Thursday, December 8, 2016

Do Not Add And Do Not Subtract

laitman_032_06Torah, Deuteronomy 13:1: Everything I command you that you shall be careful to do it. You shall neither add to it, nor subtract from it.
All the measurements of spiritual actions must be very precise. A person cannot do less or more. If he does less than he can perform in order to bestow, it means he was greedy and didn’t give enough of himself. And if he does more, then it means that he thoughtlessly attracted his uncorrected egoism to it.
It should be cut exactly along the verge of realizing that we can work in order to bestow up to the certain state and no further. Then there will be a clear distinction, no more and no less.
All this is decided in the head of the spiritual Partzuf. The soul has a head part and a body part. The head part finds solutions for all the problems, and the body part implements them.
Question: Can the body part disagree with the head part?
Answer: No, it can’t. But the confirmation of what you realize must be exactly in the material body part. In other words, the head should know clearly what you can allow yourself in the body. It doesn’t happen often in the material world, but the spiritual path is built entirely upon it.
“You shall neither add to it, nor subtract from it” is an absolutely clear action measured in advance.
If you make the calculation “no more and no less” in your head, it means that nothing will happen to you in the body.
You won’t go into either Klipa (impure qualities) of the right line or Klipa of the left line.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/13/16

Answers To Your Questions, Part 153

Laitman_632_1Question: Even after the Machsom (barrier), will a person have physical suffering, or will he only feel a lack of spiritual Light instead?
Answer: All kinds of physical suffering will accompany us until we attain the goal of creation, the completion of correction, otherwise we will not attain this goal.
Question: How do we include people who are closest and dearest to us within us? What is worthwhile for us to do, what should we think about?
Answer: The dearest and closest people to us are those who are with us together in a single soul because through them we can bestow to the Creator, attaining equivalence of form and adhesion with Him.

Fantasies And Reality, Part 2

laitman_219_04The world we see in front of us is not an external reality, but a sort of 3D movie. We think that we see people, but actually we see our own qualities that are supposedly exist outside of us.
Question: How does it happen that two different people look at a third and see the same thing?
Answer: Obviously, we do not see the same thing. We can’t even compare what we see and evaluate what the other person feels. We just have an agreement to call this picture our world. We can even discuss somebody’s qualities; after all, our perception differs.
We all see the same illusory reality that we imagine, whereby everyone as if looks through his 3D glasses.
Question: Why do we see the same reality?
Answer: It’s because the reality we perceive has to be imprinted in the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. There is a matrix through which everyone is capable of looking at the world and that is why we perceive only certain qualities. However, everyone interprets and perceives them according to his character.
There can be only one reality—upper force called the Creator, which we have to reveal. He is the true and only existing reality. Everything else is an illusion, including us and this entire world, which is called an imaginary world in Kabbalah.
It seems to me that there is I and everything that I imagine: all other forms and billions of people, the Earth, our galaxy, and the universe. But all this exists only in my imagination.
Modern technology is capable of producing glasses that paint holographic picture and give a person the impression that a cup of coffee is standing in front of him, while in fact the cup is nonexistent.
But even if we do not wear such glasses at the moment, we were born with other glasses. They are located inside of our heads and that’s why we always perceive the imaginary reality. We can not take them off because they are implanted in us from birth.
That means that even without putting on the 3D glasses, we nonetheless reside within the 3D illusion. The entire world is an illusion we imagine from the moment we are born.
From a TV Program “A New Life,” No. 787, 11/01/2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Fantasies And Reality, Part 1

laitman_752_1Question: Sometimes a person thinks that real things happen with him, but then he wakes up and understands that it was just a dream. What is reality and what is illusion?
Answer: There is only one reality—the upper force. To the extent that we reveal that force, we exist in reality. If we do not reveal the upper force, it means that we remain in illusion.
It follows that our current state, in which the upper force is hidden from us, is an illusion. It is written in “The “Preface to the Zohar” that the entire world that we see in front of ourselves is only our fantasy, but a highly complicated one, you can even say, a tricky one.
Actually, as the wisdom of Kabbalah explains, we do not see the reality in front of us, but rather imagine it within ourselves. And it seems to us that this internal fantasy actually exists, and it is outside of us.
Imagine that everything we see around us, everything we feel, hear, and breathe, all the impressions in our five senses essentially exist within us. And not inside the body, because it is an illusion too, but in the organ of perception called the will to receive pleasure. This desire includes sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
In essence, we detect not what occurs outside but what happens inside these senses. Sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch are five levels of internal impressions within in us, meaning in the will to receive pleasure. By reacting to waves and fluids that enters it, the will to receive imagines the reality it supposedly exists in.
It is almost like putting on the 3D glasses and seeing yourself in the forest or outer space. Only these glasses are permanent, implanted within us. Through them, we discover our imaginary reality. But it is indeed “ours,” as we have become so accustomed to and united with it that we can not separate ourselves from it.
Kabbalists reveal the true reality existing not inside of us, like the imaginary one, but outside of us. This upper reality, the upper force, is called the “Creator” (Boreh) because it means two actions: “come” (Bo) and “see” (Reh) Him. And then we see that as the upper force governs all reality, which is in fact the will to receive pleasure.
The upper force is the desire to delight, to bestow. By revealing it, we discover how this force fills the entire universe, the entire creation, meaning the will to receive, to be fulfilled.
Question: Do we feel the upper reality with the same senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch?
Answer: We feel the upper reality in the five senses called KeterHochmaBinaZeir Anpin, and Malchut. It is the higher form of perception than the ordinary sight, hearing, smell, and touch.
Question: Does it feel as a true reality?
Answer: It feels much stronger than our current one.
From a TV Program “A New Life,” No. 787, 11/01/2016

A New President, A New World, New Values

laitman_202_0Question: As a Kabbalist, how does the current situation in the world seem to you? You constantly talk about big changes that await us. What are these changes?
Answer: The world is truly in a very unique situation; it is clear that a revolution is approaching. Understandably, this has no connection to Trump, he is just like a puppet on a string chosen for this role. The system is going to get a powerful and very important “upgrade.” In principle, it is possible to say that the world is in a process of a transition toward new values. It is happening gradually, people do not understand it yet. From the power of money, which is the main pillar of capitalism, the world is moving toward more “spiritual” values. This is also linked to the ideological influence that is affecting the spread of Islam in the world. The Muslims are not fighting for money but for their ideology.
I hope that we will see great changes in the world and this entire process will bury the liberalism that is so fashionable in the world today. After all, it has no real basis or possibility of being sustained; its existence is completely artificial. It has brought us to a situation in which people can no longer tolerate it. On the one hand, some of them have immense, unjustifiable wealth that has not been achieved through real labor but through stock market scams. And on the other hand, there are people who don’t have anything with which to live.
Understandably, it is impossible to restore industrial production in America. All of the developed countries have transferred manufacturing to China and other places where labor is cheap. It has already become impossible to bring it back, and there is no need for that. American workers cannot be paid the same salary that the workers in China receive. Therefore, it is simply necessary to switch to a new, spiritual, human industry. We don’t need to manufacture things, but people! After all, there is no shortage of food or clothing. There is enough to supply everything that is necessary to every person in the world. There is a surplus of consumer goods in the world so there is no problem in providing them to everyone. Also, these products cost almost nothing.
We must realize that the only thing the world needs to succeed is a higher power, the strength of connection, which will make us similar nature. Therefore, those people who, through their union, will be able to help humanity become like nature, will be most in demand. This will be the new future of the profession, where people have to learn.
It takes years to learn this, and it should be done by all—millions and billions of people around the world. For those who can train people to unite, it’s a new job. It should involve all the media, because it is a whole system.
People will study, and this training and study will be considered work—spiritual labor, the work of the Creator, for which we get everything we need. About 90% of the world’s population will not find work in producing. The remaining 10% of the mechanical work will need to be distributed around the world somehow.
Trump is embodying this change if he will be allowed to carry it out. But it is already a distinctive indicator since he wants to take the power away from the banking and financial system and return it to industry. But industry will not be as he believes, that it will again begin to produce cars in America and resume heavy and light industry. That will not succeed. Rather, a new industry will be born: the production of humanity.
This will be the new trend in the world. Likewise, this is a trend that has been determined by the situation that is being created in Europe; the European Union will collapse. Everyone is crying that Europe is betraying the integral connection, but the European Union has never been a union, and certainly not integral. It was an alliance of banks to take as much money as possible and control everyone.
So if this union falls apart, it will only be for the better. We don’t need to associate this breakup with the crumbling of Europe. There was no union in Europe; therefore, there is nothing to be sorry about. After the EU falls apart, and there is no doubt that it will, it will be possible to talk about true union. After all, it is clear that the urgent need for union is ripening. At some point it will be possible to talk about union and connection in Europe in another form. But that will require integral education.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About the Current Situation In The World” 11/18/16

Why Extremism Attracts People

laitman_220Question: Why does extremism attract people from different races and religions so much?
Answer: Today, just to be “against” gives a person the feeling that he is changing the world. The world demands change, revolution in the way of thinking and life from egoistic to general equality and unity.
Meanwhile people cannot imagine such a thing, although unconsciously they understand that they cannot agree with what is happening. But they don’t understand how to change the world and what exactly to do for this. Actually man cannot imagine the next step in the development of the world because it is completely opposite to the current state.
Therefore, the next state doesn’t appear to us instinctively as any action that has consistently appeared in the states in the development process of human society, for example, revolutions. It is a state that is given to special people to disclose: AdamAbraham, and their followers. This knowledge cannot appear in any form in people as a result of their natural egoistic development, as the stages of development were born until now.
Now the next stage of the development of humanity is altruistic, opposite to all the previous ones. Therefore, the next state of development of humanity can be revealed to humanity only with the help of a ready example of a group of people called the “nation of Israel” that originally possess special qualities that enable them to attain this new state and later to transmit it to all mankind.

What’s In A Name?

laitman_628_4Question: Is my name (the collection of letters) the seal of my life? Does a person’s name have significance?
Answer: A name doesn’t bear any particular characteristics. It doesn’t matter what a person is named. When a person is born, he or she is arbitrarily given a name and that is what he or she lives with.
Question: So a name doesn’t reflect a person’s fate or influence one in some way?
Answer: If a person changes his desires, so he changes his vessels. This vessel is already indicated by a different set of letters and this is one’s name at the moment.
Suppose he carries out some particular spiritual effort tomorrow and completely different forces appear in him with a different combination of Hassadim and Hochma. So again a new name appears for him. Therefore a person is new every day. He seems to be reborn with a new name, meaning with a new level.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/17/16

“Chronic Fatigue Syndrome May Be A Human Version Of ‘Hibernation’”

Laitman_037In the News (The Washington Post): “The research, published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, focuses on the devastating condition known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, more popularly known as chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS is one of the biggest mysteries of modern medicine and is characterized by severe fatigue and related issues such as headaches and memory problems. According to conservative estimates, 2.5 million people in the United States suffer from it, but no cause has ever been pinpointed. …
“They found that 80 percent of the metabolites were lower in those with CFS. They also found what they described as ‘abnormalities’ in 20 of the metabolic pathways.
“All this suggests that the metabolism of people with CFS is markedly slowed down. …
“When faced with adversity, cells go into defensive mode, he explained. ‘In most cases, this strategy is effective and normal metabolism is restored after a few days or weeks of illness, and recovery is complete after a few weeks or months.’ But with CFS, it’s that possible the body got ‘stuck’ in that state.
“He said that although he does not believe that CFS is actually hibernation and although humans do not, in fact, hibernate, he said the ‘metabolic signature’ is similar to that of animals in hibernation.”
My Comment: We pay a price for disregarding the laws of nature, the goal of which is to bring unity between us and a restructuring of human society. Only in this way will we achieve tranquility, balance, and relaxation.

The New Money: A Spiritual Masach (Screen)

laitman_608_01Question: Will humanity use a substitute for money in the future?
Answer: The new money that humanity will use in the future will only be a spiritual Masach (Screen). The amount of money that you have will be according to the quality and the quantity of your Masach.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/9/16

What Reality Are We Living In?

laitman_423_01Question: What reality are we living in?
Answer: We are living in an egoistic reality, in a state where we feel that everything is only for our own pleasure or our own security.
We can only feel a small part of the infinite, totally boundless state we are in; it passes through our egoistic filters and is recreated inside us in a distorted way called our world. This means that this world is virtual, that it exists inside us and is created by our ego. Only what is good or bad for our ego is reflected in it, and this is the only thing we perceive with our five senses.
In the reality we do not perceive, we are seemingly asleep, we cannot feel it because we are in our egoistic desire and can draw only what brings us pleasure or can reject what can bring us pain, and this is actually what creates the contrast between plus and minus in us, between darkness and illumination, and so forth.
Question: What percentage of true reality don’t we see?
Answer: We don’t see anything. What we process and recreate inside us, in our egoism, doesn’t count as part of the true volume of creation.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/18/16

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Kabbalist’s Mission

laitman_547_03Question: What is the mission of a person who studies the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: A person who studies the wisdom of Kabbalah, and I emphasize a person and not a man, has to make sure that he perfectly corrects his part in the general system called creation or Adam (Man), in his relationships with all created beings on the levels of the still, vegetative, animate, and the speaking nature, and through them, his relations with the Creator.
If this is what he does, he is called man, Adam, who resembles the Creator no matter whether it is a man or woman in our world. In our world, a man can do much more intensive work than a woman because he has a bigger ego and a lesser yearning for the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/26/16

Books Give Way To The Wisdom Of Kabbalah

laitman_527_05Question: What is the significance of books and libraries in the evolution of humanity?
Answer: I will answer as a scientist who has sought to learn all my life. Since the age of nine I subscribed to the magazines Knowledge is PowerTechnology for TeensScience and Life, and later to the magazine Radio. How can one live without literature or books? Today we can upload all the world’s literature on one computer and give each one access to the treasures of human intelligence.
Question: Why does a person need this knowledge?
Answer: It depends upon what we want to insert into our memory.
Education is built by reading many different sources, which are all forgotten but which build the special connections in our brain, in our memory, and today when we look at different objects, instruments, and phenomena, we can perceive, understand, and relate to them correctly because the right relationship has been created.
By reading a lot, we seemingly create internal software inside us, like Word for example. Once you upload Word on your computer, you can use this software to read texts, to write, etc.
Similarly, education uploads its software in us and we don’t need to remember anything because the major basic intelligence of man is already inside us.
Question: Will it always be this way?
Answer: I believe that it will gradually disappear because everything will be completed by the wisdom of Kabbalah, which provides us with full knowledge of the world we are living in: who we are and how we should correct this world.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/9/16

The “Holy Still” Level

laitman_281_01All the great Kabbalists wrote their books only from the attainment of the upper system, upper forces, and upper governance. Exactly through his attainments, Moses wrote the Torah as a story of the crossing the Sinai desert for forty years. It, in fact, speaks only about spiritual actions.
It is the same with Rambam and other Kabbalists. Each one selected some kind of special, earthly form of presentation that was close to him and described spiritual phenomena. The interesting thing is that when you explain this on the earthly level, you receive such laws that through keeping them, the society becomes totally different. It is as if society conserves itself through protection from bad internal problems.
This level is called Holy Still (Domem de Kedusha) and it protects a person from many problems because some illumination of the upper forces descends upon him. Although he doesn’t understand anything and just keeps the traditions, he protects himself.
However, the goal is not in this; this is just a minimum level of preservation. It is followed by the vegetative, animate, and human levels where certain efforts are required from us to change our internal state.
The first level, Domem de Kedusha, doesn’t require anything apart from one thing: “Preserve yourself.” You were given this tradition and you must scrupulously abide by it.
However, if you don’t keep it, you fall from this level. To keep means to work always against constantly growing egoism. It is necessary to rise constantly in order to compensate for the descent of egoism. It is impossible to be just spiritually still because the people of Israel fell from this level.
In those times, sages taught on the spiritually still level and tried to pull people to the higher degrees so that they themselves would advance and grow spiritually. However, the people thought that it is enough for them to stay the way they are, “Why shouldn’t I be the same as my grandfather?! I perform everything as required.” A person doesn’t even feel that everything that he does is only mechanical.
Thus, there is what is called the descent of the generations to the point that we see today. And everything is just because they left the spiritual ascent. After all, it is impossible to remain on the same level without compensating for the growing egoism.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/13/16

Everything Has A Spiritual Source

laitman_209Question: Is studying the wisdom of Kabbalah possible in all languages equally?
Answer: The words in Hebrew bear a code; therefore, the study will not be identical. If, for example, you say, “Bina, Hochma,” then the writing of the word itself bears within it a particular combination of symbols that represent particular forces, while in another language this won’t exist.
Yet, every language has a “spiritual source” just like every person, object, and phenomenon in our world. Otherwise, this branch would not exist.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/17/16

New Life #403 – Suicide Prevention

New Life #403 – Suicide Prevention
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
How does social support and conversation help us contend with life and prevent suicidal feelings?
We are social creations. There is always conflict between a person and his environment.
To prevent suicide, it is necessary to build a new educational-social framework for everyone, to hold daily workshops in small groups to explore life, relationships, and emotions. In these discussions, even someone who is introverted will hear the words of others about life. Openness is gradually created.
At first, all of the garbage comes out of a person; everyone unloads his own baggage.
We try to connect in a circle, nobody criticizes others, and we try to reach a single opinion. Gradually, each one begins to feel that connection with a warm society is more important to him than his personal life. Instead of suicide, he begins to find a higher value to life.
Connection workshops make everyone equal, balance the differences, and help everyone acquire a higher meaning.
From KabTV’s “New Life #403 –Suicide Prevention,” 6/12/14
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Monday, December 5, 2016

The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Has Become Popular

laitman_938_07Question: Why has the wisdom of Kabbalah become more popular today?
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah is a wisdom that has to be revealed in our days to all the people in the world. I have been engaging in it for over 40 years. During this time it has really become more popular and sought after in our world, not because we advertise it but because the world needs it.
The wisdom of Kabbalah tells a person what he is living for and how he can ascend from our world to a state of eternity and perfection.
More and more people today feel the need to reveal the meaning of life because in spite of our broad perspective of our world where we look around and see everything from the top down, all the way to the horizon and beyond the horizon, we don’t know what the meaning of our life is on this small planet at the end of the galaxy. People don’t know what we are living for.
They say that when you look at Earth from space you begin to understand a little. Let’s ascend a bit and look at our small planet and at what we engage in, where we are running, and what we are doing. Stop and look. Our perpetual motion steals the main things from us.
We don’t engage in the most important thing that musts be done in our world, which is getting out of its boundaries. The next world exists, and today it is open for everyone. We are in our world like inside a small room, running around like kids, playing and jumping from one corner to another, but if we just open the door and come out, we will see a huge world before us.
The wisdom of Kabbalah enables us to do so. People feel that it is time. Such desires emerge in them. This is the reason that the wisdom of Kabbalah, which speaks about the fulfillment of these desires, is very popular today, and I offer it to you.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/9/16

Does Every Person Have A Point In The Heart?

laitman_234Question: Does every person have a point in the heart?
Answer: Yes, but there are people whose point in the heart will not be revealed in them for another 200 years, and there are those in whom it has already been revealed today.
We don’t know when the point in the heart will be revealed in a person, so we disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah without coercion, without any pressure. Someone who wants it, someone to whom this method speaks, will come and learn.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/28/16

Covering Transgressions With Unified Love

laitman_938_02The soul is our desire to get fulfilled due to the correction and is connected with the desires of other people so that there are no barriers between them anymore.
This common desire is felt by us as one and is called the vessel of the soul. The feeling that we reveal in this common desire is called the Light of the soul or its fulfillment.
But we must sort our desires and fulfillments and always ensure that they are directed only to the mutual bestowal between us and from it to the general mutual bestowal to the Creator.
The vessel of the soul is constructed in such a way that all initial negative qualities remain in it, and the corrections are made above them. That revelation of the transgressions of egoism and their subsequent correction give us a sense of the depth of the connection between us.
We see in our world how in a family and in a friendship various problems arise constantly because we are egoists. And until our egoism is corrected by going through quarrels and conflicts and then correction, and more conflicts and more corrections, we can’t be sure that we are connected with each other.
Therefore, the gradual revelation of all the problems is necessary in order for us to correct ourselves continuously and to connect with each other.
At the same time, those who move forward feel the various problems and contradictions even more, so much so that they can’t cope with them. In this way the general system, the general soul, teaches them how to find the correct connection between each other and where they actually are.
And so on, until the very end! Only once all the transgressions are revealed and a unifed love is revealed above them, a person can be sure that he really is righteous. It is impossible to come to this state if he hasn’t revealed wicked in him.
The Creator reveals this in him; after all, there is nothing new, everything comes from the source of our souls. All the “crimes” are inside a person, and he is obliged to reveal this. The revelation happens in stages, not immediately, according to the qualities, abilities and relationship with the world that he is given. Here he must be in connection with the Creator, in gratitude to Him, and must cover everything with love.
A person is not given what he can’t handle. Evil is revealed only once the Creator gives a person certain internal and external circumstances so he can rise above the evil, overcome it, and cover it with love.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/6/16

The Two Kabbalistic Languages

laitman_209Question: Is there a mutual connection between the Hebrew alphabet and the Aramaic alphabet? If so, what is it?
Answer: A language opposite from Hebrew, called Aramaic, emerged in ancient Babylon. The two languages have the same alphabet, the same graphic forms, and the same names for each letter.
But the words are written a bit differently because Hebrew expresses the movement from the side of the Light, from the top down, while Aramaic expresses the movement from the bottom up, from the perspective of the Kli (vessel, desire) with regard to the Light. This is the reason that some Kabbalah books were written in Hebrew and some in Aramaic, and there are books in which both languages are used.
It all depends on what the author wanted to say, on which side he described the system, and how we should read it in the most convenient way. Just as we use different computer languages for different programs on our computer, so are the two languages used in order to express the wisdom of Kabbalah: Aramaic and Hebrew.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/17/16

Why Do The Nations Of The World Need The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why do the nations of the world need the wisdom of Kabbalah? Many believe that only Israel needs this.
Answer: The nations of the world specifically need it. The people of Israel are that small fraction of the nations of the world who received the wisdom of Kabbalah in their past. So, today we must restore it in us, realize it again, and disseminate it to the whole world. That is why the people of Israel exist.
Question: If so, why should we reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah to the nations of the world now since the people of Israel have not yet realized it again themselves?
Answer: It is because the time has come. The entire process is happening simultaneously. That is also how it was at the time of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. The Egyptians needed to know what was happening with the people of Israel who were among them. The entire process is being realized precisely according to plan and according to the spiritual laws that don’t depend on us but are found within the nature of our existence, our ego.
Humanity must gather together into a single system, a single soul; that is what humanity must attain. After that, humanity will ascend through the spiritual levels to an eternal and infinite state.
Comment: You have chosen work that is not easy.
Response: I haven’t chosen anything, this is the mission that was imposed upon me from above and I must carry it out. In a sense, it is possible to say that I am a servant. But when I see the need for what must be done, I do it and nothing else.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 10/31/16

New Life #400 – Sports Education And Group Power

New Life #400 – Sports Education And Group Power
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
You can acquire educational values through sports. What characterizes sports that promote connection compared to ordinary competitive sports, and does group cooperation significantly improve achievements?
Sports can develop a person’s confidence, power, stamina, persistence, and ambitiousness. All this is very important, but we have to fill sports with the spirit of connection. We need to develop sports that require a deep sense of mutuality. It is a good idea to develop activities for the public in parks, physical activities that include dancing and a common motion. The role of the coach is to connect the members of the group. The uniqueness of each member in the group stands out on top of the connection.
We should add to training exercises that develop connection, understanding, and a feeling of mutuality. The players should become friends, get closer to each other, eat together, and sleep together until they become one body. They should not compete against each other. They should speak about the connection, the ties between them, about love and mutual understanding. They should get to know each other well.
A perfect group is a group in which all its members move as organs of one body on the field, as one player. We should add a connection workshop to today’s training, to share feelings, to find out how the connection can be made stronger. It is possible to play games with the eyes or ears covered and then try to feel the others internally.
We will see how from one year to the next, the winning group is the one that has the power of connection, and not the group that has individual stars. Today sportsmen use drugs in order to enhance their performance. The power of connection will enhance performance many times more.
It is easy to use drugs, while you have to work on the power of connection, but the power of connection is unlimited. You should not go over board with talks to children, but rather show them the connection between togetherness and success though games. If we nullify the self, we will feel that there is one head in the center of the group from which we all receive orders.
We can perceive these operating orders by creating mutual brotherhood among us and being as one. Such a group will demonstrate perfect harmony and the audience will be stunned and will be drawn into unity between them.
From KabTV’s “New Life #400 –Sports Education And Group Power,” 6/8/14
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Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Letter Is A Spiritual Vessel

laitman_260Question: What came first, the wisdom of Kabbalah or the Hebrew language?
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah is a system for attaining the upper leadership, and as you study it, you begin to discover its letters and its forces, which the language of the leadership. This language is called Hebrew.
Question: Can we analyze this process with the example of the letter “Aleph”? After all, there is so much in that.
Answer: There is a great deal in all the Hebrew letters.
“Aleph” is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

The right upper element represents the letter “Yod,” the tenth letter of the alphabet, which corresponds with GE (Galgalta ve Eynaim), the vessels of bestowal. The left lower element represents the fourth letter of the alphabet “Dalet,” which corresponds with AHP, which are vessels of receiving.
A line called Parsa (border), the dividing part, crosses the two elements, and separates one letter from the other.
In fact, the letter “Aleph” includes the whole spiritual vessel. If we take ten Sefirot: Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin (which includes 6 Sefirot) and Malchut, GE are before the border from the upper side until Bina and AHP are below.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/17/16

All The Creation Is Me

laitman_929With the correct connection of all the parts of the single soul, they must be joined together and incorporated into one single whole so that common knowledge, common opinion, common faith, and common “food”: bestowal and reception from each other, will circulate in it, so this single system of the hearts (desires) and intentions (mind) will work correctly, and everyone will feel the entire system.
When we together are connected to this system, each through all connects to everyone and each one feels that he is not just a small part of the system, but is the system itself – Adam. In other words, everything included in this system and everything that is created is me.
I feel that the Creator created me personally because when I connect to each piece of the soul, I feed it and receive from it. It turns out that my inclusion in bestowal and reception is absolutely unique and individual because I am the one who does it. And this is the same from your side and from his side.
Everyone feels like one whole. There is a single Creator that has a complete open contact with the single creation – each of the six hundred thousand pieces that make up the soul.
Feeling full contact with the Creator is the spiritual degree of a human. In our world it is similar to how a woman demands that a man belong to her fully, leaving nothing for him: no life, no work, no thoughts, and no mind. She instinctively wants to absorb him.
In principle, the same desire is revealed in a person with respect to the Creator; after all, a person is considered a female (receiving) part relative to Him. This is how it works; we must reach this state. It is manifested only on a spiritual degree and won’t work on any other levels.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book,” 6/7/16

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