Saturday, November 7, 2020

“Why Do People Lose Motivation?” (Quora)


Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: “Why do people lose motivation?

We are driven by our desires, and in our time, our desires are ending their individualistic linear development and entering into a new phase of collective and integral development.

In other words, our desires have increased over the generations from individual desires for food, sex, family and shelter, through social desires for money, honor, control and knowledge, and in our era, a new desire has appeared that cannot be fulfilled directly like our past desires.

The new desire can only be fulfilled through a harmonious connection with other people. It is a fundamentally new and different kind of development to how we have been developing for thousands of years, and we have yet to grasp how to navigate our lives after the appearance of this new desire.

Phenomena such as globally interconnected technologies and economies that have emerged in our era are a superficial expression of this new desire. In other words, we have created systems that increasingly connect us, however we have not yet positively connected our attitudes to each other. Connecting superficially through technological and economic means fails to ultimately fulfill us because we need to connect positively on a mental and emotional level. Doing so would reveal a whole new kind of fulfillment in our lives.

The more we externally connect while remaining internally detached, and the more we continue trying to fulfill ourselves according to our past methods, then the more difficult we find it to stay motivated running after the pleasures laid out on our corporeal smorgasbord: food, sex, family, money, honor, control and knowledge. In the same token, however, we have not yet come to terms with the new desire emerging in us, what it ultimately wants, and how to fulfill it.

In order to refresh our motivation and zest for life on a whole new level, we need a new method, new education and influences that guide us to become acquainted with this newly emergent desire, how we live in a significant transitional era from an individualistic-linear paradigm to an integral-analog one, and how we can realize our newfound interdependence and interconnectedness harmoniously.

Many people lose motivation today because they no longer feel that they can fulfill themselves by individualistic self-serving means. We thus need to change the way we fulfill ourselves: that we build a sincere intention to fulfill others, and when we aim at fulfilling each other, we will discover nothing less than a perfect life.

Moreover, the laws of nature, which are laws of interdependence and interconnectedness, stand behind this development. They guide our way to more and more connection with each other. So the more we take active steps to realize our increasing connection positively, the more we align with nature’s laws, and accordingly, awaken positive forces dwelling in nature to enter into our newly-established connections. When that happens, we will get a taste of unbounded life, outside everything we currently know and feel, and we will feel a whole new surge of motivation stemming from an atmosphere that encourages us to exit our egoistic selves and connect harmoniously with others.

Image: Global Interconnectedness by Wannapik Studio.

“The Lesson Still To Be Learned From Kristallnacht” (Times Of Israel)


The Times of Israel published my new article “The Lesson Still to Be Learned from Kristallnacht

Dozens of Jews were murdered, many more were publicly humiliated and sent to concentration camps; homes and businesses were destroyed and more than a thousand synagogues across Germany and Austria were torched—That was the tale of destruction left behind by the Nazis on Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass,” on November 9, 1938. On the 82nd anniversary of the day, it is crystal clear that history could repeat itself as the shadow of antisemitism and radicalism expands around the world.

A new series of Islamic fundamentalist terrorist attacks have shaken Europe in the last few days. The UK elevated its terror alert level to “severe” after the deadly attacks in France, in Paris and Nice days ago and most recently, in Vienna, Austria where four people were killed and 22 injured in shootings perpetrated in an area near several synagogues. Even if one believes that Jews were not specifically targeted in that attack, the peace and quiet the city offered to the Jewish community is over. In a rare statement, European Jewish leaders called for more “control and transparency” of the mosques across the continent—over what is being preached and where they get financing that could promote incitement to commit such acts of violence.

But radicalization is only one of the threats, albeit not a minor one. Antisemitism is generally on the rise in Europe and has been for a while as record-breaking cases of physical attacks and harassment are reported in major European cities. Anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli sentiments created by extremist groups are nowadays not items of historical reference but a very current reality worldwide.

However, Jews predictably think everything will pass by. They are convinced that letters of condemnation to organizations or to governments will do the job. Wake up! It has not worked so far and never will. We still haven’t learned the lesson from the entire history of persecution toward Jews. The Jewish people resist accepting the fact that they are unwanted in Europe. As terrorism intensifies and social and economic problems worsen, Jews will be held to blame, as always happens. Many will want to conclude what Germany and Austria started more than eight decades ago, claiming “why must they live among us; we really suffer from all these people; we are in trouble and we have no choice but to finish them off.”

Great pressures upon European Jewry and the Jewish communities of the entire world are in store until Jews realize that they are at the epicenter of hatred for a reason. We need to learn that the world does not change, so we must. We must show humanity as a whole how to repair the breakage in the world—this is what is expected of Jews.

The wisdom of Kabbalah explains that Jews have a special role in the great human puzzle: “Israel’s purpose is to unite the entire world into one family,” writes Rav Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of Israel. The mission of the people of Israel, according to the most renowned Kabbalist of the 20th Century, Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), is to serve as a conduit to transfer the system of positive connection to humanity so that it can recover balance and ease its pains. He wrote, “And when they do that, it is plain to see that with His work, all envy and hatred will be abolished from humanity” (“The Peace”).

However, in order for that to happen first Jews must unite. As long as this role is delayed, suffering on the personal and global scale will continue to intensify as a hard reminder of the role Jews need to fulfill. So let’s not forget that our lives depend on our good connection, as simple as that. As long as we present the impenetrable armor of unity to the world, no enemy will rise against us. Only then will we be able to relegate our painful past to the annals of history and turn over a new leaf to begin writing a sunny present and future.

“Regardless Of Election Results, If Israel Unites, It Can Decide Its Own Fate” (Times Of Israel)


The Times of Israel published my new article “Regardless of Election Results, If Israel Unites, It Can Decide Its Own Fate

Around the world, people are looking closely at the vote count in America. When it comes to the United States, everyone has an interest. In Israel, too, the split society is split between supporting the candidates. But Israel is different from the rest of the world. If Israeli society manages to unite above its internal disagreements and aversions, it will not have to choose which president is better for it; everyone, including current enemies, will want to help Israel.

Instead of looking overseas for satisfaction or dismay, Israelis should look at one another and make peace among themselves. Nothing hurts Israel more than its internal hatred.

There have always been conflicts and disagreement among Jews. It’s the nature of opinionated people to be obstinate. This is not a problem. The problem begins when we think that we must convince our dissenters that we are right and they are wrong. This will never happen; it isn’t meant to happen.

The Jewish people weren’t meant to agree with one another; they were meant to rise above their disagreements. We might think it’s not important to do so, but the inability to transcend hatred and dispute is the world’s number one problem. Today, everyone is becoming increasingly opinionated and intolerant to other views. Because everyone thinks they are right, we begin to hate each other and want to cancel one another. Unless we find a way to maintain social cohesion, the tension will increase until it snaps and chaos will take over.

The ancient Hebrews were the only ones who found such a way. They discovered that disagreements enrich them, hone their thinking and polish their ideas, as long as they increase their love for one another more than the distance that the disagreements create. In fact, they learned that the purpose of the arguments, and their real benefit, was not the polishing of views, but the increase of love and unity. The disagreements were merely the impetus that drove the Israeli people to deepen their cohesion and strengthen their bonds. This is why The Book of Zohar (BeShalach) stated, “All the wars in the Torah are peace and love.”

Without disagreements, we would become indifferent to each other. The disputes cause us to pay attention to each other and the anger makes us feel uncomfortable. If we succumb to our anger, we end up in hate. But if we strive to love each other just as siblings love each other even when they disagree, then the love between us increases after each dispute, since the intensity of the dispute forces us to match it with love in order not to disintegrate society.

Currently, Israel is sharply divided. This is exactly the point where we must increase our love for one another in order to match it with our mutual dislike. If we do not do so, we will end up in civil war and the country will disintegrate. But if we increase our unity and care for one another above the level of hatred that reveals itself each time, the whole world will see that this is possible and will want to learn from our example. The ability to rise above disputes is the trait that everyone needs and no one has. If we show how we can do this, everyone will be thankful, including our enemies. This is why Israel is the only country whose fate depends solely on its people, and not on external forces.

“When Terror Strikes Close To Home”


Dr. Michael Laitman

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 11/3/20

Eduard (Edi) Yosupov is a veteran student and a friend. He has been studying with me for 20 years now, and during most of those years he was living in Vienna. In 2005, I visited him and went to the local chapter of our worldwide group. Not far from there is Edi’s business, a medical aesthetics center. Edi does not live in Austria anymore; he moved with his family to Israel two years ago, but his clinic is still there.

Last night, Edi’s phone rang unexpectedly; it was one of his employees. With tremor in her voice, she whispered that she is alone in the clinic, the only one who didn’t leave in time, before the shooting started. She was terrified. A number of bullets went through the glass and into the clinic and she didn’t know where to hide. She said the other employees had left the clinic a few minutes earlier, right when the shooting started, and fled from the scene as soon as it started. Thankfully, they were unharmed.

Moments later, Edi’s phone started receiving pictures of smashed windows, bullet holes in panes, and blood, a lot of blood.

This morning, we met for a zoom conversation. Edi said “There is panic in the streets. They have closed the entire downtown Vienna and prohibited people from going to work.” The Austrians are horrified. “Austria is a neutral country,” he said, “and people ask themselves why they deserve this.” And, he added, “The shock among the Jews is the worst.”

This is where I stopped him. You can say whatever you want, but Austria is not a neutral country. Adolf Hitler was Austrian, Adolf Eichmann was Austrian, and Austria in general has a long history of antisemitism. Perhaps Austrian Jews like to tell themselves untrue stories to calm themselves down, but this is unwise and will leave them with nowhere to run when the time comes, and it will.

The event that happened yesterday is part of an escalating crisis at the end of which the Jews will be accused of all the troubles that afflict Europe and will suffer the same fate that Europe’s Jews suffered in the 1940s. Nevertheless, there are two ways they might avoid that fate: 1) Run away and look for a new place to settle. It was barely possible to do so eighty years ago since no Western country would accept Jews from Germany and Austria, and it will be much more difficult now, but if they’re not too picky, they might find a temporary haven. 2) Revolutionize the whole meaning of Judaism and turn it from a culture that focuses on customs and traditions to an ideology that enshrines unity above all other values in the spirit of mutual responsibility and the motto, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This latter option is the true essence of Judaism. Although it is very hard emotionally, and Jews have not been united since they waged a civil war inside the walls of Jerusalem before the Romans conquered it and ruined the Temple, but if they can do it, they will be safe and welcome wherever they are.

The essence of Judaism is care for others, as old Hillel said, “That which you hate, do not do unto your neighbor. The rest is commentary, go and study.” Only when Jews employ that motto, or at least do not hate each other, are they true to their legacy and to their mission to be “a light unto nations.”

It may sound counterintuitive, but internal unity is what the nations want to see from us. Being the light of the nations does not mean we have to preach to them or teach them anything. It simply means we should set an example of love of others.

We have given the world the idea that loving our neighbors as ourselves is the core of the Torah, but we are not living it out. In that, we are untrue to ourselves and the world feels it. All that the nations want is for us to be what we are meant to be, united as one, and then they will appreciate us and want us among them, and we will not have to go through the ordeal that European Jews are beginning to experience.

People As Far Away As East From West


551Question: Western people are subject to a lot of psychological pressure and stress. They cannot concentrate on anything for a long time, unlike Eastern people.

Recently, special meditation practices have been developed for Westerners, which involve a large number of actions. A person does not just sit and concentrate on one thing, as in the Indian teachings, but on the contrary, performs many actions to calm down.

Do you think Westerners should practice meditation?

Answer: I do not think this will help much because Westerners and Easterners have completely different psychological models, personalities with different goals. What is created in Western society can only be applied there. Neither the Native Americans, nor the Indians of Asia, nor the Africans can have this.

It is possible that something Western can be, somehow, applied in Russia, but also here we see that this lasts only in a special group of the population that is similar in its level of intelligence and mentality to the West.

In principle, each continent has its own internal prerequisite, which method of attitude to the world, to the development of itself and society is chosen by the population. Europeans are Europeans, North Americans are North Americans, although, in principle, they are the same Europeans who managed to suppress the culture of the Native Americans.

South America is South America because the psychology of the indigenous peoples there dominates. When you come to one of the South American countries, you immediately understand that this is a special world. It is the same in Asia and Africa.

You cannot make one type of person into another. The only thing we can do is leave everyone with their own perception of the world and lead them to understand the need for the proper integration among all. At the same time, everyone remains in their own culture, as it was once said in the Soviet Union: “national in form, but socialist in content.”

It is the same here. The content should be Kabbalistic. This is an aspiration to a common world, to connection, kindness, and love but in the form in which a person understands the language of nature, and can correctly understand others.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/27/20

New Life 466 – The Jewish Potential, Part 2


New Life 466 – The Jewish Potential, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

Jews have a special gene that makes them successful in many areas. They are the descendants of special people who followed Abraham, revealed the upper force, and eventually became the nation of Israel. They don’t use the powers they have as Jews correctly. The fulfillment of the Jewish potential could build a state that is managed according to mutual guarantee, love, and equality. If Jews fulfilled their potential, they would receive a general Nobel Prize for bringing happiness to all of humanity.
From KabTV’s “New Life 466 – The Jewish Potential, Part 2,” 12/4/14

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How Can A Law Of Nature Be Jealous?


592.02Question: What does the expression “The Creator is jealous” mean? After all, we see Him as the law of nature. In addition, it is said: “If you leave Me for one day, then I will leave you for two days.” How can the law of nature be jealous?

Answer: The Creator is a higher power that requires development from us. Therefore, if we let go of Him and do not pay attention to this power, then He plays with us in such a way that we begin to feel our behavior was wrong. If we leave Him for a day, He leaves us for two days so that we can hold on to Him.

Question: How does this manifest itself?

Answer: Just like you have with your child who does not pay attention to you and you think about how you can attract him to you.

Question: Yes, but with the child, we have common organs of sensation, with the Creator, we do not. How can I decipher that the Creator left me for two days?

Answer: You feel on yourself that you suddenly stopped doing the things that you need. You have to deal with them, but you cannot, so you have no attraction to them.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/7/20

Awe Before The Law Of Nature


246Question: What is fear? Many sources speak about awe before the Creator. If we consider the Creator to be a single law of nature, what does it mean to be in awe before this law?

Answer: Awe means that I am in a state of increased self-examination of whether I am following the laws of nature correctly. I am afraid to break these laws and hurt others.

At that, I do this not out of fear, but because I really want to fulfill them, to support the Creator, nature, in all its qualities.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/7/20

Interaction Of A Lecturer With An Audience


269Question: Let’s suppose people are suffering from being lonely and you are invited to give a lecture on how to get out of this state. Should you know everything about this subject before talking about it?

Answer: I will tell them that a person exists one-on-one with his soul, with his requests. He comes into this world and leaves it alone. And the thing he can get in this world, he will not get anywhere else. This is why our world is so important.

And loneliness is given to us so that we understand ourselves more, to feel this world through it, etc. That is, I would praise the quality of loneliness and explain how to use it correctly.

Question: Is it better to prepare for a performance alone or as a team?

Answer: It’s better in a team of course. You are going to speak in front of a big audience after all, and advice from many is a desirable thing in this case.

Question: Do you think it is imperative to rehearse your performance?

Answer: No. But I used to sketch out several sentences for myself, often two or three lines.

Question: How can you win the audience over?

Answer: Show them that they are very important to you, you are not indifferent, and you want to tell them something useful for them. Show a little warmth.

Question: What is the best way to end the performance?

Answer: By the fact that only good lies ahead. This is very important for a person.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/14/20

The Essence Of Human Relationships


627.2The essence of human relations is in the emergence of a common general state. But even before it appears, all kinds of positive and negative impressions, understandings, and relationships begin to emerge in each of the two people who are communicating. And something new that was not there before is born from their encounter.

This all depends on how prepared we are for interconnection between each other by our previous upbringing. This is why we need to worry not about the interactions themselves but about how we prepare people for them. Like a mother who is sending her little son to kindergarten, or to school, or even to visit a friend, she instructs him how to behave, how to perceive others, etc.

A completely new feeling is formed in each of us this way, the feeling of perceiving another. From our mutual perception, these sensations turn into something common. Therefore, the goal of education is what kind of common platform we want to see between us.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 7/30/20

Thursday, November 5, 2020

“How Can We Read Someone’s Mind?” (Quora)


Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: “How can we read someone’s mind?

It is possible if we work on ourselves in such a way where we become different people. In other words, if we pass ourselves over to the states of others, as if copying their states onto ourselves, then we can read their thoughts and desires.

However, it is no simple task. Doing so requires prioritizing the thoughts and desires of others ahead of our own, devoting and even annulling ourselves to them. We then make our mind as their mind, and can feel their desires and thoughts.

Such is the outcome of a process of increasing the greatness of others, up to a point where we feel them as being of utmost importance. When we start relating with primacy to the thoughts and desires of others, we then start feeling a whole new and enormous world open up: Instead of perceiving within our own narrow individual perspectives, we add a perception through the thoughts and desires of others. It can be likened to how cells feel their host organism as much greater than their own individual status, which causes them to act maximally for their host organism’s benefit, and receive from the host organism only what they need in order to act for the host’s benefit.

When we discover that kind of connection to each other—where we each think of the other as greater and more important than we are to ourselves, and create an atmosphere of support and encouragement in providing each other with everything necessary in order to nurture that connection—then we will experience a newfound harmony stemming from our unified inclinations to come out toward one another.

The laws of nature, which are laws of love, altruism and connection, set the scenario that reading someone’s mind is possible on condition that we approach them with a genuine intention for their benefit. If any shred of egoistic and exploitative intention is laced within, then we will remain mentally and emotionally detached.

Fear—Agent Of Development


562.01Question: Anything that we feel as a lack causes fear in us. It can be a lack of money, security,  knowledge, health, or confidence in the future. We are always overwhelmed by a feeling of inner panic because we are missing something.

Is it possible to say that a person develops due to fears?

Answer: Yes. It is a very powerful developmental agent. The basis of fears is the need to preserve one’s existence. But they can be controlled.

Question: Is it possible to get rid of fear at all?

Answer: No. Only if we turn off the mind. Fear is an instinct for self-preservation.

Question: A person cannot satisfy his own needs. But society can. Can you get rid of fear only through communication with society?

Answer: Yes. Society can give a person such a quality of confidence and support that fear will disappear to a certain extent. It is very difficult for a person to do this except only with the use of a special technique, and only in a limited form.

Question: Is there also such a thing as fear for others?

Answer: Fear for others is a feeling of belonging with others.

Question: When a person is afraid for his family, it is understandable. Is it possible to develop a sense of fear for complete strangers?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: It turns out that a person does not need to get rid of fear. Is it enough to direct the vector toward others?

Answer: We should not get rid of anything but only treat correctly all the properties of our body.

We need to come to the highest, general sensation of the space in which we are so that all our properties cause in us the ability to measure everything, feel everything, cognize everything, and ultimately achieve one common integral sensation of nature.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/7/20

Mark In Life


270Remark: Most people want to leave some kind of mark of their lives, like with works of art, sports achievements, good deeds, and ending with an idea.

My Comment: They don’t feel like they live forever, and therefore they take care of it. If they felt that our world is practically a part of the eternal world, they would not think of how to leave something behind.

When a person feels that he lives forever, he has no worries about his future. Then he thinks about what exactly he can do for people.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/27/20

New Life 465 – The Jewish Potential, Part 1


New Life 465 – The Jewish Potential, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

Abraham gathered the most developed people who lived in his time and taught them to connect in order to reveal the upper force. They have the ability to see the world in depth, from the perspective of two opposite forces, the force of receiving and the force of giving. An ordinary person sees the world only according to the force of receiving, which is based on the survival of the fittest and the power of the human ego. It is like seeing the world through one eye rather than two.

These people, the Jews, lost the ability to reveal the force of bestowal since the days of the destruction of the temple. The goal of their evolution is to re-awaken these abilities, rebuild the attribute of giving inside of them, and identify the force of love and bestowal in reality.
From KabTV’s “New Life 465 – The Jewish Potential, Part 1,” 12/4/14

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The Prerogative Of The Upper Force


610.2Question: Why can’t we measure our feelings?

Answer: We do not have this ability. We can partially measure the reaction of our nerve endings and impulses with certain devices but not the feelings themselves because they are measured by desires.

It is also impossible to measure desires. The Creator, or the most internal force of the world, is a desire. Therefore, we just have to accept that we can work with them in a very external form, but we cannot understand, measure, or manage them.

This is the prerogative of the upper force that created a desire on the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels and then formed matter around this desire.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/7/20

Respect And Self-Control


546.02Question: Is it possible to teach a person to respect someone?

Answer: We learn only from examples. Thus, when we show someone a good example, they grow up to be good people. Respect is a positive feeling. But sometimes it can limit a person and cause one to regress. Therefore, one needs to develop self-control.

Expecting purely egoistic respect from others can cause one to close in on oneself. After all, if everyone starts honoring him, he stops growing and only demands more respect no matter the situation, as long as it is given to him. But if respect is directed outward, it facilitates our advancement.

Remark: You have repeatedly mentioned that signs of respect from society are very detrimental to someone who wants to achieve self-actualization or spiritual development.

My Comment: It is simply disastrous! Sometimes, of course, it is good to hear positive feedback about yourself but, in general, it is enough for the environment to only point out the correct direction for your advancement.

Positive feedback and compliments make one feel content, limits their development, and smooths out all sorts of feelings of self-inadequacy.

It is not about putting pressure on a person so that he cannot lift his head. But there must be a very serious line of self-control that keeps revealing additional deficiencies in a person that need to be filled with knowledge and attainment.

Much is written about this in our sources. For example, they say that if a teacher receives a lot of attention and respect from his students, he may stop developing spiritually. This should be avoided.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/7/20

The Relationship Of Teacher And Student


165Question: What should be the interaction between teacher and student? Does their relationship depend on the requests of the student only or on the teacher also?

Answer: More on the student. The teacher is ready to accept all of his requests.

Question: The sages say that a person should study what his heart lies on. You, too, often ask students: “What would you like to study today”? But this isn’t this wrong. Shouldn’t the teacher make the lesson plan himself?

Answer: Yes, but I want them to understand what they want and not passively accept what I give them.

Question: So, is what the student wants more important to you?

Answer: Sometimes I ask them about it to give them a chance to test themselves.

Question: Do you know in most cases what kind of material should be given and in what dose?

Answer: It is not my choice, it is the time. It dictates to me what materials to give them.

Question: Don’t you also think that the teacher should explain the material so skillfully that the student will have even more questions by the end of the lesson?

Answer: Yes, questions that would not confuse him, but would lead him further. This is necessary for the study. The student must accept my answer and, starting from it, continue to ask further. Then he will feel twofold in the answer and will be able to navigate correctly.

Question: How should students relate to other students’ questions?

Answer: Learn from them. It is the answers to the questions that carry the most information. This is necessary for students because they want to connect together with their souls—inner qualities, feelings, and intentions.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/24/20

Can Joy Be Eternal?


572.02Question: What state does a person mostly feel joy from: from the past, the present, or the future?

Answer: From the present, of course. This feeling is the most acute. As for the future, it is the anticipation of joy. It may last longer. And the joy from the past leaves a certain impression and turns into knowledge, into what we call a Reshimo (informational record).

Question: Joy is a consequence of fulfilling our desires. But the fulfillment of desires extinguishes them and it turns out that the joy disappears. How can the joy be made to last forever?

Answer: It is necessary to separate the feeling of joy itself and the object that caused it. For example, if you feel joy from the achievements of your child who is constantly developing, then this joy does not disappear. And if you are happy about some of your successes, then this feeling goes away very quickly.

In other words, when joy is felt from an external source, then it can be long lasting, almost endless.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/7/20

Hatred Detector


527.01The next stage of the pandemic is the revelation of evil that the coronavirus is leading us toward. We will understand that we must keep our distance from each other in accordance with our internal separation. Gradually, the connection between the material and spiritual world will begin to manifest.

Therefore, I don’t think the pandemic will end. Medicines will appear, but they will not help, and if they help for one virus, it will only be to reveal another, even more dangerous one.

The coronavirus shows us our internal relationship to each other in external parameters: I hate someone “by two meters,” and someone “by twenty.” The quarantine distance reflects the hatred that exists between us. I’m forbidden to approach someone if I don’t treat them well. Maybe they’ll even invent a detector that starts buzzing if you get too close to someone.

This is called the revelation of evil because I see how badly I treat people and that I must correct my attitude. This will be the cure for the coronavirus.

In spiritual space, our closeness is determined by the law of similarity of qualities. And that is why such events happen to us in this world. We gain a new perception of reality because I can get closer to you or further away depending on how I think about you: good or bad. If I really want what’s best for you, I can get closer and closer. But only up to a certain limit, no more than that! I feel the border between us.

We are like charged particles in a spiritual field that cannot arbitrarily approach or move away, but always maintain a balance between them. So we begin to feel ourselves floating relative to each other to the extent of equality of our qualities or their difference. The distance will change as the attitude changes, and everything will become so obvious that it will allow us to quickly correct ourselves and become like one man with one heart.

There will be no difference between us—only one common desire. There will be no diseases and viruses. The virus will turn out to be useful since it has brought us to this state, to a common embrace.

The main thing is to find out that we need the help of the upper force hidden in nature. This force is the source of life, and therefore, it created all the particles of creation and develops them until they reach the sense of life. Therefore, we need this force that can connect plus with minus at all levels, so that it can help us at our human level.

On the human level, this power will not come by itself without our call; it leaves us free choice. It only awakens us by appearing to us as a negative force so that we ask it to act positively between us, as it is said: “Husband and wife—Shechina between them.” This is what we must ask, demand, and pray for together.

We have only one way out: to correct ourselves, and then the good connection between us will not allow the virus to manifest itself. Until we understand this, the coronavirus will not disappear. It will be reborn in various modifications and poison our lives until we realize that only by improving our relations with each other will we neutralize the virus.

Otherwise, the virus will pass from humans to animals, and from animals to insects, to such tiny ones that it is impossible to fight at all. The virus will be everywhere! It will be carried by beetles, flies, and birds and force us to be afraid of every mosquito. And most importantly, products will be infected with it.

I can lock myself in a house and turn it into a fortress, but I need supplies inside this fortress. And all the products will be contagious, in any tomato, cucumber, or water bottle there may be viruses, everywhere. After all, everyone has egoism, which means we will all suffer. I may not leave the house, but I need to breathe, and I will inhale viruses along with the air.

How else can we be pushed to say: “Enough! We are ready to do anything for the sake of correction.”
From KabTV’s “Writer’s Meetings” 10/22/20

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Main Thing Is To Stick Together


557If we yearn for the Creator, we attract the reforming light, which corrects us, brings us closer, and organizes us. Day by day, we feel new thoughts and new desires coming to us. They do not just appear accidentally out of thin air; all this comes purposefully, like elements of the single system in which we exist.

There is nothing accidental. Therefore I should not blame myself for not being as sharp today as I was yesterday. Yesterday, I was thinking more seriously and feeling more deeply, but today, I suddenly cannot do that. Yet, all this is organized from above for my correct advancement from state to state.

The main thing we need is to stick together. This is the only effort that we need to make. And everything else will be arranged from above.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/26/20Writings of Rabash, “What Are Torah and Work in the Way of the Creator?“

“As A New Quoran, How Should I Deal With Hate Comments On Quora?” (Quora)


Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: “As a new Quoran, how should I deal with hate comments on Quora?

You should be thankful for their responses, that what you write touches them. It means that you share a certain level of connection, even though it is negative for the time being.

However, you should try to understand why they think the way that they do, and also not focus on who is right or wrong, but on what is ultimately the truth.

The truth is a complex concept because a person can hold an opinion believing that it is the truth, but an examination into that opinion’s sources could very well reveal that it is in fact not the truth.

Therefore, we should support each other in emphasizing a sincere search for the truth. Our opinions would then hold less importance than questions about where we actually exist, and what might happen to us while we are here.

It is because today we find ourselves standing on rickety foundations, discovering from one day to the next just how fragile we are. Whether it is the coronavirus or myriad other problems in health, money, relationships or some unforeseen disaster that could affect us at any given moment, today’s problems can hit any person in any location, and of any race, age, gender and class.

Our current era is characterized by increasing global interconnection and interdependence. We would thus be wise to examine the extent to which we are connected, and how we could realize our connections positively. Also, we would be wise to prioritize such a scrutiny above the battle for who is right or wrong based on our current level of understanding of ourselves and the world.

We would also be wise to seek how to put aside our anger and accusations, and let simple common sense guide us to a more neutral zone where our personalities and emotions are secondary to a search for facts on what is happening in our lives, the world and nature. It would be similar to how scientists conduct research, with an attempt at freeing the investigation from emotional baggage.

If we could support each other to centralize our focus on that kind of neutral direction, freeing ourselves from tendencies to sway one way or another, then we would set foot on a path more optimally directed at the truth.

I thus wish us all strength to rise above our divisions and differences, and to observe our circumstances from aside, as much as it is possible. If we develop mutual support in order to view our lives from a neutral viewpoint above our emotions, we will then be able to energize our lives with a renewed sense of hope. A new and more unified perspective would open up to us, and we would see our common goal of greater unification above hatred and division as worthwhile for us all to reach.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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