Saturday, January 14, 2017

Can A Student Become A Friend Of The Teacher?

laitman_528_04Question: What must a person or a group do for a student to become a friend of the teacher?
Answer: Everything happens gradually, as people rise, and they begin to appreciate the spiritual work and understand that they are not ready to do anything themselves.
They get rid of illusions and begin to better understand what spiritual elevation is. After all, spiritual ascent is not achieved through egoistic actions or efforts; you can’t elbow your way in.
On the contrary, the only possibility for advancement is to step on ourselves a bit, to get closer to others, and in this harmonious relationship, to try to find the place where the Creator is revealed. This place comes from the mutual integration of my properties with other people’s properties as a result of this interconnection.
The entire process happens gradually, and one who is studying with us will come to this.
Question: Is there a situation in which students can become friends with the teacher?
Answer: The concept of a student-friend or teacher-friend exists, but nowadays, this is rather vague. They generally say this when a teacher studies one-on-one with a student.
In general, this is certainly possible, even with many students, but not yet at our current level.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/7/16

A Special Type Of Attainment

laitman_534Question: You once said that when a person attains spirituality, knowledge of the alphabet comes to him automatically. Does this happen by learning the wisdom of Kabbalah in English, in Russian, or in other languages also?
Answer: When a person attains spirituality, he will know the Hebrew language; he will feel t. This is a special type of attainment in which everything is revealed to him as it was for Adam.
However, this natural way of learning the language happens only for special souls. After all, when Adam understood the interaction of the higher forces, they began to take shape in forms, in pictures, so he saw how they became an alphabet, 22 letters, patterns; each one symbolizing a particular force, a connection between matter and Light.
Therefore, it is still desirable to know the language in order to read the wisdom of Kabbalah in Hebrew.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/24/16

Love, Rather Than All Problems

laitman_624_05_0Question: Is there anything useful in this treasure of the wisdom of Kabbalah for young couples who, because of the growth of the ego, encounter problems sustaining their relationship?
Answer: Let’s adapt the wisdom of Kabbalah to our world and use it! After all, egoistic competition happens in the world from childhood to adulthood. For our entire lives, it is hell, a continuous struggle from which we have no benefit, only the gloating of our ego when we revel in our superiority over another.
We must use our earthly life that has been given to us to try to balance it, change it. We give birth, raise, and educate a child not to gratify his own ego, but to transform children into people who can enjoy life in peace and not constantly be defensive.
The wisdom of Kabbalah explains how to do this.
To do this, we must use a system of connections between people, and above all of our egoistic rejections and contradictions, we can build bridges of mutual connection toward love.
We can do this while being egoists as nature created us; above this nature, we can build mutual altruistic connections. It depends only on education! If we educate a generation like this, it will be happy and strong indeed.
It seems to us that altruism could weaken us and that, ultimately, we could be eaten, annihilated, or devoured, but it is precisely the opposite. Love is the most powerful feeling in the world, and it provides the people who realize it with immense inner strength.
The United States can serve as an example of how the growth of the ego and pitting oneself against others weakens and leads to crisis.
If our method of unification were in Europe, today it would be stronger and more advanced than everyone else.
An aspiration toward unity, toward mutual attraction, lies in nature and we should take advantage of this power. It creates more and more new forms of matter and of everything that exists, while separation only destroys and kills.
Therefore, the wisdom of Kabbalah is imperative for us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/2/16

To Do Evil In The Eyes Of God

Laitman_155Torah, Deuteronomy 17:2 – 17:5: If there will be found among you, within one of your cities which the Lord, your God is giving you, a man or woman who does evil in the eyes of the Lord, your God, to transgress His covenant, and who will go and worship other gods and prostrate himself before them, or to the sun, the moon, or any of the host of the heavens, which I have not commanded; and it will be told to you, and you will hear it, and investigate thoroughly, and behold, the matter coincides; this abomination has been perpetrated in Israel. Then you shall bring out that man or that woman who has committed this evil thing, to your cities, the man or the woman, and you shall pelt them with stones, and they shall die.
If I discover within myself some negative qualities that I couldn’t see earlier because I wasn’t yet on this degree, I must extract them from myself, isolate them, and begin working with them. These egoistic intentions are called “a man or woman who does evil in the eyes of the Lord, your God, to transgress His covenant.”
I examine them until I kill them. This is their correction. Therefore, it is written, “Then you shall bring out that man or that woman who has committed this evil thing, to your cities, the man or the woman, and you shall pelt them with stones, and they shall die.”
A stone or “stony heart” is an inner feeling through which a person determines the insignificance of his nature and sets out to change it.
Question: However, the “Islamic State” organizations interprets this literally; as it is written, they throw stones, cut off heads, and so on.
Answer: This isn’t a correction. It’s impossible to achieve anything this way. It turns out that one destroys another, and there is no end to this feud that has no purpose.
Question: But they claim they follow the Koran literally without suspecting that it means executing their own egoism. Is it even possible to explain it to them?
Answer: They will realize it automatically after the people of Israel understand it. We don’t have to explain anything to the world. We should just speak openly about the wisdom of Kabbalah. The correction should be performed by the people of Israel, and through them, the Light will come to the entire world. But all of humanity should know about the wisdom of Kabbalah.
From KabTV Program “The Secrets of the Eternal Book” 8/24/16

The Basic Principles For Success Along The Spiritual Path

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can I be assisted by a teacher who is a Kabbalist? Can you give a few basic principles of how we can use such a gift of the upper force?
Answer: If a teacher advises something, you should try to fulfill it. My most important advice is to attend the morning lesson that I give daily.
My second advice is to find yourself a group of ten, preferably a physical group, not a virtual one, and to try to be in contact with it, to study together and to do everything that we do in a group of ten.
In addition, if there is a convention near where you live, you should do whatever is in your power to attend it, and of course, engage in dissemination as much as you can dedicate your time to it.
In short, the most important thing is the morning lesson, then working in the group of ten, dissemination, and participation in conventions. There is nothing more you need to do.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/7/16

The World Was Created With A Blessing

laitman_231_03Question: Why was the world created through the second letter “Bet – ב” and not through the first letter “Aleph – א”?
Answer: In the hierarchy of development, the letter Aleph” appears much later in the world of Atzilut. In the upper world, the letter “Yud – י״ appears first and the letter ״Bet״ created our world in the upper world, “Bereshit” (in the beginning) because this letter specifically teaches about the beginning.
In the preface to The Book of Zohar, the article, “The Letters of Rabbi Hamnuna-Saba,” tells about all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
Question: In that article, it is said that every letter “approached” the Creator and “asked” to begin the creation of the world, and the Creator found some defect in every letter. What does it mean that the letter approached and asked “begin with me”?
Answer: It means that the Creator elicited the attitude of each letter to His Light, whether or not it was capable of being the beginning of the program of the development of His creation. It became clear that only the letter ״Bet״ was “capable” of creating the world because the word “Bracha” (blessing) begins with it.
In the letter ״Bet״ there is a connection between the letter itself, which already is a Kli (creature), and the Creator (Light). An inner connection like this doesn’t exist in any other letter. Without a blessing, without that intrinsic characteristic that exists in the letter ״Bet,״ the rest of the letters would have been cut off from the Light and would not be able to conduct or hold its energy, its power.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/17/16

Trump Will Produce The New Human

 Comment: The newly elected president of the United States, Donald Trump, is bypassing the media and turning directly to the people through Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks.
According to the latest reports, he wants to separate the United States from all agreements signed with Asia, China, and other nations. He intends to deal with the United States and only with the United States, giving the citizens a new and different education than the one that developed during Obama’s term.
Answer: Obama wanted to turn the United States into a Muslim nation; this was his main goal. He brought several million Muslims into the United States and wanted to give them citizenship, yet this was not enough. He even succeeded in introducing some radical Muslims into the political apparatus. Trump is promising to “cleanse” the United States of them.
Question: Do you consider this to have been a planned and premeditated scenario?
Answer: Certainly! There is no doubt about it. Trump understands this and is taking a completely different course. Now everything will gradually begin to be cleared. US policies will no longer be aimed at burning all and conquering in the name of Islam.
After all, the entire Middle East went up in flames so that as many refugees as possible would flood Europe. That was Obama’s policy. That is how he worked in Libya and in all the nations of the Middle East.
Trump’s situation is difficult since he is contending with the existing neoliberal policies that he must completely replace: production, the financial system, banks, everything. It is difficult to imagine how he will succeed in this because he cannot return production, and in particular heavy industry, to the United States.
Trump must understand, that the future global production system will be built on the “production of people.”
Most people who were unemployed for a long time voted for him and he will have to justify their votes by providing them with employment and ensuring they are satisfied with their lives. The satisfaction doesn’t depend on their wages, it depends on the opinion of society.
He should transform the vast American space that was formerly dominated by the steel industry and is now called the rust belt. It will be transformed into a vast factory for the “production of people” through education.
What this means is that they will be given work in the form of training and education. They should be involved with this for most of the day, it will be counted as work. 
When people learn how to be connected with good connections and aspire to this, then at the same time, they will stimulate the good influence of the environment. Society will become good, strong, and mutually connected. American society needs this like no one else because there is no solidarity between different parts of society where every man is for himself, everyone is an individualist. 
They just need the opportunity to be shown this and have explained to them that this is what they have to produce, like a coal miner or ore miner extracts material that later produces machinery, cars, etc. What this means is that all of today’s effort will be on a different level, the level of “human processing.”
In other words, we need to go “inside” a person, extract the rudiments of a human being, purify, refine, collect, and assemble them into one uniform society. And people will be satisfied with the $1,500 they receive for their studies, which actually work on creating a new person and new society. This is what the United States must do.
The era of capitalism and neoliberalism has ended; now the next stage is coming, the stage of creating people out of the animal, living in cities with their various problems, including drugs.
If we begin to rebuild society, we will discover vast sources of goodness, public and national wealth, and at the same time, we will avoid all the problems that exist today in the world.
So we need to enter everyone into integral education studies in state programs. Only those engaged in these courses in people’s universities will receive a stipend. Thus, they will be compelled to work, this will be their work, working on themselves.
Humanity has no other choice. All of the solutions that they are trying to implement in the banking system, the financial system, and especially in the industrial sector, will not succeed. We must go in a different direction and not go “head to head” with those who hold money and weapons in their hands. Rather we must proceed only through introducing a single educational system that obligates everyone.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/23/16

What Is The Fear Of God?

laitman_237Question: If you receive a thought about the upper force (at any moment in your life when you experiencing some events and trials), it is only thanks to the efforts that you make in order to get at least a bit closer to the Creator.
The measure of whether you are on the right path is always the emergence of a thought from above that comes from the Creator. Is this faith, which we need so much, in order to advance correctly in spirituality?
Is the fear that perhaps you will not receive this thought because you don’t make enough efforts or that you somehow will succumb to something that will alienate you from the Creator, the fear of God?  
Answer: The fear of God is not fear. It is actually a yearning not to miss any opportunity to bestow unto Him everything that you can. It is somewhat like the yearning of a mother who keeps looking for how she can do something for her baby.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

When Will Our Reincarnations End?

Laitman_712_03Question: If we die without crossing the Machsom, are we born again and again develop (or don’t develop) the point in the heart.
When such special souls like Baal HaSulam and ARI were born again, were they living in both the spiritual and material worlds from the moment of birth, or did they have to cross the Machsom again? And what about people like us?
Will the whole chain of reincarnations end when my friends and I begin to feel the Creator?
Answer: It will happen when you are higher than them and your main desire is to bring the Creator contentment.

How Many People Will Remain On Earth?

laitman_944Question: If the soul of Adam HaRishon (the First Man) was shattered into 600,000 parts, does this mean that eventually 600,000 people must remain on the face of the Earth at the time of correction?
Why must we develop the wisdom of Kabbalah if, according to the Torah, everything has already been determined regarding the total number in the population?
Answer: I have already written about this more than once, as it is said in all the original books on the wisdom of Kabbalah, in spirituality, quantity doesn’t matter. It is only the intensity of the correction of egoism into the characteristic of bestowal.
The full completion is called 600,000. There is no meaning to the number of people in the world because people’s bodies don’t exist in the spiritual world. What exists there are only desires that are united into a common desire for the Creator.

Why Does The Creator Punishes Us?

laitman_527_03Question from Facebook: If the Creator manages everything, why should a person be punished? After all, he has no freedom in his actions.
Answer: If the Creator manages everything, we apparently don’t have anything to do. He will think of everything and we could lie down as comfortably as possible and wait and see what happens later. But we were given egoism, which opposes the Creator. We need to change it so it will resemble Him.
That is our work. If we involve ourselves with that, we will get a good response from the Creator. And if not, then we receive punishment from Him, which forces us to. That is the entire management system.
The Creator leads us to understand where we are, what works, what influences us, and what is required of us. But we also, each one of us, must work together with Him as partners – He and I. So we must imagine we are facing the Creator and He is influencing us by stimulating our thoughts and movements.
Everything that we say, think, and feel comes from Him.
But He also requires a particular response from us. Even though He is also the one who summons the response, we must understand this and connect with it. The result will be that we will be in adhesion with Him. We must constantly live in adhesion with Him.
Then new states will be revealed in our lives and we will see how life becomes more calm, comfortable, balanced, and secure. The only thing we need is to come into direct contact with the Creator. This is something we can do.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/30/16

On The Level Of The Upper Source

Laitman_632_4Question: Given that the Light passes through the letters should we weigh every word we use when communicating with others so we match our attributes and feelings?
Answer: Of course. If we spoke on that level, I could say a few words to you and when you heard what I said, you could immediately feel what I wanted to say to you in the spiritual world. I would connect to the same source from which I conveyed to you a written or oral message, for example, which stems from that source.
By connecting to that source, you could perceive my exact perception of that source and we would both share the same feeling. This is called equivalence of form of properties.
This is actually how we should write, speak with each other, and connect to each other. And in the same manner, we should connect with the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/17/16

Illusion And Reality According To Kabbalah

laitman_222_0Question: What is “illusion” and what is “reality” as defined in the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer:  An illusion is anything that doesn’t resemble the Creator. And reality is any part of the Creator I perceive. That is, it is an immense field, which I correctly perceive to the degree of my similarity to it. This field is perceived by me as the Creator and it is not an illusion but the truth.
The true reality – Upper Light or the Creator – is found at absolute rest. But our perception of this reality can change. The change depends on correction. If a person completely corrects himself, then nothing changes in his perception any more.
Everything is measured only relative to a person.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/18/16

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Marx’s Predictions Come True, Part 9

laitman_229In the near future, the unemployed throughout the world will total 80% of the world population. In order to somehow reassure them without bringing this critical situation to the point of a new world war, it is first necessary to provide them with an adequate income, which must be done in any case.
Secondly, we need to provide them with integral education. Let them sit down and learn to unite. The world today doesn’t need anything else. And so it will rise until it reaches a spiritual level, and then physical sensations in general will begin to fade.
Question: But shouldn’t change come from the top? Would the elite want to listen to this?
Answer: Those at the top will be interested in these changes because the fear that riots might begin will force them to listen.
After all, each unemployed American keeps two or three guns at home. They can start rioting tomorrow. Therefore, the elite should be very interested in organizing a system of integral education and providing an adequate income to the entire population of the American Rust Belt.
The egoistic fuel has burned out completely. The world has stopped getting egoistic pleasure from life and is looking for new opportunities. In the end, it will lead us to the need for integral education.
Spreading integral education is the most accurate realization of the wisdom of Kabbalah in the last generation. There is no other work that would be more accurately directed to the purpose of creation and to the upper force.
All of the abstract theories are nothing compared with this practical work to organize people on a massive scale so that they will unite at least a little bit and begin to reveal a positive force between them. This will cause huge, positive changes, not just in human society, but in the upper system that affects the entire world.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About the Current Situation In The World” 12/2/16

How We Perceive The World

laitman_928Comment: Recently you explained the subject of the proper perception of reality, more precisely of creation. But currently, I cannot perceive this.
Answer: We do not perceive information from the outside through our five senses, as it seems to us.
The senses through which we perceive our Ohr Pnimi (Inner Light) are organized within us according to the degree of equivalence and resemblance of our desires to the Light, to the Creator. To the degree that He is revealed in our system of resemblance to Him, which is called HaVaYaH, it becomes our spiritual senses.
To the degree that we improve and change them to bestowal, we begin to perceive the changing world, the Light that is closest to us.
From Daily Kabbalah Lessons 12/12-13/16

Why Did Kabbalists Hide Their Books?

laitman_527_07Question: Why was it necessary to conceal the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: It was only so that humanity would not be confused. In our time, if people read a book of Kabbalah, they will not understand anything in it because in order to understand it, a person must ascend to a higher level and begin using the forces that operate there. Therefore, the Kabbalists hid their books.
There is no reason to reveal what nature itself hides. For example, nature revealed its nuclear energy 2,000 years ago, but it was only in the last century that people began to use it. Imagine what would have happened if that had occurred earlier!
Question: To balance the egoism, one needs to attain the positive force in nature. How does one discover it?
Answer: It is only if he acts according to the integral system: working in a group, nullifying himself toward the friends correctly, and studying the wisdom of Kabbalah together with them. In that way, he awakens and invites upon himself the influence of that positive force concealed in nature.
In our world, everything is based upon mutual cooperation between plus (the positive force) and minus (the negative force), but the plus level of human nature is concealed; we must get it from nature. To do this, a person must long to attain the positive force.
This is possible only if a person maintains all the conditions that I indicated earlier. Then he arouses the revelation of the positive force on himself. Through balancing it with the negative force, he builds himself.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/3/16

How Many Years Are Left For Humanity?

laitman_742_03Question: How would you explain your claim that humanity has 223 years left to exist?
Answer: 5,777 years ago, there was a human being called Adam. He discovered that a method exists through which it is possible to attain the upper world.
We consider the day he made this discovery as his birthday. We celebrate it as Rosh Hashanah. Adam wrote about his discovery in a book called Raziel HaMalach. From that date we begin the numbering of the traditional calendar, from 5,777 years ago.
Therefore, around 200 years remain until all of humanity will attain the upper world, like Adam HaRishon (The First Man), which means we will feel our true state if we just go beyond the limitations of our ego.
Baal HaSulam explained this beautifully in his metaphor of “the worm and the radish.”

When the worm sticks his head outside of the radish and looks at the world, he sees the sun shining and birds chirping. It is amazed at how it was living in such a terrible world all the time while there was a higher world that is so wonderful.
So we also need “to go out of our radish.” Just as the bitterness of the radish stimulated the worm to crawl out of the radish, so suffering pushes us out of our world.
There is nothing interesting in our world, and true fulfillment is attained only with the help of the method of the wisdom of Kabbalah. Today all of humanity is gradually beginning to feel that our world is a “bitter radish,” so they are beginning to approach the wisdom of Kabbalah.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/28/16

New Life #803 – The Illusion Of Liberalism

New Life #803 – The Illusion Of Liberalism
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
“Liberalism” and “democracy” are nice words, but in practice, they don’t really exist. The elites have always been “siphoning” everything for themselves while the lower classes starve. The time has come for us to sober up!
In other forms of government, the truth was at least clear and the illusion of equality wasn’t sold to the people. We cannot call our development progress because people today are much more cruel. Today there are many unemployed. This trend will only increase due to technology. Society stands at the crossroads.
A person will seemingly be free, yet he will not actually have anything to feed his family. Even a fascistic approach, which is intensifying in the world today, will not bring a solution. We are modern slaves, told by the media that we are free.
The connection between the individual and society needs to be corrected, like in a family with warm, secure, mutual, loving connection. In Russia they tried to build communism by force, through oppression. Society and those who stand at its head must particularly be concerned about this, ministers and government officials today are concerned only about themselves.
Society must relate to the individual like a child in the family and must take care of his needs to benefit him. A society that is conducted like a family will be able to be built through an education for connection; the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches how to do this. There is a special force in the wisdom of Kabbalah that can change a person’s egoistic nature. If we don’t learn the method for correcting human nature from the wisdom of Kabbalah, fascism and world war are in our future.
From KabTV’s “New Life #803 – The Illusion Of Liberalism,” 12/13/16
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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What Is The Uniqueness Of Each One?

laitman_535_03Torah, Deuteronomy 15:11: For there will never cease to be needy within the land. Therefore, I command you, saying, you shall surely open your hand to your brother, to your poor one, and to your needy one in your land.
The Torah calls a person to reveal, through the connection to all others, that he can become a mechanism of their filling, a part of the general system. Each one must do it, because he is unique exactly in this. And “there will never cease to be needy” until thed final correction, until everyone is filled from each other, one through the other.
Therefore, in front of each one is the rest of humanity, all other souls. They are the “needy” that he has to fill. After all, all the others are me! Only now I don’t feel it, but as soon as I begin to fill them, I will feel that it is mine.
Each one of us is unique, because the Light goes through him to the rest of the souls. Nobody can avoid this work. Each one is obliged to fulfill his mission and perfection will be achieved only as an overall result.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 8/10/16

Reality Or A Subjective Illusion?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Even the Talmud says that one judges according to his own flaws, that everyone judges according to his level of corruption, which means that even back then people understood that by changing their properties, they would be able to see the world.
Can we say that the connection with others was given to a person only so that he can check his attitude toward them since a person sees what is negative in others, and what is in him he always sees as positive? How can we use this principle in order to advance?
Answer: The external world exists only in a person’s perception, but he cannot say whether it exists externally to him.
Does the world continue to exist for a person who lives today but is gone tomorrow, or not? A person cannot determine or prove that. No one can determine or prove that, including Newton, because with regard to each of us, the whole world is an absolute, subjective illusion.
One may say that we see how a person dies and the world continues to exist, but with regard to the person who died, we cannot determine anything because we don’t share his feeling.
Thus a person was created like that in order to alter his attitude to others, which for him is the indication of exiting himself and of feeling the upper world outside himself. The world outside a person is the upper world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/18/16

The Soul During Sleep

laitman_564Question from Facebook: What is a dream, and what happens to the soul during sleep?
Answer: A dream is a purely physiological state of the beastly body, which has no relation to spirituality.
Rest is typical not only for humans but also for animals and plants. This suggest the need to alternate between two states, on and off, like the alternation of day and night.
Question: What happens to the soul during sleep?
Answer: A person has no soul! He is simply an animal that has only a bud (point) that can be developed with the help of studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, and then within him he will begin “to cultivate,” to grow, a spiritual organ called a soul. But this is only to the degree that a person carries out serious work on himself.
Moreover, he cannot carry this out alone but only in a society in which all the points are connected together, and that is how they create one single point that is composed of ten, which is called a spiritual Minyan (group of ten).
So, within the group of ten, by nullifying themselves and connecting together, they will begin to feel a spiritual force, a spiritual state. A connection like this is called a “soul,” within which the state of the next level is already felt, called the upper world.
But when a person just goes to sleep, this is a natural, beastly state that arises as a result of an internal overload of all the thoughts, emotions, memories, and so forth.
So during sleep, as a rule, we connect with what happened during the daytime because our thoughts are reloaded and sink internally to a deeper level of memory, and we feel this as dreams, which can take on different forms because they are cut off from egoistic desires. They are no longer found within the desires, but in thoughts above the desires.
There are states when dreaming that we can sense the future, but this has no connection to the wisdom of Kabbalah. There are some people who feel this more, others feel it less, and there are people like Wolf Messing, who feel the future in general, not necessarily during sleep. But this is absolutely irrelevant to the spiritual world, to the soul. Everyone has a bud for the beginning of the soul, but it is necessary to develop it. The wisdom of Kabbalah is waiting for you.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/21/16

Marx’s Predictions Come True, Part 8

laitman_547_05The wealthy elite should understand that they are creating a time bomb of at least half of the population, and every day this number grows. The bomb is the unemployed that are becoming desperate.
They aren’t students that go to the streets in the big cities to create an uproar in support of Hillary Clinton. These are serious citizens and heads of families.
The elite, in fact, is sitting on the detonator, because the unemployed have nothing to lose. They are silent to a certain limit, but at some point they will explode. So far everything happened through the Trump and Clinton election race. But tomorrow everything could change; after all, every household keeps two to three guns at home.
A person who has lost all hope for a normal life for himself and his children is very dangerous. Therefore, I advise investing in these people to make them good citizens and to teach them to connect. This will cost much less than suppressing disturbances and restoring order.
We must realize that half the country does not agree to continue in the old way, and it must be appeased somehow. It is possible through integral education for a few billion dollars, which is nothing compared to the costs that would be required in the case of a riot.
Today it is necessary to spend money on police and security agents; none of this will be needed. We will have a good, peaceful, quiet population that doesn’t endanger our future life and allows all to live quietly in our country.
This education will be like a soothing lozenge for them. Otherwise we won’t be able to do anything with them. It is impossible to provide them all with work places. Every day the number of unemployed will increase. And what will the elite do? Today people voted for Trump, but tomorrow they might begin to act more firmly. In fact, the Ku Klux Klan could rise, start making a terrible mess and burning everyone.
Therefore, I offer integral education: a good way that will cost almost nothing. It must become a national program to improve the health of society and its lower and weaker sections. I don’t encourage them to rise for a revolution and to build communism, liquidating the upper class. But it is necessary to calm the unemployed that are out of work because of the technological revolution.
It happens in every country, even in not very developed ones. Today nobody needs a workforce. So what is to be done with the excess labor? These people are a heavy burden and a real threat for the country. They must be maintained at a certain level so that they remain human beings. Otherwise, all of America will be filled with abandoned ghost towns.
Who voted for Trump? Former hard workers, heavy industry workers of the “Rust Belt” of America that are left without jobs. But what can he give them? Nothing, since obviously of all his plans nothing will work out. What factories can he bring back to the US? None! It means that he will create fake workplaces in order to keep people busy; they will produce something and then dispose of it.
Today there already are many companies operating on this principle. Huge warehouses are filled with useless products. Our world has taken on an absolutely marred form. So it will be better to calm people and give them integral education so that they will be satisfied with their lives.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About the Current Situation In The World” 12/2/16

New Life #802 – What Will The Next Form Of Government Be?

New Life #802 – What Will The Next Form Of Government Be?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
As of today the world is a “small village,” but the problem is that human nature has remained egoistic.
A person has a natural urge for social life. He also needs a society to support himself, so he developed the economy, but we cannot succeeded in satisfying ourselves because the ego is constantly growing.
The family is an example of the kind of social relationships we must move toward. Philosophers have long understood that it is necessary to correct human nature, but they don’t know how to do this. Today relationships between people are so bad that even the family unit is falling apart. Only by constructing all of society as a family will we succeed in restoring the family unit.
There is a special power that we can bring into our lives to correct our nature.
It is our duty to move toward familial relationships because the world is in crisis. “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18) will be the next form of societal connection. We have no other choice.
From KabTV’s “New Life #802 – What Will The Next Form Of Government Be?” 12/13/16
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