Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—What We Should Learn From History

Dr Michael LaitmanWe have all studied history in school and have heard about what happened in the past. But now we are learning about the inner mechanism: why did things happen, who put history in motion and for what reasons, and what we can do to go along with history and with the system of nature—the Creator. Because disasters happen due to our inadequate involvement. This is what history teaches us.
It is written that “the deeds of the fathers will become a sign for the sons,” so today we must scrutinize why we behaved incorrectly and how we could have changed history if we had acted differently. We can change our fate to benefit ourselves, the world, and the upper force—this is the purpose of our studying.
This is not just a history lesson we used to have at school but a different way of understanding why the governance comes down in such a way and how to respond to it correctly. If we would be able to generate the right response today, which nature is obliging us to do, we would be able to achieve the most positive results.
The whole process is predetermined from the beginning to the end and there is only one line meant to bring the whole egoistic desire, the whole corporeal nature, to the spiritual, perfect, corrected degree. This makes everything that is happening clear. If we reflect on historical occurrences along this path, on what took place, we will see that in each case, our incorrect response has led to catastrophic consequences for us.
The supreme force of nature is spinning the flywheel of history and as far as nature is concerned, we are all equal and must reach the same goal whether we want to or not.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/20,” The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism
Minute 21:56

“Would A Liberal, Progressive Iran Be Better For Israel?” (Newsmax)

Could a more liberal and progressive Iranian rule or neutralized Iranian threat bring peace to Israel in the Mideast?
A popular leaked video shows an anti-regime demonstration where a group of protesting students in Iran carefully avoided stepping on United States and Israeli flags on the ground as they walked by, suggesting their different views to their rulers.
Besides this video, the world has trouble peeking into the populist revolt brewing in the heart of the Islamic Republic, because the Iranian regime blocks access to various networks, and churns out deceptive media.
However, the Iranian economy in crisis, rising unemployment, declining morale, and rebellion of the younger generation, become increasingly apparent. Iran’s youth flood the streets in protest over their economic situation and the rule of Ayatollah Khamenei.
The Untapped Potential of Iran’s Youth
30 years ago, I was in contact with a number of Iranians.
I was impressed by their intelligence, sensitivity, wide-ranging education, and their attraction to enlightenment, culture, science, literature, music — everything marking progress and development.
When Ali Hosseini Khamenei assumed the position of Grand Ayatollah, he took for granted that the younger generation would submit to the same draconian rule that has been dished out since 1979, especially since such rule is the only kind that they would be raised with.
However, such rule fails to take into account the global nature of our world with its ease of access to information, and the extent of the younger generation’s awareness of its restrictive conditions compared to the rest of the world.
Young Iranians, who feel that they host immense unrealized potential, have become envious and inspired by Westerners, wanting similar kinds of opportunities.
Not markedly religious and certainly not extremists, they realize that they could find success in any field given the chance.
Therefore, they harbor a lot of pent-up energy with which to come out and demand change.
They disagree with the billions of dollars being spent on weaponry while seeing no hatred or enemy threat from the West, questioning why they should suffer because of the ruling faction’s unrealistic aspiration to control half of the world, which falls short year after year. As they see an increasing number of civilians being killed, as well as tightening sanctions on the country, they see a bleak future.
Where Is Israel in This Picture?
If the protesters were granted their wish, a more liberal and progressive Iran, would the Iranian threats on Israel also become old news?
No. There would still be no meaningful change in the Mideast.
According to the wisdom of “Kabbalah,” reality consists of multiple layers. At the deepest layer we are all inextricably linked together, in our every thought and desire. Furthermore, the people of Israel, as written in “The Zohar,” have a non-negotiable role to play in this network.
The balance of forces in the world rests upon the people of Israel, on whether or not we perform our role: uniting with each other in order to pass the unifying tendency onto the rest of the world. Our unification has the power to open the door to a harmonious reality in the Middle East and the world. In other words, as is written about our role, we must become “a light unto the nations,” and until we do, we will find no peace.
When we unite above the naturally-surfacing divisive tendencies, we draw a positive force dwelling in nature, called “light” in the language of Kabbalah. A peaceful, safe, calm, happy and loving global atmosphere needs such light, a radiating positive energy fueling a willful joint effort to unite above division. Without it, no regime change will help.
When divided, we provoke a negative force. It severs our positive ties and makes us agree to divisive ideas and opinions. The more we continue letting our divisive drives surface, the stronger the hatred grows against us, haunting us with portrayals like the Iranian nuclear threat.
In the meantime, the Iranian threat, together with other anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli expressions running rampant in today’s world, are necessary to ensure that we do not become complacent and indifferent, and instead actively seek a solution to the growing discomfort. In other words, the intensifying negativity toward us from the world forces us to face questions about our identity, responsibility, and what we need to change.
Jewish unity is the answer.
There is untapped potential in our unity that would bring about nothing less than a perfect life for everybody — the Iranians and ourselves included. I thus hope that we start waking up to the call for our unity sooner rather than later, and by so doing, spare ourselves and the world much suffering.

Building The Future Society, Part 7

laitman_271Gradual Entry
Baal HaSulam “Building the Future Society”: 6. It is forbidden to nationalize the property before the public reaches this moral level. The collective will not have fuel for work before there is a reliable moral factor in the public.
One must enter the new society gradually. It is possible to get rid of the personal and give it to the care of society only to the extent that society is ready.
Question: And who determines that society is already ready?
Answer: Only the people themselves, the relations between them, the state between them. In no case should it be done irresponsibly or under the influence of some ideals. All this should be clearly visible from life.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 2/7/19

Life And Death, Part 10

laitman_600.01Prefer Life in Bestowal
Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot”: 3) “See, I have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil…therefore, choose life…”
This means choose the quality of bestowal and love for others. It is not easy because the choice happens above our egoism. This is why we live.
We need to go through a lot of things in order to really understand this: to prefer to live in bestowal, meaning, to serve other people in order to bring them to connection and by so doing, letting the Creator reveal Himself between them. This is the person’s sole goal in life. All the rest simply disappears, nothing else exists.
We cannot imagine how the universe is arranged outside of our present inherently false state. It is absolutely wrong, distorted by our egoism. If we had the opportunity, like in a camera, to focus on what is happening, we would see how with a qualitative decrease or increase in egoism, that is, by getting closer to others or by moving away from others, the world becomes different.
Let’s hope that this will become revealed more and more between us. However, to do so, one needs to be in a group, in the ten. Only there, in the group of those who yearn to attain the purpose of life, can we assemble a model that will be called “life after death” or the “upper world.” This can be simulated while still in our world, in our life.
Therefore, if someone has such a desire, they should come to our group and participate in practical “laboratory” classes. Then he will see that all this is very effective and attainable. We await you.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/14/19

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Understanding Historical Causes And Effects

laitman_294.1Throughout history the same forces act, resulting in same reactions. The new book: The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism shows that there are always causes and effects leading to the same turn of events.
This book must change our approach and teach us to see all the occurrences happening in this world in the light of Kabbalistic interpretation. The problem is that people do not understand what is happening to them. We study texts written 2,000 years ago without any knowledge of what has been happening during those 2,000 years and we draw incorrect conclusions.
The book The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism does not just recount the history of anti-Semitism. It, however, provides us with a foundation, reveals the cause of what is happening, and explains how we can change this process in its core.
The Jewish people are not the only ones who should receive this education and open their eyes to what is happening, the whole world needs to as well. The current events are caused by the same forces within the people of Israel and the whole of humanity within the common integral system. There is a single source pulling us toward the end of correction. If we are ready to move toward it, then we advance by means of “accelerated time,” by the light, and if not, then we advance by “in due time,” by the path of suffering.
The heroes that emerge on this path or the events that unfold are unimportant; what is important is that we can change the nature of this process, shifting it from the path of suffering to the path of light, which is good both in the eyes of the Creator and in the eyes of the person.
We exist within nature, which is a set of laws descending from a single source. This source consists of only one law, which we must learn thoroughly. We will then have no more issues with it just like with electricity or math: knowing the underlying law, one can derive thousands of applications from it.
All we have to do is learn the fundamental principles:
1. The world is an egoistic desire.
2. There was a group that rose above egoism and therefore received the name Israel (Yashar-Kel, straight to the Creator) because it wished to achieve the force of bestowal, the upper force.
This is the determining factor of the entire history of the people of Israel.
Anti-Semitism arises in other nations because they have never possessed the force of bestowal. But the people of Israel who once achieved the power of bestowal later fell from this level, and therefore they hate bestowal even more than the nations of the world. This determines the current state.
However, there is a small group, Bnei Baruch, that is trying to explain all of this to humanity. History is unfolding rapidly day after day. We must keep up with this process in order to understand what is happening to us in this scenario, the acting forces and the consequences they are causing, and we must deliver this message to the rest of humanity.
Our common salvation depends on it because the world is now in a very dangerous state: both the people of Israel and the nations of the world. Baal HaSulam warned us about the possibility of the third world war, and it was no exaggeration. We must realize that we have the opportunity to avoid a true catastrophe.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/20, “The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism
Minute 0:50

What Is The Cure For Cancer?

Each cell in our physical body has a mechanism of self-sustenance. However, it consumes only what it needs for its useful functioning within the interconnected system of tissues and organs. If, however, a single cell of the human body starts to function for a purpose other than for the entire organism, it becomes cancerous.
The same goes for people within society and nature. As soon as one begins thinking only about oneself, the system gets “influenced” by these thoughts and desires. Then, each element begins consuming everything for its own benefit, leaving nothing for others. This is how a cancerous tumor is formed. If we don’t think about others, we destroy not just us, but all other levels of nature: still, vegetative and animate. When cancerous growth of a selfish attitude toward everyone spreads beyond a certain limit, humanity starts consuming itself.
What is the solution to this situation?
The wisdom of Kabbalah states that when we understand our egoistic nature and apply efforts to rise above it through building loving connections between us, we’ll step into a new level of perception of reality. As soon as human relationships become mutual, kind, benevolent, and we all unite into one complete system, the world will become balanced, and there will be no room for cancer on any level.
Take the Free KabU Course to Find True Answers About Life
This course is a journey into understanding life and how all its pieces come together. It aims to give you genuine, scientific answers to all the questions you’ve ever had about life, and most importantly, what you can do about it. Also, it aims to give you tools to upgrade the way you think about and perceive reality, essential knowledge about your nature and how to restore its purpose, and help you attain self-realization.

Building The Future Society, Part 6

laitman_265Kabbalah —Guide for the Society of the Future
Baal HaSulam “Building The Future Society”: 3…they must establish the moral level of the majority of the public on a basis that will necessitate and guarantee that the corrected communism will never be corrupted.
People must understand that all the laws of a future society are absolute and eternal. Only then will they start on their own, consciously keeping everything.
Kabbalah, as a method of attainment of the goal of creation, (the global law of the universe) is the only basis assured to raise the level of the collective to the moral level of “working according to the ability and receiving according to the need.”
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains the implementation of the methodology for creating a new society: how to do it, how to implement all laws and rules in it. In practice, it is a guide for the society of the future.
Question: Can this be somehow proved?
Answer: You can’t prove it, people just won’t have any other choice. Based on all their problems, they will see that only this wisdom gives the right advice.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 2/7/19

“What Are The Secrets Of The Kabbalah?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What are the secrets of the Kabbalah?
There are no secrets in Kabbalah and never have been.
The entire problem is only in society’s possibility of correctly accepting it, adapting to it, tasting it, and using it correctly for its development.
For example, it is written in The Book of Zohar that of the great Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai’s ten disciples, only Rabbi Aba could correctly expound upon the teaching so that it would be accessible, smooth, correct, and at the same time, hidden.
In other words, the concealment in Kabbalah is that it discusses the higher world, beyond our current perception of reality, which we perceive through our five senses. To perceive the higher reality, we need to develop an additional sense, called a “screen” (“Masach”) in Kabbalah. Such attainment is available to anyone who so desires, and the method is laid out in a way where it can be researched, attained and repeated by anyone. It is only a matter of whether one has a desire to attain a reality higher than our current one, and whether one applies oneself in the method according to the guidance of the Kabbalist teacher.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—Awaken Mercy In The World

laitman_592.01If we unite and reveal Hassadim (mercy) between us, then nothing bad will happen. Indeed, when the upper light is revealed without the cover of Hassadim, it is very painful: like a sharp knife or the fire of hell. However, if we precede this revelation with the cover of Hassadim, the light reveals itself as a waterfall of goodness.
Through unity, we awaken mercy in the world, Hassadim, and then the light that comes to push forward the people of Israel and all of humanity toward correction enters the Hassadim, prepared by us from below. Hassadim comes from below, and from above comes the light of Hochma. It depends only on us, on our connection.
By uniting, we attract the light that reforms, called Hassadim. This Hassadim spreads among us, and we find ourselves in a cloud of mercy. Then, the upper light of Hochma, which comes in order to advance us, does not enter us like a knife, but it is covered in Hassadim and reveals the Creator to us according to the equivalence of form between our bestowal (Hassadim) and the light of Hochma from His side.From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/4/20, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism
Minute 10:30

“Nature’s Life-Giving Secrets That We Can Learn From Chernobyl” (KabNet)

On April 26, 1986, one of the world’s worst-case scenarios materialized. The Chernobyl nuclear reactor exploded as a result of a failed experiment, releasing ten times more radiation than the amount from Hiroshima. A vast area became deadly for 350,000 residents.
Despite the Soviet regime’s attempts to hide history’s most severe nuclear accident, within days, the place became a ghost town. Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated from their homes, and scientists estimated that the affected Chernobyl area would be uninhabitable for the next 20,000 years.
Against human logic, a decade later, vegetation began sprouting from the ruins. Chernobyl became a kind of evolutionary laboratory for the world, where a flourishing nature reserve emerged from nuclear ruin. The fields blossomed, trees of the forests restored themselves, and a variety of animals began to appear in the area: reptiles, poultry and various mammal species, some of which had not lived in the area for many years before the disaster.
“If we repair human relations, building bridges of positive connections above our innate rejection, divisiveness and even hatred of each other, we can then experience our reality as perfect.”
Through the lens of nature’s laws, the regrowth at Chernobyl is akin to many new planetary states that surfaced from their opposites. The earth has developed through states when its surface was molten, when it was mostly coated in ice, and also when it was completely covered in water. However, out of every era, our planet emerged stronger and healthier than its preceding version.
What Happens When Humans Don’t Interfere With Nature?
The universe has endless healing and balancing forces. When humans do not interfere in the inanimate, vegetative and animate levels of nature, there is total harmony.
We operate in a network of forces of which we have little understanding, so even our seemingly benign thoughts and actions might result in unintentional harm. It follows that when the selfish and destructive human spirit abandons an area, it becomes filled with life.
Chernobyl provides such an example: When the radiation began fading away and there was no human disturbance, new species of plants and animals emerged that we thought were extinct. Where did these new species come from?
How New Species of Plants and Animals Emerged in Chernobyl After the Disaster
Nature is comprised of many forces, visible and latent, and myriad combinations between these forces bring about an infinite variety of forms. When humans exit the picture, leaving these forces alone, they act and give birth to every manifestation that needs to exist according to the current developmental stage.
It is a law of nature: every intersection in the network must be fulfilled and generate something new, whether on the inanimate, vegetative or animate levels. At every level, nature operates according to different and contrasting attributes of connection in order to create harmony and balance, enabling ever more advanced life forms to evolve. In other words, nature always evolves to higher states of unification.
Nature’s inanimate, vegetative and animate levels obey its laws and operate harmoniously. Every object and organism on these levels extracts exactly what its sustenance requires and passes any surplus back to the larger system in which it exists.
This is how a well-oiled integral system is created. Only the human being can, for a limited time, resist such laws. Human nature has a tendency to act oppositely: we contribute what we must, and take as much as we can without considering the system’s other parts. We do so without understanding that we rob ourselves by doing so, because in reality we are interdependent parts of the natural system like cogwheels in a machine.
What Humans Should Take Away from the Chernobyl Regrowth
The Chernobyl example demonstrates how human nature is opposite to nature itself. The human ego, i.e., the desire to enjoy at the expense of others, which gives rise to exploitation, manipulation and abuse in the midst of our relations, generates toxins that radiate throughout nature. It is thus imperative for us to learn how nature works, and by so doing, we will know how to fix the problems we cause.
If we raise awareness of our function as humans within nature, understanding how its inanimate, vegetative and animate levels depend on our relations, then we can work together to become harmoniously integrated with, and beneficial to, nature.
If we repair human relations, building bridges of positive connections above our innate rejection, divisiveness and even hatred of each other, we can then experience our reality as perfect. By correcting human nature, we will feel how our relationships blossom and breathe afresh, and how every moment is renewed and recreated.
Our planet will then become paradise, nothing less than heaven on earth.

People At War

laitman_934Zohar For All, “Aharei Mot,” 65: How good and how pleasant. These are the friends, as they sit together inseparably. At first, they seem like people at war, wishing to kill each other. Then they revert back to a state of brotherly love.
By studying Kabbalah and striving to unite in the ten, we begin to feel how separated we are from each other, how opposite we are.
At that, when trying to connect in the ten, we receive something for a while. But as soon as we reach some good state of connection, there is an immediate breaking, cooling, distance, and fog between us, to the point we do not want to look at each other or talk to each other.
And again, we need to work to connect together. After all, if we want to receive the Creator’s help—and without this help we will not advance—we must be together in one system.
So, we need to work on ourselves again. The importance of the goal, the importance of attaining the Creator, the importance of achieving the opening of the soul determines our aspiration for each other. In the name of this, we begin to draw closer, and we again move forward until the next breaking.
So, we are constantly moving toward the goal: rise-fall, break; gentle rise-sharp fall, and so many times.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/29/19

Life And Death, Part 9

laitman_214Do Kabbalist fear death?
Question: What is the correct attitude to death?
Answer: I think that the best attitude is to not think about death but, rather, believe that we exist infinitely, eternally. We must make sure that we attain this eternity and infinity, at least partially, in this life, in our corporeal state.
After all, during our life we exist in order to reveal bestowal and love as a means for attaining eternity, perfection, and the Creator, the upper force that controls all of it. Our advancement should consist of this.
In thinking about animalistic life and death, check yourself, do you really care about this? If you do, then you are not yet seriously aspiring for spiritual qualities. When you are engaged in spirituality you absolutely do not care about anything that happens to your body, whether it is alive or not. You exist and want to exist in the quality of bestowal and love.
Question: Does a Kabbalist care about his protein body? Through it, one contacts other people who are not yet in spirituality. If he did not have this body, he would not be able to communicate with his students.
Answer: Yes, he takes care of the body but in a minimal sense, which is called “the necessary and sufficient” condition.
Question: Does a Kabbalist think about what will happen to his students and to his family after his death?
Answer: Family is a usual corporeal concern. Students, however, are a completely different thing. He has to prepare them so that they will remain with a good reserve of knowledge and methodology. It is necessary to organize a lab-like environment so they can test themselves and advance.
Question: Does it mean that a Kabbalist has a fear of death but not in an egoistic sense?
Answer: It is not the fear of death but a desire to leave behind a world that is maximally directed at the goal of creation, and in no other way.
What else can you leave? There is nothing else. We are approaching the state where a person begins to understand that the only way to leave something behind is in the form of good deeds. These good deeds are recorded on his or her account and are one’s major gain in life.
Question: As far as I understand the good deeds are to bring other people to the revelation of the Creator. Are there any other good deeds you can do with respect to another person?
Answer: There is nothing else: only to bring others closer to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/14/19

“Does Kabbalah Support The Idea Of Reincarnation?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Does Kabbalah support the idea of reincarnation?
A person is born with a particular spiritual potential and can choose whether to realize it in our world or not.
When the body of a person dies, this spiritual potential passes to another body that is born, and that is how it continues until it is fully realized. This is what Kabbalah considered as reincarnation, i.e., it is relevant only in relation to our spiritual potential.
Therefore, according to a person’s interests, it is possible to understand the level of his or her spiritual potential: if one still finds satisfaction in corporeal desires for food, sex, family, money, honor, control and knowledge, or if one finds less and less satisfaction in those desires, and finds oneself contemplating the meaning and purpose to life more and more.
If it’s the latter, then it’s a sign of a person’s spiritual desire awakening, which Kabbalah calls “the point in the heart.” The wisdom of Kabbalah is a method for developing this desire until we can perceive the eternal reality of the soul through it. When we reach the full realization of this spiritual potential, we no longer need to reincarnate in our world.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—We All Need To Give An Example Of Connection

laitman_962.8No one has any special protection from above; there is only one privilege: the opportunity to engage in the correction process yourself. Some might be for it and others against because the modern generation is obliged to clarify this issue. We must move forward with understanding, consciously, by our own consent. And consent always comes from disagreement, like the revelation of light from the darkness.
One thing is clear, if we do not go along with the development of the generation happening now, we will not be able to realize our spiritual development, neither personal nor general. Even such an exceptional person as Baal HaSulam was honored with spiritual attainment because the generation was ready for it and needed a certain process that he had to direct.
And now, such a duty is assigned to our Bnei Baruch group. Nowadays it is no longer possible to advance at the expense of one person as it was before with Moses. Now we need a group and even a world group—everyone should give an example of how to move toward correction. Only with such a power of our connection will we be able to advance.
No one will be able to realize his correction and achieve the desired goal by himself. You can forget about it. But if we act together as Rabash and Baal HaSulam advise, then all paths open before us.
Therefore, we must study our condition in order to see how progress from one day to the next, one moment in the left line, then in the right. We are always thrown from left to right, from right to left, and we ourselves must build our progress in the middle line.
The ship of humanity will roll to the left, then to the right. And if with the help of our efforts we can turn the steering wheel, this huge ship will go in the right direction. This is our work—we need to see this, feel our responsibility, and lead the process of correction.
To steer the wheel means to strive for the middle line so that all crimes on the left side are covered by love on the right side. The middle line is then lined up in the middle. We do not destroy the left line, do not erase those who are against, but we watch how this criticism awakens those who are in favor, helping to make the right evaluations. And then we are in the middle line, we turn the wheel correctly, and it should always be focused on the central point: the unity of Israel, the Torah and the Creator as one whole.
Israel is us, striving for the Creator, the Torah is the whole upper light that guides us and all of humanity around us, and the Creator is the force that is revealed in the center of the group, in the center of our efforts.
Baal HaSulam knew what would happen in Germany and tried to save the Jews. But the Jews themselves did not let him do this and they all died. He could not change anything: a certain time is given for clarification and free choice in order to make a decision. But when the decision is made, the power is transferred to the executioner to carry out the correction through suffering.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/4/20, The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism

 Minute 4:20

Polytheism—A Natural Human Instinct

laitman_927Question: All citizens of ancient Babylon worshiped many gods. What does polytheism mean?
Answer: Polytheism is a natural evolution of man. We can see that even today such beliefs are preserved in the world, especially in the East.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam originated from Abraham. All other beliefs are based on polytheism, i.e., the existence of a host of gods, a multitude of supposedly all kinds of forces of nature, each of which has some special influence on nature and the destiny of man.
Question: Can we say that each of us is also an idolater? That is, if a person does not discover one force behind all matter, then one is an idolater?
Answer: I do not think that we deify these forces to such an extent. After all, idolaters were not stupid people; rather, they just saw that they were greatly dependent on various properties of nature but could not bind them together. Neither can we.
It was believed that the god of rain, the god of the sun, the god of night, the god of day, etc. were all great forces of nature on which a man is completely dependent and must worship to maintain good relations with them. After all, along with the fact that man deified nature, he felt his dependence on it.
Remark: People believed that there are certain forces that could be appeased and it could be best appeased by different priests who know exactly how to do this.
My Comment: Yes. Imagine an uneducated, ignorant peasant. He would rather submit a bag of grain and be sure that he will no longer have any problems either with the crop, or with drought, or with flooding rivers.
From KabTV’s “System analysis of the development of the people of Israel,” 6/24/19

Building The Future Society, Part 5

laitman_221.0Understanding the Needs of Society
Baal HaSulam, “Building the Future Society” Chapter 3, Item1: Communism is an ideal, meaning it is moral. The goal “to work according to one’s ability and receive according to one’s needs” testifies to that.
If we live in an absolutely harmonious society of the future, where everyone is mutually connected, then everyone thinks about what he can give to this society. He must understand its needs and how he can make up for them.
There must be a serious connection between the members of society so that they do only what is necessary and do nothing in excess, since by doing so they harm nature.
That is, I do everything that others need, everything that is required of me. Every member of society does the same. Thus, we achieve complete harmony between us.
Question: Is the principle, from each according to one’s ability, a manifestation of the quality of bestowal? I use all my abilities for the sake of society. Then does to each according to one’s needs mean that I measure my needs and receive only what I need?
Answer: Or society measures them. What’s the difference? In this case, I completely trust the society.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 2/7/19

“What Is The Relationship Between Kabbalah And The Bible?” (Quora)

The Bible (or Torah) is sublime and spiritual, but, frankly, it can be a bit long on history with its lists of relations. You read about people marrying, divorcing, cheating on each other, and killing one another. A fair question might be: what’s so spiritual about that?
In the framework of Kabbalah, however, the Bible doesn’t tell stories of people. Instead, it presents relations between spiritual forces.
“First, you must know that when dealing with spiritual matters that have no concern with time, space, and motion, and especially when dealing with Godliness, we do not have the words by which to express and contemplate. …For that reason, the sages of the Kabbalah have chosen a special language, which we can call “the language of the branches.”—Yehuda Ashlag, Talmud Eser Sefirot (The Study of the Ten Sefirot), Part 1, Histaklut Pnimit (Inner Reflection).
The Bible shows the process of the correction of souls through higher forces. This takes the souls on their path of ascent as they rise in their ability to bestow. Characters such as Adam, Noah, and Abraham are not thought of as people who lived somewhere and wandered (or floated) around. They are considered forces that operate over desires that have to be corrected, within each and every one of us. For example, the story of the exodus of Hebrew slaves from Egypt represents not their freedom from physical bondage, but the acquisition of the first Masach (screen), the crossing of the barrier.
Some stories may seem to have no rationality or sanctity in them. When reading them, remember that these are not events, but stories of forces. They are not to be understood or justified in earthly terms.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Jewish Choice: Unity Or Anti-Semitism—The Same Babylon Again

Dr Michael LaitmanIt all depends on how much the spiritual message is more important for a person than corporeal feelings. I, as Israel, must overcome my egoism and prefer coming closer to the Creator to all corporeal problems. For other nations, this happens differently. Everyone, according to the root of one’s soul, has an obligation to rise above corporeal disturbances, which are not disturbances but conditions for the development of the soul, and to aim toward connection despite the fact that we hate each other. Believe me, the anti-Semitic hatred of the Jew is much less than the hatred of the disciples of Rabbi Shimon to each other. We have yet to discover real hatred.
All this is included in the conditions: you want to rise spiritually and the Creator and the meaning of life are more important to you than your claims against others, then you will rise. If not, you will remain here, in your animalistic existence.
All nations, all of Babylon, must rise above their egoism and perform the work of correction. This is the condition today. Here we are acting as Abraham, who said: “Whoever is with the Creator—is with me!” This is that same Babylon and the same challenges that were in the time of Abraham, only in the modern form.
Imagine that you are living in Babylon and suddenly there is a group of Abraham, claiming that you need to love others as yourself. You hate them so much that you are ready to kick them out of Babylon.
However they, feeling this hatred, understand that it is necessary to leave Babylon. What would you do then? Are you ready to join them and make your way through Iraq and Syria to the land of Israel, of course not in corporeal terms, but as a spiritual ascent? The choice is yours.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/9/20, ”The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism,” Chapter 6
Minute 1:59:00

“How Can We Truly Honor The Memory Of The Holocaust Victims” (Times Of Israel)

The Times of Israel published my new article “How Can We Truly Honor the Memory of the Holocaust Victims
In the near future a whole generation of Holocaust survivors will join the annals of history. Around 15,000 people who escaped the atrocities of the Third Reich and made Israel their home passed away last year, while only 190,000 remain. Their legacy and the memory of the six million Jews who perished in the Shoah will be commemorated by over 45 world leaders gathering at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
The question thus arises: Do such diplomatic gatherings have any impact on avoiding similar future catastrophes?
With many organizations and countries dealing with anti-Semitism, and robust budgets assigned to tackle this worldwide problem, one might expect concrete positive results. Yet, in spite of all the suffering the Holocaust brought and millions invested in summits and sponsored trips for entire delegations to Israel, as well as for concentration camp renovations, anti-Semitism has neither vanished nor diminished. On the contrary, anti-Semitic incidents are becoming more frequent and intense.
Therefore, we will truly preserve the memory of all victims only when we can ensure that the phrase “Never again!” is not merely an empty slogan. How? We can eradicate the eternal hatred of Jews and Israel through a deep investigation into its origin and processes.
Combating Anti-Semitism at Its Root
In order to invest in a real and lasting solution that obliterates anti-Semitism completely, we require an educational program that explains why the Shoah happened and how it is possible that Jews continue to be fiercely attacked and persecuted after so many decades, particularly in Europe and the US.
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains that there are two forces that operate nature: positive and negative, and a lack of balance between them results in the disruption underlying anti-Semitism.
The purpose of these opposites is in order to let us consciously build a bridge that connects us above the contrasting forces—a balanced state in which humanity can eventually find safety and calm.
As the world becomes increasingly interdependent, humanity is inescapably enclosed as a single unit where two conflicting states prevail: interconnection on one hand, and deep division on the other. Under such pressure-cooker conditions, hatred toward Jews becomes increasingly vicious as society experiences intensifying negative effects from the contradictory forces.
Jews are targeted because the world feels that the Jewish people have a certain role that is currently not being implemented: to serve as “a light unto the nations,” and to pioneer a process of global unity that can correct society’s imbalances, ultimately bringing about a good life to all.
The more we Jews hate each other, the more the world will want to eliminate us. That is, if we fail to see a unifying purpose to our own lives here, then the nations of the world will likewise feel that there is no purpose for our living here in such a state.
Jewish Unity: the Goal
Our nation was forged upon the ideology of mercy and brotherly love, where strangers agreed to unite and bond as equals above all differences. We became a nation when we pledged to be “as one man with one heart.” Since then, it has been our duty to safeguard this connection and lead the way to its realization among humanity. This role is to be fulfilled not out of pride, but in the spirit of service to the world. The duty of Jews to the world is to execute and set an example of love of others.
As the foremost Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) wrote in his essay “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”:
“The Israeli nation was established as a conduit to the extent that they purify themselves [from egoism], they pass on their power to the rest of the nations.
Therefore, any Holocaust remembrance must be more than a commemoration of the millions who died. We must seize it as an opportunity to face the future with a firm conviction to carry out our designated function, as well as to remember the consequences of not doing so: to unite above our differences and share our method for connecting the world. This is the means to prevent such atrocities from recurring.
Many of our sages have marked the safe path for us to follow. As Rabbi Kalman Kalonymus wrote in Maor va Shemesh (Light and Sun):
“When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come upon them.”
laitman_423.02For the Sake of the Creator
Baal HaSulam, “Building the Future Society”: An antagonist might still claim that I have thus far only demonstrated that one must serve one’s fellow person, but where is the practical proof that one must adhere to this precept for the sake of the Creator?
Question: We can still understand what the fulfillment of the law of nature “for the sake of people” is: “you are for my sake, I am for your sake,” and together we are building a good society for the future. And what does it mean to fulfill this law for the sake of the Creator who is in concealment?
Answer: If I strictly follow the instructions of the Kabbalists, then I feel like I am in a state where the Creator is in front of me and I can work in partnership with Him.
Question: But the Creator is concealed from me. How can I do something for His sake if I don’t feel His actions?
Answer: The Creator is a condition that the wisdom of Kabbalah sets before you, and a teacher explains to you how to behave.
If you fulfill these conditions, you begin to feel that there are positive and negative forces in nature, and they constantly act on you: the positive force on one side, and the negative force on the other, and there is contradiction or agreement, etc.
Question: That is, the Creator is the goal and the neighbor is the means. If I find the strength or ability to put the needs of my neighbor above my own in myself, then the quality of the Creator is manifested in me?
Answer: Of course, the quality of bestowal. At the same time, you begin to feel that you exist at the level of the Creator according to the law of equivalence of form.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 2/7/19

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