Friday, January 2, 2015

The Contingencies Of Personal Development

Question: In school we get all kinds of information, but they don’t teach us the main thing: who we are. Why is it important for every person to discover, to know, and to understand himself?
Answer: If I want to realize myself, I must know who I am and what sources of personal and intellectual powers are found within me. If I don’t have them, where can I go to get outside help in order to obtain them? In what am I weak and in what am I strong? For what occupation do I have an aptitude, for what lifestyle? In general, who am I?
Some people are found to have self-destructive tendencies, whereas others are constantly concerned about their life and health. There are those who attract an audience, others that reject it, and so forth. To discover and come to know yourself means that you discover and know the sources of success.
We see that kittens and puppies become independent creatures in two or three weeks. Whereas for a person, years of suffering are required for development, and ultimately his ability to absorb from the environment puts him on his feet.
An infant comes out of his mother’s womb clean and pure with no bacteria or viruses on him, nothing. Within a few hours he is covered with billions of bacteria, up to 30,000 per square centimeter of skin. In turn, the moment that he begins to breathe, sweat, and produce antibodies, he begins to influence his environment.
When it comes to the education of the young person, one is immediately offered a multitude of choices in terms of advice: the newborn must listen to music, you must speak with him, and you must smile at him. They say that the music of Mozart influences brain cells and improves mathematical abilities. Without a doubt, all of this is good.
In truth, if a child up to the age of two hears several languages spoken regularly, they become the mother tongue for him. There exist various studies on this subject, but in fact, we know very little about ourselves, and our knowledge is completely experiential (empirical).
A person’s dependence on the environment is the main thing that must be taken into account. I was born in a particular family, at a particular time, under particular conditions; in all of this I must see the hand of fate. But there is also another side to the coin.
One mother can have five completely different children. For example, I have a brother who is a few years younger than I am, and he took completely opposite qualities from society than I did. This is to say, it is not just the environment, but exactly what a person will absorb from the environment also depends upon the person himself.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/7/14

A Required Occupation That Is Controlled By Destiny

Question: Some people get tattoos of the three-letter holy names because they suppose that each name has its own unique power. Is this effective? Has the person written a “recipe” for success for himself?
Answer: How will it help your life if you write a recipe with three ingredients on yourself, for example: ten grams of salt, five grams of pepper, and a liter of water? You have to bake the cake and not just write the recipe.
This recipe must be made by taking powers from the soul, finding out what water, salt, spices, flour, and yeast are—all the ingredients needed for preparing a cake. They must be found inside, joined correctly, and thoroughly blended.
And while you are preparing this concoction, you don’t see anything good in it since you need to put it in the oven, and this is not simple process! Only after you put this unpretentious concoction in the oven will it begin to rise to a beautiful cake. And then you can cover with honey or whipped cream.
Question: Have I understood correctly, that this is not just talking about a tattoo, but about ritualistic ornaments and pictures on the wall? If I don’t prepare my cake myself, then none of the various magical accessories will help me? But didn’t they come from thewisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: It is constructed in people’s perception this way. It is like buying someone else’s diploma. A friend finishes school, he gets a diploma, and you photograph it, write your name on it, and hang it on the wall. Will this help you?
You cannot go to a university and become an expert with this diploma. You are only deceiving yourself that you have something.
Question: How can Kabbalah truly help me to change my destiny?
Answer: First of all, if you want to change your destiny, it is up to you to learn. No unique skills are required for this. It is written: “It is not the wise who learns.” This is for everyone. If is his destiny, he must study Kabbalah!
We have reached a situation in this generation where everyone must learn to change their destiny. It is impossible to escape from this. If you flee, then you will get caught by the ear, with the help of the police and the courts, and you will be sat down at the study table.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/21/14

The War To Attain The Light

From Rabash, Volume 1, “The Miracle of Chanukah”: The Greek domination is opposite from the Jewish way. The matter of the Greeks means that they work only within reason, which means in the heart and the mind. Clearly at a time when the nation of Israel wanted to work above reason and disregard what the external mind obliges us to do, they couldn’t do so.
This is called the Greeks’ war, which is when the real work begins, which means that the nation of Israel wants to get on the track that leads to adhesion with the Creator. This path is called faith above reason. The Greeks, however, want to control the body, so that it would not give up anything if the mind doesn’t agree to it.
Indeed there are many materials in the wisdom of Kabbalah that are consistent with reason, logic, and a rational approach. Take Baal HaSulam’s articles about nature for example, about the upper Providence and the system of the upper worlds.
When we explain that to scientists and intelligent science lovers they are thrilled and immediately declare that it isn’t about religion but first-class science. Science is based on intelligent understanding, rational analysis, and facts. Science offers the opportunity for debates, research, and data analysis. How does that go along with faith above reason?
According to our current logic, the scientific approach is right and justified. But when we want to transcend the boundaries of the human mind and feelings, to expand them to greater dimensions above time, motion, space and above the sciences of this world, which are based on corporeal thoughts and feelings, there is no one with whom we can argue in our rational search for the truth.
In order to ascend, we must first connect new vessels of perception to our natural vessels. Expanding the mind requires special actions on our part, and here we should listen to the advice of Kabbalists who achieved this themselves and tell us how we should act.
If I want to enter a new dimension, above my human mind and feelings and to acquire new vessels of perception, I have to work against my nature. After all, I aspire for the “space” of the desire to bestow, and so I have to develop vessels of bestowal, which I don’t have.
The whole Torah, which means the Kabbalistic method, is meant for that. It is only in these new vessels that I will be able to perceive the upper reality, to understand and attain the forces, plans, programs, and reasons for everything that also happens in my world.
I discover these new attributes and everything that takes place in them according to my advancement in formatting the vessels that operate in order to bestow and not in order to receive. Thus I learn the actions of the upper force, which we call the Creator, since this force created my corporeal world.
I live in the corporeal world and at the same time develop additional vessels of bestowal that operate in an opposite manner. In this way, I discover the upper world and advance towards a perfect, eternal reality. I fight so as not to stay on the corporeal level but to ascend to the human level, to resemble the Creator.
I have to acquire vessels on the way, the attributes and discernments that are totally in bestowal, which means that they resemble the Creator. All the wars fought in order to ascend and to format ourselves on the new level that resembles the Creator are called God’s wars and we conduct them in order to get closer to the Creator and adhere to Him.
Some of these wars are Maccabean wars when a person concentrates his powers and tries to adhere to the Upper Light by connecting to other people who want to reach the same goal, despite his ego. This connection is so strong that the attribute of bestowal is revealed within it. The connection between them is ignited by itself and burns like the burning bush that burned before Moses’ eyes.
This is a totally internal war and its only goal is to transcend the forces of separation and to reach connection in which we will discover the Light for the first time. In other words, using the terminology of Chanukah, we will find the jug of oil for the candles and it will bring us the Light.
From the lesson “The Importance of Chanukah” 12/18/14

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Burning The Bridges Behind Me

The Torah, “Leviticus” (Kedoshim), 19:31: You shall not turn to [the sorcery of] Ov or Yid’oni; you shall not seek [these and thereby] defile yourselves through them. I am the Lord your God.
You mustn’t turn back and draw the past towards you. You must actually burn the past behind you so that there would be no way of making one step backward, because there is a steep slope behind you. You should only move forward.
“The ghosts” refer to your previous dead desires and not to biological bodies that passed away. The Torah only speaks about desires that undergo changes from egoistic desires to altruistic desires. Therefore “turn ye not unto the ghosts” means that you shouldn’t turn to desires that have already been processed. You shouldn’t try to return to the previous pleasures that your desires brought you.
You shouldn’t feel sorry for the best times that are gone when you felt so good while now you feel bad. The only inclination should be forward! Even the current state is always better than the previous one, although in the meantime it may be felt as unpleasant.
A person who ascends the spiritual ladder very often has serious regrets. He begins to torture himself asking himself why he did something, to whom, how and for what reason. We should be very careful of such questions.
We must attribute everything to the Creator. He is the only one who evokes these states in you by managing you, and they are all necessary. You can correct each of them in your feeling only by yearning for Him. Therefore, you must first stabilize everything in you so that at a specific moment, in a specific case, you will attain the best possible state.
If this doesn’t happen, it means that the desires that you feel are not corrected, because if your desires are corrected, you should feel complete rest. Everything is locked on every point on the line we advance along in a very concrete manner.
Question: I am the moderator of the TV program called “The Point in the Heart” in which friends tell about their lives. Some say: “Thanks to the fact that I study Kabbalah, I suddenly realize how badly I have treated my wife and my relatives.”
Answer: This is the past and we shouldn’t think about the past. Memories actually bury a person in the ground and kill him. He begins to live the past. The main point is that he believes that he is the one who did everything that happened, whereas it is the Creator who did everything.
A person’s job is not to delve into such states but to accept them as good and perfect! You should look for what you do in order to somehow correct what belongs to you and how to correct yourself. This is where a person’s clarification with regard to his environment begins.
Question: Do you believe that a person can understand where this stems from?
Answer: It depends on the environment. Such an attitude towards what is happening should float in the air. Then a person will not be able to forget that everything comes from the Creator and will be constantly focused on Him.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/16/14

A Proposal Beneficial For The Government And For Everyone

Question: If politicians argue not only because they want to beat each other in the elections, but really disagree and have different programs, what will help them to come together to work for the good of society?
Answer: They will be able to unite only for the sake of a very high goalthat can be achieved only through connection. Suppose that there are twenty of us who together formed the government, but everyone pulls toward himself. Suddenly, we find out that we could receive a hundred billion dollars that would allow us to implement all of our programs. However, in order to do this, we need to unite. Do you think it would be worth it?
Question: What do you mean “to unite”?
Answer: To unite means at least not to harm each other. Every politician has his program, but imagine that someone, a stranger, offers fabulous rewards, billions of dollars, under the condition that they would stop their disagreements and work together on implementing his program.
Question: Who is this rich man who can make such a proposal to the government?
Answer: This is the Creator, the upper force of nature, the program of creation that is above us. According to the program of nature, during our unity, we reach another level of life. However, this program is not compatible with any egoistic games and plans of politicians.
None of them is aware of this program, and everyone wants to pull everyone else to his side, as it usually happens. Therefore, no program will be successful, as with all the previous governments. The situation will only deteriorate further.
Thus, the Creator, the upper force of nature, appears and says, “It’s time to stop. I am buying this government! I am giving you a goal that can be achieved only on the condition of your unity, and I promise you a reward that covers all your needs. Just follow my program.”
Question: If we had different opinions, why would we reconcile suddenly with one another?
Answer: We examine nature and see from it that we must unite together into one integral, global mechanism, and get closer and complete each other. In other words, we all need to work together as parts of one body that work in total harmony, and then this body is healthy and lives. We need to behave in human society, connecting, not tripping each other. On the contrary, we need to step on our egoism and work on the connection with each other above it.
It is not easy, and for this we need new education to work on ourselves. However, the payoff is huge. Indeed, no government can make their people’s lives better, to improve the state and society during their reign. It always will get worse; the trend is quite clear.
It is possible to stop this slide only on condition that we begin getting a new education that would allow everyone to become a positive element of society, not as it is now when everyone strives to climb up, pushing and pressuring others.
Question: Are we talking about changing the relationships between people in society?
Answer: Yes, but a person does not do this for free. For this, he gets the revelation of the Creator, the world of infinity, eternal and perfect life that he begins to feel while still living in our world. He gradually rises to the degree of the spiritual world, feeling in the in the flow of eternal life.
This frees us from all problems. We ascend to the level, to such an essence, that we leave all our arguments in this kindergarten. We rise above this marketplace of buy-and-sell and come to a corrected society, to the corrected life even not in our world.
After all, the correction in our world is just a means by which the world, as we unite, would begin to rise to the level of the values of the spiritual world. The spiritual value is love for others as for oneself.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/23/14

Discovering The Force Of Love

Question: How do our efforts along our spiritual development match the plan of creation?
Answer: Without  asking our permission, this plan helps us advance by the forces of nature, just like the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate.
But on the other hand, we were given the Torah, the wisdom of Kabbalah, and we understand this process and know which phases and which states await us. Each of them is the essence of the revelation of the evil in human nature. It will eventually be revealed, but the question is how?
If it is revealed without my preparation, I become worse compared to everyone, and the same goes for everyone else.
But if I use the wisdom of Kabbalah and listen to and accept the help of the teachers, sages, and great Kabbalists who continue to teach us, I discover evil in a different manner.
I know that the evil will now rise up, and with the others, I prepare and focus myself for that in advance, so that the hatred will not erupt and be set free. It is boiling, but we are in control and we know why and for what purpose this is happening. We work on ourselves in order to restrain it.
Then the inevitable revelation of evil takes place in a different manner, and in contrast to it, we discover the force of love. It is written that “love will cover all the sins.”  Thus we correct all the evil within us in a good and positive manner.
This is possible if we understand what is happening and that each side keeps himself from falling into hatred. But in order to do that, we have to unite the nation, strengthen the good mutual connection between people, listen to the sages, and be well organized.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/25/14

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

If We Only Knew Who We Are Working For!

The Torah, “Exodus” 2:23: And it came to pass in the course of those many days that the king of Egypt died. We should understand that we have to look inside, not outside, ourselves. This is my Pharaoh and my Egypt and it is all inside me. However, I want to build a new self inside me and in order to do so, I have to work hard and kill certain desires inside me and make them collide with one another.
Imagine Moses’ state, the tiny spark of bestowal that grew in the huge ego called Pharaoh’s palace.
The time comes and the king of Egypt dies and I am in the state in which my ego finally dies. I understand that there is no use for it and I want to be free of it, but in the meantime, I cannot. I see that this ego is dead. I want to escape it, but I don’t know how to break free of it.
“That the king of Egypt died,” means that the ego ceased to exist, just as people die in our world. It ceases to exist only in my eyes, in my assessment, and it loses its control over me. I don’t want to be its slave! It still dominates me, but it is already against my will. As far as I am concerned, it dies as other great rulers do and I no longer take it into account.
I cannot be free of its control as yet, but I no longer consider it great and don’t agree to respect it and perform all its caprices. I am no longer its loyal slave.
Look at the world and how people try and do everything for their ego. If they only knew that it is a stranger to them. If only they understood and saw that they are working for a liar who cunningly takes everything they earn from morning to night by their hard work. A person tries and makes efforts, but 99% of the fruit of his hard work is stolen from him by Pharaoh who only leaves him miserable crumbs so that he will not die and continue working day after day.
Everything is arranged and organized around a person. Television, advertising, the press, and elections operate in order to make him a slave who has no way of escaping. But gradually, a person begins to understand that he is a slave, and this is what is now happening to the Israeli nation. A person realizes that he has to break free and escape this vicious circle, but he doesn’t know how.
This is very similar to our current situation; we realize that if we leave things the way they are, we will bury ourselves in our ego, but we don’t know how to escape. We need the force of Moses!
From KabTV’s “The Torah Chapters with Shmuel Vilozny,” 12/15/14

Scientific Experiment With The Upper Force

We have to recognize that we are egoists. So, if we want to achieve anything in this lifetime, we have to attract the Reforming Light to us. We cannot make any corrections in this world on our own.
The only thing we have managed to do on our own is getting to the final point of our egoistic development. This path is over now. From this point on, we can move only upward. We have hit a wall. All we can do is go up to the next floor. It is possible only with the help of the Returning Light that gives us potential strength that can raise us.
In order to trigger the Returning Light, we have to unite. Let’s sit down and sign an agreement with each other. Let’s remind each other about our agreement every day, even several times a day. We’ll see that it works.
Let’s see how effective the Upper Light is and learn how to attract It. Let’s check what the best way to study and speak is. It is a real laboratory where we as scientists explore and make experiments with the upper force. We come to conclusions and register every single test.
Try it and you will see how best to proceed and how not to behave. It will be clear from the very beginning. The problem is that we don’t have this desire. TheCreator purposefully confuses us so that we don’t have a choice. Eventually, we agreed that we have to connect with each other; otherwise, nothing will come out of our experiment. It’s only a psychological barrier, but it is very hard to overcome.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/14Writing of Baal HaSulam

What Will Happen To The World?

Opinion (Michael Khazin, economist): “The idea of the Bretton Woods system is an expansion of the territory of the dollar. Through expansion of the territory of the dollar it is possible to print dollars, creating additional income that can be redistributed. If these nations comply with the general rules of the International Monetary Fund, they receive a share of additional dollars.
In the ‘70s, the territory for expansion was finished, yet expansion continued through providing loans to private individuals and refinancing from private debt. In the year 1990, the Soviet Union broke up and expanded the territory for the dollar carried out at the expense of the socialist nations. In the year 2000 the crisis began, yet the printing of dollars continued through reducing the cost of credit.
“In the year 2008, the crisis erupted again, and the printing of dollars continued at the expense of changes in the supply of money (reduced rates, specifically the encouragement of loans). As a result of this, the allotment of money market credit was 17 times greater than the allotment of ready cash.
“When the resources for printing money were finished, the problems began; private demand was in decline, even though the economy of the United States apparently showed growth.
Today it is clear that the bubble in the stock markets will collapse; which is to say, the value of assets will fall and the liabilities, meaning the debt, will remain. This means mass bankruptcy. In order to wipe out the liabilities, the banks’ plan for wars in the Middle East, in which, on the one hand, there is oil, and on the other hand, there is Israel with its atomic bomb.
“Another possibility is a massive terrorist attack. This is something that will make it possible for the banks to say to those who have money that the risks have grown to such an extent that they are forced to delay payments because the system of insurance for financial risks has been destroyed.
“There are two scenarios: To save the global financial system at the expense of the American economy (this is the perception of the Democratic Party of the United States), or to save the American economy at the expense of the global financial system (this is the perception of the Republican Party). This situation caused the defeat of the Democratic Party in the midterm elections, and the enhancement of the isolationist forces in the Republican Party (the world doesn’t matter to us, we must save ourselves!).
“The European politicians depend upon the CIA, the SNA and so on, where each one of these organizations holds evidentiary material against them. So these politicians are fighting for their lives. The United States will destroy them if Europe takes steps in its interest and not in the interest of Washington. In this case, Europe will find itself facing a civil war, as in the Ukraine, and a state of disintegration. Russia has its fate – to a state of starvation.
“As of today the politicians active in the government are under the age of 65, and they are unfamiliar with the scale of these problems. And the elderly, like Kissinger, are no longer influential. So the world is standing at the door of a cruel reorganization (territorial, national, and a reorganization of the elites). Most likely some of these politicians will be defeated in the 2016 elections in the United States, and then the situation will change.
My Comment: We need to produce new socio-economic relationships based upon the conditions of the “Last Generation” through integral education, the unity of all in a single society based upon full equality, work only that is required to supply the essential needs of society. The freed resources and the time will be conveyed to national universities that are involved with the education of the new generation among humanity.
In the meantime, we currently don’t see the possibility of a gradual and easy transformation from a market economy to a communist economy, so it now depends upon the success of dissemination of integral education.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Emotions And Health

Question: Studies have shown that the emotional state of a person determines his illnesses. What is the connection between the emotional state of the person and his health?
Answer: There is a direct connection, but there are several parameters that depend upon the general state of humanity. If I were not connected with anyone, I would depend only on what is happening in my desires. By directing my desires to connect with nature, I would be completely healthy and happy.
Question: But how is this connected to emotions? They say that if a person gets upset and is angry, he gets a stomach ulcer. Today experts know how to connect specific emotional states with specific illnesses.
Answer: If I were to depend only upon myself and not the whole world from which I get all kinds of viruses, including emotional viruses, according to my work and behavior with bestowal, I could measure the states of my health. But the reality is that you depend upon everyone. In the meantime, depending on your level, the main thing for you is to relax.
But without a doubt, if you calm down yourself along with the people upon whom you now depend, you will heal the stomach ulcer. After that, depending upon your widening sensitivity, you will begin to feel how much you depend on other people. It could be that the stomach ulcer would partially recur, because you must create the right connection, not just with the people who are closest to you, but with those who are a bit more distant.
And this will continue until you see that you depend on all of humanity and you must create a good connection with everyone. So it is said, Sukkah 52a: Anyone greater than his fellow, his drives are greater, or Berachot 7a: Tzaddik [Righteous] who suffers. That is how we advance until the general completion of correction.
Question: Can the group influence my state of health?
Answer: The group must and can heal all of its members. If we are included in a single nature in which all of its parts are found in harmony, with this we eliminate all diseases and problems. Disease is the absence of the right connection between cells, between parts, between plus and minus, where all of the materials in the body are not in balance. Health is balance.
Question: For example, suddenly I begin to have a flare up of a stomach ulcer; what do my friends need to do?
Answer: We will draw you to join us in workshops where you will learn to unite. Together, we will pull you to a level where all of us are included. But you must nullify yourself towards us, accept us, and nullify all of your calculations. You are simply like an infant in our hands; you must want to grow up together with us, to be included with us above all calculations. Then you will feel that your stomach ulcer will pass. I promise you that.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/26/14

The Constant Struggle Of Life

Question: This burning topic of relationships has become vitally important in our time in the ruling circles and their negative impact on society under their leadership.
Governments get replaced, but each time the same situation returns. Only the actors and forces change, but the dynamics remain the same.
There are several main parties striving for power, and they are constantly at war with each other, trying to trip each other. If I beat you today, then all you do from this moment until the next election is try to knock me over.
And so a politician who came to power and wished to make changes conceived by him is unable to do anything because the rest of his opponents are trying hard to make sure he fails.
The next election comes, someone else wins it, and all the other opponents begin to interfere with him and try to trip him up. Everything returns to square one. By this time, the whole country is suffering from the fact that politicians are trying to blame each other within the government. This only hurts the citizens more.
This is our reality today. Why does this endless struggle take place and most importantly, how can one change things for the better?
Answer: It is natural that there is a struggle for power, because we are all egoists. A person who battles through towards the power often times is more egoistic than a simple person, because one rises to this level. In the ruling apparatus, the one or two hundred leaders and several thousand officials are the biggest egoists of all.
Therefore, a very heated and aggressive environment exists in which problems, bribery, and fraud are concentrated. This is natural. This is not a property of any particular country because it happens everywhere. In some countries it is less pronounced, like in Scandinavia, which is traditionally characterized by a rather quiet way of life and socialist values.
The same struggle for power takes place in all other countries of Europe and in America. As countries develop, they become players in the same governmental games. It is like a boiling cauldron that continually boils on top of a strong flame versus simmering over of a low fire.
Question: Let us say we have politicians who have agreed to go to the polls together, and managed to win in a coalition. Prior to that, we had a common interest that held us together. We came to power and were able to have useful reforms. If we continue to work together, at least in this cadence, things will go well.
But it does not work! Despite the general interest to remain in power, we cannot act as partners. There are endless selfish games and intrigues, which do not allow us to achieve any success. Why does it happen?
Answer: These are egoistic games that cannot be avoided. Egoism blazes inside us and demands us to climb higher and higher, walking on other people’s heads to get there. Only in this case, a person feels successful, strong, and special. Therefore, this egoism, still engaged in a struggle, picks a new intrigue without any justifiable reason. This is the life for egoism, otherwise it does not feel itself as living.
Comment: But in the end, it harms everyone, including the one who started the conflict.
Answer: It does not matter. While this intrigue takes place, it fills our lives. Our selfishness incites us to fight, even in situations where there is almost no chance of winning. We become aware that we are at a loss and still keep moving towards the conflict because we cannot stand the quiet life. In everyday reality, there are no jokes and no life. Egoistic struggle, conflicts, and frictions give us a sense of life.
This is why we engage in social fighting as rival mafia clans or as children who fight in the yard. Boys fight all the time, even if they are brothers. Otherwise they do not feel like they are alive. If we force everyone to sit quietly in the corner, then this simply becomes death for these people.
The struggle lies in our egoistic nature, and this is why everyone is susceptible to it, starting with small children up to top politicians.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/23/14

Different But Equal

Question: All people are different by nature. One is wise and agile, whereas another is lazy and foolish. According to the degree of a person’s maturity, these characteristics are expressed more and more, and as a result of this, one has higher material attainments, whereas the other lacks money for food. Nature, itself, has created differences like these in a society. This is a given.
How must society relate to the weak if it claims to be socially “progressive?” After all, the weak don’t receive any payment in nature. Does society need to support them and assure them of the minimum necessities for existence?
Answer: Yes, and in general, it is up to us to begin to relate to people absolutely differently. They should be integrated into a unique system of education that improves social attitudes so that they will begin to be concerned about society in general, its flourishing and health, social unity, an inclusive connection between everyone, and mutual responsibility.
It is up to the national leadership to take upon itself the organization of a system like this. The learning will not be limited by time. After all, the ego wakes up more and more within a person, and it must constantly be balanced by the appropriate education.
So, if a person studies regularly, he improves and is found in a society that pressures him and demands his conscious and useful participation directed toward a goal in social life. Therefore, each one must be provided with a minimal standard of living that is sufficient for existence.
Question: What is this minimum? How would my life seem if I receive a stipend like this?
Answer: I receive sufficient support to maintain my family, to raise and educate my children and get them on their feet. By and large, I live with dignity from the well-earned social security. It comes to me because I am a part of the society and care about it and its development.
It could be that someone on disability is able only to sit in a storeroom and bring tools from there or to carry out other simple work. Society puts him in a place where he is able to be useful. Moreover, he is educated and educates his children as well.
For all of this, the person receives a “minimum wage,” yet this is enough to maintain the existence of his family with respect and care for all of its needs.
Now, suppose that he has a professional, educated, successful and well-established neighbor. He is very useful to society, develops new devices and technologies, or is a leader in large-scale trading. He gets everything that he needs for his work, yet does he need something different for his home and family than his humble neighbor?
Question: Humanity never has built a social system like this. After all, according to our nature, we always want more than what we have.
Answer: This is exactly what is accomplished through education, which will be massive, permanent, pressing, and put everything in place.
Thanks to this, we achieve general equality. This would not be a forced equality that has already exhausted itself in the previous century. Rather, it is such an equality where each one has everything that he needs in order to exist in dignity and to provide a good, flourishing and organized life for his children.
In addition, regarding the rest of the egoistic drives—envy, lust, honor, and so forth—the person will realize them also, but for the good of the society. The environment itself, the encouraging social atmosphere, will obligate him to act that way. He simply will be ashamed to stand out with his excessive demands through which it is as if he is stealing openly from the others.
I repeat, in a society like this, each one will be concerned about living in dignity, ensuring personal and professional development for his children, yet appreciating himself not according to his wealth, not according to his fame or superiority over others, but according to his investment in society. Additionally, in general, the society preserves a uniform standard of living.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/23/14

A Kabbalistic Book Opens The Upper World

Kabbalah is a very important science, which includes all of the other sciences. It explains to a person how to act after we complete our development in this world.
Today we find ourselves in this exact situation, having exhausted our egoistic development that has resulted in a dead end. Therefore, the science of Kabbalah is being revealed so it can help us revive, start a new life, and move to the next level of existence.
All of the achievements of our world cannot help us in this because they act only within this earthly plane. A different science is required in order to rise to the next level and continue this life.
Kabbalah is the science that does not belong in our world. It is designed to put all of humanity in an elevator that takes us to the next floor, where we start a new development. The next floor is not where matter develops and it is no longer part of our world. This is the real development of the feelings and the mind, which relate to our inner feelings and not to the physical body.
This is a kind of development where we gradually lose the sense of our body and begin to exist in another dimension where there are no bodies. We do not feel them because they disappear from our perception. We no longer need physical bodies because we act in inside our feelings and mind without the involvement of this crude matter of the body.
This approach seems incomprehensible to an ordinary person, even though our imaginations are rather developed thanks to Hollywood and science fiction novels. All this did not appear by accident, but in order to prepare us for the wisdom of Kabbalah and to be able to understand its wisdom.
Therefore, Kabbalists kept Kabbalah a secret for as long as mankind needed for all generations to be ready for it. Kabbalah was revealed 5,775 years ago for the first time byAdam, the first Kabbalist.
All the thousands of years from that time until our generation, Kabbalists kept the wisdom of Kabbalah a secret only within their inner circle and did not widely disclose their knowledge of it. This was similar to my parents not wanting me to read their medical books as a child because they were too advanced for my age.
Kabbalists are the scientists that study this science, attain what it says, and  learn how to use it, while at the same time looking for people in their environment suitable for such study. And if there was such a person, they quietly tested him, talked to him about life in a philosophical kind of way in order to find out whether he was ready and interested in such things. If they saw a man inwardly mature and attracted to the topic, then they started to teach him.
So the wisdom of Kabbalah was passed down from generation to generation. The Kabbalists also wrote books in secret. And even if they did not hide the books, the Kabbalistic text was encrypted in such a way that a person could not understand it if one did not have the proper code, that is, if a person does not know how to relate to the book, what it talks about, how it associates with a person, and the true meaning when this world and the next world are mentioned.
Kabbalistic books are written in the language of branches pointing towards the spiritual roots, but a person thinks that it talks about this world. But, this is not about the plane of this world and a person within it. We are talking about higher powers, not material things.
If the Kabbalists would not have given us the key to the correct reading and understanding of this science, even by opening the book, a person would still not understand what they read. A person would have thought that Kabbalah talks about animals and plants. Some words that have been used are “intercourse, hug, kiss, a female and a male force, and childbirth.” One may think that this is some kind of sensuality.
Then the book speaks of heaven and earth, spirits, demons, angels, and different spiritual forces. Ignorant people who come across these books would build a whole mystical theory around this. I have heard such stories about Kabbalah and I wondered how this particular man could fantasize so much. But these people seriously believe what they say about Kabbalah, using different names from The Book of Zohar.
If a person does not receive knowledge from a decent Kabbalah teacher who gives one all of the keys to this science, one will not be able to correctly open and understand the book. This will only confuse a person. “To open the book,” means to be connected to what is written within it. To each person, the book should be an open world, the upper world.
From the program “A New Life” 12/18/14

Monday, December 29, 2014

Miracles That Slow Down The Advancement Of Humanity

The Torah, “Leviticus” (Kedoshim), 19:26: …neither shall ye practice divination nor soothsaying.
Question: Why is it forbidden to practice divination or soothsaying?
Answer: The point is that divination or soothsaying can provide a person with answers to questions that trouble him, but he has no right to use that since such actions are not aimed at bestowal but actually at satisfying his ego. It doesn’t mean that he closes his eyes and advances like a blind man. There is no such thing in our spiritual advancement at all.
“Neither shall ye practice divination or soothsaying” means that all the actions you perform in your mind and heart should be aimed at bestowal, that such actions aren’t focused on you, like in the case of divination or soothsaying. Here you should simply determine the way you act in complete bestowal unto the Creator, unto those around you, and move forward. Then you don’t feel the need for divination or soothsaying. You should ascend above your ego without seeing your future since the next level has to be in complete concealment.
Imagine that a certain airline’s plane disappeared and no one knows what happened to it and whether it was hijacked, sank, or exploded. Suddenly I appear on the radio or hold a press conference and say that I can find it. My announcement causes a stir all over the world and they do actually find the lost plane. At the same time I explain to everyone that I managed to do it because I engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah and that the wisdom of Kabbalah speaks about the next world etc.
Comment: This is where the powerful popularity of the wisdom of Kabbalah stems from…
Answer: Yes, but it is forbidden to do so. Everyone will immediately run to Kabbalists spurred by their ego, all the people in the world would want to become Kabbalists, but what’s the point?
Comment: But the Creator actually operates that way! When Moses said that the people wouldn’t believe him, the Creator answered him, “Throw your rod to the ground,” and the rod turned into a snake. This means that Moses performed miracles on behalf of the Creator.
Answer: The Creator did that in order to harden Pharaoh’s heart even more and to give the people the chance to escape from him, so that they would have no chance of thinking that he was actually right and that he had certain powers. You can imagine that if I really did say something about the plane the human ego would rise to such a level that we wouldn’t be able to explain anything to people. The ego would also leap in us and how?! Since they would all begin to bow to Kabbalists.
By performing that action, I would bury everyone in their ego and we would have to wait a few more centuries until all this will sink and then start anew from scratch. The upper system of connection is very meticulous with regard to any spiritual matter that can enter a person since by such things he may not hear us and therefore it says: “…neither shall ye practice divination nor soothsaying.”
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/9/14

Winning The Game Against The Ego

The whole Torah is only about a person’s inner states. Jacob’s family of only seventy people reaches Egypt and settle among the Egyptians. The seventy representatives of the Israeli nation are the seventy major altruistic attributes that go down into the desire to receive, into their ego.
First they reach high positions in Egypt and become managers, but gradually the Egyptians, meaning a person’s egoistic desires, begin to enslave their altruistic attributes and subdue them.
Question: Why does the Israeli nation go down to Egypt?
Answer: The point is that it is impossible to develop spiritually in this world and advance to the spiritual world if you don’t ascend to new levels on the spiritual ladder, which is supported by your ego. The levels of the spiritual ladder are built from the material of the human ego, and the more the ego grows, the higher a person ascends by increasingly overcoming it. This is the only way to ascend from this world to the level of the upper world, from Malchut to Bina.
Therefore, it is impossible to manage without the slavery in Egypt, without Pharaoh, and without all the wicked figures that are revealed that the Torah tells us about. They are all in your heart.
The children of Israel go down to Egypt since there is famine is the land of Israel, meaning that there is nowhere to advance spirituality if you don’t attach your ego to it each time, correct it, and then ascend. This is the only way the spiritual levels are built. Therefore Jacob’s family has no choice but to go down into the ego.
However, they didn’t take into account that a new king rises in Egypt, “a new king that didn’t know Joseph.” The new Pharaoh is the same desire to receive that suddenly begins to grow sharply in a person. A person wants to develop the attribute of bestowal within him, dreams about ascending this life to a more sublime form of existence. Suddenly, arising in him, he sees only thoughts and desires that pull him away from this and which hold him by his arms and legs..
He feels as though a heavy load has been placed upon his shoulders. This means that a new king rises in Egypt that does not know Joseph. The new ego does not want to play games with a person, has no accounts with him, and only wants one thing: that you should work for him like a slave.
It obliges you to live like everyone else in this world, like all the Egyptians, and to be even more egoistic than them. Unfortunately, the Israeli nation today manages to be loyal slaves of the ego.
The Jews win Nobel prizes and are very successful the world over and even take pride in the fact that they are more successful corporeally than everyone else. We have taken the greatest pride in being the European basketball champions, have learned the Greeks’ games and began to play these corporeal games even better than they did..
Our ego is ready to work for its own benefit and this is called Pharaoh. If the desires for bestowal, spirituality, connection, and unity, which should be an example for everyone, are revealed within us, Pharaoh which is the force of the ego that manages us, immediately kills them.
From KabTV’s “The Torah Chapters with Shmuel Vilozni” 12/15/14

Kabbalah For “General Use”

Question: How is it possible to discover and know that a person is ready to study the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: How do we determine that a child is allowed to read a particular book? The parents are on one level above the child and so they understand that it is possible to give him a book appropriate for his age. And in another few years he will grow to such a level that he can read even more serious books.
The same thing happens with the wisdom of Kabbalah as well. It is possible to see according to the present generation and according to what is happening in the world that the world is ready for the discovery of the wisdom of Kabbalah. The term “Kabbalah” also means “transmission” because it was transmitted from generation to generation until it reached us.
The last great Kabbalist in this chain was Baal HaSulam who opened the wisdom of Kabbalah for general use. And he writes in his books that from this time on it is possible to reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah to everyone. As it is said, “…and all nations shall flow unto it” (Isaiah 2:2).
I accepted this mission from the oldest son of Baal HaSulam, Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag, and so I must carry it out. I no longer have a choice and I cannot decide if it is worthwhile to do this or not, or whom to reveal the wisdom of Kabbalah to and whom not to. If this mission was given to me to transmit this knowledge of the wisdom of Kabbalah to everyone, I must reveal it to the whole world as much as it is in my power.
In the kind of situation that we are in today, a great deal of multifaceted work is waiting for us. First of all, it is necessary to “clean” the wisdom of Kabbalah of all the false labels and opinions, to detach and separate it completely from all kinds of “pseudo Kabbalah.” Tarot cards, ceremonial dances, meditations according to a book, stones, writings, red strings, holy water, and so forth.
Second, we must explain that the wisdom of Kabbalah is intended for the correction of a person, and the correction is in his connection with others. Only through the rightconnection between us can we carry out the conditions for the discovery of the spiritual force, the Upper Light, among us.
When we discover this higher force among us, it will begin to work within us by raising us to another level of existence. The Light that fills us will elevate us to a sensation of a new reality.
And meanwhile the image of this world will gradually disappear. First, it will simply lose its importance; in this way it will vacate a place for the image of a higher world that reflects the connections between the inner forces that manage all of creation.
And with time humanity will advance and begin to work with these forces. And then we will gradually stop feeling this world; it will be as if it evaporates; it will disappear from our feelings. After all, this world is imaginary and exists only in our five senses. We are already beginning to exist only in the spiritual world.
We need to reach a situation like this, and there is even a marker for the inevitable end of this process: 6,000 years from the first spiritual discovery of Adam to the end of all the corrections. With the “completion of correction” all of humanity, with the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah, will have to connect as one person with one heart. And then all of us will be found on a higher level only.
But all of the confusion that accompanied the wisdom of Kabbalah for so many years was necessary. For without this, the child cannot grow. Complication, confusion, this is a part of our development.
Question: So essentially what is the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah is the discovery of a system of forces within which the one upper force, called the “Creator,” operates, which is equivalent to the higher nature, that includes within it all of our forms of existence. And the discovery of this higher nature, the Creator, happens through attaining equivalence with Him. To discover this higher nature, to connect with it, and to identify yourself with it, this is the goal of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
We hope that we will soon attain this. This raises a person to the level of the Creator. But if we don’t go in this good way, then other forces will appear in nature, which will push us towards this by way of a crisis, and they will nevertheless obligate us to reach this.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/18/14

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