When human beings discover the true essence of Creator and behaves according to the nature of the grantor or giver, that approach is so intense that he realizes that does not need the religion, it remains only as part of their cultural and social environment in this world.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Due to the blog editor attending the North American Kabbalah Covention there is going to be a one week pause in refreshing the blog content.
See you soon!
One’s Own Trial
The Torah is the basis even for the present laws. The first purchase and sale contracts come from Abraham, who purchased the land for the Mearat a-Machpelah cave for his tomb. Under the contract with Hebron, he paid 400 shekels of silver for it.
Question: What does it mean, “based on the testimony of witnesses, he shall slay the murderer”?
Answer: Evidence in court can be based on the statements from at least two witnesses, unrelated to the suspect.
Therefore, each one of them was interrogated separately, confused on purpose, and their statements were compared in order to precisely determine that both witnesses were not connected to each other in any way and that there was no relationship, mutual interest, or agreement between them. Only after this was it possible to accept their statements.
A witness is one who saw with his own eyes what happened, not just heard something.
In spirituality “to see the killer” means to reach the level of Hochma, that is the level of complete awareness of what is happening inside me.
When I see how the egoism in me destroys the good inclination that would wish to lead me forward and doesn’t allow me to do a good action, then I assess it sanely. After all, only by rising to the level of Hochma can I turn against egoism.
If, except from the present state, I have one more state, one more witness (that is, I saw something, discovered something inside me) then, for the first time, it is not enough for me. If for the second time I will see the same phenomenon and will grasp it in my mind, that’s it, it is enough in order to eradicate it in me.
Therefore I have to see the killer at least twice, twice to rise to the level of Hochma.
Only then will I have strength and ability to conduct a fair trial, make the right conclusion and eradicate this phenomenon in me.
“To rise to the level of Hochma,” means to realize the source of what is happening and manage to rise above it, manage to eradicate this state in myself to such an extent that I already would not have to correct it on this degree.
I receive from the above such a serious force of judgment (judgment as well is the level of Hochma) that from this level, from this moment on, I am already above all the disturbances. Therefore it is considered that I kill them, eradicate them inside me, and correct them.
But in any case, everything dispenses without imprisonment and jails; flight is made to the city of refuge, or the correction happens on the spot.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/16/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/16/15
China: Bribery Is Punishable By Death
Does the Torah permit the death penalty?
Answer: Yes. There are four types of death penalties mentioned in the Torah: burning, strangling, stoning, and decapitation. These all stem from spiritual roots. In ancient times, death sentences were so rare that it was considered an unusual event. We can count very few cases in which Jewish people were sentenced to death during the thousand years before the nation of Israel received the Torah. During the 70 years there was one death sentence and this period was considered barbaric.
In those days the Sanhedrin made the final decision regarding a punishment. But the case was heard over many years, discussed so thoroughly for so long that individuals would die, and then the case was closed. However, these laws are hardly suitable for other nations because the Jewish nation is based on spiritual principles.
I don’t know if the world needs a death sentence today, but I have no doubt that there is a need for compulsory education all over the world. Humanity is affected by egoismthat develops like a virus and infects everyone, from small children to the elderly. We are not aware of the many layers of the egoistic membrane that are wrapped around each of us. We don’t feel one another and treat each other according to values that are totally incompatible with the right desirable communication between people. The world is deteriorating, and if we don’t start some kind of spiritual human social educational, it will become totally barbaric. The whole problem is us.
Question: How can we reeducate all of humanity that is now 7-8 billion people? It sounds like a fantasy.
Answer: It is impossible to educate seven billion people, but it is possible to reeducate the 3-4 million people living in Israel. If the Jews really understood that the fate of the world depended on them and that they are facing the threat of annihilation, the threat of another Holocaust, all our problems would be solved. I have been saying that for many years, but lately global problems are increasingly manifesting: problems in UNESCO, in the UN, the elections in the US, problems in the EU common market, in Russia, in Syria, and everywhere.
We need to finally open our eyes and see that we are responsible for all these terrible egoistic revelations. We have to explain this to the Jewish people because the whole world will turn to us and demand an answer, demand compensation for the centuries they have suffered as a result of our lack of understanding and our reluctance to fulfill our mission.
As for the death sentence in China, it is also related to us. All the evil in the world on the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate nature, and the human level results from the behavior of the Jewish people, and so the world is beginning to turn to us through its subconscious hatred toward us, demanding that we reexamine our conduct. We should take things seriously, and then things will be better for us and for the whole world! There is no other way.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/19/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/19/16
Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 2/21/16
Answer: The two worlds are integrated in a person.
Question: I am a doctor and relieve the suffering of patients. Since suffering pushes a person toward understanding the meaning of life and his egoistic nature, am I violating the thought of the Creator in this way?
Answer: It is said that permission has been given to the doctor to heal. The fact that you are relieving the suffering of patients entered the thought of the Creator from the beginning.
Question: Why do they say that thought is physical?
Answer: It is precisely because thought builds the physical world for us. Our entire world is a single thought. Even astronomers and cosmologists attest to feeling that nature and space are thought. Everything around us is thought.
Question: How can I love what someone else loves? Do I just ask him, or do I give him what he loves?
Answer: This is a more complicated matter. First, it is up to you to make Tzimtzum Aleph (the first restriction) on yourself, meaning that you don’t take your feelings into account at all. Then you already begin to receive your feelings from above Tzimtzum Aleph. And then you begin to feel the others within them.
Question: Why isn’t it possible for a person to remember his previous lives, or do they not exist?
Answer: In fact, there are no past lives. Basically these are impressions that have been inscribed so that we will finally reach the right decision.
Question: How is it possible to explain the expression, “The Creator said”; how can He speak if this is a force?
Answer: This is an expression of His desire. The desire of the Creator is revealed when the creature comes to resemble Him.
Question: What is the thread that joins the physical and spiritual world?
Answer: The connection or the characteristic that connects the two worlds is calledZeir Anpin. It serves as a conduit through which energy passes from the upper world to the lower world and from the lower world to the upper world. The upper world is Bina, the lower world is Malchut, and Zeir Anpin is found between them.
Question: Must I get used to the thought that my “self” is not my body, or should I wait until I will feel this clearly?
Answer: This must be discovered inside of you. There is no need to think about and imagine it. If you want to get the right intention, it is up to you to work only in a group according to the method in our workshops. Then you will feel advancement.
Question: Why did I have less resistance when I was exposed to religion for the first time in contrast to the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: Religion is an egoistic method that “closes” the person in our world. It directs a person to work for its sake and to attain the upper world after death. Kabbalah believes that the religions, first Judaism, after that Christianity, and then Islam, don’t allow a person to develop properly. The religions were created by people following an egoistic attitude and interpretation of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Question: If a person doesn’t discover the sixth sense in his lifetime, must he be born again on the face of the Earth?
Answer: Baal HaSulam wrote that we are already in the period of the Last Generation. It is up to us to invest the maximal amount of effort, and then only a significant ascent into the upper world is ahead for us. I invite everyone to join; we will help each other and rise together.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/21/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/21/16
Everyone Is Paying In Ecuador
Citizens with income of a thousand dollars per month will pay one day’s wages, someone who earns two thousand dollars a month will pay two days’ wages, and so on. In practice, the president of the country has imposed a kind dues.
How do you relate to equality like this?
Answer: There is no doubt that the nation needs help to recover after such a powerful earthquake. But they have to deal with it. They chose the right method because everyone was harmed.
South America is a unique area; the immigrant spirit and the spirit of the Indians are still felt there; they are characterized by a feeling of unity. They relate to each other with great feeling, with understanding, wholeheartedly, because they are not completely damaged by egoism and the modern world.
I think that this will help them. When a problem arises and you begin to take care of it seriously, then you don’t immerse yourself in those illnesses in which the whole world is immersed, but are involved in curing the illness.
So they will rebuild and it will be good for them. The implication of the terrible earthquake is that it will bring them a better future. It will strengthen and unite them.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/21/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/21/16
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
The Outcomes Of The Convention Have Not Been Revealed Totally
Answer: We are not connected as an embryo yet, as well are not connected in order to form a womb in which the embryo can develop. We only need to connect; that’s all. We must connect as one body and be as one man in one heart. After all, you don’t want it yet. You are only studying.
Question: How can I want something that I don’t want all of the sudden?
Answer: We receive such a deficiency indirectly through the actions we perform. We cannot do anything against our ego directly, but indirectly we can spur the Light that Reforms that changes our nature.
Question: Can a small group in our bigger group connect and be as an embryo, or does everyone need to connect in order to achieve that?
Answer: At the moment, it is impossible to say for sure how it will happen because this situation has never been realized before. We must digest this principle thoroughly. We mustn’t be sure that something somehow would happen if it hasn’t yet been fulfilled.
There are infinite options in spirituality. Therefore, I don’t know what the internal group should be like in order to become an embryo that exists in the womb, the external group.
We are nearing this state gradually and very quickly. I am amazed each time by our sudden new leaps. However, there are no exceptions. We all must become an embryo according to our attitude to the desire to receive, and we all must become a womb in our attitude toward the desire to bestow. We build all of that of ourselves.
We must build the womb first, the level of bestowal, and raise it to the heavenly heights. Then, below it, we can build the level of receiving, which means the ground under our feet. There is always a right line first, bestowal, before the left line, receiving. This is what it says in the book Shulchan Aruch, which describes the commandments. This book gives us many practical instructions as to our internal work if we interpret them as spiritual concepts.
Question: What should we work on today?
Answer: We should work on the exaltedness of the attribute of bestowal and on building the connection between us in the form of an embryo. We must build the connection between us, which is the Creator, and the connection, which is the created being. Then, we will see that these are two sides of the same coin.
Question: But we cannot tie these two opposites together!
Answer: The Creator will arrange this oppositeness in the form of the middle line. Don’t worry. There isn’t much time left. We have made a great leap, and we will feel it soon. We don’t see the outcomes of the convention yet, but we will see it in the future, and we are advancing constantly toward it.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/14 Writings of Baal HaSulam
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/14 Writings of Baal HaSulam
Fighting Off The Shadow Of The Holocaust, Part 4
Question: What does it mean to maintain high human spirits even during such suffering as happened during the Holocaust?
Answer: High human spirits means to be one man, Adam, in total unity. Adam HaRishon is a system that connects together all people in the world so that we feel dependent on each other and connected by mutual guarantee.
Accordingly, we receive education and develop our relationships until we discover that our world is filled with the force of good, not the force of evil.
But this is only on condition that we strive to exist within this force. If we do so, a good future awaits us. However, if we don’t do it, then I am afraid that we will have a period that will be no less difficult than during the past Holocaust. We need to understand that the laws of nature, that don’t make concessions, operate here.
Baal HaSulam writes that Nazism isn’t a German invention, but a natural form of development of the egoistic society. After socialism, comes Nazism. Today, the whole of Europe is socialistic, and America is becoming more and more socialistic. Therefore, with a slight delay after Europe, it will come to Nazism as well. It will happen very quickly.
Humanity is coming to the peak of hatred for each other because Jews who have the method of connection don’t realize it and are not passing it to the world. Because of this, the enitre world is drowning in blatant, outright hatred, uniting against the Jews.
Where once only Germany acted against the Jews and the rest of the countries remained neutral, today, such an attitude will be revealed in the entire world. There will not be a single nation left, not a person, who would not hate Jews, Israel, and the people of Israel.
Question: Why does the force of the good connection exist only in Jews?
Answer: Jews acquired this force during their history, starting from receiving thewisdom of Kabbalah, and implementing it on themselves in times of the first and second temple. It is written that we must pass this force of connection to all of humanity when they require it.
Humanity has been in need of it for a long time already, and we must work on this. However, the people of Israel—who so far are deaf to their mission and engaged in all sorts of material games and values that are not at all in the spirit of our people—are called to be spiritual leaders of humanity and bring light to the other nations. This is a very dangerous situation, and we don’t have time for contemplation.
Of course, we are impressed by examples of courage and overcoming that were displayed by Jews during the Holocaust. However, today, we must talk not about that, not about how we managed to go through such trials and preserved human dignity even in the concentration camps. We need to think about how we can make sure that it never happens again! After all, this is the most relevant question of our time.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/28/16
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/28/16
New Life #724 – Holocaust Remembrance Day
New Life #724 – Holocaust Remembrance Day
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
What is the soul-searching that we must do on Holocaust Remembrance Day, how do we make sure that an event like this will not return, and why is the attention of the world turned specifically toward us today?
Over time, the attitude toward Holocaust Remembrance Day has eroded because “there was a decree about the dead that they should be forgotten from the heart” (Pesachim 54b). The attitude in the world today toward Israel is reminiscent of the situation that existed 80-90 years ago, and it is up to us to prevent another Holocaust. Everything revolves around the people of Israel; we are the center of humanity because the method for the correction of humanity is in our hands.
Abraham taught the general rule, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), kindness and oneness. Until the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Temple) we respected these values. The goal of creation is to bring all of humanity to become a single integral system. The people of Israel must lead the human species to a better life and a spiritual height. Humanity is demanding the method of correction from the people of Israel so they don’t appreciate anything else that we have brought to the world.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day it is up to us to take account of what we must do so that the Holocaust will not be repeated. It is up to us to correct the human rift, the hatred that dominates everyone, and the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches the method of how to do this. We require broad learning, a general education for all people and the world so we will understand the goal of existence. The people of Israel are required to become the pioneers in human development toward this goal. If we begin to connect, we will advance along with the good forces, explaining to the world what our role is. They will then support us. The wisdom of Kabbalah is intended for everyone, secular, religious, Jewish, or non-Jewish, this is a universal method of correction. It is up to the nation of Israel to provide an example of connection in which the Creator, the general power of love, is revealed. Instead of dwelling on the past, it is worthwhile to establish conversation circles in which we clarify how we will advance toward an enlightened world.
From KabTV’s “New Life #724 – Holocaust Remembrance Day,” 4/28/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #724 – Holocaust Remembrance Day,” 4/28/16
The Conception Of The Soul
Answer: A person’s soul appears during his spiritual conception when he begins to fulfill his Reshimo (his spiritual gene). A person’s first ascent above his ego and his inclusion in the upper world is called the point of incorporation in the upper world. Then the upper world becomes a womb and the root of his soul, the Reshimo, becomes a sperm that takes its place in the upper world and the conception of the soul begins.
Question: Is there a father and mother, etc. in the spiritual world?
Answer: Everything that is depicted in the form of objects in our world, like a mother, a father and people, is actually depicted in us by the upper forces because in spirituality everything exists in the form of forces, while in our world everything is revealed as objects.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/21/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/21/16
How Does A Kabbalist Live?
Answer: It is very simple. A Kabbalist understands his deficiencies and the deficiencies of other people, he understands everything that is portrayed as a burden on them and on him; so he forgives people.
A Kabbalist sees his own reflection in everything that is found outside of him, which are the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human. These are the four levels of his egoism, which are portrayed in front of him.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/21/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/21/16
Depression Affects The Whole Body
“The results of this work could explain the significant association that depression has with cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and why people suffering from depression die younger. At the same time, this research may help finding new therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of depression.”
My Comment: Of course, the entire body is affected because the body, as well as the whole of creation, is a complete system, ten Sefirot, according to the general rule, “There is no partial in spirituality.”
The more that research of this type will become known to us, perhaps people will understand more rapidly that depression is clear sign of the demand by the body to attain fulfillment of the desire for pleasure in any way. In our day, fulfillment of the desire for pleasure is possible only through discovering the meaning of life. This is possible only by discovering our next level of development, which is the revelation of the upper world with the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
New Life #723 – The Holocaust In A Kabbalistic Perspective
New Life #723 – The Holocaust In A Kabbalistic Perspective
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Why was the Nazi’s hatred aimed mainly toward the Jews? What should we learn from the growing anti-Semitism today, and how does the wisdom of Kabbalah explain the duty of the nation of Israel to the world?
The nation of Israel should bring the method of correction to the world as “Light unto the nations.” If it doesn’t do so the evil force will arrive. If it doesn’t connect the world in love and goodness, the evil force will force it to connect just as the Nazis did during the Holocaust. The Nazis attacked us as part of an ideological war. They wanted to destroy our spiritual dominance. We have brought the blow upon ourselves because we didn’t do our job and didn’t listen to the Kabbalists who called us to start the correction of the world.
When a person suffers greatly and doesn’t feel that he can overcome what is happening in any way, the only thing left for him to do is self-annulment. He accepted what happens, and thus the point of truth in him awakens, the human spirit. Rabbi Akiva was saved from drowning in the sea thanks to self-annulment when he held onto a log and lowered his head every time he a wave washed over him. After the blow, the human spirit remains in order to allow a person to recover and correct himself, and so it is less important to speak about what happened and more important to understand how to prevent another blow. Nature requires all of humanity to become one bundle as “First Man,” so in order to prevent another blow, we have to work on our connection and thus connect the whole world.
We, the nation of Israel, have the method of connection, which is the wisdom of Kabbalah. Nazism isn’t a German notion but another phase in the development of society following socialism, and it might spread throughout Europe and the US. The whole world might unite against us because its good future depends on us. We have received the Torah, the wisdom of Kabbalah, the method of correcting human nature from evil to good.
Unfortunately, the nation of Israel still lives according to values that are incompatible with its spiritual root. The fact that we have a state today is no guarantee in preventing another blow since the whole world might unite against us, and so the only solution is to work on the connection between us. The Holocaust Remembrance Day is a time for soul searching.
From KabTV’s “New Life #723 – The Holocaust In A Kabbalistic Perspective,” 4/28/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #723 – The Holocaust In A Kabbalistic Perspective,” 4/28/16
Fighting Off The Shadow Of The Holocaust, Part 3
Question: How did people manage to maintain their strength of mind in the concentration camps?
Answer: The upper force helped us maintain our strength of mind because we had to recover after this blow and bring ourselves to correction. If we forget about the past catastrophe and are ready to give up and do nothing again, then by this, we are preparing a new Holocaust.
We need to understand that we are approaching it! Just like the Jews before World War II and before the Holocaust didn’t believe that it could happen, it is the same is today: They don’t want to know about it.
Question: Nowadays people are more concerned about material things, and the spirit isn’t the center of society’s attention. What kind of spirit do we need to raise and develop in people?
Answer: It is unification; there is nothing else besides it. If we help all of humanity unite again into one common system, as one man, then we will achieve the desired state the good way. We still must come to it in any case, but if we, by ourselves, do not advance toward it, we will be driven by suffering.
Question: What role did all of the attempts to preserve cultural life, all the theatrical plays, have in the concentration camps?
Answer: This, of course, this helped people in such a dire state survive psychologically. But I am talking about real corrections that the people of Israel are obliged to make in order to destroy fascism completely as a phenomenon.
Unification has a special power, and this is the only thing that nature wants from us. We come to the fact that the development of all of humanity, human society, requires to connect correctly in a certain harmony. The world is becoming integral, as one small village, and only the people of Israel possess the method of connection, which is called the wisdom of Kabbalah.
If we understand this method and are able to use it, everything is wonderful.
However, while having the method of connection, if we don’t want to apply it and even resist our connection by any means, by creating various parties, movements, and schools, then we are arranging a very big problem for ourselves that can drop a terrible blow upon us again. We will again begin to advance by the evil, murderous force.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/28/16
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/28/16
Enclosed In A Unified System
This tells us how a man can protect himself from his internal harmful forces. He has to hide in the correct relationships between people and not leave them in any case.
And if he drifts out of the social framework that supports him in the mutual guarantee, then he loses connection with it and goes beyond the border of so-called city.
Then he is in danger, his egoism starts killing him. And this is the blood avenger that constantly follows him. That is why he must not run away from the city where he can protect himself.
In other words, a man represents a whole universe. There are desires in him that he can correct and then he lives freely everywhere. But in addition, there are desires that he basically corrects, but not completely.
Parts of them are those that are not exactly prepared for correction and he allegedly accidentally kills them. In this case, man should protect himself. This is what type of connection with the environment exists that is called the “city of refuge.”
This is a very complicated system. In principle, the Torah speaks only about how we need to be interconnected with each other.
Consequently, the division of the people of Israel into 12 tribes, by tens, hundreds, and thousands in the assembly of troops, to the cities of refuge, the land of Israel itself divided into two parts, beyond Jordan and before Jordan, the Menashe tribe, half of which is beyond the Jordan and half inside the land of Israel. These are very interesting divisions.
Moreover, it is ordered in advance where each one will live.
Connection between tribes is forbidden. It seems that everything should be the other way around, everything together! No, you are in this tribe, so you can take a wife only from this tribe, live only in this area, you don’t have a right to go anywhere, or to build a house on the territory of another tribe.
On one hand, everything is enclosed by universal love, universal mutual connection, because at the entrance to the land of Israel the state of mutual love is achieved. Can’t we intermingle in this state?! No, each one has to keep his own lot and live under his own roof, under his own palm, etc.
After all, how does our body function? It exists precisely because it has completely different organs in it that work in absolutely different modes. The heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, everything works at different levels. Each of them has their own internal laws.
All the organs secrete various substances, partially incompatible with each other, and only their correct joint work is the key to a healthy living body. One doesn’t interfere in the vital activity of the other, but works strictly according to the certain pattern of connection with all the others.
And the Torah gives this rigid scheme according to which you have to, on one hand, be distanced from others and, on the other hand, be in connection with them. The correctly assembled system functions only on the confrontation between two opposite forces and on their connection above the opposition.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of Eternal Books” 12/16/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of Eternal Books” 12/16/15
Monday, May 16, 2016
New Life #596 – Hatred Destroys, Love Builds
New Life #596 – Hatred Destroys, Love Builds
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
There is an upper force in the world that is good and benevolent, loving and giving, which has created a force that is opposite to it, which is evil, full of hatred, and takes instead of gives. Evil means a negative attitude toward others, enjoying harming others, which is unfounded hate.
There is a cycle of the good force and the evil force in nature, one force rules and then the other. Hatred leads to separation, to detachment; it ruins and destroys.
Our feelings and our relationships affect all of reality, and the stronger a force is the more concealed it is.
Information, for example, has enormous power. Nature is full of concealed information; we only know a very small fraction of it. We live in a home we don’t know. It is like walking around in a dark castle. Darkness stems from hatred since hatred closes us inside ourselves and we don’t see 99% of nature.
Therefore, we don’t need anything but love, by which we will connect all the parts of reality to us. People are on the highest level in nature, which is totally integral, but we affect it badly. We can sense the good force that can dwell among people in different connecting exercises like connecting workshops and discussion circles.
From KabTV’s “New Life #596 – Hatred Destroys, Love Builds,” 7/9/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #596 – Hatred Destroys, Love Builds,” 7/9/15
The World Starts From The Night
The death of the High Priest is a change of the whole spiritual degree (Partzuf).
The High Priest symbolizes Keter—the head of the Partzuf. Therefore, when the head is changed, the control of everything changes: the people, the country, etc. Everything returns back to square one, a change of the degree eliminates the past and a new degree starts as if from zero.
Question: Will man have to run away to cities of refugees on the next degree again?
Answer: Of course, because this is necessary! What the Torah indicates certainly has to happen because it is included in the global system of egoism. It is impossible to correct our nature if there were no murderers, thieves, prostitution, quarrels, and other problems.
Egoism has to fully manifest itself! It is impossible without this. After all, the world begins from the night: “And there was evening, and there was morning, one day.”
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/16/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/16/15
Fighting Off The Shadow Of The Holocaust Part 2
Answer: The nation of Israel was obliged to pass the method of correction to the world, to stand at the head of the entire world and become a light to the nations.
We had to show to everyone the example of unity that humanity is destined to reach in order for all of the people, from young to old, to reveal the Creator. As it is written, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”
But if we don’t fulfill our mission, then we contribute to the rise of the forces of evil in the world. Therefore, it is possible to say that, precisely because of the Jews, the Nazis were able to come to power—thanks to our inaction.
The Nazis persecuted Jewish people specifically because, if we allow to the evil force to rule, it above all rules over us. The entire fight of the forces of evil is directed exactly against the people of Israel, not against other nations, as the main war was ideological.
The ideologists of fascism especially studied Judaism and sensed that they needed to destroy the force of spiritual power that exists in the people of Israel. In this way, they were hoping to take this power into their own hands, instead of ours.
The method of connection (the wisdom of Kabbalah, the authentic teaching of the people of Israel) hasn’t opened up and hadn’t begun operating in humanity, who required it so much. Therefore, another force rose instead of it, the force of the Nazis that was destroying everything by separating humanity, driving it to the different corners of the world and distancing it from unity.
In fact, the Nazis allegedly stated, “If you are unable to unite all the nations of the world in the mutual bestowal to each other, then we will unite everybody by the Nazi methodology.” After all, the word “fascism” comes from “fascio” (union), “bundle, assemble from many stems.” In other words, the union, either good or evil, will be achieved in any case.
The Jews have the method of good union through the upper force in which we reach universal equality and freedom of expression. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to come to this.
However, if we can’t and don’t want to do this, as there are many opponents of this method amongst the people of Israel, by this we give freedom of action to the Nazi, fascist forces. This is what happened eighty years ago, and there is a great danger of a repetition of the Holocaust.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/28/16
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/28/16
The Imbalance That Threatens Creation
“’Ultimately, the universe is a network of individual galaxies, combined with gravitational interaction. We have built a visual model of these relations and got something that with the proper proportion of imagination can be called, “A view of the universe from God’s point of view”,’ – explains one of the authors of the project Kim Albrecht.”
My Comment: Kabbalah says that not only our world but all of creation is a single organism, and among all the worlds, only the human being has freedom of choice in his behavior. The rest of the creatures are instinctively run by nature.
So the balance of the entire system depends only on human behavior, and only humans bring it out of balance, and conversely, can restore it to balance.
Kabbalah explains how to manage the system correctly and maintain its balance. Currently, the egoistic behavior of humanity takes the system of creation out of equilibrium. Kabbalah warns of the consequences ….
New Life #592 – The Vegan Revolution
New Life #592 – The Vegan Revolution
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
When we see something is growing stronger, it is worthwhile checking who is interested in its success, who is promoting it. And now food is being made into an interesting ritual. Once a kitchen was two meters, today it is the size of a living room.
There is a drastic difference between the meat that is sold to us and the meat of an animal that grows naturally. Today food is altogether processed, and in the future they will print food with three-dimensional printers. Today vegetables may not be healthier than meat due to all the material added to the soil.
Every species exists for the species above it. The still is for the vegetative, the vegetative for the animate, and the animate for the human. How does one use the animate, vegetative, and still correctly? Laws were given to us. That is how a person sanctifies them.
It is not good to fight and prove to others the justification for veganism. Let everyone eat the food that is good for him. We are found within nature; it is a closed system. Any change in our habits has an influence on the rest of creation.
In nature, every species uses the species that is below it. If we stop doing this, we will insert a distortion into all of nature. This will cause a distortion of the laws of physics and chemistry, climate change, and various natural outbreaks.
The highest level in nature is the Divine. A person who ascends to it, elevates everything that he ate with him. Therefore one must not pressure others to become vegans or vegetarians. Whoever this is good for, to your good health!
From KabTV’s “New Life #592 – The Vegan Revolution,” 7/2/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #592 – The Vegan Revolution,” 7/2/15
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