Thursday, March 3, 2016

New Life #619 – A Good Teacher Is A Teacher Of Life

New Life #619 – A Good Teacher Is a Teacher of Life
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Rav describes how he feels about being a guide for a multitude of students all over the world.
The role of the teacher in a school is to build a person. A professional teacher must also be this way somewhat. The teacher’s role is to prepare children for life, to teach them about the systems of relationships in the family, work, and society. The teacher should teach a child the reason he was born. Children ask about it and get no answer. It simply isn’t talked about it.
If a child knew how to answer this by himself, what he is living for, he could make the right decisions during his life. Since it seems that there is a unique role for an entire generation, the teacher must teach the children what their role is in the world of today. To do this, a teacher must know what nature requires from us because we are living within the system of nature.
The parents at home and the teacher in school must play the same “tune” for the child and should complement each other.
The teachers must learn how to help children achieve balance and harmony with the world that surrounds them. It is up to the teacher to develop the ability in a student to feel the entire system of nature in which we are living and learn to be in balance. Ultimately, the teacher must teach his students to connect with each other correctly, as a single system.
The essential motivation that must move a teacher is first of all to build the child into a person. The children will relate with respect and awe to a true teacher.
Parents entrust to the hands of the teacher the most precious thing that they have; they must be connected with him. If they truly want to build a generation that knows what it is living for, the entire society must change.
From KabTV’s “New Life #619 – A Good Teacher Is A Teacher Of Life,” 8/30/16
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A Force That Is Not Perceived By Human Senses

laitman_527_03Question: How can a person imagine the upper force, the Creator, if it is impossible to perceive Him through our human senses and compare Him to anything in the corporeal world? How is He revealed, and how do Kabbalists attain Him?
Answer: It is very simple. There is a force called the force ofbestowal, and a person can feel it only if, on his part, he has a desire to bestow. Therefore, the attribute that we gradually acquire by studying the wisdom of Kabbalahcalled “Love your neighbor as yourself” is the attribute of bestowal, and it is fulfilled by our love of others.
If a person loves another, he yearns to give him everything. When a person feels that by himself, he immediately begins to feel in this emotion the upper attribute—the Creator, the upper world—and it depends on how intensive this emotion is on his part.
The upper field exists in potential and is revealed only when a network of the right mutual cooperation between us is created.
The incorporation with others, the connection with them, is the network through which the upper force is conveyed. Then, we feel that it exists.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

Einstein Was Right

Question: Scientists in the US claim that they have succeeded in proving Einstein’s theory regarding gravity waves, a discovery that is worthy of a Nobel Prize. How does humanity benefit from such discoveries?
Answer: Such discoveries give people a sense of security since they are based on the laws of this world that can be discovered, predicted, and explained, at least partly. They confirm that our world is a world of the laws of nature, and this is very important.
The law of gravity is the most important law of nature, the law of the general egoism. There is a force that pulls everything, but where is it? How can it be explained?
After all, we can measure it, but we don’t actually feel it and don’t understand the nature of this force. This is a big problem since the major force that is closest to us that we depend on is hidden from us. In fact, it is not hidden, but is simply the foundation. It is the egoistic force of any matter that pulls toward itself. Therefore it is hard to find or to define it, and until this very day not everything is totally clear about this force.
Although this is a great achievement, we should also realize that if we want to attain nature itself, we have to ascend to the next level, to the place it stems from.  After all, all of nature in our world, including subatomic forces and the force of gravity are built according to the four phases of the development of matter that descend from the next level, from the upper level and are revealed in our world as a result.
Therefore, we must ascend to the next level in order to understand them and find what their nature is, their source, and the reason for such phenomena, and not study them on the level they are revealed.
The only way to ascend to the next level is through the wisdom of Kabbalah because we must first change ourselves, change our way of thinking, and reach the state in which we can ascend above our nature. According to Kabbalah we all will have to explore the upper world and establish the basis of our life in it.
Question: Did Einstein have a premonition of the upper level?
Answer: No, he understood it in his mind, but at the same time he was sure that the upper mind and upper forces exist. Although he did not attain them, he attained that level of perception by opening himself to them.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/12/16

The World On The Threshold Of A Paradigm Shift

 Opinion (Dmitry Medvedev): “Today, we are in fact on the verge of a paradigm shift in prevailing international economic relations. Traditional schemes do not work, political expediency takes precedence over the clear economic calculation. Rules often rewritten of ad hocand sometimes simply ignored. Suffice it to recall, as the International Monetary Fund has just altered the fundamental rules of the lending countries with outstanding sovereign debt, when we are talking about the sovereign debt of Ukraine to Russia.
“Talks on a large-scale economic megablocks are fraught with the loss of the system of common rules in the global economic space.
“Part of a bad joke played with us and globalization, to which we have all sought. I personally talked about it during the meetings of the then all the desired ‘Group of Eight.’ But times change, even small changes in the economy of one country now have an almost instantaneous effect on the markets and entire states. Global regulatory mechanisms do not have time to balance the interests of the parties. …
“This is – a road to nowhere. Everyone would be worse, no doubt. Instead, throw a vital force in the consolidation of a new global system that combines the principles of efficiency and equity, market openness, and social protection.”
My Comment: There is nothing new in this statement, but also there is no solution for anyone. The new paradigm must amount to bringing humanity to a full and good general association. This is possible only in the same situation of absolute dependence, which led us to our political, economic, cultural, and social development and so forth.
Either the world will accept such a scenario of the future, or it will be worse, as the politicians and economists say. The wisdom of Kabbalah provides a complete analysis of what is happening, the solution, as well as the program and method for implementation. A change in paradigm is inevitable.

New Life #689 – Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

New Life #689 – Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
There is no stronger power than the power of thoughts. Animals live according to an instinctive operating plan, which man doesn’t have so that he can develop unlimitedly. Where do our thoughts come from? They come from the general computer of nature, from the upper force.
Every state we undergo in life is meant to help us advance to the recognition of the upper force. If we paid attention to every thought we have, we would begin to identify the upper thought.
This is exactly what the wisdom of Kabbalah engages in, in how to perceive the upper leadership and how to identify it. Thus we begin to follow every thought and desire that awakens in us with intention of discovering their source in order to be adhered to the upper thought, to the upper force, that there is none else besides Him. The only way to identify the upper force is by using the formula of “love thy friend as thyself.”
From KabTV’s “New Life #689 – Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?” 2/9/16
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Surrounding Israel By A Fence

laitman_275In the News (The Guardian): “Binyamin Netanyahu has announced his intention to ‘surround all of Israel with a fence’ to protect the country from infiltration by both Palestinians and the citizens of surrounding Arab states, whom he described as ‘wild beasts.'”
Answer: “Protection against wild beasts” is a Kabbalistic term. In the past, walls surrounded all the cities because they defended the city not only from wild animals but also from strangers. You could only enter a city through the city gates that were opened and closed at specific times and guarded. There was also a special regiment that protected the city. That is, the city walls were a serious defensive structure without which the city could not survive.
Question: Do you believe that Israel needs such walls?
Answer: Yes, it will give the people the necessary sense of security and enable the protection of the borders by small forces. The question is how should we fence ourselves from inside? But this issue will be examined later. Now, however, we have to at least build a wall that surrounds us from the outside because we are in great danger of massive immigration from Africa into our state. We have already seen that it is impossible to do anything about this matter. We cannot stand against the flow of refugees because of the international community that watches our moves, but a fence is a fact that no one can enter and that’s it. Therefore I believe that it is vital.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah this is a necessity when it comes to guarding a home and a yard and when it comes to guarding a city and a state. The wisdom of Kabbalah regards a fence as a special spiritual force a person builds around his area, around his home. A fence, a barrier, a wall, is referred to as a division of the upper world from the lower worlds.
The Creator is clearly revealed in the world of Atzilut to anyone who begins to feel that world because it is actually in the world of Atzilut that is actually our home. This is our true place and this is where we are expected. The lower worlds, on the other hand, the world of Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya are below the world of Atzilut and separated from it by a fence called Parsa. One can transcend the Parsa only if he has a special spiritual attribute because the Parsa is a spiritual barrier, a potential one has to leap over.
I hope we will be able to build a barrier around us out of building materials. But the most important thing is that we will create such a potential barrier around us that only those who want to be like us will be able to get near us.
In order to achieve this, we have to connect in mutual love and care for one another, and thus we can create this field around us that only those who want to be like us will be able to come near us.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/11/16

Law To Protect Journalists Rejected In Israel

laitman_629_3Comment: The Knesset rejected the law to protect journalists. Under the law, assault of journalists performing their duties would receive a three to five year prison term. It’s implication was that the duty of journalists was to defend democracy and to be its watchdog.
Answer: The point is that journalists who appear on every TV channel, the Internet, and the press have to be responsible for the education and teaching of society, for its future. They, however, enjoy the fact that they reveal society’s poisonous corruption and illnesses. They don’t do it in order to heal society like doctors do but in order to present these problems in an even more cruel manner than they actually are and show them to the public.
A journalist who presents his harsh perspective stemming from his egoism and wants to show that this is society’s ordinary state, actually raises the standard of what is forbidden, and society follows that and feels “oh yes, this is normal and this is also normal.” We read about such things in the paper or the Internet and begin to accept them because we don’t really know what happens in schools, families, government offices, etc.
Journalists blow everything out of proportions to such an extent that it becomes the norm, and so the next day nothing seems so terrible, which means that the standard has to be raised even higher. There is no education of the people but rather the constant lowering of their level. The level of social sensitivity is getting increasingly lower and people gradually don’t care about anything more.
A journalist today no longer has the image of someone who engages in bringing information to the public, a publicist, and it isn’t a respectable profession like it used to be. A journalist must know his mission and his social role and convey his opinion to society in order to heal it. People don’t know what is happening on the streets. They see everything through the media. If in the past journalists were above the public, now they are inferior to it and so pull all of society to the bottom after them. The point is not whether it is legal to beat journalists or not but the fact that there is no one who can educate them.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/11/16

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New Life #511 – Internet Addiction

New Life #511 – Internet Addiction
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
We are in the midst of a virtual era in which everyone has a toy—the Internet. In the future it will liberate us from work and we will engage only in our relationships and the connections between us, but until then what will happen if they take away our toy?
Since the end of the 20th we have entered the new phase of human development: We are the “screen” generation and have no reason to even leave our home since I connect with the whole world and get whatever I want through this screen.
We are educators who work to build relationships between people and therefore have to call for a public war against negative phenomena, the garbage that is on the Internet—just like the war that was declared on smoking.
From KabTV’s “New Life #511 – Internet Addiction,” 1/27/15
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The Group – A Magic Mirror

laitman_934Question: If a person is born with a certain spiritual potential, can he increase it above what is given?
Answer: Every person is born with a certain spiritual potential that can be increased through the study in a Kabbalistic group where together with other people he will develop his potential with the help of others. And everyone develops in such a way.
After all, we are small pieces of one single system called Adam that broke into many particles. We have to put this puzzle together. If my interaction with others is correct, then together with them I assemble some part of this puzzle, a small fragment. As a result, within this fragment I can begin receiving some sensation of the upper world.
When ten people get together and interact with one another in the correct way, they create a mini-image of the upper world where, just like in a magic mirror, they can reveal that world.
From Lesson in Russian, 12/20/15

Spiritual World – One For All

laitman_938_02Question: Is the spiritual world we attain the same for all or does each one have his own spiritual world?
Answer: The spiritual world we attain is the same for everyone, but each one attains it from some different perspective, in his own properties, just like our world.
In our world we are also supposed to exist in the same volume, but we still attain it in a different way. This happens because each of us has a different set of basic properties, the criteria through which we attain the world.
From Lesson in Russian 12/27/15

Do We Need A Second Half?

Laitman_049_03Question: Must we get married for spiritual advancement?
Answer: No. Today this is no longer necessary.
In our day people have lost the desire to get married, raise afamily, invest in a family, and the education of children is a big hassle for them.
Our generation was educated in a completely different way. Everyone had to get married, bring children into the world, educate them and give them a direction in life. These questions were always in front of us. But today, as a rule, parents aren’t very concerned about these things.
Comment: But in principle nature obligates us to live in a family.
Answer: That is how it once was, but for the new generation there is no need for this. In our day marriages are no longer necessary conditions even for those who want to develop spiritually.
My teacher Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag obligated his students to marry and only someone who married was considered to be his student.
Unfortunately, I cannot demand this from my students because the wisdom of Kabbalah must extend and be disseminated all over the world. If I placed any conditions, we would not succeed in disseminating the wisdom of Kabbalah. The main thing is that people should hear and know at least a little about what the wisdom of Kabbalah is, and that is how the circle of those who are interested will gradually expand.
But someone who truly wants to be seriously involved with the wisdom of Kabbalah on one of the stages of spiritual development will need to think about solving the problem of the family. A person who learns about the nature of the spiritual world feels that he must himself be like nature, and so he is obligated to have a second half.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/6/15

New Life #512 – Virtual Life On The Way Toward Unity

New Life #512 – Virtual Life on the Way Toward Unity
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
We are living in a transitional period in which all of our lives are entering the computer. The world of the future will be entirely digital; the new generation wants to experience the world only through the screen.
In the future the Internet will link us so we will feel connected and mutually dependent, as if we were sitting together in one living room. The developmental trend is to bring us to an integral link between everyone, as if we were a single family.
The traditional family unit is crumbling, each one is immersed in his screen. We will yet see that the future conceals within it a different form of connection. We are standing before a fundamental change in our lives. The screens will be part of our body and we will see the world through them. People will build new connections between them; they will learn a new language, the language of connection.
From KabTV’s “New Life #512 -Virtual Life on the Way Toward Unity” 1/27/15
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New Life #513 – Regarding Illumination And Spiritual Attainment

New Life #513 – Regarding Illumination and Spiritual Attainment
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
A person who is working according to the method of Kabbalah reaches illumination at some point. He feels that the world is full of a good force, love, and connection. This is like a cloud that descends upon the Earth. Then this passes, he continues to work; his definitions of what is considered an ascent and a descent change.
He wants to improve. For several years all the fundamental data in him are corrected, and he then enters into permanent illumination.
All of the evil that we see in the world is because our characteristics are broken. If we correct the ego, we see goodness. All the people in history who discovered the Light, found the tendency to love others.
The Rav chose the method of Kabbalah not because he was a Jew, but because this was a scientific method appropriate for everyone. In Kabbalah there are no physical exercises, there is daily training, studying the sources, and a group where we connect.
A person who discovers the Light sees that everyone is found within it unconsciously; his role is to help everyone feel the power of goodness, love, and connection.
From KabTV’s “New Life #513 – Regarding Illumination And Spiritual Attainment,” 1/29/16
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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Climate Refugees From Africa

laitman_955Comment: The media covered events related to the migration of refugees from the Arab nations who have flooded Europe. But there are also environmental refugees.
In South Africa, nearly 14 million people are starving. The predictions are most terrible. Desertification is rapidly coming to the continent, claiming an additional 10.6 kilometers per year.
In addition, there is the effect of “El Niño”; the significant raising of temperatures of the Pacific Ocean west of Peru and Ecuador in South America leads to not only warmer climates in extensive areas in the world and hurricanes, but also conflicts and wars.
Answer: This is all part of a single, reciprocally connected system. It seems to us that we are separate from nature, that we can hide, warm up or cool down, invent greenhouses and the like. But nothing will solve the climate problem. For example, the Indian Ocean is now undergoing enormous changes and is beginning to dry up. This is affecting all of Asia whose population numbers around 4 billion people.
The media are hiding many facts regarding the changes in nature that are threatening to destroy the planet. We need to reveal them gradually, to understand their interrelationships, their integrality, and our influence on them through our opinions, community, and mutual connections. Humanity, as the highest level of all of nature, influences nature through thoughts and emotions much more than all the “El Niño” phenomena and the “desertification.” If we were to begin to be involved with a correct connection between us and bring ourselves to the form and likeness of the general system of nature, to mutual guarantee (Arvut), we would calm everything down. If we create balance on the level of Adam (Man), this will automatically pass to the levels of the animate, vegetative, and still, and obligate them to become balanced.
Question: What must we do to begin to become balanced?
Answer: Education is required and nothing else.
Comment: But this is a long, drawn out process.
Answer: No. If humanity needs this balance, it will work out very quickly; humanity will immediately stand poised, ready for action, like a rabbit that stands on its hind legs when it is faced by a mortal danger.
Question: So he needs to feel that he is facing a mortal danger first?
Answer: If we don’t, then we wait until we get serious blows, through which we will reach this necessity anyway.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/8/16

American Debt To China

laitman_547_05Question: Masses of residents in China went out to celebrate in front of a special clock that was set up in Beijing that presents the constantly growing American debt to China. To date, the debt stands at 19 trillion dollars. What is this? Isn’t this an absurdeconomy?
Answer: Our world cannot exist otherwise, it works by logging debts, and if we stop producing useless things, the world would stop. Factories would stop working, unemployment would increase, we would have nothing to pay, and we could not print money and things like that. So we would need to distribute money in some other way so that the world would continue to turn.
Question: Do you mean that people would not earn money but simply receive it?
Answer: That doesn’t matter, people must have money so that they can buy something with it, and everything turns on that basis, including the treasury departments, various advertising agencies, and so forth. It is as if everything is evolving and striving to go forward, even though this is long gone. It is an absolute bluff.
The Chinese are celebrating because without them things would collapse. They agree to register a debt that will grow to another 10 trillion, the main thing being that everything will continue to turn, since if you stop the modern “machine,” which requires us to work to get money and buy again and again, there will be a collapse, an immediate halt to the entire world. So no matter what we do, the main thing is that this will not stop.
But we are not really in a world in which people supposedly determine the laws; rather, we are in a world in which there are particular internal natural laws that we don’t know. The wisdom of Kabbalah reveals them by explaining that we are approaching the date for submitting the bill, and accordingly we will need to pay.
Question: What would happen if we didn’t buy and sell anymore?
Answer: Everything would begin to stop. We would hope that this stop would be gradual, and that during this holding action we could explain to the world the nature of the holding action and how to overcome it. Only one way exists, which is to change the characteristics of a person, his nature, and through this, the mutual relationships between people and our entire financial system.
This means it is necessary to change the connections between people based first and foremost on “give and take.” Nevertheless, the basis of “give and take” remains, but its purpose changes. Instead of self-interest, it will be for the sake of our common unity so that we will all be connected into a single whole as in nature.
In this case, you can act like you want according to the principle of “give and take,” but the intention, the direction, the purpose, will be changed. Then we will work differently; each one will invest all his energy and receive the necessities of life according to his needs and no more than this, while all of his energy, his movement, his goal, will be directed toward transforming the world to become round, mutually dependent. This does not mean the bad form of mutual dependence as it exists today in which we want to tear this dependence apart; on the contrary, we would want to make mutual dependence for the good, through mutual guarantee (Arvut).
We will reach this, but it will not happen immediately. Development happens under the influence of the system in which we connect between us constantly and discover more and more in the depth of our connection. The world is gradually beginning to subconsciously feel grasping through whatever fibers of the soul that there are, that the only network to be discovered is the correct and good mutual connection that can save everyone.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/8/16

New Life #638 – The Good Ones

New Life #638 – The Good Ones
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
The wisdom of Kabbalah obliges us to reach love thy friend as thyself. Mutual guarantee will fill our country with a good spirit. When the connection between us is good, we are compatible with the general good force of nature and can bring it closer.
Once we were as one man in one heart, and when unfounded hate broke out we were destroyed. Now we need to rebuild ourselves. Our good future depends only on the connection between us through which our sense of security will improve and our enemies will be neutralized. Our spiritual leaders explained that if we are connected, no one will want to harm us.
Beyond mutual help, the project of “The Good Ones” also includes a PR campaign, discussion circles, in home meetings, and more. If we stop wanting to kill one another in potential, our neighbors will no longer want to kill us in practice. We will be good to one another and the whole world will be good to us. It is an equation that everything works by.
We have to radiate a spirit of connection and set a good example with our neighbors, at work, on the road, and in the media. There is the potential of goodness in every Israeli; it is in our DNA, and this is how we gathered around Abraham. The “Good Ones” is a positive wave meant to awaken the dormant love that is concealed in us. Mutual help in addition to a PR campaign about why it is important to connect will build a zone of security around us. If we connect, we spur the good force in nature and it balances the evil in us.
We tell our children that they should behave nicely to others, but we actually forget that. Let’s create good waves of connection between us, and they will spread like ripples from Israel to the world.
From KabTV’s “New Life #638 – The Good Ones,” 10/25/15
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Monday, February 29, 2016

Receiving Illumination Through Suffering

laitman_424_02Question: Is it possible to discover the Creator without studying according to a method with a teacher and books?
Answer: It is possible, but this is very difficult. There have historically been Kabbalists who attained serious and high states without study.
One of the cases was a person who attained the upper world when he was in a Soviet concentration camp. He began to write in Hebrew there even though he didn’t know the language at all. It is considered that the book was written in a high language that nobody speaks and nobody understands.
I showed his book to my teacher Rabash and he said that this was a very high spiritual attainment, but it is individual like the Book of Psalms by King David.
I was amazed at how a person who doesn’t know the language could write something like this. Rabash answered that it was specifically the great suffering that he went through, which revealed the upper world to him, and he expressed his feelings in writing.
It is necessary to understand that we exist in the upper world, but we lack the desire for it whereas for him, there was a breakthrough into the upper world. There was an additional case of a person who also sat in the prison cell of a concentration camp, and from tremendous longing and great suffering he began to feel the upper world, although not clearly. But he felt as if everything enveloped and held him. This is a normal first feeling of the upper world, and that is what he described in a book.
When he reached Israel sometime later, we met, but all of his spiritual sensations had disappeared. It could be that if he had remained in a camp, he would have reached a greater attainment. Since this didn’t happen, he will live this life without physical suffering. But he had an illumination there and the opportunity to discover the upper world specifically from a state of suffering.
Comment: There are many people who suffer and don’t receive an illumination like this.
Answer: It depends on from what they are suffering. If a person suffers because he is searching for the meaning of life, this could end with the revelation of some kind of illumination. We are found in an ocean of Upper Light, but we don’t have a strong desire for it. When the desire appears in a person, he has some kind of vigilance and he makes an effort so he will feel a higher illumination.
Question: If a person receives illumination through suffering, does this mean that we were created to suffer?
Answer: No, a person is born to discover eternity, the infinite, perfection, and harmony. Suffering is not the right way to attain the upper world, and if this happens, then the contact with the upper world is temporary because the person doesn’t develop permanent desires for spirituality. I don’t suggest considering the example that I gave because a temporary illumination like this comes in moments of very great disappointment and despair when a person sees absolute darkness in front of him.
This is called the “illumination of Malchut,” an abyss that is not a void, not anything except coldness; instead, it is a state in which all substance seems to freeze in him. That is, the person has moved to the beginning of the creation of the universe.
This is possible because all of us are moving in a timeless dimension. States like these can be experienced when the ego disappears, but they don’t give anything. In moments of intense suffering, a person can feel some kind of detachment from his egobecause suffering pushes him toward it.
His entire being is suffering and he wants to leap out of his body, apparently to stop existing. In a state like this he can feel a little detachment, but even though this is a state of antimatter, it is far from being spiritual.
If you want to achieve conscious fulfillment from the higher force correctly and rapidly, it is possible only through connection with friends according to the correct Kabbalistic method. All the other ways are incorrect.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

New Life #684 – The Need To Criticize Others

New Life #684 – The Need to Criticize Others
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
It is natural to criticize others since we are all egoists. Each of us wants to be the king and to rule, and even in school we can already see who the critical and cunning kids are, qualities that accompany them in political positions and on an international level. The more a person’s ego grows, the more he feels distinct from others and the greater his criticism of others.
Today, social networks and the Internet enable a person to criticize everything and to say whatever is on his mind to let out steam. In the future, the ego will be even more complex, pride will grow, and very few in the world will behave differently. In ancient times, in the early days of humanity, the ego was collective, but as the ego developed more and more, each member of the tribe felt that he was separate. The sense of criticism developed in order to separate man from others to our current state when everyone hates everyone else.
A person attacks the one who criticizes him while allowing himself to criticize everyone else since he feels that he is the clever one who understands everything. On the next level of the development of the ego, a person will feel so distant from others that he will have nothing to do with them, not in commerce or in any other area. Each of us will sit alone in his home and only machines will do the work for us. People will not even engage in sports; everything will freeze.
There can be constructive criticism only toward someone we love, but today everyone hates everyone else, and when everyone feels isolated and lonely and the question of “what am I living for?” awakens in a person, the correction of the ego will follow.
From KabTV’s “New Life #684 – The Need to Criticize Others,” 2/2/16
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New Life #508 – The Whole Truth About The Upper Force

New Life #508 – The Whole Truth About the Upper Force
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe.
There is an operating system surrounding the universe and the different forces of this system operate our world. Above these forces there is one force. The goal of our spiritual development is to get to know the upper force, to understand that it operates from inside us and speaks inside us.
All the Holy sources teach us how to discover the upper force. The wisdom of Kabbalahtells us that we shouldn’t blindly believe that this force exists, but should explore, study, and discover it by ourselves.
The great Kabbalists, who were very wise people that lived thousands of years ago; they developed many levels, and wrote books in which they encoded the inner secrets of the upper system. All these books actually teach us how to attain the upper force.
Today the wisdom of Kabbalah is being revealed, inviting everyone to learn how to develop his soul and get to know the upper force; it is the attribute of love andbestowal, the good and benevolent force. This is how the ancient Kabbalists actually broke through the borders of time and space and conveyed the message about the force of love and bestowal to us in the books written through “love thy friend as thyself.”
From KabTV’s “New Life #508 – The Whole Truth About The Upper Force,” 1/22/15
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