New Life #619 – A Good Teacher Is a Teacher of Life
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Rav describes how he feels about being a guide for a multitude of students all over the world.
The role of the teacher in a school is to build a person. A professional teacher must also be this way somewhat. The teacher’s role is to prepare children for life, to teach them about the systems of relationships in the family, work, and society. The teacher should teach a child the reason he was born. Children ask about it and get no answer. It simply isn’t talked about it.
If a child knew how to answer this by himself, what he is living for, he could make the right decisions during his life. Since it seems that there is a unique role for an entire generation, the teacher must teach the children what their role is in the world of today. To do this, a teacher must know what nature requires from us because we are living within the system of nature.
The parents at home and the teacher in school must play the same “tune” for the child and should complement each other.
The teachers must learn how to help children achieve balance and harmony with the world that surrounds them. It is up to the teacher to develop the ability in a student to feel the entire system of nature in which we are living and learn to be in balance. Ultimately, the teacher must teach his students to connect with each other correctly, as a single system.
The essential motivation that must move a teacher is first of all to build the child into a person. The children will relate with respect and awe to a true teacher.
Parents entrust to the hands of the teacher the most precious thing that they have; they must be connected with him. If they truly want to build a generation that knows what it is living for, the entire society must change.
From KabTV’s “New Life #619 – A Good Teacher Is A Teacher Of Life,” 8/30/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #619 – A Good Teacher Is A Teacher Of Life,” 8/30/16