Thursday, August 18, 2016

Must I Examine Myself?

laitman_238_01Question: Must I examine my every desire, thought, and response? Or is my work just to contemplate how the upper force works within me?
Answer: A person doesn’t need to examine anything within oneself! You don’t know how to do this and you don’t need to know how! You don’t have this system; you don’t have an internal expert who has it. We don’t have to do it.
We just need to read Kabbalistic books and pass the material through ourselves as through a meat grinder. Think, feel, and let the information move through you again and again. And most importantly, you should participate in group activities. You will see how it helps. It is enough for a person to grab an hour a day to learn and another hour per week to be together with the group.
That is how it was during the time of my teacher. I studied many hours every day, three hours in the morning with the group, after that a few hours with Rabash personally. But once a week we had a gathering of friends in which we read the article that he wrote for that week. When we gathered together, we tried to unite and realize what was said in the articles about the unity of friends. A total of one hour was devoted to this, a maximum of an hour and a half per week. Besides that, we studied the wisdom of Kabbalah a few hours every day.
But a person doesn’t need intensive work like this today. It is enough to study one hour per day and participate in a gathering of friends another hour per week. Especially since it is possible to do all of this virtually today and that is enough to establish strong relationships and to clarify all of the relationships and the principles of mutual cooperation of group work. We also arrange conventions that I highly recommend every student to take part in.
If a person will use the possibilities for learning and will participate in our shared activities, this will draw him forward. He will feel how he changes, how the world around him changes. He will begin to understand it more and suddenly will see that in fact it is different, complex, and managed. Moreover, he will be able to participate in management to the degree that he becomes adapted to the positive force that manages the world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/17/16

The Spiritual Gene, Part 1

Laitman_632_1Question: If inside every person there is in addition to a material gene also spiritual DNA, then how does it get to him? Is this spiritual gene also inherited from parents to children?
Answer: It is very difficult to explain. We can say that the spiritual genes are not inherited, but the qualities that facilitate their awakening are transferred.
By giving birth to a new life, the mother gives material dressings for spiritual DNA. Of course, there is some connection between one another, since the characters of a mother and a father are passed to a child. These are relatively material qualities, but they nevertheless affect realization of the spiritual gene. After all, absolutely everything is aimed at the realization of spiritual DNA.
The material world has no importance on its own, no goal of its own; everything is designed only to achieve the realization of the spiritual gene.
Question: I have four children, but they are so different. They received the same genes from the father and mother, so why are they so different?
Answer: Because the father and mother are also different. Although they are the same people, inside they include many different qualities. And most importantly each time the spiritual DNA , the Reshimo, enters the world, it has a special purpose.
Therefore, for the sake of the spiritual destiny of the child, from the father and mother are selected qualities that aren’t the most dominant, outwardly displayed, and visible to us, but the ones that are most suitable for the proper growth of the spiritual DNA of the embryo.
Spiritual charge defines all other qualities. If our spiritual DNAs are connected between each other, we have to realize this connection. However, since we are not ready for it yet, we are placed into a material shell and it seems to us that we have material bodies, common affairs, and some kind of relationship.
However all this is just an imaginary reality, designed in order to bring spiritual DNAs closer to each other. This is the only function of this world. And then it disappears.
Question: Does it mean that any connection with some people at work, with neighbors, with husband or wife, any interaction between two people has a purpose to realize spiritual DNA that starts this entire process?
Answer: Of course. This world doesn’t have any other function apart from this: providing us with a place of work and bringing us closer to each other at a time when we can’t yet influence our spiritual DNA and begin working with it directly, like in a laboratory.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/12/16

Gradual Correction

laitman_549_01Torah, “Deuteronomy,” 7:22: And the Lord, your God, will drive out those nations from before you, little by little. You will not be able to destroy them quickly, lest the beasts of the field outnumber you.
If you decide to correct those desires that you can’t control, you won’t be able to persuade them to turn from egoistic desires into altruistic ones. You won’t have the inner pressure to correct them. The pleasure that you have to give up is too great; it lurks behind them.
Or you will have to overcome very great difficulties and pressure in order to correct them to bestowal to others. Or, in seeing what fulfillment you pass to other people, you won’t feel that they are the same as you, even greater than you. A lot of different obstacles appear here, and therefore it is necessary to do everything gradually.
After all, if you won’t be able to correct desires on the human level, then you’ll have problems on the animal level with desires that are called beasts of the field. They will attack you and you won’t be able to deal with them.
Therefore we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves. The Torah speaks about gradual correction where a person clearly ascertains in himself all his possibilities and abilities and understands what he does.
How often in life do we undertake some vows, but in a couple of days break them? We understand that we don’t have the strength to keep them.
When you are going to perform some corrections you should understand what you are refusing and how you will feel if others will get everything you refused. It means that this entire beautiful, perfect fulfillment that you were receiving in your egoism and enjoyed, you gave to others and now they enjoy and feel spiritual joy.
It turns out that you go into some kind of seclusion and they enjoy. At the same time they are at the same degree as you are.  Envy, jealousy, etc. may erupt. And all this is in order to finish the current degree of correction.
This actually is the part when envy tears you apart and turns into a new egoistic degree. Exactly here the correction starts. After all, you can return it and receive double the pleasure—what you took from them and from what you are filled with. So the beasts of the field arise in you.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/27/16

To Be Reborn Each Day

Laitman_715Question: If everything that happened was according to the Creator’s plan, can I make a covenant with Him now and nullify the outcomes of some things that I did in the past that interfere with my life today?
Answer: You can stop worrying about the past since there is no past. A person is reborn every moment. Therefore, start working from this moment onward, no matter how old you are. I am already 70 years old and I begin to work every time as if I have been reborn. And there are no problems.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/10/16

New Life #756 – Love In The Bible

New Life #756 – Love In The Bible
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
The Torah defines love differently than we do. On the whole, for us all the stories in the Torah are great secrets.
It is based on the principle of love of others, which means caring about the wellbeing of others, to do others good and to live only in order to fill others, not thinking of what I will benefit from or what I will get in return.
The Torah doesn’t tell us about people but about spiritual systems. Spiritual love is giving and not receiving in order to satisfy my desires; spiritual love is overcoming the ego. Getting married for example, means to connect with the desires of another and to fill them.
The purpose of our life in this world is to reach love and connection because no one can really fill himself.
Therefore, the desire to love is deeply rooted in us, but we have to learn how to bring it out and to develop it.
The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to build love above the hatred we feel, to connect above the egoism that separates us. Spiritual love doesn’t depend on others but on the degree of your giving. It is through others that a person connects to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “New Life #756 – Love In The Bible,” 8/9/16
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“We Have Lost The Fear Of Nuclear War”

laitman_228In the News ( “Alexei Arbatov : Alas, now really very few people can imagine a nuclear war. Within only the first few hours, 70-80 million would be killed – more than were killed in all the years of the Second World War! And then, within a few weeks the rest of the world would perish. This is what is shown by all the computer models.
“You’re right, there has been a very dangerous psychological shift: in the 25 years since the end of the Cold War, nuclear war as a real threat has been pushed out of people’s consciousness. …
“But the thing is that nuclear missiles are in fact still focused on the major cities of the potential enemy. In this sense, for 25 years, nothing has changed! The US and Russia have only a dozen other major cities. And the number of nuclear warheads each has still would be enough to erase the city to the ground, and even more than once. Think for yourself: a few dozen cities on each side and strategic nuclear weapons – about 1.5 thousand. And those 70-80 million killed in the first hours of a nuclear war – it is just the population of large cities and their hinterlands. The secondary effects – radioactive contamination, fires, the atmosphere filled with smoke – after a while would turn into a disaster for the rest of the world. …
“Therefore, neither the United States nor Russia has any chance of surviving in the event of full-scale nuclear exchange. This would also be the case for other nations, even those located somewhere in Africa or Asia. After all, the planet’s atmosphere would become opaque for many years, which would entail the collapse of all agriculture. And then, as they said during the Cold War, the survivors will envy the dead. They will die painfully in the dark from hunger and disease – in the radioactive ruins of what had recently been a civilization.”
My Comment: According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, if we don’t yearn to rein in our egoism through the discovery of the Creator in time, egoism will necessarily bring us to nuclear war. After all, there is no other way than the way of suffering, of egoism, or through the Light above the ego, above our nature, ascending above it to the characteristic of bestowal and connection.

Legalizing Cannabis Will Bring Billions

laitman_249-01Comment: All over the world today, cannabis is being legalized. And now it is happening in London. It is expected that the country will gain a billion dollars for taxing the use of cannabis. In addition, they claim that legalizing cannabis will reduce crime and other negative repercussions.
Answer: Legalizing cannabis will calm people. When certain phenomena become so broad and reaches the people, it must be resolved. And to go against it is not realistic, simple, or wise.
Question: Then what kind of future awaits us?
Answer: Our future will be like a narcotic dream. Consumption of light drugs will be a partial medication for the state we are now entering. We experience strong pressure. We are in a huge crisis that has no solution on our level. Egoism devours itself like a snake that eats its tail. Nothing is left for us to do other than to calm and reduce it. Therefore, gradual restriction of the ego with relatively harmless drugs will be incented.
In addition, people who want to develop will aspire to attain upper spiritual goals and all the rest will remain in the same degree until the need arises in them.
We see that humanity naturally turns toward light drugs and antidepressants. They suppress their bad moods, elevate it a little with alcohol, football, and any means to kill their depression and somehow raise their spirits.
Question: According to your words, you seemingly call all the passions of this world “drugs.”
Answer: I don’t know where the line is here. In principle, a person needs to determine the limit him or herself, as long as it doesn’t harm others. Also, everything depends on his education and upbringing. If we begin to engage in education, then we will be able to reorganize the structure of relations of the global population in the best form where people will put themselves in certain frameworks and see a higher purpose; they will discern how to reach it and where to get calming influences.
Today, humanity is still not able to do without drugs. People cannot live with a goal that is still not revealed to them. They don’t understand that access to the upper state is now being opened before them. So they don’t do anything but something to extinguish the hopelessness.

The Best Profession For Spiritual Success

laitman_628_2Question: Is the wisdom of Kabbalah opposed to having a job?
Answer: No way. A person must work even if he has no need for money. Regarding a profession, I would recommend to a person who wants to be a Kabbalist to choose work that doesn’t require a lot of thinking, rather than becoming a doctor, for example. A doctor will be inundated by work, even being called at night. Although he will certainly make a much lower salary than a doctor, he will be more relaxed and have time for the development of the soul.
Comment: But there are many doctors and programmers who study with us….
Answer: Everything is relative. A person that is devoted to spiritual work cannot dedicate his time to becoming well known in a profession because his thoughts will be completely focused on spiritual attainment. His focus will no longer be directed to the development, inventions, and visions of a demanding profession.
Question: Did your inclination toward science and involvement with cybernetics help you in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah, or did it only get in the way?
Answer: When I finished my studies, I worked as a junior researcher in an institute for blood transfusion. This was long before I started studying the wisdom of Kabbalah. I immigrated to Israel only after finishing my master’s degree. So, all of this belongs to my past—I left all of it behind. Since then, I have not been involved with cybernetics; I only remember particular fundamentals that help me to teach the wisdom of Kabbalah, because cybernetics is a science that concerns the governance of life and the wisdom of Kabbalah also concerns the governance of life, but on a higher level.
I learned cybernetics in order to fill an empty void within me. I thought nothing was more interesting than a theory about managing life, describing how life is created, how it behaves, where it comes from, what it is for, and why. As a student, I gradually understood what was written in those books and what they deal with, so I became interested. But when I finished my studies, all of the romance in this context “evaporated.”
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/10/16

The Hidden Wisdom – The Science Of Intentions

Laitman_083Torah, “Deuteronomy,” “Eikev,” 7:26: Nor should you bring an abomination into your house, lest you are to be destroyed like it, but you shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly abhor it; for it is to be destroyed.
“Bring into your house” means to bring it into your desires and into your heart. Beware that your mistakes and impure desires won’t become habitual to you. Try to stay above them and to control yourself all the time.
After all, what is the difference between a pure and impure person? Only the intentionsare different. He kills, curses, hangs, destroys, burns, and rapes, he does everything that we can imagine as the most terrible acts, but does so only for the benefit of others.
It is unclear. But here we mean that all this is done inside a person over his desires. Naturally, such a person can’t harm others externally; he can’t kill, rob, or rape them.
However, it needs to be said that there are many actions that don’t harm others but with which we allegedly can’t agree. He performs them the same way from both pure and impure sides, but we can’t figure this out. Therefore, Kabbalah is called a hidden wisdom because it talks about things that are not visible to others, about a person’s intentions.
Comment: Let’s say there is an ordinary looking person in front of us, but inside him are wars, violence, and murders.
Answer: Yes, but not only that. Even outwardly he can be very abrupt. The problem is that his internal actions are hidden from others.
Question: For example, you told us that your teacher Rabash once said to you, “I was everything.” And for people around him he looked like an innocent person. Is this what he had in mind?
Answer: Yes. Kabbalists go through absolutely everything within themselves.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/27/16

New Life #327 – Violence In Society, Part 2

New Life #327 – Violence In Society, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Why is the tendency toward violence increasing in society in spite of the education that is given in schools, and how is it possible to treat the root of the phenomenon and lead a person to feel love toward others?
From generation to generation egoism evolves and aggressiveness increases. A person doesn’t understand why others exist at all. If I don’t receive satisfaction somewhere, I cannot wait and violence erupts. If once there was shame in being violent and powerful, today this is a norm; there is no shame about anything. A person cannot hear criticism, doesn’t agree with it, and immediately erupts with violence.
We don’t know how to build a proper system of relationships with the environment so that we enjoy each interacting.
Violence is a result of the lack of social education; it should begin from infancy and continue throughout life. Today, education is not carrying out a treatment of the root of the human ego. Instead it just tries to limit outbreaks. Adults require children to behave nicely, but behave violently themselves.
We need to do some soul-searching. Our society is sick, dominated by interests that don’t want correction. The internal cancer that is eating us is human egoism. We need to discover it and begin treatment.
Internal change comes from the study of human nature and developing the ability to use the ego correctly in relationships with others. Society will improve only when the individuals that compose it, the people, will change for the better.
The study is carried out in a circle, in a group, through building a good environment and correct communication between people.
Today someone with violent behavior is blamed, but the truth is that those who educated him should be blamed.
Correction is not through overcoming the violent impulses that are in me, but to reach a state where they are not aroused. It is not fear of punishment that is required to suppress violence; rather, it is the development of an attitude of love for others.
The correction of our situation depends on using the wisdom of connection that is being revealed today to move us forward.
From KabTV’s “New Life #327 – Violence In Society, Part 2,” 3/25/14
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Be Prepared For The 9th Of Av

laitman_293Question: The 9th of Av is a tragic day in Jewish history when the Temple was destroyed, when the Temple Mount was destroyed, and when the Jews were expelled from England, France, and Spain. The first ghetto was founded on the 9th of Av. And it was on the 9thof Av that the Jews were taken from the  Warsaw Ghetto to be killed.
Answer: This is a critical date. Today, the greatest egoism is being revealed–meaning the negative attribute in human beings that is opposite to the natural, positive force, which we call nature or the Creator. It is the positive attribute that we must expose and reveal.
A person armed with knowledge sees in advance what is allowed and what is forbidden, where he can step and where he shouldn’t. And so he goes through the same situations with ease that a person who has no information is immersed in.
Although he must spend a lot of time studying and developing himself in learning how to sense danger, it is worthwhile because eventually he advances in a normal way. He understands that he must resist his ego, and he knows how to fight it. He knows that it is necessary to study systematically about himself in a group with others what we learn from the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Thus, we overcome all of the problems that must be revealed within us in a predetermined order because if they are not revealed, they are in concealment and it is impossible to correct them.
If we prepare ourselves properly for these problems in advance, they are revealed to us to the degree that we want and at a pace that we are able to correct them. However, if we are not prepared for them, they occur in the form of disasters like the Holocaust, expulsion, pogroms, and other problems.
This is how it always happens, so the wisdom of Kabbalah warns us and tells us that we must advance consciously, increasingly more strongly connected to each other. In fact, we are not connected at all, and we are growing further apart and increasingly more divided every day.
There are big circles in Israel that are dividing the nation and setting an example of opposing others. They operate only for their own sake, not for the sake of the state or the people. Unfortunately, all of this is leading us to another disaster, and we are approaching unpleasant events, while according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, we in spite of our separation, the immense egoism that always resides in us and constantly grows, we must unite, in spite of everything and above it all, as it is written, “Love covers all transgressions.” It will not correct them but cover them.
We don’t need to pay attention to the fact that we have this negative motives toward each other. It is only natural as the most developed nation, but in spite of all that, we must get closer to each other.
There is a method to get closer, which the wisdom of Kabbalah precisely explains, and we must implement it.
Question: Is the preparation for a possible fall on the 9th of Av is that the moment the fall comes it can be immediately covered by love?
Answer: Yes, a week after the 9th of Av is the day of love because according to the plan of the creation, after all of the problems, we reach unity and love.
It is basically in our hands, and I hope that people who are far from the wisdom of Kabbalah, including those who oppose it, still will understand that the method of unity is in this wisdom. We must take it upon ourselves to realize it and show it to the entire world. This is the only way that the world will reach peace and tranquility.
Let’s hope that we will build in our hearts, between us, in our good unity, what we call the Third Temple and reveal the Creator in it, the force of love between us.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 8/10/16

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

An Ideal Relationship

laitman_232_08Question: What should an ideal relationship between a man and a woman look?
Answer: An ideal relationship between a man and a woman, just like between two men or two women, is a spiritual partnership in which the two sides have equal rights, when they complement each other and create a common vessel (Kli).
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/6/16

The Purpose Determines Everything

laitman_571_06Question: I live in a country that I don’t like and I love a person who doesn’t want me. What should I do?
Answer: I think you need to go above all this. I can’t imagine what it means to love or not to love. First compare and test it in relation to the purpose of life and then maybe you will determine what it is that you don’t like, or what you like, and that what you prefer today will disappoint you tomorrow and maybe you will even hate it. Begin to distance yourself from it. Thus you need to make a renewed evaluation of the values. After all, it isn’t important where a person lives. I didn’t think I would ever live like I live today. The goal needs to determine everything.
And the purpose is the revelation of the Creator to a person in this world. We don’t have any need for anything else! And then you will be completely happy and will attain eternity, infinity, and completeness, here and now. It won’t matter to you what country you live in, what job you have, with what partner in life you live with, etc. You will understand why the Creator put you in this framework, and all in all, everything will work out in your life.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/10/16

Questions About Work In The Group

laitman_938_07Question: How do I deal with my complaints about my friend? Should I sit down with him and discuss what I don’t like, or should I keep it to myself and try to convince myself mentally that he is better?
Answer: Discuss it in the group because the Creator is giving this to you for a greater connection for His revelation in the group.
Question: Does working on the connection mean to want to feel the desires of the friends as mine? If yes, then which desires of the friends are we are talking about: all of the desires of the friends or only the desires of the friends for the Creator?
Answer: It is only the desires of the friends for the Creator.
Question: Can we say that the indication of the appearance of ten Sefirot is happiness from the unity in the group?
Answer: This is one of the accompanying sensations.

New Life #326 – Violence In Society, Part 1

New Life #326 –  Violence In Society, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Basically, human nature is exploiting others for one’s own benefit, and is the cause for the increasing violence in society. How can we treat the problem at its root and stop it?
In ancient times when people felt like one family, there was no violence. The ego was very small. The ego grew, desires grew, and struggles for power and dominance began, exploiting others for my benefit.
In a system of cultural egoistic relationships, there is always violence, even if it is quiet and hidden. The definition of what is considered to be violence depends on changing social norms on the level of social morality.
Humans are the cruelest creatures in nature, taking everything from the environment, they ready to destroy it for their benefit. Even if a person seems to have a quiet nature, he can be more violent than anyone else.
There are whole towns of backward layers without education and social care. This leads to the perpetuation of violence.
It is impossible to contend with violence through increasing oppression and punishment. The treatment of the root is the correction of the ego.
The media inflames everything and therefore increases the violence and other negative phenomena—a social norm.
Violence is derived from the fact that human nature is evil and egoistic, and the environment even increases it. Violence will increase if the root is not treated, and human nature is not given a corrective treatment.
We cannot judge previous generations and say that they were more violent than we are. We are crueler. The method for correcting the individual and society has been revealed today, so it should be possible to treat the root of violence.
From KabTV’s “New Life #326 – Violence In Society, Part 1,” 3/25/14
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Most Of The Time Devoted To Spiritual Work

laitman_559Question: What is a suitable way for a person who is advancing toward the goal of creation to spend his time?
Answer: I am interested, for example, in music, comedies, and witty jokes. I love traveling in the world. Besides the fact that I travel toconventions, twice a year, I take a vacation with my wife in some country where we walk a lot. That is all.
Question: It is understandable that each person has a favorite way of spending his time. In this regard, what can you recommend according to the wisdom of Kabbalah?
Answer: If a person is involved with studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, he cannot have great materialistic hobbies.
For example, I don’t see that any of my students are involved with stamp collecting.
Kabbalists respect physical exercise and sports. Movement is imperative so that one’s head will work well. But what sport? Simply walking or swimming is good. But everything else—is dedicating yourself to spiritual work.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/10/16

Where Should The French Jews Go?

Laitman_419In the News (Jpost): “French Jews contemplating aliya should take the initiative, and the Israeli government should provide them with the benefits once afforded Soviet immigrants, according to Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky.
“’I believe many French Jews are planning to leave,’ Sharansky told The Jerusalem Post ahead of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors gathering in Paris from Sunday to Tuesday. …
“Sharansky noted that according to a survey conducted last year by Étude IFOP, more than 40 percent of France’s estimated half a million Jews are considering immigration to Israel.”
At present the immigration of the French Jews to Israel is continuing to grow. In the not too distant future we can expect a wave of immigrants from the Ukraine, Russia, and the United States. The two hundred French immigrants who came not long ago, met Minister Sharansky who said that during these recent summer months around another two hundred thousand will come to us.
Question:  Do you think that all of the Jews will leave France?
Answer: If half a million Jews leave France, nothing will remain of the nation. I heard from senior French officials that they believe that the departure of the Jews will be a real disaster for France. In their opinion, even if a thousand Jews were to leave the nation selectively, among them would be scientists, diplomats, politicians, and managers upon whom the French economy is based. And then the nation would cease to exist in its current form.
The Muslims will replace the Jews.
Now there is a big boom, even the French are beginning to seriously study the Arabic language, to get a job. It takes a lot of workers with knowledge of the Arabic language because it is necessary to serve these populations.
Question: Does this mean that you tend to think that the Jews will leave?
Answer: They will have no choice. But in Israel they will have no choice either, because if they arrive in a very large numbers, it will not be possible to employ everyone. We just shout: “Come to us! We love getting immigrants so much,” but where?
Comment: Mr. Sharansky’s view is different. When addressing 200 recent arrivals from France in Israel, said, “‘There is a great future for French Jews in Israel. Every one of you has made a huge step forward. This is a step for you, for the sake of the future of your children, for the sake of the future.. the state of Israel.’  According to Army Radio, about 9,000 new immigrants from around the world are due to arrive in Israel this summer.” (MIGNews)
Answer: As a politician, it is very good to say this, but what will happen when an immigrant tries to find work in his profession? I hear from many French immigrants that they don’t know where to find work, and this in addition to problems that they are having with integrating into life in Israel, we are very different from France.
In France the situation is completely different; Israel is not Italy, Spain, or Germany. It is very difficult for immigrants to live here; they don’t feel the atmosphere here. So for them it is not a very simple transition, in particular when looking for work.
It is not easy just to absorb 9,000 people in one summer, arranging initial conditions for them so that the future will be bright for them. Receiving them with flowers at the airport is very nice, but the question is, what’s next?
Question: Will Israel potentially be able to absorb all the Jews?
Answer: This could be done without a problem. If there were a friendly atmosphere here, if everyone understood that this is a national, popular, and worldwide task that is derived from the goal of creation and that we must organize people as one, united whole, if we wanted to do this, then this would certainly be something great!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/24/16

Catch Pokemon, Attain the Creator

laitman_527_03In the News ( For me, a very interesting experience is Pokemon Go. Until recently, there was a period of immersion in the virtual world, and now it is moving to a desire to get out into the real world. And this Pokemon Go – it’s just about wanting a real dialogue, real reactions, dating is a way of attracting attention and a way to say that I did not do something as an Avatar, but I’m a man and I want to be seen, heard, I want to interact with others, even in such a strange way.
“People also do not have enough positive emotions and some purpose, meaning in life.”
My Comment: A person is playing all the time since he is searching for the meaning of life and self-realization. I am not against the Pokemon game because everything that appears in our world ultimately leads us toward correction.
Question: Can a person find the meaning of life through a game?
Answer: Obviously! The entire wisdom of Kabbalah is a game. It is written that theCreator plays with Leviathan, so we also play with each other. A game is an activity in which I imagine a state in which I am not yet found, like in a theater. We gather together and begin to simulate our spiritual states that are specifically discovered in the connection between us. Even though we have not yet attained that connection, we imagine to ourselves how it will be, how a future society will look in which everyone is connected together, to begin to feel the start of spiritual states. So in this way we attract a unique energy on ourselves that moves us forward physically.
Question: Are we children?
Answer: Certainly! If we realize that we are children and we truly are like children who have long since already become serious adults. We gradually grow when we come into the game because in the future life on a higher level is expected for us, a very good and warm life in which we are no longer just playing a game but a real Pokemon.
This is because the pursuit of Pokemon is a pursuit to discover the Creator! This is essentially what the wisdom of Kabbalah engages in. Within us and in our connection with others, we are constantly directing ourselves toward a greater revelation of the Creator. We pursue this until we reach a state in which the Creator begins to be revealed more and more. These are 125 levels of attainment and the discovery of a higher perfected and unlimited state; this is not a pursuit of some kind of ghostly image. Rather, it is a state that changes our lives and takes us out to another dimension.
Question: What leads us forward in this game?
Answer: When a person directs himself toward the inner connection between himself and others, he changes all of his senses this way. We enter into another reality more and more. It is impossible to compare this to running in a park searching for something.
Comment: In spite of it all, this is a tiny additional step for humanity.
Answer: Without a doubt! Various phenomena in our world always give us some kind of advancement. So let’s direct ourselves toward a real search.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/21/16

The Unemployed Do Not Want To Work

laitman_926_02In the News (Quartz): “The most recent US jobs numbers masked a dark story. Unemployment held steady at 5.1%, but only 59.2% of Americans have a job. The difference is the unemployment rate only counts people who don’t have a job and are actively looking for one. The labor-force participation rate is perhaps a more accurate gauge of the economy. It includes people who’ve given up, don’t want to, or can’t work, and it fell to 62.4% last quarter. …
“Most of the decline in participation came from fewer young people working. Older Americans are more likely to be working, while everyone else is working a little less. Why are younger Americans not working? …
“Older American workers are more likely to be working these days. That’s probably because early retirement is no longer a viable option for many of them.”
Answer: The older generation lived in a society that had to work in order to survive, whereas the young do not have to work to live because human labor has been replaced by various machines and mechanisms.
There are also people who, according to their psychology, want to work, feeling that they must work. There are those who have no need such as this, and it is becoming clear that humanity is getting along very well without them.
Question: Does it follow that those who need to change are not the ones who don’t want to work but those who believe they have to work?
Answer: Yes, it is not necessary to pressure those who don’t want to work. In any case, there are no jobs for them. We artificially create workplaces and produce absolutely useless products, taking natural resources from nature, throwing them out, and polluting the planet!
So, we need to let time take its course and leave the children alone, and don’t lament: “We don’t understand how this could be.” Children don’t want to work and don’t need to! They have a different perception of life.
Do they get along? They get along. They aren’t going to be lost.
Question: Do we need to be involved with the education of children? There was a time when you spoke about the educational process that must exist now.
Answer: The educational process is essential, but not for acquiring a profession or making money, where you do work that is absolutely unnecessary and is even harmful to the world.
The educational process is necessary for making an Adam (Man) out of a beast. It is written this way in The Zohar: “…[from] a wild donkey a man will be born” (Job 11:12). So, he is another evil beast! You can see how children relate to each other.
So, we must convey a process of education to each and every one, and this is what will occupy humanity.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 6/19/16

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