Thursday, April 7, 2016

What Is Emptiness?

Question: Is there a concept in the wisdom of Kabbalah that is analogous to emptiness?
Answer: Emptiness is a special category of desires that cannot be filled, and therefore feels empty of the content it would like to have.
A person who asks this type of question is starting to feel the desire to attain and know the meaning of life, why life comes to an end, what happens after one dies, and why life is so absurd and random.
In other words, emptiness is a desire to attain something that remains unattainable for the time being because our matter is a desire to be filled with pleasure and satisfaction, and if the filling is missing and does not exist, it is called emptiness.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/31/16

The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Does Not Deal With Miracles

laitman_624_03_0Question: There are some people who claim that they have attained Godliness and the revelations of miracles through different religions. Are there miracles or people with special abilities in thewisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: A Kabbalist does not engage in miracles. Everything a Kabbalist attains is internal and so he cannot show off his attainment before anyone and will never do it.
There is no point in forcing him to show some trick. It will not work. There are no miracles in our world. If we don’t know and don’t recognize the laws of nature, certain phenomena may seem to us as miracles.
If you lit a match in front of a Neanderthal man who lived 600,000 – 350,000 years ago, he could wonder how you did that and think that the fire came out of your finger, and would even bow before you and think that you are a creature from another world. So it all depends only on the relative level between two people.
Comment: When the Spaniards discovered America, the American natives received them as gods.
Answer: So the Spaniards gave them pieces of glass in return for tons of gold.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/24/16

Speak With Your Wife

laitman_549_02Question: Why do you tell your students: “A student must talk with his wife 15 minutes a day”?
Answer: I would like you to answer me. What kind of couple talks about their relationship or talks to each other for more than 15 minutes a day in general? Most of the time a woman asks her husband to talk, but her husband refuses. This is because he thinks that this is “feminine vanity.”
When I call for my students to speak with their wives for 15 minutes a day, I mean that they should specifically talk about their relationship, talk about strengthening their familial relationship, not about home economics. This is a Mitzva (commandment) that nobody maintains!
Generally I am not surprised about the opposition to what I am saying. The human egolooks for various opportunities to denounce and criticize the wisdom of Kabbalah and Kabbalists, justifying its empty existence!

Humanity Is A Closed System Of Souls

laitman_264_01Question: We don’t have much information about Kabbalists who have attained the high spiritual levels. It seems that they worked for themselves. What does humanity benefit from their work?
Answer: First all of humanity is a precise, totally closed system of souls that includes all those who have passed away, who are alive, who have not been born yet, those who are in the spiritual world, or on our level. It makes no difference where they are and in what form. The levels of nature are also included in this system: the still nature, the vegetative, and the animate levels.
In other words, all of nature is in perfect harmony, in connection and agreement in one integral schema, and so we should not separate a certain part from the rest. Everything is included in one system that is interconnected.
It makes no difference whether a person feels it or not. He is part of it! Everything depends on the mutual cooperation with this immense system, which is actually one unique general soul. It depends on how a person affects it and how he brings the general soul to the best state, to a state of perfection.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/24/16

New Life #550 – Longing For The Land Of Israel

New Life #550 – Longing For The Land Of Israel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
We have returned to the land of Israel from all the ends of the Earth because we have a special role within the entire system of creation. After generations of yearning for Israel, today half of Israelis want to leave the country. Why? Because they are disappointed….
The Land of Israel is said to be a special place; specifically there we can fulfill the most important Mitzva (commandment), “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). It is “a land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8). A land flowing with milk and honey, the land that has corrected relationships between people that makes everyone feel abundance ,flowing with milk and honey.
The wisdom of Kabbalah provides a method for building connection above the differences that exist between us, “…love covereth all transgressions” (Proverbs 10:12); it is a method of love above everything.
The beautiful Israeli, the ugly Israeli, who are we really? We are both this and that. It is up to us to learn to rise above all the differences, above everything, and cover everything over with love.
The feeling that we are about to devour each other is a very good feeling; it clarifies the need that all of us have here in the land of Israel for social correction.
From KabTV’s “New Life #550 – Longing For The Land Of Israel,” 4/9/16
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What Makes Us Stronger

Laitman_514_02Comment: Scientists believe that the mantra “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is very accurate and correct. Seventy percent of the world populations agree that everything that happens to them in life makes them stronger.
Answer: All the afflictions we undergo do make us stronger, invigorate us, raise us, and move us forward. This is a precise Kabbalistic principle! I am very glad that people are finally coming to the correct conclusion. Now the question is how can we use this feature in a realistic, meaningful, and productive manner.
When I encounter a series of problems I should know how to benefit from it, just like in the Eastern martial arts where you use the force, energy, and weight of the opponent in order to overpower him. We have to learn how to do that in everything we encounter in life.
A person should actually take advantage of the negative situations in order to rise above them. If you want to get rid of a negative impact, you should ascend above it correctly, and then you begin to realize that this is a clear Biblical principle: The evil that you encounter is help against, which means that the evil was sent to you and you use it as help. Thus a person can ascend in spirituality because he can use all the negative experiences he has in life in a positive manner. This is how we quickly ascend above ourselves.
Question: Can we apply this to our careers or to our relations with relatives and family?
Answer: Yes, with all negative experiences! This means that I actually ascend everyday above everything that happens to me in life, above tens or hundreds of feelings, negative experiences, and blows,
Question: What does it mean to ascend above them?
Answer: To ascend to the Creator who is the source of everything we experience. He is calling me to ascend above them and to get closer to Him by sending me all the negative experience, and thus I reveal Him.
Question: Does this mean that the Creator is actually found in the negative experiences?
Answer: Yes. His thought is in these blows, and if I solve them and use them correctly, I discover Him. It is a very simple rule, ascend!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/20/16

A Different Newton

Dr. Michael LaitmanComment ( “UNESCO has added the alchemical manuscripts and theological works of Isaac Newton, stored in the National Library of the Hebrew University (Jerusalem), to the official list of the greatest spiritual treasures of mankind. …
“Newton had no wife, no children, so after his death in 1727 the entire archive of the great scientist was handed over to his nephews and kept in their homes. For decades, Newton’s heirs tried to sell the archive, sincerely believing that it should be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, like the archives of Faraday, Maxwell, and other greats. Several times the heirs frequented employees of the library of Cambridge, the British National Museum and other respected institutions who weighed the possibility of buying Newton’s papers, but after a cursory acquaintance with manuscripts they recoiled from them like the plague, and purchase conversation ended.
“In 1936, Newton’s archive was put up for auction. Here, part of the manuscripts related to the scientific alchemical researches were bought by Lord John Maynard Keynes. He later on the basis of their study published a scandalous article “Another Newton,” in which he argued that the great physicist considered himself primarily a mystic and theologian, and still believed in God, not so much in the Christian as in the Jewish sense of the word.
“After that, it became clear that what so frightened historians of science, browsing the archives of Sir Isaac Newton, was that his manuscript heritage does not jibe with the image of a materialist, a supporter of pure science, practicer, tester, and follower of theory, which was created by his biographers. Manuscripts blown this way seemed to be an attack on the shrine.
“Meanwhile, at the same auction, a large portion of the manuscripts by Isaac Newton’s heritage was bought by a certain Abraham Shalom Yehuda. …
“Yehuda was familiar with Newton’s book Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms and was hoping to find new ideas for their research in the works of genius.
“Yehuda showed the new acquisition to his friend Albert Einstein; together they decided that such a treasure should not be stored at home and in a public place, and offered it as a gift to Harvard first, then to Yale. But both of theses temples of science categorically refused to accept these manuscripts, even from the hands of the authority of Einstein. …
“In 1951, doctors told Abraham-Shalom Yehuda that he was terminally ill. By that time his views had changed dramatically – he became a staunch Zionist and therefore decided to transfer the archives of Isaac Newton to the National Library in Jerusalem.
“The library gratefully accepted the gift, but after the death of Judah, his successors began a long legal process, and as a result, the manuscript arrived in Jerusalem only in the late 60s of the last century. The study of them began only in the 1980s, and since then, several monographs on the worldview of the great physicist were published.
“In particular, it became clear that Newton had devoted a lot of time to the study of the Tanakh and Kabbalah in Hebrew and considered the model of the Temple in Jerusalem to be the model of the universe, and was confident that in the original text of the Torah, by means of encrypted secret codes with some other texts that cover the main secrets of the universe, etc. In addition, Newton tried to look behind the veil of the future, and following the Jewish mystics, calculated the date of the arrival of the Messiah, as well as predicted a number of individual things to come. In particular, on the basis of these calculations, it is claimed that in 1880 the Jews would return to the land of their ancestors, and in the 1940s, after some terrible disaster, which would kill millions of people, in the Land of Israel the Jewish state would be reborn. The coming of the Messiah will be in the year 2060.
“It is clear that for Newton, such followers of academic science was not necessary; because they recoiled from his manuscripts and legacy, they gained their last refuge in Jerusalem. The great scientist’s works are still hiding their main secrets.”
My Comment: Many more interesting facts about human history are still hidden and will be opened in its last days …

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Happy April Fools Day!

laitman_288_1Comment: April Fools Day is a day of fun. It is also a day of foolishness and jokes. There are many great jokes related to April Fools Day! This is the only holiday that unites all people of all genders, races, ages, and religions.
Answer: People do eccentric things. If there is the slightest reason not to pay attention to terrorism, war, problems, and fear, then eccentric things that are childish and free raise you above yourself.
People love humor more than satire because although it indeed creates happiness, it leaves an unpleasant impression. In humor there is pure happiness because it manifests a brilliant spark in the human mind, which invents such states. In humor they describe situations in two sentences that are internally contradictory so when one of them contradicts the other and eliminates it and at the same time both of them exist, this arouses happiness in us. We are happy about mental revelations like these, practical jokes like these, and love these situations. In this way we are like children.
Question: What would you wish for our viewers on the April Fools Day holiday?
Answer: We need to draw a conclusion about this holiday. A person loves being elevated above himself! After all, we laugh at ourselves, at our ego, at our limitations, at the naïve faith we have about things we are told, what the communications media and strangers “feed us.” In fact, we always remain little children. We only lack a warm and secure world so that it will truly be the subject of constant warmth and happiness.
We all know how good it is to be a child, if only school and the rigid educational system and everything else wouldn’t suppress him, he flows through life, growing well, where all of his pursuits match what his soul is drawn to.
We can create a life like this for ourselves, and along with it not feel as on “April Fools Day” when we seem to be fooling ourselves. If we just fool our egoistic nature by being above it, persuading our ego and working together against it, it will suddenly seem possible that our nature is in our hands. Let’s help each other not to fool others and ourselves! And we will see that it is possible to build a wonderful world and society with good mutual relationships and give a permanent example to each other. Then April Fools Day will continue all year!

New Life #604 – A New World Order

New Life #604 – A New World Order
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
The wisdom of Kabbalah analyzes what happens in the world from the perspective of the upper world and the system of leadership. The world has changed greatly. In the past, countries had plans for many years ahead and today this is practically impossible.
Islam was dormant and now it is suddenly awakening. But this awakening will soon die out since new energy sources other than oil have been found. Americans were greatly dependent on the Arab States because of their oil, but now the US has oil resources too, so that’s it. The US will lose interest in the Middle East.
Islamic terror will die out when there will be no more money to fund it. Iran will go on with its projects, but Russia will restrain it so that both countries will not be brought down. Muslim immigrants that have conquered Europe are now in the US, but they will soon be limited. Israel is a technological superpower, but the US doesn’t need us anymore. China cannot be a superpower since it doesn’t have the brains Israel or the US. Israel will be like a small island in the ruined Middle East. Turkey will remain strong and Egypt may rise.
But the most important change is that nations that have the spirit of unity and connection will be the strongest. Growing egoism doesn’t allow countries to get closer, and only Israel will provide the method of connection. The major factor that will determine which country will be strong is the unity between its people. The alliance between all the states in the US will collapse and the US will be divided into fifty states.
Only those who are strong in spirit will prevail. We are facing the era of spirit. Those who will be close to Israel will succeed. The unity in Israel, that is now divided, will stem from the wisdom of Kabbalah and then we will be a “Light unto the nations.”
From KabTV’s “New Life #604 – A New World Order,” 8/4/16
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“Noah’s Ark” Of The 21st Century

laitman_627_2Comment: As long as the planet Earth has existed, for billions of years, eleven mass extinctions have taken place. The largest extinction took place between the Permian to Triassic periods 250 million years ago when about 90% of animal and plant species were annihilated. Today in Russia they want to collect all living organisms and preserve them by building a unique database, a “Noah’s ark” of the 21st century.
Answer: For the planet Earth and the world overall there is an end because “matter” is a certain feeling within our senses. Events of the world, our existence in it, time, the sequence of actions, and everything that happens, occurs only in our senses. What lies outside our emotions, we do not know. We do not know whether something really exists or not.
We have spent our thousands of years of existence building cities, archives, libraries, theaters, and everything else, but in fact we are like children building in sand. Nothing exists except our feelings, our emotions. Soon our feelings will begin to change drastically. Soon we will begin to feel the world from a new attribute, the attribute ofbestowal, and then the present attribute of reception will seem as nonexistent.
We will rise above the attribute of reception and everything between us in this world will simply fade like smoke. The world will disappear because humanity will feel a new feeling, a new coordinated system.
Question: So nuclear wars will not be the reason for the disappearance of the world?
Answer: No, in any case nuclear wars won’t destroy the whole of humanity because humanity needs to reach a new state where it will change and correct itself and rise to the next level of development.
Even if nuclear wars would destroy 90 % of humanity, then the remaining 10% will be committed to carrying out the complete plan of creation. And when the plan of creation is carried out, the way we feel about the world today will disappear and we will begin to feel ourselves and the world surrounding us in a completely different way, in the form of a single complete soul.
Question: Won’t you be sorry that the seventy books that you wrote will just disappear?
Answer: I am willing for them to disappear even tomorrow; the most important thing is that humanity will begin to move forward. I know that my work for the advancement of the world won’t disappear. It will be recorded and exist thanks to the spiritual accomplishments that people can make on their own.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/16/16

The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Is A Collective Study

Question: What does it take to start studying the wisdom of Kabbalah? Are there any limitations?
Answer: We don’t put anyone under a polygraph test, but a person who wants to study the wisdom of Kabbalah should be mentally healthy. The reason is that this study requires a certain level of internal concentration. It is a study of the meaning of life, of man, of our connection withnature, and of the way we are all connected to each other, etc. The wisdom of Kabbalah deals with information that can require a bit of an effort from a person. I have come across cases when the condition of a mentally ill person who didn’t have strong nerves worsened as a result. These cases are quite rare, but it may still occur.
Question: Can a person study the wisdom of Kabbalah by himself or does it have to be in the right framework?
Answer: He will not achieve anything if he studies by himself. The point is that studying the wisdom of Kabbalah is divided into theoretical and practical study. A person has to gradually feel the plan in which the Kabbalistic instructions operate and how he should work with them, change himself and his fate, and this is only possible in the circle of his friends.
Question: Does that mean that the wisdom of Kabbalah is a collective study?
Answer: Yes, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, all of humanity is in a collective, living in an absolutely enclosed space.
From the Webinar on 2/10/16

The Brain Is A Modem

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The first human head transplant is about to take place in 2017. How will a person feel after such an operation?
Answer: Similar questions were raised when the first heart transplant was planned, and what has changed? What is so special here?
A head is simply the control unit that manages the body by sending signals so that the body will operate properly, nothing more than that. The body will continue to function as long as the head is precisely connected to the body. I don’t see anything supernatural in it.
How many heart transplants take place today? When such an operation took place for the first time in South Africa, it seemed to be a revolution, but no, they simply placed a new pump to make the blood flow. It is the same with the head.
The head is not an organ that records information. The recording of all the information is in the space that surrounds us and the head is only a modem that connects the body with the space that surrounds us in order to operate the body according to the orders that it receives from there.
All the laws, the records, the information, everything, are stored in the space around us. Our brain perceives this information, processes it, and conveys the orders to the body and thus operates it so that it can perform certain actions besides the general functioning of the body and that’s all.
Thus the brain, like the mind, basically carries out all our egoistic desires. The brain serves the desire.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

Nothing Is Erased Or Lost

Laitman_109Question: What motivation can I have to attain the upper force through the wisdom of Kabbalah and the connection with others if everything is erased from our memory after we die?
Answer: Nothing is erased or lost. A person doesn’t remember his previous lives because he has never left his body, which means that he has not yet reached any spiritual attainments and therefore doesn’t feel anything beyond his body.
But nonetheless, all of a person’s lives will return to him in any case. It doesn’t mean that he will reveal them, but all the past experiences will be revealed and cleared up to him, and by that a person will be able to reach the upper world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/20/15

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Spiritual Source Closest To Us Is Passover

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the connection between us through which we left Egypt?
Answer: From Egypt only desires that want to connect leave, meaning only Israel. All the rest of the parts of the desire to receive that don’t feel an attraction to connection die in Egypt, they are the army of Pharaoh.
We work on the connection between us in a group; but we discover that we are not ready to reach it, so “…and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage….” (Exodus 2:23). This means that we cry out to the Creator and ask Him to connect us.
Question: So what is our work? Must we work on prayer?
Answer: The prayer cannot be artificial, for prayer is the work of the heart. At the end of all my efforts, after I have become convinced that nothing depends on me, I break out into prayer.
It is impossible to pray by the clock, this is not called prayer. Prayer must be adjusted to the feeling in the heart. So at this moment you can be in a state of “Yom Kippur” and in a few more hours be in a state of “Passover.” This is not talking about time but about states.
So why is there great significance to the Passover holiday that is marked on the calendar? It is because the Upper Lights that come down to us from the “end of correction,” through all the steps of the ladder, reach our world and even create a small illumination in it. And we want to connect this illumination with all the Upper Lights ofbestowal and love of others, which we yearn to reach, to connect them together to world of Infinity. So also in our world, in the physical branches, we celebrate this state and want to be like it even on the physical level. This is particularly relevant to the Passover holiday.
All the rest of the holidays are very high: Rosh HaShanah (embracing the right) and Sukkot (embracing the left) are great Surrounding Lights. But everything begins with Passover. Therefore it is called the “head” of all the months. The exodus from Egypt is the birth of spirituality, so this spiritual source is the closest to us, found right above our heads. All the rest of the holidays are much higher.
We want to approach this source, meaning to begin to actively connect as much as possible. The symbol of the exodus from Egypt is the first connection between us, and after that we add more and more “meat,” more desires, to that point of connection.
But the first contact is the exodus from Egypt, which is why it is called the “birth” of man—that which we have succeeded in accumulating from the shattered parts through leaping above our ego and the connection between us. This is called a true “miracle.” We receive this opportunity thanks to the influence of the Light; otherwise, it is impossible.
We must seriously prepare for this state because we spend a lot of time together at meals and in lessons with all the groups in the world and try to actively reach a connection. We hope we will succeed in implementing this; we still have time. There is no time in spirituality and we can carry this out very quickly, at least temporarily reaching this state and descending again. And there is also a second “Passover” in another week. Someone who doesn’t succeed in realizing this in the first Passover will get a second opportunity.
Question: What is connecting actively?
Answer: All of our hearts must contact each other in a single point, reaching a point of contact. It is not enough just to want it; rather, we must actively carry this out. The prayer is awakened in a person only at the necessary time that comes as a result of the action in the physical world. If I do something and absolutely suffer from failure, from this point the prayer breaks forth.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/13/14The Zohar

Passover Is A Reminder Of The Future

Dr. Michael LaitmanPassover reminds us not only of the past, but also of the future.
From time immemorial, Passover evening has united Jewish families around the holiday table. The feast is spelled out in every detail, yet is foreign to formalism, and its unhurried ceremony revives the exit from Egyptian slavery.
But if we came out of Egypt, then why do we again repeat: “This year we are slaves, next year we will be free?”
Our sources state that behind the known events and ups and downs, there is one more layer of information that is not so much about history but about human relationships. Or rather, it is about the unity and mutual understanding that the Jewish people reached and is so necessary, not only to the Jewish people, but especially today to the whole of humanity.

Passover – The Level Of The Exodus From Egypt

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, “Leviticus,” 23:4 – 23:8: These are the Lord’s appointed [holy days], holy occasions, which you shall designate in their appointed time: In the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, in the afternoon, [you shall sacrifice] the Passover offering to the Lord. And on the fifteenth day of that month is the Festival of Unleavened Cakes to the Lord; you shall eat unleavened cakes for a seven day period. On the first day, there shall be a holy occasion for you; you shall not perform any work of labor. And you shall bring a fire offering to the Lord for a seven day period. On the seventh day, there shall be a holy occasion; you shall not perform any work of labor.
Question: Why is it forbidden to work on the first and last days of Passover?
Answer: It is because we distinguish between two states in the spiritual work: awakening from below and awakening from Above.
During the awakening from below we evoke the cooperation between the Light and the vessel by our yearning. The Light corrects the vessel and gives it the right intention. During the awakening from Above, this work is fulfilled from Above but only because we have created all the right conditions for it in advance.
We make efforts, thus creating the right conditions for the first and last days of the holiday since the week of Passover has to be closed at its ends by states in which we don’t do anything since the upper Light does all the work. The first day of the holiday is the beginning of the exodus from Egypt. The last day is the end of the exodus that seals it.
It is important to say that the nations of the world have different calendars. The Christian calendar is based on the movement of the sun. The Muslim calendar is based on the movement of the moon. While the Jewish calendar takes the movement of the sun, the moon, and the earth into account since the earth is the central object between the sun and the moon.
On the one hand, we take the year into account, which means the revolution of the earth around the sun, and on the other hand, we take the month into account, the revolution of the moon around the earth, and compare the two. Thus the Jewish calendar doesn’t change and so, for example, we can calculate in advance which day of the week will be the first day of Passover in another 35 years.
What is more, based on the comparison between the movement of the sun, the earth, and the moon, we can say that Passover cannot be on certain days of the month. This means that everything is accurately related to the general astrological system.
Question: The Torah refers to holy assemblies several times. Why do we have to gather in Passover?
Answer: Holy assemblies during Passover are the most important thing for the Israeli nation since it is actually thanks to their desire to unite that they need to come out of Egypt.
A person’s union with a group of people, with the society, with the nation, or with the whole world is actually different levels of the exodus from Egypt (from the ego). When we attain the force of unity, a certain tension, this exodus, the detachment from the ego, takes place.
It is always among us, separating us and making us feel repulsed by one another. If we begin to compress and condense it, try to unite and connect to one another, then the exit from the ego begins the moment we first attain unity.
On the first day of Passover (the exodus from Egypt) we begin to tighten this connection. Then we work on it during the week and totally unite on the last day of the exodus from Egypt. From that moment on we are a united nation.
But in the meantime, people don’t understand what they should do, although there is a direction that spurs the desire to escape from the ego. But it is merely an animalistic instinct without the proper awareness. People will acquire the recognition when they gather at the foot of Mount Sinai.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/28/14

Monday, April 4, 2016

Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 1/17/16

laitman_565_02Question: How is a person’s spiritual advancement determined?
Answer: According to how high you ascend above your egoism.
Question: Does the Creator trust a person?
Answer: The Creator trusts a person to the same extent that a person resembles Him and is equal to Him in his attributes.
Question: What does the right woman mean?
Answer: The right woman is the right desire a person has.
Question: Why and for what purpose does a person live?
Answer: In order to reach the Creator and resemble Him, which means the complete connection with the upper force, so that a person can actually reach the level of the Creator.
Question: How can it be that the world is not corrected? Is nature the Creator?
Answer: The nature of this world is corrected except for mankind. The moment humanity is corrected, we will immediately begin to feel the Creator who fills the whole world.
Question: According to Buddhism, we should find our true self; according Sophism, we should forget about our self. Can the wisdom of Kabbalah help me discover who I am and whether I actually exist?
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah performs changes in a person so that he can discover the Creator inside him; that’s all.
Question: Is the sixth sense a Masach (screen) or spiritual insight?
Answer: The sixth sense is a Masach.
Question: How can I overcome the constant feeling of dissatisfaction from reality?
Answer: It is a good thing that reality doesn’t satisfy you! Look beyond this reality and then you will feel satisfied!
Question: How does the intention differ from the desire?
Answer: The intention is the fulfillment of the desire in a certain way.
Question: Do we need to pardon and to forget?
Answer: We must forgive, understanding that others also include you and that they are merely weak creatures with which the ego plays. Therefore we should not be offended by anyone for any reason, but should feel that behind every action people perform there is the Creator. If you relate to it this way, you will soon discover Him without a problem in the relationships between people.

International Day Of Happiness

laitman_285_01Comment: On March 20th the world celebrated the International Day of Happiness. The UN adopted a resolution proclaiming the International Day of Happiness, an initiative of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
Answer: Of course, I would like there to be happiness 365 days a year.
There are many days marked on the calendar like women’s day, etc. It is desirable that on these days the whole of humanity plays a special game in happiness: to make everyone happy – for one day. That would be great!
Maybe then we would realize that it is possible. If you just think of how to make everyone happy and everyone else thinks the same about others, happiness suddenly appears. Happiness doesn’t exist in the world but it suddenly begins to appear from somewhere, and the whole world becomes imbued with this cloud of happiness.
If that happened, we would all create a cloud of happiness together, which would engulf us, envelop us, and we would float on it and feel that we are in paradise.
The chain of happiness that would return to a person would reveal to him the positive force that is concealed in our world, which we cannot feel because we don’t resemble it. But if we behaved as described above, we would generate happiness from our world and begin to use it and live in happiness.
Then a person would consume only 20 calories a day in order to live and even less because the force of happiness would permeate him and fill him. This would be the strongest source of energy.
Gradually immersing ourselves in this state, playing with happiness, we would attain eternity and most importantly become immortal. After all, what actually kills us is the state of unhappiness that our egoism brings us.
The wisdom of Kabbalah offers us to be happy and shows us how to do it. So I am for true happiness 365 days a year.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/20/16

Desire Number Thirty Five

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the correction of the 613 desires and does it refer to the 613 Mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah? Can you explain what corrected desire number 35 refers to, the one about preparing the special oil for anointing the great priest and the king?
Answer: The great priest and the king are not human beings but a special spiritual level. When you ascend to this level, the structure of a king or a great priest will be formed in you and you will be able to perform an action called drawing of the Light of Hochma.
The Light of Hochma is the oil and the Light of Hassadim is the water. By using the oil (the Light of Hochma), you can make a special “solution,” i.e., a special system for correction, elevation, and proximity in order to ascend to the level of the king or thegreat priest. These are all our internal attributes that we have to arrange and to correct.
Thus, any Mitzva is the correction of our internal desires, but on different levels. Man is a small world and everything exists inside him. This means that only I exist and you are all inside me, in my consciousness, in my feeling. It seems to me that you are external to me, but in fact you are inside me.
Question: What does it mean to find the priest inside me?
Answer: A priest is a desire on the level of Keter, the highest desire in a person that works in absolute bestowal without any egoistic impurities. But a person must prepare himself for this. One of the acts of preparation is Mitzvah number 35. When a person ascends the spiritual levels, regardless of whether he was born a Jew or not, a Cohenor a Levi, he has to undergo all these levels and attributes.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/24/16


Laitman_045Purim symbolizes the liberation of humanity from the terrible legacy that the Creator has given us. It says: “I have created the evil inclination; I have created the Torah as a spice.” Thus Purim symbolizes the proper correction of our ego by means of the Torah, the correction of our evil inclination that keeps us apart from one another, which is repulsed by others and forces us to hate and not to be able to feel one another.
Purim symbolizes the end of correction of all the evil on our planet, not only among the Jews, but among all of humanity. The Jewish nation is called a stubborn nation for a reason. It is because it is the most egoistic nation, and therefore the moment it is corrected, all the people of the world will easily follow it and will also be corrected without any special effort.
It is for this reason that the other nations hate us; their correction totally depends on our correction. A great pressure is put on the Jews by external forces that are expressed both externally and internally. We cannot get along with one another. This is also typical of Jews all over the world who keep away from one another aspiring to hide among the other nations who do not wish to get closer to each other. There are many parties, many streams; there are Orthodox Jews, nonreligious ones, and many other differences among the Jewish people.
The Book of Esther, which tells us about the origin of Purim, says that the Jews are a nation that was dispersed in 127 nations of the world. These events that took place in the 6th century BC in ancient Babylon during the Babylonian exile are called the exile of Madai. The persecution of the Jews began then.
The leader who inspired these persecutions was the personal assistant of King Ahasuerus, Haman. He is the one who decided to annihilate all the Jews. Everything was ready for their annihilation, but the Jews managed to turn his plotting in their favor, and instead of being killed, they actually destroyed all their enemies in all the 127 states.
Haman told King Ahasuerus that there is one nation that is dispersed among all the nations in the kingdom and so they could easily destroy it because not only were the Jews not connected between themselves, but they were even against each other. This served as an incentive for the spiritual leader of the Jewish nation, Mordechai, to call the Jews to unite. They listened to him and thus united.
The moment they began to get closer to each other, a great force appeared among them. They began to feel their upper goal; they became confident, had faith, power, and a goal and managed to destroy their enemies. They managed to get rid of all their troubles and together leave the Babylonian exile and return to the land of Israel and build the Second Temple.
Today we are living in very special times as great forces of separation are operating on us trying to divide us more and more. ISIS, the Hezbollah, and various European organizations are examples of such forces that pressure Israel on all sides, trying to devour us. Moreover, internal forces in the State of Israel also intensify the hatred and the repulsion and lead to a greater breach in the nation for which both Orthodox and nonreligious Jews are responsible. We have reached a state in which all of the nation’s forces are aimed at dividing it. The Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah claims that in the current state it is very easy to annihilate us, and he is absolutely right of course. Haman said the same thing 2,500 years ago during Purim.
Our only salvation is by uniting. Today there are those who support the separation of the nation. The secular are involved with this, and oddly enough, religious streams too. They are causing great damage and act against what the Torah tells us to do: to rise above all our differences and whatever keeps us apart by love. It says: “love will cover all our transgressions.”
We have to act in order to attain that state so that we will fulfill the historical achievement that is described in the Book of Esther. When we unite and destroy all the forces that threaten us that are against our unity, all the nations of the world will gather around us into one single unit.
I hope that this holiday will embody the unity and the connection between us, which we have to acquire. We will thus heal ourselves from mutual repulsion and will put an end to the hatred and ant- Semitism that the whole world feels toward us. All the peoples of the world will begin to realize that they actually need us in order to heal the great extensive crisis that we are undergoing. They will find out that when Israel are united, the whole world will be liberated from the original evil that the Creator intentionally created in us so that we will correct it and ascend to His level, to His revelation. Then the people of the world will gather to carry the nation of Israel on their shoulders and climb to the mountains of Jerusalem and help us build the Third Temple.
We truly hope that it will happen during the current holiday. I am calling everyone to unite their hearts, in love, friendship, and mutual agreement! The liberation of the world from all its troubles depends on that. The closeness between us will also lead to our ascent to the next spiritual level of the world, toward entering the next dimension. Let’s do it for our own sake, for our children, for the whole world, and for the Creator!
Good luck to us all and a happy holiday!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/7/16

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