Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ordinary Stones Of The Holy City

Laitman_421_01Question: All three religions consider Jerusalem as a holy city. Why is there a very special attitude to this city as if it connects a person with the upper force?
Answer: “Jerusalem” means “perfect city.” It is a spiritual concept that does not add holiness to the material city and its stones.
While the human being is made very complex, he is strongly influenced by the force of simple human faith, the power of placebo, his beliefs. Thus, arriving in Jerusalem, people feel that this is a special place.
But this is a special holy place created by people themselves by their attitude to this city, but the material city has no holiness. All the differences between geographic locations are in their spiritual roots.
It is written in the book of the great Kabbalist Ari, The Tree of Life, that the whole land is divided into areas according to special spiritual powers that affect them: Jerusalem, the land of Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Babylon, and all other countries of the world.
This refers to the spiritual roots, but there is no difference in physical stones. But people who live in this world are impressed by each other and thus give these these stones, air, and geographical location special designations.
We need to understand that only by rising above these material human experiences will we be able to achieve a true, correct impression that will come from the spiritual property called Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, the Temple, Israel, the nations of the world.
All these are inner properties of the human being; the upper forces that we need to reveal. Then the spiritual Jerusalem will be revealed to us and inside of it the spiritual Temple, which is the “holy of holies,” where we will meet with the upper force.
So, everyone has to come to the reevaluation of the upper force and adhesion to theCreator.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 5/7/15

Everything Is Transient – Only The Relationship With The Eternal Is Eternal

Laitman_631_5Question: Jerusalem is a city of three religions. In Islam, Jerusalem is considered a holy city because according to legend, the Prophet Muhammad miraculously was transported from Mecca to Jerusalem and from there ascended to heaven. Why do all the religions point to Jerusalem?
Answer: All religions speak of the upper force. The difference is that each of them recognizes its own representative of the upper force: Muhammad, Moses, and Jesus. Religions do not argue with each other regarding the upper force; they all agree with the existence of one God.
All disagreements arise with respect to the representative of this upper force and the requirements that it puts before people through its messenger.
Question: How could religion survive for such a long time, millennia?
Answer: Religions exist because a person has no other way of contacting the upper force but through those prophets, everyone of whom is considered a saint in his religion.
A person is clinging to religion, understanding that everything in this world is transient: today exists, and tomorrow does not. Only connection to the Upper Force—eternal and perfect—does not disappear. Every religion teaches us how to behave in order to come, through a particular prophet, a representative of the Upper Force, in contact with it.
The wisdom of Kabbalah does not deal with religions and faiths, which exist in great numbers, in addition to the main three.
Baal HaSulam writes in the article “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose” that the true religion is Kabbalah that reveals the Creator to the human being. And the religions that exist today are just intended to support a person during the time when he develops until he grows out of them and will be able to grasp the overall comprehensive methodology, that is, Kabbalah.
Kabbalah does not belong to any religion: not to Judaism or Christianity or Islam. In it we reach the point where “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people,” and all the nations of the world will come to the Creator.
Therefore, everyone must use the same technique for revealing the Creator to the created beings, not related to any single nation. Abraham is the forefather of all three religions, which therefore are called Abrahamic.
But in fact, the basis of Abraham’s teaching is the wisdom of Kabbalah. Abraham wroteThe Book of Creation, in which he tells how to reveal the upper force, which is hidden from us.
The group of Abraham’s disciples, that later grew and turned into the people of Israel, revealed the upper force. The people of Israel lived in connection with the upper force until the destruction of the Temple. It is written that “They checked from Dan to Beer Sheba … and did not find a baby boy or a baby girl, a man or a woman who were not proficient in laws of impurity and purity.”
Their desires were so corrected that even a child could feel the upper force. There was a time in the history of the nation of Israel until it fell from this high level and found itself in darkness and concealment of the Creator. Then all the religions appeared.
But now we live in a time when all the religions are gradually exposing their emptiness. They are revived for the last time before disappearing completely. We are going to witness major wars within each religion and between them.
This was told by the prophets describing the so-called era of the Messiah in which we find ourselves today. We are faced with a very difficult time until people become completely disappointed in all religions and realize what the only correct actual method is. Kabbalah not only talks about the prophets and their prophecies, but reveals the upper force to man.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 5/7/15

A Patent For Love And Peace At Home

Laitman_183_04Question: You talk so beautifully about unity, but what is one to do if unity doesn’t exist in their own home? I side with leftist political views whereas my husband favors extreme right-wing views. Our conversations about politics lead us to fights all the time. What can be done?
Answer: I think that you, and all the people of Israel, have received the opportunity to correct this situation. As it is said, “…love covereth all transgressions” (Proverbs 10:12). How is it possible to attain peace between us? Peace doesn’t mean that one defeats the other and suppresses him, or convinces him that he was wrong, as we want to do in general.
Peace means that in relationships with another person who is against me heart and soul, in all characteristics and opinions, we reach complete mutuality. This is attained by building a bridge of love between us. And then on the physical plane we are left with contradictions and oppositions, in struggle, resistance and collision with each other, whereas above this, specifically as a counterweight, we build love.
It is necessary to learn how to do this. The main thing is not to be afraid that we have two planes: a lower one in which we contradict and oppose each other absolutely, and a higher one in which we are connected with each other. This is called, “…love covereth all transgressions.” Specifically above all the transgressions and mistakes, no matter how many great contrasts there are between us, we can build a stronger connection of love. One cannot be without the other. Therefore, if we are talking about wholeness, about unity and even about love, this is talking about two planes. It is impossible otherwise. It is possible to build a connection only above all the disturbances, frictions, and differences between us.
So nobody is allowed to demand that the other change. There can be no coercion, neither religious nor secular, from either side and in anything. Each one must remain as he is. If he wants to change, he wants this by himself. And we only need to learn by ourselves and to teach ourselves how to build love as an umbrella that covers us all, even though we oppose each other. And precisely then our love can be permanent, without being transitory, great and flourishing due to the fact that inside rage flames of our opposition to each other.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 5/3/15

At What Age Can One Begin To Study The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

Laitman_083Question: I have read that according to research data certain regions of the brain reach their maximum functioning only at around the age of 50 and the ability to assess the emotional state of other people, which is a measure of wit and wisdom, reaches its peak at about the age of 40-50.
At the same time, there is no specific age in which a person’s reaches the ultimate peak of his cognitive abilities. The structure of the brain constantly changes and certain abilities can grow and become more dominant while another can deteriorate.
As we all know, the speed of data (incoming information perceived) reaches its peak when a person is in his 20’s. Short-term memory is at its peak at about the age of 25 and at about the age of 35 it begins to deteriorate. Isn’t the answer as to why it is forbidden to study the wisdom of Kabbalah before the age of 40 hidden here?
Answer: Correcting our egoistic nature to an altruistic one isn’t a result of understanding the material we study, but only the result of using it correctly in order to correct one’s self as a result of the study with the intention of summoning the special force of correction theSurrounding Light, the Light that Reforms (Ohr Makif).
Summoning the correction of our nature by resembling the Creator is called spiritual work (God’s work, “Avodat Hashem“) or a prayer, a request for correction, raising MAN (Aliyat MAN). Brains and wisdom are a result of our correction by the Light. This is the reason that a person can engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah at any age, as our sages said that during the time of the Temple, that even small will be brought up of the spirit of bestowaland will attain the Creator in infancy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Showing The World Our Bright Faces

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can a person break away from the spiritual path if hispoint in the heart draws him to it?
Answer: The whole generation that came out of Egypt has to die, and only those who are born in the desert reach the land of Israel. They either all die or they are all born as new people when they reach the point of Bina.
Being born as a new people is exposing the points in the heart to the Light so that from it emerges a whole image of man that resembles the Creator. All the others will die, which means all the other attributes in a person. It is just as we see in our world when a thousand come into a room and only one comes out as a teacher.
Question: Now when we engage in dissemination we don’t wait for this point to be revealed in a person, but actually begin to awaken it in him. Is this somewhat aggressive manner justified in your opinion?
Answer: I don’t think that we are aggressive because our primary motive is not to impose our method on anyone, but to identify with his suffering, his deficiencies, and his unfulfilled dreams. We feel sorry and identify with him and begin to realize that the pain and deficiencies he feels are a result of his helplessness and hopelessness.
He doesn’t admit it, but we begin to confess: “There isn’t enough security in my environment. Look at what happens to me, my children, my grandchildren. What is happening with the weather.” He complains about power failures, water shortages,  about the large utility bills he has to pay, etc. He doesn’t forget local politics, global politics, and everything that is on the news, even though it doesn’t concern him.
If we take all that into account, we get the feeling of uselessness, despair, emptiness, and lack of purpose that are subconsciously expressed as complaints about everything. It seems that if he accepts it, then everything will work out, but if he is given a goal and told that nothing comes to an end, that everything has a goal and that everything will be fine, this goal will cover all his complaints.
People don’t die of hunger, of course, but they lack the most basic things. We see that it is impossible to fix anything unless we correct ourselves and begin to connect and think about one another. After all, there is an excess of everything we need in the world, but at the same time, in some countries half of their population is starving and the only reason is that we are not connected.
We mustn’t calm ourselves and say that it will all this will be adjusted in some way. It cannot be! This is the reason that our contact with the world today has become so vital.
The main thing is that the crisis is now evident in every aspect of life. I see how deep it is and it is a very unpleasant feeling because if we look at things objectively, it is like an approaching tsunami that is threatening to wipe us all out. Therefore, it is either facing terrible afflictions that will force us all to correct ourselves or prevent these sufferings with our explanations that will cause people to start correcting themselves before the troubles arrive. Animals can feel an approaching tsunami and escape in advance, but our ego doesn’t let us feel an approaching disaster in advance and deceives us by whispering to us that everything is fine!
Animals cannot survive that way. We are in a worse situation because we are disconnected from nature. In order to merge with nature we have to be in the attribute of bestowal and balance our egoism through this attribute. Only then will we ascend to the level of Moses and will be able to speak with the Creator.
If we connect to nature, we will be able to correctly solve all our problems and advance to goodness. Otherwise our ego will keep on confusing us. We are destroying our life, and the situation is really becoming threatening. I am not trying to scare anyone; everyone already knows all this. People have simply gotten used to the idea that a war may break out and there will be problems, annihilation, and death. We have become apathetic: Let’s live peacefully today, and what comes tomorrow, it doesn’t matter. The world is in a state of absolute helplessness and people cannot do anything with their lives, with mankind, with everything that we have done and caused.
Never in human history were people reluctant to have children or to think and care about them, and never did children leave their parents and travel far away from them. But on the other hand, we also see the other extreme today when infantile grownups (30-40 year-olds) live with their parents and have no intention of having a family of their own.
We have reached the last phase of the development of egoism that is already in need of correction. Therefore, it is time that we tell the whole world that we have the two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments in our hands. Let’s lift the iron mask a bit and expose our bright faces to everyone.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/30/13

A Fatal Diagnosis

laitman_222In the News (from A new term, the New Normal is catching on in the US—’Now it’s okays’—same-sex marriages, surrogate children, female priests, househusbands, and so much more. But how can it be that pills with a narcotic effect have become ‘legal drugs’? 70% of Americans regularly use legal drugs.
“The use of sedatives causes the same changes in the brain as changes that are caused by chronic alcoholism. The popular consumption of sedatives in the benzodiazepine class is as addictive as heroin after four weeks. The side-effects are accordingly—hallucinations, headaches, convulsions and death. It is just about impossible to ‘get off’ these drugs.
“With the sharp cessation of using one of these medicines, the risk of epileptic seizures, stroke, heart attacks and hallucinations is great. The irony of tranquilizers is that are prescribed for nervousness and insomnia, but the more that you take them, anxiousness and insomnia increases. What this means is that you constantly need to increase the dose. The final stage in benzodiazepine dependence is ‘loss of personalization’—loss of interest in life, often leading to suicide.
“Manufacturers were aware from the start that patients become addicted to these drugs. Indeed, the vast majority of painkillers prescribed in the United States are similar to narcotics. It is no wonder that 15 thousand more Americans per year die from an overdose of painkillers than from heroin and cocaine combined.
“The drug mafia includes pharmacies in their fields of operation. As a result, nearly 12 million residents of the United States use painkillers not for medical purposes.
“The thoughtless use of psychoactive drugs by American adults inevitably leads to children copying of this behavior. As a result, American youth have their own fashion of ‘wheels.’ Schoolchildren take medication to treat ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ostensibly to improve educational outcomes.
“But what is even worse is that one third of American parents believe that their children will learn better through taking medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, even if the child is okay in terms of intelligence. The parents try to protect their children from street drugs, but they don’t understand that the use of many medicines is no less liable to damage the health of their children. One of the researchers in this study found that taking antidepressants causes bouts of aggression in 14% of the youth.
Even though American doctors are aware of these results, they continue to prescribe more and more pills because the whole business model of the medical industry is based not upon health but upon illness. Giants of the pharmaceutical industry invest 60 billion dollars per year in sales promotion—more than twice as much as in research.
And so that research like this will not undermine the boundless faith of the population in the wondrous power of the pills, pharmaceutical companies donate an additional billion dollars to American doctors. This is called, ‘consultation and participation in research.’ Pharmaceutical manufacturers pay doctors so that they will specifically prescribe their medicines to patients.
“But even this is ‘small change’ compared to the 34 billion dollars that pharmaceutical industry giants spend on ‘free samples.’ That is fully in line with the main rule of drug dealers on the streets: the first dose is free—Doctors are bribing their patients into getting habituated to their new medicines. And this is perfectly legal—the lobby of the pharmaceutical industry took care of this.
“Increasing profits make it possible for the manufacturers to attract even more politicians to their side. As a result of this vicious cycle, doctors make false diagnoses for millions of Americans and prescribe billions of pills to them.
“After the legalization of marijuana in the state of Colorado, the number of children whose parents prefer to be treated with this drug is increasing.
“The marketing of marijuana sold legally in the United States is one of the most rapidly developing markets. In the year 2014, the expected growth in the market is 64% to the height of 2.34 billion dollars.
“Recently, in the United States drug parties have become fashionable : All of the participants pour the pills that they brought into a large bowl, and then periodically throughout the evening, they take the pills washed down with alcohol. Overdose fatalities in gatherings like these happens with disturbing frequency.”
My Comment: The general crisis of our egoistic nature is being expressed in all of our lives, and we will not be able to deal with this unless we begin to change ourselves!

Dissemination: The Road To Freedom

laitman_934Question: You are inclined to disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah by uniting the people through circles and roundtables, but what about the media, radio,newspapers, the Internet, flyerss, etc.?
Answer: “Israel are not redeemed by sorrow and not by enslavement, not by being shaken, not by madness, not by being pressured and not because they have no food, but when ten people sit together and each one reads and studies with his friend and their voices are heard” (Tana Rabbi Eliyahu Zuta, Item 84).
We use all the other means of disseminating the method of correction as much as we can.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tears Of First Love

Laitman_198Question: Let’s suppose that a 14 year-old girl fell in love and is confused. Her parents feel this. Is it worthwhile to discuss it? How should it be done in order not to frighten the girl? Maybe we should relate the memories of our relationships when we were young?
Answer: That wouldn’t be bad. And even better is to wait until one of the girl’s friends arrives and starts a discussion about first love. To recall the time when we were young is fine, but kids at this age, as a rule, are under such a strong impression that they don’t really hear a thing.
We know that the development of the desires is carried out according to the pyramid: food, sex, family, etc. This pyramid is divided into many more parts. Usually for the younger generation, the most important thing revolves around sex. In adolescence it is revealed as an unconscious impression that pulls the child forward and he does not understand how, where, and why.
Is it possible to balance this impression with intellect? Here we must be very careful so as to build everything on mutual understanding, sympathy, by example, and with these issues one must be a friend to your child and not a parent. Indeed, in this case children simply don’t see their parents because they are so deeply within their experiences. For them, the important thing is what is happening in their realm.
I would try to organize a gathering of girls at home, and try to gain their trust as a child their age. Be with them; tell them what you felt at their age, what kind of problems you had with girls. Maybe your wife will also remember something from childhood.
But you need to play the part as a child. The girls need to really see you as being their age, although a little old-fashioned, from another generation. It is very interesting.
Of course, the kids will laugh a little at you, but that will already be mutual interaction. And the parents shouldn’t mind that the girls giggle at them as if don’t hear them. They actually are listening and completely understand.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 12/11/13

Regarding Revolutions And Creation

laitman_229All the revolutions of humanity demanded equality, not for a minimum standard of living, not equality for “wanderers in the desert,” but for bringing normal conditions to people. So that taxes won’t be at the willful disposal of the few who “seized” power, or in the present era, of the Parliament.
Today all of our lives are essentially distorted: governments collect money from its citizens and then does what it wants without asking anything. “You chose us, now let us do what we think is right.” Nobody cares about the needs of ordinary people. The people work and pay taxes and the government receives them and spends them as it sees fit.
That is what happens all over the world, in all forms of government. In fact, this is not democracy or liberalism, but one big corruption.
The question is: How is it possible to correct the situation? Only through the unification of the people. But many try to use the people, wanting to take control, to sit on the top, seize power, and distribute funds to their “pockets.”
And this will not stop. Ultimately the corruption will reach such proportions that not even crumbs will be left for the people. The whole world is faced with this problem.
Here only a general system of education will help, through which the people will understand what they need to do and what kind of government they need. Then they will not be misdirected and they will not put another corrupted government on their backs.
After all, they will see and know that in their unification lies the divine power of creation that allows not only abandoning things that are unnecessary, but also building what is wanted. Only then, through educating people, can something new be created.
Nothing else will help. Today a few clever people are arguing and discussing politics, credit, taxes, and budgets; but this is all one big lie and behind it is concealed a struggle over the seat, over the cushy job. And there will be no benefit from it for anyone besides that “lucky” one who seizes this chair.
Throughout human history, at the times of formations the main problem was the lack of the education of the people. Teaching people to read and write and some science without real connection and unity is not true education.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/20/14Writing of Baal HaSulam

The Full Glass

laitman_276_01We can explain the concepts of the wisdom of Kabbalah, the “Kabbalistic mechanism,” using the language of desires that everyone understands.
Let’s imagine the vessel of the desire to receive in the form of a glass. The general desire is made of different things, desires for food, sex, family, money, honor, and knowledge.
When we study them, we see that each one by itself and all of them together, are divided into five parts, five layers, from zero to four.
Thus, I only can receive what can enter my desire. If it is a small desire, I will receive very little, and the more the desire grows, the more I will be able to contain inside me until I reach the maximum desire and will be ready to swallow the entire world. This is how myego works.
So, how can I change myself? How do I cease to receive on a regular basis? After all, it really limits me. How much can I receive, and who will give it to me? Because we operate according to an egoistic plan, we have reached a general crisis. So, could there be another method?
What if I restrict my desire, building a partition above it, and use it not in order to fill myself but in order to fill the desires of others? I want to bestow unto them, which is called the Returning Light (Ohr Hozer).
The Full Glass-1
However, what can I fill others with? I must feel others in order to understand that. This is the reason that I build a new desire on top, the desire of others. Then, I fill them, which means the desires of others and not mine. If we all fill one another, we connect to each other, and the Upper Light is always among us.
The Full Glass-2
If the Light fills my ordinary desire, I cannot feel anything anymore. A minute ago, I was very thirsty, but I drank some water and the desire disappeared. So, how can I keep receiving pleasure continuously? In order to do so I must make a hole in the bottom of my glass so that it will connect with someone else’s glass through the hole. Then, all the pleasure will flow through me to another, and we both will be filled, but, now, I will have the Light for myself and also for another (1+1), and I will be able to receive double pleasure.
Thus, I can connect myself to more and more new glasses and receive pleasure for the entire world. The Creator is above me, and the entire world is with me, all the people, and so I receive all the pleasure in the world.
The Full Glass-3
This seems so simple, but people don’t know it. They can draw something from life and see that it is right.  But, in fact, we are talking is about elements not related to the receiving desire and his usual psychology, but to the desire to bestow. If we try to fill the desires of this world, then this is psychology. If we are looking for a way to fill the entire world and not ourselves, it is through integral education (IE).
Eventually, we operate according to simple psychological calculations, but the only difference is that we don’t draw for ourselves. In fact, we cannot do that today because we are in a global crisis and we have no choice.
The Full Glass-4
From the One America “Virtual Convention” Day Two 11/17/13, Lesson 3

So As To Not Remain A Lump Of Ego

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe whole world is an egoistic state of matter. Everything that is in the still, vegetative, and animate levels exists only in order to preserve itself in the best way possible.
In human matter it is even more exaggerated since I want to sustain myself in the best possible way compared to the rest of the environment of the still, vegetative, animate, and human levels. I have to be in the most comfortable state so that the whole universe will engage in serving my ego. This is a person’s natural inclination. If we could only see how we restrain ourselves internally just because we don’t want to suffer. I ask myself why I should torture myself just because I am not Einstein or Picasso. I don’t want to feel sorry as if I am cutting a part of myself off, accepting that I will not be a Tolstoy or Shakespeare…
The ego has a defensive reaction for every desire that isn’t fulfilled, but wherever I can, I want to grab and subdue everything for my own sake. This is our nature; a person is ready to swallow the whole world.
We cannot change our nature by ourselves. It was created and is sustained in us and in the whole universe thanks to a force called the Light. This force is invisible and not felt in any way by our senses, as it constantly creates, develops, and sustains the ego.
But inside the ego, there is a separate point that doesn’t belong to it, a point that scrutinizes the egoism. The Light that operates on the ego also affects this point. It begins to develop and feel where it is; asking itself, “I’m in some kind of nature? Who am I? Where am I?”
If this point seriously develops in a person (in fact this point exists in everyone, in some more and some less), it begins to ask itself: “What do is this for, why and from where? Why was I created? Was I created in order to suffer? If so, then I curse you as the source that has condemned me to such an existence. If it is for another purpose then what is it exactly? I demand an explanation from You!”
When a person demands an explanation from the Light, the Creator, he comes in contact with Him through the point in the heart, because this point is man and everything else exists in the animate state.
What can actually interest me? It can either be my own nature and how I exist within it in maximum comfort for several years and make as little effort as possible and receive as much pleasure as possible. Or, I yearn for my root, for my source, asking: “Who are You, the one who created and manages me?” This is the highest form of yearning in the dipole of the ego and the point that can develop within it.
The moment the point in the heart begins to develop, it can immediately be given its non-egoistic method of development that is fulfilled only under the influence of the upper Light. If this is what I want it to come to me more often, to have greater influence over me, it is revealed to me in my logic, understanding, and feelings,  in its goals and plans for me because it is the source of power, information—everything.
This is actually what the point in the heart or the human being in me demands. Then I am given the Torah and I begin to work with it. Anyone in whom this inclination is invoked should value it and truly fear that it could disappear and that he will remain a lump of stone of the ego or the beast.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 9/30/14

Monday, May 18, 2015

Why People Become Disappointed In Religions

laitman_627_2Question: Why in our time do people become disillusioned with religions?
Answer: A person discovers that no religion can give him fulfillment. After all, all religions appeared due to the fact that the nation of Israel fell from the height of love of others into the unfounded hatred, having lost connection with the upper force of nature.
In response to the darkness, humanity developed religions: Judaism first, then Christianity, and then Islam. These religions did not occur by chance, but each has its own root. Christianity belongs to the left line, Islam – to the right line, and Judaism – to the middle line.
That is how they relate to the spiritual roots because everything in our material world stems from spiritual roots. It is written: “No blade of grass grows until its [guiding] angel above strikes it and says: ‘Grow!’” Therefore, all the phenomena of the world stem from the upper world, and there is nothing new in our world.
Religion is designed to give a person some image of the upper force when he is not aware of it and does not understand it. It helps a person to examine his nature.
Religions have given impetus to the development of philosophy and science. First science was developed by religious people, and only in a few hundred years was it separated from religion and became accessible to everyone.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 5/7/15

The Law “On Nationwide Family Education”

laitman_565_02Without positive pressure from society on each of us, no family can live well and normally. Today we live under tremendous pressure from public opinion, but it was created by our egoism, which often breaks through and puts us in confrontation with each other.
“Mandatory nationwide family education and good relations in society and the state” should become a national law.
Comment: But I want first of all to improve relations in my own family!
Answer: It will not work! Not a single family will succeed in this. There may be some temporary exceptional cases, but in the end the family will fall apart if we do not build the overall atmosphere that will compel every family to become harmonious.
Question: Where should mandatory family education start?
Answer: We should begin with studying human nature in order to understand how egoistic it is and how we can still maintain relationships between us.
Indeed, our egoism has grown to such alarming proportions that we cannot tolerate anyone around us. Every child tries to shut himself in his room. In the end, every family member will need his own separate entrance so as not to run into anyone.
Question: What needs to be done after the first lesson in family education?
Answer: It is necessary to put everyone in a circle and begin to build the correct relationship between us. We can discuss how everyone imagines a good, close-knit family, what mutual participation and mutual concessions are required. Any life situation can become a topic for such a discussion.
There will be no success in any individual family until we raise the entire society. First of all, we need to educate the people, and after that proceed to the education of the individual, family. The entire society should be brought up on the principle: “We are all friends, brothers, as one man with one heart.” And when we reach this state, every family will be strengthened within the nation.
There is no other way. Attempts to make peace separately in one’s own family are doomed to failure. We need to proceed from the general to the particular: “All people are friends, all are brothers.”
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 2/15/15

The Wisdom Of Connection In An Era Of Isolationism

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn everyday life we generally hide our egoism. If I depend on my enemy completely, my ego begins to disappear and hatred evaporates. There is nowhere to escape to and I start to look for how to love him and cause him to love me. The self-preservation instinct begins to work, and I cannot hate someone when my life, the most precious thing I have, depends upon him.
But in our case, we are not succeeding. The hatred is being revealed between us more and more and the separatist movements are taking over the world. The more that our world is discovered as whole and mutually connected, the stronger the opposite trend becomes.
Each one aspires to isolation and ultimately we will reach the same situation as in ancient times, where every city and area became a separate nation. The whole world will be divided into such kingdoms.
On the one hand, egoism is growing, feeling its limitations and areas of control with more precision. And in this way, it separates itself from the others. As a result of this, the world in which seven billion people are living will create 10,000 nations that cannot get along with one another.
Even solitary individuals are no longer able to get along with each other. There was a time when families would live in one room: parents, children, grandchildren. And today two people cannot live in peace in the same apartment. This is called hatred.
To the same degree that our interdependence is appearing, the desire to shatter this dependency, separate and move away from each other is appearing as isolationism and separation. These two tendencies will not disappear and will develop more and more within human society, and there is no way to resolve this! Both will grow to the skies and there will be no possibility of solving this conflict.
The art of connection is called the wisdom of Kabbalah. Ultimately the relationships between everyone—children, adults, in schools, at work, in international relations and within society—will reach such a state that we will not be ready to speak to one another and will need the wisdom of connection!
This wisdom will be required simply to be able to arrange normal relationships at work, in school, in the family and in all areas of our lives. People will need this wisdom because hatred, rejection, the inability to speak to one another or even look at others will reach such a threatening degree that we will not be able to bridge this gap.
It will not be possible to overcome the lack of desire to see and feel others. A person will search for isolation so that nobody will be near him, and he will not want to get close to anyone. But on the other hand, he will have to sit in class at school or university and be in connection with others.
Today, one person cannot do anything; even scientists carry out research in large groups. In addition, in our jobs everywhere, we need to connect in teams. But a person will lose the ability to cooperate even with one person who is like him as this hatred will grow to such a degree.
So the wisdom of connection will be very much in demand. The whole world is going to need it.
We need to understand that all of the spiritual worlds: the five worlds, Olam Ein Sof (world of infinity), the entire ladder of levels, and the Partzufim are revealed in us through the unnatural connection between people. According to nature hatred and interdependence are revealed in us. But if we arrange for a connection between these polar opposites, the hatred and dependence, and communicate with others above our intellect, desire, and all calculations, we will discover new relationships and a new world.
Now we feel this world through our five senses, meaning the five kinds of egoistic connection between us. We see everything through our egoism, meaning that in every situation we search for the opportunity to be confident and enjoy. Thanks to the wisdom of connection, the wisdom of Kabbalah, we will reach new relationships above the egoistic relationships, which are relationships of “…you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (“Leviticus” 19:18), and within the connection between us we will begin to discover the five additional senses: Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut.
Within these senses, we will discover phenomena called spiritual worlds, until attaining the complete connection called Olam Ein Sof. The spiritual world is revealed in the connection between us, in the levels of our relationships that go from total detachment to complete adhesion. This is the ladder of spiritual levels.
To the degree that I try to develop love above my egoism and hatred, I discover the levels of the spiritual worlds. So it isn’t necessary to search for the spiritual world in any other place, such as in books or mechanical actions with the hands and feet. Everything depends only on work in the heart and how much I can connect emotionally with others above the rejection and hatred without wanting to delete or annihilate it.
After all, everything is built precisely above the hatred, as it is written, “Love covereth all transgressions” (Proverbs 10:12). So with love built above the hatred, I will discover a new world called the world of men. After all, we are all within this world and will be connected as one and receive the form of Adam - man  (Domeh – similar to the Creator).
From the preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/25/14

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Who Can Pass Through The Clouds Of Glory?

laitman_749_02The clouds of honor are the general Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif) that sustains the whole nation on a certain level of bestowal and love, mutual connection, and holiness.
It is only natural that the part of the nation called Erev Rav (mixed multitude) would be kept external to it since they yearned to serve around and inside the Tabernacle, but only for their own sake and so they continuously grabbed from the spiritual source for themselves.
Until this very day this part of the nation has the same attributes and their whole life is based on small spiritual thefts. This is the reason that they cannot pass through the clouds of glory that keep them away since the clouds are the attribute of bestowal, self-sacrifice, and love for others. When the Erev Rav see that they need to work for others they are instantly repulsed by that and don’t want to get inside. So this is the protectiveMasach (screen).
A person doesn’t need to protect anything. He simply knows that if he enters through that door he will automatically have to think only about others and not about himself, not about his family or anything else! Does he agree to totally change his internal intention?
When a person gets closer to the spiritual work he sees that it is even scarier than being burned by fire because jumping into a fire means death. He feels that working for others every moment of his life is worse than death and he is repulsed by it. Only the Light can come, correct, and change a person’s intention.
Question: Is the role of the nation of Israel to get closer to the clouds of glory and enter inside?
Answer: No, at the moment we are not in the camp; we have to create it. Our role is to get closer to one another. Of course, we can say that this road is always open to everyone. But there are certain laws in our nation that we will reach it sooner than others, although the road is open for everyone and there are no obstacles except our inner problems.
The same people who agree to fulfill the Creator’s desire but only for their own sake so that they will feel good in this world and in the next world are called Erev Rav and they will not be able to reach the new state. They will be the last to reach it only after the whole nation acquires the attribute of love and bestowal, the attribute of unity and mutual guarantee. This will affect them and they will be corrected under the influence of the Surrounding Light.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/24/14

The Chemistry Of Love

laitman_250In the News (from “According to a recent study a person’s emotions are nothing but chemical reactions. The feeling of falling in love is aroused by amphetamines and then the body blocks them and releases endorphins which invoke loyalty and dedication.
“Love is a chemical reaction that lasts between 2-4 years. It isn’t a sublime emotion but merely the result of the breaking down of certain chemicals. It happens in the duration of 2-4 years and then a person’s body blocks this reaction in order to protect itself.
“Falling in love is a result of the secretion of amphetamines in reaction to a certain ‘beloved’ person. They actually create the feeling of euphoria and happiness that lovers feel. These substances include noradrenalin and adrenalin which are natural energizing substances. This is why a person feels that he can move mountains in the name of love. When lovers break up the period of the secretion of amphetamines grows longer, but at the same time when amphetamines break down they release dangerous substances including ammonia.
“These processes have a negative effect on the central nervous system and after 2 to 4 years the body gradually suppresses these reactions in order to protect itself. The amphetamines are replaced by other hormones, endorphins, which are commonly known as the happiness hormone and thus being in love is replaced by dedication.”
My Comment: If we study our emotions more deeply, meaning the reactions of our desires, we will discover that it all results from the influence of the Light on the desire, and the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how we can manage the influence of the Light on the desire.

In Order To Not Be Thrown Out

laitman_249-03Question:  Since the last convention, I have missed many lessons and been late to many lessons. The worst thing is that I don’t feel ashamed of that… What should I do?
Answer: You will be able to survive only if you begin to spread the method of connection among the masses, just as is done in our groups. At the moment everything that you do is for your own sake and as a result you will simply be thrown out like dumped waste.

Processing The Emptiness In The Desert

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, “Numbers” 1:52 – 1:53: The children of Israel shall encamp, each man by his own camp and each man by his division. The Levites shall encamp around the Mishkan of the Testimony, so that there be no wrath upon the congregation of the children of Israel and the Levites shall keep the charge of theMishkan of the Testimony.
It says in Midrash Raba that when Moses counted the Jews, dividing and classifying them according to the tribes, the Creator taught him how to become one camp and how to advance, which means how to put the ruined vessel back together.
Four types of egoism on three lines make up the 12 tribes, the 12 parts of the spiritualvessel. The shattered vessel must be corrected by uniting all the parts into one as the people advance in the desert, which means according to the revelation of the ego in every camp and in every tribe.
The Creator teaches the nation how to gather everyone so that each time they absorb new corrupt emptiness, process it internally, and correct it into the attribute of bestowal. This is the advancement in the desert in 40 years (levels). This is how the corrected part from Malchut to Bina must be the accurate unity of the nation and thus conclude the building of their connection with the Creator.
The movement of the camp in the desert symbolizes the processing of the emptiness. This is actually a very unpleasant movement forward since the desert is swarming with scorpions and snakes, the sun is burning, there is no food or water, and everyone is covered with sores. In other words, the desert symbolizes a person’s growing, burning egoism. People feel the connection between them like a sore that touches another sore, and the pain will not let them unite. They must ascend above it, and although the Light that comes doesn’t heal the sores, it formats them into one general, healthy body. The pain and the sores turn into one unified vessel in which pleasure is revealed.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/24/14

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