Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Happy Family In A Parallel Universe

laitman_766_2Question: How can we establish peace in the family?
Answer: There is only one recipe for that. Each person must rise above their own egoism in order to establish peace in the family and in the home. Then, we will have the feeling of a higher existence.
A person should feel that society notices and condemns his family quarrels. Society should support a person in his effort to strengthen the family because the opinion of the environment affects a person so much so that he is incapable of going against it.
When we stop ourselves in the moment of anger, we gain something so precious that it is worth restraining oneself for. The profit is too great.
In the same way that we hold back our dissatisfaction at work in front of our boss, fearing being fired, similarly, we should contain ourselves at home. However, it will not require effort from us. We will not bottle up this anger inside, clenching our teeth and threatening to explode.
The general public opinion will support such an atmosphere so that everyone will feel how unacceptable it is to be irritated and pour one’s wrath on others. We will live differently, according to completely different laws, joyfully and calmly, like on vacation.
All arguments, competition, and screaming at the kids will stop. It even will not be necessary to talk about it. It simply will permeate the atmosphere as a generally accepted behavior, and thus will influence everyone.
Question: You are talking about some parallel universe with a completely different sense of life.
Answer: You can say that we will find ourselves in a future world where the force of loveand bestowal reigns, and each will add to this force of love, yearning to preserve it.
There are many more worthwhile pursuits than scandals. People are tired of this life and dream of changing it. They do not know what to do. All that is left is divorce and escape. No way out of this dead end is in sight, and I am offering a wonderful, balanced, and easy way out.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 2/15/15

The World Of Music

laitman_932Question: Music is a meaningful part of our lives. They say that music is a universal language that doesn’t require words. It is stronger than words and penetrates directly into the heart; it opens hearts and connects people. So what is music?
Answer: Music is a language that can express the deepest inner feelings of a person. It can excite and elevate a person, change a mood and the direction of thought.
Music can transport us from one place to another, depending on its style. According to a few sounds or chords we already feel where it comes from: is this European, Indian, or South American music?
In the United States national styles of music from all over the world became mixed together, producing a kind of musical “salad” that has spread all over the world because it is suitable for most of humanity.
Music immediately arouses memories in a person and produces special feelings in him. Words penetrate into us through the mind, and we are compelled to activate a mechanism of comparison, memory. And music, in contrast, immediately takes the emotion out of memory and awakens it within us, whether we want it or not. It penetrates into a person without asking permission.
Music connects us with the surrounding conditions in which it is heard: with time, space, movement and events; all of this is immediately awakened in our memory together with the sounds that we hear. Music is the world and everything that fills it.
All of our senses, other than sight and hearing, are very meager, as if they were undeveloped. Even though the sense of smell has very great significance; it developed in us when we were still living in the trees. When we came down from the trees and became humans, we began to be involved with all kinds of work that isn’t typical of animals and we spoiled our sense of smell.
Our sense of taste was also spoiled because we are no longer animals. There was a time when according to smell and taste we could distinguish what nourishment was appropriate for us and what wasn’t. But today we are no longer able to do this. We create many food products with tastes and smells that attract us; however, in fact, they are poison for us.
Even the sense of touch has limited possibilities and confuses us too much. We have stopped living in an environment of natural simple things that are appropriate to our nature. We create so many artificial products and phenomena that confuse our sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste so that there is nothing true in them that we can trust.
But from the great variety of sounds that we hear, music impresses us to the greatest degree. Only the crying of a baby or a siren that immediately arouses us is stronger than music.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/27/14

When You Correct Everyone, You Correct Yourself

laitman_929Baal HaSulam, “600,000 Souls”: “Even if one man came before his Master in complete repentance, the Messiah King would come at once.” This means that whoever it was, even if it were only one man in the generation who was rewarded with extending that soul by himself, he will be able to reward his whole generation, since all who are obliged, exempt the public through their duty, and he can do much praying and hold his own until he rewards his entire generation.
In the article “600,000 Souls” Baal HaSulam tells us about the structure of the soul in its whole and integral form, when all its parts are mutually interdependent, when they are not separate parts but a whole structure that we see as split up, broken, and scattered to great distances only because of our corrupt ego.
The truth is that we are all in one wonderful system, in one soul called Adam. At first this structure was called Adam HaRishon (First Man), and it was the structure that the Creatorcreated, and then it broke.
We have to reconstruct this structure, which means to reach the same feeling, the same recognition, but by ourselves. This is the reason that we don’t attain Adam HaRishon’sform but the form of Adam that is 620 times more understanding and who feels the Creator inside him.
Because all the parts are interdependent and connected to one another each one corrects everyone, because one part cannot be corrected without correcting its incorporation in all the other parts, until they all respond to it and become incorporated in it.
This is the reason that each part becomes whole only if the whole structure is whole. In this structure there are different important roles, but these roles are fulfilled in the mutual incorporation. There are prophets and Moses as their head, priests, and Levites—Kabbalists of all the generations who have already reached the attainment of the whole soul and are incorporated in it, which means in roles that are different spiritual levels according to their importance in the system.
There are several phases in the mutual incorporation: three times two thousand years, or125 levels. Each one has to be corrected so that everyone can be corrected. Only if each one corrects everyone except himself, can he thus correct himself. This is his intention.
He has to subdue himself before everyone in order to correct everyone. This is his role in taking care of them, in acceptance, in submission. On the other hand, he has to raise himself above everyone in order to see that everyone depends on him. After all, the Lord has chosen him and he has to correct himself because no one else can correct his part.
It makes no difference who he is: whether the one sitting behind the millstone stone or a prince. After all, there is an opposite correlation between the Lights and the vessels and in the general vessel all the parts are equally important with regard to the end of correction. If one part is not corrected, its incorporation with all the other parts is not corrected.
Consequently, all the other parts are not corrected because of this part and cannot correct their incorporation in the other parts either. It is a chain reaction, and eventually the whole system can be corrupted as a result of one small, uncorrected component.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/14

Vague Shadows In The Dark

laitman_423_03Question: What does it mean to be in a continuous dialogue with theCreator?
Answer: A person must make continuous efforts to bring reality to its right form, instead of accepting it as he currently feels it.
Even when a person reaches certain spiritual levels, he still must try to see himself on an upper level and imagine what reality is like there.
In order to achieve this goal, he begins to arrange all the necessary components: himself, the group, the study, the teacher, and the Creator. There are three main components:
1. The person himself
2. Whatever is between him and the Creator, which is the entire world, including the group and the teacher, all the problems he encounters, and the support that he receives
3. The Creator
All the forms of concealment that now appear before me are like different images, vague shadows in the dark, but thanks to them I can discern that there is something here. Although I see them in their wrong, unnatural, misleading form, it is still some discernment. This means that being in a state of Lo Lishma (Not for Her Name) is already a preparation. Now, I ask that these forms should turn into real ones.
If it weren’t for these fictitious forms, I wouldn’t be able to make an effort and want them to turn into real ones. This means that I couldn’t see the real forms and wouldn’t discover the Creator because He is supposed to be revealed in the real forms. These are not His forms, but the forms through which He presents Himself to me. I cannot reveal Him, the actual source, and there must be some reference form in order to do that, YHVH.
This is the reason that I must start from the vessels that later turn into Hassadim. I must discover and study the evil forms of concealment and then discover how they turn into the good and right form that is the form of revelation. The opposite form is the revelation of the Creator.
Therefore, we don’t want the shadows to disappear from the world since without them we would have no contact with the Creator and would never be able to feel Him. This is the reason for the shattering: it is so that we will reassemble the forms of the shattering and discover all the breaches between us that are the main thing. We don’t study the entire vessel but how it is made of the different parts, which means that we study the cracks that allow us to hold onto the upper force.
We must see the Creator before us who speaks to us through all these vague forms of concealment. We must accept them as an invitation, as a call to turn to the Creator correctly and realize that when all these Dinim (Judgments) are sweetened and the negative forms turn into positive ones this is the form in which we discover the Creator.
All of our work is to use all these means—the teacher, the books, the study, dissemination—to help us want to change the forms of concealment that appear before us into the forms of revelation. However, I must identify with the attribute of bestowal, with the Creator, in the forms of revelation. The sweetening of the Dinim will occur to the extent that I wish to be part of the attribute of bestowal.
From the preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/17/14

Parallel Chains Of The Higher Management

laitman_546_02Of the seventy-two sages that Moses chose by lot, two irregularTzadikkim (righteous) didn’t show up at the Mishkan(tabernacle). They hid in the camp and said: We don’t deserve the great honor of becoming the leaders of the people. And the Creator said: You humbled yourselves, so I will raise you above all the elders. When the elders stood beside the Holy of Holies, Eldad and Medad then received the spirit of the Creator and began to prophesize. Eldad prophesied: Moses will leave this world and Joshua his servant will succeed him. Joshua will bring the Jews to the land and will conquer it. As a reward for the humility of Eldad and Medad, their prophecies climbed above the prophecies of the elders. The holy spirit which rested upon the elders, made it possible for them to predict the near future only, whereas Eldad and Medad prophesied for the far future, right up to the period of the war of Gog and Magog (From “Midrash Rabba,” Parshat BeHa’alotcha).
This is not talking about two old prophets, but about special characteristics. Moses received his clear characteristics, his destiny, his role, because this was the characteristic of Bina. And above it are found Hochma and Keter, which are very serious and elevated systems. Besides this, a very unique Light descended from above that produced the two characteristics, “Eldad” and “Medad.” Which is to say, very many systems of leadership descended from above.
The role of Moses is to remove all the desires of the general human soul from Pharaoh, from Egypt, through the Exodus from Egypt, splitting the Red Sea, standing before Mount Sinai, and crossing the wilderness until entry into the land of Israel, and nothing beyond this. Moses speaks in the Torah only about this way. But from this way all the rest can also become clear to us; for after all, the Torah begins from Adam, the first man who attained the thought of creation. There are also other sources that don’t refer to people as characters, but rather the forces of management that work further, beyond Moses.
Yet there was no prophet greater than Moses. But Eldad and Medad were found a little on the side and prophesied about the future after Moses. So it seems to us that one of them had to be greater, someone had to be smaller, even though the Torah doesn’t talk on a level like this. It simply talks about the existence of parallel chains of leadership that include Moses, seventy sages, Eldad and Medad who would later enter into the land of Israel and lead the people for a time until the building of the Temple. It means that Eldad and Medad were under the direct management of the Creator and walked in parallel to Moses.
We learn the same thing in the “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” in which two higher systems:Abba and Ima, are described. These are not people, but characteristics of the Creator that are divided into bestowal and reception. There is a division between them that runs in parallel to the regular lines. We need to enter into this spirit gradually and understand that the Torah doesn’t even speak about the characteristics of one person, but about connection between people. The Torah is designed only so that we will attain this connection; in this we will find everything that it talks about, all the way to the completion of correction, and simultaneously we begin to attain the higher levels: a state outside of time and space.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/25/15

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Only Israel Will Save Western Civilization

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Dr Dan Schueftan, head of  National Security Research Center – Haifa University): “We should only deal with managing the conflict which means to continuously engage in improving their life, but this is management and not an attempt to resolve the conflict. The root of the unique problem of the Israeli society is the fact that the Arabs are a minority in our state, but a minority that feels that it is the majority because it is the majority in the Middle East. The Jews, on the other hand, are the majority in this state but they have a strong feeling that they are a minority.
“The global situation affects the Arabs and they feel that they are part of the big Arab world. If the global Arab society tries to solve its structural problems and turns to barbarism, part of the Israeli Arabs also show their interest in these ideas. It is actually this paradox of consciousness of the Israeli Arabs that leads to the conflict and the confrontations which cannot actually be resolved. Any attempt to solve this conflict only worsens the situation and threatens the existence of the state of Israel.
“The point is that Israel appears to be a colonial enterprise, but the attempts to change it according to western models may destroy its foundations. The peace agreement of ‘two states for two nations’ actually leads to the creation of two states: a western one and one that is not Jewish, gradually turning the state of Israel into an Arab state.
“The Israeli Arabs have never seen themselves as Israelis and they don’t want to see themselves as such, but they wish neither to leave “evil” Israel nor join the ‘wonderful’ Palestinian state that will sometime be founded.. They want to live in Israel, but not accept it as their state. This is typical of the Middle East. The Arab society has realized that it will not be able to come close to western society in its standard of living. It is actually drawing further away from it and will not be any better in the future as the process of destruction in the Middle East continues.
“What stands in the way of the Middle Eastern states catching up with the western states is the intolerance and the reluctance to accept others. If a person treats his wife like an object, you can invest as much money as you wish, but it will never be a western society, and science and a western lifestyle will never be developed. Only those who exhibit extreme attitudes can count on the support of the masses.
“Arab immigrants in European countries and in the US develop their own self image, thus preserving from what they have escaped. The Americans stubbornly believe that democratic principles will be accepted by both the Arab immigrants and the Middle East; that everything will change for the better and everyone will live by western standards. But the genie is bursting out of the bottle destroying everything around it and things are getting worse and worse. The only saving of the west and of America is a change of attitude regarding the Arab problem.
“Of all the states in the western world, the situation is Israel is the best because we understand this problem. If anyone can save western civilizations it is us.”
My Comment: The wisdom of Kabbalah sees this problem as given to us from Above so that we will develop spiritually.
And, I see the same solution: only Israel can save western civilization!

The Future Of Education

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: I am an education student. You say that education is the only way to correct the current situation, but education is a long process that takes years. What is more, I am trying to do something in my local environment and I see that not only does it not improve the situation but it actually make things worse. What would you recommend now in light of what is going on lately in Israel?
Answer: Our problem is that we develop in a way that we seem to be the horse chasing the cart. We advance by impulses that nature summons within us. We change and then we see how evil we become in our new state and what we can do in order to become a little better.
Thus we always try to improve yesterday’s state, never today’s state, and certainly not that of tomorrow. This is the reason that our education system is ineffective, and as you say, “education is a long process.” If we bring up our children incorrectly now, we will only see that we were wrong in 20 to 30 years. You are right, this is a problem!
Therefore, even great experts in the field of education cannot provide the educational system that is right for the generation growing up today and which will run the world in 30 years so that they will have this method and be able to use it correctly.
We cannot come up with such a method by using our own minds! After all, we have not developed to the state in which we can develop the education system nor teach it to everyone so that we will be properly educated in the future either. We don’t know where nature will lead us in 30 years, but the educational system has to be corrected now in order to fill, correct, and complement all the differences and contradictions between us, as well as all the states that will be revealed in the future. We cannot even imagine what a person, an Israeli citizen, will be like in another 30 years.
This is the reason that I understand your question. You are right that the current educational approach is unsuccessful and that it cannot be. Only a person from the future can provide us with the right method, which means someone who knows the state into which we should develop. Therefore, this person already precedes his time and provides us with an educational system so that we will be ready for the future, although we haven’t yet reached it and haven’t yet developed internally for it.
This is the reason that we need the wisdom of Kabbalah that teaches us about us and explains the whole process of our evolution, to what state we reach at any given moment in our history, and how we should unite so that we will be ready, not only today or tomorrow, but also for the day after tomorrow and always. It is because this method is eternal and ready for any and everyone. Therefore, the educational system has to stem from the true sources of the wisdom of Kabbalah. It doesn’t mean that we actually need to study this wisdom, but this system stems from it, from the deep understanding of man’s nature and his environment.
From Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 8/2/15

The “Mixed Multitude” In Spiritual Work

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, “Numbers” 11:5: We remember the fish that we ate in Egypt free of charge, the cucumbers, the watermelons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic. 
Question: Why did the memory of what they ate in Egypt suddenly come up?
Answer: The people demanded what would fulfill their ego. For this, MAN was spiritual nourishment, spiritual fulfillment from what I give when I fulfill and, turn towards someone. But when egoistic desires arise in me, I begin to feel their need the same way that they exist in these desires. Which means that the people really wanted the Light of fulfillment in these desires, the Light of Chaya and Yechida, which meat symbolizes. They were apparently saying, “We have no need for spiritual fulfillment, we demand meat.” meaning that which was in the ego. Egoistic desires arose in them called the “mixed multitude.”
But these desires specifically arise in a person from the perspective of his spiritual work, by convincing him, “You have no need for this; you can have it all right now if you go in another direction. We promise you both the world to come and everything that you want. Here, take this book, carry out what is written in it and everything will be okay. You don’t need to work on yourself.”
The desires of the “mixed multitude” obligate a person to examine if he is carrying out theMitzvot (commandments) of this world correctly. They call upon him to maintain theTorah with the help of physical actions, rather than correcting his soul, his relationships with others.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/11/15

Monday, August 10, 2015

Love Is Paradise

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Many of my friends feel unhappy because they cannot find a suitable partner. What should one do in order to find true love?
Answer: First of all, you need to stop expecting some extraordinary qualities from others and find a person who understands how a relationship of love should be built.
Love is based only on concessions and on the fact that each yields in relation to their partner and enjoys having the opportunity to do so.
I do not demand from my partner special attention and care; on the contrary, all of my pleasure is in the fact that I am canceling myself for his or her sake.
Question: What is the pleasure in yielding to someone?
Answer: This is called love. When you give something to your child, don’t you receive great pleasure? The same can happen with respect to your spouse. You just feel that a child is closer to yourself in a natural, animal way, since you feel him as a part of yourself.
Your wife is also somewhat yours, but nevertheless she exists separately, is next to you, and has an independent opinion. But through the correction of love, this distance is erased, which is difference between my desires and her desires.
Presently, I feel only my own desire and hardly any desires of my partner. My desire is more important to me than his or hers. But it is said, “Make your desire like His, so He would make His desire like yours.” This is the condition of love.
Our desires need to unite into one. This is called adhesion. “Husband and wife, andShechina between them,” as if we are one body. It is very simple, we only lack proper education.
To be able to love, a person needs to be brought up, educated, and prepared in special courses. There is a lack of such education for all of humanity. Until we learn how to reach such relationships, we will remain unhappy.
Question: Everyone is looking for love, but how do you convince people to attend such courses? I doubt that they will like this condition of sacrificing themselves.
Answer: This is because we are deceiving ourselves. We think that we are winning whenever we insist on taking a stand. But who benefits from this deception? We want to love and fulfill only ourselves by using our loved ones, our families. Ultimately, it brings us neither pleasure nor love.
We need to teach a person how to fulfill himself in the correct form, which is perfect and eternal. And this fulfillment is only possible by loving another, since one can always give to others and fulfill them endlessly, continuously deriving pleasure from it.
It is a continuous cycle that always comes back to me, and in this manner, I reach a feeling of absolute, eternal love, and even more—eternal life.
Since then I am not consuming myself and my environment, but on the contrary, I bring to life everyone around me with my love. Thus, I reach the feeling of unending ascent to a higher dimension, to the Garden of Eden, to eternal life. Love is paradise.
Therefore, there is no need to be searching somewhere for love, you simply need to build it.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/30/15

Take Off Your Glasses And The World Becomes Different

laitman_219_04Comment: In one of your lectures you said, “I take off my glasses and the world becomes different.” For some, this expression would seem blasphemous.
Answer: What this expression is saying is that we perceive the world through our senses. Certainly if without glasses I see one thing, when I put them on, I see everything differently.
This world is felt within us, and according to how I set myself, like a musical instrument, I perceive, classify, and evaluate it. And this determines my attitude towards it. So I look at the world through my personal glasses, and if they are changed for me, this means that my internal orientation is changed, so I see another world.
The wisdom of Kabbalah directs a person towards a perception of the entire nature in which we exist, not only for this brief present time, but beyond it. It reveals to us the entire process through which we are passing, not only within a physical body but also in other emanations.
From an Interview on RTN, New York, 7/21/15

Humanity Is Becoming Less And Less Intelligent

laitman_543_01In the News (  “In a study that was done recently, it seems that there is a limit to the development of intelligence and understanding in a person, after which it gradually decreases, so that humanity is becoming more and more stupid. This is reflected in a decline in the measurement of IQ in the world from year to year.
“The study detailed the reasons for this:
  1. The intellectual level of a person is limited by some kind of genetic barrier, humanity has already reached this, and now it is found in withdrawal.
  2. Smart people are less active regarding reproduction than the stupid.
  3. Women who have received good intelligence reproduce less than women who are not intellectually developed, and in this way the ‘smart’ genes are gradually disappearing.
  4. The law of natural selection has stopped working, people don’t need to struggle about survival, progress has released humanity from the need to adapt the brain to obtain nourishment, clothing and shelter from animals and enemies.
  5. People have begun to vacation frequently. Two weeks of idleness by the sea in luxurious idleness is capable of lowering the IQ by 20 points, because of partial degeneration of brain cells in the frontal lobes. Numerous holidays worsen the situation because these are additional vacations.”
My Comment: Egoism as the basis and and the force of our development has reached its “earthly” maximum; it has stopped providing us with positive results. The reason for this is that according to the plan of creation, we need to begin to correct it, to build our next level of development not within it but above it, meaning in contrast to it. In this manner, we will use it only negatively, to rise above it with good actions for others, and not for it.  And we receive the power to do this from the Upper Light, the Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif).
The need for such development will reveal our egoism to us; it will show us the suffering that it brings, which will force us to rise above it. Work above egoism is called spirituality, rising above it is called going to the Upper World; the method for adaptation to this development is called the wisdom of Kabbalah. This is where we have arrived!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

One Step On The Way To Wholeness

laitman_749_03The Torah, “Numbers “11:15: [Moses said to the Lord,] If this is the way You treat me, please kill me if I have found favor in Your eyes, so that I not see my misfortune.
Moses is a characteristic that pulls us forward toward the goal of creation. Either it is killed, or the people follow it, meaning the ego kills one of the two.
Question: Why does Moses get so much pain from the people?
Answer: It is because he sees that greatness, wholeness, and eternity are waiting for them, whereas the people cannot understand what is prepared for them and take at least one step toward this! In addition, if everyone had taken this step together, he would not have had so much pain. The pain would have disappeared immediately.
The beginning of connection and union is just a psychological problem. We immediately feel what this gives, but our first breakthrough forward must happen through an inner split with the ego. However, a person is not ready to be detached from it, so he suffers.
Question: Did detachment from the ego begin with the plagues in Egypt?
Answer: No, the plagues in Egypt were necessary for splitting the Red Sea, meaning the partial departure from the ego and the beginning of working with it, and after that begins the movement through the wilderness when every step takes us further and further from the ego, approaching others more and more! We work in a constant internal tension: thinking about others, feeling them instead of myself, working for their sake.
This is a wilderness for the ego because there is no nourishment here from receiving for my own sake. Rather, everything is directed toward bestowal only.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/25/15

Happy Holiday Of Love!

Laitman_201_01Question: According to the Jewish tradition, the 15th of Av is a holiday of love. People are searching for love their entire lives, and some would say that it is the most claimed good. It is not easy to find, and yet people do not give up and continue searching.
Even if we fail once, we keep hoping to start anew and find a new love. They say that love is a miracle. What makes love so appealing that we are willing to go to such great lengths to have it in our lives?
Answer: People search for love and cannot find it because it is impossible in our world. After all, love is a result of the unification of our desire, the basis, the fundamental material, and its fulfillment. In the science of Kabbalah, the desire is called a vessel and the Light is called fulfillment. The creature is the desire and the Creator is the fulfillment.
We need to attain this state fully in order for our desire to fill with the Upper Light and rise to the level of the upper force after growing quantitatively and most importantly qualitatively. This is why we constantly chase after love.
We need to look at the spiritual root, without which we cannot comprehend what happens. There is an important phenomenon in our lives, and it enthralls everyone. No one can free themselves from love. At the same time, no one knows anything about it.
There are numerous novels and books written, tons of movies made; all of humanity is spinning around love only, and no one knows what it is. All that is because love comes from an upper source, the Creator, who created the lower force, or the creature, so that this creature will wish to come closer to its Maker, and they will love each other.
It would seem that nothing can be better than that! It is a very touching story. It turns out that the upper force created all of us so that we would come close to it, embrace, and unite in love. But the fact of the matter is that we don’t understand what kind of love that is because love should be real.
Everyone dreams of real love, especially women. Women feel a need for love more, but they too don’t know what it is.
Real love means that I love someone else and not myself! I fulfill a partner and not that I become fulfilled because of him or her. That means that it has nothing to do with sex but rather wanting to feel all the desires of another person and getting pleasure from fulfilling those desires. That is love.
Such love doesn’t have to be between a man and a woman. The one who fulfills another is called a man and the one who receives the fulfillment is called a woman. It could be opposite to our physiological qualities since it is determined by a spiritual principle that is higher than our physical bodies.
In order to have real love we need to rise above our egoism in order to truly love our neighbor. In other words, I no longer love another person because it is pleasant, sweet, and brings satisfaction.
I don’t look at a pretty face, legs, or hair, and not even the personality matters. In other words, I don’t pay attention to the external or the inner qualities of a woman. I just look for ways to fulfill her, rising above any personal attitude toward her, which is egoistic.
In this case, a man also can be an object of love for me, and that is why in Kabbalah we talk about love for the friends. We agree to build relationships of love between us, and of course we are not talking about any intimate connections.
Love is when each person is ready to reveal his desire so that a friend can fulfill it, and the friend, in turn, reveals his desire to me so that I fulfill it. In this manner, we unite in mutual love. Mutual or two-sided love is called adhesion.
I penetrate within the inner desires of my friend, fulfill him, and he penetrates within my inner desires and fulfills me. There is no difference here between men and women of our world. In this manner, everyone begins to unite. This love is completely separate from our animal bodies and genders.
In this love, there cannot be one who loves and another who is loved. Each of us both receives and gives love.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/30/15

“Is The Lord’s Hand Short?”

Laitman_049_01The Torah, “Numbers” 11:21 – 11:23: Moses said, “Six hundred thousand people on foot are the people in whose midst I am, and You say, ‘I will give them meat, and they will eat it for a full month’?
If sheep and cattle were slaughtered for them, would it suffice for them? If all the fish of the sea were gathered for them, would it suffice for them?”
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Is My power limited? Now you will see if My word comes true for you or not!”
Moses is doubtful whether the meat will suffice for all the people because he isn’t the attribute of receiving but the attribute of bestowal.
The Sefira of Bina cannot assess the Light of Hochma that goes through it because the Light is felt only below in Malchut.
This is the reason that it isn’t important for Moses, but he simply cannot imagine how such an infinite abyss of egoism that is hungry for meat can be filled. The Creator, on the other hand, reassures him: “Is the Lord’s hand short?” After all, He is the Light ofHochma.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/25/15

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