Thursday, June 23, 2016

When Science Has No Answers The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Does!

Int the News ( “Why is there something rather than nothing?
“Our appearance in this universe is too strange an event that words cannot express. The vanity of our daily lives makes us take our existence for granted. But whenever we try to deny it and think deeply about what is happening, the question arises: why the universe is all there is and why does it have and is subject to such accurate laws? Why does anything exist? …As for philosophers, they came to this anthropic principle that our particular universe manifests itself in such a way because of our presence in it as observers.”
Answer: The reason for everything that exists is thought; it is primary and gives rise to matter, the desire to fill itself. It gives the desire, matter, its attributes and consequently matter, the desire yearns to resemble the thought, its Creator.
Question: Is our reality real? How do we know that what we see around us is real and not a big illusion that was created by some invisible force? Could it be that we are the product of an intentional simulation, that our civilization is an illusion and that we are not who we believe we are? What should we consider real?
Answer: Everything is manifested in our sensations, in us, and there is no way we can discover what is beyond us. Kabbalah develops within a person the ability to feel what is external to him by faith above reason and thus enables us to answer all these questions.
Question: Do we have freewill? Are our actions managed or do we make our own decisions of our own freewill? Neuroscience shows that the brain makes a decision before we understand it. Quantum mechanics indicates that we exist in a universe of probabilities and any form of determinism is basically impossible.
Answer: There is freedom of will to explore the intended path of development and to advance along this path either by force or consciously. (See the article “The Freedom” by Baal HaSulam).
Question: Does God exist? We cannot know whether God exists or not. We don’t know about the inner workings of the universe in order to make grandiose claims about the nature of reality and about the fact that there is an upper force behind the scenes.
Answer: We have to reveal the Creator. This is the only way to solve this issue! The method for the revelation of the Creator is called the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Question: Is there life after death? We cannot ask the dead, so we can only guess. Materialists assume that there is no life after death, but it seems impossible to prove this scientifically.
Answer: Our biological life is born, lives, and dies. The eternal element is the desire, which when connected to the biological body has to undergo different phases and grow. The desire grows by drawing the force that created it, the Creator. We were given life in order to reveal the upper state, in order to attain the Creator’s level in this life.
Question: Can we perceive anything objectively? We can observe the environment only through the filter of our senses, thoughts, and minds. Everything that we feel has gone through a multi-layer filter of physiological and cognitive processes. Our world view is subjective. The only way to check this is by somehow seeing the world through another person’s consciousness. We can observe the universe only through our mind and interpret it only subjectively.
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah develops senses in us that are external to our body, through which we discover the true reality, the upper world and the reason for it, the Creator. Our efforts in uniting the group spur and summon the correcting Light, the Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif), and it develops a sense of perception in a person that is external to his egoistic subjective filter. This is called the revelation of the Creator and of the upper world to a person.

How Can We Cope With Fear?

Laitman_510_01Question: What is fear and how can we cope with it?
Answer: Fear is an unfulfilled desire on a certain level that gives a person the feeling of a lack of filling.
Fear can be dulled by medications, drugs, alcohol, and so forth, but for Kabbalists, the feeling of fear is encouraged and supported because it enables a person to work on the fear in order to rise above it.
After all, everything we undergo is according to the Creator’s guidance, which means that I must feel and experience this feeling, but I need not remain in it. One moment is enough. I must work that way in order to eradicate all of the negative feelings that I have by turning them into positive ones, but I cannot ignore them!
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/13/16

Why Do Jews Live Well?

laitman_559Question: Why do the Jews live well?
Answer: It is because they use the Jewish property they were given to unite, they use for their commercial interests, in order to make money, in order to stand out in different ways, and to manage better in this world.
This will not lead to any positive outcomes in the end. We can see what is left of theJews in Europe when the terrible Holocaust came.
Question: Anne Frank said that a Christian is personally responsible for everything he does, while all of the Jews are responsible for what one Jew does. Why is there such injustice?
Answer: Because the Jews are one unique nation that is capable of mutual guarantee, and no one can escape it. The Jewish nation was created in order to be as one man in one heart. This is the reason that every person among the nations of the world is judged individually, while the Jews are judged collectively.
From the Webinar 5/8/16

What Will Save The European Union From Breaking Up?

Question: Recent polls show that more and more citizens of the European Union want to leave it. In England today, they account for 50% of the population, and in France and Sweden, 38%.
At the end of the month, a final poll will be conducted in England, and it is possible that the nation will leave the European Union.
Do you think it is a matter of time until, in one way or another, everything will break up?
Answer: I was sure of this from the start because instead of a union of hearts, a European market was created, not a union.
Question: So where is this going and what can be done?
Answer: Nothing except to leave quietly while this is still possible. I believe the EU leaders will not come to anything, but in the meantime, they haven’t heard us.
We, as Kabbalists, cannot come to them and convince them that we are right. They have another belief system and understanding, so they will not accept our approach.
Question: Is this liable to end in war?
Answer: The problem is that everything is unpredictable. I can predict the operation of systems that are in dynamic development, or the opposite, in anti-development. And there is not one or the other. Soon, another million refugees will arrive in Europe. All seething as in a cauldron, and it is unclear what will happen.
Question: Will the division of Europe happen specifically because of the refugees?
Answer: If there were no refugees, Europe would experience a much simpler breakup of the union. The nations of the EU would have found a common path.
Question: Could a leader appear who could unite Europe?
Answer: Do you mean a new Hitler? That is absolutely possible. Such a revolution could happen in France and Hungary, that is, nations that are particularly close to Nazism. And the rest of the nations would support it. Each one would have its own leader. But nothing can be predicted.
We are arriving at the next stage of the world. I do not predict, but only talk about the fact that we must very quickly and urgently bring the upper force of goodness and love. How this power will act in the world is not our concern. Our role is to bring Light to the nations of the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 6/2/16

New Life #582 – Becoming A Mom

New Life #582 – Becoming A Mom
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Where do the feelings a mother has for her baby stem from? Why is the whole family obliged to take care of the baby and what is the connection between motherly love and the idea of “love thy friend as thyself?”
The purpose of our evolution is that the desire to enjoy that was created would reach the level of love and bestowal. This means that we will transcend from the nature of self-love and hating others to the nature of “love thy friend as thyself.”
This may sound like a fantasy but it is the direction of evolution. Nature has implanted a love for her baby in a mother. It is a kind of correction, as one soul takes care of another. The perfect correction is to develop such love for strangers. Motherly love is an example for us.
In the past it was very easy for a woman to take care of her baby. She was in a supportive environment, whereas today there are different modern disturbances. The relatives should take an active part in caring for the baby. It is part of the correction of their soul. Nature is like a mother for us; it is a complex system that raises us and teaches us.
A tip for fathers: Do everything that your wife asks you to do with the baby. This is part of the correction of the soul.
From KabTV’s “New Life #582 – Becoming A Mom,” 3/31/14
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“If Trump Wins, I’ll Leave”

Laitman_419Comment: Donald Trump is leading in the race in the presidential election in America. This has led to close to 19% of Americans saying they will emigrate to Canada if Trump wins. In truth, even if Mrs. Clinton wins, 15% of Americans are getting ready to move to Canada. In light of what has been said, it seems that neither of the candidates inspires confidence among the citizens of that nation.
Answer: For the first time in history, the Americans don’t see hope for the future. They are not proud of their nation. They understand how untenable the presidential candidates for the presidency are. And in truth, what can they change?
Here we encounter the problem of the general system of government: the communist, dictatorial types, through every type of liberal government. All of them demonstrate their absolute inadequacy. For humanity no escape is left; what is there to choose?
No matter how we juggle, whatever way we replace presidents, all of them are puppets on strings who ultimately don’t decide anything.
Comment: Nevertheless, in America the “do it yourself” spirit dominates….
Response: That is long gone, at least since the middle of the last century is began to disappear. The American approach has exhausted itself because it was established on the basis of huge self-interest of an immense self-interest, a huge “cowboy” inspiration of the pioneers. But it is all gone!
So what is next? Salvation is very simple: take only the true Kabbalistic teachings What must be instilled is the study of the only correct method derived from the wisdom of Kabbalah. If all of us understand that there is no other way, then we will resurface, and if not, all of us will drown.
Comment: But there must be some desire to understand the wisdom of Kabbalah so that it does not remain just a slogan.
Response: No one can understand and comprehend anything! Only feeling at an impasse will give people a glimmer of hope that there really is a special method of study. Adam, the founder of humanity, discovered the wisdom and passed it on toAbraham. This is the method that is found among the Jews. The Jews must link everything together so that there will be a good and orderly method, and everyone will understand that the solution is concealed in it.
And we should care only about how to plant the seeds that will give them more glimpses of hope.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/16/16

New Anti-Semitism

Laitman_632_2Question: Following 2,000 years of anti-Semitism and persecution, have there been any qualitative changes due to the fact that the State of Israel was established?
Answer: Currently in most countries, anti-Semitism has become a clear direction. It has been adopted by the public at large and is breathing in the pages of the media. It is different.
In the past, anti-Semitism was narrow in its nature. If it thrived in one nation, in another nation, in opposition to it, Zionism was encouraged as it was in America and Russia 60-70 years ago. And now, all over the world there is an identical attitude regarding theJews.
I have been warning about this; you can pick up articles that I wrote two decades ago and make sure. But then, no one listened.
Comment: The latest studies show that for every Jew in the world there are 70 anti-Semites. It is assumed that the whole world will become anti-Semitic.
Answer: The whole world will become absolutely anti-Semitic. So we must implement our mission swiftly.
From the Webinar 5/8/16

Why Was Man Created Imperfect?

laitman_207Question: Why and most importantly for what purpose did the Creator create man imperfect?
Answer: The Creator did this so that man would attain perfection from his imperfection, and with this perfection he would become equivalent to the Creator. This state will be attained when man connects all the negative characteristics that the Creator created in him with all the positive characteristics that he has attained thanks to his work, but with the help of the Creator.
If the Creator had created him perfect, then he would not be Adam (Man), but would remain on the level of a “beast” unchanged. In Kabbalah, this level is called an angel, spiritually lifeless, i.e., without any freewill or independent existence.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/13/16

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Modern Slavery

laitman_600_02Question: It turns out that there is still slavery in the modern world. 45 million people around the world are abused as slaves. This number is equivalent to the population of Spain.
According to recent research, slavery is the exploitation of a person who cannot leave because of threats of violence, coercion, or deception. People can be enslaved because of a debt and so forth.
Answer: Before the destruction of the Second Temple the slaves among the nation of Israel had many privileges. The landlord was required to take care of his slave, and the slave was obliged to work for the landlord according to his powers and his abilities. At the same time, the relationship between them was normal and mutual, just as they are today between an employer and an employee. A slave did not want to leave his landlord because the latter provided everything he needed, as it is written, “… give your slave your pillow.”
As for other nations, they had a completely different attitude toward slaves. They beat them, humiliated them, killed them, and did not treat them as human beings, not even as domestic animals, which were looked after, cherished, and fed.
Question: What is slavery from a Kabbalistic perspective?
Answer: According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, slavery is total obedience to your landlord, “This is what the landlord wants, so this is how I move.” A slave constantly looks to the landlord and carries out his will, and at the same time, totally suppresses his own desire. His efforts, his opinion, his desires, and his thoughts all are aimed at the landlord’s desire so as to continue the latter’s desire. A slave has no desire of his own, but only the desire of the landlord.
Question: Can we say that, in this world, we all are slaves to our egoistic nature?
Answer: Of course! We also can say that we are the Creator’s slaves, but unconsciously! This is because the Creator is the only force of nature that manages us, but He wants us to be independent. This is our problem: to be independent of Him and even above Him!
It is written, “My sons have defeated Me,” which means becoming free of slavery, becoming totally independent, and taking the leadership of the entire world from the Creator’s hands. This is His real desire, His dream. And we, unfortunately, do not want to think about something higher, more sublime, and thus we remain slaves and live as animals.
Therefore the Creator pushes us through suffering so that we will perceive and understand our absolutely poor, paltry, miserable, and limited state, and will want to rise from it.
I hope that as the sufferings grow, people will begin to perceive and understand that. There is no other way to influence people. Then, people will use what the Creator offers them: His knowledge, His method, His wisdom, the wisdom of Kabbalah.
If we begin to implement it, we will see how much we gain from becoming the masters and ceasing to be slaves. This is how we enter a completely different level of existence, a world of eternity, infinity, and perfection, a totally different entity, a different dimension. But this is for free people.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/6/16

New Life #581 – Eternal Beauty

New Life #581 – Eternal Beauty
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Our desire for immortality is natural; the aspiration for beauty, power, and appreciation motivates us in life because we are social creatures. The ego constantly develops. Today, it assures us of happiness through the prevention of aging and beauty care. But the investment in anti-aging will not bring us to eternal and complete satisfaction, to which we really aspire.
Ultimately, we realize that to remain young forever it we need to develop the soul. It is very important to be concerned about the health of the body, but interest in beauty is something else. There is internal beauty and external beauty.
The spiritual source for the feminine concern about beauty and facial appearance is the radiation of Light, a good attitude toward others. Instead of running for operations, it is worthwhile to invest in an “internal operation,” upgrading your attitude toward others for the better.
When an internal attitude of warmth and love is radiated from you toward others, your outer expression will also improve. In principle, a person is supposed to look as nature created him. The appearance reflects his internal forces. As much as a person relates well with others, they will accept him nicely, as in the relationship of children to their mother. A person who corrects his internal attitude toward others to love will also feel younger.
Try to relate to others as if you were their mother, radiating love and trust. They will feel that you are more beautiful.
From KabTV’s “New Life #581 – Eternal Beauty,” 6/2/15
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Becoming The Master Of Your Destiny

laitman_436Question: Should a person be aware of the influence of the upper force?
Answer: A person may or may not know. He has to attain his fateand become the master of his destiny; he has to ascend above matter, above our world, and exist on the level of decision making.
In our world everything is predetermined: the forces that manage it descend from Above and a person is helpless in the face of these forces.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/20/16

Dislosing The Creator

Question: You said that, in order to read in the sources, the Ohr Yashar (Direct Light) will help us. Is there a way to feel this, or will everything happen suddenly?
Answer: As a general rule, it happens suddenly. There a process of zooming in and out from the Creator, but when His revelation happens to a person is unknown in the previous second.
Question: What does the person feel when this happens?
Answer: He feels a flood of Light in his mind and feelings, in his characteristics and understanding. The Creator is not a concept with some kind of pleasant feeling; rather, you begin to see the depth of His natural system and how it is moving.
The Creator is a system. So, it is possible to attain Him only through its operation on us, through our integration within this system.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/13/16

How Can You Foresee The Future?

laitman_277Question: In the Torah, many times the future was foreseen: the prophetic dreams of prophets are mentioned and there were people who interpreted them. How does the wisdom of Kabbalah relate to palmistry and seeing the future in dreams?
Answer: The Kabbalists can truly foresee the future, not in a dream but in a state of absolute wakefulness, by way of a special ascent to the next level. This is thanks to acquiring the characteristic of bestowal instead of the characteristic of reception, an altruistic characteristic instead of an egoistic characteristic. By being released from the material somewhat, they begin to feel a higher level, a level of the forces that manage matter. By entering into the field of these forces, a person begins to see the past, present, and future, beyond time.
So for a Kabbalist, prediction of the future is generally not a prediction; rather, it is the present situation, just like all the rest of time. I offer this to everyone, but first they must rise to a level called “prophetic.” To do this, no special skills are needed but desire. All the rest of the prophecies, including palmistry are basically “slight of hand.”
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/20/16

As The Jews Doom Themselves To Death

Question: Why didn’t the Jews leave Europe before the Holocaust?
Answer: First, the Jews didn’t believe that the attitude toward them could become so negative, and that is what they believe even today when they are on the threshold of another Holocaust.
Second, the spiritual leaders convinced them that everything would be okay, that it was up to them to wait for the Messiah where they were. So, three million faithful Orthodox Jews, Poles who heard the voice of their leaders, met their death in the gas chambers.
It must be pointed out that the Kabbalists warned them before the Holocaust and tried to convince them to leave Europe, but in response they received only curses. The Kabbalists managed to escape in time.
From the Webinar 5/8/16

New Life#580 – Remaining Young Forever

New Life#580 – Remaining Young Forever
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Why does a person want to remain young forever, how is it possible to attain immortality, and why is the matter contingent on the correction of the basic characteristics we were born with?
There is a hidden power in the world, the power of love and bestowal, the power of life. This power radiates goodness and love to everyone, like the sun. And we, the human masters of nature, are its opposite. We absorb and receive the power of life from it, but ultimately the power of life weakens and we grow old and die.
To reach a state of eternal life, it is up to us to be like that life force, to be love and bestowal.
This life force is called Light. It is found everywhere. We are capable of absorbing only a small spark of it. The secret of life is that a person must correct his nature from reception to bestowal, resembling this eternal Light. A person who corrects his nature from reception for himself to bestowal of goodness to others, merges with eternity.
Our physiological body is condemned to die. We have the ability to develop a spiritual body, a “soul,” and live in it forever.
Every person naturally strives to escape death, and for women there is a natural inclination to strive for beauty.
Spiritual beauty is beauty that radiates from you as love for others. If we cultivate inner beauty, a relationship of love for others, this will radiate outward and people will love us.
From KabTV’s “New Life#580 – Remaining Young Forever,” 6/2/15
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Two Reasons For The Scattering Of The Jews Throughout The World

laitman_747_01Question: Why were the Jews scattered all over the world?
Answer: This happened for two reasons. First, as egoists who brought the people to destruction at the time of the first Beit HaMikdash (Temple) and then at the time of the second Beit HaMikdash, they couldn’t get along and live with each other so naturally they became distant from each other and were scattered throughout the world.
Second, as it is said in the Torah, i.e., in the wisdom of Kabbalah, they were scattered throughout the world to transmit “sparks” of attraction toward a higher state to all the peoples of the world.
From the Webinar 5/8/16

The Problem Of The Growing World Population

Question: Great demographic changes are expected in the near future. Life expectancy is rising and the number of elderly people is growing, while the number of young people is declining.
For 51 years, from 1960 to 2011, the world population grew from three billion people to seven billion. The European population is expected to decrease by 10%, while the population in Africa and Asia is expected to grow by 30%. From 2010 until 2030, there will be a demand for 734 million new jobs and society’s greatest enemy will be aging.
The fact that people today can live to the age of 85 to 90 is a big problem for all of humanity.
Answer: Of course, and why do we need to live for so many years?
Question: A person has a desire to live.
Answer: Suppose we could add some magic potion to our drinking water and prolong people’s life by 50 years. What then?
I believe that a person was not born to work and produce more, sell more, buy more, pollute the earth more, and so on.
A person must dedicate his life to studying and exploring the structure of humanity and to correcting the connection between people since through that he attains an upper energy, the upper goal.
If a person comes to this state, through correcting himself and the world, he saturates the world with goodness, with the upper energy, and then life is worth living.
Therefore, all of the billions of people who come along and the billions who will live 50 years longer must become part of a new integral education system so that they will be taught to be human beings who will bring affluence, freedom, and “oxygen” into our society.
Thus, the problem of unemployment will be solved, the problem of “extra mouths to feed” and all of our problems will be solved without exception.
Everything depends only on the degree to which we are harmonious with nature, a harmony that can exist only when we ascend above our ego. If we do that, everyone will feel good, and if we don’t, then no matter how many people there are, things  will only get worse.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/29/16

About Desires And Aspirations

laitman_610_2Question: Why do we also yearn for something better?
Answer: If there is no desire, there is no yearning.
Question: Can we ask for a deficiency?
Answer: If there is a deficiency, the deficiency itself asks.
Question: What should a person do with a desire that cannot be filled? If all the thoughts and actions are managed and controlled by this desire and a person has no need for the Upper Light, what is important for him is only to fill his desire, what can he do?
Answer: You can overcome this desire by a greater desire, which you can receive from other people by envying them.

Monday, June 20, 2016

What Is Eternal?

Question: Why should we yearn for the goal of creation? Maybe it is better to live and think that we have achieved something in life.
Answer: That is self-deception! We cannot ignore the fact that we were given a desire to understand the management of the world, its structure, our fate, the meaning of life, and the goal of creation.
These questions belong to the human level in us, and we cannot underestimate them since otherwise we become depressed like most people in the world. Although this depression has not brought them to the revelation of the wisdom of Kabbalah, it already has brought us. Therefore, we must help them overcome depression and drug abuse.
Question: During the last moments of their lives people usually think, “I have done something in this life! I have left something behind!”
Answer: And I say differently: this world and our minor, meaningless civilization is finite. No matter what you do in this world, everything disappears and nothing remains. The only thing that is recorded is what you did to bring people together into one unique system in which the Creator eventually will be revealed.
Only the attributes and the actions remain. They are kept in the system and are therefore eternal. What is more, they are recorded on your account. Nothing else remains or continues in the future.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/13/16

Crisis In Ancient Babylon And Today

Laitman_115_06Question: What is the difference between the crisis of humanity in the time of Abraham and the crisis today? Why didn’t they use his method of unity, but instead religions appeared? Why only now humanity needs it again? Or is it just because of the differences in the development of egoistic desire?
Answer: In the time of Abraham, the crisis happened only in order to distinguish the group of Kabbalists, its construction, its breakdown, and its scattering among all of the peoples of the world.
Today the crisis has led humanity to the group of Abraham in order to use his method that is already written, organized, arranged, and ready for use by everyone on all levels from the most passive to the most active.

The Divine Power Will Unite The World

In the News (Jewish World): “It has been 115 years since the death of one of the brightest and multifaceted (Solovyov was not only a philosopher but also a poet, literary critic, publicist, public figure) individuals of the nineteenth century, but some of his thoughts and philosophies are relevant and, at times today, seem to me, a message from the future.In the notes I want to talk briefly about the three postulates of Vladimir Sergeyevich,…
The goal of the Creator is a universal union of mankind,
The world develops according to laws of goodness, mercy, and justice.
Earthlings expect a future without anti-Semitism, which is one of the worst and most vile diseases of mankind …
“…universal association will be realized through the world soul…This soul is in every human being and it is the link, both between nations and religions, as well as between individuals. It is the world-soul, its volitional impulse, its divine power, that will ultimately unite the world. …
The Jews, according to Solovyov, God’s chosen people. .. Solovyov’s third important postulate follows from the previous one: if the good will conquer evil, in the future there is no place for hatred between nations, and therefore, for anti-Semitism.
My Comment: The laws that were set down at the foundation of the world are sometimes revealed to people through a “sensitive soul” even without preliminary study of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

New Life #579 – Admiration And Worship

New Life #579 – Admiration And Worship
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
We feel something around us only to the extent that it is important for us. Our egoism has grown as we developed, but it lacks education. We have become more primitive than our forefathers.
If someone in class or at school is admired, your children will admire him or her too. The public can be manipulated by the media in any direction one wants. We are social creatures and so the environment can greatly affect who we admire even to the extent of worship. When people admire a football team, for example, they must hate its rival team.
To see the effect of the environment: stand in a rock concert among thousands of people and see how it affects you. Why is a person willing to do things that may seem irrational when he worships someone? There are, for example, people who commit suicide when someone they admire dies because they feel that they are eternally connected to him. In fact, we all yearn to connect to something big, whole, and eternal. We simply need to learn what it is.
From KabTV’s “New Life #579 – Admiration And Worship,” 5/31/15
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The Middle Class Is Rapidly Becoming More And More Right-Wing

Question: All over the world, the middle class is rapidly and powerfully becoming more and more right-wing. The values of the middle class are the values of the good old days, which have long passed. They are not cosmopolitan, not open to the rest of the world, and their anger rapidly is moving toward hatred.
They see how billions of insufficiently budgeted funds are wasted in solving everyday problems, and how the unemployed are forced to “sit on the neck” of the nation. This is a trend that will not end well.
Answer: It will not end well; it means that it will end in fascism.
Fascism is control by the highest egoism, where only what is important is us as a nation in which everyone is united and equal from the highest to the lowest, even though, as a general rule, the highest is a dictator or his party. In this situation, the will of the people seemingly is carried out and becomes the motivating force.
Generally, this structure attracts people because it has no bureaucracy. There is no army of functionaries who “sit on the neck” of the people. There is no religion since fascism itself becomes a religion. It is a closed society within itself that works for its own sake. This is what everyone wants.
As a general rule, societies like these flare up egoistically, wanting to swallow everyone else.
They end badly because their structure is absolutely contrary to the goal of creation: to come to overall unity.
Question: What is impeding humanity from advancing directly toward the goal of creation?
Answer: It depends on the awareness of the people. Egoistic development only leads to fascism and national socialism, and consequently to the next world war.
The Kabbalists wrote about two options for the continued development of humanity: either an external war or an internal war within man and society where we are reborn internally under the influence of external forces.
No one can predict in advance how this will go.
Most importantly is that people who are involved with the correction of egoism draw what is called Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light) into our world. This is a force that opens humanity positively. So, if we can insert a sufficient amount of the influence of the Light into the world, the world will avoid war and will continue on in a good direction.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/29/16

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