Monday, January 14, 2013

There Is No Room For Disappointment!

Question: What is “a spiritual birth in the desert?” I feel a kind of disappointment from the previous conventions since we reach a special feeling of unity there, and then the fall comes. How can we use this feeling of disappointment as preparation for the convention?
Answer: We have to give birth to our first connection in the desert. This spiritual birth is the first revelation of our connection in the upper system, like a person who is born into the world, into the spiritual world.
Do you know when a person reaches the first level? When he is told: “You won’t get anything” and he is happy about it. So I don’t understand what disappointment is. The spiritual ascent is above all human disappointments; it is a spiritual attainment. You should be happy that you don’t have anything, and what is more, that the others have received everything and you haven’t. This is called being at the entrance to the first level.
So there is no room for disappointment! [97642] From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/13, “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot

Many Sparks, One Soul

On one hand there are many souls and each of them is divided into more parts. But on the other hand, can spirituality be divided into parts? We know that there is one whole reality and nothing but that. Even when we are confused as we see its separate parts, it is actually one whole since only one state was created from the beginning, one soul.
It is called the soul of Adam HaRishon (first man), Malchut of Ein Sof (Infinity). After the preparation, we discover this inner reality behind the Partzufim and the “worlds” much more clearly. It’s about a desire that is adhered to the Creator. On the root level of adhesion, it is called Malchut of Ein Sof, and on the fourth level of adhesion it is called the soul of Adam HaRishon. It’s all about how we see this desire at a certain point of our development.
So only the world of Ein Sof was created or the soul of Adam HaRishon and nothing else. This soul is in every person called “Israel,” which means Yashar—El (straight to the Creator), who has attained spirituality. What is more, it’s whole in everyone, since spirituality is not divided into sections and parts as we see in corporeality. Only the lack of correction prevents me from seeing the real picture, but I am in it nonetheless, in the initial state of one soul that was prepared for us to reveal.
But Kabbalists say that there are 600,000 souls that are divided into “sparks.” So what does this structure stand for, a “genealogical tree”? This is the distorted picture of realitythat is divided by the force of the corrupt desire in each of us. First this desire separates and totally prevents the entrance of the Light, being totally opposite from it. Then, by the force of correction, the desire starts to receive the intention of in order to bestow, or in other words, it is refined. To the extent that it has this intention, the general soul illuminates in it. This means that the desire gradually discovers its real state. First it feels that it’s a small part of the general soul, and finally it discovers that it’s the same as the soul. Then it discovers that it is Adam HaRishon.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/13, “600,000 Souls”

The Conditions Under Which Love Is Tested

Question: What does the perception of reality in the form of “Israel, the Torah, and the Creator are one” symbolize?
Answer: The perception of “Israel, the Torah and the Creator are one” is the only true reality there is. We, on the other hand, are in a state of imaginary concealment, in “worlds,” which means in concealments that exist only with regard to us so that we can be corrected.
The host who faces the guest accepts the guest’s desire and creates this concealment between them so that that guest will not feel the host and his good deeds. It is because this gift paralyzes the guest! The guest wants to be like the host, but he cannot do anything as long as the host fills him with everything that is good.
Under such conditions the guest cannot say to the host that he loves him and wants to bestow upon him. Even if he says these words, they will only be said in gratitude to the host for his kindness towards the guest. This is not how love and a relationship is tested. Love is tested when you are ready to give everything that you have! Then it is evident that you love and that you bestow.
So the host agrees with the guest that he should have the right conditions to express his attitude. Otherwise the guest has no point in receiving the goodness from the host, and will only experience sorrow. Instead of enjoying the refreshments the host has prepared, he will torture himself.
This brings about great sorrow to the guest, and so he is ready to restrict his desire (restriction I). Later a system develops that enables the guest to correct himself. It is as if he is thrown away from the host to the other end of the creation, of reality, as if he falls from a cliff into an abyss.
But he is happy about it since by falling further down, he begins to discover who he is. Before, he dissolved in the upper Light that took care of everything and covered everything. The Light filled the desire to receive and the desire didn’t even understand what it actually is. This is how a person who has an important and influential patron feels, that he cannot think about anything by himself, and so he begins to lose himself.
But the created being who is thrown away from the Creator to the other end of reality can now check whether his desire was real in the world of Ein Sof (Infinity) and can do everything for the host, just as the host does for him. Can the guest really do this and does he want to? Here is where his work begins.
First there is a long period of preparation, thousands years of our history, which in the meantime we cannot even be considered as if we exist with regard to the spiritual world. For the time being it is only a process that takes place inside us, like a dream. Like in a dream, 50 years of our life go by in five minutes. It is the same with us, who by entering the spiritual reality, the spiritual ladder, look back and the whole way we’ve made in our lifetime as seeming like a short and meaningless episode of a couple of days at the most. The scale of the events totally changes.
After the guest restricts his desire, he can now start working and adapt himself to the host. He is ready to receive from the host to the extent that he can bestow upon him by that. He is ready to be in the dark and to receive the darkness as Light. This means that he doesn’t need to feel the taste and the fillings of the host for his own pleasure. He receives these fillings only in order to bestow and to bring contentment to the host.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/13, “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot”

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mutual Guarantee: Merging With Everyone

Question: What is mutual guarantee between women? Is it expressed in external actions?
Answer: The term mutual guarantee (“Arvut” in Hebrew) originates from the word “Learvev” (to mix). That is, mutual guarantee is such a mixture of opposite properties that they are indistinguishable from each other. In other words, people who want to be connected, and finding completely opposite qualities in themselves, interconnect with each other, “enter” each other: I am in him, and he is in me, and we exactly fit each other.
Everything in nature is created in this way. For example, a bee that sits on a wild flower is built exactly according to its form so that it can enter the flower without damaging it, gather all the pollen, and carry it to another plant. Everything is created precisely. Only Nature, the Creator, could invent in this way.
We are made in the same way: Male and female parts enter each other and interact ideally, unite, and complement each other.
Mutual guarantee is such mutual care, it is when I make a commitment to be everything for you, and you do so for me, that is, everything for everyone, because this mutual contact is necessary for each of us. By understanding and recognizing this movement towards each other, we thus enter into mutual guarantee.
From the Virtual Lesson 1/6/13

If The Intention Is Right, The Desire Doesn’t Need To Be Checked

You do not need to regret and worry about the thoughts and feelings that are rapidly changing in our minds and hearts. 
It is just the form clothed in matter, and let it clothe! What is important is what we seek. That is, we need to change and continue to improve our intentions rather than fighting with the thoughts and desires themselves.
If the intentions are correct, then the thoughts and desires don’t need to be checked. But we usually eat ourselves up for our thoughts and feel sorry for why we thought these things, why such thoughts and desires suddenly came to us in relation to ourselves and others, and we blame ourselves for the past. But they are totally empty, useless trifles. The only useful thing to do is to change the intention: whom do I intend to do good to—myself or the Creator?
Therefore it is vital to minimize blaming oneself. And it’s that easy; the upper Light keeps working on us, knocking us off the path. But we must keep returning to the correct intention, as it is written: “Israel, the Torah, and the Creator are one.”
This is how you maintain where the intention is aimed. But the action, thought, or desire doesn’t need your attention; on the contrary, rise above them as if you don’t check what your actions, desires, and thoughts currently are at all. Just make sure that they are aimed away from you, through the group, toward connecting with it, so that with the help of Light that Reforms you achieve adhesion with the Creator and delight Him by doing so.
If a person constantly directs and aims himself in this direction, which is called the intention, then all these words: “I,” “through the group,” “in connection with the group,” “the Light that Reforms,” and “revealing the Creator to bestow pleasure to Him” start forming a certain sensation in the person, a condition formed by this one sentence.
At that point, everything gets easier. Although the hardening of the heart still occurs afterward, as well in order to make a person work at a greater depth, with higher quality concepts, he is already walking in the right direction. This means don’t focus on your thoughts because we are not free there; they are dictated to us by our selfish heart. Think only about your intention.


We Won’t Need Many Words

Question: The convention “A Flame in the Desert” seems to be closing the circle that the first convention in the desert started about a year ago. We feel that the previous phase is ending and there are new opportunities before us for the emotional connection among us. What will our global group look like after its spiritual birth when we succeed in attaining connection?
Answer: I don’t think that our external form will change that much, and the inner connection cannot be described in words. There will be such a connection among us that you will constantly feel as if your child is away from you, the physical distance separates you, but you know and feel him so well that his image has become a part of you and is living in you; this is how we will all feel one another.
We won’t need to talk much since we will understand each other’s feelings internally by adhesion. There will be few words and the clarifications will be short and simpler. It is as if we are eating one salad, and I say that there isn’t enough salt and you already understand that when I say half of a word. After all, you are tasting the same dish, and feel the same reality.
We won’t need endless words and powerful media in order to create the connection between us like we do today when we don’t feel connected. We will correspond, but in a very short and to the point manner since we will understand what each one feels anyway. We will become “one man in one heart.”
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/13, “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot

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