Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Creator’s Angels

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe weekly sections of the Torah, Korah and Balak, are called after names of people (attributes), who don’t like the people of Israel and rise against them. However, they actually spur history forward even more than Moses and other positive figures in the Torah which exist thanks to the negative forces in nature that appear in them and to which they must respond.
The egoistic forces operate the whole system of creation and excite it, giving it a boost to keep on developing. Therefore, as it is written, “I have created the evil inclination; I have created the Torah as a spice.”
Our reality develops only thanks to the Creator’s angels. All of the people—including managers, military leaders and politicians—are the Creator’s individual forces, which He controls, of course.
In order to motivate something to move forward, the ego must be spurred forward. All of the turning points in history are named after them. In modern history, it is Hitler and Stalin. In ancient times, it was Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Titus, Caligula and more. It is actually the flashes of the ego that are expressed in razor sharp forms that give history a boost and leave an impression. It isn’t by chance that Titus set fire to the Temple.
It was so that the next generations should not forget him. How many good deeds have other people done, but no one remembers them. However, if you had created a hydrogen bomb or an atomic bomb, it is a totally different matter.
These “angels” are called by that name because they are the engines of history. What is more, there are many of them among the Jews. The American family, Rosenberg, the “atom spies,” spied for the Soviet Union and passed on secrets about the atom bomb that fell into the hands of another angel called Professor Jacob Zaldovich, who was one of the Soviet atom bomb and hydrogen bomb builders. Looking back, we can see that the leading Spanish inquisitors who expelled the Jews were actually Jewish. In addition, who were those who enticed the Romans and the Greeks to invade Israel and slaughter and kill? It was the same fifth column. The point is that, as time goes by, all of the goodness that great people do for the world fades away, but the wickedness remains in history.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/8/15

The Secret Of The Islamic State

Laitman_002Comment: A secret document of the “Islamic State” was published in the British newspaper The Guardian . It was a detailed program for building a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, which involves world control not only through the use of the sword, but also through the careful alignment of administrative, bureaucratic, social, and international components.
This 24-page document details the future state agencies: a propaganda machine, a diplomatic department responsible for international relations, centralized control over oil, etc. It devotes a lot of attention to educating the young generation to master new technologies.
Answer: The people of ISIS have common sense and know exactly what they want. From the outset, they adhere to a very clear ideological goal, and all their actions are detailed in line with this. They take into account that their plan is to control the world, so their tactics are structured correctly.
Indeed, they create their own venues and ideologies, and apart from them, also terrorism, bringing their new weapons of mass destruction: chemical, gas, radioactive, and others. They know how to disperse and hide them. In addition, they recruit foreign scientists to develop those kinds of weapons for use in guerilla warfare.
Their only weak spot is that they do not have their own state, on behalf of which they could expand.
Therefore, all the efforts of Western countries should be directed to destroy the country in its “embryonic” state, and to prevent the education of the young generation in this spirit.
As soon as Western Europe and the US allow the appearance of such a nation, just like a cancerous growth, it will immediately spread to the entire world. This is the first thing.
Second, they attract people by saying, “We want to unite and thereby save the world from ideological conflicts and a new world war. If one state is formed, one opinion, one single ideology, then there will be no war.”
The background is this: if the world surrenders, then everything will be fine. So the world, which by and large is opposed to this ideology, has only one option: to give in to them.
Only the ideology of Kabbalah, which is against this backdrop that will awaken and emerge more and more, confronts the ideology of the Islamic State.
As a result, the world will confront this resistance and will understand that the Kabbalistic ideology allows people not only to unite, but to do so without losing the freedom to follow the plan of nature. After all, this system wasn’t artificially set up but was taken from the depth of nature, from its laws. Thus, it is specifically this system that has the right of existence.
The wisdom of Kabbalah speaks about how humanity needs to rise to the next level of its development and enter the next dimension in which we will exist together as one whole. And then with our unity, we will feel the manifestation of a single force of nature, which is called the Creator.
Comment: This Islamic State also wants to be a single entity, a unified whole.
Answer: Yes, but this is a whole that is egoistic and doesn’t correct man’s nature; it unites everyone through fear and pressure, and is therefore not viable. The period where people try to unite under the pressure of a dictator will quickly end and will bring much bloodshed.
From the perspective of Kabbalah, unity reveals the upper force, which connects us. This means that we don’t unite under pressure of fear or some human factors, but under the influence of the upper force of nature. We feel how it brings us together!
We feel it brings us together. Therein lies difference between the two ideologies. Thus the world, in any case, will come to unity, but it’s advisable to avoid the terrible and bloody dictatorship, and do so in a good way. I think that it will be this way.
As for today, the main thing for all of humanity is to not to allow the formation of the Islamic State in either Iraq or Syria.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 12/8/15

The Role Of Jethro In The Making Of Moses

laitman_740_02From the words of the Midrash Rabba, Parshat Balak: Balak sent a message to the sages of Midian. “The leader of the Jews, Moses, grew up among you. Can you reveal to me the secret of his success?”
In the response that he received it said, “This snake, Moses, truly suckled from our breast. A Midianite invited him to his home, gave his daughter to him as his wife and provided him with money.”
To provide money means to supply a spiritual Masach (Screen).
Moses constructed a screen against his egoism, otherwise he would not have been able to oppose Pharaoh. For forty years, Moses lived in his house and used the same methods as Pharaoh, automatically obeying him. Then, he spent forty years with the Midianites and married the daughter of Jethro.
During this time, Moses attained such a level that he could return to Pharaoh and confront him, in other words, he could rebel against the universal egoism. Jethro gave him this method.
Moses began to understand the language of the Creator. When he leaves the house of Jethro to return to Egypt, he already has a connection with the Creator. From the burning bush, the Creator spoke to him, “Go, I will guide you.”
After that, what does Moses have?! His ego started with a special point in the heart that was under the control of Pharaoh for forty years and under the control of Jethro for forty years. Now, he is 80 years old, meaning that he has gained serious egoistic characteristics and some of the characteristics of Bina, which were basically at the level of working for the sake of the ego, but he could stand against Pharaoh.
Question: What does it mean that Jethro the Midianite provided Moses with a wife?
Answer: It means that he gave Moses a completely different desire that made it possible for him to understand side of Pharaoh (egoism). After being inside egoism, it was impossible to understand it because he had the mind and desire of Pharaoh. Moses, being an adopted son who grew up in the house of Pharaoh, was fully immersed in the ego.
However, with Jethro, he received such an understanding of leadership that it became possible for him to stand against Pharaoh. Jethro is the main system of leadership: egoism that is gradually drawn toward altruism, becoming more connected with it.
It is like a person who is already studying the wisdom of Kabbalah and advances even though he is entirely in the ego. However, he already understands something, perceives something, enters a period of preparation, and then to a state of Lo Lishma(Not for Her Name). He begins to understand the system, even though this system is still on the fuzzy side for him.
The fact is that, even if you want to manage your ego, you still need to do this with the help of the Light. When you are within Pharaoh, you cannot manage it. It is just a pitiful, egoistic state from which you are not able to exit.
When you begin to use the characteristics of bestowal and love, you gradually approach the Creator, the correct characteristics of leadership, although you are attracted to the spiritual forces for the sake of the ego. However, it is precisely in this way that you begin to learn about them! It follows that you get dirty by working within the ego, but it is with the help of the spiritual forces.
This is the Klipa (Shell), the impure forces, that gradually help in moving toward true bestowal and love. In the beginning, the bestowal is not true, yet it still exists, at least for the sake of the ego. It is just this way that we move through an intermediate stage called Lo Lishma (for himself), but it is now with some kind of contact with the altruistic system, not with the inflexible Pharaoh who strikes with the ego. He has nothing else; he is fully Klipa.
However, within Pharaoh, altruistic characteristics that will work for him already are manifesting, which are called Erev Rav, the mixed multitude. These people exploit the Kabbalistic system for their own sake, for the sake of their ascent and self-aggrandizement. All of the religions evolved from that.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/8/15

A Universal Science For Everyone

laitman_214Question: How can I show an example to others that by studying Kabbalah I am in a better place?
Answer: There’s no way. When a person begins to study Kabbalah, he sees in it such knowledge, logic, and depth that it simply amazes him.
He will understand that all the rest of the sciences of our world are explained very simply within it, and it advances them further. Kabbalah tells a person what must be done to reach general integral knowledge about our world and the upper worlds, about the management system of our world.
We need to see the system of creation because then we can not only manage ourselves, but also rise to the system of management itself and exist in it in the form in which we existed prior to the physical body.
Before entering our body, we were within the program of creation. But now we have the possibility of achieving this program and living simultaneously in two worlds. And then from our perspective there will be neither time nor death. We must yearn for this.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/25/15

Why Is It Difficult For Us To Bear The Death Of Our Relatives?

laitman_627_2Question: It is very difficult for us to bear the death of relatives. How do people who are involved with spiritual development relate to this?
Answer: Shortly after I began to study with my teacher, it so happened that the mother of three of his students died. I went for to express my condolences and was very surprised to see that they behaved as before, talking calmly with each other.
As time passed, I understood that this is precisely what the relationship to death should be.
Why do we perceive temporal, petty, insignificant existence, that amounts to only escaping from suffering, as so special? What is it?
After all, this life amounts to attempts to place ourselves in a more comfortable situation every moment, to suffer less. That is what life is! Why should I grieve if people are moving away from this?
There is a particular animal fear of losing even this tiny speck of life, even though according to the wisdom of Kabbalah it is not even called life; it is a kind of inner illusion!
We were originally created to begin from this state, to search for the true meaning of existence. If a person doesn’t use the opportunities that are given to him in this world to go out to a higher state and continue his life from there, then there is nothing to be done. Naturally this will continue until all of us achieve the feeling of the upper world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/1/15

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Living In A Coffin

laitman_547_06Comment: South Korea is the record holder in the rate of suicide caused by depression and stress at a workplace.
Consequently, they have invented a kind of a burial service: at the beginning of the work day the workers read goodbye letters saying how good their life was with their dear ones and then they open a coffin and lie in it, each worker with his photograph, lying in there crying.
One of the Koreans wrote: “After this experiment I realized that I have to try to live differently; to come out of the coffin of my life. I realized that I had made many mistakes and I hope I will be able to love my work and to spend more time with my family.” We should pay attention to what he says, and to the fact that his work still comes first.
Answer: Does the wisdom of Kabbalah say that a person should sit and think about how his life is going to end? It will end in nothing. What is he living for? In order to experience some small pleasures every now and them? What’s the point?
A person should have a strong motivation to live. He should have a meaning in life; he should have a goal. And we have to discover all that.
The managers in plants in South Korea are trying to somehow stimulate and motivate their workers because they want to squeeze more from them. What do they care if the workers die afterward?
Question: But why is depression so prevalent there?
Answer: Because of the nature of that nation. They are mechanical. In addition, competition is high there and they are prepared for it from childhood.
Comment: Do you regard competition negatively?
Answer: Competition should be targeted, not in order to succeed in this life and to reach the level of a director of a company, head of a department, or head of an office, and then take pride in it.
Question: How would you stimulate and motivate workers in a Korean factory?
Answer: I would motivate them differently, but in order to do that they need to be developed, meaning gathering them in teams and giving each team a task so that they will all be responsible for one another and help each other.
The importance of the common goal will help them be incorporated into each other and then having a common corporeal goal will lead them to finding a common spiritual goal. Soon the whole world will operate this way.
Question: Why don’t the Koreans go for it then?
Answer: They are not ripe enough for it yet.
Question: Do you believe that the success of every Korean plant actually depends on unity and not on competition?
Answer: Competition will not hold on much longer, and people will get used to these burial services. Never mind, a person also gets used to dying.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/15/15

Fulfilling The Spiritual Plan

laitman_238_02Question: Why does king Sihon who symbolizes egoism declare war on Israel? Doesn’t he feel that he is going to die?
Answer: What else can he do? We know that when the egoistic desires are revealed in us they clash and fight within us and we cannot do anything about it.
The ego leads us: it leads part of us to death and part of us to victory. The plan of creation is fulfilled inside us, and the ego carries it out, operating and implementing it. It is processed by the ego.
It is just like when you see that Abraham has to kill Isaac. It is hard to understand that from a corporeal perspective, but in spirituality I have to kill that desire because that’s the way it has to be and there is nothing I can do about it. We perceive such actions as tragic in our world, while in the spiritual life everything is different because it is on a totally different level of decision making.
Here the plan embedded in you is fulfilled so there is no room for feelings. You witness this cosmic plot being acted out inside you.
Question: Does a person feel happy when he approaches spiritual death?
Answer: Yes, he is happy that he is part of the spiritual action that is fulfilled by him. You don’t think about what will happen to you the next moment. There is no such thing in the spiritual world, just as there is no feeling of death. There is only the feeling of fulfilling the plan, and that is the most sublime thing.
It is the joy of the idea, the joy of existing, the joy of the revelation of the upper force, the joy that there is nothing left of my egoistic self.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/1/15

How Does One Read Kabbalistic Texts?

laitman_216_01Question: How do texts like The Book of Zohar and Shamati work and influence me when I read them together with others, and how do they influence me if I read them alone? And which is preferable?
Answer: In both cases the Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light) is awakened; we must read them both alone and together, but it is more effective to read them together.
Question: Which particular prayers are worthwhile for me to read before going to sleep so that sleeping will open me spiritually?
Answer: Any part of an article by Baal HaSulam or Rabash that seems appropriate to you.

Corporeal And Spiritual Development

laitman_765_1Question: Is our corporeal development a result of our spiritual development?
Answer: No. Our corporeal development is meant to bring a person to a state in which he realizes that corporeality doesn’t bring him pleasure, truth, or the meaning of life. Corporeality shows a person that eventually he has to direct his energy in a totally different direction, toward attaining the internal meaning of nature and not its application to satisfy his body. Currently we are serving our body (as an animal) by creating the most comfortable situation for it at any given moment.
Question: I envy my friends who engage in volunteer work, for example, in helping people survive in the hot spots on the globe, or participating in helping survivors after earthquakes or floods. Can this kind of work give me a real meaning in life?
Answer: No, because you are saving bodies from death, and a person’s body is a beastly entity. Saving a soul is more meaningful because the soul is eternal and exists above time.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/25/15

Death Or Ascent?

Laitman_509The Torah, “Numbers,” 21:6: And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
On the one hand, a person who corrects himself when he discovers the egoism inside him is considered to be dead, but on the other hand, it is an ascent, a release from the ego.
The fact that the people died from the serpent’s venom, means they were released from egoism, and so they continued to advance. We should see that everything theTorah tells us about is one body (one desire), in one person and not in many different people, since it is about one ego that has to reach the level of resembling the Creator.
“Much people of Israel died” means that the egoism on the current spiritual level is gone. On the next level it will ascend once more and the same thing will repeat itself on a new level. In fact, there is no other way because the general system is round and totally closed.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/7/15

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Help For Finding Deficiencies In The White Light!

laitman_528_01Question: What does it mean not to be afraid to start each degree anew after all results from the previous work are erased?
Answer: Let’s assume that I am in a good state, meaning feeling the connection with the friends. This state is not necessarily pleasant to my ego, but by relating to the goal, I feel good; that is, I understand its importance and am aimed at the goal.
With this, I can go through difficult, unpleasant, confusing states, but the only criteria for evaluating all these states is the understanding of the necessity for attaining the level of Ubar (Embryo). And the same can be applied not only to the stage of the Ubar, but also to the subsequent higher degrees.
I am happy with my lot and progress. Where can I fall from this state if the importance of the goal and the importance of my degree are giving me inspiration? I am happy that I overcame this state, and with the help of the friends, the teacher, the study, the Creatorit becomes clearer to me that all these states are the components from which my spiritual vessel is assembled.
It is not important if these states are pleasant or not, the main thing is that I rise above them, hold them together, and understand that this is my world through which I must aspire to the good that does good and there is none else besides Him. No matter what is going on inside me—what seething volcano of desires, intentions, qualities quake in me—all this is rubbish, and I am above them and build a white picture above the black picture.
I can fall from it again to this world and suddenly lose all aspiration for spirituality and be satisfied with corporeal comfort. I can fall to this state if I have not looked for deficiencies in advance. And then I fall to the degree of this world; I live in this world like a regular man, and even come to study, but this is simply a routine that will continue until I am tired of it.
If I don’t want such a descent, then I need to look for deficiencies while still in the higher state, in the “white light.” And this is possible only if I have prepared a strong connection with the friends that will add clarifications. How could I reach perfection by myself at this point? I justified the Creator and my state, so now where will I find deficiencies? Only the group can awaken them in me. When I am connected with them through mutual guarantee, then I am impressed by their importance of the goal. The importance of the goal that I receive from them is greater than mine. And I must tie myself to it.
After I have tied myself to the importance of the goal, I discover that I have no need for such importance. I have no aspiration or attraction. I don’t burst to feel it, and therefore, I am aware of my lack of desire. I begin to search where to get such a need from. There isn’t anywhere, because I am already fulfilled. As if I had eaten until there is no room for more in some cheap restaurant, and when I came home I found that my wife had prepared my favorite meal, and I say I couldn’t resist and had eaten on the way home. Now I suffer from heartburn, don’t feel good, and even feel nauseous; I can’t eat anything more. This means that I don’t feel the lack; where can I get it?
We are exactly in this state. After we have fulfilled ourselves and completed our degree only from the outside are we able to receive an additional desire. If I sit with friends and have a small drink, the appetite will awake in me. We must do such simple tricks in order to receive new deficiencies from the environment. If I don’t have an environment, I will fulfill myself and that’s it.
Without the support of friends, I am sentenced to fall to the degree of this world, to the state of “beast,” and to live in it. With this, due to the fact that I still go to the lessons and participate in some activities, I gradually receive from others their desires, exit from the routine of the study, and rise to the new degree. But this will take a very long time.
Therefore, after attaining some degree, one needs to immediately check if you are in the correct connection with the environment. Now I am giving you valuable practical advice that will cost a lot of blood for a person who wants to build this system, the method. If you see that you have received a new desire and again you caught fire, then it means that your connection with the friends worked, that there is guarantee between you. If there is no guarantee, you will fall to the level of beastly existence and live such a life.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson, The Book of Zohar, 2/16/14

“More” ‑ No Longer Works

laitman_273_01Opinion (Daily Reckoning, Bill Bonner): “The San Francisco Federal Reserve bank came out with a gloomy forecast last month. Its analysts said that stocks were likely to earn paltry returns over the next 10 years. The reason cited was simple enough; stockholders don’t live forever.
“‘Demography is destiny,’ said Auguste Comte. ‘It works the other way around too,’ he might have added. If they thought they were going to live longer, America’s most ubiquitous age cohort — the baby boomers — might continue to buy stocks. Instead, the cold hand of the grave is on their shoulders and on the whole economy. The boomers are retiring at the rate of 10,000 per day over the next 18 years. They will sell stocks to finance their remaining years.
“Old people have always been a drag on an economy. Migrating tribes left them behind. Eskimos put them out on the ice. Old people generally bowed to their fate with good grace. In times of famine, for example, they stopped eating so the young might live.
“Mortality has doomed the stock market, says the S.F. Fed. P/E ratios will likely be cut in half. Investors are unlikely to see their stocks return to 2010 levels, says the report, until 2027. And this assumes that US companies will continue to grow profits as they did since 1954. Not very likely. Because democracy, energy, and financial quackery are destiny too. Jointly and severally, they are responsible for the biggest financial debacle in history. …
“But what would you expect? Everything droops. For the last 3 or 4 centuries the winning formula for developed economies and their governments has been simple: More energy. More output. More people. More credit. More promises. This formula has been so effective for so long people began to think it was destiny itself. It’s not. Instead, it is slave to destiny not its master.
“By 2007, the slave was put in his place. The business cycle turned sour. Native populations in Europe and Japan are falling. Energy use per person in the developed world has leveled off. Private sector credit is shrinking. So is real private sector output.
“The feds responded to this challenge as they had to every post-WWII slowdown. They added more — more money, more credit. The government itself spent more money and used more energy. But the economy did not react in the old manner.
“An obvious reason: people are no longer as young and sans-soucis as they used to be. A young man’s eye may be drawn to fast German cars or slick Italian suits. But an old man can barely see at all. The baby boomers no longer roll their joints; they rub them. And they are no longer the source of an economic boom; now, they are the proximate cause of the bust.
“But there’s more to this new Grey Age than demography. People too are subject to the law of declining marginal utility. They wear out. But so do even the most enduring and impressive economic trends. There were only 450 million people on the planet in 1500. It took 99,000 years to reach that level. Then, over the next 5 centuries — the population soared 10 times. Today, it is hard to find a parking place in any major city. How was such a big jump in population possible? Destiny was demography. With ready, cheap energy at hand, man could grow more food. And then he could ship it all around the world. And he could put his talents to work making more and better machines…which would vastly increase his output and his standard of living. …
“Yes, there is plenty of energy around. But it is net output that you get from energy that counts, not the raw output. If a gallon of gasoline costs $5…it must produce more than $5 in additional output or the economy gets poorer. As the price rises fewer and fewer new energy apps pay off.
“Likewise, credit is subject to the law of declining marginal utility too. In 1950, an additional dollar of credit added about 70 cents to GDP. By 2007, the US economy was adding more than $5 of debt to produce a single new dollar’s worth of GDP. Now, the feds’ new credit inputs produce negative real returns.
“The jig is up. More no longer works. …”
My Comment: So, we have to acknowledge the law of Kabbalah—humanity evolves within its egoism, which has ripened, and now has over-ripened and requires replacement. This is the natural way of the development of humanity, “the path of suffering” as it is called in the wisdom of Kabbalah.
But there is also another way, informed managed development, “the path of Torah—Light,” when, developing under the influence of the Upper Light, we change in the right direction more rapidly than nature compels us. And so ahead of the force of nature that compels us to evolve, we feel we are constantly on the rise, developing painlessly, quickly, seeing the future.

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Murderer Is The Man Of The Year

Laitman_632_4Comment: In the December issue of Time magazine, their “Person of the Year” was announced. This year Chancellor Angela Merkel won the title. Runner up was awarded to the leader of the terrorist organization ISIS Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
Answer: The “Person of the Year” is chosen according to his influence on the world, according to how many speak about him, and not according to the quality of his policies, if they are useful or good or not, rather it is how much he advertises himself. While Angela Merkel is a soft and gentle woman, Bagdadi is a man who is ready to slaughter everyone, so should he be the “Person of the Year.” It is typical in our world that such characters are accepted as heroes. I would even say epochal.
The idea is that he should be in first place. Who is setting the world revolution, driving it? It is him. Who is Angela Merkel in comparison to him? He has founded a very strong worldwide nation. If this goes even further, and we ignore the wisdom of Kabbalah, that tells us the way the world must reach its completion of correction, he will build a worldwide caliphate. On the background of modern democracy, which is to say chaos, anarchy, and all the rest, he is perceived as prominent, clear, and predictable. If we take the model of Time it appears that he is the man around whom the entire world has turned this year.
Comment: You said that the main thing is not to let him set up a state.
Answer: Yes, but he has already set it up and that is the problem. So it is not necessary to fight somewhere, but there, where he is building this nation, cut them out at the root, so that a totally clear place will be left. It is possible to do this through very large common efforts. And meanwhile the world is playing with democracy, each one involved only with gathering his political capital at the expense of others. They constantly gather for G20 or G8 forums, while he alone goes out and appears against them saying, “I will slaughter all of you.” And they cannot decide on anything.
Very serious forces of connection and unity are required here. There is no second Al-Baghdadi who would unite them all and say: “to hell with your democracy; death is approaching you in the form of Baghdadi and his associates; you must stand against them seriously. They are already found with you in your home. What can you do? What is left for you? You need to annihilate them, if this is still possible at all. Through your policies and all kinds of calculations you are trying to undermine each other, and that is how you are making it possible for the enemy to plant a stake in your territory, and today it has already become very difficult to overcome this.”
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/11/15

Good Deeds And Spiritual Development

laitman_629_3Question: You once said on one of your programs, that even through helping an old lady to cross the street, a person develops spiritual Kelim (vessels) within himself.
That is, are you saying good deeds have a positive impact on the entire existence of a person (including all his incarnations), and the person receives mercy from the Creator?
Answer: Absolutely! Even though there won’t be any revelation of the Creator by this, it will bring the person to a group, which creates the conditions for disclosure.

Answers To Your Questions, Part 119

laitman_565_02Question: How must one relate internally to other people’s suffering?
Answer: With balance, as with everything.
Question: If an event happens in my life that makes me very happy and I want to thank the Creator, how should I behave in such a case? Can there be thanks to the Creator that is not egoistic?
Answer: You should always thank the Creator and for everything.
Question: Why don’t I feel that the group is correcting me? I was an egoist, and that is how I remain. Likewise, there is no feeling of unity, and I have not found any special happiness in a group. What should I do?
Answer: You must force yourself to yearn for the unity of the whole group until you feel an attitude toward them as toward your beloved children. In our world, only a state like this will create a spiritual field of revelation for you.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Main Mission Of Kabbalah

laitman_276_01Life according to Kabbalah is existence within the Light, in the property of bestowal. It is perceived as a sensation of boundless existence when you endlessly flow within this state and see it as eternal.
At the same time, the perception of corporeal reality, the sensation of time, space, and limitation disappear. You enter a different coordinate system. It has different limitations where you define yourself in relation to others.
We must get used to this, as it is a necessity for entry. Sometimes it takes a few years before a person begins to sense the upper world. However, our task is to come to the sensation of the upper reality before we physically part with this world. Generally speaking this is the main mission of Kabbalah.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/1/15

Ascent To The Spiritual Dimension

Laitman_712_03Egoistic death is to get rid of selfishness by himself, because only it is subject to death. All the rest cannot die! Therefore death in spirituality is nothing but awakening, illumination, and understanding.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, if a person carries out his mission and corrects himself, he blesses the Creator by reciting Kaddish – a prayer about the death of the body.
This prayer is very deep and emotional. It is not just the manifestation of feelings of gratitude to the Creator for what a person suffers in this life through the body. Indeed, precisely because of life in the body, a person attains the next level of his development, which instead of the current shell, he is reborn in another body, And he thanks the Creator for being able to come closer to Him, changing his corporeal shell.
Comment: It is interesting that the Romans took the dying emperor standing death, as if defying the gods.
Answer: The Romans had no deep ethical concepts. But like the Greeks, they were very materialistic. The resistance of the Jews to the Romans and the Greeks defined the world of today.
The Romans conquered all of Europe and gave it its materialistic development, whereas the Greeks filled this development with their philosophy and scientific insight into the world. All of this happened so that the world would ultimately rise to the level of the Creator, above both materialism and the development of modern science.
So today we see that wealth and luxury are no longer at the heart of determining happiness. And philosophy is already becoming history, philosophers and philosophy have disappeared. This means we are approaching a new stage, elevation into the spiritual dimension.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/1/15

What Determines Our Life Span?

laitman_571_02Question: What determines the life expectancy of different people? After all, both wonderful people and vile killers die young. Could it be that, from the point of view of the maturation of the soul in this current life, the first souls already have ascended higher, while the latter are hopeless, so they are taken away in order to be reborn?
Answer: All of this relates to reincarnations. No calculations are made here regarding the bodies. You can be a good or evil person, but in egoistic terms, it does not matter.
The calculation focuses only on the general system in order to bring it optimally to complete correction. Therefore, it is only about the fulfillment of a person’s soul. The body is given to a person so that by his free will he will place himself in the general soul in connection with others in total love and bestowal.
If he can do that, he finds his soul. Then the calculation is according to his state at any given moment.
If he cannot do it, he is given a certain amount of time to be incorporated willingly into the general society and perhaps even into the spiritual world. If he doesn’t use this opportunity, it is taken away from him, and he moves on to the next life. The same spiritual gene will be dressed in another body with new data in a new environment, and he will still be given an opportunity to fulfill his mission.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/1/15

Spiritual Development In Our Relationships

laitman_766_1Question: You once said that if a man and a woman are mutually connected, it is a powerful means to reveal the Creator, and a person who has this field of work is very lucky and doesn’t need much time to fulfill it, but actually only a few minutes a day.
But what exactly should you do during this time? What is the best way to study the wisdom of Kabbalah with one’s spouse?
Answer: It doesn’t really matter. What’s important is the effort a couple makes to feel as one spiritual whole in the face of various interferences that come along all of the time above which they must reach an upper agreement for the sake of their spiritual advancement.
Question: How should a person behave correctly and harmoniously from a spiritual perspective in situations of conflict with loved ones? On the one hand, the egoconstantly finds different tricks to make people break up, and it is scary to realize how helpless we are. On the other hand, I truly cherish and value my relationships.
Answer: Try to understand that all of the connections between us go through the Creator. This will fine tune your perspective in all your relationships.

Go Find Out

Laitman_115Question: Did your teacher Rabash tell you about the meaning of life right away when you came to him?
Answer: I wish he had explained it to me that way… When I first came to my teacher I asked him after two or three lessons whether I was in the right place in order to attain the meaning of life. I had searched in many places before that and so I wanted to know whether I should spend my whole life studying with him.
His answer was very simple: “Go find out. I am not keeping you and not driving you away, but you should know that you have to check and find out that you are really in the right place.”
He did not try to convince me that I was in the right place to fill my body and soul since I wouldn’t have believed him anyway. This is the reason he said: “Go find out!”
This is what made me understand that I really was in the right place, where I was not being deceived and I was actually being taught the method of attaining spirituality. Later on I discovered it myself and could check whether it was indeed so or not. This is the wisdom of Kabbalah, it gives you tools but all the rest is up to you.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/25/15

What Does The Soul Remember?

laitman_934Question: Why doesn’t the soul remember the experience of previous lives?
Answer: Because it has nothing to do with physical life. The soul is what we invest in others, when we are found with them and feel our eternal state through them, still in this world, in this life, in this body.
The structure of the soul is composed of ten Sefirot. We must know how to assemble and give life to this system so that all parts of the soul will complement each other mutually. For example, if ten people gather together and want to create mutual relationships like these, they can dissolve into each other, and each one of them can go out of himself and not remain a little egoist.
When I go out of myself into my nine friends and each one of them does this too, a network of connections is organized between us and we begin to feel that we are within it.This is the feeling of crossing the Machsom (barrier). Within me I am an egoist, but when I am included within them, I am an altruist, and then the common desire and intention that we create between us is called the soul.
The network of our mutual relationships with the characteristic of bestowal is called the “Kli of the soul,” and the particular form of the upper Light that is revealed within it is called the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/1/15

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