Saturday, January 31, 2015

Who Will The People Follow?

The Midrash “BeShalach”: Moses began to pray, and the Creator opened the heavens. The enlightenment came down upon the nation of Israel, and they saw an army of angels by their side. Moses continued to pray, but the Creator said to him, “This is not the time for prolonged prayers. My children are experiencing a critical moment. You don’t have to turn your voice to Me since the prayers of my sons come before yours, and I hear them. Tell them to go into the sea, and I will perform miracles for them!”
Comment: The matter is that, if you want to invite the upper bestowal, you must request it from your level, and only after that will the Creator begin to act.
Answer: In the beginning, it needs to be an awakening from below, and then, according to this, will come the awakening from above.
But the people are led and instructed by spiritual leaders that show it the correct way. Without them we wouldn’t know what to do so we need to listen to the spiritual teachers and carry out whatever we are told.
Today leaders and politicians are completely dependent on the people. If the people so desire, then they would do anything they want with the people. Thus, the main thing for the leaders of today is not to give the people this opportunity. They try through all means to suppress the desire that awakens in them, to block and quiet their ambitions.
However, very slowly, the wise ones will replace the politicians; the time of the revival of the Sanhedrin when the wise ones will decide together and, from within their unity, will come one, complete whole.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

Harmonious Complement

The Book of Zohar, “Tazria,” Item 23: “If a woman inseminates, she delivers a male child.” The woman, Malchut, delivers the souls, and delivers a male child. It is not included of male and female, as it is usually when the souls are born male and female, since through the sins of the lower ones, they cause the souls to not join male and female in Malchut, as they emerge above, in couples—male and female. This is why it is written, “She delivers a male child,” since what appears to this world is only a male, who is not included with a female.
The male and the female elements in the spiritual world are the attribute of bestowal and the attribute of receiving and they are in the correct states. They are mutually connected and they complement each other, which means that they inseminate and give birth to new life by the connection of the right and the left lines. But since the conception and the birth do not occur simultaneously, the correction is performed alternately.
This is the reason that the woman gives birth both to the male part and to the female part.
A woman is the upper level that absorbs the Reshimot (the spiritual genes) and develops them inside her. This is how the soul is born, but only if our body, which means our desires, and our intentions accompany the whole spiritual process.
Human beings in our world do not have a soul on the corporeal level, which is an animate entity. If we want to possess something human, we need to develop our soul, and then we can be called Adam, human.
There are Reshimot (spiritual genes) in each of us and we can assist their nine months intrauterine development inside Malchut by raising our desires and our wishes to that level and by doing everything so that the Reshimot should develop properly. At the end of what we call a spiritual period of nine months, nine consecutive processes that they undergo, the soul is created in them.
Therefore, we should exist on the animate, corporeal level the same way nature, history, society, etc. obliges us to function and we should focus everything else above that in order to develop the Reshimot.
Question: The male and the female elements in the spiritual world are connected while in our world everything is shattered, divided and born separately. Does that mean that we have to connect the two elements and restore the spiritual state?
Answer: All the spiritual forces are aimed at that in order to fulfill every person’s spiritualReshimo and to create one whole body, one unique soul from them. There are no divisions in it and by itself it resembles the Creator!
There are no concepts like a female soul or a male soul in the upper world since there is perfect harmony there and mutual complement.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/12/14

We Need To Pray For Everyone

Question: How do we direct ourselves correctly at the time of readingThe Book of Zohar to heal all the problems of every individual person, the people of Israel, and the whole world?
Answer: It is necessary to pray, to ask, to be integrated into the pain of the people closest to us and also those who are far away. But we don’t pray for a particular person who is sick, but for correction of the general illness that is revealed before us now through the problem of a particular person.
One should pray for general correction, because what we see is only a particular expression of the general problem. This is how the prayer must be organized.
Question: Why is a prayer for everyone more practical than a request for a particular person who is closer to my heart?
Answer: A request for a particular person is closer to your ego. On the one hand, you are stimulated more by what is closer to you. But on the other hand, what is the difference if the desire to bestow is bestowing to someone close or someone far away?
There are no limits to the Ohr Hassadim (Light of Mercy); it extends to all places with the same intensity. So why do you want to pray for someone in particular?
We know that everyone is connected with everyone and there is only one soul. So every defect that is revealed in someone is the result of the general illness. So how is it possible to heal a particular person without healing the general illness? It is necessary to pray for everyone.
If you are ready to correct everyone through your prayer, then the person in whom you saw some kind of illness will also be healed. Otherwise this doesn’t work. After all, we are in a global system, a single system. Suppose that someone is sick with the flu, you cannot heal just him; rather, you must heal the epidemic throughout the world because it is a general system.
It cannot be that there is a defect in one place, even if it seems to us that we see only one damaged component. The damage is not only in him, but also in the whole system. And only in regard to you is this presented as a defect in a friend. You must take care of society in general, and the particular problems that you see are only a response to the common problem. An isolated component doesn’t exist in any form, not in me or anyone else. If I see it, it is an indication that the system is sick.
We see this in the world. If we want to correct some part of the government or the society, then nothing will help because we don’t approach this correctly.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/17/14The Zohar

Thursday, January 29, 2015

When The Dream Comes True

Question: People love to fantasize about a better life. Some indulge in these sweet dreams all the time, escaping reality and living in a dream.
Can a person develop the ability to stay in the midline and properly connect the positive and negative forces of nature, like Jacob and Joseph, about whom the Torah tells? Will he have the opportunity to imagine the desired picture of the future and actually achieve it?
Answer: This is possible if a person develops a very strong desire for some goal, defining it as the goal of his life. It is only necessary to find out from where he suddenly gets such a strong desire. Perhaps, he is in this world with a special mission.
The purpose of one person is to become a great doctor, the other – a prime minister, the third one – to achieve high spiritual development. Such aspirations come from our very root point, called the point in the heart. It awakens in each person his respective desire to become somebody.
We can also get these aspirations from the environment, as if by chance having found ourselves under a certain influence. There are plenty of people around us; however, everyone is impressed by something of his own. All this data we get from the general program of nature.
Question: If there is a higher program that determines my fate, how can I change it so that the future is the way I want it to be? How can I make my dreams come true? How can I change this hidden program?
Answer: Everything that is written in this program is going to happen nonetheless, whether you know about it or not. The general program must be realized. And how do thoughts come to you every second, how do people appear with whom you come in contact, how do things happen? All this takes place according to the general program. We operate within it, like obedient puppets.
But if we want to rise above this program, we need to reach the level at which the forces that control this world act. Today, the science of Kabbalah allows us to do this, but it requires a very strong desire.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/11/15

From Person To Person

Question: How is it possible to convey the integral method and share it with thousands of people so that they will avoid the blows that we have received, and the mistakes that we have made?
Answer: With them the realization of the integral method will be carried out in a different manner. Today a small child who is still sitting in a stroller is already playing the same games that we were afraid to approach.
And he not only pushes on the electronic buttons of the games, but also, to our surprise, understands what he is pressing. So everything will be different, but how, I don’t know, this doesn’t interest me. I need to work now, working with the tasks of today.
Question: What number of people do we need to encompass through our method? Is there a particular number?
Answer: I think that our method will spread from person to person in the inner network between us, because all people are connected, like in a mycelium. A mycelium is a network that encompasses everything that grows in a forest: trees, mushrooms, flowers, wildflowers, and so forth. Everything is linked by fine threads. That is also how we are connected.
External dissemination influences inner dissemination. And inner dissemination is very rapid; in just about a fraction of a moment entire continents are transformed. People suddenly begin to respond to our words as if they had already heard them while sitting in front of us. We don’t need to be concerned about it. We must only do everything that we can.
It is said that the moment that we attain the first spiritual level, the Upper Light will stream through us over all the rest of the levels of the world. We are working on the external public not to correct the masses, but to raise ourselves to the first spiritual level. And then the Light that fills us will pour over the edge of our Kli and fill them.
It is for this that we are working with them. Their need, their deficiency, is imperative to us.
Question: It follows that what interests us more is how many friends we activate in this?
Answer: The number of friends who are activated doesn’t interest us; rather, it is the quality and quantity of their total value of qualitative and quantitative needed for our urgent requirement for the Light to correct us.
If you are experiencing fear before you go out to disseminate, this is very good, it means that you need the Creator. If it isn’t so strong in the meantime, wait, He is still preparing a surprise for you.
Question: Why is it that when we hold a workshop in the center we think much more about the Creator and approach unity but when we go out to an event, this thought disappears and we begin to think about technical things: how we express ourselves, what must we do and so forth? How is it possible to maintain the thought about the Creator, for after all, this is our main task?
Answer: Right, this will be your main task. And in the meantime you need to feel how much your appearance before the public brings you the thought that this is what is determining everything now, and not the Creator. As much as you come under the influence of the environment, you suddenly become businessmen, high-tech people, and the like. You are immersed in thoughts about how this will work. One way or another, you will immediately forget that the Creator is doing all of it. But it should not overtake the events. All of this will come with time.
From the Convention in Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14, Lesson 3

Coming Out Of Our Corners Towards Each Other

We must connect ourselves to the same force that manages all parts of creation in order to improve our situation. It is up to us to cause it to influence us harmoniously, for it is good and that does good. This force produced the entire universe, the planet Earth, it created all of our lives and develops us according to its program. It has led us from the big bang to our day through the process of evolution. With great wisdom, it connects all parts of reality, but up until now, only a small fraction of reality has been known to us and we are confused even about that.
We are still very weak in the area of science, but in addition, the science of connection has been given to us, making it possible to be aware of the general force of nature. This force transmits knowledge to us called the wisdom of Kabbalah. As long as we investigate reality with the help of our physical intelligence, we receive the most meager facts about reality. We obtain scant knowledge about physics, chemistry, biology, botany, and astronomy.
We know a little about everything, but we don’t have the general picture. There are so many different sciences precisely because we are not ready to digest everything together and see one universal formula for all of reality, as Einstein dreamed of.
This indicates the limitations of our vision. And the main thing in the attainment of reality is not to see its parts but the connection between the parts. It is possible to discover all of science according to this connection. Indeed, in all of reality, only one force exists that advances it towards a particular purpose (the goal of creation). The goal of creation is unknown to us and we don’t understand why and where some kind of force is pushing us since we lack this knowledge.
Reality is whole and the general force of nature is whole, but human perception is the opposite and doesn’t allow us to see all of reality in a general integral form. Therefore, reality doesn’t appear to us as good. To help us correct ourselves and our perception, the sense of the general global crisis has been given to us.
The crisis was created because reality is beginning to approach us as one complete picture. We suddenly feel that everything is connected in politics, the economy, and in human society. In general, we understand that according to the laws, this is how it must be since everything is mutually connected in our universe: all the stars and the galaxies. But we still don’t know how we are connected to all of this. We investigate the laws of inanimate nature and a bit of the laws of the vegetative and the animate nature in a most limited form. But the laws of connection between one person and another are not known to us at all. Now for the first time, the network of connection that connects everyone has been revealed to us.
In the meantime, we don’t want to be aware of this connection and everyone wants to exist by himself. So apparently an opposite process is taking place, for each one tries to isolate himself because it is not comfortable for us to feel that we are connected. Entire nations isolate and fence themselves off, amplifying protectionism.
A person wants everyone to leave him alone and let him live quietly without needing anyone. This is our opposition to connection.
But the general force of nature that pushes us forward brings us to a unique state. We discover that we are found in a global, integral system of connection, connected by millions of connections and channels to such an extent that nobody can move, like a puppet on a string tied to a billion other threads that connect it with all the other puppets everyone. So we are all connected together.
If I were just connected with all the others, well, that would be all right. But in addition to this, they also hate me! And today, this is being revealed to us gradually. We are found in a world that is becoming more and more threatening to all of us.
Therefore, each one wants to hide in his apartment, in his own corner. The young don’t even want to marry and bring children into the world. They don’t want to communicate with anyone. They have a mobile phone and a computer, so they are compelled to communicate with the world only by way of these channels. Because of this, everything else doesn’t affect them.
If there is a possibility of working at home, then this is great, for then there is no need to see anyone at all. Today people are drawn to lives like these, every man for himself, or at most, for his family. And even the family is temporary. It is common today to sever familial connections a number of times and build them anew to break them once again.
All of this is happening because we are being obligated from above to be in connection between us. But we, on our side, try with all our might to sever this connection. We don’t want to be dependent upon each other because this connection is obligatory and threatening. About our times the prophets wrote, “The haters of a person are sitting in his house.” So a person avoids all connections. But in spite of it all, we must go out of our corners and take the first step towards one another.
From KabTV’s “The Meeting of Worlds” 6/16/14

A Home Experiment In Changing Reality

Question: Does the solution that the wisdom of Kabbalah offers have a scientific basis or is it simply in feelings?
Answer: Certainly this solution is realized in a person in feelings, for we were created from the substance of the desire to receive. And so we feel everything through this desire and evaluate things only through that, both the good and the bad.
But it is absolutely a wisdom, it is science. The wisdom of Kabbalah precisely describes all of the systems in which we exist, our connections with each other, and the levels of ascent, meaning increasing and strengthening the connection between us according to125 levels. The wisdom of Kabbalah uses scientific terminology, such as, five worlds,PartzufimAviut (level of desire), Masach (screen), and Ohr Hozer (Returning Light).
Through his correction, the Kabbalist corrects the whole world. As it is said in Proverbs 10:25: “…the righteous is an everlasting foundation.” Throughout all generations, the Kabbalists through their tried actions to “sweeten” our world. But now we have reached such a state in which not a Tzadik (a righteous person), but the whole of Israel, and after them the entire world, must reach conscious connection.
We must invite people to home workshops (home circles), for discussions around a “roundtable.” We are ready to simultaneously organize thousands of home roundtables like these in Israel, and attain positive results in this way.
We will immediately begin to feel very great changes in the Israeli society, and we will happily take part in meetings of this kind that will establish a good atmosphere throughout the nation. These meetings must be dedicated only to connection and unity between us and only for good attitudes. This will have a positive effect on health, familial relationships, and the well-being of each individual and all people in general.
This is an experiment at home that we can actively carry out and see good results.
From KabTV’s “The Meeting of Worlds” 6/16/14

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Cloud Of The Creator

Midrash Sefer, “Beshalach”: The Lord commanded Moses to spread his arms above the sea, and a light eastern wind began to blow. In the meantime, the children of Israel went on their way during the whole night, and thus came closer and closer to the seashore.
The Egyptians followed them, but did not succeed in conquering the camp. They shot arrows and threw stones at the Jews, but the cloud of the Creator absorbed everything.
It was the same cloud that usually moved before the children of Israel during the day. That night, instead of disappearing in the dark as it usually did, it moved behind the camp in order to absorb everything that was shot and thrown by the Egyptians. Moreover, the Creator’s angels flew behind the Jews in order to protect them.
There is a law of equivalence of form: If you move toward unity and dissemination, toward developing your spiritual attributes, you are connected to the Creator to some extent in regard to that. Although you are not in contact with Him, there is a connection in the form of a cloud, in the form of help from behind and before. This means that the Surrounding Light operates on you.
A cloud is the Surrounding Light that, on the one hand, is invisible and concealed, but on the other hand, is revealed in its actions like a magician who suddenly appears to hold something in his hand without any evident reason. This means that half of the actions are concealed and half of the actions are revealed. At the same time, the outcome is revealed while the reason is beyond the Machsom (barrier).
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

Not Living for One’s Own Sake

The Midrash “BeShalach”: As soon as the children of Israel saw that the Egyptian army chased them closely and when they saw that there was no salvation, they started praying in their hearts and lifted their voices to the Creator begging Him for help.
In the camp of the children of Israel, there was fear.
“The fear” the previous excerpt talks about is a fright of staying in the intention “for one’s own sake.” During the hardest times, we don’t think about the Creator or our surroundings but only about ourselves.
It’s as if we are squeezed on all sides in our desires and thoughts, intentions and actions are directed inward. Thus, we have no grounds to demand the property of bestowal.
However, one is afraid to stay in this state and live only for one’s own sake since one has already tried serving the Creator and wants to retain this condition.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/23/14

Good Luck Creates Fate

Question: What is the relationship and what is the difference betweenluck and fate?
Answer: Good luck creates fate. With the help of actions between us we can influence the mind that controls our entire life, which is called the Rosh (head) of the world of Atzilut.
From there, forces descend to us, but we can decide how they will descend and in what way will affect us. Then we get their influence in a good, beautiful form; we are ready for it. And thus the influence of these forces is kind.
These forces are called the “signs of fortune” or “drops of luck” (“Mazalot” – from the word “Nozel“/”drain”), since it doesn’t flow, but drops fall down, and there are gaps between them, similar to beats of a pulse.
The drops of luck descend to us and every moment organize how we can move towards the goal. Their action is goal-oriented. If I prepare myself in advance for the same purpose, then each drop’s action coincides with my direction, and then I perceive it as a good, pleasant influence—if I am ready for it.
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains what I have to be to get these drops of luck in the most beautiful form and advance with them as much as possible. Therefore, Kabbalah is called the science of receiving, from the Hebrew word “Lekabel” – “to receive.”
Let’s say I am in the car and a force is pushing me forward. If my steering wheel is turned the other way, the car will veer across the highway and no one knows what it will collide with. If beforehand, all my “wheels,” desires, look to the future, I aim in the right direction, then every time a drop of luck that comes to me, it acts for my good.
The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us to go with the wind, not against it. Moreover, we can draw these “signs of good luck” to ourselves, to attract them with a greater force and greater frequency. We can really “embrace” the upper force that comes to us and strengthen its action. Then the pulses of this force will be more frequent and each of them will be more powerful in its effect.
In this way I shorten my path, which I am constantly in some situations in my life, feeling the pressure and making corrections, and quickly reach the pre-determined goal that I cannot change. But I reach it in a good, kind, pleasant, and short way, and this goal is my perfection and eternity.
Thus, good luck creates my fate, that is, from the “signs of luck,” the pulsations of this force, from their influence on me, I create my fate. Fate is my entire path.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/8/15

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Music That Attracts One Towards Attainment Of The Upper World

Question: For me, the “Melodies of the Upper Worlds” is a unique series. The inimitable spiritual experience that a person feels when performing this music can be compared to a rainbow, which is singular, but at the same time produces a variety of different colors and leaves a very wide range of emotions, musical impressions and experiences.
What is this music? How does it become integrated into the world and with the general spiritual attainment of a person?
Answer: Music fills the whole world. On the face of the globe there is no place in which a person doesn’t express himself with some kind of sound. Even animals sing, hum, and echo in different voices, expressing happiness, bitterness, fear, and suffering. And all of this is music, an expression of inner emotions.
The world is full of melody. Even when you look at the sky, the stars, and the universe, you feel that they are filled with harmony. And music is harmony.
In our world there are many kinds of musical styles and various expressions of music. People from all nations in the world and throughout all historical periods have used a variety of musical forms or particular types of external conventions of communication that express their inner emotions.
But besides the usual earthly music that composers throughout all times and societies have created, there is spiritual music which a person experiences when he is speaking not about earthly happiness and suffering, but about emotions that he feels on attaining the upper world, the higher power, the Creator. Throughout human history we have had unique spiritual teachers who marched alongside humanity, but in parallel to it or above it. They used their own methods of expression of spiritual understanding when the true soul sings. The soul doesn’t include our earthly experiences, but the experiences of the discovery of the higher state, the upper world. There have not been many people like these in every generation.
Left to us are some sketches and memories of them. But we don’t know what musical instrument King David used. Was it a stringed instrument, a flute, or possibly an instrument similar to a violin? Even though we read Psalms, we cannot sing the songs as he did.
The written words don’t give us a clear sensation or understanding of how to perform them. At the same time, for example, in the Torah, above and below the letters are clear signs, the marks of cantillation, that give us an understanding of how to sing the text of the Torah.
And if the person is advanced in his spiritual attainment, meaning in the feeling of the controlling system in our world, how he enters into it, feels, understands, and adapts himself to it, he begins to cooperate with it. And he then begins a conscious emotional and intellectual dialog here.
That is, that attainment is carried out on two levels in the heart and mind. Between them are created unique and interesting transitions with a predominance of emotions or with a predominance of the intellect. And yet the music is derived either from emotion or from intellect. In other words, the music of the soul and its general feeling is born as a result of good harmonious relationships between the emotions and the mind. That is what is amazing about attaining the upper world.
When a sage enters into the spiritual world, he begins to feel a higher harmony that cannot be described in words because completely different feelings and a multileveled mind are produced within him. Contradictions merge and approach each other, and unity is extended instead.
So our earthly musical means cannot contain the volume and intensity that a sage feels upon attaining the upper world. No orchestra nor organ will help here, since after all, the idea is not about the instruments that carry what a Kabbalist feels on attainment of the upper world, rather he is also in an audience, which is said to be ready in some form to understand what is conveyed to him.
For example, those who attend  symphonic concerts are not people from the street, or those who are outside playing dominoes. A particular audience goes to these concerts, knows about musical culture, and by way of the musical sounds, aspires to feel particular levels of our world, life and death and everything in between them and what fills them. That is also how it is here.
It is necessary to prepare an audience to grasp spiritual music. This is so that people will begin to hear something higher within those sounds, greater than what the human ear usually can grasp. If we prepare people, they will begin to discern the sounds of the upper worlds hidden in these melodies as if they are heard within them, clothed within them and which are revealed only to people who can hear them and understand about what they are speaking.
The exceptionally unique characteristic of spiritual music is that it attracts the listener itself, and he then begins to aspire to it, be interested in its inner content, and tries to understand the inner layer of emotional and intellectual information that it contains. It is possible to play it before an entire audience and it will itself attract them. When the time comes, it will be possible to give a short course to help people to discover the inner layer that exists in these works.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 2/09/14

Playing With Community Life To Form Mutual Connections

Question: In today’s modern world, the greatest payoff for independence is loneliness. So how can I, on the one hand, keep my independence, and together with this gradually add elements to this life that will connect me with other people?
Answer: A person doesn’t have to give up anything in order to be included in the life of the community. On the one hand, this life is more developed, corrected, and warm, and on the other hand, you are included in it to the degree that you want, to the extent that is beneficial to you. You don’t give up anything in this.
As a general rule, we think that we need to give up our independence, our freedom, and our decisions. Come, let’s try to play with the life of the community, with agreement between us, with such a connection from a distance so that we reach a particular equality in all kinds of forms of connection. We open circles for children; we help each other mutually, and we disseminate new forms of learning in circles.
Come, let’s begin classes in organizations, workplaces, and various places where people meet, organizing meetings that look like a community, but external in the beginning. This could be a roundtable, a picnic, or a festival. Come, let’s begin to talk about the importance of such an approach to life.
With this, we begin to resemble the global nature that compresses and mixes humanity such that people are constantly moving from place to place, from nation to nation. It is no longer possible to say where the place of one group of people or another is to be found because borders have become blurred and cancelled.
Come, let’s start talking about this and clarify together how much a mutual connection of equality can be beneficial to a person as an addition to his life. In fact, we awaken in a person an additional form of thinking that doesn’t obligate anyone. It is just external participation. If we begin to work in this direction, then a person will almost immediately begin to feel additional benefit, so much so that it will be attractive to him, whereas the previous way of life will lose its value.
You want to keep your former life and add to it? Please! There is no compulsion! But gradually, thanks to this social influence, this softening, without pressure and obligation, changes will take place within you. It will also be felt in your children and your partner, and through this means of communication, everyone will begin to feel the benefit of this situation; in the meantime we are only playing, for after all all of us are egoists, and we aren’t even trying to hide this fact.
We only want to examine the validity of good connections and not the influence of the community on the life, wellbeing, the way of life at home, or anything else. Come, let’s try to feel its relevance to our region, city, and neighborhood in the relationships between us. It is not important what level of measurement we choose. With this we build a softer and more secure environment, reducing the tension in the air.
In the end, we see that growth in the general welfare of the population is worthwhile for us. In addition to this, the inner sensation of people becomes more pleasant, freer, and sweeter. Specifically a person wants this pleasantness, and specifically this is what everyone is missing, even the most independent and wealthy person.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/8/14

A Civilization Of The Mindless

Question: Lately there is such a direction as behavioral economics. Many studies show that humans are not rational creatures, but instead, they are managed by sensory impulses, and they often act to their own detriment. Do you agree with this assertion?
Answer: A human being is a desire to receive and the desire to receive is devoid of logic (rationality). Each one chooses exactly what to enjoy for himself. But apparently my rational choice is contingent on education, habit, and values.
There are also other factors: fear of death, a desire to succeed, and looking good in the eyes of one’s peers in his environment. The survival and sexual instincts play a role that is no less important.
Question: For quite some time, psychologists have attempted to identify those hidden forces that don’t permit us to make rational (logical) decisions.
Answer: Today, on the long road of development, and through our increased power, we see that our entire civilization is completely irrational. It acts destructively towards itself and deliberately chooses the way of suffering.
For example, a mother teaches her child: “Be conciliatory towards others, be quiet, then you will have more friends.”  Whereas he says adamantly: “I don’t want to!” We see  examples of this not only in children. Adults and entire groups of people fight, kill, and destroy each other only out of envy, vanity and a desire to dominate.
It is completely understood that the aspiration to fulfill our inner drives and our irrationality is what manages us and we only employ our intellect later, when it is necessary for getting what we want.
Question: The expression, “Humans are emotional creatures” indicates that he feels the awakening of some desire within him. To what is he sensitive?
Answer: He is sensitive to what he is missing, which is to say, according to what he needs. He pays attention to himself all the time: “What do I want? What kind of desire is aroused in me now obliging me to fulfill it? I am a slave to my desires; they dominate me.”
Question: If intellect only serves the desires, where is wisdom found?
Answer: It is found within the desire. The desire to receive is our nature. This is apparent on all levels. Atoms maintain their form, plants absorb beneficial substances and emit harmful substances, and animals multiply. All of this is the desire to receive and fulfill itself with all kinds of pleasant things according to a program that exists in each individual.
That is how wisdom manifests itself on the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate. Except in humans, the program for life for all other living creatures cannot be changed. Every cat will eat fish for pleasure, even if it has never tasted it previously. Everything is different with humans. You don’t begin eating Chinese food if you are accumstomed to a Slavic cuisine from childhood. What can be derived from this is that humans undergo a unique program that we call education.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/11/13

Monday, January 26, 2015

Full Access To The Program Of Life

Question: Do “prophetic” dreams exist?
Answer: There are people who can predict the future. They enter a special state of trance, as if sleeping, and can see the events that will happen in the future. In real life, these states are yet to be manifested, but they can be seen in a dream state.
Comment: It turns out that some dreams are triggered by past experiences that remain in a person, and other dreams reveal the future, as if we are able to connect to a higher flow of information.
Answer: Yes, this is possible, because each of us has a program of everything that will happen to him before the end of this life, and maybe beyond. And if a person possesses special abilities that allow him to see the future, then he can predict it.
There have been seers such as this throughout history.Throughout the ages, people used them, but in the end, they were usually killed for making unwanted forecasts. It is no coincidence that the future is hidden from us. It is better not to know what is waiting for us and to try to build a future for oneself, thinking it as if is in our power.
Animals do not make any plans for the future, except for the instinctive storing of food for the winter. They do not do it consciously but instinctively. And if a person knew his future, he would just commit suicide because his life would lose all meaning. Therefore, nature has deprived us of the ability to see the future.
However, due to the wisdom of Kabbalah, we have the opportunity to improve our future. We can rise above our programmed destiny provided that we can rise to the level where this program of the future was written and then are able to enter that computer, the correct folder, and re-program our entire life anew.
We ourselves will be able to plan the coming intermediate steps and change all the states we go through, except the final one. The final state refers to a higher degree, which we are now unable to reach.
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains that this is the best and perfect state. And if we want to advance towards it along a good path, we must study it and understand from this how we can gradually realize this bright future at every stage of our development.
Starting today, I can draw to myself the fragments of a good future and realize them right now in my life. This is the purpose of the wisdom of Kabbalah that teaches us how to realize our good future.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/11/15

Clinging To The Creator

The Midrash, “BeShalachThe righteous among the people cried out: “Let’s fulfill the Creator’s will patiently”; those who are weak should split up into four groups. Each of them thinks that its operation plan is the right one.
The representatives of the tribes of Reuben, Shimon and Issachar were scared and decided that it was better to jump into the sea than to confront the Egyptians. Moses calmed them: “Do not fear, be calm and you will see that the Creator will save you.”
The tribes of Zebulon Judah and Joseph called: “Let’s go and fight Egypt.” But Moses corrected them: “The Creator will fight for you.” The tribes of Dan, Gad and Asher suggested invading the Egyptian camp and causing a scare there. “No,” said Moses, “stay here and give up this plan.”
This speaks about the division of Israel into twelve tribes that yearn for the Creator but cannot unite into one nation since they embody three lines: the right, the left, and the middle. Since there are four phases of development in each of the lines, three times four is twelve tribes. We mustn’t mix them since they advance in a certain order, in separate columns in the desert.
All the problems and disagreements between them are necessary in order to understand that only the Creator can help them. Therefore, they need to adhere to Him and not run ahead or stay in one place, nor attack the desires by trying to destroy them or to move away from them.
In other words, everything that happens around them is arranged by the Creator and takes place where they are, “There is none else besides Him.” The only thing left is to connect to Him, and He will work everything out. All the problems are given to us in order to attainunity.
But at the same time, all our attributes and our impulses tear us to pieces. We fear that we will remain in the egoistic state and will not be able to leave it; therefore we are scared.
The only solution is to hold on to the state that was sent from above by the Creator, realizing that the scare is not so that we will fear the Egyptians, no matter what form the egoistic desires will be depicted to us, but to fear the Creator. This is already a different kind of fear, a fear of the Creator’s greatness. If we had that fear, no one would fear the Egyptians, our ego.
Moreover, Moses keeps saying: “Don’t fear, be calm, the Creator will fight for you, He will save you.” Therefore all of a person’s desires should be connected to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

Go Beyond The Limits Of Time

The Midrash “BeShalach”: Moses was such an outstanding leader that he could control hundreds of thousands of people by just a few words. He convinced them and promised them: “The Creator will perform miracles for you and you will be silent.”
But at the same time the fear did not cease. The people wanted to know, “When will the Creator save us?” and Moses answered, “Today.” The Jews exclaimed, “We cannot wait any longer!”
The people cannot wait any longer because they cannot leave the frameworks of time. People find it hard to understand that the point isn’t time and that if you connect to the uUpper force at a certain moment, the concept of time disappears.
Waiting symbolizes the feeling of time and the feeling of a deficiency of what you lack until the end of correction. But when you attain correction, time disappears and you enter a level that is above the speed of light, a different dimension. Therefore, the expression “we have no time” only indicates that the people are not adhered to the Creator yet.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

Sunday, January 25, 2015

It’s Time To Roll The Stone From The Well’s Mouth

The Torah, “Genesis,” 29:7- 29:8: And he said, “The day is yet long; it is not the time to take in the livestock. Water the sheep and go, pasture.”
And they said, “We cannot do that, until all the flocks are gathered together, and they will roll the rock off the mouth of the well, and we shall then water the sheep.” 
There are better times and there are less pleasant times in the history of humanity. Therefore the time that “all the flocks are gathered together” hasn’t come yet.
There were times in the history of humanity and the Jewish nation when we were very close to attaining the goal. There were several breakthroughs in the time of ancient Babylon, during the exodus from Egypt, and during the days of King David’s wars, until we finally have reached our time, which is exactly the time that “all the flocks are gathered together.” We have to reach connection because this is the only way we can influence the upper force and begin to change our reality.
The problem is in convincing ourselves and others and in actually realizing and feeling that fulfillment is only through connection. There is nothing but that. We reach a form that resembles the Surrounding Light only to the extent that we connect, and only then can we influence it, work with it, and direct it.
We begin to perform independent actions because we awaken the Upper Light and oblige it to operate in a special way. It is because we discover the need to unite in our connection and thus convey a perfect, ripe deficiency for the Light. Then the Light performs the last action and connects us.
We must convince ourselves that at this point our goal is to gather all the flocks together and to connect the people in the world in whom the desire to fulfill the goal of the wisdom of Kabbalah has ripened. This is the reason we were given the wisdom of Kabbalah, since we will discover everything else along the way when the Upper Light begins to operate in the connection among us. Then we will realize what the Light is, how it operates, discover its effect on us, and begin to ascend the spiritual ladder.
All of humanity has to go through this path but in an easier manner. Israel has to go through it first and then the whole world. People should understand that there is nothing but the connection between us that awakens the Light that Reforms to change humanity. To the extent that humanity changes, it will begin to discover a new world through its new senses that were corrected by the Light that Reforms.
It is because the reality that we feel is totally dependent on our perception. If our desires are egoistic and separated, we feel a shattered world in that shattered vessel, just as we see the world as it appears now. It is not surprising that the situation is growing worse to hasten us to reach connection.
To the extent that we begin to work in correcting our senses, we will feel a new reality. Just as we feel the shattering now in our corrupt vessels, we will feel a perfect world in our corrected desires that are governed by one force, by the Light that operates in our desires, connects, corrects, and fills them.
Therefore, everyone speaks about connection and mutual guarantee these days. It is because it is the only action we have to perform from now until the end of correction, and it must be performed by both the nation of Israel and the nations of the world. The sooner we do this, the sooner we will reveal the Light to humanity and thus fulfill the goal of creation.
It all depends only on the connection between us. We consistently and persistently have to work on this and constantly convince ourselves that this is our only goal. No matter how much a person knows, it has nothing to do with the true reality. The only truth is his yearning to connection and bringing others closer to connection.
“Every man shall help his friend!” We have to explain to everyone the importance of this action and that our future depends on it. Many years go by until a person begins to understand that his ego is doing everything to deceive him and divert his attention from this, as if it is a trivial matter.
Therefore a person listens, but doesn’t hear; so  one rejects and forgets this idea time and time again. But the time comes when we all have to start acting and telling ourselves and the Upper Light that we must reach connection no matter what. Then the passage for the revelation of the soul will open.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/08/15Writings of Baal HaSulam

How To Manage Success

Question: Do the stars tell what my own fate will be like? What is so special about the stars?
Answer: Nothing! These elements, the stars in the sky, are constant, and from day to day, from year to year, from epoch to epoch, over the centuries, they go through the same cycles.
Therefore, we can calibrate the position of each of them at any point in time and connect it to our birth, a wedding day, or other events, or make a conclusion about whether to fight or make peace, and things such as that.
In essence, the sky is the time axis in which we exist. Therefore, it is not difficult for us to determine the movement of the stars where we are located. Clear and unchanged laws exist here.
Therefore, based on the date and place of birth, and the date and place of birth of parents and the positions of the planets at this time, you can see how nature affects us. After all, this effect does not come from the stars. Still, vegetative, animate, and human levels of nature are all on the same map within the same system.
Therefore, according to the law of nature in the still level, that is, according to the movement of the stars and their combinations, we can say that we can influence what is happening on the human level. And even though man and the stars are very distant, the system itself is one.
This is why there are signs on the map of the heavens. Based upon what has been observed for thousands of years, we can say that we can suffer damage or succeed in a particular case, with respect to this or that person or a couple going to get married or entering into some sort of a deal. To some extent, we can imagine this.
It is written in the Torah, for example, that Haman was a great astrologer, and Abraham himself once studied astrology, selling idols and amulets.
The problem is that ordinary people do not have the possibility of a reverse impact on their fate. In order to influence one’s own destiny—that is, the higher power—only one that knows how to do it can do it from the bottom upward.
Kabbalists are the only ones that can accomplish this. As it is written in a very famous saying of the sages, “Israel is above the stars and signs of good luck.” In the wisdom of Kabbalah, it is written how we can connect with each other, to be prepared for it not only to protect ourselves, but also to rule over our own destiny and rule over our luck.
Then, I look at the map of the heavens that the wisdom of Kabbalah reveals to me, and this map reveals the stars and the signs of good luck to me, the so-called Mazalot, the “drops of luck” (from the Hebrew word Nozel, or drain). These are the special lights that fall upon us drop by drop from a higher system, Rosh (head, brain) Atzilut, and influence us by forming all sorts of phenomena at the bottom, within us—the current and the forthcoming ones in the future. All of these forces are called signs of good luck (Mazalot).
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/8/15

Magic For Sale

Spiritual Weapon
Question: Is there such a thing as magic? Do we have the possibility to use supernatural force in order to change our reality?
Answer: No. The actual concept of “supernatural” must be reset. If we are talking about what lies above our being, then we can correlate the entire natural phenomenon to this realm.
We cannot influence the movement of Earth and other celestial bodies. However, we can calculate them. Thus many things have crossed from the mystic into the scientific realm.
However, there are still so many facts unknown to us, the roots of which slide away from our perception. In this area we are still weak; we are still standing before nature that we cannot figure out in advance. Meanwhile, a person yearns for security; he needs a “guarantee policy” against all threats.
This is where magic comes from. First, magic provides us with security against threats including enemies, that now a person can confront armed with a spiritual weapon. Second, it is an opportunity to start the attack, to establish one’s superiority, to cleanse the area of wrongdoers that stand on one’s path.
Supernatural for Sale
This is where many people make promises by claiming that they know how to do magic and will assist only if their services will be paid for.
There is black and white magic. If the first one is to cause harm, then the second one, in its turn, promises to help. Such a division, however, is purely arbitrary, just like children when they play bad and good people. A person feels weak before the forces that determine one’s life. A person would want to control one’s own fate and, therefore, comes to see the people “in the know.”
Besides all of this, the death of our bodies really scares us, as well as the unknown ahead. What will happen to my soul? Where will it end up? Can I escape hell and ensure I end up in heaven? This also causes a huge worry upon which others can make good money.
Question: Does this mean that there is no magic?
Answer: No, however, the problem is that everything that we refer to as the inner world of a man is associated with our psychology. As a result, a person can be influenced in such a way that it may seem like magic to one. In that regard, this happens to many believers.
There is nothing you can do about it because such are the properties of our psychology. Ultimately, everything comes from ignorance.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/18/15

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