Thursday, May 25, 2017

A Kabbalist’s Empathy

Laitman_001_02Question: You said that it is much easier for you to give lessons to veteran students who have been with you for several decades than to newcomers. What is the reason for this?
Answer: We have a common vocabulary, general knowledge, and some sensations. There is a commonality of certain characteristics and expressions, and therefore it is easier for them.
I can say one phrase, even without finishing it, and they understand what I wanted to convey to them. With random listeners or beginners who are very different from each other, of course, it is more difficult.
Question: During a lesson, does a Kabbalist speak exactly about things he is experiencing?
Answer: He cannot do otherwise. For example, I can talk about things that I need to buy in the supermarket—milk, meat, and bread—and do not empathize with anyone about that. But if I say something about Kabbalah at any level, then I must empathize within myself and pass it on to whom I am transmitting this.
Question: When speaking about events in our world or various trends of our development, are you also experiencing them?
Answer: Yes. If, let’s say, I am talking about exiting the crisis, then I experience it inside, not in the form in which it appears to people, but in all its internal problems and qualities. I feel why we need all these corrections exactly as they are presented to us.
Question: How is it possible for you to be in all states at the same time? For example, we are now opening the book and start reading “The Freedom.” How can you experience the states that are described there?
Answer: Are you not experiencing the states described in a book when you read it?
Let’s suppose we spoke about the correction of the world in the lesson, how it moves from neoliberalism and democracy to the completely new state of responsible governance that Trump represents. I experience this very strongly within myself.
Although, in principle, it doesn’t concern me physically, geographically, and socially, I see what forces cause such change in the world, where this trend came from, and how it penetrated the world, in other words, the root of all the problems.
It affects me much more that an ordinary person because I see movement toward the correction of the world.
Question: Where is the place in which you feel empathy?
Answer: It is in desire. Desire isn’t in the human body. We feel the consequences of our desires in the pulse, in blood pressure, and other parameters, but these are just external symptoms.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/29/17

From The Level Of A “Beast” To The Level Of An “Adam”

laitman_938_03Question: In what way is a human on the level of a “beast” different from a human on the level of an “Adam” (Man)?
Answer: A human on the level of a man is on a different level than that of a person on the level of a beast.
Nature created us such that on the beastly level, we behave like beasts: we think only about how to satisfy ourselves, to have a good time, and to reproduce.
On this level a person still doesn’t feel that the whole world is included within him. Whereas, on the level of a man he feels connected with all of humanity.
The fact is that all of us are egoists. When we communicate among us, instead of connection, we feel our general resistance to connection. But when we overcome this resistance and unite, a special power of creation moves through us like an electric current.

Accordingly, as much as each one overcomes the mutual egoism in the connection between us, we begin to feel the next level above the resistance, the discovery of the upper world.
If we are many, 7 to 8 billion, then a system called the upper world is created.
Therefore, it is necessary to teach people to unite over their egoistic rejection of each other, then there will not be any problems in the world. Everyone will understand each other, will be able to achieve agreement among them, and will begin to want constant convergence.
Question: We are always talking about the education of an individual person, but is there such a concept as social education?
Answer: Certainly, in any case, it comes from the individuality of each one.
We need to educate every person, bring him to a society, show him how to come into contact with people, what he will get from this, and which internal structures develop within him. Which is to say, each one must be given the understanding of the entire system.
When a person begins to feel what is happening around him within 8 billion or even within 10 people, he feels what is happening in all of nature, because through the connection with others, he becomes a sensor that understands how nature is organized.
He feels the general rules of nature, its integrality, those laws that operate around him. By himself, he discovers what is called the hidden world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/8/17

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Haaretz: “A Few Words To The President”

In my regular column in Haaretz, my new article: “A Few Words to the President
President Trump, I wish you a successful visit to Israel, but your success in office depends on what you do back home.
Dear Mr. President:
Welcome to Israel.
While there is naturally a lot of hype surrounding your visit to Israel, I believe that your supporters at home are eager to see you putting America first. In my view, focusing on home affairs rather than on foreign affairs is key to making your term in office meaningful and effective. One American citizen put it very clearly on “Fox News Insider”: “Remember, the people that elected you are still strongly behind you. We have your back; move forward. Do the things you promised you would do, and we’re all going to be great together.”
Joblessness in America is a constant concern, as tens of millions are living on various forms of government benefits. Such permanent inactivity is a recipe for trouble. Prolonged idleness creates crime, violence, substance abuse, and can ravage entire communities. Additionally, solidarity among Americans is at an all-time low as politics creates factions and frictions within society that impede every effort for improvement. At times, it seems as though the very nationhood of the American people is at risk.
Such challenges require innovative thinking and bold leadership. In my view, America needs a nationwide program to strengthen communities and deepen the solidarity among the American people. The program would consist of two interdependent elements that together will guarantee both the livelihood of all Americans and their national solidarity.
To guarantee people’s livelihoods, some sort of Universal Basic Income (UBI) is required in this program. However, it must not be left at that. A permanent income that does not require commitment on the part of the beneficiaries will render people inept for work and will inhibit their ability to foster healthy social ties. This will turn them into hazards to society.
Therefore, reception of UBI benefits must be contingent upon partaking in courses and workshops conducted under specific rules designed to invoke trust, connection, and reciprocity. These workshops are part of a method called Integral Education (IE), which has proven itself successful numerous times over many years, and in countless places around the world, including the US, Europe, Israel, and Russia.
IE does not restrict itself to workshops. It also provides a package of practical tools for handling emotional and social crises, and includes learning about the history of the country, state, and city where people live, so as to make participants feel connected to their local neighborhoods and to the US society as a whole. IE makes people feel that solidarity and a sense of community create more value for them than isolation and alienation.
IE can be provided to millions of people online at minimal cost. People can participate from home or at public venues such as community centers. While facilitators will still be required in classrooms, professional instruction can be given online by a handful of trained professionals from one central location.
The decrease in violence and crime, and the increase in national cohesion and positive social engagement following the IE program will drastically reduce crime and violence levels, and will slash the prevalence of substance abuse. These transformations will save vast amounts of government and municipal resources, making the IE program exceptionally lucrative.
Beyond the economic value, IE transforms communities by creating an ambience of friendliness, trust, mutual responsibility, and strong engagement in pro-social activities.
Mr. President, as a pragmatic individual, I believe you should focus on America and do what is best for the American society, as you have clearly stated in your election campaign. Implementing a nationwide IE program will turn America into a role model of social stability and national solidarity. Or, to use your words, it will “Make America great again.”
With best wishes for a successful visit and a safe return home,
Michael Laitman

Kabbalists And Group Organizers

laitman_947Question: The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches a person how to gather people into a group, into a community. What is the difference between real Kabbalists and ordinary people who organize groups and communities?
Answer: Kabbalists are able to assemble a community so that it will become a good community that everyone needs, in which people will want to be connected to each other and stay connected in every situation in life.
They teach the laws of nature in which we exist.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/8/17

Who Rules the World?

laitman_229Question: At times, the news mentions that Kabbalist rule the world. Is this fact or fiction?
Answer: The world is ruled only by a single force of nature. Absolutely all people can affect this force, but only according to the degree of their positive influence.
We can not negatively affect anything. It is only in our power to accelerate our development through positive actions. This is precisely what the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches.
Ultimately, all of us will reach our final state; however, to draw this state closer in a positive way can only be done with the help of Kabbalah. The wisdom of Kabbalah was given for this purpose.
It is the Kabbalists that have a positive impact on the world, accelerating its development. However, they do not change anything. You can not change anything, you can only accelerate.
Question: If we can not adversely affect the development of mankind, then do all the villains and tyrants, who massively exterminate people, do so?
Answer: All the negative forces of nature that appear to us in the form of historical figures of the past or the present time move history to a positive, pre-determined end. We are only moving in this direction.
But with the help of Kabbalah, we can shorten our path as well as make it easier and more pleasant.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/22/17

Is There A Remedy For Cyber Attacks?

laitman_959The largest cyber attack in history: 200,000 people in 150 countries were impacted. The attacks not only caused various troubles, the attack also threatened people’s lives.
English hospitals couldn’t perform surgeries and rail operators’ computers in Germany and Russia were hacked. Banks, companies, state institutions, and private individuals also suffered.
The investigation has only just begun, but no matter who was behind this action and whatever goal they pursued, we received an instructive lesson.
Yes, attackers can easily damage a huge number of people and they can immobilize services and life support systems. Airlines, public utilities, for example, traffic light control systems can become blackmail victims.
Technology has tied us in a single tangle, and society does not have efficient solutions to emerging challenges. Social development is lagging behind the technical development. Computers that have provided us with great opportunities in irresponsible hands can become weapons of mass destruction.
And the problem is not in them; the problem is in us. Are we able to take control of our own nature, which in the world of global communications continues to live only in personal interests and maniacally seeks benefits at the expense of others?
Until we begin the process of educating Man (Adam) in ourselves, we all will depend on that monkey who holds the “grenade” of our achievements. Only Man will correctly use the global world connection and turn it for the benefit of all.

Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 4

laitman_527_09Baal HaSulam, The Nation: The Holocaust was the result of the poison of hatred that afflicted the nations of the world, which led to the horrific death of millions of our brethren. We cannot delude ourselves by believing that we are speaking here about some transient and passing event.
The most progressive nations calmly barred their doors to us without feeling the least sympathy or pity. Without expecting miracles, it becomes apparent that our existence, individually and as a nation, balances on the scales of life and death.
And help will come only if we find the necessary instrument that will be able to tilt the scales in our favor…If we miss the chance and do not stand all as one, then the events we are facing will take on dangerous proportions, because they will unfold according to the will of our enemies who plan on wiping us off the face of the earth.
Obviously this was not a temporary phenomenon, but it exists within our shared nature. Humanity must reach union with the Creator, and the part that is called upon to demonstrate this method of correction is called Israel (Yashar-El, straight to the Creator).
This group of people received the method of correction and actualized it among themselves during the time of the First Temple. After 2,000 years of exile, Israel has spread throughout all humanity and now must once again establish its corrected state and draw all the nations of the world after it.
Let’s not fool ourselves by believing that the Holocaust was a momentary mistake that cannot be repeated. It can recur in a much worse form, not be the way it was in the past when it was contained within a particular European country, even if it had the support of all other developed nations, but with the complete support of all humanity, without exception. It can be seen even now, whenever there is a vote in the UN against Israel, 200 nations unanimously support the resolution.
And even though it is not without reason that the nation of Israel is called “stiff-necked” who refuses to understand what is happening to it, nevertheless, we have evidence today of such acts of anti-Semitism that make the time prior to the Holocaust seem much calmer. And, as usual, we are trying to shut our eyes and not notice what is happening until the last moment or even after it.
If we lose this chance, it will be impossible to save ourselves from harm, just as it happened during the Holocaust when there was nowhere to run. And today, after this whole tragedy, we are still repeating the same mistake as if nothing had happened.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/17, Lesson on Topic: “Holocaust Memorial Day”

Clean Ecology

Laitman_509Torah, Deuteronomy 23:13 – 23:14: And you shall have a designated place outside the camp, so that you can go out there [to use it as a privy]. And you shall keep a stake in addition to your weapons; and it shall be, when you sit down outside [to relieve yourself], you shall dig with it, and you shall return and cover your excrement.
This is about clean ecology, even in those old times. After all, if we recall medieval France or Germany, it was impossible to walk on the streets because slop was poured directly through the windows. There was a terrible stench everywhere that also came from people.
According to the Torah, a person must wash himself at least once a week, and wash his hands before each meal. Why was everyone surprised that the Jews never became infected with anything, and believed that they sent the plague to everyone, but they themselves didn’t get sick? It is because nobody observed the laws of hygiene except the Jews. They are described in the Talmud with such thoroughness that it would be good for us to keep them today.
It even indicates how to wash hands. If you touch body parts that must be covered, you must wash hands after that. And you shouldn’t touch your body at all during prayer.
Question: What does this mean in the internal work?
Answer: It is a very complex thing. Klipot (the impure desires) give us systems for removal of body waste.
The system itself isn’t simple and is very interesting. Why aren’t we created in an optimal way? If I absorb some energy, and it dissolves in me and gives me life, then why should some amount of it be ejected from me to the outside?
And not just from me. This also happens on the vegetative and animal levels because there must be a circulation of any unification in nature. We see it even in inanimate nature: discharge of various gases from stones, radiation and so on.
Waste from most levels can be used as fertilizers. This is a completely closed ecological system. Everything is designed so that one nourishes another.
In spirituality, this means the processing of desires that takes place on several levels: for the sake of the Creator, for the sake of others, through oneself, and so on. Therefore, even in things that a person discharges from himself, there is a connection between him and the general ecological system.
The organism was initially created this way. Even an embryo in its mother’s womb segregates waste that enters the mother, and she releases it from herself.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/19/16

JPost: “A Memo To President Trump“

The Jerusalem Post published my new article “A Memo To President Trump
President Trump, I wish you a pleasant visit to Israel. Still, in my view, your success in office depends on an effective implementation of the America First policy.
Dear Mr. President:
Welcome to Israel.
The Israeli public awaits your arrival with great anticipation, just as your supporters back home are eager to see the fulfillment of your America First policy. For this reason, I truly believe that turning the attention to America is the key to making your term in office a success.
You know better than anyone that joblessness in American society is a constant concern, as tens of millions are still living on various forms of government benefits. Such permanent inactivity is a recipe for trouble. Prolonged idleness creates crime, violence, substance abuse, and can ravage entire communities. On the national level, the sense of solidarity among Americans is at an all-time low. As politics creates factions and frictions within society that impede every effort for improvement, it seems as though the very nationhood of the American people is at risk.
To combat these challenges, I recommend the introduction of a nationwide program to strengthen communities and deepen the solidarity among the American people. The program consists of two interdependent elements that together will guarantee both the livelihood of all Americans and their national solidarity.
Because it is necessary to guarantee people’s livelihoods, some sort of Universal Basic Income (UBI) is required in this program. However, if we leave it at that, a permanent income that does not require any commitment from the beneficiaries will “kill” people’s ability to work and to connect with others, and will turn them into hazards to society.
For this reason, reception of UBI benefits must be contingent upon partaking in courses and workshops conducted under specific rules designed to invoke in participants feelings of connection, trust, and reciprocity. These workshops are part of a method called Integral Education (IE), which has proven itself successful numerous times over many years, and in countless places around the world, including the US, Europe, Israel, and Russia.
Besides workshops, IE provides practical tools for handling emotional and social crises, and includes learning about the history of the country, state, and city where people live, so as to make them feel connected to their local neighborhoods and to the US society as a whole. But most important, this method makes people feel that solidarity and a sense of community create more value for them than isolation and alienation.
Today’s technologies enable providing IE to millions of people online at minimal cost. People can participate from home or at public venues such as community centers. While facilitators will still be required in classrooms, professional instruction can be given online by a handful of trained professionals from one central location.
The decrease in violence and crime, and the increase in national cohesion and positive social engagement will drastically reduce crime and violence levels, and will slash the prevalence of substance abuse. These changes will save vast amounts of government and municipal resources, making the IE program exceptionally lucrative.
Beyond the economic value, IE will transform communities, creating an ambience of friendliness, trust, comprehension of social responsibility, and strong engagement in pro-social activities.
Mr. President, as you are a pragmatic individual, I think you should focus on America first and do what is best for the American society, as you have clearly stated since the onset of your presidency. If you implement a nationwide IE program, America will undoubtedly become a role model of social stability and national solidarity. Or, to use your words, it will “Make America great again.”
With best wishes,
Michael Laitman

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

France After The Election: What Will Become Of Macron?

laitman_431_05Question: The new prime-minister of France Emmanuel Macron promises to bring back all the characteristics of free France. It is believed that he wasn’t elected as much for his promises as to oppose Marine Le Pen. The fight was against her. What do you think this will lead to? What is your Kabbalistic prediction?
Answer: I can say only one thing: He is the centrist, for both, the left and the right voted for him, liberals and Democrats, conservatives and Republicans, just to not let Le Pen win, because she was actually feared.
It should be remembered that 10 to 15% of the French population is comprised of immigrants from North African and Middle Eastern countries. All of them repelled Le Pen.
The thing is, that the people that brought Macron to power, united to let him win. But uniting to govern the country, this they will not be able to do.
To raise above yourself despite the opposite views so that the left and the right lines would merge into the middle line, above the differences, that is what they will not be able to do; they are not Kabbalists. And that is why everything is doomed to a slow, ever deepening collapse.
Question: So they will start tearing Macron apart?
Answer: Yes. He will start yielding to some, then to others, and as a result, France will become weaker and weaker. Eventually it will be ruled, as Le Pen said, by a woman. That is, probably, how it will happen.
Question: So, you believe, that the left and the right will not be able to unite around Macron?
Answer: They don’t have the system of uniting opposites where each, retaining their individuality, raises above it, and connects with others, opposite themselves.
In our world, this condition does not really exist. We have to teach people how to do it. Therefore, we currently observe a division of the public in half in all the countries prior to elections. The result of the elections is a marginal advantage of one side or the other.
This all leads to an overwhelming polarization of humanity in the world, and people will be forced to find ways of peaceful coexistence. Otherwise, it will result in war.
Question: So you are hinting that, actually, the science of Kabbalah will be needed to bring the opposites together?
Answer: Undoubtedly! Either before or after war.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/11/17

The Torah: Encrypted Knowledge

Laitman_137Question: Could the wisdom of Kabbalah exist without the Torah?
Answer: The Torah is Kabbalah and not how it was later reinterpreted and altered by people.
The Torah is a Kabbalistic record of the information of the upper world. It seems to us that it talks about historical events in our world, but it has nothing to do with them, and talks only about what is happening in the form of the forces of the upper world.
The Torah is written in the language of the branches, so instead of still, vegetative, animate, and human objects mentioned in it, we must imagine the forces that rule the universe. And not only the entire text, but every letter of the Torah is a record of force. Hence, we must treat it as encrypted knowledge.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/22/17

Trump Against The Judicial System

laitman_245_10In the News (CNN): “Donald Trump turned to his favorite outlet for outrage over the weekend when he blasted out tweets to his 23.9 million followers lambasting the federal judge who temporarily suspended the President’s executive orders on immigration.
“After only three weeks in office, he is launching an unusual attack—not just on a particular ruling, but targeting a specific judge.
“‘Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril,’ Trump wrote. ‘If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!’ Trump wrote.
“The message was clear. If there’s a terrorist attack, it’s the judge’s fault.”
My Comment: His predecessor, the previous president Obama, opened the entry of Muslims into the United States, following which, close to ten million Muslims immigrated to the United States. This could have bad consequences. We know that they have brought no benefit either to the state or the society in any country they have gathered.
Comment: But citizens in the United States have organized demonstrations against the ban on entry…
Response: People who were paid and directed to do this participated in these demonstrations because during the last 30 to 40 years, the media have caused degeneration and “disorientation” among the people so that people no longer know anything. That is why they are going out with fanatical conviction against Trump. They don’t understand that Trump represents a new movement that has ripened in the United States, which includes most of the population who understand that it is impossible to leave the nation in the custody of the liberals. This is even though we see that those “liberals” are ready to destroy anyone who doesn’t support their views.
Half of the people want one thing, and the other half wants something else. The Democrats took advantage of the opportunities that they had, so why don’t they want to allow the other half to run the country if this happened according to the constitution? Where is their pluralism? Pluralism implies a multiplicity of opinions in which it is possible to express every opinion. It has become clear that there is also another opinion that must also be given a place, but they don’t want this. Are they pluralists, liberals, democrats?! They are definitely not! It follows that they are like the fascists. They bought all the media. Is this a democracy? What is possible to brag about here?! This is shameful! After all, it is possible and necessary to convey everything through the legislature, through the political system, and if not, then it is against the law.
Question: As a Kabbalist, you are for a natural equilibrium system. What kind of equilibrium solution can exist here?
Answer: There is absolutely a solution of equilibrium that exists: in addition to the left one, a second, right lever should appear. Let’s call these two sides by their conditional names. There are demonstrators and there is, let’s say, Trump. Even though he is the representative of millions of Americans, including powerful citizens who have no inclination toward violence against others that voted peacefully and quietly, but they still seem not to be heard.
A balanced system would be when the right line, led by Trump, rises in direct proportion to the left line (the Democrats) so that the two lines will be of equal value, and then they will begin to build a middle line between them, an average state. Just as minus and plus exist in nature, they must join together into a single mechanism and create life within it. Then life will flow in cycles in a society in which the right and left lines are connected and they will work in partnership. It is necessary to teach this to the society and its leaders, because this is not found in either Trump nor in Soros who embodies the left line, nor in the others. Everyone will need to learn. But first, it is Trump’s time now.
A separate line there is no life; it is only in the connection between them. And separately the two lines now become fascist. The representatives of one side threaten: “Trump will bring fascism!” And they themselves will not? We see the results. Specifically all of the neoliberals, pluralists, and democrats of today are producing a more extreme right line; they are giving rise to fascism.
Comment: What this means is that the only way is the way of the middle line.
Answer: Yes. But now it is necessary for the right line to rise up and become stable, and then after that to move toward the middle line. To do this, we must reach some kind of balance, studying and working together, just as plus and minus work for a single engine and cause it to rotate. That is how it should be.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/6/16

Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 3

laitman_255Baal HaSulam, article “The Writings of the Last Generation”: It is a fact that Israel is hated by all the nations, whether for religious, racial, capitalist, communist, or for cosmopolitan reasons, etc. It is so because the hatred precedes all reasons, but each merely resolves its loathing according to its own psychology.
This hatred is natural because the body is not getting what it needs from the head. Instinctively, subconsciously, it feels its dependence on the head. This is so because we all exist within nature, within one desire, and under the influence of common forces. And when the head does not provide the body with all that it requires, then the body blames it for all its misfortunes.
Nothing can be done about this, only correction is required. If desire is born within the body, then the head is obligated to take care of it. And we are not speaking here about the simple fulfillment of material desires of the body; this will not help. The nations of the world will never be fulfilled in this way, and we have seen this throughout the entire span of our history.
Humanity creates more and more fulfillment for itself, but our desire only grows: one who received $100, wants $200, and when he receives $200, wants $400. It is the desire to receive that must be corrected, not the actual fulfillment.
When the desire is corrected, it will begin to be fulfilled by bestowal. This is the only way it is possible to be fulfilled. In other words, it is the duty of the head to provide the body with correction. The body lacks the strength to reach bestowal because there are only desires in it.
When the body receives the strength for bestowal from the head, it will be able to fulfill itself through bestowal.
When the body is fulfilled, its negative relationship with the head will cease; in other words, the attitude of the nations of the world toward Israel. But this is only under the condition that Israel takes care of the nations of the world and demonstrates the appropriate methodology for correction to them, which they can then participate in.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/17, Lesson on Topic: “Holocaust Memorial Day”

New Life #851 – A Generation Gap

New Life #851 – A Generation Gap
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Only the soul is eternal and is not generation dependent, so if parents and children develop it together, a connection will be maintained between them.
In the future, connection between parents and children will exist only through a future common denominator, which is the development of the soul.
From KabTV’s “New Life #851 – A Generation Gap,” 4/18/17
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Education Is The Main Task Of A Nation

 Question: Does the wisdom of Kabbalah contain knowledge about how a nation should function?
Answer: In our times, a nation should be involved with the education of the population within its borders first and foremost, not crossing the borders into other nations and not bringing everyone into it in the wider sense of the word, rather most importantly, educating its citizens.
If people who have been properly educated are living within a nation, understanding the general thought of nature and knowing in what manner it operates, they will overcome all kinds of problems.
Question: So, as long as a person is uneducated, there must be borders, and as soon as education is conducted properly, the borders can be opened?
Answer: Of course, because then a person will begin to understand who to take in and who not. He would not do as Europe thoughtlessly did and now is mired in great problems. Imagine what would happen if you were to open the door of your house and brought in another family to live with you.
The problem is that the Europeans didn’t examine their nations or continent as a family that is accepting other foreign family members to dwell in their apartments. Would they be able to withstand this kind of dormitory? Suppose that the head of state decided that he could. Then why didn’t he first try to have them live with him?
Education can be summed up as knowledge about what we are going through, with whom we are working, and in what manner to evaluate such experiments. In the situation today, when there are already foreign immigrant families in your house, you don’t know what to do with them.
You must feed them, clean up after them, wash for them, supply them with everything necessary, pay them a stipend, and even love them. In addition, you must listen to them and obey their laws; in other words, they will begin to educate you and not you them. After all, they don’t intend to accept your perception of life, your education, and your social customs.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/8/17

What Language Did The Babylonians Speak?

laitman_933.jpgQuestion: What language did people in Babylon speak and write?
Answer: Babylonians spoke Aramaic. We use this language in Kabbalah along with Hebrew. Only those who attained the upper world spoke Hebrew because it is the language of light, and Aramaic is the language of the Kli (vessel), meaning desires that reveal the light.
Both languages are completely identical and at the same time completely opposite to each other. Let’s say “light” in Hebrew is “Ohr,” and night in Aramaic is “Orta.” That is, both languages use the same word but with completely opposite meaning.
Question: What language did Terach, Abraham’s father, speak?
Answer: Terach spoke Aramaic, and Abraham switched to Hebrew. They knew both languages.
As modern publications confirm, from these two ancient languages, which complement each other, a global script developed. After all, both languages are built on coincidence of two forces, bestowal and reception, plus and minus. Precisely from there came the horizontal and vertical elements of the letters that are the basis of the writing in any language.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/22/17

Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 2

laitman_293Question: As humanity develops, why does hatred and anti-Semitism increasingly grow?
Answer: As we develop, the shattering in the system of the common soul is increasingly revealed, the broken parts appear, and they must be corrected in the order from the easiest to the increasingly complex.
The order of correction is such that due to more simple corrections we can proceed to complex ones. This is seen throughout the history of human development.
Question: And to achieve correction, why was it necessary to divide into two parts: Israel and the nations of the world?
Answer: It is in this order that the desires are ascertained. This is the law of nature; Kabbalists only explain it to us, like any natural phenomenon. At the beginning of creation, there was only one common desire filled with light.
But at a certain stage of development, the shattering occurred: first in the external system, and then within the first man Adam, and this is called his fall, when he was unable to receive Light for the sake of bestowal.
One desire, created by the Creator, broke and divided into many parts. But there were sparks of Light left, the fragments of the anti-egoistic screen that exitsted before. These sparks of Reflected Light exist in each individual desire.
The common desire to enjoy was divided into levels, called Sefirot, according to how each layer manifested itself in relation to the Light, with different forces of adhesion and similarity. And when the screen shattered, in other words, when the strength of resistance to egoism broke, the upper Light disappeared from the desire as they ceased to be similar in properties. But in each desire, a spark remained, a tiny backlight.
In more subtle deficiencies, sparks are manifested and begin to be felt in the first place, and so there were people who felt these sparks in Ancient Babylon with the first crisis of mankind. Of these, the group that Abraham called Israel (Yashar-El, straight to the Creator) was assembled.
And all the other Babylonians did not yet feel these sparks and, therefore, did not seek correction. They did not understand Abraham’s method, which was the method of such unification that love covers all crimes. It is impossible to understand how it is possible to combine crimes and love, two opposites, when there are not two opposing forces in man: the desire to enjoy and the spark of Light.
Therefore, the Babylonians could not perceive the technique of Abraham and remained with their own. From all this, Babylon, the part that belongs to the nations of the world, was formed. And those who felt a spark in them understood Abraham’s method and the goal to which he led humanity. It was close to them, so they followed him.
Since then, the world divided into two parts, and the lower part, which refers to the body, the nations of the world, depends on the upper part, the head, Israel. And this relation remains until the very end of creation, after which all merge into one whole. But in the meantime, in the period of correction, there is a big difference between these two parts: one of them defining, and the second, receives the already ready.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/17, Lesson on Topic: “Holocaust Memorial Day”

There Is Money But There Is No Happiness

laitman_546_03In the News (Feeling Financial): “Does Money Buy Happiness?
“It depends. You’ve probably heard that money does not buy happiness above a certain level. The number Kahneman mentions in the TED talk is $60,000 per year of income in the United States of America, which is about what other studies find.
“Above that income level your happiness level may increase, but at a decreasing rate. In other words, earning $120,000 per year does not make you twice as happy as if you earned $60,000; it’s nothing to sneeze at but it just makes things a little better.
“Kahneman emphasizes that the increase in happiness is surprisingly flat above $60,000. Also, while money does not buy happiness for your experienced self, a lack of money can make things unpleasant.”
My Comment: Money enables a person to fill himself. Then he begins to spend millions in casinos or in other places in order to feel a bit of spice in life, but he doesn’t feel it. He ceases to feel it even in small things. Such people feel no taste in food, football, or vacation.
I have met many rich people who apparently live freely and their bank account keeps growing, but basically are miserable people. They can travel wherever they want to, order whatever they like, but they feel no satisfaction.
After all, there can be no pleasure in this world without feeling a deficiency for something, because everything is attained in the contrast between Light and darkness. If there is no darkness, people tend to try different things and put themselves in situations that arouse strong, acute, sharp feelings, but it does not work.
Question: At the same time, young people are eager to prosper and spend their whole lives trying to achieve that, and even to harm themselves as long as they can break through the barrier of an annual income over $60,000. Don’t they understand that there is no happiness there?
Answer: It is an illusion, and there is nothing we can do about that. I also used to believe that if I travelled from one country to another and saw new places, new people, I would be happy. I remember how appealing I found this idea. When we were kids, we all dreamed of exploring the world, because it was closed to us. And when everything was opened, nothing was seen except emptiness.
Question: It seems that a person needs another desire, an alternative desire.
Answer: Of course. Don’t misunderstand me.
There was a time in my life in which I travelled the world and visited different museums and exhibitions, etc., but it was all gone in a moment. Every person has a threshold beyond which he ceases to feel anything new because there is nothing new about it. Our ego is beginning to develop toward a new threshold of sensitivity and perception.
This is the reason that people who do not attain the upper levels, who do not attain the Light that enters the desire, which fills it and depicts totally different areas of attainment, the upper world, are very miserable.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/9/16

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