Thursday, October 20, 2016

“Able-Bodied Workers Are Less Likely To Work”

laitman_926_02In The News (Russian Bazaar): “One of every three and a half Americans at an age when they are capable of work who were born in the territory of the United States are living at the expense of relatives and from government assistance grants. This shocking conclusion was made by analysts of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) on the basis of new statistics by the Census Bureau (Census Bureau) and the Department of Labor (DOL).
“The increase in the number of unemployed Americans – one more consequence of the disappearing middle class, which during the reign of Barak Obama fell to a record 47% – 49%.
“Unemployed citizens were more likely to admit that the being poor today can be more profitable than the working taxpayer. …
“ If even a decade ago to be a representative of the middle class was prestigious, but now the poor are much more than the middle class.
“The conscious transition to the ranks of the poor is observed throughout America”.
My Comment: The world is advancing toward the end of its egoistic development and toward passage to the level of integral development, the development of an internal connection between individual people to the full feeling of all of us as one whole.
The need for superfluous work is disappearing. We will manufacture only what is imperative for our existence. We will invest all of our time and energy in the creation of integral connections among us from a desire and yearning (Achishena – I will hasten it) or from compulsion through suffering (Beito – in its time).

“The Collapse of the UN Security Council“

Laitman_120In the News (The National Interest): ”Although the 2016 U.N. meetings seem quite similar compared to others held over the last several years, this week’s debate comes at a time when the international community is inundated with problems in virtually every region of the world. With the exception of a landmark peace agreement that ended five decades of conflict in Colombia, every region is experiencing some degree of threat that could spiral to a whole new level if the international community as a whole and regional governments in particular are unable to find a way to address them. The list is endless and depressing: a humanitarian abomination in Syria and daily terrorist attacks in Iraq; the rise of anti-immigration parties in Europe and the biggest challenge to the EU since its foundation; a North Korea on a full tear towards a permanent nuclear weapons capability; Russia flexing its military and diplomatic muscle in the former Soviet Union; and China increasingly carving out more territory for itself in the South China Sea.
“The United Nations was created nearly seventy years ago to ensure that crises that pop up around the world are either mitigated to the greatest possible extent or are solved in a way that doesn’t promote further conflict. After tens of millions of people perished in World War II, the last thing the world wanted was a return to a full-scale armed conflict that produced nothing but more death and societal destruction. At the top of the U.N. pyramid, of course, is the Security Council — a body of the world’s most geopolitically vibrant countries, each with a veto, responsible for the ‘maintenance of international peace and security’ in global politics. If an armed conflict, a natural disaster, an atrocity committed by a government, or a nuclear weapons breakout occurred somewhere around the world, it is up to the Security Council to determine the best course of action in a unified and collective way. And in theory, every U.N. member state is required to uphold the council’s decisions.
“Today, it isn’t a stretch to say that the Security Council is not living up to those obligations. Indeed, what was originally thought to be a body where conciliation and unity between the world’s major powers would avert further war has changed into a forum that resembles a meaningless debating society. But what’s even worse than a meaningless debating society is one whose membership is composed of highly antagonistic actors constantly at each other’s throats regardless of the issue.”
My Comment: The United Nations and the Security Council of the United Nations are a reflection of the general state of the world. Moreover, the member nations of the Security Council are already in a state of open warfare. So it only remains to make this a reality. It is doubtful if after that a place will remain for the existence of the United Nations.
There must be a higher decision to seat all the permanent members of the United Nations in a “circle” and begin to arrange a study with them according to the method of connection and unity. It will be before or after the Third World War, but this will inevitably happen!

“Once Again A Storm Is Again Approaching The US Economy”

400Opinion (Basil Koltashov, Head of Center for Economic Research Institute of Globalization and Social Movements ): “In the years 2015-2016, we buried many hopes and illusions. …
“The US economy is in a bubble. The bubble has debt already exceeding 100% of GDP.
“This bubble exists in the banking system where the situation seems stable only because of the Fed’s supercheap money. The bubble can also been seen in the housing market. And it is also in the stock market.
“The is a whole set of reasons for the 2008 crisis, but the situation is only under control for the meantime. …
“Of course, you can still talk about the strength of the US economy – the economy is high, the country is rich in resources, industry, agriculture and the development of technology. But there is no clarity with the prospects. Moreover, once again the storm is coming.”
My Comment: All of this is clear. It is just not clear how to awaken the sleeping brain of humanity to recognize the real and true danger and to become aware of a realistic solution.

New Life #438 – Yom Kippur

New Life #438 – Yom Kippur
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What is the spiritual meaning of the Yom Kippur customs and how do they awaken us to scrutinize our internal desires and intentions in our attitude to others, to connection, and to true love?
Almost everyone goes to the synagogue on Yom Kippur. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, Yom Kippur is a very special state in the cycle of the year for a person who develops spiritually.
We are used to examining our actions, but we should also examine our intentions, especially with regard to others: Where do I stand with regard to the upper force whose nature is love and bestowal? The examination, just like an X-ray of the intention of the heart, is done by the Light that comes from studying Kabbalah.
The Ten Days of Penitence are ten X-rays of the heart, which show where I am for my own sake and where I am for the sake of others.
The Torah requires a person to correct his heart. Nature, God, examines only the intention in the heart. The fasting symbolizes the need to first stop receiving for only my own sake, restriction. Then we can bestow. We learn from the story of the prophet Jonah that we have to put ourselves aside and act for the sake of others. A person cannot turn to the Creator if there are people he has hurt in the world.
True reconciliation with others is not that they should forgive you, but that you should build in your heart whole love for them.
From KabTV’s “New Life #438 – Yom Kippur,” 9/30/14
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Night Is The Beginning Of A New Degree

Dr. Michael LaitmanТоrah, Deuteronomy 11:16: Beware, lest your heart be misled, and you turn away and worship strange gods and prostrate yourselves before them. When a person gets another revelation of a new egoism, a new degree, it is always revealed as an evil, in the uncorrected form, because all the degrees are parts of the broken Kli, the vessel of the shattered soul.
The uncorrected state is represented by evening, night, and darkness. Then the day comes, the correction and reception of the Light into the corrected state. Therefore, when a person goes through these states and succeeds in something, a new degree appears in front of him immediately and his egoism tells him, “Well done, you corrected yourself! You can do it alone.”
It turns out that then it is very difficult to adapt to the next degree correctly and start working with it. The “snake,” a person’s “I,” rises in him again, either from a bad or a good side, but always it.
Question: When his “I” manifests in him, can we consider it as a sign of the next degree?
Answer: Naturally, because everything starts with the night, but how hard it is for us to understand that this is a beginning of the next degree.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/15/16

New Life #437 – The Ten Days Of Repentance

New Life #437 – The Ten Days Of Repentance
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
What is the meaning of the Ten Days of Repentance? How do they direct us toward our personal and social development and how do connection workshops help us do so according to the wisdom of Kabbalah?
The wiser and more sensitive a person becomes, the more he sees what he has to correct internally. Identifying as many flaws as possible is the first step toward correction. Just like in a medical diagnosis, I examine what is flawed in me with regard to the goal of my development, which is to be as one man in one heart.
When we begin to examine our attitude toward others, we discover a system called TenSefirot between us. On Rosh HaShanah I decide to correct it, and during the ten days of repentance I examine exactly what needs to be corrected.
The repentance reveals ten desires in me, which I have to change from for my own sake to the sake of others. This is called performing a Mitzva, a commandment of the general plan of nature, of God. The ten days of repentance symbolize the ten groups of desires that I have to sort out, the ten Sefirot.
The ten days of repentance are establishing a plan for correcting the evil in me. This requires inspiration from above. Such introspection doesn’t require great wisdom or academic knowledge. It is done in a group. While working in a group, sitting in a circle with ten people, we develop the right attitude toward others.
This process of self-correction can be done any day of the year and not only during the ten days of penitence.
During the ten days of repentance we clarify which desires can be used for the sake of others and which cannot. It is a closed system. Everything a person takes for himself beyond what he actually needs is at the expense of others. At the end of the ten days of repentance, a person discovers that all his actions are only for his own sake and begins the corrections.
From KabTV’s “New Life #437 – Holidays: The Ten Days Of Penitence,” 9/28/14
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Union With All Levels of Nature

laitman_929Question: To what degree should our ego develop to reach discovery of the Creator?
Answer: Our ego needs to be developed to the point where it covers the whole world. In other words, I connect with everything in this world—inanimate, vegetative, animals, and human beings—and absorb their egosim, their characteristics, within me, and correct them within me.
This is a state where I see that the whole world is just a projection of my uncorrected internal characteristics, and when I correct them, they are already in me.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/1/16

How Can We Overcome The Crisis Of Confidence?

laitman_629_3Question: What actions of unity can help us overcome the crisis of confidence?
Answer: Today the crisis of confidence grips everyone in the world feels a crisis of confidence: there is no trust in the family, between parents and children, between citizens and their state, and all the more so between different states and different peoples. We are detached from one another and divided because our egosim is continuously growing.
Our world was created by one attribute only, which is egoism, and we have to add the other attribute, altruism, by ourselves in order to balance the attribute of egoism. We have to insert the attribute of love and bestowal into this world so that it will stand against egoism.
But we don’t do that, and so the process of people drawing further away from each other continues in the family, in society, everywhere. What can we do about it? The only thing we can do is to begin to draw the good force, which is concealed in nature, unto us.
The good force is called the Creator or the Light, and we must draw it. Our future and the future of our children depend on it. Let’s try to do it! The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us how we can implement it.
We need to adapt this wisdom properly, adapt it to our times, and convey it in a clear manner to ourselves and then to others. Then we will succeed and the crisis of confidence will disappear.
This will happen only when, precisely because this crisis, we have to attract the Upper Light that will balance our evil inclination, and we will eventually be able to connect to each other. Moreover, we will feel united in one desire.
The Creator created one desire, and then the ego shattered, severed us in this desire, and divided it into countless pieces. And now, where egoism reigns between us,it is necessary to cover it with good, mutual rapprochement, mutual bestowal, and even love. This is our task.
Then our tiny souls, which are divided by egoism, will be covered with a good mutual connection. This “sandwich”—huge ego inside and great, mighty altruism above it, love and bestowal—will give us great power to attain the Creator. We will penetrate its depth and achieve attainment, expansion, eternity, and perfection.
All of this is meant for us and will be ours. But we must strive for it.
Question: This type of work is basically not done in one hour. Will we have to continuously build small bridges of love over our egoism that is continually growing?
Answer: There is nothing to worry about. Many Kabbalists attained the peak of the end of correction, and we are in a position where we are able to do it—nothing is unattainable.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/8/16

On The Spiritual Map of the World

laitman_254_03Question: Perhaps for the correct prayer we lack the desires of the lower ones?
Answer: Certainly. I stay in contact with all groups in the world. This is a broad geography covering practically all the territory of South and North America, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, European groups, and groups from Africa.
We have to be in contact with one another because the lack of the outer desire relative to every ten limits it and it does not feel the ability to advance further.
I purposefully try to be in some connection with everyone as much as my time allows me. After all, I don’t have more time than anyone else does, but I try to absorb desires, sufferings, and the doubts of the groups.
I do not attempt to enter someone’s private life. It does not give anything. In spirituality, one can sense only the common state of the group, its common opinion, and its aspirations. This is what becomes inscribed on the spiritual map!
However, if it is not a group, not an assembly of at least a few people, I am not interested in them even if they are some great individuals. I do not become included in them because their desires do not exist in the spiritual world.
From the Convention in Moscow, Day One, Lesson 3, 5/2/16

Revenging My Egoism

laitman_221Question: Where does the feeling of revenge come from?
Answer: It is a very sharp strong impulse common to all. Revenge can torture a person to satisfy all his needs. A person is even ready to die for revenge. It’s a terrible feeling of egoism, called defeat, a blow to his “I”.
Question: What do you advise us to do in this situation?
Answer: A person is given a wonderful opportunity here to revenge his own egoism, which generates this attribute in him. When the feeling of revenge is ignited in a person he has to think about how he can direct it to the correction of the general system and how not to harm himself and others at the same time. In other words, we have to understand correctly the circumstances under which all the attributes appear in us, both the positive and the negative ones.
Question: Suppose a certain person harms my family and the feeling that I have to take revenge rises in me, of course. Do I have to revenge myself now, my egoism? Why do I have to start working with my egoism when someone harms my family? What has my egoism have to do with it?
Answer: Your family is also your ego, which means that the person who has caused harm to your family has harmed your ego in some way, yourself. You have to be grateful to your egoism for having hurt yourself so that you can see to what extent you are hurt by his belittling attitude toward you. You can now rise above your egoism and think how to behave properly.
Question: What should a person do if it is about a vendetta, when someone in the family is killed?
Answer: You should still work on correcting your deficiencies that have been revealed to you this way by the upper leadership. We actually don’t receive anything from other people but only from the Creator, “there is none else besides Him.” This is the reason we have to think about how we can restore the mutual relations with the Creator who operates on us this way through another person, who in this case, is an angel. We have to see everything as an invitation from the Creator and to respond to it correctly. There are not people in our world; there are puppets on strings who act before us in a play through which we have to see the leading director. If you continue to get back at a person, you enter the play this way and become a puppet on a string too.
Question: Do thoughts about revenge torment only me or the one they are directed at as well?
Answer: It makes no difference. We shouldn’t assess different events in our life this way. On the contrary, we should keep in mind that we are being played with through the general problems in the world. We have to respond to them correctly and instead of getting back at someone, we should look for contact with the upper leadership. It makes no difference who or what it is, whether it is an empty space, or even an insect through which the Creator irritates us. Everything is only an indication that we have to find how to be in contact with the Creator. It has nothing to do with anyone else. We have to ascend above such people. I understand that it isn’t always easy and that we are in special, serious mutual relationships. When taking revenge, I work only with myself, and here I have no rivals but the Creator.
Question: Do I have to take revenge quickly so as not to torture myself or think about it all the time and then I can work out my relations with the Creator?
Answer: On the contrary, your thoughts about it are also a correction. You should see the world correctly, and not the opposite world.
Comment: But it isn’t easy.
Answer: What is most important is to reach the state that “there is none else besides Him,” the one force that manages and operates everyone to bring us to the goal of creation. Therefore, He is the only one I deal with. All the others are those through which he bestows unto me. The goal is to ascend above our ego, above the self that rages inside of us. This is of course impossible without the right environment that supports and directs us.
Question: Can one person overcome such strong emotions that arise with regard to another?
Answer: According to the wisdom of Kabbalah: hate, lust, and envy, despite being terrible emotions, are actually the most blessed emotions, which can lead to a great correction.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/1/16

“Europe During A Difficult Period In Its History”

Laitman_419In the News (cursorinfo): “Europe is experiencing the most difficult period in its history, says Sylvie Kauffmann, a regular contributor to Le Monde. …
“’For a few months the crisis of migrants has led to profound transformations in Europe, even deeper than the euro crisis. The first shock for Europe has become a new division between East and West. The attempt in the name of solidarity, but without pre-treatment to force member countries to quotas of migrant distribution, exposed the chasm that exists between the old democracies of the West and the young post-communist regimes in Central Europe’ – the article says. ‘The categorical refusal of many of these countries to accept the Muslim refugees imposed on them has led to a failure of the front (second shock ), which coincided with an increase in the number of political practices, perceived in the West as anti-democratic.‘
“‘The third shock was the moral EU defeat’ – continues the journalist – Europe has always declared its fundamental values:. Tolerance, Human Rights, Diversity, Tolerance, which fell under the pressure of national-populist movements that flourished in apid color due to the crisis of migrants …’
“”The fourth shock is paradoxical. … says Kaufmann. – ‘The crisis with migrants It showed that the space for free movement can not operate in the EU… Leger understand the resistance of some countries, but it is sure that ‘there is no other way out.’”
My Comment: There is another way out, and in general, there is only one: trueintegration. But this approach requires a change in attitude toward the world and the meaning of life.
The question is: “Are the people in the European Union ready to hear this or are they completely controlled by the bourgeois elite who don’t value anything but material gain even under threat of its and the world’s extinction? And yes, does the European Union have the power to impose its will on everyone?
A group of Kabbalists could initiate the change.

New Life #434 – The Meaning Of Israeli Holidays

New Life #434 – The Meaning Of Israeli Holidays
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What are the spiritual meanings of the holidays of Israel, how are they connected to realizing the goal of our lives, and what is the difference between them and the holidays of other nations?
Abraham studied the trend of developmental in ancient Babylon. He understood that everything advances toward connection. Abraham discovered that humanity must come to identity with nature, balancing and harmonizing with it. To be balanced with nature, we need to understand this enormous system. It is profound.
Abraham discovered the law by which all of reality evolves toward general unity, and humanity is a part of this. The process of rapprochement of mankind’s union has steps, such as during the course of human life. The connection is expressed in “What is hateful to you, do not do to your friend” (Shabbat 31a), and after that, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). Abraham told this to the Babylonians. Most of them didn’t want to hear it. Tens of thousands followed him to love of others. The stages of development on the way to connection can be given the name, “The Annual Cycle.” It repeats on every level.
It follows that the holidays of Israel are spiritual and not a commemoration of historical dates as with other nations. The holidays of Israel are determined by nature as states of development on the way toward complete connection.
  • From the start, we are within the connection and harmony of nature in an opposite state of division and destruction. It is necessary to do some soul-searching. This is called the month of Elul.
  • Crowning the power that connects all parts of nature—to rule over us: Rosh HaShanah
  • Connecting all of humanity to this, not just us the people of Israel—Yom Kippur—the reading of the book of Jonah.
  • On Sukkot: we connect the four species together, corresponding to the four stages of correction of the egoism that separates us.
  • Simchat Torah (Rejoicing of the Torah)—we are happy that the upper force connects us.
    Hanukkah–a spiritual holiday above the ego.
  • Purim—we correct the entire ego, all of the bad tendencies that were in us, and we can celebrate.
  • Pesach (Passover)—symbolizes how we always depart from the slavery of egoism to freedom.
    Counting the Omer —we count how many of our desires we have already corrected.
  • Shavuot—the giving of the Torah, the power of correction. Through the Torah we build ourselves, but we cannot hold onto this and shatter.
  • Tisha B’Av—from this we learn the depth to which we truly must correct ourselves through complete connection.
    From KabTV’s “New Life #434 – The Meaning Of Israeli Holidays,” 3/16/14
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Stipend For People Who Are Replaced By Robots

laitman_552_03In the News ( “There’s nothing new about worrying that machines will take our jobs. …
“According to a Pew Internet Survey released last week, more than two-thirds of Americans think that within 50 years, most jobs will be done by robots or computers—although the vast majority conveniently thought that won’t happen with their own jobs.
“No matter how this plays out, it’s pretty clear that machines will be handling more and more work, particularly now that increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence is enabling them to take on mental task too. And that is raising a big question: When machines dominate the work world, what are all the people they replace going to do for money?
“Remarkably, one idea starting to gain traction is known as universal basic income (UBI). It’s a simple, if somewhat radical concept—each citizen of a country would receive a monthly check from the government, no matter how much money you make and without any strings attached. …
“The truth is that no one knows how people will respond.”
My Comment: I believe that without general education, people will deteriorate in every possible way. Not securing your own food is the most unnatural situation in material existence.
In such cases in wealthy families, there is compulsory education, a system of strict education and work. How will this work according to the desire of the masses?
Kabbalah believes that general information and education that leads to connection and unity with nature and society into a single whole are obligatory throughout a person’s life. This is a compulsory process which society, the nation, and especially the United Nations must take upon themselves; because it is specifically with this that they should be involved.

“Italy: Banking Crisis Or Euro Crisis?”

laitman_220In the News (Social Europe): “Italy is once again in the spotlight. As its banking system undergoes a slow-motion implosion – the country’s banks are weighed down by €360 billion of bad loans, of which €200bn are deemed insolvent …a last-minute quick fix that would temporarily appease market tensions but would do very little to address the underlying cause of the banking sector’s systemic stress: the unprecedented collapse that the Italian economy has suffered over the past 5-6 years. …
“The crisis is ‘the consequence of the longest and deepest recession in Italy’s history’, as the governor of the Italian central bank, Ignazio Visco, recently stated. As financial journalist Matthew Lynn writes: ‘Italy doesn’t have a banking crisis; it has a euro crisis’.
In macroeconomic terms, Italy has been the hardest hit country in the eurozone after Greece. … around 20 per cent of Italy’s industrial capacity has now been destroyed. …
“This is not just an Italian problem: the ECB’s recent stress tests have revealed that the banks with the largest capital shortfalls are all located in periphery countries. According to a recent study, for the EU as a whole, non-performing loans (NPLs) stood at over 9 per cent of GDP at the end of 2014 – equivalent to €1.2 trillion, more than double the level in 2009.
“Now, after years of muddling through, the situation has finally exploded in the Italian government’s face. The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back was the British referendum, which caused Italian bank stocks, which had been sliding for quite some time, to collapse to their lowest level in years. …
“The European Commission and core countries – most notably Germany and the Netherlands – insist that Rome must stick by the rules and enforce a bail-in of junior creditors before resorting to a bailout. The government categorically refuses to do so and has insisted on being allowed to bail out the banks – a position backed by the ECB – while engaging in a wider battle against the current set-up of the banking union. Mr Visco, for example, has recently stated that that the current bail-in rules are exacerbating the Italian banking crisis rather than alleviating it. …
“Now, it would be easy to classify this as a classic example of Italian dodginess… . And one would be justified for doing so. But this doesn’t change the fact that the bail-in rule is making things worse for the weaker banking sectors of the union – and for Italy’s banking sector in particular. And that is because enforcing the bail-in rule across the board, making it mandatory, as the banking union does – regardless of the nature of the banks’ problems, of the wider macroeconomic context of a country, etc. – clearly penalises the weaker capitals of the union (the ones located in the periphery) vis-à-vis the stronger ones (the ones located in the core countries), potentially leading to a foreign takeover of the former by the latter, thus exacerbating, rather than reducing, the core-periphery imbalances.”
My Comment: It is basically impossible to integrate something partially! Because every integral system (an interconnected unit) is totally interdependent. And if it is partly dependent, in conditions of the development of the world and society toward complete integration according to the laws of nature, partial dependency will only continually initiate more and more problems in communication in order to reveal its partial connection.
But it is dangerous to destroy this partial connection, because even the destruction of bad ties will unbalance the system and disrupt its partial operation, and so in the long run, the problem will be resolved either by accepting the right method of connection and unity (on the level of re-education of the participants) or by a world war.

“As The Stars Of Heaven In Abundance”

laitman_749_01Torah, Deuteronomy 10:22: With seventy souls, your forefathers descended to Egypt, and now the Lord, your God, has made you as the stars of heaven in abundance.
When the sons of Israel descended to Egypt, they were just seventy souls. It means that it was the whole Partzuf, but in a state of smallness (VAK): Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzah, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut, and seven times ten equals seventy people.
The Partzuf lacked the “head,” meaning the huge desire of Pharaoh that was acquired in Egypt, and therefore, after exiting Egypt, they were able to assemble themselves into a complete soul. Pharaoh added desire to them by making them work very hard. They began to think about their purpose, what to do with themselves and how to connect above the growing egoism. Serious squabbles and quarrels began between them in Egypt. Pharaoh was constantly between them. The egoistic force grew, pushing them away from each other. Thus, a hopeless state was created, and they were forced to move closer to each other.
While trying to connect, they eventually understood that in Egypt they wouldn’t be able to get close to each other and get out of their egoism. Therefore, they had to rise above Pharaoh, that is, to escape from Egypt.
Question: Did the sons of Israel increase quantitatively and become numerous precisely because the egoism grew?
Answer: The Torah never refers to a quantitative addition, but only to the quality of thePartzuf: a small soul at first, then a little bigger, and then even bigger. It doesn’t depend on the quantity of the elements, but on the power of egoism that was collected in it. This is called that the Partzuf now has a head.
Question: The head that is added to VAK is the appearance of Moses?
Answer: Yes, slowly the need for him develops in the people of Israel. There is nothing artificial here. They grow gradually until Moses appears among them. And he appears suddenly, when there is no special need for him.
He emerges between two lines, right and left, between Pharaoh and the Creator, as someone able to lead all the other desires.
From Kab TV “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/1/16

Monday, October 17, 2016

How Does The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Influence Life In This World?

laitman_281_02Question: How will studying the wisdom of Kabbalah influence life in this world?
Answer: The moment we begin to study the wisdom of Kabbalah, life in this world begins to change for the better.
It may take a long time until our studying and our desire influences the higher management system and a response from it reaches us. A specific pause is created that can go on for months or even longer.
So, the main thing is not to despair and to understand that we have no other way in the world. It is up to a person to try to do this now. Otherwise, he will regret it in the future.
Years will go by, and then he must return to this life, to this world in which there is nothing good. But, it will be up to him to be born again and tolerate it until he reaches a state in one of his future incarnations where he will succeed in correcting himself.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/8/16

Who Knows All Of The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

laitman_214Question: Is there any Kabbalist who can say that he knows the entire wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: There were very many Kabbalists who attained this state.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is knowledge of the system of the management of our world, or as Baal HaSulam writes, the method for revealing theCreator to the creature in our world. Therefore, in any case, every person will be obligated to attain all of the knowledge of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/8/16

Moving Away From The Source Of Goodness

 Question: The wisdom of Kabbalah is a science about receiving higher pleasure, but you say that the truth is attained through suffering. How can this be true? Are we destined to suffer?
Answer: Nobody is destined to suffer. On the contrary, the wisdom of Kabbalah is a science through which we attain the upper force from which only goodness is derived. But to feel this good, it is first necessary to experience the opposite feeling. We don’t need to immerse ourselves in suffering to do this. Just understanding its origin is enough for us. This is a huge difference.
I suffer from being far from the origin of goodness, and goodness is attained only within it. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, suffering is not felt as it is felt in the physical world, as a lack of fulfillment. Instead, it is a lack of the possibility of bestowing, like a cow suffers when she wants to nurse a calf, when she is bursting with an abndance of milk.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/15/16

Gather The Parts Of The Collective Soul

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How is it that when working in a circle, in a workshop, in a group of ten, I begin to feel a connection with the entire world soul, with people I don’t know?
Answer: The Creator created one big desire and then broke it into pieces.
In other words, the only desire that was created was shattered into billions of fragments under the influence of what is called the sin of Adam, because Adam introduced egoism into this desire. As a result, the connection between the parts of the general desire stopped, and each individual desire stopped feeling all the rest. To be more precise, it felt them, but wanted to use them for itself only.

The general desire to receive is called, “Adam” or “Adam HaRishon” (the First Man), or the “soul.” After the Shevira (breaking), the collective soul was divided into a multitude of individual souls.
Then, the individual souls fell even lower. In each one of them remained a small point called “Keter,” which is the beginning of a future soul. These points or sparks that remained unbroken, draw us toward reconnection in order to discover the Creator.
When they are ignited within us, we long to discover the entire system of the Creator. This is revealed in us as a longing to attain the meaning of life, and we find ourselves in some group.
A group is a certain part of all the individual souls that must now reach correction. People gather together into one group, without knowing why themselves, and begin to work on themselves in groups of ten, to transform the group of ten into one unit, one common whole. The moment that they attain this, they immediately begin to feel the Creator.
This is what we must do. So in every place, wherever it may be, you must find friends with whom you will learn to create among you a single whole according to the method of the wisdom of Kabbalah. Then you will feel the upper world, meaning you will restore the connection between you called 10 Sefirot, a Partzuf, or a soul.
Through this structure, you will be able to feel the upper world clearly. “Soul,” “Upper World,” and “Creator” are the same thing; it depends on how we scrutinize this discovery.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/8/16

Responding To Negative Attitudes

Laitman_506_5Question: Should you treat a person the same way he treats you?
Answer: Under no circumstances should you respond to someone’s negative attitude toward you in the same way! On the contrary, you should display the right attitude toward him and purposefully exaggerate your positive attitude toward him.
If he responds correctly, it is good. If not, break away from him. This indicates that he cannot understand and appreciate correctly your attitude toward him yet.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/1/16

New Life #485 – A Wisdom That Guarantees Success In Life

New Life #485 – A Wisdom That Guarantees Success In Life
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Question: Only two groups of people are interested in the Creator: religious people or great scientists: naturalists, people like Einstein, who try to know if there is an upper force and want to find it. But as for the rest, the Creator doesn’t interest them at all. How does He affect an ordinary person’s daily life?
Answer: This question has nothing to do with whether a person is religious or not. A person lives and goes through different phases of development along with all of humanity. If he discovers and knows the laws according to which he  and humanity evolves, he will be able to lead his life in a better way.
By knowing what awaits him in a day or two, where everything is going and advancing, he will be able to manage better. Suppose you want to know what profession is better for your son? Everything will be clear: how to study, what to study, what is better to buy. You will know everything in advance because you will discover the general plan according to which you develop, and you will flow with it.
Therefore the revelation of the Creator is necessary for each person. We experience so many disappointments and failures today because we act blindly. All of humanity—with all the advanced technology we have, with the sufferings we have undergone, and the great bitter experience we have accumulated—acts blindly because it doesn’t know nature’s plan.
No one is asking us to bow to the upper force like in religion. We have to discover it and get to know it in order to ease our lives and to prepare our children for a better life. Otherwise, life will become increasingly worse from one generation to the next.
There is no doubt that our children’s lives will be worse than ours. Fifty or sixty years ago we thought that life would only get better with time, that humanity would reach new discoveries and achievements, that there would be no more wars, and that the world would be a wonderful place. Suddenly we see that it is exactly the opposite.
Attaining the Creator is attaining nature, attaining the general plan. It opens our eyes and allows us to see what kind of world we are actually living in, who manages it, and the network we are in. All this helps us become more successful, which is what is needed by humanity today because it is suffering.
We feel that we are increasingly more interconnected by global ties, and we don’t know how to break free. The EU now wants to break apart after all the unsuccessful attempts to unite, but the countries involved will be badly affected by this. And all this is because they don’t know how to unite correctly so that everyone will feel good.
The plan of how to connect to the good is called the wisdom of Kabbalah. I advise everyone to study it.Everyone wants to succeed in life and the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to do so. And it will be a complete success, not harming anyone, not like today, when we are successful at the expense of the failure of everyone else.
The Chosen People are the people who have the plan of correction, and we must recognize it. What is more, we are the chosen people because we have to draw all of humanity to this plan, and as long as we don’t do it, we will be hated and increasingly greater pressure will be put on us. The global pressure has just begun.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is intended for the most ordinary people and has nothing to do with religion: not with Judaism, Christianity, Islam, any Eastern faith, or any mysticism. It is only about the revelation of the upper force to every man.
Thanks to this revelation, a person will not go wrong in his life. In addition, he will begin to discover the upper dimension and will realize that our life isn’t over when the corporeal body dies. What is the point of an existence that is limited to several decades that is undergone in pain and wars.
The meaning of this life is to rise to the next level during our lifetime. This isn’t a level of the physical world anymore but a new level of consciousness, a new level of feelings. We ascend to another dimension and discover new horizons, a new world.
This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah invites everyone to, and this is what the revelation of the upper force, the attainment of the Creator, the revelation of eternity, and the perfection in nature is about.
From KabTV’s “New Life #485 – A Wisdom That Guarantees Success In Life,” 12/28/14
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