Thursday, May 26, 2016

Birth Two Months After The Brain Death Of The Mother

laitman_565_01Question: An unprecedented medical case was recorded in Poland. A woman who had brain cancer died during the 17th week of her pregnancy. Her brain ceased to function, but her heart kept on beating.
The doctors did not dare perform a Caesarian section because they feared the embryo wouldn’t survive outside of the mother’s body. They decided to support the mother’s internal organs so that the heart would continue beating, and she remained alive. And the child was born.
The child’s father was by the mother’s side the entire time and read fairy tales to his unborn child.
Answer: This is a very touching story with a special attitude toward life. The father probably really wanted a child from this woman, and that affected the outcome because the developing embryo feels how his parents care for him and convey to him everything that they can. Such powers strongly influence the embryo’s development.
The doctors also acted in a very humane way because a fetus at 17 weeks of development in the womb is already considered a human, and therefore must be saved.
They used quite an unusual method to keep the mother’s body alive for the sake of the child, but we can assume that if they could have asked the mother, she would have agreed because the maternal instinct makes a mother do everything for the sake of her child.
I don’t know if she had consented to that, but judging by the father’s behavior, it seems that the doctors did the correct humane thing. Let’s hope that the child will be raised accordingly and will grow up to be a special, good-hearted person who will be a benefit to society.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/21/16

The Mission Of The Wisdom Of Kabbalah

laitman_254_01Question: What is the mission of the wisdom of Kabbalah in our days?
Answer: It is to rebuild the world in order to make our world theupper world, to change its operating system, like changing from egoistic capitalism to altruistic communism.
But since all of our feelings and thoughts (our mind and heart) work from birth according to an egoistic program, reprogramming to altruistic actions, feelings, and thoughts, we begin to experience a completely different world and can see what was previously invisible.
According to Kabbalah, in the 21st century humanity must begin the process of reprogramming and must spread the wisdom of Kabbalah to people so that they will be able to understand what is happening to them and how to ease the changes they are undergoing.

New Life #559 – Holidays and Festivals: Lag Ba’Omer

New Life #559 – Holidays and Festivals: Lag Ba’Omer
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Meaning of the Lag Ba’Omer holiday.
And the fire of love burns all the transgressions one meets along the way (Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag, Letter 40).
Lag Ba’Omer is the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer.
The counting of the Omer indicates the 49 levels of hatred that are inherent in us. The goal is to move from hatred to love, and this is called correction.
The essence of correction is to develop a link of connection and love above the hatred. In this way we become similar to that single force that animates everything and connects all the opposites in nature.
We begin from self-examination. First of all, it is necessary to identify that our relationship to others is egoistic and it destroys life for all of us together.
It is possible to bring the correcting force into our lives with the help of the method of connection of the Kabbalah.
And where is Lag Ba’Omer in this whole story? It is an important stop on the way where it is possible to celebrate because we are sure to succeed. After we have located and corrected 33 layers of hatred in us, we can be sure that we will also successfully contend with all the rest.
From KabTV’s “New Life #559 – Holidays and Festivals: Lag Ba’Omer,” 4/30/15
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How Many Years Does It Take To Become A Kabbalist?

Question: It takes quite a few years to understand a certain field of science in our world. Since the wisdom of Kabbalah is a science, how long does it take to attain the right perception of reality?
Answer: It takes about twenty years of serious study in order to become a true Kabbalistic scientist. It may take less time, but I don’t want people to have any false hopes or illusions.
The goal is not to fill auditoriums for no reason and not to bother people who are busy. If someone truly wants it, he must approach the wisdom of Kabbalah like a science since, after all, a person doesn’t study a science in order to write a thesis, to receive a medal, or to boast of his doctoral degree.
Question: Studying for an academic degree takes five years, then another five years to write a master’s thesis, and another five years for the doctorate. Then, there is a chance that a person might receive a Nobel Prize.
Answer: Ordinary scientists are encouraged by society, but studying the wisdom of Kabbalah is different. A person who dedicates twenty years of his life, or even his entire life, to studying the wisdom of Kabbalah at least will know what he is living for.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/28/16

Women’s Force: The Force Of Creation

laitman_610_2Question: Why do men and women exist in the world?
Answer: In the spiritual root of all of creation there is a masculine force (the force of bestowal) and a feminine force (the force of reception). In our world, the masculine force plays the role of the force of the Creator and the feminine force plays the role of the created. But basically, these are no more than symbols.
If we scrutinize man and woman in the language of the branches, the spiritual roots of our world, then their realization happens specifically in the physical world and they are absolutely of equal value, of equal merit here.
Moreover, a woman carries out a role of much greater importance than a man. She is identified with the creation, therefore it all passes through her: the birth and upbringing of children, maintenance of the house, keeping family life. She points to her husband what to do, because the most important thing—is still existing in our world.
It is the same in the wisdom of Kabbalah because our world is arranged and built materially exactly the way the spiritual system is built and arranged. We must only understand the connection between the parallel worlds. It follows that the feminine force is found on a higher level than the masculine force and is determining. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, the ascent or descent of creation is stabilized on various levels according to the degree of the correction of desire.
Whatever you might say, on the one hand, the world began when the woman led Adam to the fall, immersion in the egoism. But on the other hand, the world is also corrected through her. She gives birth, educates, and moves it forward.
The woman elevates the world to a higher state but by the means of the men! Thus, she operates them. So even though it may seem to us that the man is found on a higher level because he is the master of the house in the family; in fact, everything is determined by the feminine ability to adjust and direct his activities correctly.
In the wisdom of Kabbalah, this is the very precise and fine-tuning between the male and female force, right and left. Ultimately, where they work together an intermediate force results. Thus, we must find the proper mutual cooperation between us in which the female force balances the male force and the male force balances the female force and both of them operate and function in perfect harmony.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/6/16

What Brings The World To A Dead End?

Question: Science today has reached a dead end. Is this related to the fact that scientists explore the world through their five senses?
Answer: We have reached the maximum fulfillment of the egotoday, so it is folding in on itself. It is like the Hydra (the mythological serpent) that begins to eat itself.
Therefore, all of the sciences, arts, our society, our mutual relations, and mankind gradually are reaching an end. This process is not typical only of the sciences, but also of the economy, commerce, and the family. Everything in the world is managed by the ego that has reached a dead end and is beginning to devour itself.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/28/16

Finding The Formula Of Human Evolution

Laitman_715Question: According to the accepted definition of science, the wisdom of Kabbalah is one means of describing and understanding the world around us. What do you want to achieve, not by promoting the science, but one of the points of view on the structure of the world?
Answer: Every corporeal science stems from one perspective of the structure of the world, while according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, all of nature and everything that was created stems from a desire to receive pleasure—no matter whether we express it by physical or psychological parameters. It turns out that by remaining within the frameworks of our science we are very limited.
Today we don’t know the laws of the world. We don’t know where we came from, and we are not sure that we can predict what will happen the next day, not the next minute, or in a few years. What use is science if it doesn’t give people an understanding of the world and how to manage it?
The most important thing is to understand the formula of our development and what happens to us. We don’t even know how the engine that turns and moves us forward works. As Einstein said, we are just like kids playing with pebbles on the beach while the sea itself is unattainable. And so the claim that we can seemingly determine what science is, is like a kids’ game.
On the whole, science is based on human perception because there is a human being behind every instrument who feels and understands everything through his mind and heart. When we take it into account as variables in our measurements, we begin to see the world as a system that is constantly changing, and this system is dominated by us!
We can measure it, feel it, and work with it; we can insert different parameters into it and see what happens. This is already a systematic, cybernetic approach. Man cannot affect nature  without changing your parameters because man doesn’t know how to adapt to it and how to see the result.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/28/16

New Life #352 – Controlling Time

New Life #352 – Controlling Time
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
We feel that time “flies.” What causes this, and is there a possibility of changing our perception of time and our feeling about it and to learn to manage it?
We are going through a multitude of internal changes, so it seems that today time moves faster than in the past. The pace of life was once like riding on a donkey, and today it is like flying in an airplane. There are remote places in the world where people have no sense of time.
The more the desire for pleasure develops, the perception of time develops. We want pleasure every fraction of a second. I should learn to manage time, it shouldn’t manage me. We are stimulated by the program of desire for pleasure. If we rise above it, we will become masters over time.
There is an “I” and what is outside of me. According to nature, I am more important. If I succeed in reversing this, I will control time. Someone who learns how to control the definition of who is more important, whether it is him or something outside of him, gains control over reality.
Transforming the senses transforms desire – from a desire only for my own pleasure, to a desire to give pleasure to others.
Transitioning from being a receiver to giver gives you the ability to control time.
From KabTV’s “New Life #352 – Controlling Time,” 4/17/14
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Why Does The Creator Boast Of Creating Evil?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why does the Creator “say”: “I created the evil inclination” (Kiddushin 30b), and boasts that He created the evil inclination?
Answer: Because if the egoistic evil inclination that is completely detached from the spiritual world didn’t exist, then also we and all of creation that is the opposite of the Creator would not exist.
If the creation will rise to the level of the Creator, then it will have some additional value. Its nature is bound to be the opposite of the higher nature, otherwise it would not be independent.
The descent of the worlds from above to below, the breaking of the soul, the manner of our existence in this world, and everything that we experience was done by the Creator so that we will feel at least a little of what the evil is that exists within us that the Creator created.
We can access this evil gradually, and through its transformation to good, we climb the125 spiritual levels.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/21/16

The Web Of Connections Of The Common Soul

laitman_264_01Torah, “Numbers,” 35:33 – 35:34: And you shall not corrupt the land in which you live, for the blood corrupts the land, and the blood which is shed in the land cannot be atoned for except through the blood of the one who shed it. And you shall not defile the land where you reside, in which I dwell, for I am the Lord Who dwells among the children of Israel.
Blood is the Light of Hochma. Water is the Light of HassadimIt is impossible to reach the harmonious society and the state of connection between parts of the common soulif we do not interact with each other correctly egoistically. Our egoistic parts have to be appropriately connected to each other.
It turns out that while remaining an egoist, each one establishes altruistic connections with others, like extending wires of altruism between themselves. I, from my egoism, head altruistically to you, and you, from your egoism, in the same way to me, but inside, each of us remains in his desire! We override this desire and work only above it, building bridges above egoism.
The most important thing is to make a restriction on myself and a screen and the correct attitude to others. Then we, in practice, place at the head of our actions all the connections crisscrossing between us, not ourselves.
This huge, multi-layer, multi-vector web of connections is called the “common soul”—one for all! Each one of us individually is nothing, but by participating in the operation of the universal “web,” it is its creator.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/16/15

The Difference Between The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And Psychology

Laitman_088Question: In what way is the wisdom of Kabbalah different from psychology?
Answer: Psychology is not a science because it cannot measure the internal parameters of a person.
In the wisdom of Kabbalah, a person can arrange internal changes and see how the world that he perceives changes. It follows that it is not the world that is changed; rather we are the ones who change.
We think that we run the world and are investigating it, but actually, when we begin to study the wisdom of Kabbalah, we see that we are not investigating the world but ourselves, seeing the inner changes and how according to them the world that we perceives changes.
From this is derived that the world is not changed, but only we are the ones who are changed. We think that we manage the world and investigate it, but in fact, when we begin to learn the wisdom of Kabbalah, we see that we don’t investigate the world but ourselves, our disturbances, changes, reactions, and so forth. Externally, only one permanent parameter exists and this is the Upper Light.
Comment: Psychology also investigates the reactions of a person to the external world.
Answer: Psychology cannot measure anything, even though it is somewhat “correct.” Therefore Baal HaSulam welcomed materialistic psychology. He believed that it would inflict a final “blow” to religions, mysticism, various spiritual pursuits, as well as philosophies that invent anything from unverified data.
In contrast, the wisdom of Kabbalah says that there is one and only one force, one and only one parameter, that is immutable and absolute in relation to which we are changing. This is the Upper Light. And since we are made in a particular set of properties, through our changes in relation to the constant Light, we depict the world.
Thus, by changing the parameters within us in relation to the absolute characteristic of the Upper Light, we can make measurements according to the results we receive from these parameters. This is the wisdom of Kabbalah.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/28/16

Is There A Connection Between The Spiritual And The Corporal?

laitman_758Question: Is there any connection between the spiritual world and the corporeal world, between the body and the soul?
Answer: There is no connection, unless perhaps when we are worried or persecuted. Then certain changes take place under the pressure and tension, but nothing more than that. Our body is an animal and there is nothing spiritual about it. Today we can easily replace all its organs. And as for the soul, if there is a soul, it remains, and if there is no soul, nothing changes.
Question: What is the function of the brain? Is it ours or do we belong to it?
Answer: The brain is like a modem that connects us with the upper mind on its basic level, which means with a minimal connection. In fact there is nothing in the brain but grey matter.
Question: But after all, we say, a wise man, the crown of nature…
Answer: They used to say that in the past, but I don’t hear such expressions anymore today. We are already ashamed of ourselves. Fifty years ago we still believed that we would grow wise and reach great accomplishments, but now everything has collapsed.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/21/16

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