Israel: Why a Death Penalty for Terrorists Won’t Solve Terrorism… and What Will

The Times of Israel published my new article “Why a Death Penalty for Terrorists Won’t Solve Terrorism… and What Will
The death penalty for terrorists law being promoted in Israel by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman once again highlights an issue at the center of a tug-of-war, showing the inability of the Israeli people to unify on a specific stance. Arguments for and against the law have flooded the Israeli press on whether it would really deter terrorists, and what it would mean for Jews.
At face value, the Talmud justifies the death penalty for a person who acts with an intention to kill another person: “If someone comes to kill you, rise early and kill him first” (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 72:1). This law is no different for a terrorist as it is for any person making a move to murder another person.
However, whether or not the death penalty will pass in Israel will not influence the problem of terrorism at its root. The whole discourse around the topic is like discussing whether chemotherapy or natural treatments are better for treating cancer: you will always get a different opinion depending on who you ask, and the entire discussion doesn’t deal with analyzing the problem, and its solution, from its causal basis.
Therefore, I have no interest in meddling with the laws of the State of Israel, which are based on laws from the time of the British Mandate and also slightly earlier. If the State of Israel and the Jewish people really wanted to solve terrorism, then we would need to reach further back into our roots, to understand what makes us a Jewish people to begin with, and what laws we followed when we first became a Jewish people. Then, we might learn something about the laws that would have the power to completely uproot the problem of terrorism.
How to Override State Laws With Nature’s Laws: A Primer for the People of Israel
What makes us a Jewish people is the tendency to unite (the Hebrew word for “Jew” [Yehudi] comes from the word for “united” [yihudi] [Yaarot Devash, Part 2, Drush no. 2]). Our ancestors realized this tendency back in the time when Abraham founded groups not according to State laws, but according to nature’s laws. While the ancient Babylonian society was crumbling into devastating levels of social division around him, Abraham refused to accept the divisive norm of the day. Instead, he dedicated his life to a process of self-discovery and the research of nature and the system of creation. Through his research, he discovered how nature’s most fundamental laws are of love, giving, kindness and unity. Moreover, he found how these laws operate on reality’s every element, and gathered individuals who also sought better lives, formed groups out of them, and guided them on how to realize nature’s laws of love and unity in social relations. That group became known as “the Jews.”
As a united Jewish people, we enjoyed times of happiness and prosperity during the times of the First and Second Temple. Over time, however, human egoism evolved to a new level in humanity, including the Jewish people. It drove us apart and we became remote from our accordance with nature’s laws of unity. Ultimately, we replaced following nature’s laws with following man-made State laws.
Egoism makes us consider personal benefit as having greater importance than benefiting others and the whole society we exist in. If we don’t apply ourselves to unite above our natural egoistic tendency, then we build our lives more and more in a way that is opposite to nature. Terrorism is just one of the obvious ways in which our world today shows us the outcome of our natural, egoistic development over thousands of years.
We have sliced up humanity into myriad segments, sub-segments and sub-sub-segments. We value individuality over integrality, and the personal success of unique individuals or select groups over the collective success of society as a whole. This is opposite to how nature works. Nature views the planet and all its inhabitants as a single system, placing equal importance on all its parts. It is akin to cells and organs of a human body all playing a vital role in the health, sustenance and functioning of the entire body.
Our increasingly egoistic and separated approach from nature not only divides us as a people, it is the cause for every misfortune and pain in humanity. As with the example of the human body, when a certain cell or group of cells start receiving more than what they need on account of other cells, it is considered as cancerous growth. Our emphasis on self-benefit over benefiting human society as a whole separates us from identifying with and following nature’s laws of love and unity, and makes us succumb to following our man-made State laws instead. Then, the more problems surface worldwide on personal, social and global scales, the more we have to revise our man-made laws, like how we continually need to revise our medicines for treating new epidemics.
Therefore, if we approach the diagnosis and cure of the world’s many problems, including terrorism, at their source—our separation from following nature’s laws of unity—then by learning what nature’s laws are, and how we can observe them, we could pave the path to a harmonious and unified society, in balance with nature.
The Resurgence of the Method for the Discovery and Application of Nature’s Laws
The method for the discovery and application of these laws is the same method Abraham developed, the wisdom of Kabbalah. Today, this method is undergoing a modern resurgence as thousands of people worldwide, who feel the world’s current paths are leading to dead ends, start regularly gathering to discover their long-lost connection with nature, and revitalize the sense of purpose, love, unity and closeness with nature that Abraham’s group once pioneered.
Using this method, this worldwide group has become a research lab of a society based on the discovery and application of nature’s laws. If there are strong, united ties in social relations propelled by the continual learning, encouragement and promotion of pro-social values, such as unity, love, giving, mutual consideration and kindness, then negative egoistic phenomena won’t have a chance to surface. For instance, punishment would not surface as we know it in our world today, as a penalty for an offence that was done. Punishment would be felt as an inner sensation within the person, when the egoistic inclination grasps the person’s desires and thoughts with its demand for personal fulfillment on account of others.
In a society functioning according to nature’s laws, each person would have the necessary grounding, tools and supportive social environment to work with their egoistic, criminal inclinations before they materialize. Likewise, a person would be able to apply punishments, including even a “death penalty” to his own egoistic inclinations, as he would not want to harm the social atmosphere. In the Kabbalah method, such a version of punishment is called a “correction” of our nature. These corrections bring us closer and closer to the opening of a new, expansive nature where threads of love, unity and consideration bind us together.
Other than the above-mentioned times of the First and Second Temples, we have never created this kind of social atmosphere, and today our egoism runs rampant in society. As its effects of growing social division, Nazi, fascist and xenophobic tendencies, and terrorism flare up, we can either continue trying to create different kinds of band-aids and plaster them all over the place, or we can start aligning ourselves with nature’s laws and treat these problems and others at their root.
It is my hope that we will discover this positive social atmosphere that aspires to balance with nature’s laws sooner than later. The worldwide group now working on implementing this method is open for everyone to join, and already in its early stages, people immediately vouch for wondrous new sensations and perceptions that open up to them as a result of even minutely making tiny efforts towards connection and love in a society that upholds those values. It is also my hope that human society will discover the splendor of living according to nature’s laws, and that it happens sooner, through learning and encouragement, rather than later, through pains and sorrows.

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