The blog is available on its original address.
When human beings discover the true essence of Creator and behaves according to the nature of the grantor or giver, that approach is so intense that he realizes that does not need the religion, it remains only as part of their cultural and social environment in this world.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
The blog is available on its original address.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Can We Offer The Wisdom Of Kabbalah To Everyone?
Answer: I act according to what was dictated to me by my teachers. I am a student of Rabash. Rav Baruch Ashlag was my teacher. I studied with him for 12 years and served as his personal assistant, his secretary. I must disseminate all of the knowledge that I acquired from him, and particularly from his father Baal HaSulam throughout the world without restriction to absolutely everyone! That is what is written in their sources and I am trying to do this to the best of my ability.
Without this dissemination, they write, the world will reach a very bad state. Therefore, we must reveal this wisdom at any cost. It is imperative for the world today because otherwise the world will go completely out of control.
Although the world sailed in an egoistic current for thousands of years, without the addition of a second, altruistic force, it can no longer be managed today because the world is becoming integral and closed and the two forces, positive and negative, are needed in a closed, integral system.
So, the wisdom of Kabbalah has become as relevant as all other knowledge.
Baal HaSulam writes in the “Preface to the book Panim Meirot uMasbirot: “…only through the expansion of the wisdom of Kabbalah in the masses will we obtain complete redemption…. Both the individual and the nation will not complete the aim for which they were created, except by attaining the internality of the Torah and its secrets…. Therefore, we must establish seminaries and compose books to hasten the distribution of the wisdom throughout the nation.”
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/2/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 10/2/16
Religions Do Not Interfere With Unity
Religion and the wisdom of Kabbalah have their vectors aimed in different directions. Kabbalah always moves forward, religion always returns to the past. There is no common ground between them. How is it possible to find a point of contact?
Answer: It is not necessary to search for one. People will remain in their religions! We don’t bother them about that. Some pray toward the east, others toward the west; this one bows to a stone, that one to a cross, it does not matter. There are close to 2,800 different faiths in the world; it makes no difference.
Kabbalah calls upon people to rise above all religions and cultures to create a single united human society.
Question: From a practical point of view, doesn’t it seem that people who believe are in a state of complete absence of freewill and that every religion divides into “us” and “them.”
Answer: Religion is just like in a family, every culture, and every profession. Anything can separate people.
But it is possible to successfully transcend religious differences. They don’t need to separate us. The time of religious wars has passed. It is not a problem if I believe in one thing and you believe in something else.
Everyone understands that for the world not to explode, we must establish the right mutual connections between us. What relevance is there between this and religion? You live here, I live here, we must reach an agreement like neighbors. If we are hostile toward each other, what is the benefit?
From the Webinar “The Year in Review” 12/26/16
From the Webinar “The Year in Review” 12/26/16
What Remains After A Person Dies?
Answer: To the degree that a person has not attained the next world during his life in this world, nothing remains after his death except a spiritual seed, recorded information called a Reshimo (remembrance).
The body dies and nothing remains of the person at all. He lived like any animal lives and that is all. In this sense, a person has no superiority over animals. There is no significance to who he was and what he represents.
If a person works on himself internally throughout his life and develops the positive force within him, this force does remain with him.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/3/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/3/16
New Life #321 – Humility And Pride
New Life #321 – HumilityAnd Pride
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
What power is there in the attribute of humility, how do humility and pride affect all aspects of life, and how does one properly use these attributes to benefit the society?
There are several degrees of humility. At the simplest level, we speak about a modest life without being proud and patronizing. A higher level is to face life humbly and understand that I am not an all-powerful hero who controls everything.
In the past there were great rulers like Napoleon and Alexander the Great. Today a ruler could find himself in jail. There is no respect today, not for scientists or artists, really not for anyone. There is nothing left for man to be proud of.
Imagine that the still, vegetative, animal, and man were sitting together talking. The still would say, “I am the basis of the whole world. There would be nothing without me.” The vegetation would say, “I give life to all, all the oxygen comes from me, without me there would only be lifeless stones.” The animal would say, “I fill all of nature, ranging from microbes to huge elephants, with life.
And what about man? The other creatures in nature are connected to nature and fulfill their orders with humility. And man as if wants to control everything, to change everything in his favor, not to be dependent on nature. This is pride.
Man is missing humility. If we would bend a little to nature, we would find its inner strength. If we had humility, we would be able to arrange all of our lives to be much more comfortable.
Today, people work very long hours, barely see their families, working just to attain all kinds of false goals. Think about it, how are we happier than the previous generation? Our pride is bringing us to total destruction.
Humility is to learn the laws of nature and to try to fulfill them. Animals don’t exaggerate at all.
Once we descend from the artificial level of pride toward humility, we will discover why nature awakens pride in us.
The Sages said that humility is the most important measure because it enables a deep penetration into nature. The reversal of great pride to humility builds the perfect life for man and enables him to touch eternity.
From KabTV’s “New Life #321 – Humility and Pride ,” 3/18/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #321 – Humility and Pride ,” 3/18/14
The End Of The Age Of The Ego
“The first event – the death of Fidel Castro, who personified a whole era. …
“The second event—a statement by the President of Germany Joachim Gauck that Germany needs to suspend the further integration of the EU. The fact is the idea of European integration, which in the 1980-90s was perceived as the capitalist idea equivalent of revolution, has gradually arrived at collapse. At first, she had promised everyone happiness and prosperity, which was spread all over the world, and by 2010 had reached its peak. Today it is not even a question of whether the EU would be expanded, but whether it will be able to continue as a single structure.
“And the other is the end of an era. The death of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez earlier symbolizes the exhausted potential of Latin American revolutionaries. The idea of liberal expansion is over. Practically, this means that the world will still be built on the confrontation of ideas—but it will have other ideas. And now it is important to understand what these ideas will be and how they will interact.”
My Comment: I don’t think that the world will be built on opposition as we are nearing a point in which the developing force that motivates us, egoism, has exhausted itself.
It is like when the fuel in a nuclear power plant burns up, the plant ceases to operate, and the fuel must be refilled, and so must we. This went of for thousands of years. But as of today, the whole ego has been burnt out and our nuclear power plant is gradually shutting down, quieting down: one block, then another block, and then a third block. One step at a time, glissando, the whole world is going to sleep, a standstill.
Question: What does the future hold for us?
Answer: In the future humanity will gradually grow sober and begin to ask: “What are we living for?” After all, a person has to be filled with the meaning of life! He shouldn’t just study history, geography, and literature, watch movies, etc.; he should find out why he is living.
This is a frightening question, which will increasingly manifest in humanity, will make them enter into depression, and force them to find the answer.
When humanity inevitably begins to suffer, cry out, and howl like a wolf at the moon in search of the meaning of life, then it will also begin to see clearly and reveal that there is great meaning in this vacuum! The whole vacuum is the whole meaning! This is the formula, the matrix in which we are living.
Then we will grasp it just as Adam HaRishon (the First Man) did and as the twenty generations of Kabbalists that followed him until Abraham did, and as the Kabbalists who followed Abraham did.
Eventually the circle will be closed and we will once again participate in this great venture, when people will once again start the search for the meaning of life, which they started back in ancient Babylon. In fact, to this day, this question has not been fully disclosed by humanity. In ancient Babylon a small group of people revealed it and it disappeared. Now we have to adopt their system of searching and gradually discover it on our level. This is what we are getting ready for.
We have to show humanity that is crying out: “what is the meaning of life?!” not only what the real meaning is, but also the method through which they can discover it.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/30/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/30/16
Let’s Start Changing Ourselves!
Answer: What is the connection to your husband? The Creator is playing with you like this! He is pulling your strings. No one else is around you! Through this entire theater that is being portrayed for you, you are being influenced by the Creator, the upper force.
Begin to respond to Him, not to those puppets that surround you. I am not belittling their importance in any way, but only am saying that this is the way reality should be perceived.
After all, who is this person? No one and nothing. This is just a small mechanism, like a clockwork toy.
But, to the same degree that one begins to awaken, to invite higher influence upon oneself, and it begins to work within him, then one is changed. One becomes an Adam (Man). Then, one no longer jumps like a clockwork bunny. Instead, one begins to operate and move forward independently.
Therefore, you must not be offended by your husband or be angry with yourself that you cannot avoid being offended, etc. Let’s change ourselves with the help of the upper force!
Imagine that someone achieves the level of the Creator and begins to feel everything that He is doing within him: why He created him like this and what he must do with himself. It gradually becomes clear: I must become like the Creator! Nothing more and nothing less.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/21/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/21/16
Spiritual Ecstasy
Answer: So that they will support each other. A person in this world builds, invents, prepares, and makes everything in order to gain something, in order to receive, here and now. But what can a person do so that what he gains will remain forever and he will not feel a sense of loss? The moment a person attains something, he is afraid that it will disappear.
On the other hand, when we perform spiritual actions and attain something, there is no worry that these achievements will disappear. We know that the achievements do not disappear. If we perform a certain correction, it already exists in creation. It gives us indescribable pleasure, spiritual ecstasy!
Everything a person does on the corporeal level always invokes worry of how to preserve it. On the spiritual level, on the contrary, it is perfectly clear that everything a person does immediately transcends to all the layers of creation and fills them. Therefore, such an attitude toward the world saves a person from all the problems which may depress him.
Question: Is spirituality the right combination between egoism and altruism or is it the suppression of altruism by egoism?
Answer: Spirituality is the right combination between all our attributes. It is the true implementation of egoism. We cannot express or implement this in our world in any way because we would like to receive everything. But we don’t receive anything, and even if we do receive, it eventually ends up as a greater loss and failure.
Therefore, the most important thing is to learn to implement our egoism correctly and then we will be happy. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to receive correctly.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/21/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/21/16
Monday, February 13, 2017
New Life #320 – Happiness and Sadness
New Life #320 – Happiness and Sadness
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
What is the special state of happiness, how is the feeling of sadness shown in a person, how does this relate to one’s development, and is it possible to constantly feel happiness?
Happiness: the result from satisfaction from a certain passion I felt. The bigger the deficiency was, the bigger the happiness will be.
Conditions for happiness: 1) I lack something, 2) I attain that thing, and 3) the ability to express happiness in attaining it.
Anything makes a small child happy. In this way nature pushes him to develop. An adult always feel lack and sadness. If I look at the people I love, like my children, when something good happens to them, I’m happy. But usually I’m surrounded by people that I have no urge to indulge. “When they feel good, then I feel bad.”
The media bombs us with advertisements that aim at giving us the constant feeling of deficiency. Do you want to be happy? “Then buy this product, and also this one, and that one….”
On the street, we are surrounded by unhappy people, tense people. On the road everyone pressures you. It is like this everywhere… What do you do? We have already become used to not being happy. Today from an early age children are under pressure and tension.
Joy brings expansion and eruption; sadness leads to convergence and contraction
In the past, both culture and sports made people happy. Today, for example, football results are manipulated, life is plastic.
Happiness is the completion of the soul, the sages said referring to happiness from attaining the essence of life. Why are we commanded to be happy? Because if I’m not happy, then it’s a sign that I am not, at present, living correctly. Why is it important to please others? Because worrying about myself brings sadness and worrying about others brings happiness. People who direct their lives to attaining perfection, see everything that happens to them as a means for advancement.
Today there all kinds of methods of how to be happy, but they are like applying a band-aid instead of doing a root canal. The real solution is to find the source of life, where all the pressures come from, in order to bring me closer to discovery. Life is one big game in which we are required to solve the riddle of existence. This is the big goal.
Happiness for the ego: my ego requires me to be higher than others. Thus when others fail, I’m happy.
The solution for happiness is simple: develop feeling for others as if they were my relatives.
10% of people naturally feel others as close to them. The other 90% need to develop this attitude toward others. Today it is a must because our world is becoming increasingly connected, we are all dependent on each other. If we develop a concern for the welfare of others, it will immediately fill us. And when we as one body, all of us will be healed.
Envying others destroys me, I am constantly feeling deficiency, I eat myself.
How have the Jewish people suffered so much yet preserved happiness? Survival and vision: “light unto the nations.” Today, the Israeli society needs to connect, reach happiness, and promote this to the world.Through the connection between us, we will discover the secret of life. This will bring us true happiness and complete joy.
From KabTV’s “New Life #320 – Happiness and Sadness ,” 3/18/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #320 – Happiness and Sadness ,” 3/18/14
How Is The Upper World Attained?
Answer: When ten people nullify themselves relative to each other and they do this together relative to the Creator by wanting to attract Him as Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light) to correct them, that is how they create the characteristic of the Creator among them.
Through this action they create a Kli, which is a sensory device for attaining the next level. In this single desire they feel the Creator. After that, by uniting more and more deeply, they discover the Creator more and more.
Where Does The Great Diversity In The World Come From?
Answer: Three-dimensional space is based on the structure of a spiritual Partzuf, which consists of three parts. Each part includes three Sefirot: Keter, Hochma, and Bina, then Hesed, Gevura, and Tifferet, then Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, and finally Malchut.
The projection of the three-dimensional image is a cube consisting of four parts, corresponding to the four levels of Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut. So writes the Ari in the book Tree of Life.
Between the levels of Hochma and Bina, there is a Parsa (border, separating line) to which the Light of Hochma bestows from above and from which Zeir Anpin receives below.
In this quadrangle, there are elements of all of the letters of the alphabet because they are all composed of different mutual influences: Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut.
Question: Is there a connection to the four directions in the world: north, south, west, and east?
Answer: Yes, north is Hochma, and south is Bina. Zeir Anpin and Malchut are in the middle. There are different explanations and approaches to this issue.
The fact is that it doesn’t exist in the spiritual world, but we say this to clarify the relationship between the spiritual forces a bit. I would advise you to read Tree of Life in which everything is explained in detail. It even includes drawings that Baal HaSulam prepared.
Question: There are many reflections in the world and great diversity. How many forces are there in the spiritual world if we see so many projections, such variety in our world?!
Answer: In spirituality, there are only two forces: bestowal and reception, and the various combinations of them appear as projections in our world.
Question: There are a very large number of forces that are not projected in our world, only a minimal number of them are manifested?
Answer: Yes, our world is a small copy of what exists in the spiritual world. Once a person begins to feel the spiritual world, many new things are revealed before him.
Question: What is the purpose of the material world to spiritual development? Why do we feel all of this matter?
Answer: Humanity needs to start with something in order to develop. For example, a young child doesn’t know or understand anything, and it is necessary to educate him, raise him, and develop him until he gradually begins to do things by himself. That is how it is in our world.
Our world is not a simple structure. Within it, we must work on ourselves to the fullest extent, fight the ego, defeat it, and attain a state of complete correction.
After that, we will exist in another state, in another dimension, in which Kabbalists move. In time, the entire world will also reach this.
Question: But what I see now are a table, people, mountains, and rivers. How does it help me?
Answer: You are seeing a copy of everything that exists in the upper world so that you will be able to correct yourself accordingly. After all, you do not even know what you are doing in our world, which forces influence you, and how you influence them through your everyday life, but that is the way it also corrects you.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/14/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/14/16
The New Exodus
My Comment: Lieberman is absolutely right. France is a very religious Catholic country where at one time they carried out pogroms and wars. Of course, it is not for the Jews. It will be get worse and worse.
It is possible that they will issue laws forbidding Jews to export capital or preventing them to settle in other European or American countries. Then only Israel will be left for them.
But today there are difficulties with work and housing in Israel. And the French Jews are mainly people with quite moderate means and so they will have to start from scratch.
The fact is that the departure of the Jews from France will throw the country to the level of a third world country, both spiritually and financially. I am sure of it! The exodus of the Jews from any country has always been a disaster for the country, and it will be a disaster for France.
Question: I would like to ask you as a Kabbalist: will the action of the upper force, the Creator, lead the people of Israel from all countries of the world?
Answer: Eventually, of course. And it will happen in a heightened state of hostility and hatred toward Israel. The nations of the world will make Jews leave their homes; they will be squeezed out. So they must leave while it is possible. By and large, the exodus of the European Jews has begun.
Question: Is this an optimistic note?
Answer: I am always an optimist. If the end is good, everything is good.
From KabTV’s program “News with Michael Laitman” 12/28/16
From KabTV’s program “News with Michael Laitman” 12/28/16
New Life #813 – The Shmoneh Esrei (18) Prayer
New Life #813 – The Shmoneh Esrei (18) Prayer
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
There are many questions regarding prayer: What should one pray for? Who is the upper force? How do you turn to It? How do you receive from It? How do you thank It?
We have to get closer to the upper force, which means to resemble it in our attributes so our prayer will not be egoistic. The prayers were composed by people who attained Godliness and we have to understand what is concealed in them.
All our work in life is to pray, to turn to the upper force that wants to do us good. We have to prepare a deficiency on our part, which means that we should lack exactly what the Creator wants to give us. Otherwise it is like a mother who has prepared porridge for us, but we ask her for candies.
A prayer begins with praise because it is only if the upper force is important to us that we will enjoy the “porridge” that He has prepared for us. After the praise, come the request, when we ask for the correction of our egoistic desires. At the end, we praise the upper force again because if we have undergone the right process, the “porridge” now tastes like heaven.
You cannot turn to the Creator by yourself. He will not listen. Turning to Him requires getting closer through our attributes. Because the Creator’s attribute is to bestow goodness, to do good, we also have to bestow goodness and do good in order to get closer to Him.
The Creator created one man and has shattered him to many parts. By connecting and through the good relations between us, we bring Him contentment.
When we ask for something and don’t receive it, it is because we don’t keep the rule of “make your desire like His desire, so that He will make His desire like yours.” A connection with Godliness means love.
From KabTV’s “New Life #813 – The Shmoneh Esrei (18) Prayer,” 1/17/17
From KabTV’s “New Life #813 – The Shmoneh Esrei (18) Prayer,” 1/17/17
The Meaning Of The Tu B’Shevat Holiday
Answer: The meaning of the holiday is goodwill before a tree.
Immediately the question arises: how is it possible to worship a tree, after all isn’t it like idolatry? No. A tree symbolizes life relative to the earth, which we bless and welcome.
After inanimate nature filled the entire cosmos, the vegetative nature began to develop on Earth, which is a completely new form of life because there is a spark of the Creator inside it. Therefore the vegetative life attracts us.
Then gradually animate life developed from it. The transitional stage between the still and vegetative levels are coral: between vegetative and animate life, a creature called “the dog of the field” that feeds from the ground, but its body behaves like an animal; and between the animate state and human, the monkey. This is mentioned in ancient Kabbalistic books.
The new year of the trees marks their awakening to life and symbolizes the awakening of a person to achieve the purpose of his life.
It is written in the Torah, “a man is like a tree in the field,” because a tree has a special internal structure that feeds from the ground and stretches upward toward the sun. But the most important part are its fruit. In general, any plant, everything that comes from the earth, feeds us and is the basis of the material life of humans.
Our spiritual development occurs according to the principle that in all sorts of human actions, one works with them as a tree. It is not an accident that the most important fundamental work of the great Kabbalist the Ari is titled the Tree of Life.
My teacher Rabash celebrated this day in a special way. A lot of people gathered together, tables were covered with sweets, not just with the fruits of the trees, but also with the fruits of the earth itself. The fruits represent a person who has reached his purpose, which is to become similar to the Creator, to reach His level. We want to achieve this. In principle, everyone would wish this if they understood how sweet this fruit is, this eternal, perfect existence in absolute attainment without any restrictions and problems.
Whether we want this or not, we nevertheless get closer to it. However, Kabbalah can accelerate our path if we use it correctly. Otherwise we’ll have to advance the way we do now, with the help of unpleasant blows from nature that push us forward.
In principle there is a beautiful future ahead of us and I hope that the same sweetness we feel from the good fruits of the earth and plants, we will feel from the fulfilling of our soul.
You are invited to try out this special state, to taste the real fruit of life, which the wisdom of Kabbalah offers to us.
Good luck and all the best!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/6/17
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/6/17
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Only The Desire Is Important
Answer: No! This doesn’t indicate anything. There are idiots that constantly ask questions because from their point of view it is necessary to know exactly how, what, and from where, and there are those who are the opposite, who are quiet all the time. You literally shake them up so that they will say something, but they are silent.
There is no significance to the style in which a student learns. Some write down every word, others look at the ceiling as if they don’t hear anything. It doesn’t matter! What is important is only that a student wants to learn something from me and then according to the degree of his desire, I take his point in the heart, his small Kli (vessel), and begin to fill it.
So, I have patience, and I don’t get tired. I am ready every day to do this and am afraid to miss a day. If I fly abroad, I try to have a lesson to save the day. I count my days according to those hours in which I teach.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/7/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/7/16
Education – The Solution To All Problems
Answer: This is not fragmentation and division, but the discovery of what has always existed in Europe; it has remained as it always was.
It is possible to unite it only through education! This is the only thing that the world needs. The biggest and only problem of the world is the education of people! But nobody has ever dealt with this!
This is because education represents an approach toward understanding and the possibility of loving others and connecting with them, even though according to our nature, we don’t love each other. The wisdom of Kabbalah shows us how to carry this out in spite of everything. A person must become an Adam (Man) , understanding the system of nature he exists in.
This is a closed integral system that constantly develops, changes, and moves forward! Today, we are on the threshold of very serious changes: both in human society and in the nature of the environment. Let’s discover and learn how to carry out what depends on us. It all depends only on the person!
Question: In other words, would you want to add a profession in a school that studies and teaches about the inner world of a person, about his situation?
Answer: Not only his inner world but also the outer world. I want to give a person an understanding of the world in which he is living!
Comment: But even today he gets that in school when he studies the natural sciences.
My Response: I don’t see that anyone knows about the system he exists in, including the media. If politicians and public figures, no matter who, were to understand the world they are living in, would they behave the way they do?! They are so short-sighted that on their own they will ultimately destroy everything for themselves.
Question: But there was a similar attempt; Karl Marx wrote an excellent book Das Kapital. But it was implemented and distorted so much that the essential idea of fighting poverty was transformed into a struggle against wealth. We know what the result of that was. Where is the guarantee that something similar will not happen in the future?
Answer: Marx was a genius in his own way; I have no argument about that. He understood everything except for one thing: that people needed to be educated for this.
Even though this also appears here and there in his writings, it is just not in a clear and distinct form. He was lacking an emphasis on this. In order to change society, a person must be educated.
Therefore his expectation that capitalism would annihilate itself was his predictive genius. Indeed everything is happening this way in our time. Today we see that even though there has been no effort to disguise this for the past 50 years, capitalism has exhausted itself!
The problem is what is next? And here it is truly necessary to work according to Marx, but it is not possible to bring humanity to a socialist regime or even a communist one about which he spoke.
We need to realize this, but only through education, with the help of the unique energy that exists in nature! Then we can change human nature, because otherwise we will not get rid of the ego, it will devour us.
From the Webinar 12/26/16
From the Webinar 12/26/16
New Life #812 – The Jewish Prayer
New Life #812 – The Jewish Prayer
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
People have always felt insecure and turned to nature’s forces with different requests. A person’s inclination to turn to the upper force is natural and you can already see it in small children.
The proper appeal to the system of nature is called a prayer. A prayer includes self-examination with respect to the plan of the creation; that is, a person’s examination of how he uses his desire in relation to nature. Instead of using everyone for his own benefit, he should use himself for the sake of others, for the sake of the Creator.
When a person turns to the system of nature it is called a prayer. The three daily prayers correlate with the three spiritual phases and they begin as a new egoistic desire enters the system and starts to operate in it. The awakening of a new desire in a person, a corrupt desire, is called evening.
From a spiritual perspective every day begins in the evening when a person refrains from using the new desire that has awakened in him, the morning comes, which means that things become clear with the understanding of how to work with this desire. The phase of working with this desire and the incorporation in the system is called noon.
There is a state in the system of nature called the end of correction, Gmar Tikun, toward which we are advancing. In Gmar Tikun we have to reach a state in which we are connected in one system in absolute love.
From KabTV’s “New Life #812 – The Jewish Prayer,” 1/17/17
From KabTV’s “New Life #812 – The Jewish Prayer,” 1/17/17
Can I Use 100% Of My Brain?
Answer: No, a greater percent of our brains will be utilized only when we become integrally mutually connected.
Each of us needs to enter into a system in which, besides oneself, billions of particles will be found that also have desire and intelligence. All of us must connect with the help of the Upper Light. Only then will a person need a larger portion of the brain.
When we connect to each other through our desires and minds, our brain works like a modem. Today we basically only have beastly characteristics and their realization.
Question: To serve the desires of billions of people, will a person need to activate the brain an additional 97%?
Answer: It is not a matter of the billions of people; it is the determination of a very simple integral: I can give to one only in some particular way and to another in another particular way, to this one, this way and to another, that way, and so forth. What this means is that a person begins to connect and integrate in an infinite chain that must be connected to him, and he to it. In this way he constantly calculates all the possibilities. It is impossible to realize this linearly, but only spiritually!
But this calculation is not realized through our intelligence. The intelligence clothes the desire and from it emerges an elementary, integral, mutually connected and infinite chain.
We specifically learn about this in the wisdom of Kabbalah, about the connection between Partzufim, between worlds, where each particle in which a change happens stimulates a change in the entire system.
Every change really stimulates a shock to the entire system. Therefore, great mind and feelings are needed for all the calculations and sensations to understand how they flow in eternal and infinite harmony.
A Kabbalist sees how all the particles of the general desire are arranged and constantly redistributed gradually like an ocean in which billions of drops stream from place to place and everything is felt together. This is called the radiance of the Shechina (Divinity).
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/21/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/21/16
EU – It Is Better To Separate Than To Be Bound By Egoistic Ties
Answer: That depends on many factors. But if Europe is divided, it will be better off than if it stays the way it is today.
It is better to disperse gradually than to relate as they do today because currently these ties are purely egoistic. And if they are gradually corrected, it is possible to keep things the way they are. In fact the European states will be able to get closer to each other and to cooperate properly according to the degree of their correction.
I don’t think that now they will suddenly feel what I am saying. I have spoken about it many times in person with European leaders. They will not do it. They will not be able to! Politicians and bankers are managing Europe. For them a united Europe is the unity of banks and industrial plants in order to profit as much as possible and to crush whoever is below them to rise above someone. Therefore, there is no point talking about a united Europe. It is the unity of the industrial market and of the banks and nothing more than that. And the rest of the people experience only troubles. The disparity between the two will only keep growing.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/3/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/3/16
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