Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Next Fulfillment

laitman_962.4The wisdom of Kabbalah says that we understand in sensations, the heart understands. If we begin to feel and empathize with what is written in the The Study of the Ten Sefirot, then our desire will begin to correct itself toward bestowal, which the book tells us about. The ten Sefirot of direct light will dress into the ten Sefirot of reflected light. The ten Sefirot of direct light is the attitude of the Creator toward me and the ten Sefirot of reflected light is my attitude toward the Creator. These relationships are built on equal footing: The Creator always treats us in the same measure that we can respond to Him.
What is lacking is a little more of the greatness of the Creator, which must be obtained from the environment in order to progress. This is how we need to continue all the time: to receive more and more of the greatness of the Creator from the environment, from the ten, in order to connect more and more with the Creator. Again and again, even more greatness of the Creator from the same environment, even stronger connection with the Creator in the ten. We begin to feel that it spins like a typhoon, and all the desires of the world are brought into the ten, where I, the Creator, and the ten are together.1
The uniqueness of the modern generation is that it does not know: “How to reach pleasure, where it actually is, and why it does not exist in our world?” The further we progress, the more the desire to enjoy grows, but there is no fulfillment. This development is intended to bring us to the next level of fulfillment: not with food, sex, money, honor and knowledge, but to the spiritual values that give us a sense of an eternal world, infinite and unlimited fulfillment.
The modern generation is moving toward this goal, and therefore it cannot find fulfillment in the material world and turns to drugs and despair. No matter how much they try to fulfill themselves with all sorts of false values, emptiness is revealed as a result, because it is impossible to fool yourself forever. It turns out that a person either becomes a real drugaddict or turns his whole life into a drug, not letting himself think about what is most important, that is, why am I living? One just mindlessly goes through the motions, like everyone else, following the lead of advertising, fake news, not giving oneself time to think.
A person does not know where to buy such a pill that could fulfill this new surfacing desire. After all, we are in the last generation that should already reveal the Creator.2
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/2/19, Talmud Eser Sefirot, Vol. 6, Part 16, Table of Answers for the Meaning of the Words, Item 232

New Life #166 – Prominent Women In The Bible, Part 2

New Life #166 – Prominent Women in the Bible, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
A woman of valor is like the great Mother Earth since she is wise and knows how to transform raw power into life. The Bible demonstrates how women can clothe themselves in many images. Esther uses trickery for corrective purposes behind the scenes. Abigail directs David through her connection with nature. Hannah prays for a peaceful home and expresses thanksgiving to the higher power. A woman can identify evil and compel a man to transcend it. A man of valor or an Adam can only come out from a woman.
From KabTV’s “New Life #166 – Prominent Women In The Bible, Part 2,” 4/14/13
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Congress: Absorbing Others

laitman_963.8Question: How can we be in touch with all the tens when some of the friends participate in the congress physically and some virtually?
Answer: What is the difference? At the congress there will be random tens. I don’t care where my friends are.
The congress is designed to absorb all the tens, the entire world Kli, to absorb opinions, feelings—everything that is in all our friends, and not that I come along with my ten, sit down at the table with a sign: “This is the Italian group, here is its table.”
What difference does it make if I sit here or at my home in Rome or elsewhere. I have to mix with everyone, to feel their spirit and life as much as possible, and in this measure I will advance.
Our progress depends on how we mutually intermingle with each other; this is our strength—not each of us separately, but jointly!
So, let one part come here and another part remain there, there is no difference; the main thing is that I constantly try to absorb the impressions of all the friends, their love, their feelings, and their aspirations to the goal. I need these forces.
From the Kabbalah lesson in Russian, 2/5/19

Can Spiritual Laws Change?

laitman_548.01Question: Can a created being at the level of the Creator set new laws for itself?
Answer: Neither the created being nor the Creator can establish new laws.
Spiritual laws originated from the fact that in the upper Light, which is the nature of the Creator, a small black point appeared—a property opposite to the Light, and this point began to develop.
The development of this point under the influence of the Light has built all the worlds and everything in them including the soul of Adam and its shattering, and further on to our state. Everything comes from this point, which develops and builds all its changes, metamorphoses, and parts, under the influence of the upper Light.
There is nothing artificial here and nothing can change. Everything can change only in the opposite direction if we, connecting with each other, begin to influence this black point and bring it to the state where it is equivalent to the Light.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/4/2018

New Life #165 – Prominent Women In The Bible, Part 1

New Life #165 – Prominent Women in the Bible, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
In Jewish history, at every breaking point, a female figure was revealed who pointed to the required change and brought about a revolution. Eve demanded that Adam should be more concerned about the family. Sarah helped Abraham connect all of their students into one family through love of others. Miriam led women in their Exodus from Egypt. Deborah discouraged separation between the tribes. Women define the need for family connection and the men carry it out. Today, we need women to declare, “Enough! Let’s get the house in order already!”
From KabTV’s “New Life #165 – Prominent Women in the Bible, Part 1,” 4/14/13
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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Congresses: A Big Leap

laitman_294.2The whole system of the common soul, Adam HaRishon, the creation created by the Creator, already exists. Only in relation to us does it look as if it is broken and suffering without Light, harmony, and direction. Shattering works only in relation to us so that we would feel what we have lost and what we lack to reach the perfect state. In this way, we begin to understand, feel, and study the system of creation, and manage to rule it.
It is like we bought a Lego set for a child, opened the box, saw a pile of different pieces in it, and we say: “Let’s build a house.” The child begins to think about how to connect the pieces together. Similarly, the Creator made a puzzle or “Lego of creation” for us.
We exist in a perfect system in which there has never been any deficiency, and concealment has been made only in relation to us. We must compensate for this concealment by building ourselves. This is an interesting game, as if on a computer. To the extent of our understanding of what the system should be, we can see how another part of the system, correctly connected with the rest, reveals itself on this computer.
It seems to us that we are building this system, but in reality, we only reveal that it already exists. All we need is to join the place that the Creator has led us to, the ten, to include ourselves in it, so we will understand our place in the common system.
Three days of the congress are in store for us during which we will be able to make a big leap in the path. We have prepared a lot and achieved significant success in connection, which we can now further develop. Anyone who “went through the desert,” that is, participated in the desert congress in Israel and was with us around the world, can now make a massive leap forward, precisely due to their connection at the congress with the outside Israeli public through their AHP de Rosh.
The common soul is divided into the upper part, the Rosh (head), GE and AHP, and the Guf (body), GE and AHP. The GE of the Rosh are the people participating in desert congress. The AHP of the Rosh are the guests invited to the big congress in Tel Aviv. However, this AHP still belongs to the Rosh of the spiritual Partzuf. The Guf are the people joining us due to external dissemination on the Internet and through the newspapers.1
The meaning of life can be understood only from the science of Kabbalah. We have to go through a lot of blows and disappointments until we realize that our life will definitely end and that we have no chance to succeed in it. Everyone will die, like any animal will decompose in the ground and nothing will remain of it like all those who lived before us.
The only way to stay alive is to bring your inner part to the spiritual world, to develop your point in the heart at least in the minimal form: include it in the group, to several more people like me. Then I will have the right to exist.
No particle of creation can exist unless it joins other particles and exchanges energy with them. This is the whole difference between decomposed dust and living matter: they are distinguished only by the presence of an internal connection between the parts.
Therefore, we must connect with each other in such a way that spiritual life appears between us, and for this purpose we need work in the ten, in connection, and at congresses.
This is a law of nature; we cannot go against it. We either fulfill the law of life or not—the choice is ours.2
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/19, “Bnei Baruch as a State of Transition”

A Blessing For The Family?

laitman_547.06Question: Can I ask the Creator for a blessing for my family and friends who are not interested in Kabbalah?
Answer: You can ask, but I do not know what will come of it. I do not think that something special will result because the request should be a request for correction and you ask for the improvement of a situation, but improvement is impossible without correction.
Question: Can I ask the Creator to send me the Light to correct my egoism?
Answer: Yes, it is possible, but your request should be as selfless as possible.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/4/18

New Life #164 – Corrected Relationships—Don’t Deceive

New Life #164 – Corrected Relationships—Don’t Deceive
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Why do we lie, is lying ever necessary, and how can we deal with the phenomenon and develop correct relationships?
Where there is love, there is no need to lie. When the human heart is corrected and we desire to connect with one another, lies and manipulation will be replaced by truth. Lies cause distortion in the communication that is happening within a network, within a system. The goal of the network is to bring all of us to be as one.
From KabTV’s “New Life #164 – Corrected Relationships—Don’t Deceive,” 4/11/13
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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Bari Weiss On Anti-Semitism

Dr. Michael Laitman

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 3/5/19
New York Times editor Bari Weiss is writing a new book on ways to combat rising anti-Semitism in the world by renewing Jewish values. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, anti-Semitism can only be uprooted by harnessing the Jews into action. When Jews in Israel and around the world join together as one, they will be “a light unto the nations” – a model of unity for all peoples. This will help the nations of the world to unite, and in this attain the purpose of creation.
Her interview on The View >>>>>>>>>
Find out Why People Hate Jews >>>>>>>>>

What Should You Ask For When You Are Suffering?

laitman_245.08Question: What should one ask for when one experiences strong physical suffering and pain?
Answer: When you experience strong suffering and pain turn to the Creator with the question: “What is the reason for this suffering?”
The reason is egoism, the oppositeness to the Light. There is nothing else.
You can ask for your own correction in order to change pain to joy, health, and so on because the states of suffering push us away and distance us from the Creator.
From the Kabbalah lesson in Russian 11/4/18

Where Do You Get Energy For Spiritual Efforts?

624.02Question: Where do Kabbalists get energy for spiritual exertion?
Answer: Only from the Creator!
You want to have energy, to be healthy, to work in spiritually, no problem! You will get everything! As much energy as you want!
Just let the energy flow from above so that you can perform the right spiritual actions of drawing closer to others and advancing toward the property of love and bestowal. Then you will have an infinite amount of energy.
This is not the kind of energy required by our brain or body to perform some kind of movement. It is a completely different kind of energy. It is all around us, endlessly spreading through the spiritual universe in unlimited ways.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/14/18

New Life #163 – Corrected Relationships—No Shaming

New Life #163 – Corrected Relationships – No Shaming
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Shaming others damages good connections in the social network and introduces bad feedback in life. When we shame someone, we erase the person and destroy his connection to the system and the possibility that he could be corrected. He is not to blame for the harm he does to others since the environment has shaped him that way.
What helps is to give an opposite, loving example and focus on correcting the network of connection around him. We need to become more sensitive to one another by building a new, social, educational system. All hurts can be healed and balance can be achieved through a loving society.
From KabTV’s “New Life #163 – Corrected Relationshps – No Shaming” 4/11/13

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Spirituality Does Not Disappear

721.03Question: What should one do if the question about the meaning of life loses its sharpness after several years of study and studying becomes a habit, a hobby, a way of life? One feels that there is no advancement.
Answer: The fact that studying turns into a lifestyle is very good.
I began to study Kabbalah independently in 1976. In 1979 I found my teacher, and in 1982 I moved in with him. 40 – 45 years of studying Kabbalah is quite a lifetime.
I have no regrets. Looking at people of my age who are still alive, I see that I have not lost anything. On the contrary, I understand life no less than they do, if not more. I am glad I have students and I see the future in them.
I cannot imagine that Kabbalah could disappoint anyone. Even if a person came to it for some time and then returned to his former life, nevertheless, he gained something, he added great upper Light to his soul.
Although this Light is now in a frozen “stand by” state, nevertheless, spirituality does not disappear. It is an eternal state; only, now it is asleep. And then, at some point, it will awaken again in a person, and he will continue the spiritual path.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/11/18

The Creator Will Answer And I Will Understand

Laitman_112Question: How can new students ask adequate questions? How does one ask correctly?
Answer: Don’t try to be clever. Try to act from your heart. Ask the way you feel.
Like a child who cries and his mother understands why and what he needs, so should you; if you ask what is in your heart, without overthinking it, everything will work out well. Then the Creator will give you an answer, and I will understand you as well.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/11/18

New Life #162 – The Evil Nature Of Gossip, Part 2

New Life #162 – The Evil Nature of Gossip, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
The evil inclination means that I do not want to consider the environment, only myself, enjoying control over everything. However, when we discover that we are all connected in a single network, it turns out that via a negative relationship to others, we harm ourselves and threaten human existence.
We need to complete ourselves by focusing on our own correction and building positive relationships. We need to think good thoughts about each other and increase the feeling of love in the world. Together, we are powerful.
From KabTV’s “New Life #162 – The Evil Nature of Gossip, Part 2,” 4/9/13
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Monday, March 4, 2019

One Big Flame

laitman_214.01According to the desire of the upper force, all people must unite into one spiritual body. That is how we were initially created and then broken so that we would restore our connection through our own searches, efforts, and mutual help. Because of this, we will understand our place in the common system, the exact connection of the pieces of this puzzle, the scattered Lego pieces, and all the advantages of this connection.
If there were no breakage and no necessity to restore the connection, we would be able to feel only primitive existence, the smallest Light on the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels. We would, however, be unable to reach the level of man, Adam, similar to the Creator, the upper force, eternal and perfect.
We must therefore go through a very complex process of development. At first, only the chosen few were able to comprehend the idea of unity and correction in the twenty generations that followed Adam, the first man who revealed the upper force nearly 6,000 years ago, to Abraham. Abraham already started forming groups, tens that overcame their egoism. Today, we continue to work on our connection with the same methodology.
In essence, Abraham started building the human society, a special nation in which everyone is connected. They wanted to reveal the Creator, the upper force within their unity, that would fulfill them and lead them toward complete mutual understanding with the Creator.
We also aspire to reveal the upper force in order to understand what is happening: what does the Creator want from us and what do we want from Him. The final correction of the shattering is that all the people of the world, all of humanity, will be united into a single group.
If even a few groups unite this way, all the others will join in through them. The Creator will complete this work; the main thing for us is to start this connection, like the catalyst for a chemical reaction. We live in an integral system, so if one group can achieve the integral connection, this force will affect everyone and everybody will unite and reveal the Creator, and reach the end of correction.
We participate in workshops, scrutinizing questions in the tens. The most important thing is not to be smart, but to aim toward connection. The work in the tens consists of absorbing the desires, questions, and feelings of each friend sitting across from me. It doesn’t matter how well we understand the answer to the question, the main thing is to expand our spiritual perception, our Kli, by absorbing all the thoughts from our friends.
I do not criticize them, I want to take in all their thoughts and desires, absorb them into myself. That is how I expand my Kli and become suitable for filling it with the upper Light. This is how we expand everybody’s Kli, build a more complex common desire, and eventually reach similarity with the upper Light, and become one whole. Having reached the minimal connection, we can reveal the weakest Light, Nefesh, but we already somewhat begin to feel the Creator, eternity and perfection, the upper Light.
Like a nearsighted man who upon removing his glasses sees blurry contours of people, so do we come to reveal the upper world, at least in its general outlines.1
From the World Kabbalah Convention “Day One” 2/19/19, Lesson 1, “One Big Flame”

Triangle: Me – Group – Creator

laitman_938.03Question: What should we feel first: the desire (lack) of the Creator or the desire of a friend?
Answer: It can be both. We must come to adhesion with the Creator, that is, to complete connection with the quality of bestowal. This can be achieved only through the group.
Therefore, you must first fully connect with the ten. This can only be done if you demand that the Creator gives you the quality of connection, the quality of mercy (Hassadim), so that He will influence you with surrounding Light (Ohr Makif) with the help of which you can unite with your friends.
You use the Creator to unite with your friends and you do it in order to adhere to the Creator. This is a constant triangle.
Therefore, you must act in both ways. That is, use the ten in order to achieve adhesion with the Creator, to give Him pleasure, to work for Him; and on the other hand, unite within the ten. In order to do this, you need to turn to the Creator so that you have the power to unite with the ten. You must constantly spin in this triangle.
The most important thing is to come “from the love of friends to the love of the Creator.” Therefore, use the Creator to achieve love of friends, and from them, from the highest point that can be achieved, the union called love, when you are included into one desire and one intention, you will be directed toward the Creator together as one whole.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/5/19

New Life #161 – The Evil Nature Of Gossip, Part 1

New Life #161 – The Evil Nature of Gossip, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Gossip produces harms our relationships and pollutes the entire social system. It makes us feel better about ourselves, but it is destructive. Even a negative thought about someone else is very harmful. We do not know how to use the human ego for the better and are therefore like snakes that want to bite. We are evolving toward a dark, evil climax that will help us understand the change that is required if we wish to live in balance, harmony, and completion. We need to correct the ego through mutual human love, care, and connection.
From KabTV’s “New Life #161 – The Evil Nature of Gossip, Part 1,” 4/9/13
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“International Women’s Day 2019: Nature’s Recipe for Gender-Balance”(Thrive Global)

Thrive Global published my new article: “International Women’s Day 2019: Nature’s Recipe for Gender-Balance
“The human is the inclusion of male and female, and the world cannot be built, if male and female are not both present” (The Book of Zohar).
International Women’s Day is upon us again, and this year’s keyword is “balance” – the idea is to drive gender-balance across the world.
The aspiration behind wanting to create balance is good and correct. It comes from a genuine desire to find wholeness, completion and perfection in the interaction between the men and women of the world. But what is gender-balance? How do we determine where the balance is? If we look for it through our own eyes – whether as a man or woman – we’ll only see things partially and incorrectly.
When it comes to balance, we need to see things from nature’s point of view.
There are two opposite forces working throughout all of nature and they manifest through various forces, actions and beings: plus and minus, protons and electrons, heat and cold, ebb and flow, inhaling and exhaling. Or in our case – male and female.
If we try to eliminate or disregard the differences between any instances of nature’s two opposite forces, then we’re attempting to meddle with nature. Trying to turn a plus into a minus will ultimately cause trouble, even when we can’t see it in the short run.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, men and women can only complete each other when the purpose of their relationship is to discover the deeper force of nature that binds them together. As it is written, “man, woman, and the divine presence between them.”
The deeper binding force of nature is one. It is not masculine or feminine, not a plus or a minus. It’s the only true oneness there is. Men and women need each other to rise slightly above the human ego, and discover that force together. To do so, they each need to activate their unique attributes and complete each other. So instead of focusing on how men or women can rise separately, we need to be thinking of rising together.
It’s no coincidence that the drive to find new balance between the genders has become so prominent in our time. Humans are evolving to find a higher experience of life, and this is why we have a yearning for a greater sense of wholeness. But harmony can only emerge when opposite forces complement each other.
The difference between male and female is not a “gender difference.” It is an infinite gap that stems from the very nature of creation. We don’t need to be the same. We need to stay different, and learn how to complete each other.
— Published on March 3, 2019

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Everything Changes Under The Influence Of The Light

281.01Rabash, “Concerning the Importance of Friends”: But how can one consider one’s friend as greater than himself, when he can see that his own merits are greater than his friend’s, that he is more talented and has better natural qualities?
This is right. Egoism is always setting us up. But under the influence of the Light everything changes.
We are only egoistic beings. There is nothing in me but one hundred percent egoism. To the extent that the Light influences me, it weakens egoism in me a little and I begin to feel that others are above me.
I begin to understand that what I had seen before and that now is different depends only on the intensity of the Light that affects me. And there is no truth.
Therefore, if I want to be closer to the Creator and become like Him, then I want the Light to act on me as much as possible. At the same time, I understand that then I will look like the lowest and slowest person, who does not understand anything. But I don’t care; on the contrary, it pleases me because I reveal the truth that there is nothing in me except egoism.
Thus, the first action of the Light is the feeling that everything in me speaks of egoism. And the second is that instead of egoism, the property of the Light is beginning to take shape in me.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 5/30/18

A Kabbalist’s Prayer

624.02Question: How does the Kabbalist’s request differ from the prayer of an ordinary believer?
Answer: A Kabbalist asks for his own correction in order to correct the world, which, in principle, is in him. Every Kabbalist feels responsible for the world. One only needs to correct himself, not others.
On the other hand, an ordinary believer asks to be well, to escape any punishment, for the Creator to have mercy on him, and to go to heaven. All are absolutely selfish requests.
Kabbalah usually does not deal with comparison. Only the ones who feel an inner yearning toward the meaning of life in order to reveal the Creator are given this opportunity.
From the lesson in Russian, 11/4/2018

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