Thursday, May 7, 2020

Man Is A Product Of Nature

Laitman_507.03Question: There is an opinion that the world will not return to its former state. There will be no tourism in previous volumes. Fashion, sports, art, too, are likely to change. It is said that moving across countries will be very difficult due to medical checks. A person will have to prove that he is healthy, and only then he would be allowed into some country. Naturally, health information will be transparent to everyone. But since we are an egoistic society, it may be used not for the most benevolent purposes.
Imagine that developed countries would have information, say, about some ruler of a third world country: all his illnesses, mental disorders, sexual adventures, etc. Naturally, if such a person were up for election, can you imagine what influence they will have on him? No war is needed. You can understand the possible ways that a ruler might be influenced. Does all this advance humanity to the next stage of development?
Answer: First of all, if we are talking about the next stage, then it will be different, a stage of development, not of degradation. Second, I do not think that a person should be afraid or embarrassed about something.
We are all products of nature. And if we have certain inclinations given to us by nature, we should not particularly hide them. It is just that in our society everything is very exaggerated. What difference is to me who and what you are? How you satisfy yourself, what you eat, and what films you watch are your own business.
I see this as a certain underdevelopment of human society. Why should we pay attention to such things? This is totally personal and human.
Each of us has many different habits that one carries from his mother’s home. After all, you do not share with everyone what exactly you like in food. One prefers frogs, another prefers meat, and the third loves dairy or only vegetables.
Question: So, do you see any problems with the fact that there is such diversity of our qualities?
Answer: I think that a person should pay attention to his spiritual development. What his animal body is drawn to does not matter. It is created by nature and is not subject to change. Therefore, one must be above this; separate the physical body from the eternal soul and tend only to it. Give the animal body what it needs and no more.
From KabTV’s “Coronavirus Changes Reality” 3/26/19

Coronavirus Is Cleansing Humanity

laitman_962.2Question: Is the coronavirus an individual or general governance of the Creator?
Answer: Coronavirus is the manifestation of the general governance of the Creator because we have entered a state of development called the “last generation.” I would clarify it by calling it the last egoistic generation that must rise from the egoistic level of development to the altruistic.
Question: It says that everything in the world happens for the benefit of man. Do you feel that the virus came for your benefit?
Answer: I feel that the virus is a blessing that is cleansing the whole of humanity. Our world was like hell, and now we are going through purgatory. The next step is paradise when we are fully united with each other through kind connections, which will be the final form of human existence.
Question: Which inner changes did the virus bring about into your life?
Answer: It caused the restructuring of communication with my students. I see how this is for the better. Now I am connected with them in a more equal way.
Before I had 300 to 400 physical students and the rest were virtual. The virus made all my students virtual. I am speaking to you now from my office, and I am glad to continue conducting my lessons this way for the remaining years. Let the students, of which there are millions, listen to me through the Internet systems.
From KabTV’s “CoronavirusIs Changing Reality” 3/26/20

Learn Integrative Development From Nature

laitman_761.2Question: When you speak about nature, you treat it as something rational, and this is already close to the terms “Creator,” “God,” “higher mind.” How can you explain this from the point of view of Kabbalah?
Answer: Kabbalah refers to nature as a higher mind that has its own laws. This system in itself is in absolute equilibrium and seeks to bring our entire little egoistic nature to be like it, to equilibrium.
Therefore, as soon as we turn off the path of full interaction of all parts of nature—inanimate, vegetative, animate, and speaking—then immediately some bad shifts and negative manifestations occur in nature.
They can be small, so small that we do not pay attention to them, but they can also be huge, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and in the past, even large meteorites striking the planet and so on.
We are gradually moving toward good relations among us, but in an unkind way, forcibly complying with the laws of nature, integration, and communication. Therefore, we go forward, as they say, pushed by the stick. Fortunately: we receive blows and slightly change our path, another blow, we also change our path.
Egoism constantly wants to turn us to the left; nature hits us, we turn a little to the right, and we are in such a state when we balance to the right or to the left. So, humanity is constantly advancing to happiness by being pushed from behind.
But now we are already starting to realize more that we are at an impasse. We have gone through all stages of the egoistic development of society, and today we can realize that we cannot come to anything good with our egoistic nature.
Mankind has almost realized the impasse of its natural development. It must learn integral development from nature because we are all in the same system. We need to study this system and follow it.
Question: Today it is not a problem to find materials on the global nature of our world, on the relationship of humans with nature. It really needs to be studied. But still, what can you say about the coronavirus.
Answer: This is the same. After all, our movement to be isolated from the common global nature leads to such consequences as the manifestation of all kinds of viruses, which inevitably return us to a normal state.
From KabTV’s “Coronavirus Is Changing Reality” 3/19/20

Are We Able To Change The Plans Of Nature?

laitman_600.02Question: Modern science is quickly responding to the emergence of new viruses that threaten humanity. Once a vaccine is developed, the risks will become minimal. The only thing that matters is the speed of the scientists’ work. Does this mean that human intelligence can change the plans of nature?
Answer: Of course not!
Question: Isn’t this a confrontation of man versus nature?
Answer: There is no confrontation with nature and there cannot be. Who are we?! It seems to us that we conquer nature. We can only spoil it with our egoistic qualities.
Question: But isn’t it nature that created us like that?
Answer: It created us like that so that we would correct ourselves and, in our correction, discover a different level of nature.
Remark: First we are in the process of correction and second, no one has announced this to us.
My Comment: Where do you see any correction in humanity? From year to year we are becoming worse: more egoistic, crass, and rude. We distort nature and destroy this small planet we live on.
Remark: But we are created this way by nature.
My Comments: We are created this way in order to realize our worthlessness.
Question: But until we realize this, what can we be held responsible for? When I do realize this?
Answer: And when will you realize it? You push it away from you all the time. You do not want to understand and say, “Yes, this is me and I will be me.” But then the virus comes and starts to bring you to life a little.
Question: Does this mean that there is no conflict between scientists inventing some kind of vaccine and nature constantly sending us viruses and cataclysms?
Answer: No matter how hard we contrive to invent vaccines, nature will still cover them with its blows so that we will realize that vaccines will not save us.
From KabTVs “Coronavirus Is Changing Reality” 3/26/20

The Creator Sees Me Through The Ten

laitman_938.03It is impossible to get out of a descent alone; the more advanced the state becomes, the more difficult it is to understand, accept, and rise above. The only way is to ask your friends for help. Only if I bow to them and implore them can I get out of the descent with them.
The Creator, while giving me a burdening of the heart, does not take me into account alone, but gives me the burden of the whole ten through me. Therefore, one person is not able to do anything because the Creator refers to the whole ten in general and, after the ten, to each of us: to one, another, the third, etc.
Therefore, do not be scared when a heavy load falls upon you; it falls on you so you will receive help from the entire ten. Share this load with everyone and you will see that it is not heavy at all. Only one thing is difficult: to understand that through me this burden is given to the whole ten and that I must join my friends.
If a 200 kg stove falls on me then, of course, I won’t be able to hold it. If each friend in the ten lifts 20 kg, then it is already quite feasible
The Creator never sends a burdening of the heart intended for me alone but always for the whole ten. He doesn’t see me alone, but looks only through the ten, only in this form.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/20, “Concerning Above Reason”

Now It Is Time To Act!

laitman_936Today, in connection with the epidemic, the Creator has given us a special opportunity to turn to Him. We want to give Him pleasure while giving Him the opportunity to become one with us, to fill us, and to do everything He wants with us. We are ready for anything.
The first action is to make yourself an embryo. The embryo in the mother’s womb completely cancels itself, decides nothing for itself, and gives everything up to the very last trifle to the higher authority. This is the first action that we all must achieve now: turn to the Creator together and cancel ourselves.
The Creator has sent us the coronavirus for this and has organized this whole state to help us perform this action: to turn to Him and ask for correction; that is , our association. The Creator has already prepared the whole basis for unification for us.
If we turn to Him now, we will suddenly feel how our whole world will begin to change. Material reality, social and governmental systems, and relations between people will change. We will feel ourselves in a different state as if we were in a different world. We will become more sensitive to each other, closer; we will understand that we are relating to one system and we can’t do whatever we want.
The Creator has begun to put our lives in order via the virus. We can no longer do what we want. Everyone is inclined and ready to fulfill everything that is necessary.
Therefore, it is necessary to turn to the Creator with a request to continue the corrections, to establish a relationship between us so that He can clothe Himself inside of our good relationships and reveal Himself to all of humanity. Then, of course, we are guaranteed a happy future and a good life. Now is the time to act!
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/29/20Writings of Rabash, ‘According to What Is Explained Concerning “Love Thy Friend as Thyself”’

On What Basis Do The Jewish People Exist?

laitman_933The Torah was then given specifically to qualify the Israeli nation, to qualify itself.
However, by this the Israeli nation was to be a “passage.” This means that to the extent that Israel cleanse themselves by observing the Torah, so they pass their power on to the rest of the nations. (Baal HaSulam, “The Love of God and the Love of Man”)
Question: Does it mean that the Torah was intended for all the nations?
Answer: Yes, and we are a passage for them. Our mission is to bring the Torah to this world.
Altruistic Communism is a rare thing for the human spirit. Hence, the nobler nation, namely the nation of Israel, must take upon itself to set an example to the world. It is so not because we are better qualified than all other nations, and not because we are more idealists than them, but because we have suffered from tyranny more than all other nations. (Baal HaSulam, “Building the Future Society”)
Question: So, does it mean that the Jews have a spiritual gene and that they are the first to implement this connection among themselves?
Answer: Yes. If they connect between themselves, then the upper force of unity, mutuality, and love will manifest among them. Then they will also be able to pass it to the nations of the world.
These loose ties—language, religion, and history—are important values, and no one denies their national merit. However, they are still completely insufficient to rely on as a basis for the independent sustenance of a nation. (Baal HaSulam, The Nation)
The Jewish people can exist only to the extent of their state of existing above egoism. Otherwise, they fall apart. The connection that binds them together is only manifested above egoism.
If this is not the case, then either other nations hold them together with their hatred so that they do not scatter like nuts in a bag, or they dissolve within other nations as the ten tribes once did.
Question: So, does the connection between Jews exist only because of external pressure?
Answer: Yes. Therefore, many thanks to the anti-Semites because of whom the Jewish people exist.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel,” 7/22/19

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Let’s Start Living!

laitman_448.8The coronavirus is a medicine that cures our bad relationships. Is it worth crying that we cannot return to our previous lives? Eighty percent of our occupations and manufactured products were superfluous, not necessary for life. So why should we go back to the past?
We can all work four hours a day, or even fewer hours, and even not at all. Let the children spend more time in the family, not in someone else’s care.
Let’s start living now! We are grumbling on so much, as if at the end of our lives some big prize awaits us. Nothing awaits us there except death. So let’s enjoy this life every day: feel this world, the eternity of nature. Even while living in this world, we can feel eternal existence, spiritual life, the future world. It is said: “You will see your world in this life.”
The science of Kabbalah gives a person this opportunity, helps reveal eternal life. Instead, we live like animals and think only about how to snatch more for ourselves and to envy others. Let’s make our lives richer, not so meager.
I hope that humanity will see a remedy in this virus. And in fact, in Kabbalah it is written that this is not poison, but medicine.
We live in a time that is called the “end of days,” “the days of the Messiah,” in the Kabbalistic primary sources. We are called the last generation or the generation of Mashiach, and therefore, we must treat our mission, nature, and our time in a different way.
We must extract from nature positive forces that will develop us for mutual connection. It is necessary to create an integral connection between us on the human level, which will affect all inanimate, vegetative, and animal nature. Then we will feel the general integral force reigning throughout nature, called the Creator. This is the highest power of nature, the power of connection and unity. The power of Mashiach (Messiah). “Mashiach” means “pulling” (Moshech) us from egoism to unification.
When this force of nature pulls us out of our egoistic form and leads to unity, we reveal the whole reality: this world and the future world together. Such a time is called the era of the Mashiach, and I see that we are in this period.
Forty-five years ago when I just started studying Kabbalah, I heard from my teacher that the time of the Mashiach was coming. I did not believe it then, but now I see for myself that this is indeed so.
From a conversation with David Blumenfeld, 3/25/20

Coronavirus: This Is The Reality

627.2Comment: Many people say that problems unite people. There are many examples of this in history.
Now people see the opposite: not only did the coronavirus not unite us, it exacerbated the awareness of our inequality.
There are families that are quarantined in small apartments and there are those that are staying in 500 square meter villas. There is great inequality.
My Response: It does not matter. All the same they both are quarantined. Anyway they understand that the virus has distanced them from each other. Like a mother whose children misbehave and fight and she sends them to separate rooms and says: “So you do not meet! Each stay in your own room!”
This is what the virus did with us: “You do not know how to work among yourselves correctly, you create unnecessary enterprises, pollute the environment—sit quietly! That is it!”
Isn’t that good? See how fatherly it treats us. I believe that it has done us a huge favor. It has distanced all the harmful, petty people and said: “Stop doing stupid things! Stop polluting the environment! Stop doing harm to each other! Sit quietly. Learn to sit and be silent. This is the best you can do.”
And it is so indeed. The world has become cleaner. The world has become quieter.
Comment: I do not think there will be many who will agree with you.
My Response: It does not matter. After all, this is the reality given. You can talk about the reasons, but you cannot deny that this is so, it is a fact.
From KabTV’s “Coronavirus Is Changing Reality,” 3/26/20

What Should We Do After The Quarantine?

laitman_627.1There is no doubt that the only way to overcome the coronavirus is to be concerned about the whole world that is seized by the pandemic. The virus is showing us that we live in the era of the Messiah, in the state of “The Last Generation,” the state that affects the whole world.
The virus has not come to destroy us, but to shake us up a little, to bring us to the first realization that we are facing a single global nature that is fighting us as a united front. We were about to destroy nature from the lowest, material level, to the highest spiritual degree.
At the material level, we already understand that we ruthlessly destroy the inanimate, plant, and animal worlds and people with our egoismPharaoh reigns supreme in our world, and “seven hungry years” have already come since nothing can fill us in this world. It is impossible to continue living in a world where egoism reigns in the open. Either we rise above this world or we face tremendous blows.
We have to know how to enter the upper world. We have to build Moses out of our group, meaning the force that pulls all of humanity out of the egoistic world and brings it over the Red Sea. It is impossible to go on living in this egoistic world.
Just look at how the still, vegetative, and animal nature persistently waits for us to leave this world and rise to a higher spiritual degree. How the animals, fish, and plants would rejoice if we all rise!
The whole of nature all over the world and the universe will calm down and move into balance. Everything will be peaceful and content if man’s egoism stops intervening and bringing everything under its heel.
We have nowhere to advance. Can we possibly want to return to the same old thing once the quarantine has been lifted, to continue harming nature and awaiting nuclear war? Let’s take a sobering look at our pre-virus state, at just how illogical and abnormal our lives have been.
It is necessary to achieve a certain similarity with the general state of nature because man is at the highest level of all beings. We must unite and feel responsible for the whole world.
The “last generation” is the one that has to implement the program of creation. And the coronavirus shows us how late we are with this implementation on a global scale. This is how we bring imbalance into creation and manifest all these viruses.
We may not be able to go out onto the streets or gather together, but we must reach the inner unity above that, the correct relations between people. This means that the egoism that stands between us will disappear, we will overcome it. By doing so, we will eradicate the coronavirus. If I am in good, kind, internal connections with others, no harm can come between us.
The coronavirus is a sign that we are not advancing by the path of light, but the path of suffering, the natural course of evolution (Beito), because it is acting on us by force. The path of light, acceleration of time (Achishena) always works in a good, pleasant way.
If we strive for good relations between us, then we discover that we can build internal systems of connection between us and will transfer the businesses there that we have no more need for, that only pollute the environment. We would transfer them to the inner level, where we connect together, talk and feel each other.
I see that people now dream of open department stores, restaurants, cafes, barber shops, and beauty salons because they have been making some kind of connection with each other there. But nature obliges us to a new form of connection.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson, 4/25/20

What Is Included In The System Of Healing?

laitman_259.01What is included in the system of healing that is offered to humanity? All people will constantly engage in their connection, except for the time it will take to produce vital products: food, clothing, construction in the required amounts.
This is the first law to be established in our world. And the rest of the time, most of the day, will be devoted to study, dissemination, and unification; this is what we were born for and only this will raise us to the level of the future world. This needs to be executed during our lifetime in this world.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/26/20, “Connecting the World in the Last Generation”

Time Of Great Change

laitman_271Half of the quarantined businesses will no longer be able to recover. If the business is about simple, traditional food that people are used to, then it will certainly remain. But all the superfluous and unnecessary ones will disappear.
All this will become evident very soon in practice. When the owners return to open their businesses, it will be clear what society needs now and what is no longer needed.
And we will need less tomorrow and even less the day after tomorrow because the virus will not disappear and restrictions will remain. The virus will mutate and return in different forms, and thus, this virus that appears as a remedy will correct us and lead us in the right direction. It is said that the blow of the Creator heals.
We are living in a great time. He who will now help humanity take up a new form, thus building his soul, will become the assistant to the Creator.
There is no problem for the Creator to change the world. He can shut it down in an instant: turn off the switch, and we will disappear. We will not die but rather disappear—there was a creation and now there isn’t. After all, the whole of creation is a result of the upper light. But the program of creation is to make of us, by our consent and desire and at our own request, such creatures as the Creator intended: similar to Him. Only in this direction does the upper light work.
The need for change must come from below, from the human mind and feelings, so that man would begin to change and work on all of creation. He must want to reduce his egoism and act for the sake of others and for the general force of creation. Man has to come to that; this is called development. The Creator does not want to just limit us. He teaches us, He heals us.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/26/20, “Connecting the World in the Last Generation”

The World Is Turning To Us With The Other Side

laitman_283.01These days we are facing very big changes in the world. The world begins to turn gradually, adapting to the conditions of the “last generation” and gradually shows us its different sides: from the left, right, top, and bottom.
This is difficult and confusing for a person living in our world today, a person who does not know what form the world will eventually take.
Until now, the world was in a continuous process of development, which we understand because it was based on egoism. Egoism aimed to get more and more, and we obediently fulfilled its demands. If there wasn’t enough money, strength, and resources to do it, we ran and got what we needed. Everything moved along the course of egoistic development according to the nature of this world.
Suddenly, the opposite nature began to reveal itself, which requires a new, not corporeal development. The corporeal things will exist in the necessary measure, do not worry about it. However, now we need to take care of developing the quality of bestowal, spiritual development. Yet, we do not have an internal engine that would push us forward in the direction of bestowal and will make us act.
Man and the whole world are in confusion and do not know what to do. When the quarantine ends and businesses start opening, starting from the smallest ones, such as cafes, kiosks, to large plants and factories, we will see how difficult it is to do this. Nature plays with us in such a way that in 50% of the cases, we will not be able to restore production to its former form. The owner will return to his store, but there will be no customers.
Nothing will help here except the methodology of the wisdom of Kabbalah, which is now beginning to descend into our world and manifest itself. The Creator is hurrying us. If the world does not understand this, it could end up in a world war that makes the coronavirus look like a light slap.
However, we can see how, with the help of such blows, nature, the upper force hidden within corporeal nature, controls us, presses us down, puts us in order.
There will be more and more such blows, but we can go the easy and quick way if we act with understanding and at will, not from under a stick. For now, we only learn from the blows, and we will have to get them from all sides to finally find the right path, which may not be in the same direction as we were moving before. This is a problem for all of humanity.
Now the quarantine will begin to relax, and we will be able to return to our previous activities. However, it is necessary to understand that a return to the past is impossible; the world must move in the opposite direction. After all, we were guided by our egoism, which pushed us to develop, to maximize the use of the will to receive that was swelling like a dough.
Now we understand with our minds that we do not need to expand further; on the contrary, we need to reduce our needs so that this dough falls, goes down, and decreases by at least half.
But how to do it if it goes against the will to receive? This is a big problem because now we need to reduce businesses instead of increasing them, lowering and not increasing our profits, capacity, and power. It is not easy.
We know that if the doctor advises you to add something useful to our food, we will do it willingly. However, if we need to give up something, it is already difficult or even impossible. And we will have to do the same for our business. How can we do this if we have to act against our egoistic nature?
However, if humanity does not do this, it will continue to destroy itself, and the end is already looming on the horizon. It is impossible to pollute and ruin nature indefinitely. In addition, new viruses will now appear one after another, at a breakneck speed. We feel the great danger of environmental disasters and viruses hanging over us, and at the same time, we do not know how to stop ourselves.
If the world were united and controlled by a single government, it would be somehow possible to decide which industries to close and how to compensate for them. This requires a global plan to cure human society of its egoism. It is impossible to close businesses without a strong environment that provides support, compensation, and explains the reasons and purpose.
It turns out that the improvement of human society depends on its connection, on the organization of a new society. We will not be able to exist physically if we do not correctly establish a new form of society, which is called the “last generation.”
For the first time in history, humanity understands that it is global, integral, and must thoroughly take care of its structure, that is, analyze all its activities and all the production on a global scale. All countries must unite and understand that they are facing a common enemy.

“Time Of Women’s Leadership” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “Time of Women’s Leadership
As the world awakens to a new reality, the imperative role of women to put together the broken pieces and rebuild society has become more evident and urgent. COVID-19 made us realize this fact even more vividly, starting with the most intimate and basic environment we all know: the home. As a result of the stay-at-home order, we rediscovered that the female figure in the family is the most prominent and influential. From home, that same importance reverberates in every field of life where women are involved. That driving force of womanhood, compared to no other, is precisely what the world needs now to begin its recovery from the impact caused by the pandemic.
Week after week of lockdown revealed the centrality of the female power in the family, where every member felt totally dependent on the woman. Even if men help with household chores, most of the burden falls on the woman’s shoulders. Now, as the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic are gradually lifted and people are returning to their offices, it is impossible to say that we will return to business as usual. New discernments will accompany us back into the world outside the home, such as the impression of the remarkable dedication and determination of the women in everyone’s life which are imprinted on every person and particularly acknowledged during times of despair like the one the planet is now trying to overcome.
The World as Humanity’s Home
It comes as no surprise that the most positive results in curbing the coronavirus pandemic took place in countries run by female leaders, as recently highlighted in world news stories. When women take a greater portion in the leadership of our common global home, meaning the whole of humanity, we will undoubtedly gain from it because there will be less war, fewer problems and conflicts, and better organization of our world overall.
Every man knows that if he expects a good outcome on basically any matter in life, he should consult with the woman at home, since she is more serious and practical than he is. This is something I have observed in many cultures. With few exceptions, even in some countries where women appear to live in the shadows, women are the ones leading and making decisions. It is the woman who determines what happens in the family.
If more men would understand the importance of listening to women when we face multifaceted challenges, the state of the world would change for the better in the way we conduct our lives, in what we acquire, and on which goals we set our sights.
Women Qualities for the Sake of Society
Women are naturally drawn to organize the world like they organize the house so all inside feel comfortable and good. Unlike men, who are more like children who enjoy backyard fighting with their friends, women will not allow the bickering and childish competitions to continue to prevail as they have until the pandemic’s blow. Just like a mother, women are able to put everything in order within society and to stop the struggles and reckless competitiveness. And men will listen. This is comparable to a child’s inclination to listen to his mother. She gave birth to him, fed him and raised him, so she understands how to control him. So why shouldn’t our common global home be administered the same way our families are? If women unite for this purpose and act sensibly, wisely and forcefully, a positive change will happen.
There may be some sensation that women are not necessarily poised and resolute to assume leadership for the world to bring about change to the extent that is required, especially in this healing process from the pandemic. Thus, it is crucial to raise the importance of the roles women should play in all social discourse at the widest possible level.
Probably, there is also a need for a more supportive male force to help bring women together and pave their way. Such a force should stand beside women to encourage them and make way for them to take their deserved place and lead. I am not suggesting that one part of society needs to replace the other. They each learn to complement the other.
Such a dynamic balance between the genders should emanate from the understanding that all of us, men and women, cannot go back to our previous faulty way of life. The old world we constructed is about to implode, and the coronavirus is just the first sign. We must build together a new world where everyone is engaged in cultivating a prosperous yet sustainable society, instead of an imbalanced pattern of pollution and destruction.
This shift does not mean that we have to dismantle everything and build anew, but simply look at businesses and engagements from a new perspective: for the benefit of our children, the entire humanity, and all of nature. Women can provide the keen vision to determine such decisions. In other words, women should establish the prioritized goals and men will implement. Through this mutual cooperation, a common ground of support and understanding will arise.

The Passover Haggadah Of The 21st Century

laitman_749.01The coronavirus is a consequence of our malfunction that manifests itself on a biological level. These are no longer weather cataclysms on the inanimate level, and not even an epidemic of the plague that raged in the Middle Ages.
Many problems are coming to humankind in order to bend it and convince it to leave the egoistic “Egypt.” And we will want to exit it. The people of Israel passed through 49 gates of impurity in Egypt, and it was OK. With help of the ten Egyptian plagues, they came out of there, escaped at night in the darkness from all troubles.
And now, the same is happening with all of humanity passing through 49 unclean gates. We ourselves hold on to these impure gates, we love Pharaoh and want to stay with him. We don’t to throw him away; we cling to the hem of his garment.
But ten plagues will come and force us to escape from the slavery of egoism. If I am getting blows by holding on to Pharaoh, then I have no choice, I have to start letting him go little by little, more and more, until I completely get rid of him and run away. And Pharaoh will open the door for us and say: “Go away! Get out of here!”
Soon we will see this performance on the stage of all of mankind in general. The Passover Haggadah is being practically realized in this world. But we have an opportunity to accelerate our actions and go through them quickly, pleasantly, with understanding. It all depends only on us.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/26/20, “Connecting the World in the Last Generation”

“COVID-19 Sent Us Home And Cleaned Up The Mess” (Newsmax)

My article in Newsmax: “COVID-19 Sent Us Home and Cleaned Up the Mess
If you were a parent with teenage children, and you had to leave the house for the weekend, how terrified would you be that when you returned you’d find your tidy home turned upside down? And what would you do if you came back and discovered that your nightmare has come true? This is exactly what we humans have done to our home, Planet Earth: We’ve messed it up and turned it upside down. In comparison to the damage we’ve done, you could say that Mother Nature’s “punishment,” which is largely a “Go to your separate rooms” order, is more than mild; it is compassionate!
Mother Nature is silent; she speaks with actions, not words, but she is a dedicated teacher. If we are attentive, she will usher us into a new world of happiness and prosperity. If we are obstinate, her punishments will grow continuously harsher.
The first lesson she gave us was to stay home. By doing so, she told us that we have been nasty to each other and nasty to our home. Miraculously, within a few short weeks, she cleaned most of the mess and the water and air became clear and clean.
But being shut in our houses for a few weeks did not prove to us that we simply have to change. It only stopped our destruction of the planet and finally managed to show us that we had been doing wrong to Nature. However, it did not articulate what it is we have to do in order not to keep on being so malevolent.
This will be our next lesson, which we will experience in the weeks and months to come. As economies all over the world reopen, we will find that many of the businesses that were the backbone of our society and fueled our mindset of extreme self-entitlement and narcissism have lost their charm. They will go bankrupt not because the government did not support them, but because the public has lost interest in those gadgets and accessories.
As a result of the shift in people’s mindsets after the prolonged lockdown and its impact on businesses, unemployment rates will remain dangerously high with no sign of relief. On the contrary, as more and more jobs become automated, joblessness will only increase, posing a palpable threat of violent social unrests, hunger driven riots, rampant homelessness, a drop in school retention and other social problems that will undermine the stability of society.
These COVID-19 aftershocks will compel governments to adopt more society driven policies. Policy makers will have to take into consideration the needs of the unfortunate; they will have to provide them with both decent incomes during the time when they cannot sustain themselves, and they will have to help them become better educated so they can integrate in the new world. In this way, the virus will teach the authorities to think more socially and establish a more considerate economic system.
Here, too, as in the lockdown lesson, the quicker we learn, the less painful and more successful the lesson will be.
In the new world, the most required career will be teaching. People will need teachers in the professions required in the automated era, but the most required teaching subject will be social skills: people who will help us learn how to communicate in a society whose values are radically different from the hostile environment we hopefully left behind.
The virus has made everyone equal: From heads of state to janitors, from tycoons to street sweepers, everyone is vulnerable. This is a humbling and healthy experience for all of society. It allows us to truly place ourselves in the shoes of others. We would not have come to it were it not for the virus, but now that we have, we will never want to go back. This is why we will need teachers—to enhance and develop our social skills of empathy, solidarity, and mutual responsibility.
The threat of the virus will not dissolve so quickly. We will need it for a while longer, if only to remind us of the pain caused by disobeying its lessons. But the more we grow into the paradigm of giving, the less we will need the bullying guard at the exit from the old world. So one day, in the foreseeable future, we will discover that we have entered a new world of hope, confidence, and joy.

Like A Seed In The Ground

laitman_571.03Question: If egoism is constantly developing, does the point in the heart of a person also develop along with the egoism?
Answer: Certainly, the point in the heart expands and is nourished like a seed in the ground. If the seed has a nourishing environment, then it grows, but whether the environment is providing content for the seed depends on us. We must provide the right connection between the seed and the nutritious environment.
The environment is us, our friends, a large world group, and eventually all of humanity also. To the same degree that we make up the system more or less, our seed will grow. The seed is composed of the small particles of each one that we add to a ten.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 2/9/20

Protection Against Fears

laitman_565.02Fear that grips and paralyzes a person now is caused not by today’s situation, but by thoughts about what might happen next. But do not worry too much; we are all under the control of an upper force, and everything will go according to its plan. And it has nothing to do with religion. A religious person doesn’t ask about the meaning of life, he has no doubts what to do. The science of Kabbalah awakens questions in us, which are not in religion.
There is no need to worry about something that might happen because it is not us who determine events, but the general force of nature. Where it directs us, there we will go. And such an attitude, which is not naivety or fanaticism, gives us an inner protection, which frees us from the fear of the unknown.
Everything is clarified only in thought. A man lives inside of his thoughts. Now in almost everyone there is an intense spinning whirlpool of thoughts and fears about the future, which haunt one day and night. And the only way to protect ourselves is to cling to the program of creation, which leads humanity on to the highest stage, so we will understand and feel what we are living for, why we are developing, and what the goal is that we are heading toward.
And then everyone will calm down with this goal and everybody will be fine. Everything will be clarified only in thought, so sit calmly and think. Visit our science of Kabbalah website, start reading what is written there. There is no need to memorize or remember anything, simply try to feel it, realize it, and sense it through the heart and mind in order to develop the human in yourself.
The human in us is what identifies itself with nature, with a higher thought, a higher program, the upper force. Nature is the Creator, it includes everything. Try to develop such feelings and thoughts in yourself to feel this nature around you, to know the Creator. Try to come out of yourself and connect with the whole universe, with this thought that encompasses the entire universe.
Then we will see why all this is happening. After all, we are not little bugs crawling on the ground, but humans from whom nature wants to make something great, to give us an opportunity to understand it and to connect with it. This is an amazing opportunity!
A virus is not a disease, but a medicine. Look how many changes it has already brought to the world: the air has become cleaner and fresher and people are not being poisoned while working in factories that pollute the atmosphere, soil, and water.
It is reported that due to the quarantine, the water in Venice’s canals has been cleared enough that fish have even re-entered it. The Earth wants to live, just do not interfere with it. And you are worrying about what will happen to you in a month. Don’t be afraid, everything will settle. Just precede the blow with the medicine. Visit our website, you will find many explanations of how to first of all calm down. I wish you all the best.
From KabTV’s “A New Life 1214” 3/19/20

Movement By The Original Sources

Laitman_522.03Question: Baal HaSulam, in the Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot, writes that only while reading the original source do corrective lights act on us. And how do we attract light during a workshop if we don’t read anything?
Answer: All the time, we go by the original source according to the articles of Rabash, Baal HaSulam, or the Ari.
We take the most vivid passages from there so that they excite us, clash us, and give us the concept of contradictions and on the basis of these materials, we could better study the issues that we touch on.
We by no means teach anything other than the original sources; together we find out what is written in them and pass it through ourselves. In this case, a lot of internal actions are performed.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 3/1/20

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Help In Developing The Soul

laitman_275Comment: The verse in one of the Kabbalistic songs goes like this: “The soul grows in a person not with time; commit to the work in the heart over and over again so that eventually it will appear in the world from the seed of love.”
Answer: Yes, this is how it grows. And there is nothing you can do but take care both of this seed (the point in the heart) and its environment. Mind you, the environment is our whole world. And then there are also spiritual worlds of impurity called Klipot (shells). They are an enormous help in the development of the soul, but it is negative help. It is written: “I will make for him a help made against him.”
Even in our world, if I want to be an athlete, a scientist, no matter what, I must exert and work against my natural laziness. This is the only way I can overcome my laziness.
But in spirituality, oddly enough, it is much easier. In spirituality, all you need is to understand that everything will be resolved with our unity. It is impossible to resolve any question if you are alone because then you hit a wall, and you hit it over and over again, and you get bumps on your head.
But if you connect with others, you discover the passage to the spiritual world together and enter it literally like a knife through butter.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 2/9/20

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