Answer: In any case we are obligated to reach the Creator. The execution of the plan of creation doesn’t depend on us. It lies within nature and nature drives us to realize it.
The question is how to advance rapidly and easily and hasten our development through unity and connection between us and those who are around us; i.e., how do we connect the various cells to form the organs of the collective body, the collective soul, as quickly as possible?
Question: If not everyone is obligated to unite, is the person who studies Kabbalahable to attain the Creator alone, or is it possible only through the group?
Answer: A person cannot attain the Creator alone. After all, what he would he check, show, and reveal the properties of bestowal and love with? Relative to what, or whom? Regarding the Creator? And there is no Creator. One has to build it in the connection between and his friends.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/13/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/13/16
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