Saturday, April 14, 2018

No Fear Of Another Holocaust?

Laitman_011There is no good or evil in this world, but only two forces: giving and receiving, which have to merge. They work according to a simple principle of connection, the law of the similarity of form. And to the extent of our unity or lack thereof, according to the time allocated for our development, these forces generate the states that develop and change the desire to give pleasure to creation.
We must be impartial to this process, keep our feelings out of it, or we will not understand it. “The judge has only what his eyes see” and not what his heart feels.1
To Punish or to Pardon
The Creator treats every person, even an infant, as if he is responsible for his own decisions. From His perspective, there is no difference between people; we are all one body that must fulfill its mission: adults, children, men, women, the elderly—everyone falls under the same rule.
The Holocaust is a consequence that accumulated over a long period of time. For two millennia, Jews tried to avoid their responsibilities. Their purpose is to be the Light to the nations, to be a conduit that delivers the Light to the part of humanity that does not belong to its head, but to the body of the common soul and is unable to pull the upper Light to it by itself. However, specifically in that part is where the Creator should be revealed. Israel, which is called “I am the head” (“Li Rosh“), only serves as a conductor of the Light to the body. But the actual contact with the upper force and the adhesion of the creation with the Creator takes place in the body, where the need for it is felt the most.
And when Israel does not fulfill its mission, it makes itself useless in this world. Either the upper governance will have to bring a lot of suffering to us, the left line, to make us change our behavior and attract the Light that reforms to the right line, or we will realize it and start behaving correctly on our own. It is one or the other.
The Creator does not decide what to do with us: to punish or to pardon. The system works according to specific laws, not emotions. Today, the situation is worse than 80 years ago. Back then, the nations of the world supported the people of Israel in creating their country because it brought with it a possibility of this world’s correction. Today, we have no such support from anyone. The world refuses to even give respect to the remembrance of the Holocaust.
This shows that the nation of Israel fails to fulfill its mission even slightly. The other nations feel no benefit from us. On the contrary, they see us as the most harmful part of the world. The only way to solve this is for us to unite and turn ourselves into a conduit. We will create a circle in our connections and form a pipeline for the world. This is our purpose.
If we, however, fail to do so, we will feel the hatred from above, from the Creator, and from below, from the nations of the world. We already saw what this leads to. We exist in the system of nature’s laws that one cannot forget nor hide from. So let’s not pretend that we do not understand what is happening; it is worthwhile informing ourselves about this issue and then we have a chance to save ourselves. Nothing else will help, for “the law is given and cannot be broken.”2
With the passing years, the memory of the Holocaust fades, it no longer causes the feeling of common loss and pain. If that happened to any other nation, aimed against their desire to receive, it would have been felt much more strongly and would not have been forgotten in hundreds of years. But since the Holocaust was aimed at our insufficient work with the desire to bestow, the memory of it vanished. Today, we feel no trace of it.
We have to understand this unusual phenomenon. This is why there is no fear of a Holocaust today. This is incomprehensible! Even when the new wave of anti-Semitism arises, reminding us of a possibility of another Holocaust, no one is impressed by it. Just like the Jews of Poland did not concern themselves before World War II, thinking that everything will turn out well.
However, our condition today is even worse than it was before the Holocaust. Nevertheless, the Jewish nation cannot awaken. Because awakening should not be a result of suffering. Suffering can only be a side-effect. The awakening has to be the result of realizing our mission, the necessity for us to unite in order to bring the Creator, the upper Light, from top to bottom, to all the creations, that is, not running away from blows, but revealing the Creator to all of humanity.3
The spiritual root of anti-Semitism is the incorrect behavior of the nation of Israel that must reach unity with the upper Light. The result of this lack is revealed in the uncorrected desires, not in its head, but in the body of the common soul—in the nations of the world. When the body of the spiritual Partzuf is supposed to receive the inner Light from the head but does not receive it, this lack goes up to the head and is felt there as anti-Semitism.4
Today, Nazism can arise in any developed country. The more developed the country is, the higher the chances of it reaching Nazism because people are more sensitive and feel more strongly that they are suffering because of the Jews. The situation is such that the democratic, liberal, and pro-socialist regimes are about to collapse and make way for Nazism, as Baal HaSulam had warned us.5
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/11/18, Lesson on the topic “Holocaust Remembrance Day”

New Life #969 – What Is The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?

New Life #969 – What Is The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Contrary to rumors, the wisdom of Kabbalah is not magical in any way. Rather, it is based on the power of love. Kabbalistic books are written in an encoded language called the language of branches, which explains how to build a desire to give between people. Pulsa-denura is a spiritual concept. It is a supreme Light that the person invites upon himself in order to destroy his egoistic nature. In our times, the great Kabbalists recommend that everyone engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah because without it we will not survive.
From KabTV’s “New Life #969 – What Is The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?,” 2/25/18
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Cracking The Jewish Riddle

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 4/13/18
The Holocaust Remembrance Day is the right time to ask ourselves what the reason is for the hatred of Jews throughout history? And is there a true solution to anti-Semitism?
Into Truth reveals Kabbalah’s eye-opening answers.

The Great Migration of Nations

749.02Question: Huge crowds of people are relocating geographically and socially. The number of international migrants in 2017 reached 258 million: 100 and plus million more than in 1990. Today, when technologically and economically the world has turned into a “global village,” this phenomenon is becoming somewhat of a threat. What will become of this? (Reuters)
Answer: It is hard for us to see a system in an endless “Brownian movement” of international immigrants. We find political, economic, ideological, and conspiratorial explanations for it.
However, the true cause lies in the very basis of human existence. Its consequences sometimes seem to us as chaotic and unpredictable, while actually everything is very rigidly determined and there are no coincidences.
All “coincidences” in the world are controlled by the general law of nature according to which the desires that were broken, previously shattered, must reunite harmoniously. However, they should reunite only in a conscious way, by their own will.
By intermixing humanity, history places us before a new stage of development and demands us to bring ourselves in balance with nature. Are we capable of this? Yes, we intermix, but our interconnection is still not fixed. It is far from being harmonious.
Humanity consists of a multitude of separate, foreign, and opposite parts, which continuously ignore, despise, and hate one another. Sometimes the conflicts lead to bloodshed, and sometimes they hide behind fake smiles and slogans.
But the essence is one: even in externally successful communities, we are strangers to each other internally. Underneath the cultural and civilized clichés, the same egoism boils up, pacified to a certain point, but unconquered nonetheless. And no matter how much we feed it, it always needs more.
As a result, millions of immigrants from other cultures cannot fully assimilate in new places: they do not fit in or integrate, they remain aliens, guest workers, or jobless; they create their own enclaves, islands, focal points, or whole territories of anarchy.
Global intermixing is somewhat similar to a gunpowder barrel: it pushes together various parts, intensifies the pressure, and on its own does not provide a fundamental solution to our common problem.
So, what do we do? The great migration of the twenty-first century should be accompanied by proper education. It is impossible to just enter a new world—we need to understand, accept, and absorb it. We need to learn to live together in it. That is the ascent to the next degree.
With time, the waves of immigrants will grow, and modern society is not ready for such turmoil. People still haven’t learned to interact correctly, to fix their relationships—we still do not understand that open borders on their own do not guarantee our success.
That makes sense, since those who are responsible for the method of good connection are still “sleeping.” The Jewish nation, the patriarchs of humanity, who once proclaimed that unity and love for the neighbor were the greatest value, today prefer not to notice their history and inheritance.
Over the millennia, Jews have learned like no other nation to be included in other societies and weave nests in new places. They just do not experience problems with this, although they have no idea where they got this gift. Consequently, what is rooted in the Jews remains inaccessible to others.
If the world realized the role of Jews in history, people would understand what truly should be demanded of them: unity. Let the Jews learn anew the laws of commutation, integration, and mutual giving, and let them use these laws practically, demonstrating to the whole world how it is done.
In short, the Jews need to unite with one another, not with others. And that will serve as an example to others. An example of a close-knit society—multifaceted and unified—will become the solution to a series of problems of the twenty-first century. Only then will we be able to safely unlock the gates of nations and hearts and begin to live together according to the nature’s law as a single, strong family.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/1/18

Why Is There No Coercion In Spirituality?

laitman_622.01Question: If the material world exists under the control of the spiritual and its laws, then why is there no coercion in spirituality, but it is there in corporeality?
Answer: In spirituality, it is impossible to force anyone because we have no means of influencing egoism in such a way so that it refuses to receive pleasure and starts to desire its own correction.
Only the Creator acts this way. This is called the path of suffering. But through this human suffering—wars, problems, all kinds of diseases, etc.—there is a simultaneous spiritual effect on people.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 11/19/17

New Life #968 – What Is The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Really About?

New Life #968 – What Is The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Really About?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
The wisdom of Kabbalah deals only with the person’s internality and how to correct his egoistic nature. Adam was the first Kabbalist. He lived 5,778 years ago when the ego was still small. Abraham followed and learned to transcend the ego and gathered various people together who later became the people of Israel. He taught them the method of the wisdom of Kabbalah and they lived in the love of others until the destruction of the Temple when hatred broke out between them. The wisdom of Kabbalah was hidden at that point along with The Zohar which was written by Rashbi and his students. People tend to recoil from the wisdom of Kabbalah since it is contrary to all that exists in this world and speaks of diminishing the ego in order to change human nature.
From KabTV’s “New Life #968 – What Is The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Really About?,” 2/25/18
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Kabbalah Conventions: What Role Do They Play In Solving The World’s Problems? How Do They Accelerate Spiritual Progress? Do They Require Prior Knowledge?

Question: What role do the conventions you put on around the world play in realizing the solution to the world’s problems you often discuss: unity of the people, and education toward unity?
Answer: We need to promote our conventions, especially the convention in North America, since from it and onward, waves of information about the world’s correction will spread around the world, and everyone around the world will be impressed by what happens there.
That is how we need to use the convention. It’s not just for the 500 or so people who will attend, and neither for those other few thousand that will connect and listen to it, but to those millions and billions who need to hear something related to connection, unity, mutual guarantee, the purpose of life, which we discuss at the convention.
Question: You often say that a few days at a Kabbalah convention can make up for a year’s worth of spiritual progress. Why is that the case, and how does that work?
Answer: Whoever comes to a convention connects to the people attending, receives a point of connection with everyone, and then whatever happens in the same convention hall, in a dynamic way, since it relates to connection among people, not virtual connections through the Internet, a person who mingles in the connection there over a few days receives live contact with others, connects with a Kabbalistic group, together with me, and with all our strong friends attending the convention.
Therefore, it is like a very thirsty person reaches a well, and he has something to drink. Someone who doesn’t come physically doesn’t get that spiritual supply like someone at a convention. Therefore, if we talk about someone coming to the annual convention in North America, then we have at least this once-in-a-year opportunity to sink the tube into the well, in order to afterward fill ourselves from it.
It’s a pity for whoever misses out on this opportunity, because we really cannot compare someone who attends the convention—who progresses together with everyone and who has live, physical contact—with someone far away, who has the opportunity to come, but who doesn’t make that effort. The latter person robs himself of spiritual progress.
Question: Does a person need to have any prior knowledge or education before attending a Kabbalah convention, or can a person come even if they’re completely new to Kabbalah?
Answer: We create our conventions in a way where there is no need to have any prior knowledge, preparation or accolades in order to attend. However, anyone who wants to come and participate, even a person off the street, can do so. Certainly, he will receive according to his preparation, but he’ll have a connection with a true, spiritual, live source, and that is what’s most important.

Holocaust Memorial Day – Why Do People Hate Jews?

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 4/12/18
Once again Israel came to a standstill this morning for two whole minutes, while we honored the souls that perished in the worst atrocity for the Jews.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Lessons Of The Holocaust

Laitman_006We live in a unique time, a time when we are given the chance to succeed. But there is no guarantee that we will actualize it. We were gifted this time in order to gain strength and understanding of where we are and what we need to do.
Baal HaSulam calls this “the time of open opportunities for liberation.”
We have been given this chance, and our entire work consists of trying to implement it and to bring into life all that is written in the Kabbalistic books. No one knows how this will result in the end. Baal HaSulam wrote about the existence of the danger that this chance will remain unrealized and that the State of Israel will fall apart. After all, there are very powerful forces against us.
The Creator has arranged these enemies for us, enemies who possess patience, power, great quantity and quality. We must understand that we need the power of the Creator to battle with them. If we understand this, then we will win. But if we do not, then the State of Israel has no future.
This is because the only condition for the existence of the State of Israel is our unity. Therefore, neither a military power nor America with Trump will help us—no other power, other than the power of our unity.
The only question lies in whether the nation of Israel is ready to hear this and when it will hear it. So far, it is only growing stronger in its pride and ever more distant from the truth, ever more distant from each other, and is ever more hated by all others.
The Jews are very proud of their material success, which has no connection to their inherent mission. The Israeli, European, and American Jews each have their own particular symptoms of the disease, but they are all still united by one thing: hatred of the nations surrounding them. Let us hope that this path will not bring us to a Holocaust similar to the one that already occurred in the past.
Time is running out, we have wasted much of it, and the nation of Israel still has not changed internally for the better; even to the contrary, it has become worse. We have no one to depend on other than ourselves and the Creator. It is a terrible problem when there is a possibility to achieve correction and complete our mission, but the people do not hear it. Only 70 years have passed since the Holocaust and its lessons have apparently already been forgotten.
We were given the opportunity to unite, to leave the countries where we were hated, and to begin together to discover the inner essence of the nation of Israel known to all, both religious and secular, about which it is written: “Love covers all transgressions.” But no one wants to accept this law; the opposite: separation and interpersonal conflict continue to grow stronger. We see that history teaches us nothing.
Only through dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah and attracting the Light that reforms can things be improved. The entire world is suffering and will continue to suffer even more.
We are all sliding down an inclined plane. Let us hope that with our participation in the correction, the pressure of the world on us will be relatively soft, but nonetheless will obligate us to unite.
If we do not awaken our inner Egyptians ourselves, if we do not feel that they are hiding within us, hindering our connection, then maybe the world will help us in this and will demand the methodology of connection.
At one time it was not so apparent, but today everyone understands that the unity created in the last 30 to 40 years is destroying the world. Initially, everyone was thrilled that society became global and integrated, thinking that this will bring us prosperity. But now, it is already clear that it is not so. Today real wars are already beginning: China, the US, etc. 
This is an obvious sign that unity is not possible until the egoism is corrected. And until that happens, unity will always be harmful, as it is written: “Unity of sinners will bring harm to them and to the world.” In the end, it will bring tremendous wars.
Today, especially for the upcoming Holocaust Remembrance Day, the world is very much in need of such clarification (and the antidote).
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/8/18Shamati article No.190, “Every Act Leaves an Imprint

New Anti-Semitism

Laitman_001.02The world is developing toward the realization of evil. Kabbalists call it “development,” although according to the opinion of economists and generally accepted standards, it can be called degradation.
As a result of this development, the world is gradually falling into despair, feeling its helplessness, from generation to generation, from year to year. And it is clear that the attitude of the nations of the world to the group called Israel, which must be directed “straight to the Creator” and show this direction to the whole world, is becoming increasingly negative.
The more integral the world becomes, the sharper its attitude will be manifested through the opportunities to communicate with each other and to exert general pressure on Israel. It is important whether Israel understands why it is being pressured and whether it is trying to attract the whole world to discover the purpose of creation and the upper world.
Whether this goal will be achieved through blows, wars, and great suffering for all, including Israel itself or this change will happen in a good way depends on to what extent Israel, through its external explanations, will succeed in attracting the whole world to the revelation of the Creator. And most importantly, to what extent Israel will realize this mission and will be able to draw the Light to all the nations of the world.
If the people of Israel are properly organized, they will come in contact with the upper Light, draw it through themselves, and pass it on to all the nations of the world. Let us hope that we will be able to realize this in a good way, which is desirable on behalf of the Creator, as well as creation.
No matter whether or not Jews understand their mission, because they were once already in spiritual work, a record about it (Reshimo) remains in them. According to this Reshimothey must act in the system. I do not look at people as physical bodies, but I see a field of power called “Light.” And inside this field, there are charged particles that are bound to get together and start working together with this field.
It makes no sense to look at bodies, because they belong to the animal level. The inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels belong to this world, and the human stage refers to the spiritual world.
It turns out that in this world there is a special creature called man, Adam, who is connected with both the spiritual and the material. According to his material body, he is an animal, only highly developed. But there is nothing spiritual in it yet. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only what is now visible to our eyes, but also the inner potential hidden in man.
The people of Israel are those who were connected with the upper Light and can pass this Light through themselves to everyone else. Israel is a transitional channel, a modem, a device that connects the upper Light with all of humanity. They once received a method of connection between the upper Light and all people. Abraham already wanted to complete the correction in his days, but only individual disciples followed him, not all of the ancient Babylon.
The people of Israel are those who once left Egypt (the intention for themselves), reached the Light of Mochin de Haya through altruistic unity, and then began to descend.
In an ideal form, they seemed to have continued this correction to the whole world. After all, they built their final corrected state, but only relatively, because all the common Kli, all peoples, did not participate in it.
Therefore, they had to descend and in these falls establish a connection with all the nations of the world. It turns out that the fall from the height of the First and Second Temples was inevitable: from the stage of reception for the sake of bestowal, and bestowal for the sake of bestowal.
After this collapse, the Kli completely disintegrated, and the Jews mixed with the nations of the world. It was not a biological mixture, but an ideological one when the Jews learned from other peoples, i.e., from their desire to enjoy for themselves.
Before that, they were in reception for the sake of bestowal, and then the corrected Kelimfell into destruction, into desires to receive called “the nations of the world” in order to mix with them. This intermingling lasted two thousand years. And from the time of the Ari and onward an updated method of Kabbalah has appeared, adapted for our time, and we are obliged to move toward complete, universal correction.
According to the program of creation, the people of Israel are obliged to correct all mankind.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/18, Lesson on the topic “Holocaust Remembrance Day”

Overcome, Correct, And Feel The Creator

laitman_290It is necessary to overcome all your irritation toward a friend and correct yourself so that you start to love all of his qualities to such an extent until you begin to feel the Creator instead. 1
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/1/18, Writing of Rabash, “Anyone Who Sanctifies the Seventh – 2
(Minute 27:40)

Ten Sefirot And Not Less

laitman_231.04We are not capable of feeling less than ten Sefirot in spirituality because ten is the threshold of our sensation. After the first nine attributes, we begin to feel ourselves existing, receiving, understanding, and feeling. And not before that.
It is like a ray of light that has not yet reached the brain through all the channels so that the brain would begin to react and draw for us a picture of what is happening.
Perhaps a signal has already entered the brain, but it has not reached me yet and I do not understand, do not feel, and do not react. Or if I do not hear well and have not heard the sound and the sound is already being made, it is making its way into my ears. This is called the first nine Sefirot.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/27/18, Talmud Eser Sefirot, Part 2

The Main Kabbalistic Principle

laitman_219.01The main Kabbalistic principle is “There is none else besides Him.” It remains the recurring theme of spiritual development, which is built on the revelation of the Creator.
The Creator is revealed as the only one existing, governing, and determining. He is in constant communication with us, sending us all kinds of thoughts and desires that seem to arise in us from nowhere: Suddenly I want something, a thought suddenly pops up and I do not understand where it comes from.
Therefore, our very first task is to begin to focus on the fact that “There is none else besides Him,” which is the source of everything that happens to me and inside me.
Secondly, this principle means that what I do is practically done by the Creator.
Thirdly, if I think that I act by myself, then I am mistaken. But there are such states when I can ask the Creator to let me act. If these actions are directed against my nature, against my ego, then I ask Him to replace them with others.
It is my request, and not the action itself, which in any case comes from Him under the influence of the upper Light, which can arise with the proper processing of my interaction with the environment.
It turns out that all my feelings and everything that seems to come from me, in fact, comes from the Creator, although this is hidden from me.
I can, however, connect with my environment and receive from it such positive and negative excitations in thoughts and feelings, in which I myself will start to generate something in addition to what the Creator does through me. And then these actions will be mine. In these actions, thoughts, and desires, I will be me.
What does “me” mean? When does a human being (Adam) appear? It happens when he begins to interact with his environment such that he gets from it the opportunity to work despite the Creator, against the Creator. Then he gains power and acts. This is called “My sons defeated Me.”
Question: How should I relate the current life process to the principle “There is none else besides Him”?
Answer: In order to do this, you must seriously engage in Kabbalah because only Kabbalah realizes the principle “There is none else besides Him” in all the worlds.
Light governs all the worlds, the person, and humanity, causing all our actions, questions, etc. Therefore, the entire wisdom of Kabbalah fits practically into one principle—the conclusion that there is no one else but the only unified force of nature.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/19/17

New Life #967 – Being Israeli

New Life #967 – Being Israeli
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
The Israeli character originated in those times when we were created as a unique nation with a spiritual root. We had once reached the truth, the essence of creation, and a deep understanding of reality and the need for connection within the family unit as well as society as a whole. Israelis tend to be assertive and speak directly to the point. They worked against their egos before the destruction of the Temple, but became stiff-necked against everything that is involved with connection afterward. They experience an existential anxiety since their purpose is to implement the method of connection among themselves and then teach it to the entire world. The nation of Israel will be eliminated if they do not bring “Light to the nations.”
From KabTV’s “New Life #967 – Being Israeli,” 2/18/18
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Accept Descents As Ascents

laitman_249.01One must work with his states as a current equalizer so that ascents and descents are accepted equally at full force. That is how we equalize all the states, and the darkness shall shine as Light. In reality, nothing changes but a person’s attitude that becomes more even toward the states that he goes through.
If he perceives ascents as descents and descents as ascents, then everything turns into one reality where the Creator rules over all the states.1
Our realization that egoism lets us reach adhesion with the Creator kills our egoistic intent and turns it into bestowal. These qualities did exactly what they were supposed to do. This is what is called “killing the Egyptian.” That is, to have the right attitude to everything, understanding that there is no evil in the king’s palace, and that everything is for the sake of bestowal.2
A person is allowed to enter the king’s palace only if his only concern is for the benefit of the king, no matter what. Only if he remains in fear, if he is able to execute this, then he is allowed to enter. The greater the fear, the higher is his height of entry.
In order to attain such a fear, one must be connected with the group and with the Creator so that they will provide him with the strength not to offend the dignity of the king, to remain under the influence of the single force of good that does good, and to think only of bestowing to it. The desire to receive is not going anywhere and we must constantly rise above it, and we cannot do it without fear. Fear guards us against the egoistic attitude because I ask to be protected from it, to rise above it, and then I am allowed to enter.3
“The Egyptian” is inside the sons of Israel; the descent is included in the ascent. Therefore, we do not jump from the state of the Egyptian to another Egyptian, but only from Israel to Israel, and the Egyptian is included inside of it, which means the Egyptian disappears. Descents are included in the ascents: previous descents are already a part of the new ascent.
“Killing an Egyptian” means eradicating one’s attitude toward descents. We begin to see the descents as inseparable parts of ascents.4
Each moment the Creator renews the act of Creation, making a new person out of me. What does He want from me now if He made me this way? This is the question I must delve into.
I look for what originates from Him, for “He is the first,” and what I must do now seemingly by myself, hoping that the Creator will help me if I address Him with a prayer through the group. And then I arrive at “and He is the last,” meaning that the Creator will be revealed inside of me now that I am corrected by means of the group and the Light that reforms.5
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/18Writings of Rabash, “Why the Festival of Matzot is called Passover

Admiring The Friends, Not Idols

laitman_260At first Abraham was an idol worshipper and made idols, that is, he worshipped the desires accepted in this world for money, honor, and knowledge. All our actions in this world are called creating idols or idol worshipping. After all, we work for our own egoism, which will die along with us, and that means that the work does not produce results, just like idol worshipping. Not working for an idol means working for someone who reacts to your work, someone with whom you live and develop together. 1
Unity is not a goal in and of itself, but a means to reveal the upper force. It’s the same net into which we gather a great catch that we dream of: a Leviathan. If we achieve unity in the ten, then it multiplies, broadens, it “fattens up”: a fish becomes fatter and fatter until it becomes a Leviathan. A Leviathan is the whole desire to enjoy that is created by the Creator. Thus we come to the meal of the Leviathan where we receive all the abundance of the world, which fulfills us. We perceive it in the mind and heart.
By studying Kabbalah one prepares to catch the fattest, biggest catch. It is a super egoistic work. A Kabbalist doesn’t run after the Nobel prize or a billion dollars, which tomorrow will become obsolete, and even if they don’t, you still can’t take them to the grave. A Kabbalist hopes for a serious win, which exceeds the possibilities of this world.
People who are far from Kabbalah laugh at our aspiration to reach unity, considering this engagement naive or not serious. In actuality, their engagements are child’s play, which bring no benefit: like sand castles built by children on the shore. Sooner or later a wave will pass and wash everything away. And this is called a serious occupation in our world? 2
If a person establishes connection with the Creator, it means that he belongs to the Kli (vessel) that is tied to Him, that is, the common Kli of all humanity. This means that it is impossible to be connected to the Creator if you do not associate yourself with all of humanity. One is connected to the other.3
A sign of advancing is seeing that your friends are significantly more successful than you. I believe that they are breaking through, establishing an inner connection with each other, saying deep things, not just empty words, but truly from the heart, and that is their life. Meanwhile, I am still looking at them skeptically and feeling that I am confined in armor, which disallows me to feel as good as them, to rejoice and grieve along with everyone. They went through a breakthrough in their feelings; they broke the shell; they emerged from it, like a worm from a radish, and they feel something outside of their egoism.
On one hand, I am filled with envy, and on the other hand, I am proud and rejoice in the fact that I find myself in such a society and relate to such great people. It turns out that if not today, then tomorrow I too will reach this.
Envy makes me do my best all the time. Envy is very healthy if it is positive envy. I do not want the friends to fall from their level since they are the rope that they tossed to me, the one drowning in the river. I hold onto this rope, and as such, I want the friends to be as high up and as strong as possible; they are my only hope.
I begin to rejoice in the fact that I am behind them. Suddenly I see that the group and the Creator revealed between the friends are my salvation, and it cannot be any other way. Therefore, it is good that I am smaller than everyone. Of course I want to grow up, but I am ready to serve them and the Creator—I already have the right attitude to the force that advances. It is a great success to begin to feel this way. 4
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/1/18, Writings of Rabash, “What Are the Light Mitzvot that a Person Tramples with His Heels, in the Work?” Article No. 41, 1990

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How Can One Measure The Soul’s Devotion?

laitman_250When studying Kabbalah, one should strive not only to grow wiser by receiving new knowledge, but most importantly, to change one’s feelings so that the heart changes and expands.The heart learns to feel the higher phenomena that are inaccessible to us now, the actions of bestowal and unification. They are above our reason.
In Kabbalah, there is a concept of “faith above reason.” Knowledge is what corresponds to reason. To the extent of my understanding, I am able to give, knowing that it will do me good. I come to the store and give money in exchange for goods. There is no problem with that.
But, there is no faith above reason in our world. Where can I get the extra power for bestowal above reason? According to my understanding, I’m ready to pay two dollars for a cup of coffee, and I’m asked to pay twenty dollars instead of two, for some good cause. Where do I get the strength to give up the extra eighteen dollars?
The power that gives me the opportunity to do extra work, to make extra efforts and sacrifice my egoism is called “faith.” This is what we need to strive for. Only in this way can it be measured as to how much I really give. And this comes not from my reasonable calculation, but from the desire to give to the Host.
In other words, I give above the calculation of how much I received from Him and am ready to compensate Him, but completely unselfishly. This is what is called the devotion of the soul when I am ready do give Him the entire world even if I get nothing from Him.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/18Talmud Eser Sefirot

Union For The Sake Of Birth Of The Soul

laitman_938.05The whole of reality is created as a result of the spreading of Light that created desire “out of nothing” and then developed it.Starting from the Big Bang, the desire increasingly coarsened, and so waves, gases, and inanimate matter were created.
Then on Earth appeared plants, animals, and man, who undergoes many stages of development until he reaches similarity to the Creator.
It is interesting that the Light and the desire are imprinted in the creature as two kinds: male and female. Male and female qualities, following the example of two spiritual PartzufimAba (father) and Ima (mother), Hassadim and Hochma, connect with each other and give birth to a new generation of masculine or feminine.
Connection between a man and a woman is special, because on one hand they are opposite to each other, but on the other hand, they feel that they have a common goal. The common spiritual goal unites them so much that they act together and give birth to offspring. From this, it is clear where the concept of family comes from and the natural desire to live as a couple, to give birth, and to grow its own continuation.
We all are one family. Not only grandfather and grandmother, father and mother, and children, and so on from generation to generation, but all men and all women in general are one family, descendants of Adam and Eve. There is a big difference between spiritual men and women.
The result of our connection with each other, a child that we can give birth to, is called “a soul.” When we present this connection to the Creator, He gives a spirit of life to it. In this soul, in the correct connection between us, we reach adhesion with the Creator, as it is written, “Man, woman, and Shechina (Divinity) between them.”
The main thing is to know that our connection with each other must be for the sake of building a soul. This means that without friends, I cannot obtain a soul.
If I connect with my friend through my desire to receive, then the desire to bestow is participating from his side, and vice versa—if from his side, the desire to receive, then from my side, the desire to bestow. We always act between each other as Zahar(masculine quality) and Nekeva (feminine quality) that exist in any creature.
Most importantly, a connection between us should be organized, and as a result, it should give birth to the soul. I always expect this from a friend and I myself respond in the same way. With each contact, conversation, or any joint work, we construct our souls at every moment, that is, a place for revealing the Creator, so that the upper Light will fill our communicating common desires.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/18, Preparation for the World Convention 2018

New Life #966 – Israeli Character Traits

New Life #966 – Israeli Character Traits
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Israelis are extreme people. We have come from various countries and cultures and tend to have explosive relationships. We are audacious because we have never had a class system since “All of Israel are friends.” Originally, we coalesced around Abraham’sidea and teaching of love and connection. The destruction of the Temple occurred as a result of our remoteness from the characteristics of love and connection. On one hand, we are like brothers. On the other hand, however, we are all afraid of being suckers. The spiritual source for audacity is latent in the potential ability to rise to the height of the higher power that will protect us and give us strength. We need to use our audacity as a power that motivates us to rise to the Creator’s level.
From KabTV’s “New Life #966 – Israeli Character Traits,” 2/18/18
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