Thursday, August 3, 2017

Why Should We Create The Creator?

226Question: You say that the Creator does not exist and that we should create Him. What is the Creator? Why should we create Him?
Answer: The term “Creator – Boreh” stems from the Hebrew words: “Bo-reh – come and see.” As long as you do not attain Him, nothing will happen or work out since there is no Creator external to a person. He appears inside us the moment we attain Him.
It is the same with regard to our world and to everything there is in it. As long as we observe it, it is revealed in us, and the moment we cease to observe it, it disappears. Scientists are also starting to talk about this phenomenon.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/26/17

Why The Good Created Evil

laitman_281_01Question: Why did the good Creator create evil?
Answer: Specifically because the Creator is good, He created evil so that we would change it to the good; we would understand in which state, at which summit, at which level, He is found and we would become similar to Him.
Question: Why was it impossible to place us in a perfected state from the start?
Answer: If we were to find ourselves in a perfected state, we would feel Him no more than an embryo does the womb of his mother.
Question: Did the Creator create anything else besides evil?
Answer: Nothing. He only created evil, what is called “against him” (Genesis 2:18), meaning something opposite and contrary to Him.
Question: If so, where does altruism come from?
Answer: Altruism appears within us when we want to adapt ourselves to the characteristics of the Creator. In every person there exists a point in the heart that the Creator intentionally placed in him, and thanks to it, we can change our original and true ego into a characteristic that is its opposite. This point is called, “A portion of God from above.” (Job 31:2)
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/26/17

The Evolution Of Human Society

laitman_202_0The collective unconscious unites all of humanity and unconsciously transforms our civilization into a single body. The development of human society has gradually reached a blind alley, and a process of withdrawal and degeneration has begun.
In general, a new stage in the development of society happens on a more instinctive and unconscious level during revolutions and crises. This is because the higher force that drives humanity toward development is beyond our reach—it is the Creator above, and from us to Him—there has been the power of the collective unconscious.
The world is tired of despicable and alienated attitudes. In a time of turmoil, a dead end, or crisis, a powerful force always arrives and, which through suffering, forces humanity to take a step forward into the unknown. In our day, after the transition to the new situation, the collective unconscious will be replaced by a collective consciousness that strives and aims toward resembling the Creator, the higher level.

Why Did The Great Kings Of Israel Come From Non-Jews?

laitman_947Question from Facebook: Why was the origin of the greatest kings and teachers of the people of Israel, like King David and Rabbi Akiva, from among those who were not Jews?
Answer: A person who yearns for the Creator is called “Yashar-El” (Yisrael, Straight to the Creator). A person who wants to unite with others is called a “Yehudi” (Jew) from the word “Yechud” (Unification). This is what determines if you are a Jew or not. Today every person in the world, whether he is Spanish, French, Italian, or German, no matter who, can come and say: “I want to be a Jew.” In the wisdom of Kabbalah, they don’t divide the world into nationalities.
To be a Jew, a person must carry out what the Torah says. Namely he must yearn to implement the law “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). If he agrees to this, it means that he has become a Jew, a person who yearns for unity and unification to adhere with the Creator.
The term “Ivri” (Hebrew) is derived from the word, “L’Over” (to go over), moving from the principle of egoistic existence to altruistic existence. This is the foundation of our people, a group that accepted upon itself the principle, “And you shall love your friend as yourself.” As soon as a person accepts this principle, he becomes a Jew and everyone else, not.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/22/17

Method For Life Of A New Society

laitman_555Question: How can we who study Kabbalah get on the same wavelength with Baal HaSulam and hear what he says about the society of the future?
Answer: We should imagine the laws and rules of the society of the future. This is absolute bestowal and love, mutual interaction and help, when a person thinks only about others and sees himself only in this.
Spirituality begins from the fact that I make Tzimtzum (restriction) on myself. This is the restriction of all the thoughts about myself. It means that my desires of a person in the material world for food, sex, and family I must fulfill for my own sake as much as necessary, and the desires for wealth, fame, and knowledge I must use for the benefit of the society.
There are things that shouldn’t be discussed because we are created this way. Someone wants to eat two servings of dinner because his body requires it, and for others something very simple is enough. Someone needs to sleep for ten hours in order to be healthy, and for someone else two hours of sleep is enough in order to be ready to function. In this we can’t treat people like machines.
Even with respect to wealth, fame, and knowledge there are certain qualities of a person that need to be taken into account and satisfied. But this already depends on the level of correction of a person and society.
In principle, the society of the future is built on the need for care and concern only about how much the system of our relationships will be perfect, eternal, infinite, and constantly developing and complementing. How much will I always think about how to strengthen the connection between people: from me to other people and between them.
This is the methodology for the life of the new society: to create as much as possible such a network of mutual connections between us in which all our former egoism will be realized, gradually becoming corrected to altruism.
This is not about the very last stage of correction yet, when the work will be completed and our entire world will rise to the different level. Now we are in the process of our correction, in the process of creating absolutely good connections between us.
We must constantly analyze our abilities in order to act according to these connections, so that people feel themselves covered by common care, a common attitude toward themselves and toward all the levels of the surrounding nature: inanimate, vegetative, and animate. As a mother cares about her child, so each of us must have the same attitude toward nature and society.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 5/22/17

New Life #862 – The Wisdom of Kabbalah: Atheism

New Life #862 – The Wisdom of Kabbalah: Atheism
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
What does an atheist believe in? Why is lack of faith influenced by environmental circumstances? Does atheism provide evidence of independence of thought?
Nobody can scientifically prove if there is a higher power or not; therefore “There is no higher power” is also a kind of faith.
From KabTV’s “New Life #862 – The Wisdom of Kabbalah: Atheism,” 6/6/17
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The Book Of Zohar—The Heart Understands

laitman_527.07Question: One of the principles of studying The Book of Zohar is that the heart understands. What does that mean?
Answer: When we read The Book of Zohar we accept the condition that The Book acts only our feelings but not on our mind, which is a pure product of our world.
Feelings can resemble the upper world in some sense, and we are waiting for the moment that they awaken in us. This is called the heart understands.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/12/17

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

In A Convention, Forget About Yourselves

laitman_939.01Question: What spiritual disturbances can happen during a convention and how can we overcome them?
Answer: During the convention we do not think about any spiritual disturbances or problems.
I suggest only one thing to you: participate with all your energy and forget about yourselves. This is the main thing. Concentrate your attention above the body and try to be together with everyone and with the Creator who will be revealed in others.
If you become integrated with your friends, you will stop feeling them and will begin to feel the Creator. This is what must be done. And it should be without any calculations.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/19/17


laitman_272In the News (Fusion Media Network): “351 people overdosed fatally on opiates last year in New Hampshire, according to data provided to Fusion by the state’s medical examiner. Twenty-eight of those victims overdosed on heroin alone; fentanyl was a factor in 253 of the deaths.
“Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin. It’s so potent that an amount the size of three grains of sugar is lethal to an adult. First synthesized in the 1960s by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, fentanyl was initially used as a general anesthetic during surgery. Its only acceptable, ‘on-label’ use is for reduction of severe pain in cancer-sufferers.”
Question: Will this trend continue in the future?
Answer: In the future, the Earth will clean itself of superfluous people in such a way. You cannot do anything about it. This is a program of creation that will purify everything.
Today the population of the planet reaches almost eight billion people, while 100 years ago we had two billion. Such a sharp increase was due to the development of medicine, free access to food, water, and medicines.
From the point of view of Kabbalah, this is due to the division of souls into a multitude of smaller souls so that it would be possible to correct one common soul more quickly and easily.
I do not mind if there are twenty-five billion more people on Earth, but I’m in favor of them performing their role correctly instead of coming to this world to suffer torments and by this correct themselves. After all, you can correct yourself in a kind, easy, pleasant, beautiful way.
Question: So what should those unhappy people who do not see any future and have a void inside do?
Answer: There’s nothing to do. This is a general influence of humankind on its different parts. There are a lot of people who are starving in Africa now. Twenty million people are reportedly dying there, and the UN cannot do anything.
On the one hand, this is a huge problem. On the other hand, what will you do with humanity? It has nothing to occupy itself. Today, robotics is being used more and more, machines will replace people everywhere, so what will a person do? He will have to “play” football on TV from morning till night.
Question: How do you get out of this state?
Answer: It is impossible to pull people out of hard drugs, there is no such rehabilitation. Only upbringing can change an individual! We must surround him with a correct society, and then it will uphold him.
Question: Would you only invest in this?
Answer: Only in this. There is nothing else. Rehabilitation centers do not help. They must become educational centers.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/13/17

JPost: “UNESCO Reflects Not The Nations’ Antisemitism, But Our Own Self-Hatred”

The Jerusalem Post published my new article “UNESCO Reflects Not The Nations’ Antisemitism, But Our Own Self-Hatred
It is quite symbolic that UNESCO, the organization in charge of world heritage, is denying our historic right to Israel. Without a present that justifies our claim, our history is meaningless.
In April 2016, when UNESCO adopted a resolution denying Jewish history on Temple Mount, I wrote that this was only the beginning of a campaign to deny the history of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, a campaign whose final purpose is the elimination of the Jewish state. In December last year, the campaign accelerated when the UN Security Council adopted a resolution that opened the door to indiscriminate sanctions and boycotts against Israel over its settlement policy in the West Bank and Jerusalem. A few days ago, UNESCO took yet another step in its campaign to deny Jewish rights to Israel, denying the nearly 4,000-year history of the Cave of the Patriarchs.
Everyone, including those who voted in favor of the resolution, knows that there are no historic or scientific grounds to the Palestinian claim for connection to the site. But facts, we all know, are the least important factor in this story. All that matters is that the campaign to eliminate the State of Israel and revoke UN Resolution 181—which warranted the establishment of a Jewish state in Israel—is gaining momentum.
This latest resolution is a warning sign to the entire Jewish people, and especially to those living in Israel. It tells us that we must reassess who we are as a nation, what we currently stand for, what we would like to stand for, and how we can accomplish this.
A Cesspool of Hatred
Some two weeks ago, in his first public address, US ambassador to Israel, Mr. David Friedman, said, “I have a great speech prepared about the breadth and the depth of the relationship between the United States and the State of Israel. But I’m not going to give it tonight.” Instead, Ambassador Friedman dedicated his entire speech to Jewish unity, or more to the point, the lack thereof.
However we look at it, the current level of division among Jews is unsustainable. We are poisoning our relationships with so much hatred that the world never sees anything good emerging from the Jewish people. We are vying over the Western Wall prayer areas and blacklisting certified rabbis’ decisions on determining the Jewishness of people who need their Jewishness confirmed. We are campaigning against our own country through the UN, BDS, the academia, and in myriad other ways. We segregate Jews based on ethnic background and culture, and we associate only with politically and religiously like-minded people.
Israel, which was supposed to be a role model melting pot, has become a cesspool that emits nothing but hatred of our coreligionists. This is the exact opposite of the essence of our faith, and contradicts what we are meant to project to the world.
Why the Ceaseless Persecution of the Jews?
Throughout the generations, the leaders of the Jewish people—from the most orthodox to the most secular—have stressed that our redemption, salvation, and even survival depend only on our unity.
“All of Israel are responsible for one another … only where there are people who are responsible for one another there is Israel,” wrote Zionist thinker A.D. Gordon. “We are called upon to unite the world. But before we unite the material world, we are called upon to reveal the spiritual unity. This is our innermost secret,” stated Rav Kook (Letters of the Raiah), the first Chief Rabbi of Israel. “Everything depends on the children of Israel. As they correct themselves, all of Creation follows them,” asserted the book Sefat Emet. “We have yet to open our eyes and see that only unity can save us. Only if we all unite … to work in favor of the entire nation, our labor will not be in vain,” mused Eliezer Ben Yehuda, reviver of the Hebrew language. “‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ (Leviticus, 19:18) is the superior commandment in Judaism. With these few words, the eternal, human law of Judaism has been formed… The state of Israel will merit its name only if its social, economic, political, and judicial structure are based upon these three eternal words,” concluded David Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel.
Shortly after the establishment of the State of Israel, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the complete Sulam (Ladder)commentary on The Book of Zohar, wrote in his composition, The Writings of the Last Generation: “Judaism must present something new to the nations. This is what they expect from the return of Israel to the land!” Indeed, continued Ashlag, “It is the wisdom of bestowal, justice, and peace.”
Despite these oft-repeated statements, we have not listened. Since the ruin of the Temple and the exile we have inflicted on ourselves through our unfounded hatred of each other, we have not learned how to overcome our loathing and unite. As a result, the persecution of our nation has not stopped since. “When Israel are ‘as one man with one heart,’ they are as a fortified wall against the forces of evil,” stated the book Shem MiShmuel. But when was the last time we were “as one man with one heart”?
We Rise and Fall by the Power of Our Unity
According to the Rav Kook, “The purpose of Israel is to unite the entire world into a single family” (Whisper to Me the Secret of Existence). When a man asked Old Hillel to teach him Torah, the sage replied, “That which you hate, do not do unto your neighbor; this is the whole of the Torah” (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat, 31a). Just as explicitly, Rabbi Akiva stated, “Love your neighbor as yourself is the great rule of the Torah” (Jerusalem Talmud, Nedarim, Chapter 9, p 30b).
Similar to those giants, the book Shem MiShmuel writes, “The intention of Creation was for everyone to become one bundle … but because of the sin [evil inclination/egoism], the matter was corrupted to the point where even the best in those generations could not unite. The correction of this matter began in the generation of Babylon, when Abraham and his descendants gathered people together into a joint assembly. …Thus, the matter continued and grew until the congregation of Israel was made. But the end of the correction will come when everyone becomes one bundle.”
Israel became a nation when all its members committed to unite “as one man with one heart.” Immediately thereafter, Israel was commanded to be “a light unto nations,” to pass on that solid unity. For this reason, when we are united, there is merit to our existence as a nation. When we are apart, there is no justification for our existence as a nation because we cannot be “a light unto nations.” In consequence, the nations reclaim the land and disperse the Jews, who are not true to their vocation. This is why the book Maor VaShemesh asserts, “The prime defense against calamity is love and unity. When there are love, unity, and friendship within Israel, no calamity can come over them.”
Our Fate Is in Our Hands
In his book The Art of Loving, renowned psychoanalyst and sociologist Erich Fromm wrote, “Man—of all ages and cultures—is confronted with the solution of one and the same question: the question of how to overcome separateness, how to achieve union.” Moreover, Fromm stresses, the more humanity “separates itself from the natural world, the more intense becomes the need to find new ways of escaping separateness.”
Indeed, today’s society is so narcissistic that people overdose by the tens of thousands each year simply out of loneliness. Neuroscientist Marc Lewis candidly summed up humanity’s bane with the title to his sobering piece, “Why are so many people dying from opiate overdoses? It’s our broken society.”
The Book of Zohar writes very clearly in the famous Tikkun No. 30 that when Israel are not united, they “bring about poverty, ruin, and robbery, looting, killing, and destructions in the world.” In other words, we should not be surprised when humanity blames the Jews for their woes. In his seminal essay “Mutual Guarantee,” Rav Ashlag wrote, “It is upon the Israeli nation to qualify itself and all the people of the world to develop until they take upon themselves that sublime work of love of others, which is the ladder to the purpose of Creation.” Why? Because, continues Ashlag, the Israeli nation was fashioned as “a sort of gateway by which the sparks of love of others would shine upon the whole of the human race the world over.”
Even if people are not consciously aware that Jews have been fashioned as a gateway for humanity’s better future, this gut feeling dictates their thoughts and actions. This latent expectation causes academics such as British journalist and historian Paul Johnson to write, “At a very early stage in their collective existence the Jews believed they had detected a divine scheme for the human race, of which their own society was to be a pilot.” This expectation also causes antisemites to cover Holocaust memorial sites with sheets carrying the inscription, “Heebs [Hebrews] will not divide us.”
Indeed, we rise and fall by our willingness to be a light of unity unto nations. As a result, we are the only nation whose fate is in its own hands. If we decide to “take upon ourselves that sublime work of love of others” and thus become “a light unto nations,” our sovereignty, prosperity, and peace in Israel are secured. But if we hand over the reins to our selfish egos as we have been doing for the past two millennia, it is likely that we will see yet another round of ruin in the Land of Israel. Unless we wake up to our task soon, rise above our egos and unite, it just might be too late.

The People Of The Book With The Program Of Creation

Laitman_137Question: The Jewish people are called the people of the book. What does it mean?
Answer: The people of the book, that is, the Jewish people, are a group of people, who joined the forefather Abraham, who consists of representatives of all seventy nations that lived in ancient Babylon at that time.
Over time, this group was able to unite according to the law of mutual guarantee and to became a nation, as it is written about the giving of the Torah, “Today you have become My people.”
Since the Jews received all the spiritual heritage through the book of Torah that was written by Moses, they are called the people of the book. This is the same group that was wandering in the desert for forty years. During this time Moses wrote the Torah thanks to the fact that they all worked with each other in unity and love for their neighbor, and thus reached the upper world.
The book of Torah is the program of creation describing the process that we need to undergo so that a person develops to the degree of the Creator and reveals the upper force in the unlimited form, which is called adhesion with it. All this we need to implement here, while living in this world.
Question: Why did the Kabbalists write books, as if the Torah of Moses is not enough?
Answer: The rest of the Kabbalists after Moses added their commentaries to the Torah because each soul has its own special perception. Besides, every succeeding generation after the generation of the desert became increasingly worse; its egoism was increasingly revealed and developed, and therefore they could add revelations. After all, the larger the egoism, the more you can delve into the upper world.
From the Virtual Lesson “The Time of Kabbalah” 6/13/17

“The Handiwork Of A Craftsman”

laitman_275Torah, Deuteronomy 27:14 – 27:15: The Levites shall speak up, saying to every individual of Israel, in a loud voice: “Cursed be the man who makes any graven or molten image an abomination to the Lord, the handiwork of a craftsman and sets it up in secret! And all the people shall respond, saying, ‘Amen!'”
In our world you should not make any external actions; they must all be internal.
There is no need to create any statues or images for yourself—anything you can grasp with your egoistic desires and intentions, but only what you can imagine above egoism, above earthly thoughts and feelings. When you connect with others through love of them, you begin to form the state in which the Creator can dress. It is called creating a house of the Creator.
We live in the world of idols and constantly, every second, create all new ones. This is the state that existed before the spiritual discoveries of Abraham.
Where did Kabbalah begin? It started from the fact that all the idols were shattered and everything moves only into the internal quality of a person, into his internal correction. Exactly on this, the method of correction of a person and his elevation to the level of the Creator was founded, and this was the only difference between Abraham and Nimrod, between Kabbalah and all other teachings.
If a person worships some statues before some of his actions, then all this is called egoistic, not holy work.
Question: How is it possible to attribute a craft to this? It is written, “The handiwork of a craftsman.”
Answer: This is the handiwork of a craftsman. The name of the architect who built the Tabernacle is Betzalel (Be-tzal-el) and it means “in the shadow of the Creator.” What does it mean that he works in the shadow of the Creator? It means only using a screen. The upper Light creates everything.
Comment: But in the Torah it is written, “An abomination to the Lord, the handiwork of a craftsman.”
Response: That’s right. All that is required from us is just a screen (Masach). Don’t interfere with the Creator; remove your egoism so everything will be created exactly in the place where you removed it. You annul egoism with His help, but when this happens, you begin to feel how something completely opposite begins to form within you from Him. This is the handiwork of a craftsman. The Creator is called a craftsman.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/21/16

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

9 B’Av: The Ruin Of Spiritual Unity

laitman_293The 9th of Av is the day when the First and Second Temple were ruined. “The Temple” represents a spiritual state of Israel being united and protected “as one man in one heart.” The ruin of the Temple was due to the ruin of the spiritual unity within Israel, which continues to this day.

Climate Hell

Laitman_711In the News (National Post): “An influential group of scientists led by James Hansen, the former NASA scientist often credited with having drawn the first major attention to climate change in 1988 congressional testimony, has published a dire climate study that suggests the impact of global warming will be quicker and more catastrophic than generally envisioned.
“The research invokes collapsing ice sheets, violent megastorms and even the hurling of boulders by giant waves in its quest to suggest that even 2 degrees Celsius of global warming above pre-industrial levels would be far too much.”
My Comment: The world is entering a state of imbalance; it cannot keep itself in a dynamic balance. The fact is that humanity is driving nature out of balance through its intentions and thoughts, not by the use of modern technology.
Through our imbalanced relationships with each other, our selfish attitudes toward one other, we are driving nature out of its own balance. Furthermore, our thoughts are the most active force in nature, unseen but terribly powerful. And so there is nothing good ahead of us.
Until we change ourselves, our interactions with each other, nature will continue to be driven to constant extreme agitation. Ultimately it will force us to change; we will not be able to fight it.
Comment: Seems like humanity will come to this through suffering
Answer: Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this. People are very stubborn, they don’t want to listen. And, if it were only intelligent stubbornness. But when you start telling them, trying to convince them, and giving examples, reasons, and evidence, they just close themselves off, plug their ears, shut their eyes, and don’t want to hear or see anything. That’s why we will need to wait not only for unpleasant climate events, but for serious problems as well.
However, even small positive changes in our relationships with each other will have huge positive effects on nature because we would be changing on the level of intention and nature would change on its inanimate level.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/11/17

No Comment…

laitman_272Question from Facebook: You recently published an article about the fact that women don’t want to have children and that their maternal instinct is fading. I didn’t understand why this call is to women and about women. Do women get pregnant by themselves and decide to have a child by themselves?
Have you checked with men whether they want kids; whether they want to bring up children and invest energy, money, care and the attention they deserve? If you haven’t, it sounds as if there is a separate state in which there are only women who have become egoists.
Answer: Neither men nor women are responsible for this situation, but all of society, which does not understand the purpose of life.
Society has become so egoistic that very soon robots will replace everyone. Everyone will have his own fully equipped and automatic apartment, and without leaving it, a person will feel as if he is on Mt. Elbrus in Switzerland or anywhere else, enjoying the fresh smell of a forest, the ocean, or anything one wishes.
While lying in bed, a person will be able to feel the warm sand as if he is lying on the beach, or to smell the campfire he is sitting around with friends. All these feelings will be conveyed to him by robots, by huge screens hanging on the four walls of his home.
At the same time, he will not owe anyone anything. A person will not need women, men, or children, no one… Moreover, if a couple of electrodes are attached to his head, he will feel happy even if all of the above did not happen. So what should one live for? It is better simply to not exist.
We will soon see advertisements on the Internet saying: “If you don’t want this fate, if you don’t want to exist, sign up.” This is what we are being led to, and it all begins from the lack of desire to have a family, to have kids, and to continue the human race.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 6/22/17

To Become The Holy People

laitman_232.03Torah, Deuteronomy 28:09: The Lord will establish you as His holy people as He swore to you, if you observe the commandments of the Lord, your God, and walk in His ways.
The quality of bestowal and love is called holiness because holiness is an accessory to the Creator.
The Creator is Kadosh (The Holy One) because there is a quality of bestowal in Him. Therefore, a person is called holy when he receives a special influence from the Creator that makes him giving and loving, and this affects everyone around him.
If you aspire to this, you will receive such an answer from the Creator and you will become holy, that is, a blessed one, giving and loving all others.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/5/16

Advantages Of Virtual Learning

laitman_959Question: We study online at the Kabbalah Academy of Moscow. What is the strong point of a virtual group? What is it worthwhile to work on? What should one pay attention to?
Answer: In every society there are potential positive and negative characteristics and qualities.
The uniqueness of a virtual group is the vast distances between you, and, in fact, you are not influencing each other physically. You influence each other only through your inner properties that you feel through the communications channels. And so this is much easier.
On one hand, I can connect with ten friends in a virtual group much more quickly than in a physical connection because through a screen, through the communications media, only what we want to convey to each other is transmitted. Therefore, it is much simpler.
On the other hand, there is an unlimited audience; billions of people throughout the world can connect.
Our connections today are universal, in various virtual forms, and we communicate between us at different times of day, and so forth.
In general, if you choose the system of connection between you correctly, then you can be very mobile and flexible so that you will constantly improve the connection between you until there is a real discovery of the Creator within it.
Question: How should we organize the practical work?
Answer: It is only through the connection between you.
Everything is understood only in the connection between people where we nullify our egoand create a good connection between us in its place where the Creator will be revealed. This is the practical work.
From a video conference with students of the Russian Education Center (MAK) 5/21/17

Spiritual Meaning Of 9 B’Av

laitman_288_2The growing Temple Mount crisis right before the 9th of Av is more than simply symbolic. Since the time of Babylon, evil forces have always unfolded around this special date. From the sin of the spies, through the ruin of the First and Second Temple, to the exile of Babylon, to the expulsions of the people of Israel from the land of Israel, and then from Spain, Germany and England.
Israel commits the biggest sins on the 9th of Av, and we are also punished for them on that day. This is because we are incapable of activating the positive force to which we hold the key. And we see the results all around us in the news, every hour of every day, leading right up to Tisha B’Av. We are the people of Israel, and for now, the ball is still in our court. We have to choose to unite and thereby activate the positive force, before it is too late.

Monday, July 31, 2017

What Is The Source Of The Knowledge That Underlies The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

Laitman_514.02Question: What kind of depth stands behind the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: There is nothing in the still, vegetative, animate, and human nature in all its forms and possibilities that is not explained by the wisdom of Kabbalah.
The explanation is scientific and precise, relying on one single criterion, which is that only two forces exist in nature, a positive force and a negative force, and between them they create all the elements, all the characteristics, and all the laws of creation. The use of the wisdom of Kabbalah gives us a hold on a universal and concrete system of knowledge through which we can approach everything.
Question: The science of physics has been studied and investigated for a few hundred years, while the wisdom of Kabbalah has existed for more than 5,000 years, but it is not taught anywhere. Why is this so?
Answer: The science of physics is included within the wisdom of Kabbalah, but it is a science that is relevant to the lowest level of matter, the inanimate level of our world, and there is nothing in it; there is no spirit; there is no management. It is only the inanimate result of higher forces.
Question: Is it possible to say that the wisdom of Kabbalah is the basis for all the mundane sciences?
Answer: The foundation for all the sciences is HaVaYaH; these are the four phases of the extension of the upper Light from the upper phase, Keter.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/5/17

United With Israel: “The Only Way To Peace Is Jewish Unity”

The largest portal United with Israel published my new article: “The Only Way To Peace Is Jewish Unity
Just as we once lost the Temple and our land because of our own hatred for one another, we must now come together if we wish for some peace and quiet.
As the Temple Mount crisis continues, many are concerned that we are facing yet another round of the violence and bloodshed of which we have become so weary. Again and again Israel faces the reality of conflict and strife, and the road to some peace and quiet seems as blockaded as ever. It is time to ask some very deep questions, to get to the root of our existential uncertainty, because, as a famous Jew named Einstein once said, “We can only solve this problem with a higher level of thinking.”
Our history is not easily grasped by the rational mind: Exiled numerous times from our land, dispersed amongst all other nations for millennia, survived countless persecutions and a most enigmatically terrible holocaust, only to return to our homeland once more and rebuild it from desert land into a thriving modern country. Even as the state of Israel was declared, a war broke out. Five different armies of surrounding Arab countries attacked the fledgling state, that had no army, no resources, just a group of refugees who had recently escaped the greatest genocide in history, fighting for their lives. That victory against all odds was just one in a series of miraculous victories the Israeli state managed to achieve against its perpetrators, to this day.
But this magic is once again dissipating. Are we on the way to another great exile? Some of our greatest sages say that we are. Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag wrote that “our entire reality in the State of Israel is in danger… few will be able to withstand the hardships of our land whilst they have the option to immigrate… Gradually, they will escape this suffering until the population left will not be enough to call it an independent state, and they shall, God forbid, be immersed among the Arabs” (Writings of the Last Generation).
Such an unfavorable turnout is indeed possible, unless we awaken to the real causality behind this seesaw effect, where Jews are both enigmatically persecuted as well as miraculously saved. Our woes and our triumphs are equally beyond understanding. What can explain such an irrational tale? What is the real reason behind our peculiarity?
The Enigma of the Jews
Many have pondered the enigma of the Jews. Leo Tolstoy, for one, wrote of them:
“What is the Jew? … What kind of unique creature is this whom all the rulers of all the nations of the world have disgraced and crushed and expelled and destroyed; persecuted, burned and drowned, and who, despite their anger and their fury, continues to live and to flourish?”
The answer is that we are a people with a unique higher purpose. As Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag writes: “Judaism must give something new to the nations, and that is what they expect from the return of the people of Israel to their land, and it cannot be found in other wisdoms, for we have never been able to add to those and are not their students. It is the wisdom of faith, justice and peace which most nations learn from us, and this wisdom is ascribed to us alone”(The Writings of the Last Generation).
Indeed this is no ordinary nation, but one which carries a great role and responsibility. Although we shirk and repress it, the nations of the world still hold us accountable, directly or indirectly. The wisdom of how to reach true harmony and peace exists within us, and is waiting for us to remember it and use it for the sake of all. When we unite amongst ourselves and advance towards our higher purpose our fate smiles upon us, but when we tarry, we face pressures that signal to us that we have strayed.
The last time the Temple Mount was ours was around 2000 years ago, when we lost it as well as our hold of the land of Israel because of the separation and hatred that existed in our hearts. To regain our strength and security this is what we must tend to. Politics and security measures will never be enough. We can only solve this conflict and all others, by going to the root of who we are, and what it is that we have inside us that everyone is expecting of us to realize.
Our role is to create a model society, where “love covers all crimes,” (Proverbs 10:12), where connection and contribution are valued above wealth, power and personal success. Instead of basing our society upon the laws of the British mandate or other foreign systems, they need to be based upon the values of Israel- that derive from the equality, love and compassion that is in our roots. Not the divided, imbalanced and indifferent society of today, but a real nation, united by love and mutual care, with a responsibility to share it with the whole world.
Fulfilling the Promise
In his speech for the completion of the Zohar, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag wrote that the land of Israel was given to us and yet we have not received it, for it was given only as an opportunity to return to our higher purpose and rebuild the infrastructure not of cement buildings, but of love and connection between us. This opportunity, he explains is not without expiration, and time is running out. Israel was given a chance to achieve its goal and the world praised and supported it for a while. However, since 1967 international support of the state of Israel drastically declined. We have reached a point where UNESCO is determining Israel’s most holy Jewish sites, such as the Kotel and the cave of the Patriarchs, as Palestinian heritage sites. If the very existence of Israel were brought to a vote today, there is a great doubt whether the nations of the world would support it.
This pressure will not end until we come together, until we see through the seemingly irrational reality of our lives, and understand that the solution too is unordinary. When we are bonded together, we succeed. When we forget who we are and fall into separation and hate- our enemies come upon us. Our unity is our strength, and when the love of Israel is revived between us, above all differences, no enemy can harm us, and we will find that the road to peace is open.
As it is written “When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come upon them” (from the book Maor VaShemesh).

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