Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sunset Of The Great European Civilization, Part 1

laitman_755_2Question: Europe is going through difficult times: an economiccrisis, refugees problem, the spread of Islam, and resurgence of fascism and Nazism; all these problems are snowballing very rapidly.
Yet Europe made a great contribution to the development of humanity, probably greater than all other continents. What is the reason that such a high civilization developed in Europe?
Answer: Ancient civilization emerged in the Middle East, in ancient Babylon, Persia. But then it all moved to Europe, to ancient Greece and Rome, which built European civilization.
From Greece to Europe came science and philosophy that Greek scientists received from the Jews during the period from the First Temple until the destruction of the Second Temple, a thousand years before our era. European scientists and philosophers write about it themselves.
The Romans gave the social system that developed Europe. After all, when the Roman Empire was at the height of its prosperity and power, Europe was totally barbaric. If the Romans didn’t conquer Europe, crossing it all up to the northern borders and down, it’s hard to say what would have happened to the European civilization.
The Romans gave Europe a state system; they laid and paved the roads. The Talmud writes that when Judea fell, the Roman Empire took over its power and wisdom and rose upon them. Eventually everything came out of Israel, from the destruction experienced by the Jewish people. The spiritual knowledge of the people of Israel, their spiritual attainment and strength, were exhausted, and only pitiful crumbs were left from them.
The people of Israel didn’t know how to use them because they were not created to build something in this material world, but only for the spiritual work. The Romans adopted this knowledge and used it to build the material life in European countries.
The campaigns of Alexander the Great really contributed to it who stated that he sought to convey this modern, scientific, developed public method of existence to the entire world. This was the purpose of his conquests.
In addition, Christianity was a great help in spreading the Roman influence over Europe. It was adopted from the Jews and grew on the basis of those remains that were left after destruction of the Second Temple. The first Christians were Jews that turned Christianity into a new religion, after the destruction of the Second Temple.
Christianity obliged its followers to develop this religion, to spread it further and to add new souls to it. This is what inspired ancient Rome to conquer Europe, bringing science, philosophy, and religion there.
Prior to it, barbarians that worshiped spirits inhabited Europe. Christianity gave them a system and books. Art began to develop since people were illiterate and drawings were required in order to explain this idea to them.
Religions and philosophies blossomed on the ruins of the Jewish Temple due to the impossibility of continuing the spiritual idea that fell and shattered. The entire European civilization grew from the few crumbs that were left from the hidden wisdom that the Jews had.
From KabTV’s “New Life #762 8/18/16

Can You Make Money From Spirituality?

laitman_554Question: Can you engage in spirituality and make money from it? If there is nothing bad in the desire and all that needs correction is the intention, why can’t you make money from spirituality? After all, Baal HaSulam did take money for his lessons.
Answer: Baal HaSulam did take money for his lessons, not for himself but in order to oblige his students to take care and to work for the method they acquired. One of the requirements of spiritual work is to pay Maaser, a tithe. A person who wants to develop spiritually must understand that this is a basic precondition for his advancement, but it is not compulsory. A person can also study without putting any money in the general money box.
No one can make money from disseminating the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is very dangerous. If he hasn’t secured himself with a spiritual Masach (screen), which enables him to perform actions of bestowal, he may begin to calculate the interaction with his clients (we will call them clients in this case and not students) and make decisions that stem from his pocket.
Question: Who is it more dangerous for, the teacher or the students?
Answer: For the teacher. The students would only receive a corporeal method from him, which is similar to other psychological methods of study.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/3/16

Tu B’Av – Love That Transcends Hatred

laitman_285_01Dear beloved friends, children and grandchildren!
I welcome all of you to the holiday of Tu B’Av! Tu B’Av is a special holiday that symbolizes love, relationships built above hatred, above the destruction of the Temple, which was destroyed because of personal and mutual hatred between us. We correct it when we rise above it and thus attain the great love, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18).
This is a special feeling of connection between us called true love, which elevates us to the level of eternity, wholeness, and infinite expansion of our feelings and thoughts. We begin to feel that we exist eternally, fully in every feeling, in all information, everything, that all other people relate to him only with love. Imagine the feeling that everyone loves you; everyone looks at you and relates to you as their little child! We need to give each one of us this feeling.
This is what Tu B’Av symbolizes, built specifically above the hatred among us that we discover between us today. Let’s hasten its discovery![192044]From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 8/11/16

How Do We Attain Happiness?!

Why is everything so bad?
The study of nature shows us that every part in nature is managed in a purposeful deterministic manner, just like fruit growing on a tree is managed to reach the ultimate sublime goal, to ripen. But the earlier maturation states are opposite from the mature form. What is more, the sweeter the fruit when it is ripe, the more bitter and ugly it is in the intermediate phases.
A beast develops quickly while a baby is born weak and dependent and takes many years to develop. A person who doesn’t know the final outcome of their development may say that the beast is better than man in every way.
Thus, we learn that nature manages the development in a purposeful and deterministic way disregarding the intermediate forms and taking into account only the ultimate outcome. Nature’s positive attitude toward the created being is not felt until the final phase of its development.
Conclusion: The management of every part of nature is purposeful and good, but this fact is revealed only at the end of the development process and only to those who attain the final phase of their development, the Kabbalists, can see the world in its final good form.
There are two ways to develop: by suffering or by efforts.
Nature’s plan is to make us resemble the attribute of the absolute goodness and two ways have been prepared for us to develop in order to attain it.
  1. The way of suffering: it is a slow and unconscious process of development under the influence of sufferings until recognizing that the goodness is necessary.
  2. The good way: it is a quick, conscious, and pleasant development until resembling nature.
The ultimate goal is essential and predetermined. There is no way we can avoid it. Nature manages us rigidly along the way of suffering or along the good way. Nature reveals the egoism in us, the evil force, which we have to discover. We have to discover the good force and learn how to generate with our desires and actions from nature.
The purpose of the wisdom of Kabbalah is to develop us by the positive force.
By studying the wisdom of Kabbalah a person discovers that it is actually his natural egoism that stands in his way of developing peacefully to the happy state he was meant to reach by nature. The root of all evil is self-love called egoism. This attribute is opposite from the general force of nature, from goodness. Thus the reason for all the sufferings is the gap between all the negative attributes of egoism and the positive attributes of nature.
When a Kabbalist corrects the evil in him, the egoism, so that it will resemble the goodness in nature, in the transition from self love to love of others, he discovers the highest pleasure and a feeling of eternity. Our correction is fulfilled in unity, and so uniting until we reach the love of others is actually a commandment that we have to fulfill as the general law of nature. In the unity we discover the positive force of nature, the Creator.
The difference between the wisdom of Kabbalah and other methods is the goal. Our whole nature is evil and we have to correct it to goodness. Otherwise evil will destroy us. The wisdom of Kabbalah ensures success and happiness to those who use it because a person who attains the love of others is close to the upper force of nature, to the force of goodness, and thus becomes free of the feeling of our world of suffering and feels the wide eternal world of bestowal and the upper force. Thus we see that the wisdom of Kabbalah serves the person who uses it in the best possible way, but doesn’t affect those who don’t use it at all.
Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah and Its Purpose.”

Obesity Is Invincible

laitman_565_02Question: During the last 40 years, the number of people that are suffering from obesity grew six-fold: from 105 million to 640 million! It is said that toward the year 2025 one in five will suffer from obesity. Some claim that it comes from lack of money for healthy food and others claim that it is from excess of money, people eat more. Is it possible to explain this phenomenon?
Answer: It depends on our way of life. Today few are working in a physical labor. In addition, our nutrition obviously influences our body weight, and fat is added to food to heighten its taste.
I don’t think that a special revolution will occur in the future, but the change will occur when society gradually recognizes the purpose of creation and its main interest will be in achieving the meaning of life, entering the next level of existence, breaking the link between life and death, and between life and death finding the exit point to the next dimension. When people will understand that this possibility exists, it will also lead to a change in their attitudes to nutrition and lifestyle. Humanity will loose the taste for certain types of food.
If people will seriously deal with the system in order to achieve the upper state and exit to the next world, then they will become more balanced in their corporeal lives. As a result, all the distorted, ugly, and one-sided attitudes toward food and toward all the rest will disappear. I think that restaurants and even coffee shops will continue to exist in the same form now. They will no longer be places for entertainment.
Naturally, the custom of serving mutual treats to each other will remain, but it will be just plain food.
From Kab TV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/3/16

New Life #373 – Motherhood In The Connected World

New Life #373 – Motherhood In The Connected World
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
What changes in a woman when she becomes a mother, what must she expect and prepare for in this process, and how is it possible to use motherhood as a springboard for internal and spiritual development?
A woman who becomes a mother moves to the level of Adam (Man) to the level of the system. She easily perceives the good future for her baby depends on the creation of a mutual connection between everyone. Women who intend to become mothers are doing something natural, wonderful, and most important for humanity.
The forces of darkness want to crush the institution of motherhood and are brainwashing us due to various interests. The world exists thanks to you, a woman who becomes a mother; she produces life. This is really a divine activity.
By raising and educating a child, a mother can truly realize herself and attain inner spiritual power. A mother in the world is connected in the system and links everything. She is the foundation. This is followed by her husband and children.
From the KabTV’s “New Life #373 – Motherhood In The Connected World,” 5/15/14
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A Muslim President

Laitman_408In the News (The Wall Street Journal)“Thirty-four percent of all adults say Mr. Obama, the nation’s first African American president, has made progress toward improving race relations, while another 28% says he has tried but failed to make progress, a Pew Research poll released Monday found. A quarter of Americans say he has made race relations worse.
“Among blacks, 51% say Mr. Obama has made progress, a sentiment shared by just 28% of whites. On the other end, 5% of blacks and 32% of whites believe Mr. Obama has made race relations worse.
“Shortly after Mr. Obama was elected in 2008, a Pew survey found that more than half of voters thought the election would lead to better race relations, including 49% of whites and 75% of blacks.
“The new poll shows blacks and whites also differ in their opinions on race-related issues, the status of racial equality and the way black people are treated in the U.S.
“Blacks are more likely than whites to say black people are treated less fairly in the workplace (64% to 22%), when applying for a loan or mortgage (66% to 25%), in the courts (75% to 43%), in stores or restaurants (49% to 21%), when voting in elections (43% to 20%), and in dealing with police (84% to 50%).
“By large margins, blacks are also more likely than whites to say race relations are bad rather than good, and that too little attention is paid to racial issues in the country.”
Answer: This perfectly makes sense! For some reason we don’t want to find out what the root of the problem is. We have to examine the problem not only according to a person’s skin color, but according to who he is, what his religion and philosophy of life are. The African-Americans are also fighting among themselves, although they are all black. Their wars are of a religious nature, of Christians against Muslims.
Question: Does this mean that you don’t support the assumption that this is the original American sin?
Answer: It is an unquestionable fact that the Americans have decided to eradicate the differences between blacks and whites and that this was the desire of the majority.
They implemented different education programs in kindergartens, schools, on TV etc. and were very successful in this respect. I don’t think that any other country in the world would take such serious measures for the sake of equal rights between blacks and whites, but what was the outcome?
The Americans, like children, don’t understand whom they are voting for. They did not elect a black president but a Muslim president! As far as he is concerned the most important thing is to fill America with Muslim ideology and with Muslims, which he tried to do throughout his presidency.
First he led to the flow of Muslims to Europe, to which they fled from the border of Sinai to France. What distance they covered and where to? Most of them are not Christians but Muslims and in addition they have been trained, are prepared, and are well equipped.
Obama did the same in the US. Any Muslim could reach the US and not be detained at the border. They were allowed to pass with a passport from any Muslim country, and upon entering the US, they live with visitors rights.
Therefore, before the end of his term, president Obama asked the congress to leave them in the US during his term. He didn’t think about blacks and whites at all, but rather about how to allow Muslims to infiltrate Europe and the US, and he has achieved his goal!
This is the reason that the US is now in the same position Europe is in; it isn’t about the issue of blacks or whites but about “Are you a Muslim? Welcome! Are you a Catholic or a Protestant? Be quiet!”
Question: Is this a predetermined scenario even before Obama became president?
Answer: Of course! This is the only reason he became president.
Comment: But he was surrounded by Jews.
Answer: It makes no difference, the Jews are always happy to assist and to serve, although they will be eaten as dessert at the end.
Question: You and I keep talking about an upper scenario, does anyone actually manage it?
Answer: Of course, it is the upper leadership. But it is in accordance with the general scenario. When we don’t take the management of the world into our own hands, the forces of impurity manage it and this is the result.
If anyone disagrees with me and claims that it isn’t so, I can show him that this is whatKabbalah books say: at the end of times Islam will be the world religion.
Therefore, we have to make great efforts in order to explain this to people. People have freedom of choice to understand this and to take the control into their own hands according to what Kabbalists show us so that it will be a strong earthly control of people who want to be equal, united, and free of any religion or vows, so that only love and the mutual connection between them will manage the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/14/16

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What Is Bestowal?

laitman_628_4Question: How should I yearn for bestowal or unity correctly when I still don’t understand what it is? How can I draw Light without the right intention? I still don’t understand what the right intention is, what bestowal is, and what unity is.
Answer: Everything takes place in the group where each of the members is interested in spiritual transformation. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah tells us.
Question: How can I determine whether I have acquired the attribute of bestowal, whether I am in bestowal or not?
Answer: It is according to your attitude toward the friends in the group.

New Life #357 – Laughter And Humor

New Life #357 – Laughter And Humor
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What is the role of humor in our lives; how does it help us bring hearts together, create a connection between us, and how can it serve us in the dissemination of Integral Education?
Generally, professional humorists are unhappy people. A person who is more developed enjoys humor more from sudden thoughts about the unseen connections between different things. Cynicism and humor are two different things. True humor developed only in recent centuries. Humor results from a developed person contemplating himself from the side and laughing at creation. Good humor suddenly and unexpectedly connects between different things. That is how these sudden thoughts are born.
Laughter about something must be derived from a place of love. It is necessary to be careful not to move onto the tracks of harm. Someone in the entertainment world knows deeply with great detail about how things are done professionally. Humor knocks down walls between people, opens the heart, because it makes all of us like children, equal.
Humor can be a real educational tool in the wisdom of connection.
From the KabTV’s “New Life #357 –Laughter And Humor,” 4/24/14
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Adam And Eve

Dr. Michael LaitmanComment: It says that the Creator created Adam, as if he is a collective figure that resembles the Creator.
Answer: The attitude of the Creator to the creation is called Adam. And the created being is Eve (Havah), i.e., it is already present, the desire to receive.
Comment: According to The Book of Zohar, Adam is a combination of the male and the female parts.
Answer: That’s right, but the female part in a man is concealed. Of course it stems from the Creator but not directly, not as something from nothing.
Comment: In the past there were organisms that impregnated themselves and then divided into a male and female part.
Answer: We can still see this phenomenon in nature. Now many species in the animal world change their sex from male to female and vice versa depending on the need to continue the species.
Question: Does this correlate with what The Book of Zohar says about the unity of the male and the female parts?
Answer: No. The Book of Zohar tells us only about spiritual states. How their effects are manifested in our world—here there are many options.
When the desire began to develop it was divided into a male and a female part, which led to the emergence of people who were males and females in our world and who have to mate  to have offspring.
It is only by the mating of two opposite separate independent elements of nature that the emergence of a third element is possible, similarly to the way the two lines, the right and the left lines, generate the middle line.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/24/16

Woman – A Mystery Of Nature

laitman_547_06The woman is mystery of nature since she symbolizes our desire to receive, a desire that is concealed in us and is revealed only to the extent that we reveal the Creator. Therefore, if we yearn to discover the Creator, we reveal the feminine.
We will not be able to understand a woman until we attain this truth, because the feminine was created by the Creator and is the only thing He created, “and God created woman,” whereas the male is a little different from the Creator and exists in the world only in order to fertilize the woman, to fill her, to generate birth, so that eventually the female desire to receive and the male desire to bestow (the points in the heart) will appear in them in the corrected mutual state called their child.
This process takes place when the feminine is ready for correction, while the male merely fulfills his intermediary role. This is the reason that the woman, the feminine, the desire to receive, is nature’s mystery, which a Kabbalist gradually discovers to what extent she is opposite from the Creator and to what extent he can make her resemble the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/24/16

Corporeal Life And Spiritual Development

Laitman_414Question: Can a person yearn for wealth and prosperity in his corporeal life and at the same time for spiritual growth? Can these two desires coexist?
Answer: No they cannot. First, a person must work for a living and provide for his family, and only then strive for the next state. Spiritual advancement should not be fulfilled at the expense of the family.
If you have a family, you have no right to neglect it; your children, wife and parents need material support. You have to work seriously to bring your whole salary home, to the last penny! Only after distributing it to the needs of your family, can you be free to engage in the wisdom the Kabbalah.
What is more, a Kabbalist must work not only in order to provide for his family, but also in order to be connected through his work with other people. He must be grounded.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/3/16

Fear Of Growing Up

Laitman_088In the News (Pacific Standard): The Peter Pan Syndrome was one of the best-selling books of the early 1980s. In it, psychologist Dan Kiley argued that teenage boys were increasingly reluctant to grow up and accept adult responsibilities.
“Any hope that this might be a short-lived phenomenon is refuted by new research. It finds that, compared to previous generations, today’s university students — both male and female — consider maturity a minefield they are in no hurry to start navigating.
“‘Today’s emerging adults seem reluctant to take on life’s next chapter,’ concludes a research team led by Miami University psychologist April Smith. ‘Undergraduates today experience more fear related to facing the demands of adult life than undergraduates in the past.'”
Answer: When I was young, it was the opposite. We wanted to be grownups so much, to start working, to do something, to aspire for something, to discover something. Schools seemed like a prison to us, while today it is the other way around; the young want to remain the way they are because they have everything.
They are locked inside their cell phone screens or computers and are in fact trapped in a cage that provides a filling they cannot give up. Of course they don’t want to break away from the screen because if they can spend all their free time in front of the small screen like small kids, they have no need for anything else.
The average amount of time in which a person can work, discover, and “conquer” the world is between 20 to 60 years, but there is nothing that attracts the youth these days.
In the past when we were that age, we dreamed about being pilots or astronauts. And then all of a sudden everyone began to regard pilots as taxi drivers who merely transport passengers back and forth.  And astronauts? They merely fly, orbit in space, land, and that’s it. People lost the yearning for romanticism, for a special filling, and nothing in this world attracts them anymore.
We are developing very quickly and we understand that there is nothing in our world that can fill us. Although we don’t fully understand it yet, we do feel it.
Humanity is moving in two directions: one is determined by the elite who see what is going on and try to organize and manage everything, but don’t know how to cope with the economic crisis and aspire to reduce the number of people on this planet in non-military ways. This is what humanity can do, and there are no other solutions since people don’t understand what is going on.
The other direction is determined by the wisdom of Kabbalah, according to which humanity is in the midst of a very meaningful evolutionary phase, in the transition and an ascent to the next level. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, our consciousness has to change; we can and we should change our attitude to the world and to each other.
When my generation looks at young people today, it is hard to understand what they engage in, and  they don’t understand us. We seem to be living on two differ planes. They have their own interests and we have ours.
We can see this as an ordinary generation gap between fathers and sons, but according to the wisdom of Kabbalah this is not really a gap, but the ascent of the new generation to the next dimension. The young people of the new generation will attain it; their consciousness will change completely; they will not regard corporeal problems and there will actually be none.
Modern robotics and scientific discoveries will ensure that we will not have to think about anything but how to build the correct society, since otherwise we will be destroyed.
We have to find out precisely what options we have: either to build one unique network between us, or this is where we will all be buried.
Question: Do people understand that they are in prison?
Answer: It isn’t a prison but a very simple action of the universe, which we have to respond to in order to survive. If a global flood threatened our lives, we would have to take some measures otherwise we would drown.
Similarly, a new system is approaching us, a totally new paradigm, a new level of existence, and we have to adapt to it. Those who will not adapt to it will not survive. It may well be that only a couple of thousand people from all of humanity will survive, and they will attain the new level of existence. Just like after the global flood, they will reach a new land and humanity will be regenerated.
This phase is starting now and I hope it will end in a couple of decades. Then humanity will understand what it is facing, the wisdom of Kabbalah offers a method by which we can quickly undergo this phase, with little suffering, easily, by understanding what is going on and, at the same time, in a qualitative way.
It doesn’t provide us with a tranquilizer in order to mitigate the unavoidable transition to the next phase of united humanity, but it offers us a way to understand the process and to do it by ourselves. This is how we will attain the new quality independently, and it will not only be a totally different feeling, but will lead to a totally different outcome.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/15/16

New Life #355 – The Vision Of World Peace

New Life #355 – The Vision Of World Peace
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
How does society determine the way we use our time? How should we actually spend our time? And how will Integral Education lead us to relationships that are beyond time?
Will I be able to develop faster than others in my generation? How can we fulfill time in the most beneficial way? Food, sex, family, money, respect, control, knowledge—everyone wants these things but in a different blend. A successful fulfillment of time is when a person tries to raise the society he lives in to connection and mutuality. When a person learns what true love and giving is, he realizes that the force of love fills the world.
Attaining the attribute of love and giving raises a person above mechanical time; he now measures time differently. We used to be animals. The peak of human development is when man exits the limits of time, motion, and space. We are wasting our time chasing different things until we finally realize that true happiness is in the connection of love and giving.
Life has a higher goal—to build a connection between us that will turn us into one man in one heart.
From KabTV’s “New Life #355 – The Vision Of World Peace,” 4/22/14
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Desire Stems From The Creator

laitman_566_02A letter I received: “I have been listening to your lectures for quite a while, and I am impressed by your dedication.
“You are a wise and intelligent man who has seen a lot in life and who operates in order to attain the uppermost goal of creation, but I wonder what will happen if what you aspire for will not be revealed at the end. Where do you find the energy to believe in what you do?
“After all, it is an impossible mission, even with all of your great will when many have no patience or desire to reveal the Creator and live with Him forever and to make the world a perfect place. You seem to be the only person on this planet who can be a guarantor for all those who advance toward the Creator.
“I hope that, thanks to all of your efforts for the right to exist in the universe, you will be able to hear the Creator’s voice and receive His specific instructions for life not on this planet, but somewhere else.”
My Comment: There is no question in this letter, but I am publicizing it in order to say one thing only: Desire stems from the Creator, so I only thank Him for that.
In fact, you must pay for such a desire from the Creator, for the desire to reveal Him to the world and bring the world to Him, by your attitude to the Creator. This is what I am trying to do through my actions. Our pleasure stems from the Creator’s greatness in contrast to our shame, pride, and our feelings of worthlessness.

The Ritual Of The Golden Calf

Laitman_115_06Question: What does the wisdom of Kabbalah say about the ritual of the golden calf, an expression that today refers to worshipping material objects and money?
Answer: The golden calf symbolizes the immense egoistic desire the children of Israel came out of Egypt with, rose above temporarily, until they suddenly fell into it and began to build the golden calf out of their desires for wealth and for using others.
In other words, the golden calf symbolizes the mutual desire for bourgeois development that humanity sees as a goal, as a substitute for Godliness.
The more we advance toward the attribute of love and unity, the greater the danger of falling into the desire of the golden calf, every step of the way.
Therefore, there is a method of integral unity according to the wisdom of Kabbalah that enables us to ascend above this growing desire, since this is how we develop.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/3/16

Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone

laitman_276_01Question: What does it mean “manna, which you did not know, nor did your forefathers know”? (Torah, “Deuteronomy”, 8:3)
Answer: The forefathers didn’t have big egoistic desires. They didn’t pass through the state of the desert.
The forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are Keter, Hochma, andBina. They had small, light desires and therefore they are called the holy fathers, since the quality of Bina (bestowal) was natural for those desires that were revealed at the time.
Therefore, we divide the entire history into fathers and sons. Fathers are HBD(HochmaBina, and Daat or KeterHochma, and Bina), meaning the head part of thePartzuf (spiritual body). Sons are HGT (HesedGevura, and Tifferet). And the lowest part of the PartzufNHY, is us, meaning sons of the sons.
Comment: But the fathers still had pain, after all, Abraham asked, “And how will I conquer this land?”
Answer: Naturally, he was asking in advance because the head part feels and creates a foundation for the entire future correction until the final correction.
Question: How can we explain the phrase, “Man does not live by bread alone, but rather by, whatever comes forth from the mouth of the Lord does man live.”
Answer: There are qualities that are called pure Bina, the light of Hassadim, the light of bestowal, and this is bread. And there are qualities when inside the light ofHassadim that spreads the light of Hochma. And this is called complete bestowal, reception in order to bestow. Thus you use your egoistic Kelim (vessels) also for bestowal.
For this even bigger light is required from above that will illuminate and correct your egoistic desires to altruistic ones, which is above Bina, on the level of Hochma. Then you use that energy, that light, that comes directly from the Creator.
And it is said about this, “by whatever comes forth from the mouth of the Lord does man live.” This is double correction in two stages.
But there are all sorts of variations in the quality of Bina that represents bread.
For example, we don’t eat bread on Passover. Since the regular bread during mixing is in conjunction with water for more than eighteen minutes (meaning nine Sefirot of the direct light and nine Sefirot of the reflected light), it is considered to be in connection with Malchut and therefore we can’t use it because the connection with Malchut won’t allow us to exit Egypt.
Thus, the exodus from Egypt, meaning separation from Malchut, is symbolized by the unleavened bread called Matzah. This is one of the varieties of the quality of bestowal.
And after Passover begins the holiday of receiving the TorahShavuot, which is when we eat everything dairy because milk is a quality of bestowal. And it symbolizes the celebration of giving of the Torah.
All these actions are calculated in the head part of the Partzuf or soul. And after that comes the quality of sons, all those qualities that people of Israel passed under the leadership of Moses. We are at the end of development and are considered sons of the sons.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/27/16

A Kabbalist’s Attributes

laitman_222_0Question: Can a Kabbalist be annoyed and impatient with those around him at times?
Answer: If a person engages in the dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah and wants to achieve something, he certainly feels tension and anger, has doubts, and different questions such as how he should act in the best possible way, and whether he should do his work one way or another. Although he is already included in the upper force, he has freedom of choiceto use it in a better way, and so there is room for all the human feelings.
Question: As a Kabbalist are you ever insulted by anything?
Answer: No, what can I be insulted by? I can only be insulted by the upper force that takes everything upon itself.
Question: Is it typical of a Kabbalist to feel responsible?
Answer: A Kabbalist feels the greatest sense of responsibility because nothing forces him to work for the wellbeing of others except for a sense of responsibility and commitment that he has taken upon himself. The feeling of responsibility that he has is only with regard to the Creator and not anyone else. To the extent that a Kabbalist develops spiritually, he becomes increasingly less greedy. He teaches people how to discover the Creator in the right connection between them; he serves as a teacher for his students, an advisor, a mentor, and a coach until his students can advance independently. Then he feels that he doesn’t need anything and is only happy that they don’t need him anymore and that they can advance on their own.
Question: Does a Kabbalist have to be brave?
Answer: Everyone has to be brave and especially a Kabbalist. He has to clearly understand that he is in a conflict with the Creator who is revealed to him in different ways. A person undergoes such transformations that he needs to be persistent, stubborn, brave, and steadfast. A Kabbalist cannot be cowardly under any circumstances, but must be able to stick to his opinion when facing the Creator, when the Creator is testing him and trying to divert him from the right path by invoking in him different doubts, which thus strengthens him. This strengthening is attained thanks to a person’s very strong resistance.
Question: Is it typical of a Kabbalist to feel fear? What is he afraid of?
Answer: No, the fear disappears. A Kabbalist can only fear one thing: that he may not do what he has to do correctly.
Question: To what extent is a sense of humor important for a Kabbalist?
Answer: A sense of humor is very important in a Kabbalist’s work. I really appreciate humor and jokes and so did Rabash, my teacher, who used to listen to the jokes I told with great pleasure. Humor is a brilliant thought that comes to mind when a person encounters several awkward situations that contradict one another and knows how to connect them.
Question: Does a Kabbalist feel shame, and if so, of what?
Answer: A Kabbalist feels shame only if he doesn’t use an opportunity to attribute everything to the Creator; it isn’t shame of having been able to do something and not doing it because everything is fulfilled from Above, but it is shame of having had an opportunity to attribute what happened to the Creator and missing it. This is also arranged for him by the Creator so that he will attribute everything to Him.
Question: What would happen if I suddenly discovered that I did something 20 years ago that I feel ashamed of?
Answer: The past will be revealed to you as terrible transgressions and you have to understand that it was all done by the Creator, not by you. A person is not to blame for anything. Even the cruelest person didn’t do anything by himself. It is all arranged that way by the Creator on purpose.
Question: What is being noble for a Kabbalist?
Answer: Being noble is being committed, being responsible.
Question: Does a Kabbalist ever feel a sense of revenge or anger?
Answer: A sense of revenge is a correction. A person naturally feels angry when he cannot fulfill the corrections that depended on him, but the fact that he hasn’t corrected himself is intentionally arranged that way by the Creator. A Kabbalist is a person who is in an uncorrected state and each time rises from it to a more corrected state, and so he does have all these feelings.
Question: Is miserliness typical of a Kabbalist?
Answer: If you are referring to money, he can save money in order to spend it on dissemination.
Question: Can a Kabbalist be unfaithful?
Answer: He has a different set of values and so such things are not typical of him.
Question: Can he be jealous?
Answer: Jealousy is a positive attribute that motivates a person. We have to develop our feeling of envy of those who advance faster and further ahead along the spiritual way.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16

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