Saturday, September 19, 2020

All Together In The Home Stretch


961.1The Creator obliges us to follow the program of creation, and therefore shows us that it is bad to remain separated from each other. But how can He show us that it is bad?

Only at the expense of suffering, otherwise we will not understand that separation is evil. Therefore, the Creator is forced to attach some unpleasant event to our separation so we can start feeling it.

We need to feel through the coronavirus pandemic that we are in trouble because of our separation. We need to link our physical and mental states together. The fact that we are so far from each other mentally and do not feel how beautiful the connection is, is the cause of all the misfortunes that have happened to us. The virus itself is not so terrible, but because it covers the whole world, it paralyzes all our lives. If it had hit a single country, it would not have attracted such attention.

But since it comes from a completely different level, from the global spiritual force around the entire globe, from the spiritual state, from the program of the end of the global correction, it awakens a very special attitude toward itself and plunges everyone into confusion and perplexity.

Scientists can’t come up with a solution, and there’s no hope of a vaccine coming soon. This epidemic is unlike any previous ones, which were more local, not aimed at correcting the last generation, and did not come from a common force called Mashiach that acts on all of humanity. This is the first time we have encountered it.

This is why such measures are being taken. After all, why does it seem necessary to stop all industry around the world, destroy the economies of all the countries, and radically change the entire lives of people just because of some virus? And if there was a war that would have killed millions, it would not have stopped, people would have continued to fight. Why are we stopping our lives because of the coronavirus?

It is because this power comes from the upper level—from where we are already connected together. And this power comes to show us that we have to connect here in this world.

Therefore, we don’t understand it and are perplexed. Gradually, we will start listening to the way the Creator is teaching us, and begin to understand how He treats us and what He wants from us.

Through this, we will hear the voice of the Creator, feel His actions, and be able to respond to them. We will get closer to each other and immediately see the epidemic abating. And then we will fall back into our egoism, and the epidemic will return.

In this way, we will get closer and drift apart, like a child who climbs into his father’s arms, then runs away from him, then gets scared of a dog and asks to be picked up again. In the same way, the Creator teaches us how to always strive to connect with Him.

The only difference between this world and the spiritual world is in who rules: me or the Creator. It is to this change of power that the pandemic should push us.

The Creator takes into account the global correction of the entire world: He thinks about the future of humanity, connecting all in one Kli and filling it with the upper light. We have already reached the home stretch of correction—the Creator is not very hidden.

It is us who cannot reveal Him, and He does not hide, influencing us from our connection. And so we feel a global blow to everyone, not somewhere more, somewhere less, but everywhere. After all, we are already on the home stretch and we only need to reach the finish line: the global connection.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/13/20, “Work With Faith Above Reason”

Friday, September 18, 2020

What Will Bridge The Generation Gap?


598Question: What can close the gap between generations?

Answer: I hope that the past generation will be wiser and kinder to the new generation and the new generation realizes that it faces a very serious task to decide what the meaning of life is. They need to decide on their own, because the past generation will not be able to show them the way, but will support them.

We are at a stage when a new generation must acquire a new methodology, a new ideology, a new attitude to the world and to life. I wish them that.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/21/20

“In Need Of A New Navigation System” (Linkedin)

 My new article on Linkedin “In Need of a New Navigation System

The world is changing so fast that we can’t keep track. We used to study about globalization at school or university, but never felt it as a real issue in our lives. Now it’s enough to look outside the window in Western Europe and see the pale blue sky, turned grayish by the smoke from the fires in America’s West Coast, to understand that we really are in one boat. We’re navigating the world as if we live in a three-dimensional world, but we don’t; we’re living in a sphere, and every point in that sphere touches every other point. Anything we do, say, or even think touches everyone else in the world. It’s a scary thought, but nonetheless true. I agree with former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, who recently connected the world’s problems to “a lack of global partnership,” but I think it’s deeper than partnership; our survival has become connected.

We can change the face of the Earth and the fate of humanity in a matter of months; it’s just a matter of switching from a negative attitude to a positive attitude toward others. If we exercise this, we’ll live in heaven on Earth. If we don’t, we won’t need to die to go to Hell; it’ll come up to us.

In fact, the first lesson that the coronavirus taught us was that we’ve shifted to a new dimension of existence, a spherical one, where every single element impacts every other element. Many people used the phrase, “An infection anywhere is an infection everywhere,” to describe our mutual accountability with regard to the coronavirus, but this is just as true with regard to everything else.

Therefore, even though we do not like each other, and in many cases wish each other the worst, we cannot afford to maintain this attitude; it will hurt us very directly and very personally. We have become responsible for one another in the full sense of the word. We should care about the fires and hurricanes in the US as though they are happening in our own town; we should care about the millions of people dying from Covid as though they were our own family, and we should care about the millions of people around the world who do not have sufficient food and water, shelter, or even sanitation. We should care about all the people who are suffering because they today are we tomorrow, as simple and as literal as that.

And it’s not as if there’s nothing we can do. There is plenty of food and water for everyone; there is much we can do to curb Covid and even cure it, and there is much we can do to help Earth balance her climate. But in the current dog-eat-dog attitude, we’re not going to do anything and we will all drown in Earth’s sinking boat.

So the first thing we need to do is change how we relate to one another. If we change the social atmosphere, it’ll suddenly feel very natural to help one another. When that happens, the vast resources we have stored for our own needs, and in order to deny them of others, will quickly find their way to where they are most needed. We can change the face of the Earth and the fate of humanity in a matter of months; it’s just a matter of switching from a negative attitude to a positive attitude toward others. If we exercise this, we’ll live in heaven on Earth. If we don’t, we won’t need to die to go to Hell; it’ll come up to us.

How Will Fashion Change?


565.01Remark: The coronavirus and the pandemic associated with it are changing the habits, guidelines, and priorities of society. As a result, this has an impact on all spheres of business, including fashion. At Paris fashion week, one of the brands presented its collection on a barge that went down the Seine. It could have been observed from the Eiffel Tower and from different sides.

Dior has released a collection for dolls, and if customers want to buy something, then it will be reproduced in full size.

Another luxury brand has created a collection that matches the current conditions. Its couturier says that it is most likely a house dress or nightgown that now corresponds to the current time.

My Comment: Very good This is the most needed.

Question: What does a person convey through clothing from the point of view of Kabbalah?

Answer: His inner world, his inner attitude to the meaning of the world, to the meaning of life.

Question: What values should we pass on to each other so that we do not depend on clothing, its cost, labels, and so on?

Answer: With the help of the clothing, we have to convey our aspiration for unity, for a beautiful, simple connection between people above our egoism, for all people around to feel that I relate to them well, kindly, and they could see it in my clothes.

That is, the clothes should not be provocative, but endearing, drawing something compassionate to me. It is possible to check how children relate to it, whether they want to stroke it, press their cheek to it.

Question: What kind of fashion should be introduced for this to appear and develop between people?

Answer: Fashion for a smile. No outfits, no epaulets, or anything else can replace this. There should be a friendly smile. Not a leer.

Question: What information should the clothes convey to other people?

Answer: They should convey the good message of a person.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/27/20

Guide For Round Tables, Part 4


528.04Time for Adaptation

Question: There are clear rules and principles of the round table under which you can achieve a positive result.

First, external conditions: participants turn off their mobile phones and make sure that nothing distracts or interferes with them. They do not leave their seats during the discussion, only when necessary. It is very important that they are not joined by unprepared people.

Second: everyone discusses one common topic chosen in advance and carefully listens to the questions of the moderator without deviating from the topic of discussion.

Third: each participant expresses his or her opinion, and this contributes to the common decision. On the other hand, there are people who passively participate in these processes. Naturally, we cannot make them talk. How should the moderator and all other participants react to his silence?

Answer: We’ll have to get his opinion out of him somehow or not consider him present.

Question: Can he be given some time to start with?

Answer: Time is given to everyone for adaptation, for mutual inclusion, for understanding the problem, for correctly expressing their opinion, etc. These are problems of internal and external organization of each one and everyone together. But, in general, a person must understand that they must participate in this experiment, and we need to bring them to this with all seriousness.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 7/9/20

Who Benefits From Asking?


625.02Remark: Your haiku was posted on Instagram:

Touches of egoism multiply.
I will turn to the Creator —
Let Him control him.

The question is: “The Creator creates, but I am also a creator. Who benefits from begging?”

My Comment: Man (Adam), me. I am always striving so that I have some questions, some requests, some appeal to the Creator. All the time with a question or with an exclamation mark when I admire His actions. The truth is not often, to put it mildly.

But that there were always enough requests so that I was always begging the Creator.

Question: Why does one need to be constantly requesting?

Answer: To correct your egoism. And why did He make it? In order to correct. And He wants to fix it, but He does it only at my request.

Question: Then in what am I a creator?

Answer: I command the Creator to correct what He has done. He is called the “Creator” because he did this, and I am the creator because I ask Him to fix everything from this. And in this I am a creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/17/19

Whom Should We Ask For Help?


943Question: Whom should we ask for help, the Creator or the group? And how should we do it?

Answer: Only the group, and through the group you can turn to the Creator.

It is even better if the whole group turns to the Creator together. Then you will surely be able to improve both your state and the state of the group because you will begin to feel that the negative impacts that you sense are not directed specifically at you but that they come to you through the group. If you respond to them through the group, it is the best method of correction.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 10/14/18

Business According To The Laws Of Nature


962.5Question: In business, income is built on the fact that everyone is trying to use others to make the most for their own super-profits. Therefore, there is practically no place for an honest person in a business.
What should a business be like to confirm with the laws of nature?

Answer: A business should be absolutely reciprocal when both partners understand that they cannot do without each other. Therefore, the material business should not be built on the fact that they come together, begin to deceive and steal from each other, and then quickly scatter.

And spiritual business is based on the fact that we unite and eventually form something more. And this is something larger. And this is something from which society can get the maximum benefit, and we want to offer it to society.

Question: What advice would you give to people who want to comply with the laws of nature?

Answer: To invest as much as possible in new education or in nurturing a new society.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 6/4/20

Can The Souls Give Birth To Each Other?


232.08Question: Can souls give birth to each other?

Answer: No. Human beings don’t give birth to each other either; it only seems that way to us. We don’t generate anything new, except for the condition of the appearance of a new image in our world.

This means that the forces already exist and they are ready to develop, so the development of a new body seemingly takes place through an individual, a certain person, male and female, but it is predetermined.

Question: Is a new third desire born when two desires unite in spirituality?

Answer: It is new in the connection between them and in their connection with the upper, as it says, “a man and a womanShechina is between them,” which means the appearance of the Creator. It is the force of the Creator that prompts the male and female individuals (spiritual forces) to be internally connected, determines their next phase of development, and what will generate from them.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/16/18

Thursday, September 17, 2020

New Life 1159 – The Law Of Nature


New Life 1159 – The Law Of Nature
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

The law of nature is a global program that exists above us and encompasses the essence of our lives. It is a single force that does good and determines everything. Included in this single program is the evil inclination. It helps us recognize the good as one cannot be known without the other. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how to discover this law, program, or force.

Identification with it is the way one maintains it. Becoming like it allows us to understand how to recognize the truth, advance without making mistakes, and make useful laws accordingly.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1159 – The Law Of Nature,” 9/19/19

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“Could You Tell Me Something About Collective Consciousness?” (Quora)


Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: “Could you tell me something about collective consciousness?

Consciousness exists in the collective.

We all exist in the collective consciousness similarly to how a holographic item, when it encounters light, seemingly divides a single light into different spectra.

However, the extent to which we realize collective consciousness relies on the extent to which we input each of our individual thoughts and desires into it.

While we each exist within collective consciousness, our comprehension depends on the extent of our engagement with such consciousness.

Therefore, the holographic picture exists both on collective and individual scales, as we each potentially hold the entire collective picture within each of us individually.

Reaching awareness of collective consciousness requires opening ourselves up to the collective desire and thought that exists outside of our own individual desires and thoughts.

We have the ability to pierce through our individualistic perceptions by connecting with others, i.e., aiming to feel and fulfill their desires at least to the same extent as we each aim to fulfill our own desires.

By conducting ourselves in such a manner—over time and through various states that make us face the boundary between our individualistic perceptions with the collective one, and also by organizing our environment to support our choice of the collective picture over our individualistic one time and again—we then gradually discover a wider world.

We discover that wider world within our own thoughts and desires, i.e., within us, but in that space, we feel and act toward the collective as if to ourselves.

When we reach such a state, we realize pure harmony, happiness and the sensation of eternity.

Life After Death


538Question: If a person knew their day of death, would they be able to live their life any better?

Answer: It depends on the person. They say that Wolf Messing knew the day and the hour of his death and was at peace with it. Others are afraid of it. And there are people who believe so much in the continuation of life that, on the contrary, they consider death desirable.

Question: Do I need to prepare for death every day?

Answer: No. We must prepare for life after death in order to continue our existence in the right way and in the same direction.

Question: Can a person be raised not to fear death?

Answer: Sure. First, all religions do this. Try to stop a suicide-bomber who voluntarily choses to die. He will be angry with you for not allowing him to go to paradise where beautiful virgins await him.

Question: But there are very few such examples. Most people, even religious ones, are afraid of death.

Answer: One should not be afraid of death. He should fear not wasting his life.

Question: What is the correct attitude to death, in your opinion?

Answer: As the biological cycle of a person comes to an end, he enters a different state, practically continuing the spiritual work that he may have started while living.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/14/20

Money Is The Equivalent Of Our Connection


600.02Question: Money is the language of communication between people. Will the world exist without money in the future?

Answer: No. The concept of money will remain, but not in the sense of dollars or other pieces of paper, but in the form of an exchange of services between us: me to you and you to me.

This is not material money, but support, reciprocity, and a good attitude to each other. Money, from the words “kesef, kesuf, lehasot,” means covering, when I cover my egoistic inner core and relate to the other through an altruistic covering.

In other words, money is what I can pay for my egoism so that it turns into the quality of bestowal and connection.

Question: So money is the equivalent of our connection, which consists in the fact that I want to egoistically use other people, but I make efforts on myself, and cover my desire to use another person with them?

Answer: Yes. This is your good attitude over the evil attitude and it is called “money.”

Question: So it turns out that there will be no paper money?

Answer: I think that material money will be credited to each person and deducted from his account for a long time to come. But gradually it will begin to be replaced by shared connections.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 6/4/20

Guide For Round Tables, Part 3


528.02Stages of the Round Tables

Remark: Before applying the round table methodology, you need to hold a workshop. Its goal is to create a warm, safe atmosphere, raise the importance of the discussion itself and the importance of the participants.

My Comment: Indeed, this is very important. After all, we take simple, egoistic people who are trying to solve some problem from the point of view of egoism. And we need to convince them that they can solve the problem only by being integrally connected with each other above their egoism.

The main thing is the task itself, not who solves it because everyone is involved in this process. Participants need to reach a joint decision because it is the right one, and not because it is someone’s individual decision, no matter how brilliant it may seem.

In other words, before making any decisions, it is important to connect in feeling.

Remark: The second stage: Each member of the circle conducts a self-analysis of how much they are willing to participate in strengthening the connection of the entire group.

The third stage is a sense of community and connection between the participants. Even if I haven’t achieved it yet, I artificially show it to everyone else. They do not know I’m playing.

The fourth stage: everyone tries to talk to the best of their abilities about the benefits and advantages of unity and interconnection because each individual would not be able to achieve the results and solve the tasks set.

My Comment: The most important thing is that everyone agrees that a joint decision will be the only correct one.

Question: And the fifth stage—in a state of fullness of feelings, participants start directly discussing the topic and solving problems using the round table method. This is the difference between the integral method and the others because they immediately start solving some issues without first establishing communication. And without it, it is impossible.

How long do you think this process might take? Is it possible to tune in like this in half an hour?

Answer: Hardly! I can’t imagine that this could be done in a few months. But we must strive. We need to work on it. It depends on what people are talking about, on what topic, in what state they are initially.

Let’s say they are surgeons who have performed many operations. But now they have a patient with a seemingly unsolvable problem and they come to deplorable conclusions about their past attempts to solve it on their own. Then they realize that only by brainstorming together will they obviously be able to find some new solution.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 7/9/20

The Impossibility To Exist In The Same Framework


562.02Question: We see that every next generation strives more for freedom, breaks the limits of life’s restrictions, severs them. Where does this desire come from?

Answer: Each next generation does not break the previous framework, but simply cannot exist in it because the generation itself is different. It has different desires, different egoism, different priorities. Therefore, it cannot fulfill the conditions and restrictions that the previous generations performed with pleasure or with minimal energy.

Question: We see that the world is striving for greater interconnection. Integration is manifesting very strongly today. People move from place to place, privileges change, nations’ borders become more open. In nature, there are trends toward greater freedom and fewer limits. Is there any contradiction in this?

Answer: No. It is just that humanity is beginning to feel the next level of its development. Therefore, the previous framework no longer seems necessary.

We believe that the new generation does not want our conditions, our laws. It is simply created with such desires that can not comply with these conditions and feel them as necessary.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 7/2/20

Starting Point In The Development Of Humanity


937Question: Which generations, in your opinion, can be distinguished as a starting point in the development of humanity?

Answer: There are many such generations! Each generation determines something in humanity.

As for the spiritual development of the world, it began with the construction of the First Temple. However, it is not about its construction, but about the period when people began to seriously connect with each other and reveal the upper force, the Creator, in their connection.

Question: Do you think that it was from this period, 1000 years BC, that the spiritual development of all humanity began?

Answer: It began even earlier, in ancient Babylon. However, it became especially intense since the construction of the First Temple.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/21/20

View From The “Second Floor”


608.01Question: Is there a punishment for the sins of a generation? Is there a concept that children should pay for the sins of their fathers?

Answer: In general, yes. After all, we do not exist by ourselves, as we think. Usually, people believe that they can do whatever they want without realizing that they are within the framework of nature, which has its own laws.

We gradually reveal these laws at the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels. But at the human level, we cannot reveal them. We can only assume that they exist.

The fact is that we look at inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature from the top-down, and therefore, we can understand it and somehow manage it. And we can only look at other people at our level. We do not have a “second floor” from which we can look at them. Therefore, on a human level, we constantly make mistakes. We have nothing to compare with, we do not have a second floor  to look from above to below.

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, we must rise to the next level, called faith above reason, from which we will correctly see our earthly level and understand who we are and how we should behave.

Question: Where did the term “descent,” “decline,” or “coarsening” of generations come from?

Answer: We see that each generation develops in its own egoism, which is becoming more sophisticated, multileveled, and complex. Therefore, it pulls us down. We must necessarily balance it by striving upward.

We do not understand this yet. But in our time, we have already come to a state that allows us to understand how we can balance egoism and more or less influence our existence.

Question: Can we say that it is precisely the different level of egoism that is the cause of conflicts between generations?

Answer: Naturally. We are all selfish, but each one in one’s own way.
From the TV program “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/21/2020

Who Should I Appeal To?


17.01Question: Who should I appeal to if I have a request?

Answer: To the Creator. The Creator is the upper light, the attribute of absolute goodness, love, and bestowal. There is nothing other than this force in the world. There is only me and Him. Everything else that seems to exist, exists between me and the Creator.

The moment I begin to correct myself, the distance between us changes accordingly, i.e., changing attributes between me and the Creator. We, as it were, begin to draw closer to the point of complete adhesion with Him.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 11/4/18

“A Shana Tovah Depends On Us” (Medium)

 Medium published my new article “A Shana Tovah Depends on Us

We are on the threshold of a complete revolution — a substantial change in our attitude toward ourselves, society, humanity, and all of nature. Rosh Hashanah, in Hebrew meaning the “head” or “beginning” of “the year,” arrives at a special time, one like never before, in the midst of a global pandemic. We are aware of the far-reaching impact of the virus, but we need to ask ourselves for what purpose did it arrive? The answer to this question is the key to a good new year, a Shana Tovah 5781.

The coronavirus era is reshaping our lives, literally by force. It is moving us toward a higher and more advanced world in which all the parts are bound together. The fact that the world looks exactly the opposite now — filled with ego games, violence, corruption, struggles and riots — is all part of the development process.

The coronavirus is showing us just how our individualistic, self-serving behavior is leading us to destruction and pain. By looking ourselves square-in-the-eyes in the mirror, with complete honesty, we will want to reform and correct our nature into one that only wants mutual cooperation and unity.

The increasing challenges and predicaments we are experiencing awaken worldwide introspection in order to realize that the current path humanity treads is not leading us to a good place. This recognition alone is already a very important step in our development. The coronavirus has turned out to be a force that is awakening humanity to undertake a complete revision of its state.

Our current understanding of what is happening boils down to awareness that we are being beaten by this virus. But our discernments do not dig deeper than that. We have no idea what the blows are directing us toward, where they are coming from, and more importantly, for what purpose. We are as helpless and disoriented as a newborn baby who feels pain and will not stop crying, without any understanding of the reason for the situation.

Thus, our most important challenge is to discover the reason for the coronavirus, not in the biological sense, but in the essential sense, from its very origin. Social distancing, masks, crowd prevention, a global race for a vaccine, experimental treatments — all are measures looking to alleviate the problem of Covid-19. Nevertheless, none will be able to constitute a comprehensive solution to the coronavirus phenomenon.

Nature, just like a loving parent, always works for the good of all of creation together. The blows, pressures, and anguish, as painful as they feel to each individual, do not come to harm us, but to bring us to balance with nature, and by that, to a better life. Their purpose is to sharpen our awareness of our priorities in life, of what really matters: our harmonious relations with each other and with nature.

The pandemic is aimed at teaching us how to approach our surrounding environment properly, in an integrated and complementary way, with the desire to do good to others and to our environment. Nature is global, integral, and unified. Thus, the trend of evolutionary development is to cause us to identify ourselves with those same qualities, despite the fact that we were created different and distant from each other.

The coronavirus era is reshaping our lives, literally by force. It is moving us toward a higher and more advanced world in which all the parts are bound together. The fact that the world looks exactly the opposite now — filled with ego games, violence, corruption, struggles and riots — is all part of the development process. If at the beginning of the pandemic we still saw manifestations of solidarity and mutual help, today everyone’s patience has run out.

Moreover, the illusion that we treat each other well has been shattered, and it has become clear that it is human nature to look out for only oneself.

The helplessness we are feeling will lead us to search for guidance from our sages who, throughout thousands of years, created a unifying method for this special time to usher humanity to a new horizon. This timeless method develops in a person the vision and feeling that we are all within one system. Once this notion is firmly instilled in us, it becomes natural to treat others as we would like to be treated until we become “as one man in one heart.”

And when we are finally harmoniously connected, we will feel how the one power in nature that rules everything in reality does only good to us.

So what should we wish ourselves for the new year? First, to recognize our egoistic human nature as a self-destructive force that separates us. Second, that we will desire to change direction and connect for the good of all. By this, we will activate the force in nature that radiates a healthy and peaceful world. Our intention and will to build a deep connection between our hearts will heal the coronavirus at its root and will ensure that next year will be the sweetest we have ever experienced, a true Shana Tovah.

The Key To The Lock


117Usually, we communicate not through similar properties but precisely where we are opposite to each other. This is how the pieces of a puzzle are connected: there is a notch in one, there is exactly the same protrusion in the other, and then each goes inside the other attaching the minus to the plus and the plus to the minus. Only in this form is the connection possible.

Therefore, where I see a minus in a friend, I come there with my plus. And where I see a plus in a friend, I should see my minus. It turns out that it is good for us that the Creator awakens opposite qualities in us. You don’t need to change them; you just need to ask everyone to connect them together. This is the only thing that is missing, and you don’t need to change anyone.

Let all the pluses and minuses gather into one another like a key in a lock. It will become a life force for us. We will be able to understand what connection is, what an electron, a proton, a neutron, and other particles are.

There are more than four hundred different particles in an atom. Why are there so many? Isn’t just plus and minus enough? No, this is not enough. There must be many other particles around them with all sorts of properties in order to support the combination of pros and cons and bring them together into one atom.

From this, we will understand what physicists still lack to understand how matter works.

We rise above our understanding and feeling because the main thing is connection, as it is said: “Love will cover all crimes.” A friend has a minus, I have a plus, or vice versa, he has a surplus and I have a deficiency, no matter what kind, the main thing is that there is love, that we are united in a common goal, that we strive for the Creator who will reign between us.

Inside, there is a common minus one against the other, but outside, the Creator covers us with His veil, the power of unity.

We should not act like children who cut the corners of a puzzle with scissors hoping that it will be easier to assemble it. He will not be able to connect at all like that. And you cannot try to force the wrong pieces of the puzzle into each other. We must understand that all the properties created in us by the Creator are one hundred percent correct. We are absolutely perfect. We just need to find out the correct connection between us and ask the Creator to make it happen.

We find out the deficiency between us, that is, in what we cannot connect, our common minus, which is the fact that no one can connect to the other. And then we call for help from the Creator who comes and fills us with his power of bestowal, complements Malchut with Bina, and then everything works out.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/10/20, “The Law of the Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

“So Long Teddy Bear — Time To Grow Up If We Want Covid Out” (Medium)

 Medium published my new article “.So Long Teddy Bear — Time to Grow Up If We Want Covid Out

As I said from the beginning of the outbreak, the coronavirus is not another virus and Covid-19 is not another pandemic. It’s a game-changer, a transformer that will turn our lives upside down and inside out. When it’s done, we will be different people, and until it’s done, it won’t go away.

Whatever picture governments and the media are painting, the truth is that we are in the midst of an economic, social, and political meltdown. The very basis of our way of life, where we are forced to compete with one another for resources and funds, and over social status and respect, where we cannot trust anyone because the success of one necessarily means the failure of another, that basis of our previous lives is finally dissolving.

When we transform our approach from selfish to selfless, we will collaborate even better, and everyone will truly benefit from our common products. There will be abundance for everyone.

Just as melting snow creates a lot of mud, but underneath it the grass is growing and buds are shooting up from the frozen earth, so our lives are shedding their former, frozen facade, and a new one, vibrant and joyful, is budding. But until it sprouts, we’re going to have to do some wading in the mud.

In the meantime, there are several things we can do to expedite the budding of our new and better life.

1. We have been hanging on to our old lives as if we’re adolescents gripping to a shabby, frayed teddy bear that we have loved since childhood. We cannot see that Mother Nature is offering us a plethora of new and exciting games to play, suitable for our age and understanding. We’re so hung up on the past that we cannot release our grip on it and grab the wealth that future is offering us.

However, it will happen nonetheless. We will have to give up our old way of life since we are changing whether we like it or not. Even if businesses are reopened without any limitations, buyers won’t come as they did before and businesses will collapse in droves. If we transition to the new era mindfully, we will be able to provide everyone with income and occupations. If we do not, we will still do it, eventually, but after a parade of disasters. The catastrophes we are seeing now all across America are just a prelude to a cacophony of colliding and contemporaneous adversities.

2. We have to understand that essentially, we’re not going through an economic crisis. Seeing it this way is the narrow worldview of financiers who make their living by exploiting people and seizing financial opportunities. But in truth, we are going through a social transformation, a transition from a selfish to a selfless attitude toward life.

We may think that living selflessly gives you less material abundance, but this is absolutely wrong. When a society lives selflessly, its residents all guarantee the well-being of each and every member of the community. This means that they never have to worry about food, shelter, education, healthcare, energy, and after school activities. Instead of individuals caring for themselves, the community cares for them. People, in return, do the same for others, but their minds and hearts are carefree.

As a result of the transformation in society, our whole concept of the economy will change. Since the economy reflects the relations in society, when members in the society collaborate, the economy becomes collaborative, too. Also, this process does not unfold in any compulsory manner, but simply because it’s in everyone’s best interest.

Consider this: We already live in a collaborative society. Nothing we produce is made 100% locally, and without collaboration from countless other manufacturers in numerous countries, we wouldn’t be able to produce anything. So the problem is not that we don’t collaborate, but that we collaborate against our will and attempt to extort, manipulate, and cheat on each other in the process. When we transform our approach from selfish to selfless, we will collaborate even better, and everyone will truly benefit from our common products. There will be abundance for everyone.

3. The third, and most important requirement for expediting the transition from the old world to the new is mutual support. We have to help each other see where we are going, that we are heading toward a beautiful life. People will not be able to let go of their teddy bears and embrace the new and easy living until they see others do the same. So think about it, talk about it, and excite others about the new life ahead because as soon as we agree to the transition we are going through, the budding shoots will burst through the snow and a new spring will begin.

“Repenting Last Year’s Sins Does Not Permit Their Repetition In The Next” (Medium)

 Medium published my new article “Repenting Last Year’s Sins Does Not Permit Their Repetition in the Next

In the weeks leading up to Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and especially on that holiest day of the year, many Jews repent last year’s sins. We ask God to forgive our sins against Him, and mainly against each other, and plead with Him to erase our “indictment.” We confess our sins before Him, and in return, expect Him to forgive us.

Every occasion on the Hebrew calendar symbolizes a stage in our transformation from selfishness to selflessness. This is the meaning of Tikkun — that we become good people, who want to do good to one another and strive to love our neighbors as ourselves.

At the end of the fast, we sing with joy that our sins have been forgiven and God has forgiven our sins. And what do we do immediately afterwards? We begin to fill up next year’s sheet. This is a complete misunderstanding of the whole idea of Selichot — the request for the Creator’s forgiveness.

Every occasion on the Hebrew calendar symbolizes a stage in our transformation from selfishness to selflessness. This is the meaning of Tikkun — that we become good people, who want to do good to one another and strive to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Selichot is not permission to sin next year; it is a pledge to refrain from sin, a request of God to change our evil, selfish inclination into a good, giving inclination. If we resume our mistreatment of each other as soon as Yom Kippur is over, it’s as if we tried to cheat God. It doesn’t work.

We Jews have the obligation to correct ourselves and be a role model nation, “a light unto nations.” This is why all our holidays are about transformation from egoism to altruism. As long as we avoid it, we are pariahs in the eyes of the world, a pestilence the world wants to clean up and clear out. We ask why there is antisemitism and why Jews have suffered at the hands of the nations throughout the generations, but we ourselves are causing them to hate us through our abominable relation to our brethren.

Every non-Jew, and especially antisemites, examines closely how we treat each other. Even Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that Jews unite only when a “common booty” entices them to cooperate, but otherwise, they are mean to one another. If we want atonement for our sins, we need to look at our past only in order to learn from it how to treat each other better, and ask God to give us the strength to keep our promise to Him, but mainly to each other.

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