Friday, August 15, 2014

The Only Way Out

Dear Friends,
I decided to address you in these difficult days because I feel that now we have a real opportunity to not only stop the war, but also to prevent all future wars.
That feeling of unity that has awakened in our nation today has deep roots. Our nation gathered around unity. It carried unity throughout its history. Precisely unity has allowed it to survive the most difficult times and return to its homeland.
And today, when there is a sense that the war is at its end, the spirit of unity among the people is beginning to wane. Right now, we need to do everything possible to hold and strengthen it.
Only unity can create a real dome of security around our country and draw respect from the entire world. Only unity will give us the long-awaited peace and confidence in the future.
The future of our children depends on our decision to unite.
I embrace you all.
With respect,
Dr. Michael Laitman,
President of the International Kabbalah Academy.

Are We Ready For This?

Do we live in an aspiration for unity? Does love unite us there?
No, and that’s why we experience all our troubles. It does not matter that the external complaints of the world against us are different. There is one demand behind all the accusations: our happiness is in your hands. Do what you need to do or disappear because if you don’t, then nobody needs you.
Today, this demand sounds louder than ever.
We are tired. The world is tired. Crises, wars, diseases, and environmental disasters have battered the Earth so much that the groaning is everywhere.
This demand is to us: to the people of Israel. Become one people. Show the world that this is the only way to live.
And as soon as we start to approach the realization of this idea, as soon as we take the first step and direct our thoughts towards Oneness, as soon as we decide, finally, that we cannot survive in any other way; we will immediately see the attitude towards us change, as the world stands waiting for a miracle. And our worst enemies will retreat. Our Oneness will defeat them. It will give strength to our army.
We will win without casualties; just understand this! Our children will not be killed! By our unity, we will create an impenetrable dome around them, around our army, around the whole of Israel. We will radiate such confidence, such happiness that everyone will want to live like this.
The whole world!
Why?! Because by doing so we will get closer to the Law of Unity, which runs the world. The Law of Love. And it will help us.
So, will we hear this time?

Evolution Drives Us Into A Corner

Question: The Jewish people have been through horrible trials throughout history such as the inquisition and the Holocaust. And because of this, we have the constant feeling that we will always be hated no matter what. At the same time there is the feeling that no one can defeat us and that we can go on like this for ages. How can we break down this wall of stubbornness and pride?
Answer: In the past, the Jewish people always managed to come out of the clutches of the pressure they were under. If it became dangerous in one country, they could always hide in another where they would succeed.
That’s the way it always was. But today we find ourselves in a general global crisis, when the whole world is connected globally, and so the whole world will be against the Jews as one, and there will be nowhere to hide. We have nowhere to escape to. We will feel that we are cornered and have no choice but to beg the Creator for help.
Comment: But we are living in our own state, in the state of Israel, and we have a strong army. So people don’t feel that there is no way out. The Jews have gotten used to the fact that we are hated and that we will always be hated, and so we don’t intend to change in any way.
Answer: People don’t understand that we are in a special time, in a special phase of evolution that brings us to increasingly greater unity of all the parts of creation. The whole world feels that it is connected in one bowl, and in this situation, the Israeli nation is in a very difficult position.
We could be saved when someone needed us and we moved from one place to another and thus received financial support from the authorities. We succeeded in finding a place that was more or less free of anti-Semitism.
But the modern world has become round, and we will not be able to find a quiet place anymore. On the whole, the whole process is arranged so as to drive the Jews into a corner.
Comment: When the Jews were expelled from Spain some of them fled to Turkey and the Turkish sultan then said how stupid the Spanish king was for expelling his most precious asset. Turkey accepted the Jews gladly since it understood that they gained, but today the Turks are accusing the Jews and demanding the Turkish Jew’s to condemn Israel’s actions.
Answer: It is now clear to everyone that there is nowhere to hide and it is time to fulfill our mission.
From KabTV’s “Anti-semitism” 7/21/14

Small Effort, Great Resonance

Question: When we conduct workshops in the community we feel that something is happening here. But our efforts don’t depend on us; the Creator is doing absolutely everything. What is happening? Why does it descend to us like a gift?
Answer: I cannot tell you what is happening. Later on you will understand yourself how it works.
Of course the upper force is doing all of this. It manages, determines, and governs us, especially when we desire to be in some unison with it.
If I become similar to it even by a tiny bit, I generate some small wave that becomes empowered by huge upper force and it creates big amplitude. Thus we advance and become surprised when suddenly everything happens. In reality, a resonance is created according to the effect of the similarity of properties.
From Lesson 5 of the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Work Given By The Creator

Question: We are shaping a unified field between us. However, one way or another, each one invests his own thoughts. How does one determine the right choice toward the group, toward the unified field?
Answer: A person within himself cannot determine anything, only if the influence of the friends directs him can anything be determined. Otherwise, he will be only in continuous contradictions and oppositions.
He must constantly be under the influence of the group, in other words, participating in all of its events. We must methodically renew and increase our influence on each one of the members of the group.
We must place a goal before ourselves: create the right field around us so that it will get to the friends, will arouse them with the right work, and they will feel the kindness, the serenity and tranquility, and confidence in our work.
If one falls, the others help him up. The Creator constantly makes adjustments so that each one of us will come to his place and carry out his work. The concern about this must hang in the air.
Once, in the conventions in Israel, we threw big balloons into the air, and each one made an`effort to let no balloon fall to the floor. Specifically in this way, the unity, the Arvut, the mutual support, is revealed when you are not only not “drilling a hole in the boat,” but also are concerned all the time that the others won’t do this.
The main thing is to support the elevation of spirit and the excitement of the friends. The Creator gave us work, “Friend, this is your part, and, as long as you have not glued all of the pieces together, you will not get a soul, for it is one. It is because none of us has a soul, rather only its shattered parts.”
It is necessary to understand that the Creator gives us a place for work. So, be involved with it. Yearn to attain connection with the fragments of the soul of the friends and make it so that they will love you.
From lesson 4 of the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14

Climbing The Organizational Ladder To The Spiritual World

Question: How can one consistently be in inner work, in inner prayer, to pass toward unity?
Answer: It is impossible to be consistently in inner prayer. Even the greatest Kabbalists went through great descents and ascents, and the higher that a person is, the greater his descents. So, it is necessary to understand that this work continues until the completion of correction.
We correct the general shattering of the Kli, and it is natural that the greatest shattered states are the strongest. In fact, the more complex shattered states are microscopic. First, we simply don’t pay attention to these contradictions, and, after that we reach a state such that our sensitivity rises all the time. We begin to be involved with our states in that we receive them with great sensitivity.
With great Kabbalists, all kinds of changes are made with great regularity because they are correcting themselves all the time, and the imprecision seems immense, great, to them, and this is the work of correction! This is life.
Every time you feel that you are working on the next level and, after that, on the next level, and so forth. The problem is not that as if you have come to work, have obtained a position, for example, that of a clerk, and begin to rise on the organizational ladder higher and higher. Here, internal work is done in your spiritual collective with the Creator. Indeed, the work on this connection gives lots of different discernments, but it is the same.
The great Kabbalists describe this in their writings. At first glance, it seems that very extensive material is found in their writings, but if we sort them, then there is nothing unique here. It is always talking about desire, about Light, and  the connections between them.
So, what is required of us is only the right intention.
From lesson 4 of the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14

The Will Of The People In The Modern Era

Previously the world was governed by kings and lords who didn’t need anyone’s permission. Anything they said was considered sacred.
Then, monarchs began listening to their parliaments; thus, autocracy was somewhat limited. Later, the Parliaments split into various chambers and deprived the monarchs of any real power.
Finally, today we are facing a very peculiar situation: governments are losing their influence. Government officials appear unprincipled, unscrupulous, and lacking ideals. They have no positions, no ideals, and no goals towering above everyday life.
On the other hand, it is the mass media that has acquired a tremendous influence and forms and manipulates social opinion. And today virtual social networks join this process and often intercept the initiative from the mass media.
So, it turns out that governments no longer have any decisive power. Governmental bodies barely cope with current affairs, ostensibly executing their people’s will, a will that is shaped by the mass media.
The next step will be that people will create their own platforms; they will form their own level of social understanding and agreement. The role of the mass media and governments will be just to listen to them and, in varying degrees, to implement it.
Therefore, we must spread our agenda among people in various countries; we should convey our message and explain to them what it means to be the people of Israel in the land of Israel.” We have to explain to them what will happen when we attain unity.
When people will feel the deficiency and need for unity and when they understand that unity is the only salvation from all their burdens, the general public will demand their governments to make it work. The governments will ratify new laws and launch new educational programs in kindergartens and schools that will teach how to cultivate correct relationships among people.
This is how the global shift will happen: the will of people will define further progress.
Question: If the general public plays a decisive role, will uncontrollable situations, chaos, and anarchy result?
Answer: Not at all! There is no power better than this. Power is needed for rulers to rule over their people, whereas in this situation, the people are already driven and governed by the idea of unity. The time of individualism is over. We are approaching the end of correction and that’s why public opinion becomes a main factor.
No, there won’t be any chaos and confusion in this scenario. People will turn into a unified whole; their opinions will be closer, and destructive confrontation that leads to wars and disasters will disappear. People will feel the desire to unite and instead of kings, political parties, and factions, there will be a powerful, consensus, a unified view.
Question: A general consensus, isn’t that wonderful?
Answer: We will arrange things in a way that the Light spreads among us and returns us to the origin, to unity. This is how the people will become the only ruler. This is the revelation of the upper force in us, the revelation of the Creator in creation.
Question: But how exactly will people handle various matters?
Answer: With the help of the upper force because the Light, the force of bestowal, the power of unity, will spread connecting them into one whole. Then, together with the power of love and bestowal that will fill them, the people will merge with the Creator, the force that made them and that gives them vitality.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalists Write: ‘The Wars of Israel’” 7/21/14

Discern The Creator Through The Curtain Of Our World

Question: You gave a task that the women shouldn’t gossip or slander. There was half a day of excellent relationships between us, and after that, various kinds of interpretations and evaluations began, and ultimately, everything was broken. How do we rise above this?
Answer: You must understand that the Creator wants to raise you to the next level and arranges situations like this for you so that you will work on it.
Question: What exactly can I do when I see that everything is falling apart, both inside and out?
Answer: Show an example of the opposite, which works on you positively, for everyone around you are ideal, and, in your ego, they only seem to you as imperfect. However, don’t let it turn and manage you. Rather, in spite of it all relate to them with absolute love.
Speak about this amongst you. In what way does the Creator work with you? How does He plays with you, and you are fools dragged around by the Creator. He shows you how weak you are in your unity in order to oppose participation in His exercises.
This is nothing more than an exercise. Unfortunately, you don’t perceive that everything comes from Him. What is the connection here to some woman who said something hostile about her friend? All of us are puppets on strings, robots. That is how you must perceive everything.
I must look at the group as an ideal collection of “gears” that the Creator manages ideally and I see that everything is imperfect so that I will be able to make this situation into an ideal one in my thoughts and feelings, and the next exercise also will be directed toward an even more ideal state.
That is how I constantly raise myself from this level. If you were to react correctly, then the changes in states would not happen after half a day, but in another hour, and afterward, every minute, and after that, every second. You would quickly complete the work of this system.
If a person doesn’t feel he is in front of the Creator and between them is this world—like a semi-transparent screen through which he constantly wants to see the Creator—if he doesn’t direct himself in this way, then he has no correct reaction to reality. He is immersed in a game with this screen on which are stuck all kinds of decorations, our entire lives, and everything that we imagine to ourselves, and we participate in this illusion.
However, if, through this falsehood, he constantly tries to see the Creator, who is deliberately arranging all of this for him, this already becomes a proposal to direct himself permanently toward the Upper Light.
From the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14, Lesson 3

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Exerpts From Shabbat Page 8/8/14

Leaping to the Next Level
There is work until the Light that Reforms comes and raises us to the next level. This is always a very painful way, a way of intense tension, and it is impossible to remain in this state anymore, so you are like a cherry pit leaping to the next level through internal pressure. This is painful, this is like birth. These are very great pressures that we don’t remember, but without this, the person is not born. Also the doctors say that if there are no pressures, this is not a correct birth, the fetus and the growing child will lack the forces that protect and stabilize him. So it is necessary that there will be labor pains. We need them and it is not important to beautify them or sweeten them, rather to push to the end. This is called that the person goes without calculation above reason. And here a door opens for him to the next world. Like a fetus within the womb who knows what is happening, pressures seem that we are not prepared to understand, and there is no possibility of going out from anywhere, he doesn’t know at all that there is an opening, he doesn’t know anything, he’s like in a dungeon or in strangulation, so get ready. So in truth, we shouldn’t fear the pressures of birth, those inside or those outside that we have, this is the force that forms and the force that delays. As we learn, this is from our friends who curse us and also inside us where we are not ready and don’t want it. Together all these pressures prepare us to be not a fetus now but a newborn. I hope very much that this will not be in an individual form as I understand it, but in a general form, and then we truly open the door for all of humanity, that they merit this. To life.
From the Preparatory Meal in the New Jersey Convention, Augus

Think About the Friends
It is up to us to think about the friends who want so much to reach spirituality, to be in bestowal, and in love of others and by our negligence, mine, by not giving, by not helping, and by not adding the last grain to that plate that tips everyone towards merit instead of obligation. I must think about the Kabbalists who wrote, took the pains, and built for us the whole way, directing us all to our world, to states, to our times, specifically to us, and how much we are the result of all the activities of thousands of years. Now we can realize the way that they prepared for us with their blood. It is up to us only to relate to this a little more seriously and responsibly. So it is up to us to think about our friends and about ourselves, and after everything to think about the Creator. While it is difficult for us to describe exactly what this is, what kind of force this is, what exactly it is called giving contentment to Him, the main thing is to ask that we have some kind of impression of this. Then, this will bring us to a very deep excitement, both emotional and responsible. For we reach a convention to truly do our inner transformation that we, from now on, are doing in preparation for the convention. And in each and every moment we are found and demand that a connection be built between us, a network of connection like this will reveal the characteristic of bestowal and mutual love in which we feel ourselves existing already in the upper world. This is standing before us, this is ready for us, prepared for us and depends only on our desire, that this will happen and will be revealed, and then the whole world rises together with us to the Olam Ein Sof. We are hoping to reach this, we are yearning for this, and we are preparing ourselves in these days for this. Amen.
Toronto Convention, Lesson Number 2, August

Fight For The Connection Between You 24 Hours Per Day
It is up to you to be integrated so there will be no difference between you. Describe the time of distress as it truly is and even more, try according to this to connect, if not according to the spiritual idea, the concern for the other, for others, and for the Creator, then at least according to the fear. Even in an army they are connected together for an attack. You don’t feel yourselves like an army? You need to fight for the connection between you 24 hours per day.
From a Conversation from Mexico, August 3

True Prayer
All of our work is to attain the empty Kli, a Kli that was once destroyed. All of us are from Ein Sof and we fell from there, we descended to this inferior, lowest place called our situation here, this world. And together with this, the person begins to feel that yes, this is called Kedusha, this is called bestowal, this is called yearning for the other, for connection, to be integrated with the other, to bestow to the other, “Make his desire my desire.” But I don’t want this
already what this is. What is called bestowal  is that I feel that something like this exists, but I don’t want it. This means that the Kli is truly broken. I don’t want this but understand that he doesn’t want it either and this is called feeling the exile. That I am not found with the characteristic of bestowal, I don’t want to bestow, I don’t want to connect, not with the other and not with the Creator, and I am the opposite, a “ruin.” The next stage is that I continue to work on this in spite of it all. I continue with the inclination for connection, even though I don’t have it, and with the understanding of what the characteristic of bestowal is even though I don’t have it, and so on. And together with this, that I do this, I begin to feel that I don’t want this, and feel sorry that I don’t want it. I don’t want to bestow, and I can declare, “Yes, I don’t want to bestow,” and after that, I begin the work again through the Light that Reforms which continues to influence me, I begin to be sorry that I don’t want to bestow. Here this a matter of envy, craving, respect that I see in my friends, that maybe they do want to bestow. It seems to me that they are already bestowing, and so on. All of this in the meantime can be because of the desire to receive in me. But here I begin to already feel the exile, I am found outside of Kedusha. Also, from the aspect that I don’t have the characteristic of bestowal, also that I am sorry that I don’t want it, and after that, that I do want it. So I begin to examine what it is called “that I want it.” I want it means that I want to be in bestowal, so I am concerned about fulfilling the others. What do the others want? Others want to bestow, my friends. So I must do all of the activities to bring them to a state where they will try, they will want it, they will be able to bestow, and then I pray. About what? About them having what they want, that they will want to reach bestowal, that they will want to bestow, that they will be able to bestow, that they will have everything. And for me? For me it is enough only to pray for them, and be satisfied with this, as if this is the true characteristic of bestowal. It could be that for myself, I don’t want anything, and I pray only for the others, that they will have the ability to bestow, for this is the highest and most lofty thing of all. This is already called a true prayer. It is correct that a person can activate it and the Creator hears this prayer. He also hears first all the prayers, our deficiencies, always what we feel, and even what we don’t know what we feel is always found before the Creator. But for this prayer really, I already feel and recognize that I am found in the power of bestowal, within the Light, within the Creator, and I awaken Him to influence others. This means that I am already included with the Upper Light in that characteristic of bestowal according to my group. My group transforms to be that Kli to which I bestow. So I suddenly discover that I am connected to the Creator on one hand, with a request to Him to bestow to them. And for myself, I don’t demand anything except that the Creator will realize this deficiency to fill them. With what? With their ability to bestow. So I withdraw completely, completely clean my desire to receive, and I make myself like a conduit. This is how we reach the characteristic of bestowal.
From the Toronto Convention, Lesson Number 1, August

War For Hearts And Minds

Question: Israel repeatedly encounters irrational situations with conflicts that it cannot resolve in Israel’s favor. For example, even though Israel has an absolute superiority in armaments, it cannot succeed because the fighting is in residential areas. The entire world attentively watches us and doesn’t let us act as we would like to.
In fact, we are bound hand and foot; we evoke hatred all around us. In addition, the center of gravity in contemporary wars has shifted to the struggle to win over public opinion. Social approval defines success. Does this situation contain a hint of how it can be resolved?
Answer: Indeed, wars are not about weapons but about influencing human minds. The outcome of any war depends on the state of those minds who decide who is right and who is wrong, not on who is stronger on the battlefield. So those who are more cunning, deceitful, and devious win.
In short, war is not longer the way it was before. Powerful armies, military technologies, and modern weapons yield to media-arsenal. Very often, battles unfold only between different points of view.
This state of affairs brings us close to the idea of “Israeli wars” in its true sense. Previously, we led real “Israeli wars” to represent the category of “Israel” that means being as one man with one heart, i.e., to be one whole. By meeting this condition, we were similar to the Upper Light, the force that pours on us and governs us. This is the way we attained our victories.
Today, after two thousand years of exile, having fallen from the spiritual height of unity, we have to re-connect with each other. Therefore, whether we want it or not, our wars still bear an ideological character as before. In other words, they again are led on the battlefield of views to unite.
In the future, ideology (information that we receive, thoughts and concepts that are imposed on us) will again turn into the weapon. At this time, our world is so riddled in liaisons between all of its parts that if we dissect the globe into pieces, if we isolate countries from each other, none of them would be able to survive on its own. This pertains to Israel more than any other country because Israel totally depends on international trade and industrial connections with America, Europe, and Asia. What would happen to us should we stop our imports and exports? Other countries are not in a much better situation.
This explains why it is impossible to wage war and enjoy complete permissiveness. Countries are restricted by the UN and international bodies. We constantly face a threat of sanctions and limitations, up to boycotts that can take many forms and reach a variety of levels. If you block international trade and financial flows, any country begins to choke and feels as if it is in restraints. Nothing can be done about it. Any country constantly interacts with the entire world.
So, it means that weapons are useless; nobody can take advantage of military arms without taking into consideration the interests of others because they will block the “oxygen” that flows to the country and it will quickly suffocate. Global economics imposes a heavy burden of dependency and makes us rely on good relationships with our partners.
As a consequence of this reliance, the entire world impacts us and directs our steps whether we want it or not. For example, Russia experiences harsh sanctions that were imposed on it. This country loses billions of dollars as a result of these sanctions and that’s why it cannot do whatever it wants.
War is a business where profits and losses are precisely calculated. Today, losses can be so tremendous that there will be no funds to fight a future war.
So, it means that any military conflict requires at least a minimum of the world’s support.
Question: Does it mean that if we don’t get the world’s support, there is no chance for us to win?
Answer: True! The current situation doesn’t give us even the slightest chance of winning. We agree to temporary “solutions” that will last for another year or two.
There is no actual resolution to this situation until we drag the majority of the world to our side. How is it possible? The only way to achieve it is to persuade them that they need us, that we are the “light for the nations,” and that through us they can approach abundance. In other words, they should understand that they will never obtain abundance without us, nor will they be able to buy it with money.
There are no miracles here, only the laws of nature. Kabbalah is a wisdom that lets us make accurate calculations under the condition that we deeply understand how the general system works.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalists Write. The Wars of Israel” 7/21/14

The Source Of Strength

Question: Suppose that I understand that in order to add the feeling of the importance of unity in a group, it is necessary to make additional efforts, but I don’t have the strength for this. Where can I find it?
Answer: It’s only with the friends! It is possible to receive strength only if you bow your head before your friends, see them as more important, stronger, and more understanding, as connected more strongly with each other than you with them. Then you can receive something from them.
The group has to help a person so that he will feel its sympathetic and good attitude toward him, the love.
It only seems to us that it is impossible to get strength from the group. So from their side, there has to be methodical work directed toward this, only it shouldn’t become routine for routine eats all emotions. In the spiritual world, there is no habit. It disappears because there, only changes are considered, only consequences and not speed. Therefore, one has to be in constant movement.
Question: But can a person take the first step? He understands that now the group is in such a state that he can exert effort. However, he has no strength to do something to elevate the group, to integrate himself into it, and rise. The understanding is there, but not the strength.
Answer: There is no energy. This means that there is no true need. Some kind of detachment, apathy, is holding us: I could help, but I don’t think it’s necessary.
How should one act in a case like this? I would conduct a workshop, sit everyone in a circle, give a subject, and gradually try to introduce special questions that bring people back to their senses a little bit, awaken them.
From the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14, Lesson 4

Within A Single Spiritual Force Field

We must build a system of active connection between all people in the world. However, this is not the Internet, virtual or physical system, rather it’s an internal system. We must yearn to create a feeling between us like a mother regarding her infant whom she can feel, even across great distances.
They say that with animals, this instinct is even stronger. This is demonstrated in the movie about the little dinosaur that was taken far from its parents by humans. The adult dinosaurs went wild looking for the baby, crossed an ocean, and found him through instinct.
Specifically, a connection like this has to be among us. At a distance of thousands of kilometers from each other, despite the distance, we have to feel ourselves as existing in a single spiritual force field. All kinds of changes in each must necessarily be felt by all the rest. We must try to attain contact like this and feel inner changes at every moment, which then becomes our inner life.
From lesson 4 of the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14

Internal Separation Is More Frightening Than The External Enemy

Question: What does it mean that all of the people are connected?
Answer: To connect means to be in harmony with nature. A people that reaches harmony with nature is connected from within, similar to all levels of nature: the still, vegetative, and animate.
All the levels and parts of nature are connected into one system. The inanimate nature supports the vegetative and the vegetative supports the animate. All of the parts of nature are included in one another and are in a closed sphere, except for Adam (man).
Humans are a unique phenomenon on the face of the earth because according to their primary nature, they are destructive. This was arranged intentionally to give us the possibility, through our efforts,  to link ourselves with nature in the same unified and integral form into one collective system.
People who work on themselves in this way to connect with each other and after that join all of integral nature are called “Jews.” Indeed, they aspire to unity, love, connection, and loving-kindness.
And this correction must gradually extend over all of humanity. Our forefather Abraham, who lived in ancient Babylon, began this correction when he gathered all the people who agreed with the idea; with them he organized a group. This group became the foundation of the people of Israel.
The next stage in the advancement of this group was standing before Mount Sinai. There the people accepted upon themselves the realization of the condition of being as one person with one heart. In this form, they became the people of Israel in whose foundation is the principle of unity.
The people of Israel are not like the rest of the peoples who have formed communities in particular territories and bear national characteristics in their genes. Every Frenchman who wants to, can go through conversion, become a Jew and cease being French. This means that he takes these conditions upon himself and connects with the people of Israel.
In our times, this unity doesn’t exist, and this is a sign that we are in exile. Exile means separation, and redemption is the unity of the people. Today we are not a people, but a bunch of exiles.
Comment: But our conflict with the Palestinians is more disturbing to me than the internal divisions among the people of Israel!
Answer: The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is impossible to solve without an inner connection between us. Soon this conflict will become a confrontation against the whole world and It will then be impossible to leave here for any place abroad.
Events will develop in this way such that we cannot do anything with our neighbors. They will be able to shoot rockets at us whenever they want, we will not be able to react because the whole world will scream at us about each victim on the other side, and so our hands will be absolutely tied.
At most we could blow up some empty houses in the Palestinian territory, but we don’t win the war that way.
Israel will stand against the whole world, not just against the Arabs. Indeed, the whole world stands behind the Arabs and threaten us: “Don’t dare kill anyone!” And when the Arabs kill Jews, the world doesn’t pay attention to this. And what can we do in such a hopeless situation?
There are people who suggest that we ignore the whole world, enter Gaza and annihilate them all. But how much can we allow ourselves to behave like this? Tomorrow UN resolutions will be accepted and all of the nations will sever connections with us: cooperation, trade, banking and industrial relations. Israel is liable to be absolutely isolated, and this will kill us. In the world of today, no nation can exist if it is not connected to other nations.
Question: But what can be done if the situation continues to deteriorate? The terrorists will become more sophisticated. They pop up out of the sea and out of the ground, from everywhere! If once the rockets reached the southern cities, today they arrive reach everywhere in the country. And you say that it is forbidden to annihilate them because we will be isolated in the international arena?
Answer: But we cannot annihilate Gaza. All the people who call for this are simply making a short-term political image for themselves. Everyone understands that the world will not allow us to do this. This is absolutely clear. What controls the world is international public opinion and not governmental opinion.
And the whole world expresses a unified opinion against Israel. In this situation we have no solution other than the inner unity of the people. If we begin to work on relationships within Israeli society, we will become an example for the whole world, and these beautiful relationships will endear us to the whole world. In this form, the situation in the world will calm down in all areas, from the family and businesses to international relations and politics.
And for this it is not necessary to wait until the connection of the people of Israel will come to a complete expression. The moment we begin to make efforts in the direction of this connection, we will immediately see how the whole world and even the enemies, our neighbors, will immediately change their attitude towards us.
It is enough for us to place one sesame seed on the balance for the good of the unity of the people of Israel and our enemies will add a ton of seeds for the good of connection and good relations with Israel.
From the program “A New Life” 7/17/14

Monday, August 11, 2014

Picking Up The Signs Of The Creator

Question: When differences of opinion appear in a group, this extends over everyone all at once. To resolve the problem of confrontation, representatives of both sides gather into a small group and reach agreement and unification. How is it possible to extend this unity to everyone?
Answer: I think that it is necessary to organize a shared circle in which everyone sits together, and the initiator group appears as the force of peace that tries to unite them all.
Even with different people, among large family clans, it is customary to gather together with former foes who understand that it is necessary to unite. They reconcile, reach agreement, and after that, invite everyone to a large circle, where they discuss all of this and prove the necessity to rise above all the previous differences in opinion. This is the right position.
We said that the Creator wants to establish connection with us. He places between us and Him this whole world and portrays in our emotions and thoughts all kinds of symbols and images so that we begin to understand His language. We shouldn’t forget this!
The group has to perceive everything that is outside the framework of the common connection, the shared love, the common agreement, the unity, all that from the side of the Light could be called spirituality, we can relate to all of that, to all lack of focus that He gives us, as to the signs of the Creator given to us so that we will come again to the single whole in which we dissolve completely: emotionally, mentally, and intellectually, complementing each other all the time.
In this manner, ultimately, we will find a common language with Him, and impressions and understandings will constantly accumulate in us.
Imagine how a child perceives the world that is totally unfamiliar to him: without knowing anything, without understanding, without having any feelings and emotions! He grasps it, grasps it, and gradually the world accumulates within him: ground, mixed, and constantly renewed all the time, and the child begins to understand it. This means that his mind formats itself in the right way.
The heart and the mind begin to understand how to work with the reality in which he finds himself. After all, he can find himself in a reality that was two or three thousand years ago, or the reality of today, or it can be the reality that will exist in another one or two hundred years.
So, the child only has to yearn to perceive the real world in a form like this: with an open mouth! We also need to do the same thing in regard to the spiritual world, according to the laws that the Kabbalists described for us. In other words, we discover ourselves in it, and that’s it!
I have to be in unity and mutual love all the time. This means that I discover my spiritual senses. However, if my senses are not like these, this means that they are not spiritual. I don’t perceive this world. I have to change myself so that I relate creatively to all the problems that arise.
From the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14, Lesson 4

Dissolve Into The Friends

Question: When I direct myself toward dissolving into the friends, into the group, and I have the desire for this, I feel that I am higher than they are to some degree.
After that, I perform an action. I take a turn in the kitchen, wash the floor, or wash the dishes. I begin so see other friends who are more influential, and I feel myself as lower than they are. Is this tension between what is desirable and what I understand that I get in comparison to others a prayer? Is this the right work?
Answer: If I serve the group and feel myself lower than them all the time, ready to help them in everything and to serve them, this means that I completely yearn to nullify myself before them. After the nullification comes the next stage: Can I be integrated with them? When I nullify my ego, I am included with them like a drop of semen in the uterus of the mother. This is already an Ibur (the beginning of the creation of the Partzuf).
The readiness to be integrated into the group and dissolve in it completely symbolizes that all of my thoughts, desires, and yearnings exist only to perceive the desires and characteristics of the friends, and, through carrying out their desires, give contentment to the Creator who gives me this possibility for creating a system of communication between me and Him, which is called a “group.”
If I dissolve into this matrix and accept it completely as my field of work, then I find the Creator in it. He fills all the friends in the group, and I begin to feel Him in everyone. They don’t feel this, as in the example of Rabbi Yossi ben Kisma, whereas I feel it. We have to reach a state like this.
After that, the connection with the Creator on the basis of the group must become mutual where He and I already begin to speak with each other. I begin to understand His plans in the group, and according to this, I answer them by dissolving even more actively in it.
That is how I grow. This means that I begin to understand and perceive what the Creator is doing with the friends, and, through my actions, I do the same thing. I am included in greater and greater communication with them, and in this way, I become like Him, and this is my spiritual growth. That is how my state called Ubar (fetus) begins to develop, and after that, already come the next stages of spiritual growth: birth and development.
Question: What is active nullification?
Answer: You don’t need to think or be concerned about this. You don’t understand in what manner to do it. With time, all of this will appear with you. Just begin to act, and our method will lead you forward. It will be revealed in the person, and, here, there is no need for any teacher. As it is written, “One’s soul shall teach one.”
From lesson 3 of the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14

How To Transform Enemies Into Beloved Brothers

Question: I don’t understand why you are saying that we lack unityamong the people of Israel. I think that in this difficult time a very good connection is made between people: We feel that we are in one boat. During a war we become very attentive and help each other. What kind of connection are you talking about?
Answer: But if a connection like this is created during war, it is based not upon love, but on fear. We are ready to help each other only in difficult times, meaning that there is no love in us. If I love someone else, I would always want to be near him, helping him all the time, like the closest relative, like my child.
It is necessary to understand that through unfounded hatred that separates us, we harm the world. And we can have a good influence on it through connection, like one man with one heart.
Question: So does it mean that there is a connection between unfounded hatred that rests within the people of Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict?
Answer: All of the conflicts in the world are the result of separation within the people of Israel, including the present conflict. There is no other evil in the world besides the evil of the ego that splits the people of Israel. If we want to correct all of the evil that exists in the world and transform the world into good, we must connect, approach one another. If the people of Israel are divided, the whole world suffers more.
So come, let’s try to connect, indeed that is how it works. We are like a valve that regulates influence upon the world. If we connect more within, a good influence begins to pass to the world through us, and if we are divided, evil comes into the world through us. The people of Israel are unique; they are the origin of good or bad influence on the whole world.
We are not fulfilling the role that was imposed upon our people which was even written about thousands of years ago, and through separation between us we draw rocket fire upon ourselves. It is difficult to accept this, but this is the law of nature. Start thinking about it and you will see that it works this way unambiguously.
We cannot exist if we don’t fulfill this law and don’t bring good to the world through the connection between us. If we are divided, the whole world suffers, including us.
We cannot be like everyone in the world and be like other nations. We tried to do this many times, but we didn’t succeed. We have to fulfill our unique role.
The nations of the world blame Israel for causing bad for everyone. Nations declare this which are found thousands of kilometers from Israel and have no connection with us. And in spite of it all they hate Israel, even though they have never seen a Jew and have no concept of how he looks.
This anti-Semitism is the result of a law of nature. We project separation, meaning the hatred that exists within the people of Israel, to other peoples and cause their hatred, crises, and conflicts. They claim that the Jews run the banks, industry, destroying their environment, almost sending typhoons on them, meaning the Jews are to blame for all their troubles.
The nations of the world feel inside that there is a people found everywhere in the world. It acts only for its own good and causes harm to others instead of bestowing good on the world.
So the whole world stands behind Hamas and supports it openly or indirectly, and secretly hopes that it will be finished with the nation of Israel once and for all. And we ourselves cause a relationship like this through separation among the people, because of which we become the source of all the troubles.
The more separated we are, we give the world a worse example, and it also becomes divided. As a result of this, the nations of the world feel worse, and they feel this evil comes from Israel. The whole world receives the form in which the people of Israel are found. So if we want it to be good for all the peoples, we must connect among us and reach that harmony and love of others that we experienced standing before Mount Sinai, as one person with one heart.
And if we advance towards a connection like this, we will see how the whole world will necessarily begin to be built according to the people of Israel, loving it and seeing it as a good angel. And that Hamas will become the best friend of Israel, the beloved brother who is devoted to keeping its soul. Through our behavior we manage nature, the whole picture of the world. So it is up to us only to realize our role in the world, especially at this time, when the world is found in such a dangerous situation on the threshold of World War III.
From Kab TV’s “A New Life” 7/22/14

The Fog Of Uncertainty At The Beginning Of The Path

Question: How can we measure and make sure that we are uniting correctly?
Answer: The truth is that spirituality is concealed from us and is only revealed in the right connection between us, in mutual guarantee, when we become as one man in one heart, according to the principles that describe unity, such as “love thy friend as thyself,” “don’t do unto others what is hateful to you,” ” all of Israel are friends,” and so on.
So how can we check if we act properly? We have to make efforts according to what Kabbalists tell us. By that we summon the Light that Reforms.
Yes, I don’t know what the right correction is. I have no idea what it means to unite but I yearn for that like a child who doesn’t know but who tries and makes an effort. Even if he does everything wrong, such efforts also draw the Light that Reforms, the force of nature that also influences us. This is how children learn, when they know nothing and have no initial understanding.
If we act the same way, if we follow the advice of Kabbalists, even if we don’t understand it but hope to advance, the Light that Reforms operates and guides us to the right unity. When we attain it, we discover that it is actually the real unity.
There is no other way. This is the spiritual path from absolute uncertainty until the gradual acquisition of knowledge. It is impossible to know in advance what you are about to reach. This is only possible in our egoistic world, the only picture that the ego reveals to a person.
From the Convention In Toronto. Lesson 2, 8/06/14

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